Efforts are already underway to plan the semiquincentennial, but they got off to a slow start, mirroring much of the country’s political dysfunction.
The federal commission appointed to oversee the proceedings, writes the Atlantic, “swiftly descended into a morass of charges and countercharges over process, favoritism, hiring, gender discrimination, and budget decisions.”
So here's what cued up the issue. There's an article in The Atlantic, published a week ago: "America Is Suffering an Identity Crisis/In two years, the U.S. will mark its 250th birthday, and the left doesn’t seem to care—giving up on America’s symbols and its very meaning."
The left doesn't seem to care. But if Trump is elected he will preside over the occasion, and he certainly seems to care. I can now understand the WaPo editors' decision to forefront this issue. There's a horror of the Donald Trump Birthday of America Extravaganza and a chilling realization that his Make-America-Great-Again theme fits enragingly perfectly with the occasion. Quick! Present a left-wing alternative vision!
The WaPo editors lamely suggest that Kamala Harris "try to persuade skeptics on her side of the political spectrum that the United States is indeed something worth celebrating." It's a little late for that. But the editors say she's "well-positioned to make this pitch, because as the child of immigrants and a woman of color, she represents in her very candidacy the progress the country has seen." As if this big occasion should revolve around her: Celebrate me! Because I embody what's worth celebrating!
The Atlantic article says that Biden dealt with the "meltdown" at the commission by appointing Rosie Rios as the commission chair. Under her, the key concept seems to be a "radically decentralized" social-media concept called "America's Stories" — a website where anybody/everybody writes anything. This would be inclusive, but it would include all the hostility against America that we expect from the left. Would they resort to censorship? They would have to!
The Atlantic writer, the Yale historian Beverly Gage, says:
For the past 60 years, much of American historical scholarship has been about exposing a darker story behind self-congratulatory myths.
Next time you propose a toast at a birthday party, try exposing a darker story behind the self-congratulatory myths.
As a believer in that effort, I have long shared the left’s ambivalence about patriotic symbols: the flag, the Founders, the national anthem, the Fourth of July. Today, though, I feel an urgency to reclaim and redefine all these things, lest they be ceded to those darker forces historians like to write about.
So you and your fellow historians devoted yourself to telling the "darker story" and now, as the people look to celebrate a big birthday, you are worried that they aren't going to frame the event around your dark story but will look to the kind of characters — the "darker forces" — that you've been disparaging all these years? People are drawn to the good — to an uplifting idea of what the country means — and you see that very optimism as an embrace of the darkness.
Nearing the end, the historian comes out with: "[N]ow that I think of it, why not wear the hat and fly the flag?" Well, for one thing, flying a U.S. flag at your house is regarded as equivalent to having a Trump yard sign.
We have a U.S. flag at our front door. But I'd consider bringing it inside for the next few weeks, because I don't like exacerbating the anguish in the neighborhood as the impending Make-America-Great-Again victory comes into focus.
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»Your lips to God’s ears…
I await the anguished cries, the gnashing of teeth and the rending of silly clothing by the Left. Caliunicornia gonna be lit! 🔥
Next time you propose a toast at a birthday party, try exposing a darker story behind the self-congratulatory myths
This is the high quality snark I come here for…
C'mon lefties, It's once every 250 years. That's all!
The Left finally admits it hates America, the flag and our Founding Fathers. Interesting that WaPo would come up with this very lame suggestion to boost Harris in the last two weeks. Is that the best they can do?
Althouse community! Note that last paragraph. Ann is voting for Trump! Wisconsin is red! Just like the Badgers.
mirroring much of the country’s political dysfunction.
With so much under Democrat control why is this political dysfunction so “widespread”? Such an interesting throwaway line in, as Althouse notes, a quite passive voice.
Do we know Trump is going to win? Certainly polls and perception play a part but so does the steal. Will we know the outcome of the election before the nation’s milestone birthday or will we still be counting?
I think the flag is a substitute for patriotism, not its emblem. That's not a darker side, though. As Archie Bunker said, the national anthem is for ballgames and patriotic occasions like that.
We might even have a dem president whose family owned slaves.
Like the old days!
The Left should be put down and out of the collective misery it’s so eager to spread throughout America. And the rest of the world, for that matter.
If the Democrats didn't redefine patriotism depending on the results of each Presidental election maybe people wouldn't be so confused about where they stand.
This is the kind of entry from Althouse that makes life worth living, like that first cup of coffee in the morning.
If we're lucky enough to have Trump in the White House, we might get the release of the MLK files. That could heal so many wounds.
We could find out what those presidents did to the Reverend.
Thrill of discovery!
It's only been 50 years since the last national birthday celebration. I remember the day because a gf threw me out. Nice weather from Miami to Ohio.
The United States (according to Democrats) is a systemically racist country run by White Supremecists. It was founded by slavers who tried to create a white dominated theocracy on the whip-scarred backs of black people.
