Writes Donald Trump, politely, on Truth Social.
Here's the NYT article about the announcement. Excerpt: "Many in Mr. Trump’s orbit... viewed Mr. Pompeo as being too eager to use the military overseas.... Mr. Pompeo in 2022 also criticized Mr. Trump’s handling of classified documents after the F.B.I. raided his home in Mar-a-Lago.... Just days before the election, Ms. Haley said... 'This bromance and this masculinity stuff, it borders on edgy to the point that it’s going to make women uncomfortable'...."
There’s plenty to not like about Cheney… er, Haley
I mean, It’s one thing to be an octogenarian GOPer with her values, but a young up and commer is gonna have to switch sides to remain politically viable…
But Vivek better be invited.
He’s turning the page.
Hopefully, this time Trump will be more judicious about picking people to be in his administration. Try not to get the swamp rats, back stabbers and find people loyal to the President's agenda.
PLUS. Take a 30% reduction in Federal Employees immediately. Redundant positions, disloyal, subversive employees. Ask...Just what exactly IS it that you do here. Then...take an axe to programs that are wasteful, also redundant, vanity programs. I have hopes that Musk will head up this effort. Getting Federal spending under control would go a very long way to starting to heal the economy!
Pompeo was a good Sec of State . But siding with the deep state is a mistake.
RE:Backstabbers and and moles - Been saying that for years. *this*
Haley was always a little too eager to be Trump’s frenemy. Pompeo had his chance to be the hero the conservative movement needed when his “beloved” Agency obviously tried to take down a sitting president and then again when they interfered in the 2020 election. He “missed” both chances and now i believe it was his loyalty to the Deep State over his loyalty to the truth, making him unfit for service.
Trump is striking a magnanimous tone, not vindictive, which reaffirms my hunch that he has a well thought out plan to take on the entrenched powers in the Executive Branch. Our Constitution vests ultimate power in Civilian leadership for a reason.
It's fellow Republicans that Trump really has to watch out for. They're the ones who can potentially get close enough to put the knife in. He was naive about them in 2016 and he paid for it. I don't think he'll make the same mistake twice.
I used to like Pompeo - then I heard him interviewed on a local radio show. He was so... insider cliche' milk-toast. It was a total turn off. (yes - milk-toast) I don't no know to spell Milquetoast
btw- I've gotten to the point now - whenever I hear a politician announce that they will "reach across the Aisle" - I think - NO NO NO - NO NO NO. It's like an immediate 'ya just revealed your swamp creature true intentions to sell us out.' STOP IT.
There is nothing to be gained from selling out and giving in to Nancy Pelosi and her gang of cretins.
I'm going to pretend this is marginally on-topic:
I am very surprised that the Democrats, who fought a hard and valiant fight in the 2020 Presidential Election, raising a record amount of money, didn’t have lots of $’s left over. Now they are being squeezed by vendors and others. Whatever we can do to help them during this difficult period, I would strongly recommend we, as a Party and for the sake of desperately needed UNITY, do. We have a lot of money left over in that our biggest asset in the campaign was “Earned Media,” and that doesn’t cost very much. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
...says Trump, on X. Politely! But it made me laugh.
the Real Question is: Tulsi for Sec State? or Sec Def?
one way or another, we NEED a woman that realizes: Charlie DON'T Surf
His “Dick Cheney in high heels” description of Haley endeared him to Trump and brought needed clarity to the wobbly GOP old timers. I’m pretty sure there’s a place for him. Though lately he’s said his sites are trained on becoming governor of Ohio.
I thought he should have sent Haley back to the US and left her there.
Yes what the hell do we have in common with communists and anarchists?
I’d bet they both are relieved they won’t be asked to serve Trump again.
What the deep staters find so terrifying about this announcement is the politeness of the message for the two of them to fuck off.
Man it is so own-brand for the NYT to focus on petty bullshit, except for the foreign policy nod, instead of the many substantive issues on which Trump and those two differ.
The point you missed is that Deep Staters didn't serve the country or the president last around, they served the interests of establishment. IMO both would have been happy burrow in and create more problems from the inside.
When you have so much power that you no longer have to threaten or be abrasive, goddam that’s a lotta power.
Trump's gravity (his orbit) is too small, unfortunately. He will likely be forced by circumstances to choose people who do not share his values and in fact will work against him.
How he REACTS to that this time will be the test. Last time, he let people like Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr hang around WAY TOO LONG and it cost him his presidency.
