My expectations are the moderators will give Vance leading, gotcha questions and challenge his statements. They will soft ball pitch to the arm waver. MSM will need a change of sheets about the wonder of Walz. In the real world Walz will flail about and blow smoke about his actual record.
I haven't watched a presidential debate since the Candy Crowley debacle, so I'll just follow along on Twitter (nominally objective since I follow rational libs and conservatives) and here on Althouse (not objective, but always informative)
Vance coming across as young and inexperienced and merely repeating Trump talking points. Walz has been refuting Vance’s talking points with a voice of an experienced administrator of a state. The difference is stark.
Vance blaming a vice president for not acting like a president is just plain dumb. Harris could not sign bills or do the functions of a president in her role as VP.
If an American citizen commits a crime and gets sent to jail, he or she is separated from their children. So what is wrong with deporting illegal aliens even if that means separating them from their children? Why should non-Americans who commit the crime of entering the country illegally be the only criminals who are exempt from this particular consequence of their crimes?
There's something about Walz that I don't want to listen to him or agree with anything he says. I don't agree anyhow but that's intellectual disagreement. I just don't want to hear from him. I feel as if I were standing on hot tarmac on a hot day listening to a second-hand car salesman trying to explain how the ugly car I don't want will be financed and huge rings of sweat are forming at his armpits. I expect him to grab my arm with a clammy, sweaty hand if I try to leave so I am slowly inching away. Maybe if I said I had to use the bathroom. He couldn't come in there. But maybe he could these days.
No, Democrats have not taken a radical abortion stance, that would be the red states with 6 week limitations. Vance is pushing ridiculous and untrue right wing talking points and mistruths about the laws.
In 2023, Walz signed legislation that repealed the Minnesota's Born Alive Infant Protection Act that required that "all reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant." The repeal makes it more likely that infants born alive after a failed abortion will be allowed to die.
In 2023, Walz signed legislation that repealed the Minnesota's Born Alive Infant Protection Act that required that "all reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant." The repeal makes it more likely that infants born alive after a failed abortion will be allowed to die.
Jesus, when oh when are we ever going to have a U.S. President as well versed on the key issues, as smart, and as quick on his feet in any situation as Vance? Whether or not you agree with everything he says, this guy is a born leader.
“A born alive infant as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.
It was changed to this:
An infant who is born alive shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to care for the infant who is born alive.“
“Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word “preserve” being changed to “care.” Nevermind that the statute still says the infant “shall be fully recognized as a human person,” which makes killing the child illegal.”
A born alive infant as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.
It was changed to this:
An infant who is born alive shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to care for the infant who is born alive.
Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word “preserve” being changed to “care.” Nevermind that the statute still says the infant “shall be fully recognized as a human person,” which makes killing the child illegal.”
Walz’s repeal of a so-called born alive law that had been in effect in Minnesota since the 1970s. That law required doctors to report when a “live child” was “born as the result of an abortion,” and to provide “all reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice” to care for that infant.
Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word “preserve” being changed to “care.”
That's because "care" doesn't mean "you have to keep it alive". The new law no longer requires abortionists to report on the babies they've watched die.
And they're "not killing" the baby, they're just leaving it to die.
Because they no longer have any obligation to "preserve the life and health of the born alive infant."
You're not really as stupid as you're pretending to be here, right?
"Yep. His change had two effects: 1: They're no longer required to collect and report statistics about the born alive babies 2: They're no longer required to "preserve the life and health of the born alive infant". Which means they just sit around and wait for the baby to die. Which is what happens to babies who don't get adult support
Norah O'Donnell was wrong when she said that the judges ruled that there was no evidence of voter fraud. The judges ruled that Trump didn't have standing. Those are two completely different things. Injecting incorrect personal opinions like this only clouds the real issues.
Vance was very impressive. It says a lot about Trump that he picked this very competent man (who sometimes disagrees with him) as his VP. As unimpressive Kamala Harris is, she made sure to pick an even less accomplished running mate.
“The problem with the previous law was that it could be read to require extraordinary measures that would temporarily “preserve” the child’s life while exacerbating his suffering before his inevitable death.”