The founding fathers were traitors to their country, frequently killed people to get their political aims (thus, were terrorists) and created the Electoral College to deny the people a Democracy.
There is NO WAY that Kamala Harris can do ANYTHING to cherish, support or celebrate this country.
"I don't like exacerbating the anguish in the neighborhood as the impending Make-America-Great-Again victory comes into focus."
I bet you also don't like your house burnt to the ground with you in it by your "progressive" neighbors once they find out you helped elect Actually Hitler™.
They really hate this country and want to abolish it
I was in Philadelphia on July 4, 1976. It was surprisingly chill. There were some dissident groups around, but they really didn't have their heart in it. For the rah-rah USA types, the day was more of an acknowledgment that our country was bruised and battered yet still here.
Think of it. In '76 we had endured a dozen years of trauma: JFK, MLK, RFK blown away, Vietnam, Watergate, riots, inflation. The revival of the 80s-90s was still in the future, and no one on that July day was certain how things might turn out.
Yet there was a quiet confidence that America would find a pathway to renewal. I don't sense that same confidence today.
...as the child of immigrants and a woman of color, she represents in her very candidacy the progress the country has seen.
Not to mention she grew up in a middle-class household.
He got Folger’s in his cup?
Ive heard about that
There's zero hope of Kamala sounding sincere on anything.
"Darker story." "Darker forces." Wow, equating dark with bad sounds pretty racist to me! She needs to lighten up.
"She" being Yale historian Beverly Gage, of course.
Closest I came to "woke" back on July 4, 1976, around 5:00am the next morning I was dumped head-first out of my sleeping bag by a bunch of cops who kicked us off the beach.
She grew up in a "middle-class household" In Canada. Mom = Indian. Dad = Marxist-Jamaican professor.
Kamala: Not black. Barely American.
The problem Kamala faces is that if she succeeds in "try(ing) to persuade skeptics on her side of the political spectrum that the United States is indeed something worth celebrating", they then become Trump voters.
Nothing evokes progress like a DEI candidate! Our Founders risked their lives and livelihoods for our founding, but we should feel good that we’re so far advanced from that, life is so easy, that we can celebrate promoting someone simply because they’re female and of color. Let’s totally forget that Trump has put his life and wealth on the line, shall we?
“I remember the day because a gf threw me out.”
Ye Gods! What could’ve she been thinking with that “jello for brains”!
You are welcome to leave/stay away.
Your perspective is one of a normal person, not the deranged left. By political dysfunction they are referring to the observation that journolism propaganda is beginning to meet pushback from people other than the deplorables…
Miami to Ohio. Did you ride your bike there?
I was in Sicily with the USN for the day of the Bicentennial. It was memorable for the on base celebration at Sigonella (NAF1). The base was open to all and the local Sigiliani celebrated with great enthusiasm--attracted by carnical rides and dancing to the music of a travelling rock band of young Brits who were toasting the US birthday with such frequency they could barely stand.
We could have naked bicycle parades around the entire nation like they do in Madison, WI.
There’s some guy running for political office who routinely says the left hates America, why would he say that?
I thought the editorial was going to be an attempt to get voters to "think beyond the close" by having voters assume Harris will be elected and the wonderful things she will do.
But no, it was stupid advice for Harris to pick a fight with her own base that hates America.
If your entire identity is rooted in your superiority and ordinary Americans’ inferiority, now is a hell of a time to lose the courage of your convictions.
“with great enthusiasm--attracted by carnical rides.”
Sounds vaguely obscene, lol.
We have a U.S. flag at our front door. But I'd consider bringing it inside for the next few weeks, because I don't like exacerbating the anguish in the neighborhood as the impending Make-America-Great-Again victory comes into focus.
Are you going to make Meade put his hat in the closet?
It's not often the WaPo admits it's a local paper, but a 250th is a huge tourism opportunity for Washington.
It's too early for another celebration. I just took down my Bicentennial decorations last week.
Normally getting people to think past the sale can be helpful in closing a deal, but in this case, it might have the opposite effect. Kamala presiding over the 250th would be like having your golden anniversary dinner at a funeral home.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Thats where we are. If you fly an American flag youre considered evil.
I always feel disappointment with political commentators that they haven't done the math in their heads to realize that when Kamala talks about all the hard work and saving her mother did to finally purchase their first house, it seems like it must have been when they lived in Canada. Yep, that's the story of all middle class Americans...move to Canada so you can buy your first house. The American dream!
"Hide your light under a bushel." - Satan
Harris, like Obama, is technically, but barely, American. Each of them would be the wrong person to lead a 250th celebration. Also, they hate America and all that it's done and stands for.
They clearly have a Special Section full of advertising they want to sell to local businesses on the 250th. But you can't do that if there's not a celebration.