The MINUTE any Cabinet-level official exhibits the first sign of untrustworthiness or disloyalty, Trump should fire them. Yes, even if they are Attorney General. Even if they are investigating Trump.
He probably didn't want the CIA to send Crooks over to his house.
Trump didn't even knife Hillary. Does Trump even have any knives?
No money grubbers and back stabbers.
You need to at least pretend to care about the American People.
The preference is that you actually DO care about the American people.
Democrats only care about Illegal entrants and pouring money into Iranian and Ukrainian coffers.
Definitely agree about Haley, but too bad about Pompeo. He's a brilliant, very competent guy, and a real patriot. I think Trump should reconsider that one.
Hopefully Trump will take a hammer to the correct Pelosi this time around.
How many State Department employees did Pompeo fire? They are 100% Democrats there.
O please Mike Pompeo, stab me in the back again.
Brilliant people are a dime a dozen in DC, brilliant people who put America’s interests first are what’s rarer than . . . (I’ll leave it to you to finish that particular vulgarity).
Pompeo acted in ways diametrically opposed to Trump's vision. Pompeo.
Pompeo is a clear Forever Wars, neo-con-ish insider who would act aggressively to slow down or completely stymie transparency and information release, he would act aggressively to protect deep state members that oppose Trump policy wishes.
This is not even up for debate.
And whether or not he actually did work to push a plan for the potential assassintion of Julian Assange, I lean towards believing it, the other points above make the decision an easy one.
Excluding Haley was always going to be a no-brainer.
The Pompeo entreaties have a strong "Romney seeks cabinet position with Trump in 2016" vibe.
Pompeo was very quick out of the blocks to throw Trump under the bus in any number of occassions. He never defended Trump during the time of ANY political storm.
Grenel for SecState.
Yes Left Bank, the extraordinary manuevering by Haley and Pompeo in fighring for a spot in Trump's cabinet REALLY indicates how much they DONT want it!
Exit question: how is Left Bank able to dress himself in the morning?
You don't clean house by keeping the people who messed it up.
Sheesh. Who CARES if he's "brilliant" and "competent" when tose skills and capabilities would be fully employed to hinder Trump's policies?!
Why not just make Mitch McConnell Trump's Chief Of Staff while you are at it?
This kind of knee jerk and reflexive bowing to credentialism and generic govt experience with apparent zero thought or commentary on vision and policy alignment with this astonishing political inflection point which has remade the republican party and its potentially solid electoral future is PRECISELY why the "wratchet of govt and policy" always increments inexorably to the left...until now.
How to sum up: Pompeo is a MORE "competent" Romney.
Sorry. Hard pass.
Interestingly, this reminds me of the 1988 GHWBush critique of Michael Dukakis when, during his convention speech, Bush noted the Dukakis campaign theme of competence and intelligence for Dukakis but without a vision for the pokucies that wouod make things better.
Bush's speechline, paraphrased, boiled down to "competent to keep the trains running on time but no idea where they were going".
Re Pompeo and Haley….as the texters say, FAFO.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
The list of GOP politicians that Trump should choose from to staff his administration is pretty fucking small for very good reasons.
Those grapes were sour anyway, amirite?
It would be inconsistent with Trump's stated policy to end the Ukraine war quickly through negotiation, set against Pompeo's assessment that peace can only be achieved by solid military support for Ukraine. Pompeo is of course, correct, but unfortunately Trump disagrees and so will want to fill the defense and security posts with candidates who will support his policy.
However, once the new administration is obliged to move from campaigning to governing, it will quickly come to realize that anything less than a full capitulation to Putin's demands will not get the treaty they want. Putin will not accept international troops to monitor a DMZ that Vance has floated. They will demand that Ukraine is effectively disarmed, sanctions lifted and assets returned.
So, what would be the reaction if Trump agrees with Putin's demands? I don't think Americans will simply shrug their shoulders simply because it looks exactly what it is, a cave in served up by a weak president.
So, who can save Ukraine may well be Putin who over plays his hand. Putin also has another problem with a cessation of hostilities, the catastrophic effect it will have on an economy geared to war production. He may not be able to stop the war and so will seek to maximize his demands and dig in.
There will likely be a period of sit back and see what happens with the Republican’s before any internal infighting begins. The Democrats have been sidelined for the time being. The problem with only choosing true believers is eventually they only tell you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear.
