November 18, 2024

Morning Joe restarts communications with Hitler Trump.

ADDED: "Defeated left-wing MSNBC anchors Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski reveal they met with Trump: ‘Time to do something different’" (NY Post).
“Many things were discussed, and I very much appreciated the fact that they wanted to have open communication,” the soon-to-be 47th president said. “In many ways, it’s too bad that it wasn’t done long ago.” They “congratulated me on running a ‘great and flawless campaign, one for the history books,’ which I really believe it was, but it was also a campaign where I worked long and hard — perhaps longer and harder than any presidential candidate in history,” he added. While he feels “an obligation to the American public, and to our country itself, to be open and available to the press,” Trump also said: “If not treated fairly, however, that will end.”.. 
The backlash against the ​TV pair was swift on social media – with many blasting the duo for their “shamelessness” and for “bending the knee” by arranging the face-to-face.... Eli Lake, a Free Press columnist, added​, “Why would Trump bother talking to these people other than to urge them to seek mental health counseling?”...

In a markedly different tone from his first term, Trump also told Fox: “While many others are calling for meetings, I am not looking for retribution, grandstanding or to destroy people who treated me very unfairly, or even badly beyond comprehension. I am always looking to give a second and even third chance, but never willing to give a fourth chance,” he said. “That is where I hold the line.”


Peachy said...

D-MSNBC - Go burn in a dumpster fire.

Iman said...

These sad sacks are not long for the airwaves.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey, it has worked so far. It got Joey "The Nuke" Biden elected.

Dave Begley said...

I learned a new word: hate-watching. That's about 50% of the MSNBC's audience. I hope Elon buys it and fires all of them.

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump is making his enemies kneel before Zod. Love it.

narciso said...

as legit as anything else they said, why would they admit it to their psycho peanut gallery,

Jaq said...

Mika's father is the guy who convinced Jimmy Carter to sign off on creating the Taliban in order to provoke a Soviet invasion. I think that the quote was "What's a few angry jihadists compared to the defeat of the Soviet Union?" This was said a year before 9-11.

More interesting was the way that he admitted to press manipulation which made it appear that the Soviets were lying, when we knew they were telling the truth. To Mika's dad, that was the cherry on top!

Mika should know Hitler when she sees him, since she was raised by that man who admitted that he thought that using the press to lie to start wars was perfectly fine.

Peachy said...

Trump must never agree to go on that hack loser liar Network.
D-MSNBC a-holes & Liars used the Hillary-/FBI generated BS Mueller investigation to cripple Trump. & it was all lies.
You never speak to these fuckers. Ever. D-MSNBC must be mocked and ridiculed until they are nothing. Because they are NOTHING. Less than Nothing. Worthless garbage.
You don't speak to worthless garbage - you dig a hole and bury it.

Jaq said...

I am sure that Mika has read her dad's book about using Ukraine as the anvil on which to smash the Russian Federation was explained. You all should read that book if you are genuinely interested in the roots of this conflict.

Peachy said...

Good Lord. Not enough FU's for Mika and Joe. Frauds, both.

narciso said...

its more complicated than that, a local warlord, Ismail Khan was pestering the puppet government, the Soviets decided that Amin was the CIA pawn, and sent the Spetznaz, and the rest was history,

D.D. Driver said...

For people who would ask "why we would interview the president elect" this is why you just lost an election.

Aggie said...

They made themselves into an irrelevancy through dedication and hard work, and History will second the nomination.

Breezy said...

They see the trend line with other media - WaPo, LATimes, CNN, ABC, etc - that are all of a sudden wanting more conservative viewpoints in their swamp. I think the way to do that though is layoff the far left cowards and fill their spots w fresh faces and viewpoints. No one will believe Joe and Mika are being honest from here. I certainly won’t.

Peachy said...

Trump must never agree to go on that hack loser liar Network.
D-MSNBC a-holes & Liars used the Hillary-/FBI generated BS Mueller investigation to cripple Trump. & it was all lies.
You never speak to these fuckers. Ever. D-MSNBC must be mocked and ridiculed until they are nothing. Because they are NOTHING. Less than Nothing. Worthless garbage.
You don't speak to worthless garbage - you dig a hole and bury it.

I see my comments are vanishing again.

wendybar said...

The real life Beavis and Butthead are pathetic. Grovel more, Mika. They hate that their ratings cratered after all the lies they spew cost them the election. At least they had a fan in Delusional Joe!!!

Jaq said...

It's always more complicated, but that's the story that Brzezinski gave to the Nouvelle Observateur in that interview. Ultimately, her dad's fingerprints are all over 9-11, not as a conspiracy, but through recklessness.

