Said Joe Rogan, 48 minutes into his 3+ hour podcast with JD Vance. It's an excellent conversation, and I was particularly interested in what Joe said, because he's been cagey about which side he's on. You can hear that he's concerned that he's getting classified as right-wing.
Later, 2 hours and 7 minutes in, Joe says this about Kamala Harris: "It's just strange that everyone's accepting that this person who is the least popular vice president ever is now the solution to the problem and that the media machine in just a few days did this 180 and just sold her as the solution. And as long as they keep her from having these conversations where she's allowed to talk, they're able to pull this off. And the, the fact that it's happening with no primary should be really concerning to people... because that's never happened before.... they could have had a primary...."
Of course, when he says "these conversations where she's allowed to talk," he means, above all, the Joe Rogan Experience.
Here's the full video:
Listening to JD talking with Joe all afternoon. And I learned that MAGA has itself a real winner waiting in the wings if Trump goes down for health reasons such as lead poisoning.
And frankly that’s the best news we’ve seen in years.
I don't connect fitness and health with pot smoking and mushroom snorting, or whatever they do with them.
Well.. I hear Hitler wasn't elected either (appointed) and since Kamala keeps talking about Hitler.. well... on the other hand Trump did go through the primary system... voters on the Republican side want him. I have no idea what the Democrats want.
So you are all in favor of assassination? Keep in mind though.. that can go both ways.
The fact that Harris participated in a coup should really concern people. She, Nanci Pelosi, Barack Obama and several other co-conspirators THREATENED a sitting President of the United States that they would remove him from office, when they know that he is very concerned about the prosecution of his only remaining alive son.
They threatened him. It is a CRIME to threaten a US President to get him to do ANYTHING. It's a FELONY.
That is what should concern people. They feel they can do this, that we can all know about what they're doing ... their conspiracy to topple a US government ... and they feel we will do NOTHING about that. That should concern people.
I don't like Joe Biden. I think he's a pedophile. But he's the President of the United States and we have laws protecting the President from the sort of threats that these people have engaged in.
If they get away with this, then we are all going to be very, very sorry for it. Our nation, our Union, will disintegrate into a vicious war that will make the Civil War look like a cakewalk.
"And as long as they keep her from having these conversations where she's allowed to talk, they're able to pull this off."
The "basement" campaign strategy won for them in 2020. Of course they're running it again. And it may win them the White House again, which would be an unfortunate development.
The Democrats want $7 trillion annually stolen from the American people fair and square. That's what they want.
I watched snippets of the video, randomly, back and forth, easily bored as I am. J.D. Vance seems like a pretty smart guy. Smarter than me, anyway. I kept wondering if Joe Rogan was on drugs, but then again, I was primed to suspect that so who knows?
Rogan is concerned about being "labeled Rightwing" because he's NOT rightwing.
He's a pot smoking, social liberal, who voted for Biden in 2020, and refused to have Trump on his show in 2021 through 2023, because "he didn't want to give him a platform".
But he is in favor of free speech, and he's not willing to close his eyes and support the Liberal/left no matter what. Had he talked to Harris, his liberal/left side would've come out more. But Harris didn't want to talk to anyone who's not 100 percent in the tank for her.
"It's just strange..."
The appropriate word is "weird". Kamala is so weird!
As the liberal/left has gotten more totalitarian, and more extreme, a lot of people who used to "reasonable liberals" are having doubts. Hopefully, enough will vote for Trump, so we can stop the Democrats from packing the SCOTUS, or ending free speech. Maybe, another loss to Trump, will bring them back from brink and back to sanity.
I'm old enough to remember when raising concerns about fluoride in the water was actually right-wing.
He's concerned because he's been labelled right-wing by his haters and he's always maintained he's more of an old-school liberal.
I hope I get a chance to listen to this tonight. I'm more interested in him having a conversation with JD than I am with his conversation with Trump.
Rogan is concerned about being "labeled Rightwing"...
Maybe because people perceived as "rightwing" get cancelled, their businesses ruined or imprisoned for saying or doing things leftwing people are at no risk for doing.
Perhaps, by "best news", he meant "that MAGA has itself a real winner waiting in the wings"?
I guess that all those commenting favorably should consider themselves as Irredeemably deplorable Nazi garbage?
What a crazy election. What a crazy time
do YOU know, When this fluoridation stuff started? 1949 NINETEEN FOURTYNINE!
how's THAT fit into your postwar commie comspiracy?
have you EVER (EVER!) seen a russian drink a glass of water? NO WAY IN HELL
Vodka.. That's what your rusian commie drinks
The interview is a shock. Joe Rogan asks a question, and Vance just ... answers the question. No hesitation. No random sound bites. No brain lock. He just answers the questions.
It is a CRIME to threaten a US President to get him to do ANYTHING. It's a FELONY.
You seem rather fixated on this idea. I think it greatly depends on the nature of the "threat". If you tell him you're going public with your concerns and will encourage big donors not to support his re-election, that's just politics. If you blackmail him with pictures from Epstein Island or threaten to have him offed by a rogue Secret Service agent, yeah, that becomes a crime.
