On Wednesday, Peanut, and Fred the racoon [sic], were seized by the Department of Environmental Conservation after multiple anonymous complaints about wild animals living in the Longo house.... In a statement to The Post on Wednesday, the DEC said that they were responding to complaints of a rabies vector species that was in the home, namely, Fred the raccoon.
I don't know what happened to Fred. I guess he wasn't Instagram-famous. But the killing of Peanut is becoming a bigger election-adjacent animal story that the dogs and cats that were or were not eaten in Springfield. Elon is seeing to that...
Government overreach in action https://t.co/ymK7HHN9sE
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 2, 2024
The government euthanizes a squirrel three days before an election and that prevents Liz Cheney from being Secretary of Defense and therefore stops WW3.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) November 2, 2024
Rest easy, little Peanut. You saved us.
They would have killed them both, the squirrel and the raccoon, so they could peer at their brains and make sure they didn't have rabies.
MUCH easier than putting them into quarantine for a few days, and giving them a yearly shot, and fining the owner for having exotic pets. MUCH easier.
This is very much like the cops going to the wrong address with a 'No Knock' warrant for a drug lord, kicking in a nice family's door and blasting the dog because he barks, blasting him right in front of the kids. Same sh*t. Out-of-control authoritarianism, instead of peaceful de-escalation.
They're eating the squirrels...
Memes. I want memes.
It's the Harambe of 2024. Outstanding. Just when I think the Rats are done ha ding gifts to future President Trump. Actually, Eric Adams might have pushed this through simply to get the Bidens looking into non-extradition countries.
That guy has some crappy neighbors.
Classic behavior by a true tyrannical government. All about control. In my experience, they cannot stand other people to be happy.
"The statement said a person involved in the confiscation investigation was bitten by the squirrel."
The person wouldn't have been bitten if they hadn't confiscated the squirrel.
It's amazing how our priorities as a culture have become so messed up. There are literally hundreds of squirrels running around my neighborhood but this local health department feels that it's important to spend manpower and resources to confiscate one that showed no signs of disease. Yet the Federal government has no problem with letting millions of people flow across the border with little to no screening.
Government is full to the brim with the Dolores Umbrage kind of people who’d do the very same to you or your kids if the order came down from on high.
These bureaucrats haven’t had this much fun since Covid.
"...And we're going to eat Checkers, I don't care what they say."
Peanut taken from us by the Department of Karens.
I can see a few animal loving progressives at least opting to vote Jill Stein than Kamala Harris. I don't think this will motivate Trump supporters more than they are, because they seem very motivated already.
What's not to hate, about the State?
After SEVEN YEARS (7) of peaceful behavior & social media fame involving the pet raccoon and pet squirrel playing with humans, the investigator who went to the house claims to have been bitten by the squirrel, necessitating siezure of both animals and euthanasia for rabies tests.
I, for one, am impressed that the investigator was willing to re-enact my mother's favorite scene from The Pink Panther Strikes Again.
I've become a fan of the YouTube channel "squirrel at the window". This lady doesn't take in the squirrels, but she does like to feed them nuts at a window to her home. She's also a cat lady, and apparently the cat just watches the squirrels and they leave each other alone. I have no particular love of squirrels, because I know they'll be happy to get into the roof of the home and, like mice and rats, eat through things that you rather not get eaten. Still, they are cuter than mice and rats, and I understand people that would care for them.
Very few comments at Althouse blog have made me laff aloud. Congrats.
The squirrel was seen at the Capitol on January 6th.
The thing I don't get is this- there are squirrels raccoons literally everywhere in these urban and suburban areas.
Note to self: Dont get between a squirrel and an open 'frig door.
Get Moose & Squirrel!
“Government: Just another name for the things we do together.” Like killing cherished pets and Branch Davidian babies.
Harris-Walz team smiles...
What is wrong with these people? That is deranged.
I stayed with a guy and his wife for a few months in FLA back at the turn of the century. His name was Roy. He was retired from the FLA National Guard, Korean War vet, a mechanic. Anyway, Roy found a squirrel that had been injured in a windstorm. Its spine had been broken and it was a paraplegic squirrel. It lived with Roy in his house for many years. Roy called it Scooter.
Scooter loved Roy and would ride on his shoulder and sit in his lap. Scooter would bite anybody else who tried to touch him. He was a one-man squirrel.
Nobody had a problem with Roy keeping Scooter, but social media hadn't come along yet either.
Sounds like it was anonymous pricks on the internet who wanted to take Peanut away from this guy. They couldn't stand to see somebody being happy. If it's any consolation, those people are no doubt absolutely miserable just being themselves.
