In recently filed court papers naming Mr. Bannon as a co-conspirator in Mr. Trump’s federal election interference case, the special counsel, Jack Smith, noted that Mr. Bannon had said the same thing four years ago.
“What Trump’s going to do is just declare victory, right?” he said, according to the records, later adding, “That doesn’t mean he’s the winner, he’s just going to say he’s the winner.”
I presume that under at least some circumstances, Kamala Harris would also want to say "Hey, I’ve won this. And we have teams right now that are going to make sure that this thing is not going to be stolen." It's all about when you say that, and not that you'd never say that. If the win is narrow enough, there are challenges. There's litigation. There's such a strong need, for the Harris campaign, to portray Trump as demonic for going as far as he did in January 2021, but that can't mean that it plans to concede immediately if the initial announcement says Trump won.
"Looks like Harris will try to overturn the election results if she loses.
If Donald Trump gets past Kamala Harris on Nov. 5, he’ll likely face a fiercer opponent in court – her campaign attorney, Marc Elias.
The longtime Democratic Party lawyer has already filed more than 60 preelection lawsuits to stop Trump from becoming president again ...
If Trump is declared the winner, the hard-charging attorney threatens to overturn his election by deploying an army of more than 75 lawyers to sue for ballot recounts in several swing states."
Marc Elias is on the Harris team. ‘Nuff said.
Trump really didn’t ‘go far’ in the last election. It was only portrayed as if it were. Part of the strategy to lock down the steal. Thousands of troops in DC was a bit much. One of the tells of a lie is exaggerated, over the top speech and mannerisms and action. Infighting about remedies to voter fraud is not an offense…and on and on…
…regardless of the outcome I’m slightly encouraged more people aren’t victims of the dump trucks of bullshit the propaganda media are carpet bombing us with…
The "rules" only apply to one side. And they can be whatever they need to be. There are lots of written "rules" and lots of unwritten rules.
Did Trump go as far as Al Gore did?
Did Trump go as far as Hillary did?
Hillary made up a Russian collusion scheme and teamed up with the FBI to persecute the sitting president over a known lie for 6 years. The media knew and helped them seditious attack the government the people elected.
People should be executed for Operation Hurricane and the Russian Collusion hoax. It was the definition of Sedition.
It is chaotic because Democrats have made sure none of us know when the counting will be over.
…and I’m wagering standinglachesmoot will never reel it’s ugly head…
"There's litigation."
Nobody has standing, Ann. Remember??? No court heard ANY litigation of the fraudulent 2020 election.
Trump's campaign should have spent the last year ensuring that voting procedures conform to the state legislatures' laws, as the US Constitution requires. State executive branches made many changes before the election in 2020 for Covid, but I never saw any analysis of whether they had that authority in state law.
The FBI then held on to Hunter Biden's laptop while they had 51 current and former intelligence agents release a letter claiming that the NY Post was engaging in Russia collusion with a fake laptop.
Courts have ruled THIS YEAR that ballots that arrive 3 days AFTER the election, with no postmark (meaning nobody mailed them) MUST BE counted.
The fraud is BUILT INTO the system. Our elections are FAKE and we all need to accept that. It's time to end this government and find new guards for the defense of our liberties.
Just like George Washington did. Just like John Adams and Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin.
Courts made changes, too, IIRC.
OUT: standinglachesmoot IN: we’re not done counting until we win!!!
No Democrat Presidential candidate has conceded on Election Night since Dukakis in 1988.
The Dems don’t want secure elections and the RINOs are too weak.
They aren't weak. They were always traitors on the other side.
No President who got 81 million votes turns around and surrounds Washington DC in razor wire to keep Americans from attending their installation.
The 2020 Election was FRAUD. Joe Biden wasn't elected. Donald Trump WON the election. Biden STOLE the White House and it's a good thing that his Presidency was ended by a coup.
If Democrats persist, we can fight another Civil War and the Red States will secede from the corrupt Union.
It's people like you what causes unrest...
He didnt actually say that
Yah, the RINOs would rather have a beltway Democrat than a DC outsider what doesn't play ball..
Tell me more about the George Floyd riots, rehajm.
...because there's a lot of procedural detail to see...
