October 28, 2024

Sunrise — 7:03, 7:15, 7:31, 7:33, 7:42.







BUMBLE BEE said...

The colors in #1 are surreal. Great shot!

Iman said...

“Orange skies
Carnivals and cotton candy
And you…”

Disparity of Cult said...

Double standard?

George Lopez at Tim Walz rally

Sunny Hostin on The View

Whiskeybum said...

“ Nevada Supreme Court DENIES Republican appeal in mail-in ballot lawsuit. Non-postmarked ballots received up to three days after Election Day will be counted.”

Unbelievable. Maduro’s election had better safeguards in place than we have in the US today.

Howard said...

You guys should be pretty happy because it looks like Trump is going to win this thing. I wonder if he's really going to pivot to the left like it appears. All accept drill baby drill and the border crackdown

Disparity of Cult said...

1:08 for the George Lopez link

rehajm said...

Chance of victory for whoever is on Democrat ticket by then- take it to the bank…

Maynard said...

What issues will Trump pivot on Howard?

Maynard said...

Michael K has not posted here in a while. Does anyone have any info?

I live about 30 minutes away, but don't know exactly where he lives or if he is traveling.

Wa St Blogger said...


In the last thread you denigrated everybody who is not ati-trump as a cultish true-believer. What is interesting is that you are the cultish believer. you have clung fiercely to unproven allegations. When called on your misinformation you spout leftist talking points and even when those are debunked you find excuses for why it isn't really debunked. and when the facts become uncontestable, you simply move on to the next unproven allegation like it is the gospel from on high.

Any attempts to discuss actual facts is ignored by you.

THAT is the markings of a cultish believer.

You provide no policy arguments, no analysis of a person's record, no fact-based information. You simply parrot leftist talking points.

Like Linus, you are SURE the great pumpkin will rise this time.

You are a true believer. In Biden, in Harris, in the potted plant fertilized from the excrement of the maggot feasting on any dead democrat candidate. Nothing can dissuade you because there is only one truth. D good, R bad.

And yet you claim WE are in a cult.

Saint Croix said...

35 million views on the Rogan-Trump interview so far.

Saint Croix said...

weird thing at youtube

if you type "Rogan Trump" or "Rogan Trump interview"

you won't find it.

But if you type "Donald Trump Joe Rogan," it pops right up.


FormerLawClerk said...

Looks like we got us a judge who is a clear and present danger to the security of the United States.

Wonder what Trump will do to him, seeing as how he will have complete immunity from prosecution for official acts as President.

FormerLawClerk said...

It won't matter if Trump wins because they're going to kill him. And let's remember that for the last 3.75 years, Republicans in the House have been funding Democrats.

FormerLawClerk said...

That's a YUGE cult.

FormerLawClerk said...

Google is definitely fking with the algorithm. Trump should nationalize that company and fire them all.

Eva Marie said...

Melania is at #1 on the Amazon best seller list. Ketanji Brown Jackson’s new memoir is at #1844. Hillary has a memoir out (9/24). It’s at #605.
War by Bob Woodward has slipped to #18 and Ta-Nehisi Coates is at #49.
My very favorite book The Achievements of Kamala Harris (all blank pages) is at #424.

Inga said...

Madison, what a lovely liberal city.

mongo said...

The verdict is expected. What I don’t understand is why the decision was handed down a week before the election.

mongo said...

The verdict is expected. What I don’t understand is why the decision was handed down a week before the election.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Well, prog city. There are no liberals in the Democrat party anymore.

FormerLawClerk said...

Liking it more and more with each new poll of Wisconsin voters. Trump now leading Kamala Harris in Wisconsin.

NT Dave said...

With Musk, RFK Jr. and Tulsi the 1st Amendment is in better hands.

Vance said...

Ponder this. The leftists like Inga are screaming "Nazi Nazi Nazi arrrghbargle if you don't vote for Kamala you are evil racist Nazi must be put down" and the like.

And there's at least 74 million of these people.

What did Democrats do to make 74 million people say , "you know what? Being the Nazi's gotta be better than what Democrats are offering!"

Odd how Inga, et. al, don't seem to wonder why they are losing to a Nazi.

Iman said...