If the concern is j6 was a threat to democracy, Vance simple pointed out the ongoing censorship is a magnitudes worse threat. He didn’t run away from it, just pointed out the hypocrisy.
Vance probably won the debate on points and it won’t matter in the slightest. More likely it’s a wash and everyone gets something -- and it won’t matter in the slightest.
Vance missed an opportunity to make that point. The judges didn't "examine the evidence" as O'Donnell claimed. They dismissed the cases on technicalities. The problem once again is that the debate is three against one. Vance trying to refute all the BS thrown at him by all three participants is a tough task. But he could have done better on this one.
This doesn’t move the needle at all for anyone. It takes quite a lot for any VP debate to move the needle. This one didn’t do enough either way to have any impact at all.
No person who does not make every possible effort to save the life of a baby born alive deserves to be regarded as fully human. On the very best day of their lives they are subhuman.
No person who does not make every possible effort to save the life of a baby born alive deserves to be regarded as fully human. On the very best day of their lives they are subhuman.
Thanks, ridespacemountain , for deftly encapsulating the Jerry Lundegaard vibe that Walz exuded. He's the finan ce guy at the dealership turning your buying decision into nightmares of self recrimination.
In addition to those four things, I did notice one thing after the debate.
HOLY F! Is it a requirement to have plastic surgery to work for Fox News?
I don't watch cable news so I was shocked to see that group. Why can't they hire people that don't visually shout PHONY!!!! Seems like it'd be better for a news broadcast to have a visual image that isn't drenched in fakeness.
Walz completely deflected on the Tianneman square question. "Got caught up in the rhetoric". Like his stolen valor moments. What did his students learn about governance by way of his shuttling them there? What did he learn?
Nice win tonight by Vance. Really makes you wonder why Harris chose Walz. Clearly an unforced error on her part. Doesn’t speak well of her ability to make good decisions.
Curiously, not once have I heard anyone express the belief that Democrats care about democracy. A tone-deaf exit line that probably left most undecideds puzzled or amused.
Vance helped Trump more than Walz helped Kamala. For those voters who are leaning neverTrump, Vance reassured them. Those voters are apt to go to the polls and vote Trump/Vance. For those Democrats who are more moderate than Kamala, Walz did nothing that exhibited his thoughtfulness or competence. If anything he seemed to be to the left of Harris.
I guess that's funny. But getting back to reality, how do you think the brain power of that geezer and the minority lady compare to the average undecided voter? Likewise how do you think their brain power compare to you or the folks that write quips for the Bee?
IMHO, you/the Bee/average-undecided-folks don't seem to be obviously smarter than that old man and the minority lady. Likewise I don't feel overwhelmingly impressed by the brain power of Vance/Trump. To me, those two seem smarmy more than smart.
Vance is certainly smarter than Trump, but he is oily. Slick, too slick. At least Trump bumbles out the truth from time to time. Vance accidentally spoke the truth too recently when he admitted to “creating stories”, but mostly Vance is an intelligent slickster.
BTW, am I the only person killing time by blathering in this thread because there is nothing to do until Commentary drops their podcast re this debate?
“Walz won the debate on this comment and the J6 discussion alone. Vance will do Trump’s bidding even if it goes against the Constitution, Pence didn’t.”
Except for legitimate Climate Scientists who don't agree like Judith Curry, Richard Lindzen, William Happer, Roy Spencer, and a host of others. Read both sides and you would be a skeptic too.
"Vance is certainly smarter than Trump, but he is oily. Slick, too slick. At least Trump bumbles out the truth from time to time." Oh Mama! Folks, I believe this is the very first intonation of that inevitable phenomenon when the New Hitler replaces the Old Hitler. You know that in 2025 when America is being guided to greatness by president Vance, Party members will be universal in their fond reminiscence of Donald Trump and how he was not as bad as New Hitler.
Stolen Valor Deer-In-The-Headlights Walz gets bodyslammed in the debate (hence the non-stop and hilarious excuse-mongering/whining by the lefties on all the usual New Soviet Democratical "news" channels) while the Althouse blog New Soviet Democraticals show up en masse to pretend reality ain't what it really is.
