“People are nervous and they’re trying to cover their ass and get a little ahead of Election Day,” one Democratic strategist said of the sniping. “It’s based on anxiety, stakes and the unique nature of this cycle."
“We didn’t have a traditional process for this election. We didn’t have a primary. People just had to fall in line,” the strategist added, saying “it’s not surprising to me” that some of the blame game is happening even before Election Day....
“[Harris] is going to look real silly for not picking Shapiro,” one former aide in the Obama White House said....
[E]ven before Garbage-gate, there were whispers that Biden would be responsible for a Harris defeat....
For Pre-postmortem, Part 1, see the previous post.
Is it reassuring or disappointing they will stick with the same sorry excuses instead of an honest assessment with the appropriate major course correction?
…I’m still angered by the lame Bezos statement. No apology for breech of trust, no announcement of course correction, no asses sacked. The same lame sorry not sorry, only sorry it didn’t work the way we wanted bit we’ll keep trying harder…
Dems should blame their failed policies and miserable results.
I have no doubt that Trump would, in reality, win in an electoral landslide. I’m also aware of how thorough the rigging has been. If the rigging works, what then?
Dem cheats will win regardless.
Cheat harder, people, cheat harder!
Unique process.
“We didn’t have a traditional process for this election. We didn’t have a primary."
Yes, yes ... a coup is pretty unique in the United States.
For the record, we did have a primary. It was won by Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi led a conspiracy to THREATEN the President of the United States to force his withdrawl from the race.
She should be in prison. And hopefully will be soon once Donald Trump re-takes the Department of Justice and starts handing out clear and present danger letters.
Dems: why didn't you vote for Harris?
Voters: we don't like her policies.
Dems: voters are racist and misogynistic.
People just had to fall in line
FORTUNATELY.. "People" no longer matter..
It's NOT who votes that counts.. It's who COUNTS the votes
we live in a totalitarian dictatorship.. and the folks in Control don't give a shit what us "people" do.
They lawfared RFK, Jr. out of the primaries, so even the primaries were shams.
"Yesterday, Keith Gessen, a Russian-born American novelist, journalist, and professor, tweeted a threat that anyone who would DARE vote for Trump would just keep the 'Fascim Debate' going for even longer.
LOL. Debate?
Someone should tell Gessen that this debate doesn't actually exist. The 'debate' consists of leftists screaming 'Fascist!' and the right responding by mocking them."
Sean Davis
“If you don’t do what I want, I will continue to gaslight and abuse you.”
This is the language of a psychopath abuser.
Keith Gessen
A vote for Trump is a vote for another four (or more) years of the Fascism Debate. Is this what you really want?
4:03 PM · Oct 30, 2024
Some people hedge their bets more than others.
So many, many possible excuses for why she lost.
No reasons for why she should have won.
Is he related to the other fruit cake masha
This isn’t a “pre” anything. Lots of people mentioned just a few months ago the folly of not having an honest primary. The rules may allow you to do what was done, but the rules don’t excuse you from the consequences. Much of the recent cross-over support for Donald Trump has a lot to do with people that warned against just selecting Harris, or even tried to participate in the primary against Biden and was shut out. Those crossovers don’t want to reward the fools that used “rules” to manipulate an election to a desired outcome of who would lead them. In short, the crossovers are the ones defending democracy.
Doesn't Ann Althouse still owe us a "How Trump Lost Me" post?
Is the pre-rigor mortis setting in?
The parrot is just pining
I’ll make the mistake of speaking for Althouse. She has quite often expressed her preference for no drama, boring politics. That’s not Trump, and that’s not what will prevail if Trump overcomes the cheating and wins.
The other side of the pre-mortem coin is those who assert that the Democrats will steal the election.
Especially the ones who vote for Sears in VA, Lake in AZ, Robinson in NC...
There will be complete chaos if Harris wins. Althouse saw the devastation of the last 4 years.
Whenever there is lots of blame to go around, everyone will do what they can to point the finger somewhere else.
