November 4, 2024

"If what you're selling is let's get back to normal, be normal. We know Trump isn't normal, but if you lose this election..."

"... it's because a sizable number perhaps a majority think you're not normal in fundamental ways either, and, you know, I know the left — the far left — hates me for always noticing this, but I'm going to continue to notice it because it's true: It's not traditional old school liberalism. It's something very different, and you can't have that word. You are woke — or whatever the word is—  but it's different and you can't, like, merge them when they're very often opposite." 

Said Bill Maher, on his podcast.

The guest, Ben Shapiro, takes over from there: "I think the Democratic party has also done something where they they've been intoxicated by the, you know, wonderful high of being able to just say Trump over and over and over — and Trump is Hitler over and over — and that's excused them to basically believe they can do whatever it is that they want, say what it is they want. The weird thing about this election cycle is that positionally Trump is the most moderate candidate in Republican history...."


Jaq said...

"that positionally Trump is the most moderate candidate in Republican history...."

This is true. He's basically JFK.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Not only is there no such thing as normal, there's also no such thing as going back to it. Trump, and half the country's hysteric reaction to him, have changed things permanently. Buckle up because we're not through this one damn bit.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump is the most moderate candidate in Republican history.

What has he been smoking?

Huge tariffs and building concentration camps to house 12 or 25 million (or whatever number Trump and Vance are pulling out of their asses today) immigrants prior to deportation (while apparently denying them any due process) are hardly "moderate" positions.

RCOCEAN II said...

Two poisonous dwarfs, both Israeli shills, talking about what "We" should do. LOL. Isn't it funny how "Rightwing" Shapiro is somehow acceptable for Liberal/left talkshows and never been cancelled on Youtube despite some vicious attacks on the Left, and some very Un-PC words and attitudes.

i think its because Shapiro refused to support Trump in 2016, and doesn't give a damn about open borders or immigration. And is a Neo-con in foreign policy. His "Conservatism" just consists of tax cuts for the rich and rhetoric about "Conservative values".

RideSpaceMountain said...

He's been smoking whatever you haven't. Maher doesn't strike me as being all that into angel dust.

Leland said...

Old school liberals ought to be aghast that censorship is the preferred position of Democrats.

Jaq said...

When he is in denial mode, there are only 8 million illegals in the country, but when it serves his purpose, Freder can see that there are 25 million. What law did Congress pass to bring these 25 million migrants across our border without so much as a peek at their arrest records?

Jaq said...

Tectonic Political Shift Afoot as Minorities Go ‘Normie,’ Turning Away From Increasingly Woke, Left-Wing Democratic Party - Michael Barone, New York Sun

Original Mike said...

re: illegal immigrants, it's unfortunate Biden/Harris have put us in this position.

planetgeo said...

Apparently you don't recall that the only real concentration camps ever built in the United States were built by a Democrat (FDR).

Jaq said...

"Huge tariffs"

Protecting US industries used to be a Democratic Party priority.

Biden, though, doesn't do tariffs, he does "sanctions," which are far worse for the economy. For instance Germany is expecting its economy to shrink by 0.2% for the year 2024.

Lazarus said...

We already have "concentration camps" in hotels all across the country (like we had "kids in cages" when Obama was president). The government just doesn't want to admit it. Trump is going to try to send illegals back -- a worthy goal. "Huge tariffs" are also unlikely to come. Trump is a businessman, and he will have to deal with Congress, so moderation is likely to be the result.

If you look back over the last 50 years or longer, Trump is a moderate Republican. He's not an extreme free marketeer or free trader or cut government back to the bone type (none of them actually did much to cut back government). He's not a crusader for religiosity, piety, and moralism. He's not an interventionist warmonger (and not an isolationist either). Trump cut through all of the decades of conservative rhetoric with something that was new and attractive to many of us. I wouldn't say that he was the most moderate Republican nominee ever. For one thing, Eisenhower was nothing if not a moderate. Also, McCain and Romney weren't exactly flaming radicals. But in comparison with many Republican politicians, Trump is a moderate, and he's moderate in a refreshing way.

Ben Shapiro and Bill Maher does sort of scream "Must Miss Audio" to a lot of us, though.

Jaq said...

That would be "protecting US industries and jobs and wages.

Biden/Harris policy on wages is to suppress them by bringing in 25 million workers, your number Freder, to undercut the bargaining power of working Americans. Even Caesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration for exactly this reason, landowners were using the illegals to undercut the wages of the American workers he represented. You and Robert Cook have admitted this reason for the massive illegal immigration multiple times.