N[ouvelle] O[bservateur]: When the Soviets justified their intervention by affirming they were fighting against a secret American interference nobody believed them, though they were telling the truth. Don’t you regret it?

B[rzezinski]: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The very same day the Soviets crossed the Afghan border I wrote the following to President Carter: “This is our chance to give Russia its Viet Nam.”

This part is great:

NO: Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?

B: What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?
- Mika's dad

Ann Althouse said...

"I see my comments are vanishing again."

I gave you some advice yesterday. I think I figured out what your problem is, but you have not taken my advice. You are the person who BY FAR gets caught in the spam filter the most. You can take the step I recommended or ignore it, but you simply MUST stop cluttering the comments with puzzling over your comments "vanishing again." Quit displaying puzzlement. If it isn't phony, then it means you didn't bother reading the help I tried to give you. If it is phony, you are a troll who ought to be left in spam. Deal with this either by taking my advice or by stopping talking about it. If you don't follow the advice I gave you yesterday, I will no longer take your comments out of spam. I'm not putting them in. I am using MY TIME to repeatedly take them out. I think I deserve more respect than you are showing by repeatedly saying your comments are vanishing. It's ridiculous! The end.

Peachy said...

I didn't see your comment. So sorry!

narciso said...

As Elon said of twitter, stay or go, this is not an airport, are they the most irrelevant, that would be would Stephanie (name escapes) she lost 2/3 of their audience,

mezzrow said...

I'm going long on table tennis gear. Henry Kissinger is smiling... somewhere.

narciso said...

it seems Trump confirms they showed up, they were not welcome

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Throw those two shitheads in prison, just for kicks.

David53 said...

They want to talk to him because money. It’s about the money, as always.

SoLastMillennium said...

Trumplier? Would that work? (blink!)(blink!)

Ice Nine said...

Trump obviously sees these two putzes as potentially useful for some reason or another and is, hello, using them. You get to guess what that use might be but I can pretty readily think of one: It can't hurt Trump to have their putz audience get a few glimpses of what the real Trump is actually like.

Scott M said...

Shorter version: "We don't want to lose our jobs when this network gets sold for a song so we want to play nice now."

Tina Trent said...

Yes. The Springtime with Hitler crowd has noticed its ratings.

Tina Trent said...


rehajm said...

No shit. They aren’t news. They are propaganda pretending to be news. I suppose it’s their right free speech and all but do we have to normalize them with press credentials? How about some standards?

Yeah Right Sure said...

World's most obvious prediction: their remaining audience will melt away. Continuing to listen to this odious pair is akin to continuing attendance at a church where the pastor has been busted in a prostitution sting.

rehajm said...

That’s the problem. None of them die. They get put on hold while they nibble around the edges of news and impartiality but they’ll be right back into service next election cycle. What a racket…

hombre said...

Reforming leftmediaswine? LOL! Democrats had the money, the mediaswine and the celebrities. They lost! Now they are pretending they noticed some things. They are great kidders.

jaydub said...

Exactly, which is why they are now sucking up to Hitler. Trump is very important to their ability to hold the crazies that they still have a grip on. Seems like losing half their audience is all it took to cause these two charlatans to refocus on what's important to them - making money via Trump

Wilbur said...

This attempt at rapprochement with Literally Hitler is driven by one thing: the need to boost ratings.

The rest of the noble chatter here is purely a feeble attempt at justification.

Trump should only deal with if he determines it is in his interest to do so. He doesn't need them, they need him. How pathetic.

Kai Akker said...

The tree that falls in the forest. No one will hear whatever these people might say.

rehajm said...

Yes the ratings are poor but the propaganda model has shifted. So while they collect some on network ad revenue their clips populate the new media and backwaters like Althouse. Views t’what matter to the propagandist. Trump brings views and we have no principles. Never mind we just got our heads handed to us, we’ll get em next time…

Jamie said...

The theme I feel I'm picking up this morning is that the American Left is trying to find a different way to talk about Jan. 6, since (like their "convicted felon" Greek chorus) the incessant repetition of "fomented an insurrection" has failed to convince. Is this a sign of the Left's backing away from their progressive wing? Or just pragmatism - they now know that at least some of those who pay attention to things like MSNBC and the likes of Schumer and Pelosi dutifully listened to these refrains for years and voted for Trump anyway, so if the Left wants to have an audience, they have to give lip service to the "other side"?

narciso said...

well 'we're mostly jeering at them, they aren't very smart, of course if they actually showed any understanding most of their crew would rebel

Peachy said...