Sooooo .... naturally they want one.
I spent part of July 4, 1976 at an Italian-American block party at Park and Regent in Madison. It was the old Italian neighborhood, called The Bush. Curiously, when the band played Italian songs there wasn't much singing or dancing, but when they played polkas the crowd came to life. That's Wisconsin, I guess. BTW I'm not Italian, but grew up in Jersey so it amounts to the same thing.
Frostback Follies
During the bicentennial year I was privileged to have command of a US Navy ship, and like all Navy ships we flew the first naval jack from 1776 the whole year when in port. It's a flag with 13 red and white stripes, an uncoiled rattlesnake across the middle and the words "Don't Tread on Me" across the second to bottom stripe. I still occasionally fly it from my own flagpole, much to one leftist neighbors' chagrin as he seems to associate it with the far-right for some reason. I carefully explained that my ancestors on three sides of my family fought under that flag and his ignorance of its history and meaning was no reason to not fly it. Eventually, we became friends, but we don't talk politics.
If the Democrats are in office this is just going to be sad.
I'm convinced that at least 90% of the country is very patriotic. When I go to ballgames or hockey games, everyone is enthusiastic about the anthem, recognizing our military, etc. The Far Left may may want to turn the 250th birthday into a lecture, but even Democrats will tell them to get lost. Everyone loves a party.
Xi is worried patriotic thoughts will awaken Americans from the spell.
Think about it folks. What do you want the next 250 years to look like? Peace, prosperity and freedom?
Or a social credit system and struggle sessions in a starving Chinese satellite country ruled by AI video projections of long-since executed, androgenous collaborators wearing fake eyeglasses with thick, black frames?
Great commentary, reminds me to vote today.
We’re that house that just leaves them up all the time…
There’s a small but consistent theme to this kind of article- talking as if Kamala is already President. It isn’t talking past the sale bit rather suggesting an inevitability and level of comfort with the notion…
On the bicentennial I was working at the Chautauqua Institute in NY state. Some friends were visiting. One of the girls was wearing a “maxi” dress and a bee flew up the dress. Hilarity ensued. When asked why she would not lift the dress to lose the bee, she admitted she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Ahh, those innocent, lost times.
I really feel sorry for those of you who love this country and happen to be trapped in the Soviet-controlled blue parts of this country. Here in the heartland, the prairies are overflowing with entire multi-generational families whose hearts are full of love and pride for this great country. Kids (lots of them). Parents (moms and dads). Grandparents. And even great-grandparents. We don't just fly the flag. We wear it. We are it. MAGA country. Forgive us.
And she worked at McDonald’s.
So for the WaPo editors to bring this up is to put pressure only on Kamala Harris.
they're REMINDING her.. Actually, INFORMING her..
Kammy wouldn't have had ANY idea that this country was 250 years old..
Kammy PROBABLY told them: "You're at the Wrong Rally"
@Dave Begley, I don’t think Althouse is planning to vote for Trump at all. Her last sentence merely reflects that for every somewhat left of center university professor living in Madison there are dozens of blue color workers elsewhere in the state who have been negatively impacted by Bidenomics.
Well, for one thing, flying a U.S. flag at your house is regarded as equivalent to having a Trump yard sign..
We have a U.S. flag at our front door.
I'm NOT sure how to read this (other than: MEAD is going to vote Trump)
Not to mention she grew up in a middle-class household.
Did this household also happen to be in a neighborhood where people took great pride in mowing their lawns?
DC8 Miami to Atlanta, 727 Atlanta to Ohio
beyond the Margin Of Fraud?
That's a tough row to hoe
This is why you don't develop a core identity about hating the American majority. White Americans know this is all frantic covering for people who despise the country, and they repay the abuse with total rejection. President Trump is very likely to throw a fantastic party: it won't be enough to bring the traitors and race rejects on side, but then they have to go back anyways.
In November of 2012, my daughter, a Democrat, was stationed at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan as a FMF Corpsman, when Obama won his second term. There was a watch party with lots of happy Marines and Navy personnel, smiling faces of young people wearing the uniform of our country’s military. The right and especially Trumpublicans don’t have the market on love of country and patriotism. I too fly a flag on my front deck, I don’t plan on taking it down no matter who wins. Some Waukesha County Trumpublicans might be in an ugly mood when Kamala Harris wins, but I’m not afraid, the flag will still fly.
I thought the country was found in 1619.
Well, for one thing, flying a U.S. flag at your house is regarded as equivalent to having a Trump yard sign.
Think about that for a minute. Thanks to historians like Gage, one and only candidate is associated with patriotism.
We have a U.S. flag at our front door. But I'd consider bringing it inside for the next few weeks, because I don't like exacerbating the anguish in the neighborhood as the impending Make-America-Great-Again victory comes into focus.