What a trick it was for the neocons to take over the Democrats. You have to admire it, almost.

traditionalguy said...

Wow! Maher has finally flipped. No more fence sitting, mealy mouthed sort of flipped.

Jaq said...

Saint Croix said...

The second half of that comment is coming from Shapiro, not Maher.

Saint Croix said...

Maher's take on that is that Trump is a "cult leader" and we've all swallowed the kool aid and will follow him wherever he goes. That's a stupid take, in my opinion. It's Maher being an elitist and thinking he's intellectually superior to Trump voters.

Peachy said...

Maher cannot come out in favor of Trump - so he slathers everything is so much muddy gobbledygook. But yes - Modern Democrats SUCK.

Peachy said...

The tariffs are for imports. The tariffs are to ignite more American manufacturing. oh no! Sez the Pro-China left.

Ann Althouse said...

"The second half of that comment is coming from Shapiro, not Maher."

Thanks. Fixed.

Sorry. I heard it, then looked for the text in the transcript, but the transcript at YouTube doesn't identify the speaker. I should have noticed the difference in speech pattern.

Ann Althouse said...

On reflection, I think the word "positionally" screams out that it's not Maher speaking.

Peachy said...

Most Americans want Voter ID (82%) And most Americans want Biden-Harris-Soros Illegal Entrants REMOVED. (63%)

Peachy said...

OH PLEASE.He will dutifully vote Harris.

Kakistocracy said...

Both candidates and both parties (or large parts thereof) are deficient on basic understanding of American foreign policy success since the Second World War. Not understanding the basics of success, both are likely to wander off into the swamps of interventionist failure in the Middle East and the Global South.

Both candidates have large, noisy, and well funded support bases urging a dramatic increase in intervention in the Middle East. The prospect of major US hostilities against Iran and other military campaigns against the Axis of Resistance factions is sky high! It is quite likely the US will be deep into Middle East hostilities by next Fourth of July. We are quite possiblyn on the eve of major war. And this ain't going to be a Splendid Little War!

Since the Second World War, the US has been successful due to the cohesiveness of its alliance structure which is inclusive of advanced economy democratic allies. Trump simply fails to understand this strength and why it is so. The Democrats fail to see the urgent need to consolidate around and behind the ramparts of the alliance system; they want to continue American Empire-style interventions in all manner of no-win places, such as the Middle East.

The Washington Establishments of both parties fail to see that American policy myopia and repeated interventionist failures across the entire Muslim world for now over a half century are not going to be fixed by more interventions.

The axis of Russia, China, and North Korea is going to keep Iran in business because it is a strategically well situated onramp to exerting geopolitical influence if not dominance over the Middle East. If Trump does indeed strengthen Putin and Russia by selling out western interests in Ukraine, the single largest beneficiary of a more influential Russia will be Iran. And an Iran that stays standing and grows its strategic weight due to the backing of its patrons means that American influence in the Middle East will wane.

Hassayamper said...

Honest, rational liberals like Maher and Taibbi and Greenwald are rare as hen's teeth these days. They used to be a lot more common. They remind me of my grandma, a Roosevelt Democrat.

Original Mike said...

Compared to the democrats? Yeah, Trump is the moderate. Ruy Teixeira: Democrats undermined by radical agenda

Tribalism, the democrat-aligned media, and Trump's personality may win Harris the presidency, but the country does not want to go where she will take us.

doctrev said...

By any standard measure of GDP, the United States and Europe supposedly outproduce Russia by orders of magnitude. But the unpopularity of further war funding in the UK, France, and America should be a major indicator that the "advanced economy" is at best a mirage. The EU would be absolutely destroyed if they fought Russia without American backing- and for a variety of personal and strategic reasons, President Trump would love to encourage Der Untergang.

Yet what's interesting is that this is moderation by neocon standards. For some reason no one can figure out, Jennifer Rubin and Michael Bloomberg are heavily advocating for the Israel Uber Alles position where the United States just HAS to fight a major war in the Middle East. It's going to be a major system shock if a President Trump says GFY and deals with his enemies on the North American continent first.

Jaq said...

"The axis of Russia, China, and North Korea is going to keep Iran in business because it is a strategically well situated onramp to exerting geopolitical influence if not dominance over the Middle East"

Who drove them into each other's arms? Joseph Robinette Biden, not Trump. You know how he did it? During the Obama Administration, when he was assigned Ukraine, he fomented an anti Russian coup, which then created a civil war which is still ongoing, and then increased the threat to Russia from Ukraine by telling Russia that we were going to bring Ukraine into NATO and put nukes there.