But why did the authorities kill Peanut and the trash panda? Senseless. Heartless and cruel. Stupid. They should all be fired...and possibly caned in public.
The narrative for the US seems to be the same assholes will be in charge again come Feb 1. Hope I’m wrong…
The Communist Boris' and Natasha's of the Democrat Party don't countenance no rabbits.
Funny how Democrats' first instinct is that this shines a bad light on them. I wonder why? Maybe because they are using police raids to do what they can't get done in the voting booth?
I doubt that the squirrel laid in wait and pounced on whoever was bitten, but rather that person invaded the tiny squirrel's tiny personal space.
Touches heart strings big time. It show's how out of control the government be it local or federal can be. NY is run by Ds. It might effect the election who knows?
At this point there are only about 14 undecided voters. This will not push anyone to vote either way. What we have to hope is that it sufficiently disgusts someone so that they decide they should vote after all.
No need for Elon to promote this. These are truly the most grassroots viral memes I have ever seen. Perfect distraction from election fatigue and true outrage of government overreach.
Every few days, someone claims this or that event has ended this or that politician’s career. It never does and I’m sick of the conceit, but it pleases me to think the squirrel vote could be what pushes Trump over the top.
Just another distraction to keep Kamala off message.
Yes, we need to return to governance by common sense…. Why would the owner even want or have a squirrel that is rabid? Jeeesh.
In the post-election postmortem, it will be understood that it was Bullwinkle and Rocky's endorsement of Trump that pushed him over the top.
He should just hand out their addresses. Let the "community" address this issue.
Dude learned a harsh lesson about demanding a warrant before you open any door to the United States government.
Roy Miller: Here's a few common DIP cue words to listen for: Reassuring words. Words like stop hate speech, make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, protect our democracy. If they say these words, particularly with repetition ... it means they're going to come into your home and kill your pets.
They're LYING through their teeth. This lie allowed them to murder the squirrel and this guy's other pet.
It's time to unemploy the government of Karens we have pushing us around. Violently.
Stray voltage. And they wonder where we got the idea from. LOLOLO
About forty years ago I saw a squirrel in my back yard acting very strangely. In my back yard, so I called animal control. The animal control officer who came out watched the critter, then advised me that squirrels “hardly ever” get rabies and he opined that the little fella ptobably got drunk on my neighbor’s apples that had fallen from the tree, rotted, and fermented. Seemed plausible. The notion therefore that Peanut was a rabies risk is at best unlikely and at worst raw bullshit.
I don’t see that this story will help elect Donald Trump — that’s just insane. However it does shine a bright light on a city government that can send multiple officers (eight is the number I read) to confiscate pet animals while releasing dangerous criminals on zero dollars bail (e.g., to murder witnesses). But it’s not as though no one knew ahead of this incident that Democrat city governments have irrational priorities.
Sacrificial squirrel is the better Choice to change the optics of religious rites performed in our society.
Most of the city council is rabid
Theh allow armies of rats on the streets
First they came for the squirrels
And I said nothing, for I was not a squirrel
I think that, just to be safe, they should test the swat member who was bitten for rabies too. Test him just like they did the squirrel.
Imagine if this little squirrel is what keeps Darth Cheney's idiot daughter from becoming Secretary of Defense and getting us into WWIII.
I'm sure someone's already working on a movie called "Peanut's Revenge." I don't think the "rabid zombie squirrel" plot has been used yet.
Harambe was first sacrifice in 2016
All I can say is Kamala “should have bought a squirrel”. (Rat Race reference)
So, Boris and Natasha finally caught Rocky. How are we going to explain it to Bullwinkle? Oh, the humanity. Perfect metaphor.
Or they could have just minded their own god damn business.
I am aghast but not surprised that Emperor Hochul permitted this action in the Dictatorship of New York. As has been said above, typical tyrannical behavior.
What's the difference between a pet cat and a wild cat? Answer- the number of generations it's ancestors have been living WITH, not around, WITH humans. The difference between a feral cat and a pet cat? Often one generation. Difference between a feral cat and a wild cat? Good question... Another good question- are cats actually domesticated in the same way a dog is? IMHO- no. But- they are easier to potty train.
How about fox? Cam you keep a fox as a pet? Well, in most states, yes. You8 can even but a genuine domesticated fox- from Russia, helping them to fund their war in Ukraine, since it's going to set you back a few thousand dollars. You can't breed it- they are all neutered before leaving Russia. They like their monopoly. From what I've read it took less then 10 generations of serious culling to get a true domestic fox. Could you do that in the USA? Offhand, I'd say no.