Liberals are incapable of going back to basic principles and rethinking their ideas. The only thing they know how to do is more. Communism has never really been tried; the program failed because they didn't spend enough on it.
Where do I get one of those coins? Is Franklin Mint selling them?
Trump did not "lose" me, but for a long time my #1 choice for President was Desantis, based on his demonstrated competence as FL gov and a naive desire to lower the temperature of the discussion. What changed me to voting for Trump in the primary was the lawfare. I'm very disappointed in my many attorney friends and family members who refuse to see this as a potentially nation-destroying event if it works. I have no doubt that if Desantis had been nominated, he would now be subjected to similar legal attacks without the resources to fight back, and that it will become common if Harris wins (or "wins") next Tuesday.
I would be interested in Ms Althouse's view on this, if she has one, or if she thinks I'm being paranoid, and that DJT is actually guilty of all that he has been accused of by the legal system.
The only thing left to defeat is the Democrat voter fraud in the swing states. It's the last variable. If they are truly panicking and finger pointing then I can only think of a few explanations. 1) Democrats don't have COVD as a backdrop for the absentee voter fraud, 2) MAGA is playing the early voting ballot harvesting game, and 3) there is much more of and awareness to watch for it BEFORE the courts cower.
Shapiro and his corrupt operatives tried shutting down early voting lines in Bucks county. People filmed it. It got on Elon's X. Lawsuit filed and won. Now extended through Friday. Musk seems to be all over it.
Democrats are committing FELONY CRIMES. This election isn't about policies. This election is about putting people into prison for their crimes. It's about Justice with a capital J.
Threatening a US President in order to force him from an election is a FELONY CRIME. Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and all the rest of the co-conspirators in the coup that ursurped a sitting president ... they're going to prison.
Also, they ain't black. Jack.
She only wins with cheating. and the corrupt left know it.
What changed me was the US Secret Service allowing a sniper to get off 8 shots at the Republican candidate - resulting in him being shot, a bystander murdered and 3 others shot.
The Democrats tried to murder Donald Trump. And it's time we start shooting back.
So the NY Times is admitting that it's trivial to "skew" polls to report any outcome you like. That's good to know. And they should know, since they do it all the time.
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that mailed absentee ballots can be counted up to 3 days AFTER the election is over.
And they don't have to have a postmark. Meaning they don't actually have to be mailed. They can be dropped off. In bulk.
Now why would they do that? If not cheating?
So, the NY Times is finally admitting that it's easy to "skew" a poll to get whatever outcome you want to base your "reporting" on. Got it. We all know that's precisely what they have been doing over at the NY Times.
Bullshit, again
From Nate Silver
But that’s only one piece of the puzzle. These polls might be more favorable to Republicans than nonpartisan polls, but that isn’t a good way to tell whether they’re moving polling averages. For the flooding-the-zone theory to hold water (pun somewhat intended), polling averages and forecasts would have to just toss these polls in the average without any adjustment. But that isn’t happening. Here at Silver Bulletin, for example, we weight polls based on pollster quality and adjust them based on pollsters’ house effects. And every other high-quality polling average does something similar.
What’s the result? The polling averages say pretty much the same thing, regardless of which polls they choose to include or exclude. Nationally and in the battleground states, the biggest difference in Harris-Trump margin between the Silver Bulletin average and averages from 538, Split Ticket, The New York Times, and VoteHub is 0.5 points. In Pennsylvania — the likeliest tipping point state — our average is Harris +0.6. Split Ticket has the race as Harris +1, 538 has it as Harris +0.7, VoteHub has it as Harris +0.7, and The New York Times has Harris up by less than 1 point.
And the fact they threw their nominee overboard when it was obvious he was going to lose. Democrats shouldn't even bother with the expense of a primary next go around. The Super Delegates can just anoint their handpicked puppet. Their voters obviously wouldn't have a problem with that.
The smart move for Democrats would be to keep the fraud too small to make Harris win. She was a hail Mary, when (unexpectedly) Biden's dementia became too obvious to hide. If the cheating is similarly obvious, they risk civil war.