It never made any sense to consider Nikki Haley. She ran against Trump in the primaries, and made some vicious attacks on him. She was a never-trumper in 2015, and early 2016. Then flipped because Trump got her a job, then left early, and was making anti-Trump noises as early as January 2021. Worst of all, she refused to drop out after she was beaten, so she could bask in the spotlight.
As for Pompous Pompeo. Pompeo would have run against Trump, except his Presidental trial balloon went "pop". And he bowed out in April 2023. As NYT's noted, he not only wasn't outraged by the Gestapo-like raid on Maro-lago, he criticized Trump. Trump also blamed him for the failure to declassify the JFK records. Look, Pompeo as a neo-con establishment hack. A clever politician. But neo-cons are a dime a dozen. Trump can get one anywhere.
Here's what Haley said about Trump as late as May 2024:
Do you think Donald Trump would follow the Constitution if he were elected to a second term?” Welker asked.
“You always want to think someone will, but I don’t know,” Haley responded. “When you go and you talk about revenge. When you go and you talk about vindication …
Why would you want anyone like that on the Trump team?
Rick Grenell is an excellent ally.
You just know Mitt Romney is putting out feelers...
That's a bunch of shit. This is obviously a "land for peace" scenario that you Leftists are always going on about. Think outside the box your parents raised you in.
Same people who said Trump would not win.
Sorry yourself, Drago. You're not one to lecture anyone about "knee jerk and reflexive" statements.
I'm an independent who is a strong supporter of President Trump and his entire Make America Great Again vision and policies. And I believe he should take care to eliminate prior staff who didn't serve the interests of that vision well. I happen to disagree in the case of Pompeo specifically.
Haley wrote a solid WSJ opinion piece last week (probably behind a paywall) effectively endorsing Trump. I really don't know how much of it was a sincere, principles-based argument versus a naked attempt to signal a desire to play a role in the new administration. I expect it was a bit of both. To the degree it may have swayed a few never-Trumpers to vote for Trump, I'll take it.
The biggest under-talked-about linkage in foreign affairs today is that between Ukraine-Russia-Iran. Any Ukrainian settlement that strengthens Russia strengthens Iran because Iran has been possibly Russia's strongest supporter on a range of weapons. Stronger future Russian support of Iran will get more Chinese support for Iran. The autocratic axis will get stronger and more cohesive — and able to increase its influence in the Middle East, the other big prize in play.
So the US gives in on the Ukraine and it weakens its geopolitical power in the Middle East just when its client state Israel is banking on increased American power projection in the Middle East if not active collaboration on increased hostilities. Russia and China can easily keep Iran in the game and American will be entangled in yet another forever war — now pretty thoroughly hated by the Althouse commentariat and most American voters.
Iran is the on ramp for increased geopolitical power projection into the Middle East by Russia and China. Weak western support for Ukraine and caving into Russia on Ukraine will be noticed in the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The question becomes when are the Americans leaving, not if. (Look for Republican House members to balk on a House defense spending bill sometime during the Trump presidency.)
And if America caves on Ukraine, the Europeans will basically not follow the Americans anywhere else outside the immediate Nato territory. Trump won't personally notice, but just about everyone else outside North America will.
Successful empire means strong and robust defenses on the far reaches of distant perimeters—always a tough game. This lesson is getting forgotten in Washington. Future negative consequences will remind them that empire is a forever game.
It takes a pretty stupid person to say Trump only picks true believers. His vice president once called him a Nazi.
What Trump is doing this time is identifying all the Democrats who are pretending to be Republicans and just want to undermine his administration like Pence, Haley, Pompeo and so many others did last time.
Pompeo is a snake. Like Bill Barr. If you don't know that, you're simply uninformed.
My question, and I think it's a good one; Why tell them? Why not just let them twist slowly, slowly, in the wind?
Pompeo was always Americans Last. He wont be missed.
hen’s teats?
"Grenel for SecState."
I'm thinking he needs to be running the Intelligence Community. CIA Director?
Because they needed to be publicly made an example of.
Twisting slowly, slowly in the wind is a pretty good public example. I hope he had a good reason, but I can't think what it might be.
PMPK commented :
“And if America caves on Ukraine, the Europeans will basically not follow the Americans anywhere else outside the immediate Nato territory.”
We caved on Vietnam, we caved on Iraq, we caved on Afghanistan.
No, it’s not public. Privately those 2 would say they turned down Trump - like Josh Shapiro is saying today that he turned down Harris.
"like Josh Shapiro is saying today that he turned down Harris."