Would your Madison neighbors be so thoughtful about your feelings? Though perhaps you are being defensive, lest you’re”tolerant” Progressive neighbors egg your hose or worse.
“I'm convinced that at least 90% of the country is very patriotic.”
Me too.
I was also sorely disappointed that it turned out to just be a misplaced letter.
PARTY! Hurry up and gather all the rich celebrities to show how much everyone love you ==> Kamala.
+abortion! and lies about your open border!
“Well, for one thing, flying a U.S. flag at your house is regarded as equivalent to having a Trump yard sign.”
Shameful propaganda.
Right, Kamala wins and all the Trump voters will be going around terrorizing people who are flying the American flag. What a deranged fantasy world you occupy.
As IF there aren’t Democrats and people on the left in Madison who fly the American flag.
Perhaps some of the "darker stories" are themselves "myths".
Tell us, Inga. Is it true that someone wearing a keffiyeh and waving a Palestinian flag is more welcome at a Kamala event than someone with a MAGA hat and Old Glory?
AA: great post as always but my Inner Pedant got stuck at this usage: "So here's what cued up the issue." I think "cued up" should be "queued up" because the former means (roughly) "prompted (as an actor)" while the latter means (again roughly) "organized to be presented/processed in a linear fashion."
>>Kamala Harris "try to persuade skeptics on her side of the political spectrum that the United States is indeed something worth celebrating."
Read that over a few times... "the US isn't worth saving" is an acceptable position to the D party.
There was a neighbor down the road who refused to fly the flag all the 8 years Obama was president. He actually said this at an event to my daughter when she was home on leave for two weeks during her year of serving in Afghanistan. He just assumed she was a rightist.
“Egging teh hose”… is that some kind of Wisconsinite insult?
The left had to be told it's OK to love their county. There's a lot of pressure from the far left whackos to hate America. It starts in places like Howard Zinn.
Remind me again which party takes every opportunity to burn the flag and to scream how evil, racist, bigoted, hateful, etc this "White Christian Nationalist Nation! REEEE" is? Oh yes: your party, Inga. The party of "Let's suspend a kid for bringing the American Flag to school." (Gadsden flag). The party of "1619, not 1776!"
Your party has very much earned its reputation of hating America.
Indiana and the Hoosiers are even redder. Crimson > Scarlet.
A hat with a flag on it would be very welcome. People would look at the MAGA hat wearer as some sort of idiot.
How would YOU know… shame or embarrassment whistles right past your head (which Trump holds a mortgage on). 😕
Leftists - read the entire post above.
here's a gem.
"The Atlantic writer, the Yale historian Beverly Gage, says:"
"For the past 60 years, much of American historical scholarship has been about exposing a darker story behind self-congratulatory myths."
That. That is why your high school or college aged kid hates America and supports Hamas and Hezbollah.
Bonus - didn't the Atlantic just come out and call Trump Hitler Stalin and Mussolini?
Talk about projection. The democrats are not even hiding their Soviet tendencies anymore.
Not all Trumpublicans /Rightists are Nazis and white supremacists, but all Nazis and white supremacists are Trumpublicans/Rightists. Why is that?
Star Spangled Banner - arranged by Jack Stamp
Until they saw the flag still flying in the morning, the issue was in doubt. Much like this election.
This arrangement catches the situation at the time of Mr. Key's perception and reinforces the emotions like no other. Let freedom ring!
I fly and American Flag in my backyard, but only because there is a nice 40ft flagpole which was there when I bought the place. I'm an unashamed Trump voter, but I don't feel very "patriotic" anymore. We're not the "good guys."
And as far as America's 250th birthday, who wants to go to a party with loonies like people in Madison, WI who are triggered by an American flag? We're gonna unite with the people who ride in naked bike parades in from of children?
"But I'd consider bringing it inside for the next few weeks, because I don't like exacerbating the anguish in the neighborhood as the impending Make-America-Great-Again victory comes into focus."
Of all our sick institutions, the Education Establishment is by far #1 when it comes to the downfall of our nation and society. They plant the seeds in young people which make them susceptible to brainwashing and propaganda in their adult lives.
Not all Trumpublicans are Nazis or white supremacists, but all Nazis and white supremacists are Trumpublicans.
"go: "America Is Suffering an Identity Crisis/In two years...." Oh, Bullsh*t. America is suffering a befuddled case of bewildered exhaustion at the hands of the same types that are on that Semiquincentennial Planning Commission now, arguing ceaselessly about the finer points of Identity Politics, through and through. It's all Gender and Identity, All the Time ! ! Fly the flag, for goodness' sake, it's got nothing to do with how you vote.
I remember the Bi-Centennial in 1775, marching to Concord as a teen to re-enact the Battle at the North Bridge, and the 'Shot Heard 'Round the World'. The President was there to commemorate the event. We were all proud then, and we'll be proud in 2026. The Naysaysers can go straight to the devil.