The problem and the risk, is that the fraud was set in motion before it was obvious how poorly the Harris campaign was executed and lots of votes have already been entered. I saw a case yesterday on X where a single voter ID cast 29 votes from various addresses (none of them residences). These votes have already been counted and cannot be uncounted.
Then they went to court to FORCE HIM onto the ballot in those jurisdictions where that would benefit Kamala Harris.
There's going to be a Civil War in the United States. I hope you all are ready.
The anti-dote to Que-mala's (team's...she doesn't have an opinion that's not given to her) vision of America: https://nypost.com/2024/10/27/us-news/west-va-boys-build-road-so-helene-victims-can-go-home/
The he problem with this that article is the times is a leftist propaganda rag with s to credibility. Ain’t saying this isn’t happening, but these guys will lie, cry contort, or commit any crime.
Almost the only way reporting Biden's "garbage" comment from a pep-rally call to a bunch of Democrat ballot-box stuffers makes sense is if the Democrat PTB suspect Harris is highly likely to lose and want to make sure that Biden gets blamed, not her lousy campaign (organized by Obama and his motley crew)
Not over till the fat lady sings - post-election activities are ready for implementation. Democrats will contest election results nationwide if their efforts at election fraud fail to seal the deal. Mark Elias supposedly is teed-up to file multiple lawsuits, and Big City political unrest anticipated to frighten us into post-election compliance with that election challenge
she lives in a bubble
These votes were in PA, which is likely to be the state which determines the outcome--unless it's a total blow-out.
expressed her preference for no drama, boring politics
One's "preference" doesn't always match reality. I'm sure our gracious hostess understands that.
yep. Real democrats vote Trump. Progressive radical leftist loyalists vote puppet.
“[Harris] is going to look real silly for not picking Shapiro,” one former aide in the Obama White House said....
The guy who immediately threw Biden under the garbage truck ("I would never insult the good people of Pennsylvania or any Americans even if they chose to support a candidate that I didn't support.")
Starting from the 270toWin No Tossups map, Harris has to hold WI and MI, plus flip some combination of GA, NC, AZ, and NV in order to win, if Trump takes PA.
"This isn’t a “pre” anything."
It's pre the election results. A postmortem happens after defeat.
I know a group of Democrats who don't want Harris to win: Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, the Biden's, and more.
I don't believe the polls right now. How long can they go on showing everything completely tied up? That's the result they want seems like the best answer. Why do they want that? Why would all the different polls converge on the same preference? A simple — too simple — answer is keeping it close and undetermined keeps us interested in the product being sold (polls).
Of course this is Biden's fault. It is solely and exclusively Biden's fault. He is the one who chose his heir apparent. She was chosen not because of the strengths she exhibited in the primaries but rather despite the obvious flaws she showed in the primary. Biden was a frail old man four years ago. He should have chosen a more robust candidate. Kamala was a candidate of uncommon lameness, but she was Biden's choice.
Inga - You forgot in your comment to bold the first part of that last sentence:
"Others on the left believe...
Party partisans believing that their candidate will win is not exactly a big secret or surprise.
Kamala shouldn't have chosen Shapiro. Biden should have. Four years ago.
The reason the hacks show a tie - is it gives them wiggle room to cheat. Lying liars who lie - are certainly fine with cheating. The left assume they own power.
To be fair they really haven’t had a primary for a while.
With the super-delegates having what is essentially a veto power on any actual primary vote. I think it’s safe to assume they signed off on the Harris candidacy.
“We didn’t have a traditional process for this election. We didn’t have a primary. People just had to fall in line,” the strategist added, saying “it’s not surprising to me” that some of the blame game is happening even before Election Day."
People just had to fall in line…. Don’t think, don’t squawk at the giant chop to the democratic process, just check your gut at the door and follow.
@ rehajm You have to steal it from a dead man's eye.
Kamala didn't pick anything. She is a stupid puppet just like Biden.
Trump is now leading in New Hampshire!
Harris campaign has been forced to spend money and resources there. Bill Clinton is now in New Hampshire, trying to keep the state.