Vance could afford to be magnanimous because every American knows the truth about inflation, cost of living/housing/food/energy, economic hardship, Cloward-Piven open borders crushing our systems (hospitals/schools/police etc), the massive increase in crime, Forever Wars, war breaking out everywhere, corruption in DC and abroad, and on and on it goes...and The New Soviet Democraticals hoaxes and lies and gaslighting just isnt working anymore.
We will see if the corrupted election systems put in place by the dems will be enough for New Soviet Democraticals to install Harris in the White House.
Okay, for all the folks here that are on the edge of their seats, we did finally get the Commentary podcast re this debate.
But FTR, Crowder got his stuff out a bit earlier. So looking at podcasts that start with "C' and jabber about this debate, the order (re publication) was Coulter-Crowder-Commentary.
I'm sorry to see you taking the Walz failure so poorly. Perhaps a therapy group rate can be procured for you and your pals, though I would recommend multiple therapists to avoid driving a single therapist over the cliff.
Btw, whats your favorite debunked hoax that you like to continue pushing? Every lefty has a handful so it should be easy to identify.
My favorite is whichever one Inga is pushing at the time which can get confusing as she still actually believes, passionately, in every single one of the now hundreds of debunked New Soviet Democratical Hoax/lies.
Inga still believes Jussie fought off Trumpy neer do wells on the deathly cold dead of winter chicago streets and that its all Trumps fault! The claim of shouts of "This is MAGA country!" were particularly amusing and have real comedic staying power.
Achievement unlocked!: Donnie Dumpster picked someone even dumber than he is for his VP.
I'm going to start calling Vance "FP Vance" for Fisher-Price. Vance seems to be so mentally challenged and juvenile that the Fisher-Price toddler toys might be too advanced for him.
You can always go back to watch the Racists on MSNBC, Al Sharpton and Joy Reid. Now THERE are some lookers for you. Joy even has Trump hair, while Al's bouffant isn't as wild as it once was.
Walz, aka the Knucklehead, failed. Why did he fail? Because he has not faced the national media since he was picked by Harris. His debut under the bright lights was weak, halting, and fumbling.
I just released comments that had been caught in spam. This is something I need to do a few times a day, when I get the chance. I'm just pointing it out this time because I don't want anyone thinking I intentionally deleted anyone's comment in this discussion. If your comment didn't appear, it was because of the spam filter.
I live in Minnesota and the thrashing Walz took didn't surprise me. He has two big problems - first, he's an inveterate liar and embellisher and he just can't help himself. That's on him. The second problem is one that's endemic to all Minnesota DFL politicians; since the media in the state never challenge them on the nonsense they peddle, they start to think they are farting rose pedals. Same thing happened to Klobuchar in the last cycle; once she was challenged, she couldn't handle it.
In her role as Vice President, one of her general duties has been to advise the President on major problems that are not being resolved and suggest possible alternatives. But she also was given specific functions that she was intended to spearhead and manage. The border specifically was assigned to her, with much fanfare. She did nothing of any consequence the entire time she had that responsibility. You can't evade that reality no matter how you spin it. Her "Day One" was hundreds of days ago and she did nothing that entire time.
Inga said... "Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word 'preserve' being changed to 'care.'"
Greg The Class Traitor responded... "That's because 'care' doesn't mean 'you have to keep [the baby] alive'."
I'm old enough to remember when politicians used to literally say "I care". They stopped doing that when it became apparent that what they really meant was "I care that this has become an issue and wish it would go away because I'm not gonna do anything about it."
I recall that Palin beat Biden like a rented mule. McCain had to work very hard to lose that election, but he managed it with the grace & skill he exemplified throughout his political career, a "Maverick" Republican who only voted with Democrats when the Republicans might have won otherwise.
Vance was extremely polite to Walz and the moderators. He maintained a friendly demeanor and kept a pleasant smile on his face throughout, at least as long as I watched, which was most of it. It was a strikingly different tone than we've become used to. I think Walz was surprised by it too. He looked scared of Vance, but determined to slug it out. Walz still used some of his prepared insult lines, but they seemed a little out of place and didn't land very well. They came across as unnecessarily belligerent because Vance was being very respectful to him. Walz seemed to realize this and it threw him a little. I think his personal instinct was to be nice back, but he hadn't been prepped that way and he was very wary of Vance. I think Vance's number one goal was not to scare the women and children. I think he wanted to be not Trump, which is the Dem's whole campaign. Maybe he wants to offer independents a not Trump Republican to vote for.
