November 1, 2024

"Ms. Harris’s lack of stature, unreadiness for prime time, and content-confused narrative are why voters will opt for a former president with a proven record over an untested swimmer without a life vest."

Writes Kenneth L. Khachigian, who was chief speechwriter to Ronald Reagan and an aide to Richard Nixon, quoted in "The Three Reasons Harris Will Lose the Election/Traditional Democrats are deserting the party, she was unprepared, and she has no clear message" (Wall Street Journal)(no subscription needed).
The vice president had nearly four years to rise to levels of national and international prominence.... She squandered that opportunity.... She isn’t the person who matches the moment.... [W]hile she promotes her career path as a tough prosecutor, when it came to time to face the national jury, she abdicated to the teleprompter and friendly interviewers....

Either she couldn’t find a way to escape her baked-in California Bay Area political culture, or she was flummoxed by her own slippery evasions from left-wing orthodoxy. Nevertheless, there is an empty hole where potential leaders of the free world must have a strong message. She has filled it with the bizarre notion that if she loses, Mr. Trump would establish fascism in America.....


hawkeyedjb said...

All well and good, but irrelevant. What matters is not the lead Trump has when the counting stops, but how big Harris' lead is when the counting resumes.

rhhardin said...

1. Womens' vote is about abortion. 2. the cheat made possible by the lift given by number 1.

Peachy said...

The only way she wins - is by cheating.

oh look!
"In its effort to catch election fraud, the Conservative Political Action Conference this week claimed it had photographic evidence of illegal “ballot harvesting” in Wisconsin.

Chairman Matt Schlapp said his CPAC Foundation filed a complaint on Wednesday with the Wisconsin Elections Commission, complete with a witness account of the alleged crime conducted in broad daylight outside Milwaukee City Hall.

The witness said in a statement that he saw somebody jam up to 500 ballots into an unguarded ballot box and then flee once he realized that he was being photographed.

In Wisconsin, the law requires that voters personally handle their ballots. It bans the collection, or harvesting, of ballots by others, CPAC said."

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Ms. Harris’s lack of stature, unreadiness for prime time, and content-confused narrative are why voters will opt for a former president"

Nope. If you're a democrat, Kamala is what they think of you. Her coronation is what they think of you. You're a rube. A simpleton in a con game by country club golf hustlers. I think a lot of dems have just finally figured this out, but many never will.

gspencer said...

Heels-Up will soon be back to being on her back.

tcrosse said...

But she's not Trump. Of course, neither am I but that doesn't make me fit to be President.

Achilles said...

Harris has a clear message.

She just has to hide it and lie about it until after the election.

hawkeyedjb said...

"In Wisconsin, the law requires that voters personally handle their ballots."

1. It didn't happen
2. It's good that it happened
3. You're racist

Aggie said...

So where are the photos / video?

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

Ana Kasparian Feuds With Cenk Uygur Over Left's Fake "Fascism" Meme
—Disinformation Expert Ace (lifted)

"Kasparian was previously a reliable Democrat Progressive Robot NPC. She was outraged at everything the left told her to be outraged about, and she canceled everyone they told her to cancel.

Then she was sexually assaulted by two homeless criminals set free by the left and she was told by the left that she should shut up and accept her violation because the decarceration agenda depends on victims volunteering for their victimization.

Then she started calling out the left for how insane it's gotten.

Below, she crosses the left's Rubicon when she says that this whole "fascism" smear against Trump is a phony op. Live during the (Not So) Young Turks' podcast.

Cenk turns into a sweaty shouty baby. So, same as every other day."

FormerLawClerk said...

They are already getting caught cheating all over the country.

FormerLawClerk said...

They are in the same place that the FBI hid Hunter Biden's laptop while 51 US intelligence agents - including CNN's debate moderator Dana Bash's husband - told us it was all Russia Collusion.

FormerLawClerk said...

Imagine how hard Doug Emhoff is going to slap her when she loses.

David-2 said...

"Either she couldn’t find a way to escape her baked-in California Bay Area political culture, or she was flummoxed by her own slippery evasions from left-wing orthodoxy."

1) Those aren't mutually exclusive alternatives.
2) Those aren't the only alternatives. (Consider also: Dumb as a rock. Willingly in a bubble with other like-minded fanatic leftists. There're more.)

