"And they're panicked. They have no idea why people like Donald Trump, and their first theory was, well, Donald Trump is evil, so half the country is evil.... How much easier would it have been just to pause for 20 minutes and ask yourself honestly, in some silent place: Why do people like Donald Trump? And if they had been honest enough... they would have come up with the two main reasons.... The first reason that people like Donald Trump is because he likes them.... Affection is something you can't fake.... And the second reason that people love Trump... is because he's liberated us in the deepest and truest sense. And the liberation he has brought to us is the liberation from the obligation to tell lies.... If you want to enslave people — if you want to degrade them — force them to tell lies. And they have: They forced us to lie about everything at gunpoint, effectively they put people in prison, for refusing to lie...."
Said Tucker Carlson... and to my ear, this was the best speech at Trump's Madison Square Garden rally yesterday:
ADDED: This had a big impact on me because — as I told you many years ago — I had a dream about Trump in 2015, "long before I had any idea he'd become President... in which I was talking about Trump, then saw that he was there listening in on me," and I hugged him and "thanked him, effusively, for teaching us to have the courage to speak freely.... At the time I had that dream I wasn't consciously aware of liking Trump at all, so the dream made a big impression on me. There was something about Trump that I thought was tremendously helpful, and I really wanted to tell him."
At the kamala-la-la-la-la rally George Lopez made a joke about Mexicans being thieves.
As with joey biden showering with and sexualizing his adolescent daughter, conspiracy nutjob cult member P-Inga is totally cool with that...in the very same way she is cool with hundreds of thousands of sexual and work slavery trafficked children and illegal alien gang members coming into our country by the thousands.
"I mean, he lost the election, made up a bunch of fairytale reasons why he didn’t, couldn’t prove anything in court"
Gonna stop you right here. Virtually all those cases were thrown out, with no examination of the evidence. You can't prove anything if the courts won't allow a trial, but that doesn't mean there isn't any evidence. Closing your eyes while saying "No standing!" doesn't make it go away.
Trump is NOT my preferred Republican Presidential candidate, nor was he 4 years ago. But 4 years ago the alternative was (we thought) a long-term Democrat officeholder who had a record of competence and moderation or at least of experience Today, if Trump is elected, we have a pretty good idea of what kind of President he would be. Lot's of minuses, and a few plusses. If we elect Kamala, what do we get? Honestly, I don't know, and I don't think you do either. What kind of President do YOU THINK we would we get if we elected Kamala?
One of the few things she's able to express clearly is her belief in "equity". Any numbers she mentions prior to enshrinement should be taken with a mound of salt.
To be fair, there is a historical precedent for a Republican president throwing Democrats into camps. But Lincoln is long gone. I don't think they need to fear him any more.
I would give you about a 5% chance of sincerity, but that still a chance. What happened on January 20, 2021? Oh, yeah, a peaceful transition of power. Before that, is exactly the time a concerned person should articulate their doubts. Nothing about voter fraud was decided on facts and merits that I recall. Just lack of standing.
"Look at who he's brought over to his side. They all gave speeches yesterday. Whereas you've now got the Cheneys."
Musk, Gabbard and Kennedy to the Republicans, in exchange for Dick and Liz Cheney to the Democrats? And people thought Babe Ruth to NY was a bad trade. Little did they know.
Paper ballots and inked fingers using Dark Island's excellent Puerto Rico smart ink. Same day tally and requirement to hold ballots 7 years, with full voter ID signature checks to verify identity. It's not rocket surgery. And absentee ballots minimized to those that can prove they will not be able to vote in person on election day.
THIS is why Trump will lose. Look at what is happening among those who have already voted, who also are a high number of Republican voters. Republicans are voting for Kamala Harris.
"If we elect Kamala, what do we get? Honestly, I don't know, and I don't think you do either"
what the hell are you talking about? She's been with Biden for almost 4 years. Name one Goddamn she's disageed with him. She's said publically she doesn't disagree with any Biden did. Before Biden, she was an extreme leftwing Democrat.
If you think she's a "Mystery" its because you want to believe it. Or you haven't been paying attention. Or maybe you're talking about "what kind of POTUS will kamala be" in the sense of "will she a leader" or "Sign off on what her advisors say". Well we know the answer to that too.
Thank you, Ann. My God. I have goosebumps on my arms. That hit me like, well heck, I don't know. Been quite a while since I have been moved like that. One of RFK Jrs long form videos where he referenced his father and uncle touched me deeply. But this was to another level. Bravo Tucker. Bravo Althousians. Bravo MAGA, from a non MAGA person.
John Kerry was the reason I stopped voting Democrat. No way in HELL should he ever be near the presidency. His running woke me up. (and I was NOT a fan of Bush)
Video link by Original Mike at 10/28/24, 12:37 PM shows Harris bragging and laughing about charging parents with a crime if their child is truant from school. Also includes Black single mom who was arrested, lost job, lost home, became homeless due to her daughter missing school. Daughter was in hospital and unable to attend school.
"Inga Oh shut up, commenters here have said far far far worse to me about my son”s death and you’ve kept your yap shut. Stop with civility bullshit. 10/28/24, 3:10 PM"
That is a lie. One perpetually banned commenter managed to sneak in a disparaging comment.
I had the good fortune of attending Tuckers Milwaukee show last month. The other speakers were Larry Elder and RFK Jr. I’ve long been a fan of Tucker and his speech focused on his search for the truth, whatever it may be. Tucker loves dogs, as do we, and he often makes the case that his dogs can immediately identify creepy people. Just as Tucker claims to be able to detect a liar from a mile away.
"I learned that with the swipe of my pen, I could charge someone with the lowest level offense. And because of the swipe of my pen, that person could be arrested, they could sit in jail for at least 48 hours, they could lose time from work and their family, maybe lose their job. They'd have to come out of their own pocket to help hire a lawyer. They'd lose standing in their community. All because of the swipe of my pen. Weeks later I could dismiss the charges, but their life would be forever be changed. So I learned at a very young age, the power."
Locking parents in jail, charged with the lowest level offense, because their children missed school? For what reason? Protecting children? Mitigating risk to society? Well... no.
Again, Kamala Harris:
"Because of truancy, California public schools lose $1.4 billion per year in funding."
Kamala smirks and laughs about arresting, imprisoning and ruining the lives of people because they cost the government money.
SA is right on the $. I posted the following on an earlier free form. This was news to me but backs up the assertions Adams is making. Check out Berneggers X account to see the actual FOIA response.