When the deal goes down in the Pennsylvania town
People are set for the evening
He jumps into a truck cuz he doesn’t give two f**ks
His safety vest practically gleaming
Driving in Wisconsin, singing to his soul
The Donald’s out there turning garbage into gold
h/t John Stewart “Gold”
Yes, and the other product being sold: media consumption. Gotta chase those clicks. Of course, down-ballot Dems have an interest in a close race to encourage voters in swing states that their vote for President still matters.
Dixcus, I think it was Nevada, not Arizona.
Harris campaign has given up on North Carolina, and has pulled its funding out of the state, cancelling ad buys.
More like a hovel… near a bridge.
“We didn’t have a traditional process for this election. We didn’t have a primary. People just had to fall in line”
The only hope for a return to some kind of normalcy in our elections is for the Dems to lose big. If they are rewarded for usurping the power reserved for the people, they will only go further down this dark road.
The want it to be a "tight" race so they can avoid calling hte election for a week after election day and they have time to print ballots.
When they spend several days counting ballots that showed up "late" they want democrats to fight for it.
There is going to be physical contest over this. Prepare for a lot of Trump supporters in the street facing off against blue city police and paid BLM/Antifa agitators as Democrats try to count ballots behind boarded up windows in buildings they kicked Republicans out of.
Prepare yourselves for physical conflict. Democrats are going to kick republicans out of vote counting centers and surround them with police and paid antifa/BLM thugs and illegal criminals they just imported.
More pre-postmortem: Insurers are warning their customers that they expect massive losses from riots after election day.
"The email includes a preparedness checklist for businesses advising steps such as, “Use steel roll-down doors and shutters on windows where possible.” And “Have temporary supplies, such as fireproof and waterproof tarps and plywood, on hand to make emergency repairs if needed.”
Since Republicans don't burn down cities, we should assume they're talking about arson from the Democrat side.
If they steal another election (and I predict they are going to) then Americans are going to have to come to terms with the fact that we cannot VOTE our way out of this. It's going to be war, or slavery.
When Harris loses, Inga, I know the excuse you can use: She wasn't true to actual progressive leftism. She ran on abortion, but not enough! Instead of her "kill the baby up to the birth canal!" stance, she needed to move towards "mandatory abortions for the garbage people!" and "abortion legalized for any child who is not capable of caring for themselves" so all down syndrome, and all kids under six or something. Surely you would agree, Inga, that those are the abortion policies that Harris should have pushed. All of those Christian women would have gladly signed up to vote for that, especially the ones Harris labels as garbage!
Why spend $$$ on a state you have rigged? The Secretary of State in NC is a Democrat and Kamala donor. She is overseeing their election.
That's a classic song not played nearly enough! Glad I make more than 2.50 an hour.
They sent an Epstein Island pedophile to go stump for Kamala in New Hampshire. Unbelieveable!
The stakes have gotten so high that neither party can offer something that doesn't include elements of chaos. People in the private sector have lived for decades with creative destruction. It's coming to the public sector, of Trump wins. If he loses, it will be lots of destruction of the uncreative left wing sort.
You're right. Apparently the Harris campaign is pulling ad money from North Carolina where RCP average shows Trump only up by 1.0%. Not verified but
they might be redirecting that money to Virginia.
The behavior of the campaigns does seem to indicate the public polling isn't telling the whole truth. If it were really a tie, why is Team Harris panicking while Team Trump is partying?
For one time in his life, Tater actually got something right!!! And THEY suicided THEMSELVES!!!
Anonymous TV exec: "If half the country has decided that Trump is qualified to be president, that means they're not reading any of this media, and we’ve lost this audience completely. A Trump victory means mainstream media is dead in its current form." https://t.co/zWiIqKYx1b
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 30, 2024
A pre-postmortem medical evaluation.
2 guys are out hunting. One gets bit by a rattlesnake right on the pecker.
The other one pulls out his cell phone and dials 911. They patch him through to an ER doc who tells him, "You have to put your mouth on the bite and suck out the poison or your friend could die."