Peachy said...

Aggie - I'm not sure if it's posted anywhere. I'll see. Based on an eye witness account is all I know.

Dan from Madison said...

Ah, we now have the pre-postmortem 2024 category.

Skeptical Voter said...

Just another pundit. No one really knows much about the actual outcome. And it will be a while. It is true that when I look for substance in Kamala "nothing comes to mind". But that doesn't mean she won't come first (or be pushed over) the finish line. We'll see.

gilbar said...

all this acts like it matters who votes.. as We ALL Know it's who counts the votes

gilbar said...

In Wisconsin, the law requires that voters personally handle their ballots.

yes, BUT! ALL 500 of those ballots were THAT PERSON'S ballots.
There IS NOTHING in Wisconsin law (or, ANY STATE LAW) that says you can't vote JUST AS OFTEN as you can get away with

Sebastian said...

"Ms. Harris’s lack of stature, unreadiness for prime time, and content-confused narrative are why voters will opt" BS. Obviously, lots of voters "will opt" for the cackler. Obviously, Dems, having voted for JB n 2020, don't care about "stature." It's just a matter of numbers, and how to count. This guy knows as much about what "will" happen as anyone else.

Disparity of Cult said...

Hugh Hewitt - “I’m done. This is the most unfair election ad I have ever been a part of.”

Oso Negro said...

It’s just so hard to choose. A woman might struggle all the way to the ballot box.

paminwi said...

That was quite a moment! Hugh has, for years, tried to continue the conversation with crazy liberals. Today was his breaking point!
And now you have liberals saying that trump wants to kill Liz Cheney once again edited video. These people need to be brought to their knees.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Maybe the USSS will open fire?

n.n said...

Mrs. Harris is ready for her closeup.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This phrase, "she promotes her career path as a tough prosecutor" is very true and it bugs me. There is no evidence she was "a tough prosecutor" at all as DA in San Francisco or as AG of the State. Not in prosecuting actual heinous crimes like rape and murder anyway. She took moves to dismiss rape charges and murder charges. But then she went after parents whose children skipped school and jailed misdemeanor pot violators with longer sentences than armed robbers get.

She wasn't "tough." She was a crazy leftist prosecutor. Too bad we don't have a viable national press corps, who would ask her questions like "How many case did you try?" Or "what was your conviction rate in San Fran? As AG?" Or even "What is your most memorable case where you were lead prosecutor?"

Her whole career is bullet points on a resume, not actual achievements. It's a mirage. I get huge lists from leftists on FB sneering about all of Trump's "failed businesses." Where are the lists of "Harris's successes"?

Narayanan said...

The vice president had nearly four years to rise to levels of national and international prominence.... She squandered that opportunity
R writer being obtuse =>>> she was hoping for another 4 easy years under Biden tutelage

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Larry Elder said for years that leftists treat facts like kryptonite and those two idiots just proved it. Hugh brought the facts and they were stunned into silence.

baghdadbob said...

"empty hole..." Heh-heh, heh.

narciso said...

why are the people on our side, not clear about that, 'she pretends she was a tough prosecutor, going after the mothers of sick children in the hospital, no joke

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

The talking points are getting pretty tired. Time for this to be over.

Big Mike said...
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Gerda Sprinchorn said...

It's kind of nice that public opinion has solidified and there won't be any more movement on that front. Now it's up to the turnout operations on both sides to duke it out. It's kind of a MechElection battle at this point as far as I'm concerned.

Big Mike said...

This! Actually, there are two, make that three, explanations for the vacuity of the Harris that we, the public, get to see:

(1) She is a hard-core Progressive/Marxist but knows that if she says so she will lose about forty states. So she tries to hide her true beliefs and priorities, but isn’t as smooth a liar as she’d like to be.

(2) She doesn’t have a core set of beliefs; she says and does whatever it takes to get to the next rung up the political ladder. After all, the “empty slate” worked for Obama so why not for her?

(3) She really is stupid, which I recognize is a variant on (2), but the difference is that (2) is calculated. But what if her infamous word salads really are the limits of her ability to be articulate when there is no teleprompter around? (I note that Obama before her filled his talk with “Umm” and “Ah” when taken away from his own teleprompter.)