Last night one of my WI election integrity follows on X displayed his FOIA request response letter from the USPostOffice. Recently he requested all records for electronic images for ALL absentee mail in ballots in the state. The response indicates that these records do not exist. Further investigation revealed that the USPS instituted a change to the way these ballots are processed. Apparently these pieces of mail are now handled so they do not transit the few central sort facilities where scanned images are created, but go directly from the ballot source to the requester or from the requester to the clerk. What’s also interesting is who is now on the USPS governing board. One Amber McReynolds previously of the national vote at home institute, an arm of Zuckerbergs 2020 election interference op.
As her primary mission, look to her handling of the border. MIA..still examining those root causes. Her stated preference for "equity" might have informed her blind eye. She was also quite cool and supportive of the summer of love chaos. Begged for it to continue. Remember her touting electric school buses and being antifracker? Yeah..she's a blank slate. Roll the dice.
Regarding the Marist Poll for Georgia that Inga cites above, I took a closer look at it, and I think it's a lot less clear than the one cited sentence. 1. The sentence Inga cites is pretty much a direct quote from the poll's page. 2. The very next sentence states "Trump (52%) has the advantage over Harris (46%) among likely voters who have yet to cast a ballot." 3. Georgia early voting started on 15 OCT. The Marist Poll was taken on 17-23 OCT, and published on 24 OCT. So the information is based on very early poll results; no indication how early poll results compare to final election results. 4. I downloaded the related poll data, but found no information specific to either early voters or planned voters. In other words, percentages are given for both, but no idea of the size sample for either statement. So they *may* be accurate, but without actual numbers the statements are inconsequential.
word onteh street in NYC: "There were some surreal moments. I saw a black lady draped in a neon-pink Trump 2024 flag being called racist by a bunch of white TikTok kids. Eh? And it struck me as insensitive – to say the least – when a man holding up a “Jews for Trump” banner was told “Welcome to your Nazi rally”."
far be it for me, to think you're not real.. CHUCK; but: “I’d mostly been a Republican.” First presidential election I was old enough to vote in was ‘00, voted for 3rd party, Libertarian In ‘04 I voted for Kerry because I was so opposed to the Iraq War 08, 12 voted for McCain/Romney because you live in a Blue state, and KNEW the dems didn't need your vote??? 16 voted for Hilary! 20 voted for Biden 24 voting for Harris
I don’t know when the directive came through, probably very recently, but it appears like the USPS powers that be, read Amber McReynolds, have directed all mail in ballots circumvent the central sort centers where ALL mail is scanned and a record is created. All ballots in the system do not have an identifiable record of its transit in/through the system. Now if I wanted to be able to cheat on a large scale with impunity I would implement this exact policy. Here’s some evidence. https://x.com/PeterBernegger/status/1850565226690654556
If there was a terrible approach to take, Harris was the person to take it. She has failed at every job she’s ever had and the Democrats who are running the Biden-Harris admin clownshow knew what they were dealing with which informed their decision to avoid using the 25th amendment to send the dementia-addled Biden to the glue factory and ride the national-security-is-in-jeopardy wave.
“I hear you, and don't disagree with your observation. I didn't vote for him in 16 or 20, but this time I will…Trump's first term was weak and the end was ugly. Maybe the second time around will be more of the same. I'll take the risk because Harris is just more of the same. We cannot go on like this.”
I’ll respond here but this could probably serve as a response to many others’ comments responding to mine.
Possibly I lack some historical context, but I consider what Trump did after losing the election to be so much worse than whatever any other president has done. I mean, I didn’t live through Watergate, but it has to be worse, right? He lost, made up reasons that he didn’t, pushed all the way through until the certification of the election. He picked a VP candidate this time around that explicitly said he wouldn’t have done what Pence so admirably did.
Just seems so fundamentally un-American, that I really don’t see how Harris is a greater risk. If Harris is indeed such a risk and wins, the country will pay a price for the Republicans nominating someone so unfit that people like me vote for Harris.
“Instead you will vote for the party that a) tries to incarcerate, assassinate, bankrupt the leading candidate. b) has contested elections in the past as well (unsuccessfully, if we are being honest).
Nobody who votes for DeSantis thinks Harris is a viable choice. I call BS.”
Incarcerate? Are some of the charges an overreach, probably, I guess. But Trump doesn’t deserve much benefit of the doubt, so I’m sort of lukewarm to it all. Assassinate? I don’t believe the Democratic party attempted to assassinate Trump. Bankrupt? See my incarcerate comment.
Contesting elections is one thing. Making things up out of whole cloth is another. It’s like, he lost, and decided he shouldn’t have lost, and threw whatever he could up against the wall to see what stuck. Turns out, nothing stuck.
I remember DeSantis’s cringeworthy campaign ads, where he built a wall with his kid in his living room with toy blocks. I was like, how can I vote for this guy? But he was doing a lame attempt to ride the Trump wave, not be Trump himself, so I looked past it. I liked keeping the pro-growth FL Republicans in power, and the Dem that ran against him was especially bad, so it wasn’t that hard a choice.
I liked how DeSantis governed early on, especially with Covid, but he’s gone a little far in his cringey culture war stuff, so I still like him, just not as much as I did in 2020-22. But, wow, would I vote for him over Trump or any Democrat. Had the Republicans nominated him, they could have pulled me back to the party.
“Here is the misjudgment you made initially ‘beyond the shadow of a doubt’ that has colored your reactions and votes ever since:
‘... Donald Trump seemed like a con man in ‘16 …’
You read him wrong then and you're reading him wrong now.”
Trump introduced him on the political scene with his dumb Obama birth certificate stuff. Not going to list every scam he pulled that he got caught on, Trump University is enough. He scammed his own fans. I did not read him wrong.
“You'll see that from the beginning, I saw the reaction to the election in light of my 2011 experience with the Wisconsin protests, which happened in my city, and had people taking over the state capitol, occupying it for many days, and doing what they could to obstruct legislation by the Republican Party winners of the election. They chanted ‘This is what democracy looks like,’ meaning that the LOSERS of the election should prevail (for some reason).”
Ahhh, the salad days, one of your peak blogging periods. That period endeared me to Scott Walker, especially since I’m no fan of public sector unions. WI Dems didn’t cover themselves in glory during that period. You obviously will remember those details better than me, but what Trump did in the wake of the 2020 election seems worse.
“Fake. Concern troll. Voting for Harris because Trump threatened the peaceful transfer of power.... Is this Liz Cheney?”
I am real. During times of peace, I’d say I vote #1 on economic growth policies then #2 on social stuff. On #2 Rs and Ds are both pretty dumb, I think the Rs are dumber, but I could be persuaded otherwise. On #1 the Rs are clearer better, the Ds are dumb.
Foreign policy will trump #1 and #2 for me, but there’s not a clear difference right now. I guess I give the Ds are slight edge for withdrawing from Afghanistan, something Obama and Trump failed to do, Biden did. But Harris isn’t Biden, so I can’t credit her for that.