I just watched Megyn Kelly’s appearance on Bill Maher’s HBO show (on Friday 10/25) and it was a thing of beauty. Maher was totally in over his oversized lollipop of a head. Best 15 minutes spent in a long time.

FormerLawClerk said...

Inga is just Trigglypuff with typing skills.

Gospace said...

Tampon Tim apparently ignored every security briefing he ever had. With testimony far more believable then E Jean Carroll's made up stories. With details that could be confirmed- like exchanging Facebook messages- with an actual year.

Clyde said...

Well, at least it was with a woman. Given his affect in recent appearances, and his party's deviant predilections, that wasn't a given. So there's that.

MadisonMan said...

I've noticed almost all the leaves on our street have plummeted Earthward in the past 10 days. I guess that's normal. And we're all set, candy-wise, for Hallowe'en, but it's always a crap shoot as to how many kids come by. 120 candy bars! Surplus goes to work the next day. Also, I got a lot of work done today, and I'm feeling good about that.

Quaestor said...

And Inga has yet to denounce the evil theft of a dead Canadian's photograph. A woman, a wife, mother, and a scientist who died from cancer had her memorial image stolen to create a forgery intended prop up Kamala's lies about working at a McDonald's in Alameda. She thinks her side can do no wrong, therefore the lies flow from her keyboard to this blog completely without guilt or scruple. It's beyond sad. Think of her soul so pitilessly ravaged by the Democrat influencers who feed her bushel loads of propagandistic excrement every day.

FormerLawClerk said...

If you cancel your subscription because they won't endorse your candidate, aren't you trying to BUY an endorsement, with the threat of withholding the payoff if it doesn't come?

Why yes. That's what you are doing.

Find a candidate who doesn't need purchased endorsements.

Inga said...

Yikes! Voter fraud!


“On Oct. 11, the sheriff’s office spoke with Miller about the ballot signature envelopes. She said she filled out her mom’s absentee ballot and signed her mom’s name on the envelope. She admitted her mom was an avid Donald Trump supporter and had wanted to vote for Trump, but she died before the absentee ballots were received.

Miller also admitted she filled out her own absentee ballot and signed her mom’s signature as the witness to her ballot.”

FormerLawClerk said...

Back in the 60s, Batman was one of Hollywood's top shows. In one episode, Batgirl has been secreted to the Batcave and they need to get her out of there without disclosing the location of the Batcave.

Well, of course, Batman has a spray that will put the Batgirl to sleep for the ride out, so no worries.

After he puts the Batgirl to sleep, his sidekick Robin points out how pretty the Batgirl is when she's been drugged to sleep.

Adam West as Batman replies: "I thought you might eventually notice that, Robin.
That single statement indicates to me the first oncoming thrust of manhood in you, old chum."

Hollywood has been explaining how they operate for half a century.

FormerLawClerk said...


Narr said...

I finally dud my duty and voted this morning. The polls opened at 11, so I got there at 1030 and was about the fifteenth person in line. By the time the doors opened there were about fifty or sixty people behind me, and more arriving all the time.

There were only a few things for me to vote on, including some city governance and gun control issues, so it took me only a few minutes to mark my paper ballot and get it into the scanner. I didn't have any particular reason to choose paper, I just did on the spur of the moment. I'm not sure when the last time was that I did that, or if it has even been an option recently.

I drove by the place about an hour later, to gauge how the line was, and it looked like you could get in and out in 30 minutes give or take. I spent more time chatting with people I knew on the way out than I did getting to the booth after they opened.

There was no clear vibe either way--people discussed everything but who and what they were going to vote for, as it should be.

Original Mike said...

And what conclusion do you draw from this story, Inga?

Peachy said...

Vivek rules. Reminds us about the insulting/racist joke at a Kamala rally.

Peachy said...


Peachy said...

Madison is nice - but that has nothing to do with your evil politics - you twit.

Peachy said...

You guys have the u-hauls - and the after November 5th vote counting.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Gutfeld says the Kamala campaign is in a "nag spiral".

Where did the "basket of deplorables" got Hillary?

"Nobody's right if everybody's wrong"

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...


“Donald Trump has a serious Puerto Rico problem — in Pennsylvania.