Now squirrels and chipmunks. Are they tame? Domesticated? Wild? I live in ruralville- they're all wild. The most extreme example of not wild I saw in a small city setting over a period a years. A local man became convinced his late wife had been reincarnated as a squirrel. Sat on a bench on campus grounds- our of reach of local police because it was illegal to feed them in the state, but not on federal grounds. And he would feed them peanuts and other items for hours at a time. They'd crawl right on him, taking them from his hand. They'd allow themselves to be petted. They'd sit and listen while he talked with them. They would not run from other people on campus- because they were used to running around unmolested. Anyone with a handful of food could attract them to come right up and eat. A little more shyly then with him- but, they would approach food bearing humans. Were those squirrels domesticated or wild? Or somewhere in between? Where's the dividing point. And why the heck aren't you allowed to domesticate them?
Raccoons are interesting. Stories from the beginning of American history about young men raising them. An intensive breeding program like the Russians did with Silver Fox, and I'll bet a truly domesticated raccoon would be forthcoming. And since they have opposable thumbs- no telling what you could train them to do.
Using the Russian intensive culling technique- virtually any animal could be truly domesticated. But really, how much call is there for domestic sloth? I suspect simians of any kind would be an exception. Too much like us. It's tough to domestic humans even today. And the right tipping point will bring out the wild animal in any human.
I suppose Trump would get the endorsement of New Jersey's beloved bipedal bear Pedals, another internet star, if Pedals hadn't been brutally cut down by an assassin.
Fun Nazis. That what I call these people that can't stand to see anyone else have fun, or enjoy life. The head people of the NY State Dept of Conservation (Game Wardens) have all deleted their X accounts. There are multiple memes around showing Peanut with Shinzo Abe and Harambe in heaven. Also memes of Trump saving Peanut from Harris. What an awesome, if tragic, development.
The people that run our states can't get crazy, drug addicted, homeless people off the street, control rampant theft, or arrest inner city gun criminals, but they can do this?!
Walz has been doing this sort of thing in Frostbite Falls for years. It shouldn't distract us from the fact that Trump has been spreading disinformation in collusion with Fearless Leader.
They say it again and again. Democrats hate carbon.
It must be eliminated.
Inga claps.
PNut probably saw on TV that they are eating the pets. I can't blame it for biting the guy. Self defense.
The Democrats certainly seem to think the squirrel killing helps Trump. Everyone on the left has been completely silent about it.
There's a fake but amazing Trump statement about the squirrel circulating on Twitter, and apparently it's fooled a lot of people.
I guess maybe it's too late to rename the squirrel Elián González.
First they came for the , squirrel then they came for the pet goat a pet of a nine year old:
NY and California: beginning to see a pattern...
I remember tip-toeing home from Kindergarten with the first girl I had a crush on, as we pretended to be... shhh... Secret Squirrel.
Carrying my Batman lunchbox, of course (1966-1967).
"I don't know what happened to Fred."
Don't be misled
Just think of Fred
Everybody's misused him
Ripped him up and abused him
Freddie's dead.
So law enforcement and animal control personnel do not get rabies shots?
This time, democrats seized (the squirrel). Tomorrow we will read that Republicans pounced while Democrats seized.
Yes, and vhat about Moose?
I hear the shots are painful. Give him the shots, first - then, test him just like they did the squirrel.
We had to destroy the squirrel to save it.
They say this will help Trump. I can’t see how now that Peanut is voting Tuesday for Harris.
Yeah, the dead squirrel voting base is like a gold mine inside another gold mine for Democrat ballot harvesters.
If power-mad government apparatchiks can do it to a squirrel and a raccoon, know that they would have no qualms about doing the same to you if they wanted to.
Well, it is Raccoon City.
Not hard to do because she has no message. She has empty platitudes and the fawning hack/liar Big STATE party D-press.
Defund the Squirrel Police!
Fluffy gray lives matter.
Why didn't the Squirrel Police officer put on a pair of gloves before he grabbed a terrified animal?
@ Jersey Fled Good point. Vets get rabies vaccinations and get their titers checked.
It was a Black Squirrel...no, seriously.
and the racoons too!
The squirrel's owner said on a video that there were 10 or 12 officers going through his house while he sat outside for 5 hours and they escorted him to his own bathroom when he had to go. The opened cabinets and searched his whole house and interrogated his wife about her immigration status.
If all that is true, maybe he can sue them.
Viva Frei was saying no documented cases of rabid squirrels. I haven’t verified that. Raccoons do get infected w/rabies.