But this thing I never thought I’d need to worry about trumps foreign policy: respecting the constitution and not making up fairy tales about the election. I consider Trump’s actions to be un-American.
“I also related it to the riots of the previous summer. For example, on January 7th, I wrote: ‘This is not unrelated to the way the police were ineffectual when mobs broke into storefronts last summer. We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.’"
To be clear, I am not as worked about about the day-of Jan 6 riots and capital storming as I am about inappropriate phone calls to election officials and fake elector plot. But still, Trump could have acted better on the day-of, not wait for 3 hrs watching TV while the riots persisted.
You posted more links, but mostly about Jan 6 riots themselves. I’m more curious about your take on Trump’s election fraud claims and about the fake elector plot.
“If Biden really won in 2020, why didn't he INSIST on election audits to prove his victory was legitimate? Match up mailed in ballots with actual address, match signatures, verify postmarks, etc. Do a few key locations like Philly, and Detroit, and Atlanta. Instead, they fought tooth and nail to PREVENT audits, and insisted that recounts were all that were needed, as if counting a fake vote twice was somehow curative. If you really won, you would welcome such an audit. Remember teams of people examining ballots under magnifying glasses in Florida in 2000? In 2020, it was the exact opposite... you have to accept the result, and don't look to closely or you are an ELECTION DENIER.”
Trumps makes things up based on nothing, and Biden is supposed to what?
“I've also believed all along — and expressed it from the start — that it was a problem that so many people believed the election was not on the up and up, and that the Biden administration should have worked to make elections more transparently secure and to win support from the people who had lost faith in the system. Instead, these people were repeatedly insulted and called ‘election deniers’ — sometimes lumped with ‘vaccine deniers’ and ‘climate deniers.’ So much nastiness and discord came into the American culture this way. Biden had a chance to build community, and he did the opposite.”
Fair enough, but Trump could have brought his complaints up before the election. The fact that he did it only after makes me think it was cynical and disingenuous. I blame Trump more the Biden for the atmosphere, Trump poisoned the well, that if he lost it would be rigged. Then challenge all the laws in advance in 2017 and 2018 and 2019!
If Trump were a true patriot, he would have admit he lost, then dedicated his post-presidency to changes election laws that he believe to be fraudulent before 2024. But instead, he refused to admit he lost and made up a bunch on nonsense, tearing the country further apart.
“The big lie: I’ll vote for Harris. If her policies are worse for me personally, that’s a price I’m willing to pay not to have someone who tried (unsuccessully thankfully) to subvert the peaceful transfer of power not be president. Endlessly repeated by liars like you and the press.”
“Like most people, I know that a certain amount of election fraud takes place. Was the 2020 election stolen? Probably not. But the Democrats have fought so hard against common sense reforms that would support fair and honest elections that many people are very suspicious. They actually passed a law in California this year that makes it illegal for any local jurisdiction to ask for ID from someone when they go to vote. That makes people lose faith in the voting process. (Especially in light of the fact that the California DMV accidentally registered so many non-citizens to vote recently.) Even though California mails ballots to everyone, a friend of mine always goes to vote in person. He posted up last week that he went to go vote in Los Angeles and the staff told him that he had already voted. (So he had to do a provisional ballot.)”
It’s comments like this that make me doubt myself a bit. Like, there are shenanigans all the time, were Trump’s 2020-21 shenanigans simply in the normal range of shenanigans? I mean, if it were a one-off with Trump, maybe (but probably not) I could move on. But Trump’s been telling us who he is with this nonsense for so long, I just cannot give him the benefit of the doubt. This fake elector plot was uniquely bad in American history.
“Why are you offended by what you call ‘Fake’ electors? Spend some time and look at the situation in Hawaii after the 1960 election, where there was uncertainty between Nixon and Kennedy, as to who won the state. The solution was to have two slates of electors who would be available to vote when the actual winner was determined. The so-called fake electors were just an alternate panel when and if it was determined that Trump won the state rather than Biden.”
I did. The HI election was decided by 150 votes. There was general confusion about what the results would have been. The had 2 sets of electors ready to go based on how the recounts went. The 2 sets of electors were agreed upon by the HI officials. There was no confusion in 2020. Trump made things up with no basis. No state officials agreed to an alternate slate of electors. Trump’s electors were fraudulent.
“1) Do you generally want open, unregulated borders or regulated borders? Are you comfortable with millions of unvetted people from enemy countries (China, Radical Muslim countries) infiltrating? How about millions of uneducated people who speak no English who will require significant financial support, and who come from countries that do not have a tradition of free speech, freedom of association, women's rights, etc? Millions that will change the American tradition and the American culture?”
I’m generally for more immigration. My libertarian streak says open borders. But I’ve softened as I’ve aged. open borders probably aren’t realistic. But if you give me enough drinks, I’ll support open borders (:
I also don’t believe Republican (lawmakers at least) on immigration. I view them to be mainly cynical, especially since Trump got the bipartisan immigration deal killed because he wanted to campaign on immigration. Maybe it wasn’t the best deal. But if illegal immigration was such a crisis, they ought to have passed the bill to reduce it.
“2) Do you want - in general - criminals punished and off the streets or unpunished an on the streets? 3) Do you want a tax policy that spurs innovation or one that disincentivizes risk taking and creating new businesses?”
I generally agree more with Republicans here.
“4) Do you want a strong America that our enemies fear or an impotent America that our enemies ignore at best and attack at worst? 5) Do you want a nuclear Iran? Even if Iran does not use nukes they will know that no one can attack it and it can expand its terrorism with impunity with that nuclear backstop?”
I don’t trust Trump over Harris here.
“6) Do you want judges that execute the written word of the laws or judges that use their position to advance liberal policy despite the written work of the law? 7) Do you want the government to censor and choose what ideas can and cannot be discussed in public?”
I guess Republicans are better here, but not by much.
“I could go on and on but that at least is a portion of the iceberg. Trump may be rude, but there are real issues and consequences at stake. A conservative believes in, eg, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, low taxes/incentivizing productivity, secure borders, strong military, etc. With Trump you get more of that and with Democrats you get less. It's honestly hard for me to believe that anyone of integrity who values those principles can vote otherwise.”
I don’t care about Trump being rude. It honestly used to be hard for me to believe that anyone of integrity who saw what Trump did after losing the 2020 election can vote for him. But I’ve talked to enough confused people, or people that just don’t seem to care. I try to grant them empathy. But it’s hard. Trump is a con man who lost an election but refuses to admit he did. To me, that’s disqualifying and un-American.
“Let's say the Democrats stole the election…”
Not copying and pasting all you wrote, but do you really believe all that? I mean, really?
“Why were you unhappy with Trump's performance in office? And do you really think Biden's performance from 2021 to now is superior? Very strange.