Evidence of the backlash was immediate on Monday: A nonpartisan Puerto Rican group drafted a letter urging its members to oppose Trump on election day. Other Puerto Rican voters were lighting up WhatsApp chats with reactions to the vulgar display and raising it in morning conversations at their bodegas. Some are planning to protest Trump’s rally Tuesday in Allentown, a majority-Latino city with one of the largest Puerto Rican populations in the state.

And the arena Trump is speaking at is located in the middle of the city’s Puerto Rican neighborhood.

“It’s spreading like wildfire through the community,” said Norberto Dominguez, a precinct captain with the local Democratic party in Allentown, who noted his own family is half Republican and half Democratic voters.

“It’s not the smartest thing to do, to insult people — a large group of voters here in a swing state — and then go to their home asking for votes,” Dominguez said.“

Democrats didn’t have to do an October surprise on Trump, his own brilliant campaign did it to him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did you know... "Several towns have an age limit for who's allowed to go trick-or-treating on Halloween"

I believe this is the first time I've heard about this. I'm not 100% sure.

How do they enforce it, is not entirely clear.

Dave Begley said...

RFK, Jr. and Tulsi in Madison tomorrow. Badgers show up!

Political Junkie said...

I have mentioned I see some similarities between W 2000 and KH. Bad on their feet, can appear quite ignorant, reliant on talking points. W is likeable, KH is not. W picked Cheney to bring experience to the ticket. KH picked Tim Walz. I think VP pick mattered this year, maybe bigly.

Peachy said...

Watch Megyn Kelly Destroy Bill Maher’s Narrative w/ Facts in Only 5 Minutes

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Kamala Harris will become the first woman President of the United States, at least cracking, if not shattering the glass ceiling, and she'll become the first American president of mixed African and East Asian descent, foreshadowing where our country is going. We are rapidly becoming a majority-minority country. Old white guys like me are on the decline. It wont be close,AMERICA has already decided, it will not elect a sexual predictor,convicted felon old man. The glass ceiling will be broken and little girls will be able to image their dreams could possibly come tru.The old white people will be th eminority soon and though they are fighting it tooth and nail,,its oo late to stop it. Grin and bear itMost up in here will be dead so not to worry but th eoffspring will finally face the BRAVE NEW WORLD ITS BEEN PREDICTED LONG AGO,, Dont worry AMERICA ,IS NOT A GARBAGE CAN AS THE TRUMPERS BELIEVE . IT WILL THRIVE AND IT WILL SEE TRIALS THATS CALLED life ON EARTH seek an eternity and there is nothing you can do about it so chill..... :) dont worry be happy EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY FOR TOMORROW WE DIE ECCLESIASTES AND iSAIAH already spread the WORD. long ago..You lost in 2020 and your still here, now that wasn't bad right?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What Biden and Kamala have done to the USA.

Peachy said...

Did you know that HITLER was 1938 "Man/Person of the year" on TIME magazine cover?

You know TIME(D) magazine., hahahahahahaha

Jimmy said...

jeff bezos wrote an editorial, on why he thinks the wapo needs to change. It was a very honest letter to his paper and its readers.
Short version, the paper has lost the trust of the people, and needs to regain that trust.
One of his ideas is to hire more conservative journalists. well, we know what that usually means.
but I thought it was an unusual step to take, and thought it made sense, at least to me. then I read the comments.
the most popular one, was as follows."I wrote that Bezos has perverted the WaPo's Democracy Dies in Darkness Motto into its Mission Statement. I wrote that Bezos and Musk are American Oligarchs who are in service to the GOP Nazi Fourth Reich. I wrote that these oligarchs should be named, shame, and excoriated for their seditious misconduct."
This is Inga level of hysteria. The fourth reich indeed. yeah, composed of an Indian, a Samoan, a few Jews and a white African American.
these hysterical fools are laying the foundation for violence. Two attempts already, and no one thinks it will be the last time.
Inga, and the other retards on this blog have gone a long way to legitimize the violence we have seen, and will see in the coming months, if Trump over comes the organized cheat.
I have never read a meaningful criticism. by Inga or any of the leftist trolls on this blog. it is ALWAYS innuendo, cheap shots, and based in hate and envy.
If the wish of people, quoted above, is to resort to violence and chaos, so be it. All I can say is beware the wrath of patient men and women, who just want to be left alone.

Peachy said...

Why did Bill Gates give Kamala's campaign 50,000 million?