I bet Walz not only won't do this, he'd be as intrinsically incapable of doing it as Kamala herself. What a pair of doofuses.
JD's talents would be wasted presiding over the Senate, cutting ribbons, and attending funerals.
Rogan's concerns about being labeled "right wing" are well founded. Being right wing since 1950 has always meant membership in an odd coalition of traditionalists, libertarians, free marketers, and eccentrics. Since the Obama ascendancy, being right wing has also included anyone who refuses to wear the mandatory propaganda goggles being handed out by elite media.
Can you even imagine American politics without Trump dominated by the Cackler? I can and I'm looking at going back to New Zealand. It's not that NZ politicians aren't assholes. It's just that I don't care if they are.
I could never watch the Joe Rogan show. Interviews are just not interesting visually. I can't lose 3 hours watching one.
I can and do listen to 3 hour podcasts.
I download them to my phone using the "Podcast Addict" app.
I downloaded vance and will listen on the plane to Chicago Saturday.
Ditto Scott Adams. Watching him talk for an hour would bore me to tears. Listening is great.
Kamala hasn't been exposed to any substantive interviews by real interviewers --period. She may be walking around, but the real Kamala (to the extent that there is a real person behind the Kackler exterior) has never gotten out of the basement.
The term "right wing" has been superseded. The current usage is "far right". This applies to anyone who is not a full Progressive.
"What a pair of doofuses."
Anyone who doesn't toe the line is transparent to a fascist.
The only person you seem unable to read is yourself.
I agree John Henry. Alot of these YouTube shows are best just listened to. I listed to Scott Adams each night as I go to sleep as he starts midnight my local time. Rogan is similar. I have zero interest in watching it, but I can put it on to listen to while I do other things or travel. Youtube just becomes an easy method for mass distribution - these things don't really require video and personally I find it much harder to focus on them if you do have video.
What a great discussion about the lack of forgiveness and redemption in the Woke "Religion".
I'm not a druggie but I just wanted to jump in and beg people, please don't snort the mushrooms.
One of the interesting things about their discussion is that you get an idea of what politics might be like if the far left were out of it. Joe Rogan is on the left but not the crazy left. You have to actually think about what he says because it isn't just crazy talk. For instance, I notice that he thinks that religion is just accepting what you are told. That's why he thinks that the trans movement is a religion - because, in it, people just accept what they are told. Rogan has no idea at all of a Creator who brought you from nothing for a purpose and of a connection to that Creator.
Speeding up is your friend. 1.8x is no problem with total comprehension. That's 1:40, less than flight time to the island from Chicago, I'm betting.
"he's concerned that he's getting classified as right-wing" And as we all know, there's nothing worse than that. At least for people who give any credence to the people doing the classifying.
I don’t think Rogan has been cagey at all. He’s a liberal. He is pointing out, just as Jordan Peterson has, that liberal causes he grew up with are now being dismissed outright as extreme right wing by the party that originally made them an issue. Democrats are opposing free speech. Democrats insist the government can tell you what the government can inject in your body. Democrats want to tell you what to eat. Democrats want to make the blue collar workers pay for the elite college students. This would be heresy to a 1960’s Democrat. Now, it is called extreme right wing.
These guys hate wind turbines as much as I do.
Wind turbines or machetes in motion are sanctified as religious rites to climate progress with forward-looking "benefits".
I grew up conservative and then thought I was moderate in middle age. I wanted to be ‘middle of the road’ but now that I am older and I believe the left has lurched into the ditch. Eric Weinstein recently said the Democrat Party is no longer the party he once supported. All of the things he hated about Republicans years ago are now being lived out by the Democrats; censorship, big corporate ‘pharmacy’ corruption , Global war machine (Cheney’s now support Harris?). The science is settled except for boys are girls. Etc+. Today I saw a “Democrats for Trump” sign on my Road. There is hope .
I listened to both the Trump/Rogan interview and the Vance/Rogan interview. Both were excellent. Much more informative than other interviews.
Rogan is the new (and improved) Barbara Walters of media.
Interesting side note: Rogan wore long sleeved shirts (no tattoos showing) for both interviews. Black for Trump. Gray for Vance.
The term "right wing" has been superseded. The current usage is "far right".
Actually, the current usage is "White Supremacist". For Larry Elder it is "the Black face of White Supremacy" and so on for people of non-White color.
Most interesting (for me) takeaway from the Trump interview:
Trump ‘s (implied) inspiration from people who excel at what they do. He observes and learns.
Most interesting (for me) takeaway from the Vance interview:
Vance made the observation that there’s no room for forgiveness in the secular liberal religions.
"they're connecting fitness with a right wing idea"
When the government is trying to help its rich friends to destroy your health, fitness is a right-wing idea.
I knew nothing of J D Vance except that he'd written a book that made a splash and I hadn't read. I started hearing him talk when he got into politics and I've been impressed. The excerpts of his Rogan interview have been uniformly good and reinforce my high opinion of him. If he's the future of the GOP, I'm in.
You keep saying this.
How many times do you have to be whacked on the snout with a rolled-up newspaper to be set straight:
You cannot name the "felony" you cite. A threat to take a legal action against a POTUS is NOT a "felony".