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

About cheating: millions of motivated Trumpers are on the lookout for cheating this time around, so any cheating allegations have to be backed up by very solid evidence. This time, it's put up or shut up.

MadTownGuy said...

From the article:

"The vice president had nearly four years to rise to levels of national and international prominence.... She squandered that opportunity.... She isn’t the person who matches the moment.... [W]hile she promotes her career path as a tough prosecutor, when it came to time to face the national jury, she abdicated to the teleprompter and friendly interviewers...."

Or, she thought the charade about Biden being "sharp as a tack" would endure past this election cycle and that he'd resign, or have the 25th Amendment invoked. No one expected the debate debacle, even though in hindsight it was bound to happen.

Peachy said...

Hugh is too nice.
He should have said: "I just discussed basic truths - and you have nothing to say. You are nothing but hacks."

Peachy said...

The prevailing attitude - is Yeah - the left are going to cheat - good luck proving it. That's on you.

Oh lookie here.
"Monroe County District Attorney said the fraudulent voter registration forms were traced to FieldCorps whose clients included Biden-Harris, Mark Kelly and Arizona Democrats.
Calls to the number listed went unreturned and the FieldCorps website was mysteriously taken down."

JES said...

People who study monkeys say their monkeys picked Harris to win because humans are not rational and still have their primal instincts and vote soley by visual features. Sounds about right.

Gusty Winds said...

Milwaukee has already announced they will be dumping numbers as usual at 3 or 4 in the morning. Waukesha County should hold their numbers. Funny too, how now GA, PA, and Maricopa, AZ are just telling us not to expect results. Four years to prepare, and no improvement.

Scott Patton said...

There's a *lot* of conservative never trumpers out here in SW PA (& there, i presume). They aren't voting for K. They aren't voting for T either. I hear writing in Nikki Haley is one popular alternative. They're not happy, but willing to let her win if that's what it comes to.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Is anyone here willing to admit that they are sponsored in some way by a political campaign?

Is anyone willing to admit that they are paid (in some way) to comment here?

Peachy said...
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narciso said...

I think it's the Dolphins from the South Park episode, chenge my mind

Peachy said...

Paid by who? You leftists are the folks who are paid up and down.
Alas - I am an unpaid merchant of Truth. Which means I am anti-Authoritarian, Anti-radical progressive-Democrat, Anti-Soviet. Free of charge. *fixed*

narciso said...

thats very stupid thinking, when the Republic falls they will blame Orange Man

narciso said...

At this point the arguments for this midwit, are beyond absurd

narciso said...

I think the laziest commenters are the paid ones, imho

Rocco said...

Ms. Harris’s lack of stature, unreadiness for prime time, and content-confused narrative are why voters will opt for a former president with a proven record over an untested swimmer without a life vest.

I’m having trouble picturing Harris in a life vest. I’m picturing her in water wings instead.

Kai Akker said...

--- if she loses, Mr. Trump would establish fascism in America.....

This is the play. J6 to the 4th, 5th, 9th power. They are all on the same page with this. See Liz Cheney's comments on the latest kerfuffle. Delegitimize Trump ahead of time so no one will obey his orders in the event of violence. Make him the Insurrectionist, staging a coup against the civilized order. A coup against himself.... But why not? Loyal judges will do the Democrats' bidding. Decertify. Disqualify. Dis-elect.

Old and slow said...

I am a VERY lazy commenter and no one is paying me, that's for sure. I would have thought the paid commenters would be prolific cut and pate artists.

Kakistocracy said...

For the record, I think Harris is going to win 270 to 268 (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania to Harris, and Harris and Trump trade an electoral college vote in Maine and Nebraska; Trump takes Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina).

Of the tipping point states that might still go to Harris, North Carolina and Georgia are her best bets.

For Trump the issue of abortion rights is his albatross. Rather than really dealing with the issue and focusing on economic issues, he selected JD Vance and leaned into the conservative culture war, which just gave a critical mass of Republican women reason to leave the party.

The Biden-Harris foreign policy, and Harris's pivot to the right make what should be a safe election, close. However, in the end, a historically large gender gap, combined with women accounting for a larger than expected share of the electorate, helps to cover the margin of victory.