Peachy said...

Leftist progressives have zero tolerance for anything outside of the hivemind directive.

Iman said...

I think he mentioned he was thinking of taking a break a few weeks back.

Peachy said...

Tulsi Gabbard = PURE Class.
( No wonder she left the septic field behind. )

Peachy said...

wow. Kamala and Biden and their corrupt handlers are pure S H * T.

Peachy said...

No one cares - I-nag.

Peachy said...

So many Americans killed by illegals that shouldn’t have been in our country to begin with. Kamala Harris has blood on her hands.

Inga said...


“NAACP poll: Trump’s support among young Black men decreasing

A new NAACP survey found Republican Donald Trump’s support among young Black men has dwindled with a little more than a week to go before Election Day.

The poll found Black men under 50 years old decreased their likelihood of voting for the former president, dropping from 27 percent to 21 percent since a previous survey asking the same question was released last month.

Researchers involved with the survey say Vice President Kamala Harris’ support among this bloc jumped from 51 percent to 59 percent over that same time frame.”

I doubt the MSG “joke” about the Black guy and carving watermelons won’t help win over more Black young men.

Inga said...

They love that stuff so much they can’t contain themselves?

Inga said...

Dumb cat lady…
You know nothing about Madison, it is a lovely city because it’s been a liberal city.

Peachy said...

Sean Davis:
"Everyone knows that if Trump doesn’t win this election, it means we don’t have actual elections anymore, because there is no way Kamala Harris wins a lawful election. Everyone sees it and everyone knows it."

traditionalguy said...

Long day hitting the road for a family meet up in Columbus, Ga to attend grandchild’s Graduation from Officer’s training over at Bennington…now renamed Moore. Next he goes through Ranger. And Airborne.

We met at Marriott because the grand daughter and daughter flew to NOfrom Tampa to see Taylor’s Eras TourSunday night. They day it was worth the Thouusand dollar tickets. Oh to be young again!

traditionalguy said...

Trump is winning big time. Praying for an honest count now.

Quaestor said...

I hope Trump restores the longstanding and historical names of our military bases and forts.

Jim at said...

A new NAACP survey found ...

Good gawd, you're dumb. You'll believe ANYTHING they shove into your maw.

Inga said...


“Elon Musk’s America PAC shared a video calling Kamala Harris “the c-word” on X, the social media platform also owned by the tech billionaire.

The narrator in the 34-second ad repeatedly calls Harris a “c-word” and says other elected officials whose photos are displayed in the ad — Democrats President Joe Biden, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — are all “c-words.”“

Latinos, Blacks, women. Wow what a way to get more votes, brilliant strategy.

Peachy said...

JD Vance: "Kamala Harris and her team decided to compare us to Nazis for gathering in Madison Square Garden and celebrating the United States of America. These people have no plans, no ideas, and no solutions. All they have is hatred of their fellow citizens."

Peachy said...

LOL - you are so stupid. The C word = Communist

Here's the offensive video! How dare they! All must obey and worship the corrupt democrat party!

Inga said...

Ah yes, “America is for Americans only”, vile jokes about Latinos, Blacks, women, Asians, they can’t hold it in, they’ve waited long enough!

Inga said...

Dummies like the cat lady have no idea that JD Vance and Trump despise her.

TaeJohnDo said...

Election Betting Odds - Trump up 0.3 this last day, 0.1 in the last 4 hours, to 61.8 Percent. But the PR joke is destroying him and black men are deserting him. Got it.

Jamie said...

I think - I hope - he's doing better job of sticking to his self-imposed gag order than I am!

Inga said...


Wow, Sprezz, I had no idea they played “Dixie”. After you mentioned it I went to look it up. So this is what a Trump presidency will look like, it was good of them to give us a preview.

“NEW YORK — Donald Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden, meant to demonstrate broad-based and unifying support as he seeks a second term, was marked by racist barbs amid other demeaning insults.
It also featured a song that had little in common with the location: “Dixie,” the unofficial national anthem of the Confederate States of America.
The song, which some see as an ode to Southern pride and others condemn as a celebration of American slavery, was played at least twice during the night, once as Steve Witkoff, a New York real estate investor, entered and left the stage.
“How good of a song is that,” Witkoff said at the beginning of his comments.“

Iman said...