Can you employ your last working ganglia and neurons around those concepts?
Try this: The House threatens to impeach a POTUS. Is that a "threat"? Yes. Is it lawful? Yes.
Can the House threaten to remove funding for govt-owned presidential dachas like Camp David? Yes, it can.
Is threatening to invoke the 25th if Biden doesn't drop out as a a *candidate* for FUTURE office ----something not remotely a "presidential power" or perogative---legal? YES.
So cut the crap.
Yeah.. Those moms for Trump are so misguided. Somehow they got the idea that the current Dem offerings won't truly benefit them or the country. It's "bananas". Sprezzy holding tight to the Dem narrative. He really wants to view himself as part of the good team...while he collects fancy cars.
They have seen your 'basement' and raised you an 'unlikable candidate with no votes or even notable achievements'. Do you call?
Truly remarkable, when you think about it, that a Presidential Campaign is being conducted using a candidate that nobody chose except for the Presidential Candidate from last time.
Rogan is like any businessman that uses a platform predicated on unregulated Free Speech. He can easily see that a change in the political environment could wreak devastation to his business, and he has, as proof, the attacks on other, similar institutions that stepped over a perceived line into an informally-declared forbidden area. The offers to Trump, Harris, and Vance and maybe even Tampon Tim - who knows? - are purely defensive. And maybe not a little bit based on patriotic principle....
Sprezzy is beginning to make the LLR-democratical Rich, the gaslighting Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, look like a truth-teller by comparison!
Dunning-Kruger on Full Parade.
Rogan is still connected to the L.A. entertainment world by friendships, and that means his political opinion is not free. It comes with costs and risks. He could also be confused by the Trump and woke phenomena, which really erase that whole liberal/conservative landscape of the past. It's great to be alive watching such a sea change.
TRUMP on Kamala: "There are some people who thrive under pressure, and there are some people who crack under pressure. She's a cracker." That's a CIC: Comedian In Chief.
Trump is the first candidate I can remember who picked a VP better than himself. That's confidence.
We already elected a president that can't talk or make sense. Are we dumb enough to do it twice in a row? Millions are.
Tat was excellent.
Nice. You could house a lot of "migrants". Get on it.
Just noting, this is the second time I've seen Rogan in a dress shirt.
We now have been told that being on time, politeness, hiking, returning grocery carts, meritocracy, Western civilization, and not jaywalking are all racist.
Maybe we need to start keeping a list of all the things that are now "conservative".
I'll start. From just what I've heard in the last month, being conservative (or "far-right") means liking attractive women, being concerned above food additives, promoting fitness, and not liking video games with characters showing mastectomy scars (yes, that's a real thing).
Of course, a Venn diagram showing " racist" and "conservative", would probably have a pretty big overlap. At least, according to the NYT.
You listen, wanting to jump in with your thoughts, as two of your smartest friends shoot the shit. And every once in awhile the waitress comes by with another round.
Yes and the natural resistance to being labeled “right wing” is by people who have always thought of themselves as centrist or even apolitical. But as the loony left and Big Media drift farther into socialist totalitarianism they must label yesterday’s center as “far right” to maintain their self-delusion that they, the Woke, comprise the Middle.
For me the benefit of watching the Trump and Vance sit-downs with Rogan was the opportunity to evaluate their body language over a range of important topics and diversions I’m less interested in like MMA and boxing. Trump and Vance both demonstrate comfort in the format, confidence in their beliefs and interest in what Rogan says and believes. That ability to draw his guests into a lively conversation is a great gift that the host possesses. I would be just as interested in seeing the nonverbal cues that Walz or Harris would give off but their unwillingness to be spontaneous and freewheeling makes an appearance on the JRE highly unlikely. My assumption from Harris’s proposed one hour limit tells me that is probably her maximum filibuster ability.
/Rogan: Roe was the law of the land and all of a sudden that had been taken away and you have these men trying to dictate what women can and cannot do with their bodies
Vance: Yeah, yeah... but you have women who go too far and try to celebrate it
Rogan: Very few do that/
You have to go really low to get fact checked by Rogan.
Rogan doesn’t seem to be buying the he-man women hater routine… and if Rogan doesn’t buy it, his listeners won’t either.
I think wearing t shirts that say proud of my abortion, and having marches celebrating murdering babies with their pussy hats on is celebrating it, but that's just me.
boatbuilder said..
“I'm old enough to remember when raising concerns about fluoride in the water was actually right-wing.”
I always thought it was isolated to the John Birchers, rather than the right generally.
And there is strong evidence that topical application would be a better approach than ingestion.
And there is opposition from groups that don’t map neatly to the political spectrum.
For the history of the issue, see here:
How is that a 'fact check'? I remember that exchange - Rogan was pointing out that there are not that many women celebrating abortion, but they are quite visible in the extremeness of their views. Your partisan is showing.
What Richweed fails to mention is very good discussion about European countries arrived at their similar restrictions via Democracy similar to what states have now. Those actually listening to all that will not come away with a "he-man women hater" vibe. Vance claimed his wife is smarter than him. Hater!
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