Both Harris and Trump reprise mistakes from the Clinton 2016 campaign, but in the end, Harris benefits from not having the same high negatives as Clinton; she benefits from a migration of college educated voters (especially women) from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party over the course of 5 election cycles; and from the existence of ground organization in some key states. Trump's shift to the far right as president and 2024 candidate, combined with his refusal to acknowledge an election loss in 2020, combined with COVID mortality rates, costs him a close election on the other side.

Kai Akker said...

--- For the record,

Your record may be stuck. Nobody GAS about your boring pontificating, Chuck.

narciso said...

the long string of text, which probably violates copyright laws,
Vance has been deeply concerned with the deindustrialization, of
not only the Rust Belts but parts of the Sun Belt, of course Cultural and Social issues, play into it, the Dems are all in on Transgenderism, and the Church of Moloch, having served in Iraq, unlike the fearless fighter of Verona Tampon Tim, he understands the cost of no end engagements that end up in losses of our men and women

Yancey Ward said...

Harris is a dimwit. Biden is also a dimwit, but it didn't keep him from getting to the White House.

Inga said...
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Drago said...

The New Soviet Democraticals latest version of the Near Election Demoralization Campaign is so hilariously predictable and pathetic.

A frozen in time failure that doesn't, can't, is utterly incapable of recognizing this incredible transition inflection point we find ourselves in.

The Althouse blog lefties, taking their sad little cues from their sad little commissars, simply continue to parrot narratives and memes and concepts as if its still 2015/2016 and the intervening DECADE never happened at all!

Inga said...
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narciso said...

well on their alternate earth, like in days of future past blended with the purge, there has been a purge of most lefty idiots,

narciso said...

Ah Ioffe and Puck, you would think they wouldnt engage in such fantasies,

Inga said...
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Big Mike said...

A truly sad, but enraging, story. A mother did get arrested and did lose her job and her home because her daughter missed over a month of school. Why did she miss that much school? Because the girl was in the hospital.

When my son survived a brain aneurism but needed an extensive stay in first the hospital and then a rehab center to relearn how to walk and use his had to write with, Fairfax County Public Schools arranged for a tutor to receive his teachers’ lesson plans so he could keep up with his classes. Affluent California couldn’t — or wouldn’t — do the same for that little girl? Was it because the little girl was black?

narciso said...
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Butkus51 said...

Utter BS. Its on film of democrat operatives turning away voters by posing as election judges in Bucks county. On the LAST day of early voting.

There are no doubts .

Butkus51 said...

rehajm said...

If there’s anyone to blame it’s the people that bought their BS last time around. So massive in size and quantity was the shit, it led them to believe they can get away with anything.

rehajm said...

I’m not cocky, I’m getting these out now in case the steal works again…

rehajm said...

How does Russia have time for that?

narciso said...

the lack of precision, is how they allow the fraud, chain of custody voter ID legitimate voter, actual postmark if none of this in the story, than its hackery,

Drago said...

“Russia behind video claiming election fraud in Georgia, intelligence officials say"


Is it one of the 51 US "intelligence" officers that lied about Hunter Bidens laptop being russki disinformation...another one of the hundreds of debunked lies and hoaxes you fell in love with P-Inga?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Frankly, I doubt there is anyone here being paid to comment this time around. In 2016 and 2020 it was very obvious there was, but lately it's just been the usual copy 'n' paste lightweights.

Drago said...

By the way, thats a few of the federal agencies that spent the last decade demanding social media organizations censor truthful information that ran counter to "official" "establishment" narrative lies...just like the Soviets...who have been reincarnated in the New Soviet Democratical Party.

FormerLawClerk said...

A career prosecutor? She didn't try a SINGLE CASE. Ever. You will not find ANY photographs of Kamala Harris ever prosecuting a single person.

narciso said...

all those alphabets don't seem concerned about the 300 terrorists on watchlists or the millions of got away criminals,

Jaq said...

I don't know who is going to win, Nate Silver says this to the pollsters: “You are lying! You’re putting your f***king finger on the scale!" He says this because he knows what honest statistics look like, they have a pattern that nobody is even bothering to fake. I don't think that the Trump campaign has the media muscle to plant fake polIs in the media though. Still, I think that every vote is needed, end of story.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

@The Cracker: Where do they copy and paste from? Are talking points emailed to them?