Yes, she is a shitbird. No redeeming value.

Big Mike said...

You know who also ordered the band to play “Dixie”? Abe Lincoln l, after the fall of Richmond and the surrender of Lee’s army. You could look it up.

Big Mike said...

You know who also ordered the band to play “Dixie”? Abe Lincoln l, after the fall of Richmond and the surrender of Lee’s army. You could look it up.

Iman said...

Trigglypuff before Trigglypuff lost 50 pounds… maybe.

Iman said...

…and the ‘73 Olds 98s with the massive trunks.

Inga said...


They've gone and pissed off the Archbishop of San Juan, PR

“The Archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico is asking former President Donald Trump to personally apologize for vulgar comments made about Puerto Ricans during a rally in Madison Square Garden over the weekend.

“I enjoy a good joke,” Archbishop of San Juan Roberto O. González Nieves wrote in a letter to the president posted on the Archbishop’s Facebook page. “However, humor has its limits. It should not insult or denigrate the dignity and sacredness of people. Hinchcliffe’s remarks do not only provoke sinister laughter but hatred. These kinds of remarks do not have a place in a society founded upon ‘liberty and justice for all.’”

Jim at said...

See what I mean?

a precinct captain with the local Democratic party talking to Politico.

You don't even try to find unbiased sources. You simply find whatever suits your narrative and then spew it.

I admit, I don't know what's going to happen next week. I have an idea, but nobody really knows.

You - on the other hand - will be on suicide watch if it turns out the way it's looking. Know why? Because you refuse to educate yourself. You simply eat the shit they feed you. And then have the audacity to accuse us of being in a cult.

You really need to find a new hobby. Maybe next week will provide that opportunity.

Iman said...

A thing of beauty. Best pushback on everything Maher promotes since Ben Domenech left him speechless and sporting an old man’s open mouthed stares around 7 or 8 years ago.

Aggie said...

I just watched the interview that Tucker Carlson gave with Amaryllis Kennedy a few days ago. Very interesting and highly recommended. You can speed it up to 1.75x and take it all in, just fine. She's very engaged and has quite interesting insights.

Peachy said...

You modern corruption supporting democratic Apparatchiks sure are desperate. So lame.

Peachy said...

Kamala is the C word. A Communist! Communists are excellent liars. Wait a second... she is a corrupt Communist! She is a double C-word. CC-Kamala. oh no!
Here's the offending video. found at Politico's(D) hysterical link. Quick - arrest them!

Big Mike said...

Actually, if circumstances forced me to live in Madison the wife and I would have to homeschool our children. Based on some of Althouse’s posts the K-12 educational system is terrible.

And that’s’ entirely because it is a liberal city.

Big Mike said...

@Sprezzatura, are you suggesting that Lincoln had slaves? The man who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation?

Mr. Majestyk said...

Someone tell CNN that it's not just Mexicans crossing the border, so the "Lopez was just making fun of his own group" dodge doesn't work.

Rory said...

It wasn't like that - just happened today. I filtered for things posted this week, and it was about 10 items down. 36 million views in 48 hours.

gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gadfly said...

Vivek was twisting the fact that Trump's people invited Kill Tony to perform at MSG after Puerto Rican entertainer Bad Bunny endorsed Harris. From there it went downhill and the Puerto Rican's in Pennsyvania that represent 6% of all voters are unhappy. Why can't MAGAts stick to discussion of facts rather than attacking folks who disagree with electing a convicted criminal?Democrats did not call all Republicans Nazis - but they did project a sign onto the colossal Midtown building where the Trump rally was played that read "Trump Praises Hitler" - which he did do.

gadfly said...

In the last Nevada Primary election, exactly 24 non-posted ballots were found - but since they ballots arrived in the mail, the postal stamper machine may have passed them through without automatically marking them or perhaps the stamps fell off the envelope.

Get a life, Whiskeybum!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Why I rather vote on election day

gadfly said...

A Trump advisor speaking to The Bulwark, took the position that the time is now to bail on Kill Tony: “This isn’t the hill we need to die on, Puerto Rico as a trash island—for fuck’s sake!”

rehajm said...

Gisele is pregnant. Have you SEEN Gisele? Hi ya!

wendybar said...