Trump and his team should never entertain MSNBC. that gives the hacks and liars the credibility they are desperate for. NO. A dying hack network needs to ... die.

rehajm said...

I’m not supportive of a government run by the emotions of people who watch MSNBC…

Skeptical Voter said...

Mika and Joe--two very unloveable doofuses--realize that their old shtick won't work anymore. Doesn't matter--most of America isn't watching them anyway.
I did read this morning that Adam Schiff is sticking to his tired old Russian collusion claims. He's going to ride that thing to ignominy or glory. But mostly to irrelevance as a rather noisy junior Senator.

FormerLawClerk said...

Hillary better get her ass to south Florida.

Rory said...

Our manipulative class is eventually going to cast a real right-wing ideologue as the next worse-than-Hitler.

narciso said...

The Trump clapback was fake,

Maynard said...

How much of the insane media TDS rant is just acting?

Ann Althouse said...

"I didn't see your comment. So sorry!"

It's okay.

Thanks for changing the very long name.

The bad news is the spam filter is still choosing your comments to reject. I don't have other ideas about what's different about you. If you can think of anything else to change, you might experiment.

Peachy said...

MSNBC IS dying. Trump and his team better not give them the time of day.
Trump has better things to do.

Peachy said...

According the Brian Stelter at CNN- Trump allowed a meeting with Joe and Mika at Mar-a-lago? ????

What? If this is true - Trump hasn't learned anything.

Ice Nine said...

Seems pretty obvious that hyphens might be a good place to start the "experimetation".

Michael said...

Last week; He's Hitler!!!

This week; We had a nice discussion with the Furher in his bunker and agreed to disagree.

Arashi said...

So are they attempting to make sure that once the trains to the camps get rolling, they are not on one of the first cars? Or are they admitting that they have been lying all along and now are trying to get on the good side of 'Hitler', because reasons - like trying to salvage their on air gig? Maybe they could do an on air struggle session to atone for their lies? Maybe they should just go find a new line of work, like ditch digging.

PM said...

"Brutus is an honorable man."

Dr Weevil said...

I've been commenting here under the same very short name for ~15 years, and some of my comments are caught in the trap, too, sometimes two or three on one post, though not in the last couple of weeks. And yes, they usually appear briefly and then disappear, which is disconcerting, but that's how the spam filter here works. If you think it's personal, or aimed at your politics, you're wrong. It's semi-random.

FormerLawClerk said...

Exactly ... Trump must deplatform MSNBC and do not normalize those people.

FormerLawClerk said...

Have they found any more dead bodies under Scarborough's desk lately?

narciso said...

its stelter he hasn't got something right in aeons,

rehajm said...

He's been downgraded to figuratively Hitler now...

rehajm said...

They for two welcome their new insect overlords...

Peachy said...

Thank you, Ann.

Dude1394 said...

MSNBC IS Garbage, absolute garbage and the faster it goes out of business the better for our country. They can say what they want, but they ARE garbage and their ratings would reflect that if we didn't have a massive number of close to mentally ill democrats.

The democrats have their panties in a wad ( a perpetual condition ) about Tulsi meeting with Assad when she visited Syria, you know to figure out why Obama was waging war on them. So you cannot even TALK to someone like Assad. How can you talk to literal HITLER!! Hoist them on a petard.

Tulsi Gabbard is being accussed of being an Assad "toady" because she DARED speak to him. Gleen Greenwald has a nice segment on Bari Weiss's smear of Tulsi on the Joe Rogan show. Joe as nice as can be showed Bari to be the clueless propagandist she is.

Drago said...

Joe an Mika have some pretty heavy residential mortagage payments in some pretty exclusive areas that they would like to maintain.......

walter said...

I hope they got patted down before entering. "Nothing personal."

Joe Bar said...

On election night, MSNBC's ratings soared. A LOT of people were Hate-Watching to see the meltdown.

Cacimbo said...

Looked to me like Mika was not finding her crow dinner tasty.

mikee said...

Those two reportedly make EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS EACH, each year, for hosting their relatively unwatched show, and recognize that this incredible gravy train will be putting passengers off PDQ if ratings continue to freefall post-election. Money talks, and money walks, and money makes their world go 'round. A month ago, the money was there to say Trump was Hitler. Now the money is there to say "We have access to the President, watch us each morning!" Here's hoping Trump publicly abjures them for 12 months immediately upon their first recidivistic broadcast, which I'm guessing will be at most in about two or three days, if that long.

Earnest Prole said...