FormerLawClerk said...

Which court will hear our evidence?

Jaq said...

When the Allies broke the Nazi's codes in WWII, they didn't want to tip their hand, so they had to sometimes let disasters happen to allied troops. They had to work within the probabilities to hide that they knew many things the Germans were doing in advance. Nobody is even bothering to hide what they are doing to the polls here.

n.n said...
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Jaq said...

Thank you for keeping us up to date on DNC talking points, Rich. I guess somebody has to do it.

R C Belaire said...

Very true. The conservatives will need to decide post-election whether or not the abortion issue is worth arguing about in the future. I say give the wymyn what they want and get it over with.

n.n said...

She's a show administrator. No other woman with an ounce of dignity and a portfolio of competence would take a knee, lean forward, lean into Willie for her progress. #MeToo? Not bloody likely. Pehaps it's a queer fetish and another reason thet she is not viable... leader. Abort.

Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Jaq said...

Anybody interested in electing shenanigans in PA aught to read this beaut of an article from 2020

In it you find the interesting fact, backed up by this link to the US Department of Justice, that several of the judges from the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas who make Election Day rulings are known by Federal Prosecutors to have been elected by ballot stuffing, but the DoJ will not identify them

Demuro [admitted to prosecutors that he] would add the fraudulent votes by literally standing in the voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, when he thought the coast was clear."

Prosecutors have not identified any of the candidates who allegedly hired Myers as a consultant to facilitate the scheme.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
No Name said...

And yet NPR national broadcast program this morning was exhorting us to be prepared for Trump to "prematurely declare election victory" Tues night, NPR stating it will be impossible to identify victor until Saturday. Translation: Allow time for swing-state democrats to produce sufficient number of mail-in ballots to swing election to Harris. Ala Milwaukee 2020. It will be ugly next week, for sure.

Suspect many people lie to pollsters. I've noted that recently-posted YouTube videos, featured when searching "Gangs of Chicago", include coverage of many black men and women frankly stating that they will vote for Trump. To hear even a murmur of this political-affiliation realignment groundswell in Chicago's west-side and south-side working-class black neighborhoods, is truly astounding. The elected black democrat-socialist mayor, Brandon Johnson, presently has Chicago resident approval-rating below 15%. The black voter block has been broken, and the Latino voter block is also leaning towards Trump. Biden/Harris' mass-migration policies were the last straw for black/brown working-class folks.

Harris only has the AWFLs left.

Inga said...
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narciso said...

yes thats why the yamamoto intercept was considered a possible breach of the protocols,

n.n said...

Human rights (e.g. life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment) are not solely a conservative issue. Furthermore, from a medical perspective, the goal is to preserve, not abort human life. And no one in their right mind would support debasement of human value. Six weeks is a start under existing homicide statutes, but the goal is ultimately responsible freedom. Abortion! What is it good for? A wicked solution.

No Name said...

Nope, our small Wisconsin city has one unmonitored voter ballot collection box outside in library's drive-through lane, plus at least another unmonitored outside collection box at city hall. Ripe for stuffing.

Maynard said...

Inga is preparing for Trump's election by restarting the Russia, Russia, Russia! hoax.

I don't think she realizes that her insane efforts are not having the effect she thinks. Just the opposite.

n.n said...

Oh, and subsidizing redistributive change schemes (e.g. EBT, Medicaid/Obamacare, shifted responsibility), immigration reform, etc. is a nearsighted, unsustainable policy, albeit with em-pathetic appeal.

Inga said...
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Inga said...
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rhhardin said...

On the other hand, Kamala does bring a women's perspective.

Jim at said...

If you lose next week, leftists? You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Achilles said...

Remember that Inga doesn't just lie about things like Russian Collusion. She doesn't just call people who don't support her wars Russian agents.

She lies about her political opponents in calculated and evil ways. Then she calls her political opponents Nazis, Garbage, Racists. Then she gets mad when we point out she is trying to get her political opponents jailed, censored, and killed.

Achilles said...

Talking points is too kind a word for the garbage Democrats are putting out.