...and so instead of Florida-class voting integrity measures taken up nationwide we're left with Schrodinger-class loose rules and laws and regulations, along with the teams of scum-sucking attorneys (redundant) ready to do battle and the left fairly certain they have the judges and supremes in place to ensure and unfair fight. It's no way to run an election...
...what the hell is that supposed to mean?
And why do we believe dread pirate smith about anything
Anticipating major cheating is a civic duty. We have elections designed to be unauditable when it would be easy to fix if they wanted to. They're out to get you, is the message.
It undermines trust, isn't exactly the problem.
Democrats are erecting new fencing around the White House. With huge razor sharp spikes pointing out the top of the fence to rip any fence jumpers to shreds.
So I'm sure they're not planning to steal another election. Here's a report, with video, from a citizen journalist taken yesterday.
They think they're going to be able to board up the windows of the counting rooms again without getting their asses beat. Boy oh boy I can't wait to see their faces when they try that this time around.
Tell me more about the unrest caused by Tim Walz that led to have of Minneapolis to be burnt to the ground. Don't talk to me about unrest as if it's something that Democrats don't routinely engage in.
Slightly off topic, but:
S'pose Trump wins, convincingly.
Sometime between election and inauguration, China decides it's now or never, and launches its Taiwan incursion. Or, Iran correctly figures that it better take its best shot against the Zionist entity while the IDF is still somewhat restrained by Democrats, or North Korea launches its EMP weapon over Nebraska, taking out our modern civilization, or...
Biden is still president, nominally, but not capably.
Harris is next in line, nominally, but not capably.
The American people have convincingly chosen Trump over Harris, his policies over hers.
Who should run the American response?
Who will run the American response?
Bannon was jailed even thought it was the delta house committee that suppressed evidence, and even manufacted some
Yes the so called antifa/blm insurgency was a paramilitary assault planned by Susan Rosenberg, the actual Capitol bomber,
Red States should secede from the Union and then enact export tarrifs on all agricultural products leaving those states bound for any Blue State. Taxes on truckers hauling goods to Blue States (to fund OUR roads, for example).
That would be the largest wealth transfer this country has ever seen.
also Bannon is a leader of antiglobalists world wide,
the totally lesuo (Compromised chain of command)
China isn't running a Taiwan "incursion." The Austrian wasn't dumb enough to cross the Channel with a massive enemy navy in the way, and neither are the Chinese. But it doesn't matter what the great disaster is: Biden isn't going to help the situation at all. It would be a fine excuse for the regime to be purged early, though.
Dixcus, the people boarding up the counting rooms were IIRC mostly middle aged black women. Bad optics to beat up on them.
Better to go Alinsky and use their rules against them: a sit-in, with PVC pipe chaining each other together, supergluing hands to floors, handcuffing selves to the machines, etc, so that you get sympathetic footage of the police beating up on you.
And an outer perimeter of similarly daisy-chained protestors blocking the doors and loading docks so no extra ballots can be brought in.
Another good passive aggressive technique could be planting hidden cameras and mikes in the counting rooms well before election day. Even if you get prosecuted for it, the trial will call into question the security of the room: “hey, if this guy could get in there and do that, what else could have gotten in there?”
Have you seen how totally fvcked the 2020 in GA REALLY was???
They, the (R) Secretary of State and numerous others covered up the complete shitshow that was the machine recount and the hand recount. The results of the machine recount resulted in a total number of ballots = to 20,000 less than counted on election night. When the SOS found out on the day the results were due he gave the team 1 day to “rectify”. It was rectified. None of this has been fixed. The ptb need there to be enough ways to cheat and obfuscate.
Will there be alternate slates of electors?
Most likely, Gore lost his challenge because he had no alternate slate. Like they did in HA in 1960. WI has a viper running the WEC.
Dixcus, you could effectively do the same thing as secession and tariffs, much faster, with a general strike. All the blue collar people could just stay home. You’d still have invaders driving Deliveroo or building houses for a few days, but they would quickly run out of food ingredients and building materials. This has the added benefit of working within states where there are red vs blue county issues. Which is all of them.
The funny thing is all you have to be is honest. Some people find that difficult to do.
Trump himself could call for the general strike. Musk could use his money for a strike relief fund. Many SME owners are on Trump’s side and would keep paying their workers.
Best of all, a couple dozen blue-city DAs and judges would immediately get warrants for trump under their states’ “but Trump” statutes. One of the country’s richest guys would become a labor martyr. It would be glorious.