Biden had three major foreign policy disasters: unplanned Afghanistan withdrawal, freeing up millions of dollars to Iran, and inviting Russia to invade Ukraine.”
This won’t be popular here, but I genuinely view Biden withdrawing from Afghanistan as his greatest accomplishment and will be viewed so by history. We shouldn’t not have been there for 20+ years. Obama failed to withdraw. Trump failed to withdraw. I judge Trump more harshly because he boxed Biden in with his 2020 deal, that made a Biden withdrawal certain to be clunky. I was genuinely surprised that Biden didn’t cave and just kick the can down the road and remain. It took courage to withdraw, knowing he’d be criticized for not letting perfect be the enemy of good.
I mean, I guess Trump cut taxes, I liked that.
Your comment was critical a lot of what Biden did. Even if I grant you all that, nothing compares to Trump’s actions in the wake of the 2020 election. You posted policy disagreements. But Trump lost the election but said he didn’t. What’s your take on the fake elector plot?
I need to go to bed soon, so I can’t keep this up. Many of the other questions to me center on: but Rs do this, isn’t this better than what Ds do? Maybe, but I will say one final time, what Trump did after losing the 2020 election was disqualifying and un-American. I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who did what Trump did.
I need to go to bed soon, so I can’t keep this up. Many of the other questions to me center on: but Rs do this, isn’t this better than what Ds do? Maybe, but I will say one final time, what Trump did after losing the 2020 election was disqualifying and un-American. I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who did what Trump did.
Not sure why all my comments tonight are showing up italicized. Sorry if I did something wrong, but I don't think it's me as it started a few comments before mine.
All the accusations of me being fake are sort of cracking me up. Fake how? Like I don't really believe this, or I'm not who I say I am? I'm sort of confused. I've commented sparingly in the past. Not sure if you think I'm some sort of troll sleeper cell, biding my time to post against Trump a week before the election.
Feels like projection because it's usually the Trump supporters in my life who believe fake things (:
I'll throw something out there as a peace offering. I don't believe Trump is racist. In general accusations of racism are thrown out too often IMO. I found Scott Alexander's "You Are Still Crying Wolf" post on Slate Star Codex in November 2016 to be very persuasive, if you never read that, you should look that up.
Nothing wrong with stating an opinion but my long internet experience is that prefacing criticisms of Republican candidate with claims of being a conservative, libertarian, etc. are almost always moby trolling. It doesn't mean there aren't such people but it is the prefacing of the criticism right up front that is the give-away and it is almost always true that the person writing the comment is lying about his/her past. The preface doesn't even support the argument in any way but the person doing it is almost always trying to sell something in the opinion. Moby trolls never seem to understand there is a more effective way of doing what they are doing but then they aren't very bright to begin with.
Tcrosse, now you are getting to a bigger number, and when you add in those who call Harris a prostitute, fascist, and a communist you have a real big portion of the voters.
Tcrosse, now you are getting to a bigger number, and when you add in those who call Harris a prostitute, fascist, and a communist you have a real big portion of the voters.
(1) Registrations this election favour Republicans, not Democrats (2) There's no mass mail out of ballots available for fraudulent use (3) Lots of the states have tightened their election rules. (4) Governors in the swings states see themselves as potential 2028 candidates - they don't want a Kamala win (5) Traditional Democrat blocks are swinging heavily to Trump.
Wow. From rare commenter to quite voluminous. Concerns were quashed via Laches, Standing and Media/societal and professional pressure to dismiss "The big lie" or suffer the consequences. The lawfare continues against any who did.
And this at a rally where Trump repeated the now many times debunked [, without evidence,] claims that hurricane disaster aid was diverted to illegal immigrants and that the government sent illegal immigrants to Springfield Ohio.
You're awesome, Inga! My favorite left wing commenter here. You never get angry, you're funny, you bring the blurbs and fact checks, and the way you keep your composure while being bombarded with the worst kinds of uncalled for insults is very Donald Trumpian!
There are more mail in ballots harvestable by Democrats for Democrat candidates than there are mail in ballots harvestable by Republicans for Republican candidates. Expect a squeaker of an election, with Harris getting 85+ million votes to whatever slightly smaller number of votes Trump gets, and Harris getting 10k to 100k more votes than Trump in enough necessary swing states to win the electoral college. The votes will be legal, although unverifiable as to their origin. And if you believe that many people actually voted for Harris, I'd like to talk to you about some investment opportunities in wetland development and public infrastructure ownership.
"I’ve expressed sadness at seeing intelligent people who are deep into a cult."
This IS dehumanizing to those of us who already KNOW we're NOT in a cult. Inga, I'm going to ask a simple question of you: has it ever dawned on you for a single minute that you might be wrong about Donald Trump? If you're that steadfast, then you need to ask yourself who's really in a cult here?
Trump was talking on the phone and spilling secrets to the people he "hates" -- NYT and WaPo reporters. Trump isn't as hate-filled or vindictive as his opponents claim. Somehow the usual opposition involved in politics has been interpreted as Trump's desire to lock people up, when Trump is actually the one who has been prosecuted and persecuted by his opponents.
There will be rampant cheating by the Dems. I have absolutely no doubt. Just look what the Nevada Supreme Court just did. They have DAYS to manufacture votes.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 296 of 296Via X video: Chris Cuomo gets it.
At the kamala-la-la-la-la rally George Lopez made a joke about Mexicans being thieves.
As with joey biden showering with and sexualizing his adolescent daughter, conspiracy nutjob cult member P-Inga is totally cool with that...in the very same way she is cool with hundreds of thousands of sexual and work slavery trafficked children and illegal alien gang members coming into our country by the thousands.
This is excellent.
Why are people voting for Trump?
Try to search the Rogan Trump podcast via YouTube...
This guy tried it and says he couldn't. I tried to find it (that way) and couldn't either.
If you don't know that they are making you go to the home page to find it... you may never find it. And, maybe, that's the idea.
LOL! Actual Items is the classic concern troll. Don't fall for it.
With a chain of custody and voter id
He's not me, but who is. Principles over principals.
The thumbs have it. Go green for recountability.
"I mean, he lost the election, made up a bunch of fairytale reasons why he didn’t, couldn’t prove anything in court"
Gonna stop you right here. Virtually all those cases were thrown out, with no examination of the evidence. You can't prove anything if the courts won't allow a trial, but that doesn't mean there isn't any evidence. Closing your eyes while saying "No standing!" doesn't make it go away.
Trump is NOT my preferred Republican Presidential candidate, nor was he 4 years ago. But 4 years ago the alternative was (we thought) a long-term Democrat officeholder who had a record of competence and moderation or at least of experience
Today, if Trump is elected, we have a pretty good idea of what kind of President he would be. Lot's of minuses, and a few plusses.