Harris was inebriated… Walz has a gerbil implant.
Peanuts last words before the needle went in: "Avenge me!"
Gospace, regarding a domesticated raccoon program:
Train them and their little opposable thumbs to do the jobs American humans won’t. Immigration problem solved!
I see a Raccoon Roofers van pulling into my driveway in the not-too-distant future. And Raccoon Ranch humane mammal-picked fruit and veg at the Whole Foods.
I'd never heard of Mike Solana or PirateWires, but from other tweets, he may have been more interested in the owner:
"my bf is on a plane to miami right now and a bulldog in the row next to him just had diarrhea. everyone freaked out, the dog owner began sobbing, and the dog escaped. now, covered in poo, it is running around the plane. people are lifting up their legs and screaming."
Indeed. Dear Big STATE Gov - leave us alone.
Trump should be able to get in one last campaign appearance with a stuffed squirrel pinned to his shoulder.
"Vets get rabies vaccinations and get their titers checked."
If they chose not to do so and killed any animals that happened to bite them to check for rabies (apparently, like what happened here), they might have trouble attracting new business. Something The State doesn't have to worry about.
Sometimes the squirrel finds the nuts, and sometimes the nuts find the squirrel.
Gee, I must have missed the part of Infectious Disease in Med School where they taught us that tame squirrels living safely in a house for 7 years are almost always rabid.
Nothing to see here folks: just a little unnecessary idiotic euthanasia brought to you by the same fool bureaucrats who botched the Covid response.
It had nothing to do with rabid squirrels. It was all about sending a message about who's in charge.
Peanut bit someone, so they would have had to find out more quickly than quarantine would allow. Of course, they could have not been handling him in the first place and avoided all of that.
...and had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
Knowing is one thing, seeing it illustrated in a relatively high profile manner is another.
Raids are Soviet - Demoncrat Party Approved.
A butterfly flaps its wings and stirs a storm. The rumor is that the man was reported for animal exploitation.
Was it his neighbors or karens who saw his videos?
The governent must explain why it murderd peanut!
I feed peanut to the jays and squirrels at my window. At the moment, there is one squirrel with a notched left ear and an enormous bosom (who was a beggar a year ago, too) that will advance from the sill onto the desk in the couple of seconds it takes me to open the window and then fish a peanut out of the bag. It's all very amusing but I never forget the news report from a couple of years ago about a gang of squirrels mauling one of their benefactors. The neighbors across the back yard fence haven't called the animal control yet but when the fascist regime takes power, who knows.
Well, they did threaten to put =us vaccine deniers who refused to submit in concentration camps. Dictator Hochul even had plans for where hers would be. And some commenters here agreed we were too dangerous to be running loose.
Turns out we were right- the so called covid vaccine wasn't, and didn't sotp you from getting it, and didn't stop you from transmitting it to others, and didn't lessen symptoms. And if you were in p--s poor health- didn't stop you from dying.
I haven't forgotten nor forgiven. And have yet to receive an apology from any who supported concentration camps and/or complete social isolation for the unvaxxed.
Bureaucrats are the same everywhere.
Apparently, it was a liberal woman a 1000 miles away who reported the squirrel to the authorities. She has now locked down or deleted all her social media accounts.
Mark Steyn reads the Althouse blog and cited one of the comments.
Peanut bit someone ... allegedly. They needed an excuse to perform the lethal version of the rabies test.
Further, how does an "animal control" officer get bitten by a squirrel? You catch it in a net and handle it wearing your heavy leather gloves.
Unless of course, you are an incompetent Democrat government employee.
Fred the Squirrel was eaten by the State of New York. Fluffy the cat was guest of honor at an immigrant barbecue. So there is that.
I would like to hear Steyn read this aloud: "complaints of a rabies vector species that was in the home, namely, Fred the raccoon"
They go after the most sheltered, pampered examples of yard life because catching the wild ones would be a lot harder.
We've spent the last 4 years seeing that laws against shoplifting, vandalism, striking police officers, assault, and illegally entering the country are apparently optional, depending upon the whim of one or another officials, so you are not going to be able to sell the idea that "We had to follow the law" or "We were just doing our jobs. The law said we had to kill your pets."
I'm glad that people have put out all the contact information, personal phone numbers, Linked-in pages, etc., for these disgusting wannabe tyrants, including the useless Family Court judge who signed the search warrant.
It's time to eliminate ALL immunities for government officials and to allow people to sue them for their pensions when they abuse their authority.
Until that happens, I hope that these thugs receive the shunning they deserve.
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