Had the Luftwaffa prevailed the Austrian was fully prepared to invade England.
Really only takes blue collar workers in about 4 smallish cities in Louisiana and Texas to shut down all commerce in the United States.
That's where the gasoline refineries are.
100 guys could shut down the entire country just by turning a few knobs.
Dixcus, ref turning off the refineries: true dat, but the regime would quickly taft-hartley them back to operation.
Much better to have thousands of centers of gravity all over the country.
I am told there have been constructive changes and corrections at the state level, in various states, to tighten up the polling place and ballot handling. But: What about the litany of 'standing-laches-moot' findings by judges - how has that been addressed. Judges are notorious for wanting to stay out of the passionate arena of election charges that demand resolution, but find themselves dismissed for these insubstantial judgments. What fixes have been made to this gaping maw of election law?
I heard that Trump didn’t help his cause in 2019 by hiring “personal injury” lawyers that didn’t know election laws.
Remember the “faithless electors” Hillary and half of Hollywood tried to recruit in 2016 to overturn the election? For awhile there it seemed like it might work..expect a rerun.
What a strange place we (the USA) are in. Our national election process is an unmitigated disaster, yet we do nothing to make it more resilient, more transparent, more secure. The rest of the world laughs at us.
Not in the states that matter. The recent unpleasantness in Bucks County, PA will attest to that. In CA, it is ILLEGAL to ask for identification prior to voting.
They'd BETTER Have teams in place, and know which courts to go to. The D's already trying to steal GA, AZ, Mich, and Penn with their usual tactics of counting ballots past election day, refusing to validate ballots, refusing to clean up voter rolls, refusing to look at ID, etc.
Look for the D election officials to suddenly Stop counting on election night, while they figure out how many votes they need to steal to win.
The Dems learned from AlGore's failed attempt to steal the election in 2000, and from Hillary's attempt to destroy Trump 2015-today, and used mail in ballots of merely questionable legality for their win in 2020. And then stomped on the questions about the legality of the mail in ballots, ending with technically legal votes that could not be audited or verified as real.
And this time the mail in ballots will again be adjudged legal, and again be nonauditable and unverifiable. The number of legal votes counted for Harris will be around 85 million, and there is no way Trump can overcome that large a number of votes.
And in swing states a few hundred extra votes will be counted here and almost a thousand votes will be counted there, carefully created for registered but likely nonvoters and harvested street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, precinct by precinct, so that there aren't any 1000,000 vote dumps at 3am in the counting room, to add up to a win for Harris. Nonverifiable and unauditable and mass-harvested mail in ballots must be abolished.
You tell that the R party establishment wants Trump to LOSE, because they refused to help him in 2020, and are doing nothing to prevent the D's from stealing 2024.
And isn't it interesting that Mumbles Mitch McConnell is his gang of globalists haven't been uttering a peep about "Saving the Senate" or "The need to stop Harris if she's elected"? They'll be perfectly happy with Harris and help her pass the Democrat agenda. Romney in his biography states how happy he was when Biden called him and wanted to be friends. I'm sure McConnell and his gang think the same way about Harris.
10 states in this election cycle, for the first time in our nation's history ... are going to take up to a week to release their results.
That is how many fake ballots the Democrats are going to need to produce.
Massive cheating is already occurring in many Republican precincts with voters being turned away by Democrat Party poll workers. It's already occurring. We don't have to wonder if cheating is going to happen ... it is ALREADY happening all across the United States.
The MSM coverage of J6 and the Controversy over the election fraud in 2020 has to be the most successful and brazen gaslighting operation in history.
Mitch McConnell died about 4 months ago from a massive stroke. They've been Weekend At Bernie-ing him ever since.
WI AG J Kaul has indicted retired judge Troupis for his 2020 election work for Trump. Specifically the establishment of an alternate slate of electors. Because Kaul had imposed a gag order to try to silence the judge we can now see the motion to quash that Troupis filed. This is an excellent treatise on the alternate slates that Democrats are constantly lying about.
Russia Collusion and the Hunter Biden Laptop gaslighting by US government intelligence agencies is either a close second, or first, in my view.
Our own government is operating wildly outside the Constitution and working against the American public to prevent us from firing their treasonous asses. They're going to need to be put up against walls.