I especially like Althouse's phrasing here (bold added): There's a horror of the Donald Trump Birthday of America Extravaganza and a chilling realization that his Make-America-Great-Again theme fits enragingly perfectly with the occasion.
So much recent history proves that correct. His greatest asset is he makes the biggest losers lose their minds publicly unrestrained by common sense or any overriding love for their country. He is a catalyst that provokes reaction from volatile combustible people. Neocons and self-described "progressives" especially, exposing them for the fallacy of their own labels.
Althouse is a proud contrarian. She's liable to vote for Chase Oliver just to confound Begley and others who make unwarranted assumptions about her opinions. (In fact, Oliver is the ideal Althousian candidate. Take a gander at his official campaign portrait. The man can't knot a tie or wear a proper linen shirt. Instead, he wears a silly smirk that says "Go ahead, make my day.")
Meade, on the other hand, probably leans MAGA. But that's the object lesson Meadehouse has tried to teach to lefties lo these many years since the graffiti assault on Hans Christian Heg. Happy and loving homes need not be politically one-dimensional.
On the other other hand, Inga's "shameful propaganda" comment is the one thing liable to compel the famous Althouse cruel neutrality to dissolve into a declaration of war.
For the 2026 Sussex, WI 4th of July Parade, I'm going to build a float with The Whore of Babylon riding the seven headed beast.
1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.
12 And the ten horns which thou saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
15 And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.
— Revelation 17:1–18, King James Version
Utter lies. David Duke is campaigning for Democrats. Palestinians wave the Nazi flag, as do Ukrainian brigades... and they are all on your side, Inga. All of the "we want to kill Jews!" people are leftists.
So that is a "yes, people waving the Palestinian flag and chanting death to the Jews and Death to America are far, far more welcome at Kamala rallies than people waving the Gadsden flag and chanting Make America Great!"
They are really hoping the country will be gone by the time the date rolls around.
Inga. You should say a special prayer and thank God for all your Trumpublican neighbors who dominate your Waukesha County community in large numbers. They ensure the safety and rising property values you and your democrat offspring enjoy.
@Inga, please stop hiding your hatred of all that is good in the USA behind your daughter’s patriotism. It is unbecoming.
Excellent post, Ann.
Maybe letting people who hate our country teach our children was a mistake.
Gusty - Indeed. The Leftist-Communist march thru our institutions is complete and pretty much a success.
Can you imagine Kamala Harris standing there to celebrate any of the Revolutionary War? Lexington & Concord? Not that-- that was the British attempt at gun control. She and Inga firmly side with the King for that battle. Democrats love treasonous military officers like Benedict Arnold and General Milley. And Ben Franklin's papers criticizing the Government? Why would Kamala celebrate any of that?
Democrats really don't want people to read the entire Declaration of Independence, because then people might say something like "If the things complained of in the Dec. of Ind. were enough to cause the Revolution... how on earth haven't we overthrown our Democrat party run government yet?"
I don’t really care much what he does or doesn’t do for the 250 year celebration. But, being Trump, I’m sure he’ll throw a big party as he should. He’ll claim he’s making America great again, as he should. That would be why he was elected. But he’ll have only 4 years so I hope, rather than spending time on the birthday party, that he does what he was elected to do and DRAIN THE FUCKING SWAMP!
Gusty Winds writes, "For the 2026 Sussex, WI 4th of July Parade, I'm going to build a float..."
Why not just spray the town with eau de skunk? It's far cheaper than that float concept.
Kamala-crazies + Crook Biden-lovers - haz flags.
No! I'm gonna let it shine.
The left isn't "ambivilent" (sic) about American Symbols - they hate them. They are Unpatriotic and have been for a long time. Recent historians aren't addicted to "Uncovering the dark Side", they've been attacking America, and particularly white America for 60 years. Writing that evil white men and "settlers" stole this land from the Indians, Oppressed blacks, built Industry on the backs of exploited immigrant workers, and did 1000 other bad things.
The hate America 1.0, they've been destroying and undermining it, and want to replace it with a "new people" - an endless flood of "migrants" from overseas.
When my daughter went to school, she was basically taught (1) the holocaust, (2) the civil rights movement (3) Lo, the poor Indian, (4)slavery and (5) Women's struggle for equality. There was almost nothing about America prior to 1900, or anything patriotic. Fortunately, Dear ol' dad was there to fill in the gaps.
Having watched Trump this campaign season and before, for all his MAGA talk, most of what I hear from him is how crappy this country is.
Obviously universities are run by the other ten percent.
The Left bascially has exploited one of the major weaknesses of 'muricans. They good people, God bless 'em, but they aint scholars or interested in anything but making $, drinking beer, and watching football. All that "boring stuff" like history, literature, etc. is something for "nerds".