The guys says, "Okay, Doc. Thanks." and hangs up.
His friend asks, "What'd he say?"
"He said you're gonna die."
So, Joe bit the Democratic Party right on the Kamala and the Black voters ain't gonna save them.
To West TX. I though DeSantis would have been lawfared into bankruptcy if he'd been the candidate. He'd served in Iraq. I wonder what they'd have found/made up? The case of RFKjr shows the lengths the Dems are prepared to go to.
Just taking out the trash…
Agreed! One of my faves, despite Stevie Nicks’s background vocals, lol. Turning garbage into gold will be a 2024 campaign memory.
Trump being out on the tarmac having someone drive him around in circles. Why do I feel like this will become the defining meme for his entire campaign?
Inga, i Love it when you keep posting NYT's articles about how partisan polls are!
Keep up the Good Work!
Don't let ANYONE tell you that you're calling the kettle Black.. That's RACIST!
The alluring Stevie Nicks on backup vocals.
Comparing the Kamala campaign and the Trump campaign leads to obvious conclusions about the competency of each candidate.
You feel like that is a defining meme because you are a stupid person living in a fantasy world.
Vote with your ballot, not your life savings.
Take political betting markets literally, not seriously. Or is it the other way around?
The betting markets don’t care who wins -- they just care about calibrating the odds in a way that balances their book so the payouts for outcome A can be covered by the losing bets on outcome B, plus their spread/profit margin.
Achilles is a conservative who believes in authenticity above all else. Here’s why he’ll be supporting the profane grifter with caked-on orange makeup who pretends to flip burgers at McDonalds and dresses up in garbage man uniforms to secure his vote.
Trump’s campaign managers must secretly hold him in contempt.
Trump has been defusing that "fascism debate" pretty well this month. He'd rather pass out fries at McDonald's or ride a garbage truck than impose martial law. Still, don't underestimate the Democrats' determination to keep the "debate" going or Trump's ability to make missteps.
" I have no doubt that if Desantis had been nominated, he would now be subjected to similar legal attacks without the resources to fight back, and that it will become common if Harris wins (or "wins") next Tuesday."
Going back to when the real Hitler was in power, how many Republican candidates were *not* Hitler according to the Democrats?
Inga, shaking her fist at the sky and proclaiming to everybody that the Weather Forecast is wrong !
Kammie Kampaign: Cry havoc and let loose the Dog of a Dumpster Fire!
..."keeping it close and undetermined keeps us interested in the product being sold"
Well.... also, it serves to pre-bunk all those strange spikes in the vote count that occur in the wee hours, after the Republican poll watchers have been sent home - you know, spikes that change the course of the election count and provide a very satisfying result that otherwise might not have manifested. See also: Ballots accepted without postmarks, after Election Day.
You are too stupid to understand people that build things.
So you call them grifters and support people like Joe Biden.
Joe Biden has built absolutely nothing in his life that anyone wants. Nothing. But he has many millions of dollars. And morons like Rich call Trump a grifter. There is no self awareness with these people.
You just reminded me. We all know 'rigor mortis' is Latin for 'the stiffness of death'. Fresh corpses soon get cold as well as stiff, and the Latin for 'the chill of death' is 'algor mortis'. The first word is pronounced exactly like 'Al Gore', the stiffest and most corpse-like national candidate in my lifetime. (Not counting the one whose stiffness is a result of age, senility, and congenital stupidity: Biden.) Serendipity!
Has Harris given up on NC, or is she so certain of her mail-in ballot harvesting operation there that she need spend no more time winning the state? After the hurricane there is soooo much easy vote harvesting their operation can accomplish that I'm betting Harris wins NC.
"One of its pages displays a map of the electoral college with a winner projected for each state, even those the site currently deems to be tossups."
Yes, it's called "No Tossups". Are you claiming this is somehow deceitful or biased?
"I don't believe the polls right now."
I never believe the polls. They have a poor track record and many have an agenda.
Meanwhile, the Democrat fraud machine is in full operation. Arizona supreme court just ruled mail ballots WITHOUT a postmark and be counted even if they come in 3 days AFTER the election.