Just watched Foxs trans anchor Cavuto talk with RoJo and D Dingle. Dingle is sure Trump will put Americans in internment camps. She’s got 10 news articles which will prove it. Effing loons. Expect more assassination attempts.
NYT and other leftmediaswine have begun preparing us for the steal which is progressing noticeably in Pennsylvania. (Salena Zito on X.)
As Jeff Childers points out, there are no facts in that "story", only the authors' fabrications.
Last night I posted info showing how much voter registration in Wisconsin this year, 2024, in resembles voter registration in 2020. That is, approximately 200,000 voters were registered between September 1 and November 1 2024 although there are about 18,000 fewer voters registered this year than in 2020. If this resemblance continues, about 200,000 more voters will register on Election Day, many of these provisionally. In the end about 70,000 of these provisional ballots will eventually be disqualified. So that 130,000 voters will be actually registered on Election Day and their votes will be actually counted on the Friday after. (Missing information on provisional ballots must be supplied by the Friday after the election.) . Since Wisconsin was decided by about 20,000 votes in 2020 we can assume that the election in our state will not be settled till we see how many of the Election Day provisonal ballots are valid. Therefore, the 2024 election here in Wisconsin, if it continues to resemble 2020, will last till November 8 at least, and probably beyond.
I do not think accepting an Election Day registration when it is combined with a provisional ballot is a good thing. I do not think dragging out the election is a good thing. I think we'll see why.
To look at Wisconsin voter registrations stats now and in the past go to:
Proactive politics empathizes with the Democratic model of governance is a perhaps a sympathetic but necessary solution.
What's a political movement without its crazy uncle in the attic?
Unfortunately, the crazy uncles at the Lincoln Project and Morning Joe won't make any room for Steve, so he has to go his own way.
Bannon is a piece of shit. He scared elderly voters in Georgia, telling them on WDUN daily that their votes would be stolen if they voted in our last Senate race, and disdaining our excellent female Senator, who is likely the main reason we still have a slight lead here, as she rose above him and pumped millions into get out the vote efforts after these idiots purged her. She’s ten times more conservative than he is. She wrote and pushed the best speech protection bill the Senate had, but he poisoned her to the vulnerable slice of herbelectorate. So we lost the Senate. I went through my statewide lists person by person: he and Jenny Beth Martin told them to not vote, and they didn’t. He’s a toxic liar, in it for the money, just like her, ripping off lesser-informed people who just worked hard all their lives and raised stable families. He’s also a bloody amateur: his behavior and pathetic film at the 2012 Republication Convention were just plain lazy and uninformed, and I was with in his presence for part of the time. He is a political ignoramus. He didn’t begin to understand the danger of the Kochs. Follow the money. Without him, there would have been no January 7 and we would have a healthy Senate majority, if not Trump still in the White House. The asshole needs to be ignored.
The election's right on top of us. Time for the lawyers to get up and get kraken.
Then up to 20 senators crossed over to vote for the worst cabiney members on earth
Ban on is feeding leftist fantasies of another “revolt.”
Think about it.
Why would he do that.
He’s a paid fraud.
If you’re in GA then your bigger problems are with Raffensperger, Sterling, et al.
Per Kevin Moncla
“It is a fact that the Cast Vote Record for Fulton County's 2020 Machine Recount has records for 17,853 more ballots than Fulton County has ballot images. It is also a fact that the Recount includes 3,125 duplicate ballot images. To those facts I'm confident that we are all in agreement. If you take the number of missing ballot images (17,853) and add the number of duplicate ballot images (3,125), you have a total of 20,978 unsubstantiated ballots. Considering the delta between the two counts, 20,978 effectively matches the 20,713 ballots from the ten tabulators of the original count for which there are no records, In other words, there is good reason to believe that the original count was short 20,713 ballots, and the same shortfall is carried over to the Recount.“
Trump is smarter now. For example, he fired Bannon. But it was a disgrace, motivated by Bannon, to fire the brilliant and competent Jeff Sessions.
Then these same morons, Bannon and that grifter Jenny Beth Martin, along with the leftists re-registered as Republicans of the “Georgia Republican Assembly,” screwed several more races here and in Alabama.
The election is days away. Leave the stupid persecution fantasies for the leftist dummies, get off you asses and go vote, or, based on sheer demographic change, we will lose Georgia.