What is it with Progressive politicians and their affairs with communist Chinese??? Walz, Swalwell, Feinstein ect..ect...ect. Makes you wonder about Biden

wendybar said...

Morning Mika spewing her vile at the Spew yesterday was describing herself and the ugly Democrats she was sitting with, and she was clueless as Joe and Kamala.
Maniacal Mika- "Nobody gets a pass trashing America — Puerto Rican Americans. Nobody gets a pass degrading people. Nobody gets a pass degrading legal migrants and terrorizing people. Nobody gets a pass threatening his enemies with using the military against them."....NOBODY EXCEPT PROGRESSIVES AND THEIR DEEP STATE. THIS IS THEM, IN A NUTSHELL.


wendybar said...

" In 2024, with their “Trump is Hitler” rhetoric, Democrats and their media allies have become the drunk at the end of the bar."


wendybar said...

Scott Adams
Democrats have taught me two things recently:

1. Trump is the biggest threat to civilization.


2. To defeat him, we must run our stupidest candidate and lie about everything Trump says.

Jim at said...

A Trump advisor speaking to The Bulwark..

You're just as gullible as the Ingacile.

Kakistocracy said...

"Island of garbage" is a smart line and a smart crowd would have appreciated it.

Victory bleaches most stains. But if Trump loses next week, his self-indulgent hate fest at Madison Square Garden may be a large part of the story --antagonizing key constituencies he needs and crystallizing concerns about what his return to the White House would be like.

Christopher B said...

That letter, combined with Bezos's instructions to his editor to "hire more conservative *columnists*" is basically proof he doesn't get it yet, and maybe won't ever. The problem is not that people are upset at the content of the editorial page. The WSJ had a famously conservative editorial page but still was widely respected for its informative reporting because its *reporting* was not slanted by the political leanings of the people writing the stories. The blathering by the DNC stenographers at the WaPoo is a clear indication their reporting and story selection are hopelessly biased to the left, and it's confirmed by what actually shows up in the paper.

If Bezos wants to really turn things around and not just try to pull the wool over people's eyes about the bias in the actual news coverage, he needs to start by returning the 2018 Pulitzer the WaPoo shared with the NYT for flacking the Russia Collusion Hoax.

Clyde said...

I'm watching Fox & Friends this morning, and Judge Jeanine Pirro and Jessica Tarlov (one of the token Democrats on The Five) are on the show. Tarlov is dressed in a funereal black dress. I'm wondering if this is symbolic of the state of the Democrats' campaigns at this point. I certainly hope so!

boatbuilder said...

However, humor has its limits. It should not insult or denigrate the dignity and sacredness of people

That is, in fact, the essence of humor. Of or comedy, which I suppose is not quite the same thing. But sheesh, talk about not getting it.

Peachy said...

More mind-reading from the Apparatchiks.
If I had to guess - Puerto Rican's know their nation has a trash problem. They also know a dumb joke when they hear one. wow - the left figured out that 6% of Puerto Ricans in PA are "unhappy". Sure!
you leftists are such freaks.

Peachy said...

but it kind of is a trash island. They have a huge problem with landfill management and waste.

Peachy said...

The crowd didn't like the comedian very much. They didn't laugh and he got some boos. How was it a hate-fest?
Leaving aside the comedian - give us some examples.. Actual examples - not fake ones from MSNBC(D)

Iman said...

Open border… Soul-crushing inflation… High Cost of Food and Energy… High crime rate… etc.

Yes, America is pining for this, richie… you 🤡.

Iman said...

Inag’s in a spiral…

Saint Croix said...

I'm getting a weird error message on the Althouse blog: "Failed to publish. Please try again later." That's a new one. Not on every thread, but it's happened several times now.

Rusty said...

What you meant, Inga is; "Madison. What a lovely leftist city." I'm a liberal, Inga, and Madison ain't liberal.

Rusty said...

You certainly can't. You're a vile joke.

Rusty said...

Here's a buck, Gadfly.(whips out a single) Go buy yourself a sense of humor. Take Inga with you.

Rusty said...

Here's an interesting take by Jeff Goldstein at, 'Protien Wisdom' Hhttps://jeffgoldstein.substack.com/p/notes-from-a-cluttered-mind-4f0
Like Althouse he's always a pleasure to read.

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