If we elect Kamala, what do we get? Honestly, I don't know, and I don't think you do either.
What kind of President do YOU THINK we would we get if we elected Kamala?
One of the few things she's able to express clearly is her belief in "equity". Any numbers she mentions prior to enshrinement should be taken with a mound of salt.
To be fair, there is a historical precedent for a Republican president throwing Democrats into camps. But Lincoln is long gone. I don't think they need to fear him any more.
I would give you about a 5% chance of sincerity, but that still a chance. What happened on January 20, 2021? Oh, yeah, a peaceful transition of power. Before that, is exactly the time a concerned person should articulate their doubts. Nothing about voter fraud was decided on facts and merits that I recall. Just lack of standing.
"Look at who he's brought over to his side. They all gave speeches yesterday. Whereas you've now got the Cheneys."
Musk, Gabbard and Kennedy to the Republicans, in exchange for Dick and Liz Cheney to the Democrats? And people thought Babe Ruth to NY was a bad trade. Little did they know.
It was not more than a week ago that you were telling us you don't take requests from your readership, if I'm not mistaken.
But I think you do... I certainly got to see a lot of nice mushroom pictures after I begged for more ""Fungus of the Day" posts.
Dems questioned the machines before they embraced them.
Marist Poll of early voters in AZ, GA, NC…
AZ: Harris 56 % Trump 44 %
Harris (56%) has the advantage over Trump (44%) among those who say they have already voted.
NC: Harris 55 % Trump 43 %
Harris (55%) is +12 points over Trump (43%) among voters who say they have already cast their ballot.
GA: Harris 55 % Trump 45 %
Harris (55%) leads Trump (45%) among those who say they have already voted.
Paper ballots and inked fingers using Dark Island's excellent Puerto Rico smart ink. Same day tally and requirement to hold ballots 7 years, with full voter ID signature checks to verify identity. It's not rocket surgery. And absentee ballots minimized to those that can prove they will not be able to vote in person on election day.
Marist Poll of early voters in AZ, GA, NC…
I suspect you're in for a rude awakening next week, and I expect you to go full nutbar.
THIS is why Trump will lose. Look at what is happening among those who have already voted, who also are a high number of Republican voters. Republicans are voting for Kamala Harris.
Oh Jim, I’m quite certain it will be you who goes full nutbar, making more threats about violence and civil war as you’ve done in the past.
"If we elect Kamala, what do we get? Honestly, I don't know, and I don't think you do either"
what the hell are you talking about? She's been with Biden for almost 4 years. Name one Goddamn she's disageed with him. She's said publically she doesn't disagree with any Biden did. Before Biden, she was an extreme leftwing Democrat.
If you think she's a "Mystery" its because you want to believe it. Or you haven't been paying attention. Or maybe you're talking about "what kind of POTUS will kamala be" in the sense of "will she a leader" or "Sign off on what her advisors say". Well we know the answer to that too.
Thank you, Ann. My God. I have goosebumps on my arms. That hit me like, well heck, I don't know. Been quite a while since I have been moved like that. One of RFK Jrs long form videos where he referenced his father and uncle touched me deeply. But this was to another level. Bravo Tucker. Bravo Althousians. Bravo MAGA, from a non MAGA person.
If Trump lost in 2020 the Democrats and the media would not be hysterical about his candidacy today.
John Kerry was the reason I stopped voting Democrat. No way in HELL should he ever be near the presidency. His running woke me up. (and I was NOT a fan of Bush)
If you type "Rogan Trump" or "Rogan Trump interview" you won't find it.
If you type "Joe Rogan" it pops up.
If you type "Donald Trump Joe Rogan" it pops right up.
I juts pulled it up immediately by DuckDuckGo using 'Joe Rogan Trump Full Interview' - it was about #5 on the list.
Video link by Original Mike at 10/28/24, 12:37 PM shows Harris bragging and laughing about charging parents with a crime if their child is truant from school. Also includes Black single mom who was arrested, lost job, lost home, became homeless due to her daughter missing school. Daughter was in hospital and unable to attend school.
More proof Democrats hate poor Black people
Oh shut up, commenters here have said far far far worse to me about my son”s death and you’ve kept your yap shut. Stop with civility bullshit.
10/28/24, 3:10 PM"
That is a lie. One perpetually banned commenter managed to sneak in a disparaging comment.
Borders… Inflation… High crime rate… High cost of living…
Get lost, Inga… you and your fellow shitbirds.
I had the good fortune of attending Tuckers Milwaukee show last month. The other speakers were Larry Elder and RFK Jr. I’ve long been a fan of Tucker and his speech focused on his search for the truth, whatever it may be. Tucker loves dogs, as do we, and he often makes the case that his dogs can immediately identify creepy people. Just as Tucker claims to be able to detect a liar from a mile away.
Iman and Goetz von Berlichingen, I didn’t mention the banned commenter at all.
All I can say to the comment @4:59pm: WORD
I wonder why Trump hates dogs.
“I wonder why Trump hates dogs.”
Don’t fret… nothing personal, just business.
Excellent point!
Kamala Harris:
"I learned that with the swipe of my pen, I could charge someone with the lowest level offense. And because of the swipe of my pen, that person could be arrested, they could sit in jail for at least 48 hours, they could lose time from work and their family, maybe lose their job. They'd have to come out of their own pocket to help hire a lawyer. They'd lose standing in their community. All because of the swipe of my pen. Weeks later I could dismiss the charges, but their life would be forever be changed. So I learned at a very young age, the power."
Locking parents in jail, charged with the lowest level offense, because their children missed school? For what reason? Protecting children? Mitigating risk to society? Well... no.
Again, Kamala Harris:
"Because of truancy, California public schools lose $1.4 billion per year in funding."
Kamala smirks and laughs about arresting, imprisoning and ruining the lives of people because they cost the government money.
Yes. When Leftists yell "Prove it" - they are laughing at us.
No one gives a shit - Inag. You support liars, money whores, authoritarian tyrants and crooks. Bugger off, tosser.
SA is right on the $. I posted the following on an earlier free form. This was news to me but backs up the assertions Adams is making. Check out Berneggers X account to see the actual FOIA response.
Last night one of my WI election integrity follows on X displayed his FOIA request response letter from the USPostOffice. Recently he requested all records for electronic images for ALL absentee mail in ballots in the state. The response indicates that these records do not exist. Further investigation revealed that the USPS instituted a change to the way these ballots are processed. Apparently these pieces of mail are now handled so they do not transit the few central sort facilities where scanned images are created, but go directly from the ballot source to the requester or from the requester to the clerk. What’s also interesting is who is now on the USPS governing board. One Amber McReynolds previously of the national vote at home institute, an arm of Zuckerbergs 2020 election interference op.