You will never get to the bottom of voter fraud the way it exists now if you childishly refuse to vote, like so many of you did for the last three years.
Sessions fell for the russian scan why do democrats never recuse
Why was their no penalty for murkowski voting for the worst
Barr was scarcely better
Sessions was corrupt, and a grifter
Mconnell is throwing scott and cruz and brown to the winds
So what, Busdriver. They had years to do something.
They lined their pockets and destroyed the Senate.
Bannon is intentionally trying to incite people to violence who probably aren’t even responsible enough to bother voting. I lived in Fulton County and worked in politics there for most of 20 years. I did enough poll watching to know it’s just preening unless you have an organization behind you and you know how to behave yourself and you mainly use election lawyers. Of course there’s fraud in Fulton. You make that case before or after the election, not during it. But because leftitarians took over the GOP while the rest of you were too busy counting your handguns to do real lobbying and real coalition building, which takes work, as Georgia’s population hit the demographic tipping point, at least notice that Bannon is on their side, won’t reveal his funding, and is now trying to make lazy people daydream about rioting rather than growing up and just voting for Trump.
You don’t have to go to prison to be a patriot. You have to accept some hard facts, vote, win, and then pressure your elected officials to act.
I saw none of this in Georgia, just a bunch of dupes stomping home clutching their teddy bears and whining. Why don’t you quickly list five things Raffensberg and Kemp did, legally and soberly, to improve our voting system. Do it fast, for credibility.
Bannon was and is in it for ego, money, and now probably the Koch Foundations, the FBI to stay out of prison, and/or some sleazy chi-coms. All the same thing, really. I’m on the ground here and have been for decades. You don’t even use a real name. Why would Bannon do this three days before the election. To discredit us and give us years of trouble.
No, Sessions didn’t fall for anything. He followed the law, and saying that Democrats don’t follow the law so we shouldn’t is pretty disgusting and the path to anarchy, don’t you agree? Busdriver? Narciso? Trump was taking some terrible advice then. He knows it. He says so. Informed people know it. People who aren’t trying to gaslight Republican and sane centrist voters know it. Play all your sad little games for the next three days, you liars. Others should focus on getting to the polls.
All Raffensberger &Kemp do is fight common sense efforts to clean up the mess that are GA elections. Unfortunately WI is no better. GA has some real patriot citizens that are exposing the corruption, K Moncla, J Rossi, J Fulgham, and the few on the SEB that are trying to get rules that prevent the certification of an invalid result. Just as 2020 was indeed. Unfortunately it’s not who votes that count, but who counts the votes. It’s never been more true.
I was confusing Sessions with Tom Price, who is corrupt and a grifter, not J Sessions.
Not good enough, Busdriver. I think you’re doing one heck of a good job proving you’re ignorant, though.
Enough. When you find the fortitude to use your real name, get back to me.
Are you actually defending Raffensperger and the SOS office? WTF is your point?
Ad hominem attacks, no substance, got it. Have a nice day Tina!
"I presume that under at least some circumstances, Kamala Harris would also want to say 'Hey, I’ve won this.'"
Well, sure, if the POST-voting count indicates she won and there is a dispute over the victor. For Trump to file suit before all votes have even been cast, much less tabulated, indicates his dishonest intentions, and tells us he will once again refuse to accept his loss, (if he loses a second time).
(Deleted and reposted, with formatting added.)
Yep! Trump never can be or is honest.
The only "rigged election" in 2020 was the one that lives in your mind and your vast cohorts of poor losers.
“Courts have ruled THIS YEAR that ballots that arrive 3 days AFTER the election, with no postmark (meaning nobody mailed them) MUST BE counted.”