The average MSNBC viewer is seventy years old. Morning Joe has fewer than 100,000 viewers age 25-55, which means they could all fit inside a Midwestern football stadium. There are knitting podcasts with larger audiences. Why do we even talk about Joe + Ho?

walter said...

Supposedly, a lot of ruling class elders enjoy their screeds.

narciso said...

Mostly for giggles, now will jon mecham stab himself with a stylus

Kevin said...

Now I see today's theme: invasive species.

Temujin said...

F*** them.

Kevin said...

Althouse Wonka: It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! Your ridiculous comments are rightly caught in the spam filter! You ignored my advice, which now necessitates me writing yet another unnecessary comment, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!

Peachy said...

They are propped up by the corrupt machine.

donald said...

Things I hope were said:

Joe, great news! We’re gonna get to the bottom of your intern’s murder! Ain’t that great Joe?

Lazarus said...

They look better now than they did then. Was it the Trump effect, or did their plastic surgeons give them a tune-up.

That bit about "fourth chances" was a joke but watch for media types to take it seriously and start counting with their fingers.

wsw said...

Classic. Pulled off the air the day after Butler, and now this. LOSERS

Readering said...

Not surprising Trump would meet with them. The 3 go way back. They helped him get the nomination in 2016. He had a personal relationship with them even if they stopped meeting during his first administration. And they know how to say the right things to him as well as push his buttons. The guy spent two hours at the White House last week.

John henry said...

I agree with Begley that Elon should buy msnbc (and cnn?)

Disagree he should fire them. He'd have to pay out their contracts.

Make Maddow et al spend each show talking about what a great guy the president is, how unfairly they e mistreated him an generally supporting him, his team and his policies.

With any luck Musk would be having them pay him to buy out of their contracts.

John Henry

Saint Croix said...

Trump on the high road!

"How many times should I forgive my brother? Seven times?"

"Seventy times seven."

(That's 490 times, for you apology counters out there)

Peachy said...

Holy Smolette - I'm in agreement with Olberdouche - on this one thing. One.

Steve said...

Mika’s dad oversaw the fall of Afghanistan to the Russians and ran to he mullahs. How he has escaped criticism s beyond me.

Peachy said...

I cannot get over the fact that Trump has a million things to do - and this is what he chooses to allow?

Where are his people telling him to shut the door on the whole (hole!) that is MSNBC?

Kai Akker said...

Perhaps the better NY Post article:

Only flaw is that it doesn't go far enough in assessing Nancy D'Alesandro De Medici's sins against the Constitution and the rule of law, starting with the endless-impeachments farce. But don't cry for Nancy! She has much to console herself with stocked in her Sub-Zero freezer. Let her eat ice cream and tell anyone who will listen how important she once was.

Steve said...

They bragged about their election night ratings. That was me watching for the inevitable meltdown.

narciso said...

fake news, besides trump is not going to confirm it

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She was literally in tears, crying about the prospect of the dystopia to come unless people listened to her and refused to vote for Orange Man Bad. She was weeping for the girls and women who would be stripped of rights. If she truly suffered a breakdown, perhaps she'll never recover. If she was just using using extreme rhetoric in the furtherance of Leftist politics, she probably is angry. Anger seems to be the dominant mood on the side that fancies itself "reality based."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The other Joe pretending to be POTUS loves them. For some reason that matters to lefties.

Peachy said...

I just got off the phone with a work colleague. She ranted and ranted against Trump. She really thinks he is Hitler. I'm exhausted listening to her. and I let her speak. I have a headache. These people are mentally ill.

Eva Marie said...

This is from CTH:
“When facing undeniable irrelevance, egoists always move toward the spotlight; because if there is one consistent truth within all human psychology, it’s the constant need for narcissists to find new supply.”
Well said.

Craig Mc said...

This is up there with Maxwell Smart's "Listen, I hope I wasn't out of line with that crack about the big ugly gorilla.".

Ampersand said...

I would welcome a strongly reformist Trump agenda conducted in an atmosphere of adherence to cultural and constitutional norms. Meetings like this nudge us toward that outcome. I don't want Dems to feel defeated so much as I want them to be reconciled to the legitimacy of a process that will entail actual change.

Clyde said...

And... Now... It's...
For Mika
And Morning Joe...

RCOCEAN II said...

What can you say about Mika/scarborough? I mean these two were so viciously and stupidly anti-Trump and so full of hate, that when Trump was shot, MSNBC pulled their Monday show. Why because the MSNBC execs were afraid Mika/Joe would say something so obnoxious or scummy that MSNBC would have to take action.