So you are right that the Ukraine situation has brought these nations together, including many others who don't appreciate the coups that the US foments all over the world, but if the loss of this stupid war we started in Ukraine in order to try to collapse the Russian Federation and overthrow Putin is costly to US interests, well, that's Biden's fault, 100%. Well, Biden and Obama, who let him do it.

Jaq said...

Maher is a dishonest polemicist who just happens to see the lay of the land a little more clearly. He's like the army major who, naturally, doesn't question the war he is fighting, but notices that the war plans from the generals are not working on the ground.

Zavier Onasses said...

"We know Trump [is not] normal."

Decision node in flow chart. Encounter nasty rhetorical trick. Can further reading be trusted as believable? No. Is further reading likely to be informative? No. Bailout.

wendybar said...

As witnessed by what the so called "journalists" at CNN spew....

Brad Slager: CNN+ Lifetime Subscriber
Very unbiased, highly non-partisan. Very even-handed reporting.

These are terms you are unfamiliar with in your vocation.
Kasie Hunt

The contrast is stark

Trump and his allies are laying the groundwork to contest a loss

We remember what that meant

As Harris aides and supporters are cautiously optimistic momentum is with them in the final days

My open @CNNThisMorning

n.n said...

Normal is in the distribution by Nature or choice.

Jaq said...

All the while while we are threatening to overthrow Putin and collapse the Russian Federation, we are openly discussing a war with China over their province of Taiwan.

Then we tell China to help us defeat Russia, you know, so that China will be left utterly vulnerable to a US blockade, because their long Russian border will now be occupied by satraps whom we have installed in these smaller countries that we plan to create, who owe their power to the US and are anti Chinese.

It would be a great plan if the Chinese were unable to read English and put two and two together. The war in Ukraine has been a catastrophe for Europe, a catastrophe foisted on them by Joe Biden, who wanted this war. Remember when he said that the moment Russia invaded, "they had already lost"? It was because he had baited a trap for them, but it seems that the trap is not strong enough to hold the bear.

Iman said...

Greg Price on X…

Kamala was just asked how she voted on California's Proposition 36, which would increase criminal penalties for shoplifters and drug traffickers:

"I am not gonna talk about the vote on that because, honestly, it's the Sunday before the election."

boatbuilder said...

Freder is an Adam Smith guy. Who knew?

Peachy said...

Maher is still a dedicated leftist. and he is deluded with the lies about Putin.

Iman said...

It’s a laugh whenever Maher opines on the intellectual abilities of others. The guy is high on his own supply.

Iman said...

Maher is and always has been a putz. A libertine, an I ME MINE, self-involved shitbird, employing lefty joke writers.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So is Maher going to secretly vote for Trump or vote for the lady doing all the crazy shit he keeps pointing out on his show that hurts democrats (and America in general). He says its awful. Is he really going to vote for more awfulness?

doctrev said...

Forget China, Tim. The neocons in Canada and America are currently in a diplomatic meltdown with Modi's India. At this point, the game is well and truly over. They're reduced to hoping President Trump tries to "salvage" Biden's war, because the alternative is being killed by forces loyal to President Trump as a confidence building measure before a final peace agreement.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Huge tariffs"

Really his biggest successes were after imposing Tariffs on China, when just the threat of them brought France, Mexico and others into line. Trump understands incentives.

Harris understands payoffs and graft. Her toolkit will always include a way for her (well Doug) to get paid, whereas Trump's toolkit is all for use in making America more competitive, more stable and more respected around the world.

Martin said...

Bill Maher: I don't agree with all of you wacky far out ideas.
Also Bill Maher: I will always vote Democrat no matter what wacky far out ideas the espouse.

mccullough said...

Shapiro is a douche

mccullough said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Normal distributions are diffused through diversity (i.e. individuals), minority of one. It's a property attributable to consciousness.

Big Mike said...

This seems as though it’s the right place to put this quote from Frank Miele, writing at

The reelection of Donald Trump would represent, if not the single greatest comeback in political history, certainly the largest middle finger ever shown to the smug, self-centered, superior-minded elitists who think the rest of us are garbage.

Of course, we didn’t need President Biden to call us “garbage” for everyday Americans to know that what we care about means nothing to the establishment. But Biden obliged anyway, and put an exclamation point to the final sorry week of Kamala Harris’ galling campaign.

Well put.

wendybar said...