Except, over the long run, what the masses get taught in school matters. If over 60 years you teach Americans not to be patriotic and or even hate their country, you end up with a lot of selfish individualists, who are easy prey for an organized group of elites.
I was there, too!! I believe it was 1975, though… ;)
"Are you going to make Meade put his hat in the closet?"
I don't make Meade do anything, but I got the anguish-avoidance idea from him. He's taken to wearing an old Brewers cap... to be kinder to the locals who are suffering enough.
Last post. I read a lot of history, and I've been struck by the massive decline in the quality of history books. Its not just that they're leftwing, they're badly written and often dumbed down. Books written by Professers 60 years, could be trusted to be somewhat accurate, and often engaging. Now, when I see the author is a Professor its a red flag. I know, I'm going to get something worthless or a "Marxist" "SJW" retelling.
@Iman, “house,” not “hose.” Back before I retired I was a pretty good proofreader of what other people wrote, but a terrible proofreader of my own scribblings. The loss of the “Preview” function hasn’t helped.
@Inga, and you’re sure the “Democrats and people on the left” that fly American flags in front of their house are not voting for Trump? Have you canvassed them?
Why does Make America Great Again cause leftists to lose it? Is America great with Biden-Kamala OUT-of-control crime? Out of control Inflation, Out of Control Open Southern border - and millions of illegals who have poured in over 4 years? Illegals who are given billions in tax funded free goodies - so they will stay and vote corruptocrat. Democrat FBI-DOJ mass censorship. Forced COVID lies and jabs and Soviet-style Covid censorship. Democrat pushed Trans-madness that has placed women in a position where they cannot enjoy privacy in the locker room or competitive sports events. Trans-madness that amounts to child abuse with confusing they-them progressive pro-nouns, speech codes, and secret trans clubs for under age children. Censorship from on high(D). John Kerry and Hillary Clinton openly calling for mass censorship of all negative or critical information that go against elite democrats in power and their narratives and lies.
All those dark forces are Leftist-Democratic.
Harris can't fake the sincerity which is the political problem here. See, even Inga can't fake it.
The Sestercentenni is coming! The Sestercentenni is coming!
why would he say such a thing? Our cities are amazing places - crime free - no drugs - happy happy joy joy.
Oh, Mark, just chill out with a Big Mac and fries.
Not even the real original Nazis were "right wing" and you should know that. They were National Socialists. Socialism of any stripe is not now and never has been a conservative or rightward thing. Are there self-described socialists who caucus with Republicans? No, they all caucus with the Democrats. ALL of them. Hating Jews is a leftist thing as well, as many have pointed out, dating all the way back to Marx who was virulently anti-Semitic and wrote Das Capital to propose a religion for "intellectuals" hostile to the Jews and Christianity (which was insufficiently hostile to Jews even that long ago). Gee, Hitler himself was "hostile to Jews and Christianity" too, requiring primary allegiance to the Reich. This attitude is also obviously antithetical to conservative principles.
Professor, DOn’t give in, keep Old Glory flying. Your neighbors shouldn’t be coddled in their foolish insecurities.
Talk of an impending Trump victory is unfounded.
Long past time to dehumanize Kamala. cumupance. She is a fake and a fraud. She cannot operate without her puppet strings. What dark force is operating her puppet strings? That is the real question.
Well we know Christians are not welcome at Harris's events, but Jew-haters are.
The country certainly has problems. And campaigns are about how you'll fix the problems, so you have to talk about them.
No one in Madison feels insecure because someone flies the American flag, that is nonsense.
Democracy is suffering? Living with a diversity of thought and opinion is suffering? Seeing the flag of their country is suffering? Good lord. Maybe you need more flags and swag to toughen them up. After all, they worked themselves up into this hysterical state.
Take in your flag off the porch Ann??? Gad... how wimpy...
LOL then you must tune out 95% of what he actually does say, which is "It's so sad what the Left has done to this great country!" Great country. And aren't you also the same asshole who complained about Trump hugging the flag -- literally hugging one! -- in the 2020 election? Turn off your projector. It's showing too much.
Indeed. It’s wishful thinking, wanting our candidate to win, which we are all engaging in on both sides now. It’s doubtful that people in Madison are suffering because they think Trump will win. Cautious optimism describes it better according to my daughter who lives in Monona.
Narratives(D) = gotta twist those facts to fit them.
This means we can’t display Lotus Blossoms until after the election. The goddess Lakshmi always sits on her Lotus Flower Throne and awaits our worship. That’s all she does.
The other name for Lakshmi is Kamala.
Explain the Charlottesville hoax please. Give us the full context of Trump's speech. You know - the BS lie that Trump is a White Supremacist. ooops - that might force you outside of the Maddow-lie-bubble.
Over at the NYT editorial board, Mara Gay was triggered and traumatized by seeing flags in trucks on Long Island over a D-Day anniversary weekend.