The USPS has announced that they are not postmarking some ballots, and not running them through the normal mail processing system. If the USPS isn’t running them through the normal mail processing system, and (automatically) affixing postmarks, then there is no way to know when the ballots were actually mailed…
It’s worse. From memory, when I was doing USPS patent work before I retired. Information is printed on both the front and back of every envelope processed that lets them uniquely identify each letter they process. The envelopes are also photoed, front and back, and all the processing information, including the originating post office, processing office, processing machine, batch number, date, time, etc, are stored in a database for a couple of weeks. And, no, it’s not so that you can track your letters. That costs extra. It’s so that they can figure out where envelopes are supposed to be going, if they get munched by their ultra fast processing machines. If I remember, one of the identifiers printed on the envelopes includes date, time, processing center, processing machine, batch number, and sequence number within batch. Logical, if you have enough digits to play with. You don’t even need a computer to figure out where and when the envelope was first processed. And that is the key here - that information is (IMHO intensionally) missing from the ballots processed by the USPS - for the first time, because it is printed on envelopes when they are postmarked. What that means is that stacks of ballots can be “mailed” a day or two after the election, from DC, or NY (where a lot of the PA ballots came from in 2020) and there is no way to determine when or where they came from, or even if they were deposited with the USPS in large bundles (normally identified by sequential sequence numbers on the bar codes added when postmarking).
I think that the outlines of the Steal are becoming apparent.
First, massive registration of bogus voters, using fictitious addresses, illegal aliens, etc. Meanwhile, fighting tooth and nail to keep states from cleaning up their voter rolls.
Second, removal of signature verification, where possible.
Third, counting ballots received (and mailed) after the election. With, thanks to USPS removing postmark processing, no information to determine when and where mailed.
Fourth, eliminating avenues to challenge ballots and counts, including manual recounts.
Fifth, criminalization by the DOJ of watching ballot drop off boxes (we saw that in as in 2022, when the same drivers would drive by the same series of drop off boxes, day in, and day out - from cell tower data).
Yes, they are planning an even more massive Steal this time, and are planning for the aftermath.
What they are forgetting is that there are some 535 Members of Congress, and hundreds of staffers. They can secure the White House, the Congress, DOJ, etc, but not much else. Just dox them, and let the bodies fall where they may.
“Tell me more about the unrest caused by Tim Walz that led to have of Minneapolis to be burnt to the ground. Don't talk to me about unrest as if it's something that Democrats don't routinely engage in.”
It’s not that low level Dems engage in it, it’s that high level Dems turn it on and off. There is very little grass roots activism on the Dem side. They are the Marxists and Fascists, which means that everything is top down. That’s how Marxists and Fascists operate. Worse, a lot of the low level violence is bought and paid for by big Dem finders, like the Soros family. They pay for the busses, motel rooms, and even matching AntiFA ballistic helmets and shields.
You think it's bad now, imagine if the US Congress was totally in charge of voting.
"Trump, Preparing to Challenge the Results, Puts His 2020 Playbook Into Action/Step by step"
Frame by frame (suddenly)
Death by drowning (from within)
In your own, in your own analysis
Step by step (suddenly)
Doubt by numbers (from within)
In your own, in your own analysis
Not at all, Bob. If you see fraud in progress, you file suit then. You certainly don’t wait until the evidence has been destroyed, the bad actors have faded into the woodwork, and a grotesquely biased media declares the beneficiary of the fraud the victor by acclamation.
It’s a tremendously uphill battle, but if you don’t fight tooth and nail every time, to raise awareness if nothing else, then you can kiss your democracy goodbye.
I don’t think Trump can prevail against this deeply-entrenched infrastructure of fraud, but he will have done his country (including our friend Robert) a great service by putting himself on the line in defense of fair elections.
What "fraud" does Trump see in Philadelphia? He's just a spoiler fearful he will lose again, and he's suing in bad faith simply to establish his basis to cry and scream for the rest of his life that the election was stolen, (if he loses).
Just follow your nose, Robert.
And it begins
The Dems are starting their Steal early this year.
You have zero evidence that FJB received more legitimate ballots than Trump in 2020, in any of those six swing states, and plenty of evidence that the margin of fraud there far exceeded his official win tally. All that you have in your favor are unaudited, unauditable, final tallies that show FJB winning narrowly. MI, PA, and GA had the Dems counting ballots alone, late at night, after having thrown all of the Republican election watchers out - when FJB mysteriously jumped in the lead, in each state, picking up hundreds of thousands of unsupervised votes. The margin of fraud in AZ was possibly over a half million ballots, and in GA, several hundred thousand.
And, today, it comes out that the Dems in 4 counties in GA are already illegally counting ballots, without any Republican election judges present.
So quit lying about Dem election fraud. You won in 2020 with massive fraud, and it’s going to take more this time. The big question is how much more blatant will your cheating have to be this year, for your side to win?
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