The problem Inga is that you are liars. You have lied in vicious and evil ways. You lied about Russian Collusion. You lied about J6 protestors killing Brian Sicknick. You lied about Hunters Laptop. You lied about the borders. You lied about COVID.

It would be a shorter list to talk about the things you have been honest about. You don't have talking points. You have excuses for political violence, censorship, and repression.

Jim at said...

You know what? Opinions that are opposite yours are not automatically talking points.

Yours are. It's all you have.

You couldn't come up with a single point on your own if you tried. It's simply regurgitated shit from what you read elsewhere. Always has been.

Kakistocracy said...

There’s a very real possibility that Trump thinks he’s running against Mark Cuban right now. Next Trump is going to accuse Cuban of using too much bronzer

“Mark Cuban, a total loser, is being decimated by women all over the Country, especially since they know and admire the many GREAT women that work for, and with, me. They are very “INTELLIGENT” and, likewise, very “STRONG.” Cuban has been hit so hard that he was forced to issue an apology, but his apology is worthless. I’ve known him a long time. He’s a bad guy, with major character flaws. He’s also very weak and insecure, and will do and say anything for publicity. He was a staunch supporter of Crooked Hillary Clinton during her failed Campaign for President, and is now a supporter of Lyin’ Kamala Harris, but that’s only because I don’t take his many phone calls anymore - Just don’t have the time or inclination to do so. He can never recover from the horrible statement he made yesterday about a woman’s strength and intelligence, but he is going to have to try, because what he said was totally unacceptable!” ~ Donald J Trump @realDonaldTrump

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Kamala Harris claims to know what's in Trump's heart but can't share with us even a version of her own heart. Never mind that, by now, we know more about Trump than any other former president.

Achilles said...

We are about a week out from Inga calling for the National Guard to be deployed to keep Trump supporters out of vote counting buildings where Democrats "count" millions of ballots that showed up after election day in 6 states.

Jim at said...

I post things not with the intent of changing minds, I post them to shove some differing opinions in your face just for the satisfaction of it.

And in doing so, proving to everybody else you're a moron. And a snarling one, at that.

n.n said...

Biden recommends a shotgun, pehaps sawed off for easy carry. Obama concurs that a scalpel is the wrong Choice from a clinical perspective. Pelosi et al celebrate a shot to the neck in a prostrate position. Bring back Palmerism and FDR for citizens recapture and indefinite detention without trial. Fascism requires affirmative action. Demos-cracy won't selfie-abort.

Inga said...
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Achilles said...

Democrats have always been misogynists. You attract the worst kind of men and women that like to get slapped and raped by them.

Krumhorn said...

Inga is sounding frantic and a little hysterical. It has dawned on her that that Nov 6 will be set aside for her as a crying day along with the rest of the bug-eyed lefties. In spite of her most fervent wish to the contrary, it has become perfectly clear to her that Trump will win this election.

- Krumhorn

loudogblog said...

They want to be able to keep their jobs (by not slamming Harris too hard) but still say "I told you so." after election day.

loudogblog said...

Gerda, I'll admit to being paid to comment here....if you pay me to.

Inga said...
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mccullough said...

I like the word “flummox” but too many times writers use it in the passive tense. Seems to better here to write “Harris’ evasions from left-wing orthodoxy flummox her.”

Rocco said...

Inga said...
You’re such a stupid man. I post things not with the intent of changing minds, I post them to shove some differing opinions in your face just for the satisfaction of it.

Dueling pistols at dawn not an option?

Pro tip: Don’t choose Lucas Kunce or Dick Cheney as your 2nd.

loudogblog said...

"For Trump the issue of abortion rights is his albatross."

I don't think that it's as big an issue as you think it is. Since the Supreme Court kicked it down to states to decide, the President doesn't have much of a say in that issue anymore. This election is mostly about the economy. Harris' unfitness for the office runs a close second. Harris totally founders doing softball interviews with friendly news organizations and podcasters. People are seriously doubting her ability to stand up to any world leader if she can't deal with the domestic media. Also, a lot of people are angry that she was a part of the Biden cognitive decline coverup and won't admit to it. And people have a real problem actually seeing who she is since she so shamelessly flip flops on important policies and gives the appearance that she will say anything to get elected. (Even stealing Trump's policies.) And finally, over the top personal attacks on Trump are counter productive because most see these as bullshit and discount them. People know who Trump is. They don't know who Harris really is.