I was really looking forward to the 1976 Philadelphia World's Fair. Somehow it never happened. The 1926 World's Fair was a pathetic bust-out. The one in 1876 was something to see, but the news about Custer made it kind of a bummer too. 2026 may pass without any celebration at all.
I missed the People's Bicentennial event. I knew what my parents would say if I told them I was going to that radical, pot-smoking party, so I didn't get to see Phil Ochs. Mom did take us to see the Bicentennial Train. Maybe they could bring that back.
Now she's speaking for the whole town. It's not convincing.
@ Vance…
“They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza. Hamtramck, population 28,000, has new Trump campaign office weeks from election in hopes of gains in swing state“
The US National Anthem is literally about flying that flag in the face of adversity and literal military bombardment. If you take down the flag, you ain't got no right to sing the song.
"Now she's speaking for the whole town. It's not convincing."
Inga has never limited herself to things she can actually know.
Don't you remember all of the merch they sold for the buy-centennial?
Indeed. And wear your MAGA hat proudly and unafraid even if you live in Madison. What better way to display your patriotism!
Vance’s wife never converted to Christianity. She just goes to church with her husband to watch her three children.
OM, I know what my daughter who lives in Monona and works in Madison tells me.
That's probably a good idea professor unless you want to risk bricks through your windows or spray paint on your walls. It's Madison after all. It sure is that way in Ann Arbor.
Yes, well, I live in the belly of the beast.
Very truly spoken. I explained to my mother, an FDR democrat Party member who could not fathom how one of her own could "turn republican", that what appalled and alarmed me about the democrat Party was the anti-American zeitgeist, hatred for their own country, America. That was 30 years ago and of course it's so much more virulent and open now.
I don't think I'd worry about it unless Trump wins. If that happens, it only takes one loon and one brick…
"He's taken to wearing an old Brewers cap... to be kinder to the locals who are suffering enough."
What happened to the idea that diversity is good? I guess it's only a good thing when everyone thinks like the locals do, then?
"If that happens, it only takes one loon and one brick…"
Not a brick through a window- rather, a key on a truck. But still...
"According to The Gateway Pundit, Richard Philip Brothers, 63, of Syracuse, New York, was outside a Winn-Dixie in Monroe County on March 24 when he decided to key a green Toyota Tundra in the parking lot.
Security cameras captured the incident. Two days laters, cops captured Brothers.
Brothers, 62, “admitted he did this on purpose because he saw a ‘Let’s go Brandon’ bumper sticker on the victim’s vehicle and he did not like it."
If Trump does win, I would not want to be Hans Christian Heg.
"...Vance’s wife never converted to Christianity...." And your point is....what?
" And your point is....what?"
Have to say, I'm at a loss.
Kamala should talk plans about a 2026 event? Why? The only office she'll be is the handing-out-filled orders in the McDonald's drive-up line. She's too stupid to be in the first office that takes the cash/credit cards.
@mezzrow, thanks for the link. It brought tears to my eyes.
" And your point is....what?"
Inga's point is Vance is a hypocrite because he married outside his religion. As usual, Inga's comments reveal more about her diseased thinking than what she thinks is her message. Like everyone else on the left, she thinks diversity is only skin-deep. By all means let us see a spectrum of skin color, but a spectrum of opinions and philosophies is anathema and must be expunged. No un-Inga thought is good or moral. In her view, tolerance of error is the deadliest sin, and as the always correct, always virtuous person she deems herself to be, then Vance is doubly damned -- damned for living in sin with a polytheist, and damned if he tries to convert his wife to his orthodoxy.
Isn't it interesting that the Washington Post is writing articles about what Kamala Harris should do as President 2 years from now.
How do you suppose they know she'll be President two years from now.
The fix is well and truly in.
To be fair, I will mention that my very liberal hometown, Lexington MA, has started celebrating in a big way.
"Cue up" can mean "to position".
There, for a minute, the Brewers had a good chance. They wouldn’t be the first regular season division leader to fold like a cheap camera during the division series against a wildcard. Wearing that hat is more like a friendly pat on the back to those whose hopes for a post season run were dashed.
- Krumhorn
I was also tearing up listening to it.
Thanks for proving my point that Democrats define patriotism based on election returns
Lefty logic
'Trump tries to claim, without any evidence, that Kamala Harris did not work at McDonalds.'
What are they teaching at journalism school?
If wearing a hat that stands for Make America Great Again makes you an idiot, what does wearing a representation of a woman's pussy on your head make you? Just wondering.
rehajm said...
“Miami to Ohio. Did you ride your bike there?”
Canoe. Put your canoe in the water at Dayton, OH and float down the Great Miami to the Ohio near Lawrenceburg, IN. Alternatively, put your canoe in the Little Miami north of Loveland, OH and float down to the Ohio past Lunken Airport.