Michagan's S of S, just ruled an CHinese foreigners vote has to count because its already been "tabulated". Look for them to steal Michagan.
Bich - that's all you got? Your team destroyed our once great nation.
we are screwed for a very long time.
Don't forget Clyburn and South Carolina. Biden was tanking until Clyburn struck a deal. With the left- it's always some insider deal. A lot of money on the line.
The pre-postmortems are premature. So's the blame game.
Larry Dick
I'm going to laugh when MSNBC storms the Capitol after they lose.
9:52 AM · Oct 31, 2024
The real anxiety here is that a Harris loss will loose havoc throughout the nation as the real deplorables take to the streets to loot and burn ostensibly to protest Trump. The Biden administration and local Democrats will do little, a la Tim Walz. The leftmediaswine will go into "mostly peaceful" mode as the cities burn.
"We didn’t have a primary. People just had to fall in line,” the strategist added...."
Strange. P-Inga and LLR-democratical Abacus Boy Rich have sworn up and down for months that the farce that played out on the New Soviet Democratical side was indeed a "primary" that went magnificently!
But then again, they are just two rather dumb NPC voice-actuated foot soldiers for the left and will say pretty much anything they are told to say...Ron Burgundy-like.
There will be one big difference this year from four years ago: Republican poll workers will not be going home until all the votes are counted. They may have to work in shifts, but there will someone there round the clock until the final result is reported. That was a trick that could only work once.
That violates the first rule of mediocrity- a mediocre person never appoints better people to surround him or her and make it obvious.
"“[Harris] is going to look real silly for not picking Shapiro,”
Translation to Demspeak, "...if she ends up losing Michigan, anyway."
"That was a trick that could only work once."
We are talking about the Republican Party, otherwise known as Placekicker Charlie Brown.
A pre-postmortem? Isn't that called a vivisection?
If they can't trick the GOP poll observers from leaving the Democrats will secretly change the location of the vote counting and dare the GOP to do anything about it.
Of course they are issuing these pretty post-mortem evaluations of the Harris failure. It's all part of the evil genius plan of the all-powerful DNC machine to take over the USA by a complete and utter defeat in the 2024 election. Isn't that right, Achilles? The purpose will be to then blame the Biden economy on Trump to cause a massive implosion of the Republican party so the dams can magically sweep in in 2026 with super majorities in both houses and peach Donald and then declare Nancy pelosi president for life
A late term abortion maybe
One has to strive mightily to remain as dense as the above commenter demonstrates on a daily basis.
"Garbage-Gate" is a big lie as the MAGA cult well-knows - now those in-the-know are crying out in dispair.
MAGA Bros Are Freaking Out Because So Many Women Are Voting
“Unless this changes, Kamala Harris takes PA and it’s over,” tweeted right-wing gadfly Mike Cernovich.
As you are well aware, a gadfly is always right - including me.
"If the rigging works, what then?"
Eventually, the guillotine or its latter-day replacement, whatever that may be.
"Nobody in the country thinks Kamala has more voters than Trump."
America Hater Ingot does.
"Others on the left believe [without evidence] that even the polling averages are skewed in Mr. Trump’s favor"
The problem for these low-intellect America haters such as Inga is that NEVER, EVER, EVER have polls skewed in Trump's favor. EVER. ("Evah", as the fascist Austrian former CA Gov would say.)
"we weight polls based on pollster quality and adjust them based on pollsters’ house effects." In other words, we tweak the models to get the answer they want. Just like global warming models. GIGO still reigns supreme.
She's been to the state a couple times recently, so I would suspect the Donks did that as they have NC in the bag. Kumlala's campaign didn't really need to pull money from NC for VA, she's still flush with cash and could air drop as much as is needed into VA without touching NC.
I don't believe the polls right now
‘right now’? What is the matter with you?
And Kamala doubled down on the mediocrity choosing Walz. Who, by the way- is compromised. There's no way in hell he should be allowed near any classified information much less the information a VP would have access to.
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