As her primary mission, look to her handling of the border. MIA..still examining those root causes. Her stated preference for "equity" might have informed her blind eye. She was also quite cool and supportive of the summer of love chaos. Begged for it to continue. Remember her touting electric school buses and being antifracker? Yeah..she's a blank slate. Roll the dice.
Mostly peaceful.
Concerned Christian Conservative with Conservative Christian Concerns says what?
Regarding the Marist Poll for Georgia that Inga cites above, I took a closer look at it, and I think it's a lot less clear than the one cited sentence.
1. The sentence Inga cites is pretty much a direct quote from the poll's page.
2. The very next sentence states "Trump (52%) has the advantage over Harris (46%) among likely voters who have yet to cast a ballot."
3. Georgia early voting started on 15 OCT. The Marist Poll was taken on 17-23 OCT, and published on 24 OCT. So the information is based on very early poll results; no indication how early poll results compare to final election results.
4. I downloaded the related poll data, but found no information specific to either early voters or planned voters. In other words, percentages are given for both, but no idea of the size sample for either statement. So they *may* be accurate, but without actual numbers the statements are inconsequential.
WTF are you on about now, lol! 😆
Did y'all see the footage of the Kamala supporter yelling at a baby?
word onteh street in NYC:
"There were some surreal moments. I saw a black lady draped in a neon-pink Trump 2024 flag being called racist by a bunch of white TikTok kids. Eh? And it struck me as insensitive – to say the least – when a man holding up a “Jews for Trump” banner was told “Welcome to your Nazi rally”."
Leftists are gross.
far be it for me, to think you're not real.. CHUCK; but:
“I’d mostly been a Republican.”
First presidential election I was old enough to vote in was ‘00, voted for 3rd party, Libertarian
In ‘04 I voted for Kerry because I was so opposed to the Iraq War
08, 12 voted for McCain/Romney because you live in a Blue state, and KNEW the dems didn't need your vote???
16 voted for Hilary!
20 voted for Biden
24 voting for Harris
Welcome Back Chuck!
Kind of an Inga vibe.
I don’t know when the directive came through, probably very recently, but it appears like the USPS powers that be, read Amber McReynolds, have directed all mail in ballots circumvent the central sort centers where ALL mail is scanned and a record is created. All ballots in the system do not have an identifiable record of its transit in/through the system. Now if I wanted to be able to cheat on a large scale with impunity I would implement this exact policy. Here’s some evidence.
If there was a terrible approach to take, Harris was the person to take it. She has failed at every job she’s ever had and the Democrats who are running the Biden-Harris admin clownshow knew what they were dealing with which informed their decision to avoid using the 25th amendment to send the dementia-addled Biden to the glue factory and ride the national-security-is-in-jeopardy wave.
Sorry, I don’t yell at babies, I had four of my own and 5 grandchildren.
@michael at 2:14p
“I hear you, and don't disagree with your observation. I didn't vote for him in 16 or 20, but this time I will…Trump's first term was weak and the end was ugly. Maybe the second time around will be more of the same. I'll take the risk because Harris is just more of the same. We cannot go on like this.”
I’ll respond here but this could probably serve as a response to many others’ comments responding to mine.
Possibly I lack some historical context, but I consider what Trump did after losing the election to be so much worse than whatever any other president has done. I mean, I didn’t live through Watergate, but it has to be worse, right? He lost, made up reasons that he didn’t, pushed all the way through until the certification of the election. He picked a VP candidate this time around that explicitly said he wouldn’t have done what Pence so admirably did.
Just seems so fundamentally un-American, that I really don’t see how Harris is a greater risk. If Harris is indeed such a risk and wins, the country will pay a price for the Republicans nominating someone so unfit that people like me vote for Harris.
@Wa St Blogger said at 2:22p
“Instead you will vote for the party that a) tries to incarcerate, assassinate, bankrupt the leading candidate. b) has contested elections in the past as well (unsuccessfully, if we are being honest).
Nobody who votes for DeSantis thinks Harris is a viable choice. I call BS.”
Incarcerate? Are some of the charges an overreach, probably, I guess. But Trump doesn’t deserve much benefit of the doubt, so I’m sort of lukewarm to it all. Assassinate? I don’t believe the Democratic party attempted to assassinate Trump. Bankrupt? See my incarcerate comment.
Contesting elections is one thing. Making things up out of whole cloth is another. It’s like, he lost, and decided he shouldn’t have lost, and threw whatever he could up against the wall to see what stuck. Turns out, nothing stuck.
I remember DeSantis’s cringeworthy campaign ads, where he built a wall with his kid in his living room with toy blocks. I was like, how can I vote for this guy? But he was doing a lame attempt to ride the Trump wave, not be Trump himself, so I looked past it. I liked keeping the pro-growth FL Republicans in power, and the Dem that ran against him was especially bad, so it wasn’t that hard a choice.
I liked how DeSantis governed early on, especially with Covid, but he’s gone a little far in his cringey culture war stuff, so I still like him, just not as much as I did in 2020-22. But, wow, would I vote for him over Trump or any Democrat. Had the Republicans nominated him, they could have pulled me back to the party.
@Rabel at 2:20p
“Here is the misjudgment you made initially ‘beyond the shadow of a doubt’ that has colored your reactions and votes ever since:
‘... Donald Trump seemed like a con man in ‘16 …’
You read him wrong then and you're reading him wrong now.”
Trump introduced him on the political scene with his dumb Obama birth certificate stuff. Not going to list every scam he pulled that he got caught on, Trump University is enough. He scammed his own fans. I did not read him wrong.
@Ann Althouse at 2:56p
“You'll see that from the beginning, I saw the reaction to the election in light of my 2011 experience with the Wisconsin protests, which happened in my city, and had people taking over the state capitol, occupying it for many days, and doing what they could to obstruct legislation by the Republican Party winners of the election. They chanted ‘This is what democracy looks like,’ meaning that the LOSERS of the election should prevail (for some reason).”
Ahhh, the salad days, one of your peak blogging periods. That period endeared me to Scott Walker, especially since I’m no fan of public sector unions. WI Dems didn’t cover themselves in glory during that period. You obviously will remember those details better than me, but what Trump did in the wake of the 2020 election seems worse.
@Michael Fitzgerald at 2:59P
“Fake. Concern troll. Voting for Harris because Trump threatened the peaceful transfer of power.... Is this Liz Cheney?”
I am real. During times of peace, I’d say I vote #1 on economic growth policies then #2 on social stuff. On #2 Rs and Ds are both pretty dumb, I think the Rs are dumber, but I could be persuaded otherwise. On #1 the Rs are clearer better, the Ds are dumb.
Foreign policy will trump #1 and #2 for me, but there’s not a clear difference right now. I guess I give the Ds are slight edge for withdrawing from Afghanistan, something Obama and Trump failed to do, Biden did. But Harris isn’t Biden, so I can’t credit her for that.