Jaq said...

What I don't get is why, if that is what the law clearly states, that any procedures set up to receive those ballots are set up to ensure that the law is followed.

I kid! I kid! I know exactly why the boxes are set up that way, because the Democrats bought that seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court!

loudogblog said...

Thanks Inga. Note to self: electionlawblog is a left leaning propaganda site.

Jaq said...

denying is not the same as shooting down.

Jaq said...

It's pretty funny too, Inga, that you assumed that the comment was aimed at you.

loudogblog said...

"I post things not with the intent of changing minds, I post them to shove some differing opinions in your face just for the satisfaction of it."

We've known that for a long time.

Jaq said...

"I enjoy sharing what I’ve found interesting and think you folks should hear"

Notice that there is nothing about what she is sharing being on topic. Talking points.

Jaq said...

" I post them to shove some differing opinions in your face just for the satisfaction of it."

Oh, that's a keeper. But remember, they are not "talking points"!

Jaq said...

More projection. "Our billionaires are selfless philosopher kings, your. billionaires are self interested megalomaniacs!"

Jaq said...

So Trump on Joe Rogan now has 100,000,000+ views. Harris on Call Your Daddy has 750,000.

Note to our trolls, this means that Trump has gotten well over 100 times more views on his podcast appearance.

Jaq said...


robother said...

Inga succinctly defines the mission of every internet troll. Smug and lacking any self awareness are the key personality traits. The notion that she's paid to do it unnecessarily flatters her.

walter said...

I miss the poster with bad English who offered deals on shoes etc. I highly suspect a financial imperative there.

Inga said...
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The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Maybe they were referring to the former SSR of Georgia….

That is hilarious. Who could read Inga’s quote and not think it was parody?

Drago said...

There was dancing in the streets in Tehran, in Beijing, in Moscow, in Caracas, in Hamas controlled territory, in Hezbollah controlled territory, in the Houthis controlled territory, in Kabul and Islambad, etc.

Much dancing indeed.

Jess said...

Obama didn't have a clear message either, but he presented his word salads of "hope and change" at a time when it was easier to hide from the internet. That, and he didn't act like a road lizard in a truck stop.

n.n said...

Walz'n Karma-la.

Gospace said...

Gee, write-in votes are counted. I suspect you're fudging the truth a bit. WE'll find out. My last trip down I-99 and then east on US 30 which is South PA not SW we saw a crapload of Trump signs. Probably a 30-1 or more ratio of Trump to Harriss signs.

Mikey NTH said...

And they tried to hide that by continuing fighter sweeps through that area for weeks after.

Gospace said...

IMHO, the internet has made a big difference. How big we'll see soon. But in the last few elections you could tell who someone was going to vote for by asking a simple question- "Where do you get your news from? From MSM, especially if television, they were voting D, from websites or talk radio- they were voting R.

Mikey NTH said...

And she sang to herself as she sat beside the lectern, you'll came a Walz'n Kamala with me.

Butkus51 said...

* and theyre still doing it today in Bucks county with 5 hour lines.

Inga's news sources missed it again.

No cut and paste jobs

Yancey Ward said...

Well, about 20 of those views of the Rogan/Trump interview were Bich's lonely fantasizing about Trump Daddy sessions.

Iman said...

Everyone has an opinion and Inga’s - along with those of her fellow running-clowns - stink on ice.

Iman said...

↖️ “I love cutting and pasting, I’m not getting paid by anyone.”

If you were we’d know the market for fertilizer has hit rock bottom.

Iman said...

An Arizona-based company is under investigation by DAs in two separate Pennsylvania counties for submitting fraudulent voter applications. This is just the start of multiple instances that are coming to light.

walter said...

He's pretty practiced at punching back. It's not like Pedo Pete struggling to string words together.

Goju said...

She did, however, manage to lock up women for their kid's truancy.

walter said...

That Anderson Cooper?

walter said...

Do you have any shoe deals?

Iman said...

Meh… just teh AWFLs.

Butkus51 said...

Wait til Inga gets her first Unrealized Gains tax bill.

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