I actually believe that. If Shapiro is even half as smart as they say he is, he would have seen it as too big a risk.
Here; watch him writhe.
"And if America caves on Ukraine, the Europeans will basically not follow the Americans anywhere else outside the immediate Nato territory."
They already don't. Nor should we much care. Europe is in decline and they have no clue how to arrest that. How's that economic juggernaut of yours, Germany, been doing lately, Rich?
IDK what the best course of action is, but "we" are not winning this militarily. Good riddance to Mike Pompeo.
planetgeo: "Sorry yourself, Drago. You're not one to lecture anyone about "knee jerk and reflexive" statements."
Zero relevance.
planetgeo: "I'm an independent who is a strong supporter of President Trump and his entire Make America Great Again vision and policies."
Terrific. And?...
planetgeo: "And I believe he should take care to eliminate prior staff who didn't serve the interests of that vision well."
Agreed. And......
planetgeo: "I happen to disagree in the case of Pompeo specifically."
Tough tiddlewinks. Pompeo attacked Trump publicly many times and he worked against Trump's vision for many years.
So all of your prior statements remain irrelevant to the fact that Pompeo is Romney with more capability and gumption.
1. And many would believe those 2 ingrates, Pompao and Haley, had turned down Trump.
2. I don’t really think Shapiro turned down Harris. The talks were probably ambiguous so both could walk away with their heads held high. But as much as I don’t like Harris, she just suffered the world’s most embarrassing defeat. Shapiro is a jerk for piling on. No sense of timing. Which makes me think he’d make a lousy President.
Every interview I've heard with Pompeo over the last few years has focused on how awful Trump was. I wouldn't think he would want to work again for someone he has such disdain for.
I saw Pompeo on TV, after the election, say he would accept a position from Trump.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.....well, you can't get fooled again." - George W. Bush
The BBC interviewed Bannon on their Sunday World at One today. And he was adamant that the 'empire' needs deconstructing ie, to withdraw from all overseas commitments. Of course, that doesn't mean that cabinet members will entirely share his view. But clearly, it is a view strong within Trumpian quarters.
Empire is the outer ring of what is a very lucrative economic suzerainty over the free market economies. I'm sure you would agree, that vacuums do not remain so and that America's adversaries are happy to oblige in filling it.
"Empire is the outer ring of what is a very lucrative economic suzerainty over the free market economies. "
Good God. The 1950s called and they want their foreign policy back.
What I would agree with is supporting allies who truly desire an alliance. Full Stop.
As long as the Senate and the CIA remain going concerns, President Trump is always going to have to worry about "secret Democrats" sabotaging him from the inside.
Then again... with election results like this, he could massacre half of Washington DC and actually improve his approval ratings.
Though it's still very early, he's showing clear signs he's learned a few things since last time. Good.
Haley is Cheney in a skirt, er, Cheney as a straight woman. Haley deserves political exile for next four years. Let her be Republican Voice on The View.
Haley demonstrates purpose of expression "a legend in their own mind". Haley can't do politics, has little to show for her primary campaign actions, and should be lucky to find herself a leadership role at some small SC liberal arts college.
While the sentiment is appropriate, why express it? We can figure out who was bypassed when the time comes. He’s now giving those two a head start on trashing him in a book deal.
- Krumhorn
LLR-democratical Rich is vomiting up so much 1970's era Kissinger read-bait, that Rich clearly has no real comprehension of or about, that its really quite amusing.
Next up: Domino Theory!
It really would be easier if LLR-democrxatical and Abacus Boy Rich simply provided a link to where he is cutting and pasting from so we can read the actual author of the contentas opposed to this gadfly-like pretending.
When did any of these neo-cons/globalists/America Lasters/deep staters hesitate in the slightest in generating leaks and book deals financed by all the usual suspects?
This recurring idea that if only Trump would do something a little differently than his opponents would find themselves somehow constrained is so laughable at this late stage its astonishing anyone would even attempt to make that point.
I will say this: I agree with AZ Bob just about 100% of the time otherwise.
The only time Republicans should be reaching across the aisle, is as the first part of a Brazilian Jujitsu MMA move that ends with a throat punch.
Eva Marie,
"Harris... just suffered the world’s most embarrassing defeat."
I have an entirely different take upon this - - giving her complete and utter lack of skills and meaningful experience, It was an amazing performance to not have it be a 49 state blowout.
Nikki wouldn't take that job again.
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