But this thing I never thought I’d need to worry about trumps foreign policy: respecting the constitution and not making up fairy tales about the election. I consider Trump’s actions to be un-American.
@Ann Althouse at 3p
“I also related it to the riots of the previous summer. For example, on January 7th, I wrote: ‘This is not unrelated to the way the police were ineffectual when mobs broke into storefronts last summer. We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't.’"
To be clear, I am not as worked about about the day-of Jan 6 riots and capital storming as I am about inappropriate phone calls to election officials and fake elector plot. But still, Trump could have acted better on the day-of, not wait for 3 hrs watching TV while the riots persisted.
You posted more links, but mostly about Jan 6 riots themselves. I’m more curious about your take on Trump’s election fraud claims and about the fake elector plot.
This could be viewed as commendable, as it sets Igna apart from those in the shitbird ranks who do yell at the babies and much, much worse.
@DanTheMan said at 3:01p
“If Biden really won in 2020, why didn't he INSIST on election audits to prove his victory was legitimate? Match up mailed in ballots with actual address, match signatures, verify postmarks, etc. Do a few key locations like Philly, and Detroit, and Atlanta.
Instead, they fought tooth and nail to PREVENT audits, and insisted that recounts were all that were needed, as if counting a fake vote twice was somehow curative.
If you really won, you would welcome such an audit. Remember teams of people examining ballots under magnifying glasses in Florida in 2000? In 2020, it was the exact opposite... you have to accept the result, and don't look to closely or you are an ELECTION DENIER.”
Trumps makes things up based on nothing, and Biden is supposed to what?
@Ann Althouse at 3:04p
“I've also believed all along — and expressed it from the start — that it was a problem that so many people believed the election was not on the up and up, and that the Biden administration should have worked to make elections more transparently secure and to win support from the people who had lost faith in the system. Instead, these people were repeatedly insulted and called ‘election deniers’ — sometimes lumped with ‘vaccine deniers’ and ‘climate deniers.’ So much nastiness and discord came into the American culture this way. Biden had a chance to build community, and he did the opposite.”
Fair enough, but Trump could have brought his complaints up before the election. The fact that he did it only after makes me think it was cynical and disingenuous. I blame Trump more the Biden for the atmosphere, Trump poisoned the well, that if he lost it would be rigged. Then challenge all the laws in advance in 2017 and 2018 and 2019!
If Trump were a true patriot, he would have admit he lost, then dedicated his post-presidency to changes election laws that he believe to be fraudulent before 2024. But instead, he refused to admit he lost and made up a bunch on nonsense, tearing the country further apart.
@RCOCEAN II at 3:06p
“Polices? Who cares. Lets vote based on what someone did 4 years ago. Country before party as Liz Cheney would say!”
Well that something was un-American, trying to subvert the election results, so I’m having a tough time getting over it so easily.
I could be wrong, but in the Trump era, Democrats talk more policy, Republicans support a cult-of-personality.
@Gospace said at 3:18p
“The big lie: I’ll vote for Harris. If her policies are worse for me personally, that’s a price I’m willing to pay not to have someone who tried (unsuccessully thankfully) to subvert the peaceful transfer of power not be president. Endlessly repeated by liars like you and the press.”
I’m not lying
@loudogblog said at 3:25p
“Like most people, I know that a certain amount of election fraud takes place. Was the 2020 election stolen? Probably not. But the Democrats have fought so hard against common sense reforms that would support fair and honest elections that many people are very suspicious. They actually passed a law in California this year that makes it illegal for any local jurisdiction to ask for ID from someone when they go to vote. That makes people lose faith in the voting process. (Especially in light of the fact that the California DMV accidentally registered so many non-citizens to vote recently.) Even though California mails ballots to everyone, a friend of mine always goes to vote in person. He posted up last week that he went to go vote in Los Angeles and the staff told him that he had already voted. (So he had to do a provisional ballot.)”
It’s comments like this that make me doubt myself a bit. Like, there are shenanigans all the time, were Trump’s 2020-21 shenanigans simply in the normal range of shenanigans? I mean, if it were a one-off with Trump, maybe (but probably not) I could move on. But Trump’s been telling us who he is with this nonsense for so long, I just cannot give him the benefit of the doubt. This fake elector plot was uniquely bad in American history.
@ointguard at 3:30p
“Why are you offended by what you call ‘Fake’ electors? Spend some time and look at the situation in Hawaii after the 1960 election, where there was uncertainty between Nixon and Kennedy, as to who won the state. The solution was to have two slates of electors who would be available to vote when the actual winner was determined. The so-called fake electors were just an alternate panel when and if it was determined that Trump won the state rather than Biden.”
I did. The HI election was decided by 150 votes. There was general confusion about what the results would have been. The had 2 sets of electors ready to go based on how the recounts went. The 2 sets of electors were agreed upon by the HI officials. There was no confusion in 2020. Trump made things up with no basis. No state officials agreed to an alternate slate of electors. Trump’s electors were fraudulent.
Keith at 3:32p and 3:38p
“1) Do you generally want open, unregulated borders or regulated borders? Are you comfortable with millions of unvetted people from enemy countries (China, Radical Muslim countries) infiltrating? How about millions of uneducated people who speak no English who will require significant financial support, and who come from countries that do not have a tradition of free speech, freedom of association, women's rights, etc? Millions that will change the American tradition and the American culture?”
I’m generally for more immigration. My libertarian streak says open borders. But I’ve softened as I’ve aged. open borders probably aren’t realistic. But if you give me enough drinks, I’ll support open borders (:
I also don’t believe Republican (lawmakers at least) on immigration. I view them to be mainly cynical, especially since Trump got the bipartisan immigration deal killed because he wanted to campaign on immigration. Maybe it wasn’t the best deal. But if illegal immigration was such a crisis, they ought to have passed the bill to reduce it.
“2) Do you want - in general - criminals punished and off the streets or unpunished an on the streets?
3) Do you want a tax policy that spurs innovation or one that disincentivizes risk taking and creating new businesses?”
I generally agree more with Republicans here.
“4) Do you want a strong America that our enemies fear or an impotent America that our enemies ignore at best and attack at worst?
5) Do you want a nuclear Iran? Even if Iran does not use nukes they will know that no one can attack it and it can expand its terrorism with impunity with that nuclear backstop?”
I don’t trust Trump over Harris here.
“6) Do you want judges that execute the written word of the laws or judges that use their position to advance liberal policy despite the written work of the law?
7) Do you want the government to censor and choose what ideas can and cannot be discussed in public?”
I guess Republicans are better here, but not by much.