Look at it as solidarity with the people who shed their blood for this experiment in republican governance.
Rusty’s counsel is the wisest thing I expect to read today.
So, wait. What? I'm a Nazi/white supremasist now? Voting for Trump makes you a Nazi? How does that work exactly, Inga? Is there a code? What?
Inga. Are you threatening Althouse?
Big Mike… yes, I knew that, but what a lurid turn of phrase!
Activists will now pull down statues of Ronald McDonald in Playlands across the nation.
That’s boiled down and on point!
'Trump tries to claim, without any evidence, that Kamala Harris did not work at McDonalds.'
Isn't Kamala claiming, without any evidence, that she did work at McDonald's?
The left is PRETENDING to care. How much can they really care about a country they hate, and call RACIST?? The only reason they are contemplating this, is to get votes. After that they will shit all over us, and replace us.
I'm sure the reporters will get right on that…
The sesquicentennial of all the events of The Civil War happened during the Obama Administration, from 2010 to 2015. I was taken aback that there were no national celebrations of any of the major events. Most shocking was the passing of November 19th, 2013, the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. Obama's theatric ability would have been perfect for a recitation.
It finally dawned on me the reason. National acknowledgment of the struggle and success in preserving the union and ending slavery just wouldn't fit the narrative. The narrative being: White America has never paid any price or made any sacrifice for the evils of slavery.
Awww, you know what they say about opinions: “Everyone has one and Inga’s an ass*hole.”
"... I don't like exacerbating the anguish in the neighborhood ..."
Seems out of character.
No, wrong.
Reading comprehension issues Rusty? Or is that too difficult of a concept?
@ MJB Wolf…
“Who Are We?
We Are A Community of Evangelicals Upholding Our Values in the 2024 Election
No political party or leader can ever hold our full devotion. That belongs to Jesus alone. As we approach this election, our hearts are drawn to a path that reflects His teachings. We're choosing the peace that comes from joy, the strength found in loving our neighbors, and the grace in showing compassion. This isn't just a vote; it's a reflection of our faith.
In this election, the choice is clear: Kamala Harris.“
What is your point?
My guess is you don't have one.
Not will only 47 preside over 250, he will also have the 2026 World Cup held in the USA and the 2028 LA Olympics under his watch.
Are you stupid?
I’m poking fun at Meade’s idea of Madison being such an anguished place because Trump is supposedly going to win? Oh brother.
I was responding directly to Traditional guy saying he couldn’t display “Lotus Blossoms” (flag?) until after the election (when Harris won?) Is he worried that it would upset his Trumpublican neighbors? Why worry, Vance himself is married to a Hindu woman, so he’s should feel safe from right wing neighbors.
Well. One of us does.
Gage "I feel an urgency to reclaim and redefine" If you're redefining, you really aren't reclaiming. And if you have to redefine the founding fathers to celebrate them, you really aren't celebrating them.
The WaPo editors lamely suggest that Kamala Harris "try to persuade skeptics on her side of the political spectrum that the United States is indeed something worth celebrating." It's a little late for that.
And that's why no actual American votes for the Left.
They hate America
Shameful propaganda.
Maybe you should get your ass out of your comfy, red county and come see what it's like in deep blue.
@Gusty, the trouble is that most of the people you see riding naked at naked bicycle parades are the sort of people you wish you had < i>never seen with their clothes off.
Impossible to reconcile that opinion with reality. The data contradicts it. Since at least 2002 Gallup has polled Americans about their level of pride in America. Rs say they are either "extremely proud" or "very proud" between 14% and 55% higher than Ds, depending on the year. Just glancing at the graph, the average partisan disparity is probably close to 30%.
Democrat rhetoric also contradicts it. I remember 16 years ago, almost to the day, Obama's promise/threat to "fundamentally change the country. One has no desire to fundamentally change anything they love. The praise it and seek to preserve it. Indeed, Dems. persistently insist the country is extremely racist and sexist. Either they believe that and love the country, which makes them moral monsters. Or they don't believe it but say it, which makes them fools and liars who hate the country. Or they believe it and hate the country. Which makes them fools who hate the country.
Almost any profession by people like Inga to love the country is play acting for their political benefit. Because they intuitively grasp the political cost to admitting they hate the country. But hate she, and they do.
Astroturfing for Kamala. Jesus wept. If they were welcome Harris wouldn’t have snarked at them and kicked them out of her carefully cultivated crowd.
Worst candidate for president from any party in my lifetime. Every article is desperately trying to help Harris but she’s clueless and just bad at campaigning, connecting and communicating. She’s horrible and all Inga’s hand waving and stinking linking can’t even convince her own self. Actual known organizations step up and endorse Trump. Not the just-conceived emo evangelicals for the abortion sacrament and the daily “celebrity” rollout. Harris would be pathetic if she was a real person.
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