And they had the propagandists in the National news media concealing evidence about the Bidens (and the
Clintons before them) from the American people.

"Now, Herridge is suggesting that CBS failed to properly report on what she found on the laptop.

'I had been tasked with vetting the laptop and its contents after multiple platforms had suppressed the story,' Herridge wrote, adding that she was commissioned by CBS News executive Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews for 'confirmed reporting' on Hunter Biden for Evening News anchor Norah O'Donnel in October 2020.

'Due diligence included working the phones, reaching out to people on the Hunter Biden emails for corroboration and cross-referencing court records.

'The vetted documents I collected also indicated the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden.

'I told Ciprian-Matthews the vetted materials included a million dollar retainer from a Chinese energy firm, emails with Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski as well as Hunter Biden text messages.

'Asked by Ciprian-Matthews if there was a “Hunter connection,” I responded, “Yes, all of them.”"

wendybar said...

The mentally ill are coming out of the wood work. Please be safe everybody.
This is scary as shit, and the violence ALWAYS seems to come from ONE SIDE.

"'It was determined that [Yott]... initiated [the] confrontation with [the] stranger inside Tops, after becoming aggressive over the fact that the stranger was wearing a Trump 2024 hat.

'[Yott] punched the victim in the mouth and head several times, causing the victim's teeth to be broken and mouth bloody,' the Saturday statement continued.

'It was determined that [Yott]... initiated [the] confrontation with a stranger inside Tops, after becoming aggressive over the fact that the stranger was wearing a Trump 2024 hat,' cops said
'It was determined that [Yott]... initiated [the] confrontation with a stranger inside Tops, after becoming aggressive over the fact that the stranger was wearing a Trump 2024 hat,' cops said

'[Yott] was not known to the victim and this appears to be a random act of violence.'"

D.D. Driver said...

I have been saying for at least ten years that it is dangerous to lump "progressives" in with "liberals." Liberals and progressives often want the same *results* but liberals believe and respect individual rights and progressive just want the results. If that means crushing a baby under a steel-toed boot, that is what must be done for the greater good. Liberals are people like Turley and Dershowicz and Taibbi. There aren't many left.

Rusty said...

Jesus, Freder. I hope you didn't work hard to be this dense.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Glorilla hasn't been twerkin that WAP on Trump's stage.
That's a new normal for today's DNC. Low Bar, no?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Poor pre-natal nutrition, perhaps?

JaimeRoberto said...

Maybe Maher needs a permission structure to vote for Trump.

FullMoon said...

Mahry actually still believes police officers were killed on Jan 6.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The support of almost the entire entertainment industry - simian female rappers especially - is practically an endorsement for Trump.

Jaq said...

Fluoride in the water.

RMc said...

Trump is probably the most left-leaning R prez since Nixon, or maybe Ike.

Gospace said...

So a liberal doesn't want to crush a baby under a steel toes boot if it has to be done for the greater good, bur wants a progressive to do it for him.

Seems I've heard something about that for some major religious movement in the world... but I can't quite place it.

RNB said...

"It's not traditional old school liberalism. It's something very different..." Communism.

Craig Mc said...

The bet Shapiro should have put to Maher is if Trump is elected, and doesn't turn out to be Hitler, will he admit he was wrong.

ALP said...

Looks like Bill lit up a joint. If so, I'm impressed he never said "wait, what were we just talking about?"

Static Ping said...

Russia overrunning the EU? If we are talking, say, the UK, France, and Germany, perhaps. The problem is they need to get through Poland first. If Russia invaded Poland instead of Ukraine, we would be discussing the future of Kalingrad in the post-Putin world.

donald said...


Václav Patrik Šulik said...

"It's not traditional old school liberalism. It's something very different, and you can't have that word. You are woke — or whatever the word is— but it's different and you can't, like, merge them when they're very often opposite."

This is it. I'm an old fashioned liberal - I grew up in California in the 60s and there was a positive view of progress. We really felt like things were getting better for everyone. There was JFK's " any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." We hated communism and were allied with those against it. See, for example, my namesake the great Václav Havel.

Then it was like this strain of ideology crept in with Paul R. Ehrlich's Population Bomb and suddenly people and progress were evil. And the new left of Dohrn and Ayers came in and were bombing buildings and killing people. They didn't give a [flip] about the middle and lower classes. It all leads to the multi-billionaire George Soros who uses his money to destabilize states in order to profit in his currency trading scam.

I disagree with many of you here, but I think it's just in the means to achieve something we both agree on. I don't think the neo-Progressives want peace and stability. /end of rant.

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