“I could go on and on but that at least is a portion of the iceberg. Trump may be rude, but there are real issues and consequences at stake. A conservative believes in, eg, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, low taxes/incentivizing productivity, secure borders, strong military, etc. With Trump you get more of that and with Democrats you get less. It's honestly hard for me to believe that anyone of integrity who values those principles can vote otherwise.”
I don’t care about Trump being rude. It honestly used to be hard for me to believe that anyone of integrity who saw what Trump did after losing the 2020 election can vote for him. But I’ve talked to enough confused people, or people that just don’t seem to care. I try to grant them empathy. But it’s hard. Trump is a con man who lost an election but refuses to admit he did. To me, that’s disqualifying and un-American.
“Let's say the Democrats stole the election…”
Not copying and pasting all you wrote, but do you really believe all that? I mean, really?
Saint Croix at 3:54p
“Why were you unhappy with Trump's performance in office? And do you really think Biden's performance from 2021 to now is superior? Very strange.
Biden had three major foreign policy disasters: unplanned Afghanistan withdrawal, freeing up millions of dollars to Iran, and inviting Russia to invade Ukraine.”
This won’t be popular here, but I genuinely view Biden withdrawing from Afghanistan as his greatest accomplishment and will be viewed so by history. We shouldn’t not have been there for 20+ years. Obama failed to withdraw. Trump failed to withdraw. I judge Trump more harshly because he boxed Biden in with his 2020 deal, that made a Biden withdrawal certain to be clunky. I was genuinely surprised that Biden didn’t cave and just kick the can down the road and remain. It took courage to withdraw, knowing he’d be criticized for not letting perfect be the enemy of good.
I mean, I guess Trump cut taxes, I liked that.
Your comment was critical a lot of what Biden did. Even if I grant you all that, nothing compares to Trump’s actions in the wake of the 2020 election. You posted policy disagreements. But Trump lost the election but said he didn’t. What’s your take on the fake elector plot?
I need to go to bed soon, so I can’t keep this up. Many of the other questions to me center on: but Rs do this, isn’t this better than what Ds do? Maybe, but I will say one final time, what Trump did after losing the 2020 election was disqualifying and un-American. I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who did what Trump did.
I need to go to bed soon, so I can’t keep this up. Many of the other questions to me center on: but Rs do this, isn’t this better than what Ds do? Maybe, but I will say one final time, what Trump did after losing the 2020 election was disqualifying and un-American. I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who did what Trump did.
The Obama birth certificate originated with the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Not sure why all my comments tonight are showing up italicized. Sorry if I did something wrong, but I don't think it's me as it started a few comments before mine.
All the accusations of me being fake are sort of cracking me up. Fake how? Like I don't really believe this, or I'm not who I say I am? I'm sort of confused. I've commented sparingly in the past. Not sure if you think I'm some sort of troll sleeper cell, biding my time to post against Trump a week before the election.
Feels like projection because it's usually the Trump supporters in my life who believe fake things (:
I'll throw something out there as a peace offering. I don't believe Trump is racist. In general accusations of racism are thrown out too often IMO. I found Scott Alexander's "You Are Still Crying Wolf" post on Slate Star Codex in November 2016 to be very persuasive, if you never read that, you should look that up.
Good night, all
Wow Inga this is a really crappy post even for you. What a horrible person you are.
Nothing wrong with stating an opinion but my long internet experience is that prefacing criticisms of Republican candidate with claims of being a conservative, libertarian, etc. are almost always moby trolling. It doesn't mean there aren't such people but it is the prefacing of the criticism right up front that is the give-away and it is almost always true that the person writing the comment is lying about his/her past. The preface doesn't even support the argument in any way but the person doing it is almost always trying to sell something in the opinion. Moby trolls never seem to understand there is a more effective way of doing what they are doing but then they aren't very bright to begin with.
Straighten up.
Tcrosse, now you are getting to a bigger number, and when you add in those who call Harris a prostitute, fascist, and a communist you have a real big portion of the voters.
Still more gibberish from Drago.
Tcrosse, now you are getting to a bigger number, and when you add in those who call Harris a prostitute, fascist, and a communist you have a real big portion of the voters.
Still more gibberish from Drago.
You need to take into account
(1) Registrations this election favour Republicans, not Democrats
(2) There's no mass mail out of ballots available for fraudulent use
(3) Lots of the states have tightened their election rules.
(4) Governors in the swings states see themselves as potential 2028 candidates - they don't want a Kamala win
(5) Traditional Democrat blocks are swinging heavily to Trump.
vagInga smelling up the joint.
Wow. From rare commenter to quite voluminous.
Concerns were quashed via Laches, Standing and Media/societal and professional pressure to dismiss "The big lie" or suffer the consequences.
The lawfare continues against any who did.
And this at a rally where Trump repeated the now many times debunked [, without evidence,] claims that hurricane disaster aid was diverted to illegal immigrants and that the government sent illegal immigrants to Springfield Ohio.
You had a typo. I fixed it for you.
You're awesome, Inga! My favorite left wing commenter here. You never get angry, you're funny, you bring the blurbs and fact checks, and the way you keep your composure while being bombarded with the worst kinds of uncalled for insults is very Donald Trumpian!
Nobody believes your crap Inga. Nobody thinks Kamala is going to get 60 million legitimate votes much less the 90 million she will need to win.
There are more mail in ballots harvestable by Democrats for Democrat candidates than there are mail in ballots harvestable by Republicans for Republican candidates. Expect a squeaker of an election, with Harris getting 85+ million votes to whatever slightly smaller number of votes Trump gets, and Harris getting 10k to 100k more votes than Trump in enough necessary swing states to win the electoral college. The votes will be legal, although unverifiable as to their origin. And if you believe that many people actually voted for Harris, I'd like to talk to you about some investment opportunities in wetland development and public infrastructure ownership.
USPS has decided to have ALL mail in ballots circumvent the sort centers where electronic records are created.
Why would they want to do that?
"I’ve expressed sadness at seeing intelligent people who are deep into a cult."
This IS dehumanizing to those of us who already KNOW we're NOT in a cult. Inga, I'm going to ask a simple question of you: has it ever dawned on you for a single minute that you might be wrong about Donald Trump? If you're that steadfast, then you need to ask yourself who's really in a cult here?
Affection and support are different things. One can feel affection for Trump the entertainer and not hate or fear him and still not vote for him.
Trump was talking on the phone and spilling secrets to the people he "hates" -- NYT and WaPo reporters. Trump isn't as hate-filled or vindictive as his opponents claim. Somehow the usual opposition involved in politics has been interpreted as Trump's desire to lock people up, when Trump is actually the one who has been prosecuted and persecuted by his opponents.
There will be rampant cheating by the Dems. I have absolutely no doubt. Just look what the Nevada Supreme Court just did. They have DAYS to manufacture votes.
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