If the two would-be assassians hated Trump it was because people like Mika/Joe were pumping out "Trump is Hitler" propgaganda every day for the last 9 years. Wasn't Mika bursting into tears when Trump was elected?

But now, we're all buddies and pals again.

Rabel said...

There's a media plan for dealing with Trump 2.0.

I don't know what it is but this is a part of it.

grog said...

Not sure if anyone else addressed this, but here goes...

I too wondered why Trump would bother with anyone who called him all kinds of negative things up until very recently. Why give them a hint at legitimacy?

But then I thought that, by giving them air time with him after all they'd said, that he was actually delegitimizing them, by showing the contrast between what they were so recently screeching about, and what they just did.

I mean, if you really believed that Trump was Hitler, et al., would you really do a (presumably; I haven't seen it) calm interview with him?

And if you did a calm interview with Trump, doesn't that make him something a great deal less dangerous than what you were claiming?

Mason G said...

"But then I thought that, by giving them air time with him after all they'd said, that he was actually delegitimizing them, by showing the contrast between what they were so recently screeching about, and what they just did."

Trump is demonstrating for the world who the adult is here. And it's not Joe and Mika.

gspencer said...

Amusing, is it not, the Joe and his frau made the trip to the Berghof?

I hope Hitler qua Trump let them wait in the foyer for a little while.

Aggie said...

It's possible. But it's also good to remember that, while Trump got 76½ million votes so far, Kamala got almost 74 million. The election is very far from being a clean sweep, and those voters are a long way from changing their views simply as a result of the vote count.

MSNBC, CNN et al. will change their programming to reflect the New Reality, and then start to subtly condition their audiences to vote properly in 2028. Their job is not journalism.

Ann Althouse said...

"The bad news is the spam filter is still choosing your comments to reject. I don't have other ideas about what's different about you. If you can think of anything else to change, you might experiment."

Actually, I think it did work.

The name change went in retrospectively, so I saw some things in spam with the new name, but new comments that went in with that name avoided the filter (I think!).

Lawcruiter said...

I hope they were thoroughly patted down before being let in to meet him.

Yancey Ward said...

You know who else reached out and forgave his media detractors? Hitler!!!

Mason G said...

"They did this on purpose, for fun and ratings, and to feel sooo good about themselves."

As well, they made a fair amount of money peddling a lie they almost certainly do not believe and that real-world evidence disproves.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes- unless you create a separate account, name changes apply across all the past comments written on that account.

The Godfather said...

Farther up thread someone (or many someones) said that a lot of folks STILL oppose Trump as President. Speaking for myself, I STILL oppose FDR, JFK, LBJ, and several others, as President, but they were declared to have won their elections, so they became President.
A whole bunch of folks think that for some reason "TRUMP IS DIFFERENT", but he's not. Should he have been declared the winner in 2020? That's water under the bridge.
Should he be declared the winner in 2024. Of course. Do we have to support his policies? No, of course not. But we have to acknowledge him as President (as we did all sorts of Presidents we didn't like).

Peachy said...

Yay. Thank you kind Blog Hostess.

boatbuilder said...

". I am always looking to give a second and even third chance, but never willing to give a fourth chance,” he said. “That is where I hold the line.”

He said, with a twinkle in his eye.

Man, he has them right where he wants them. If they had an ounce of integrity, it wouldn't work.

But they don't, and Trump knows that.

traditionalguy said...

If Joe and Mika had their way Trump would have long since been dead. Expecting a forgiveness from DJT for them would even be beyond Jesus. After Easter morning he was never was fool enough to go back to see the Sanhedrin guys to get along with them.

AndrewV said...

Mullah Mohamid Omar started the Taliban movement in 1994, five years after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989. After the Red Army had left the US government cut off funding to the Afghan groups that it had been supporting.

Achilles said...

The name change is related to how SQL databases work. It doesn't save your display name as part of the post. It saves the account key and when the post is displayed it gets the account key attached to the post and it will display whatever display name is there. It also retrieves your account picture and a few other things at that time.

glacial erratic said...

As a side issue - note that the media will never ever ever ever distinguish between legal immigrants and illegal aliens.

Freder Frederson said...

I think that the quote was "What's a few angry jihadists compared to the defeat of the Soviet Union?" This was said a year before 9-11.

What the hell are you talking about? A year before 9/11, Jimmy Carter had been out of office for almost twenty years. It is rich that you blame Carter when the vast majority of the war occurred during the Reagan and Bush administrations, both of which continued supporting the Mujahedeen blindly, even supplying them with anti-aircraft missiles.

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