Very reminiscent of the 2004 VP debates when old fogy Dick Chaney wiped the floor against serial liar, grifter, and crooked foreign asset John Edwards.
There's no question about it. Vance won the debate.....Here's the plus side for Democrats. Vance handled the questioners and his opponents with the poise and aplomb you want in a President. He refrained from calling Walz a fat moron.....I thought Walz looked a bit doofus, but he was okay. Here's the plus side for Republicans. Walz was more likable and, for all his clumsy answers, far more articulate than Kamala......I don't think this changes anybody's opinion, but the debate was civil and polite so that's nice.
Instead of *whining* about the moderators Vance just took them on three on one with a smile on his face and never lost his cool. This is what I want to see from the GOP. Trump is a crybaby and has turn the GOP into a party of crybabies. Get back to being men.
What's wrong with Blogger this morning? Is anyone else having trouble getting the page to load any comments past 8:54pm last nite? I hit "load more" and it only loads more about 2 comments at a time. I won't even be able to see this comment or the replies to it unless I want to sit here and hit "load more" about sixty times.
I think a five week ban is extreme, and I think no time limit is appalling and close to murder. Given those two choices, I know which way I’d go. Luckily, individual states can decide
Poor P-Inga. Joe Biden himself, just a few days ago, explicitly stated Word Salad girrrrrrrl was at the heart of every policy and decision...and he cant be lying because you called him an "honorable man"...the kind that likes to shower with and sexualize his adolescent daughter.
That kind of sexual grooming is not far off from child trafficking which Hunter Biden did and videoed on his laptop which also contained emails proving the money launderin which the FBI finally admitted was real but you, P-Inga, called russki disinformation.
It's been happening since before dawn this morning. I tried to post this previously, but blogger said I posted my limit of comments and try again tomorrow, but then it let me post??
Surprised after that word flurry the moderator had enough sense to point out he hadn't answered the question yet. That was a LOL moment. It's like he copied Harris' answer off the test not realizing how wrong (and long) it was!
Trump would do well to mention that JD is ready to become president if something should happen to Trump. Even better, say that if he (Trump) slows down he will resign to make Vance president. Make a Vance presidency a real possibility: Immanentize the eschaton.
That's not true. Blue states, like NY, California, Virginia, Minnesota permit abortions up to 40 weeks. Nothing like that elsewhere in the civilised world. Closest is UK with 24 weeks. EU (France - 14 weeks, Germany- illegal but unpunishable in first 12 weeks, Italy - 13 weeks, Spain - 14 weeks) is typically 13-15 weeks with 2 doctors signing it off. Trump stated position is 16 weeks
Find me a single, prominent Democrat that will suggest ANY time limit on abortions. Not even for purposes of debate for legislation. I've only heard dodges. They hide behind "between a woman and her doctor" coupled with there are "no late term abortions *bullshit*. If it is truly ONLY between a woman and her doctor it is, in FACT, up to the time of birth.
If I click the Post title all the comments load. If I click just the comments they partially load. Keep clicking load and at about the end of 9pm comments all comments load. Click Post title then click comment and the comments truncate back to the 8pm time frame. Post the comment and here it is. You have to go thru the loop t do to see it, What a debate,
“ She looks Indian to me. Funny, that you see what you see.....maybe get your eyes examined?? Then your head??”
Funny thing is that Vance’s wife (Usha Chilukuri Vance) is also Brahmin Indian. But a lot smarter - YLS, then clerked for Kavenaugh as a Circuit Court Judge, then for Chief Justice Roberts. Each Justice gets 4 clerks a year, for a total of 36. Only 4 of them clerk for the Chief. JD Vance is married to one of them. Law firm signing bonus for SCOTUS clerks is reportedly $450k.
The big problem I have seen is that there is a LOAD MORE button now. It’s fine when it loads 20-50 additional comments at a time. Late last night, it was loading just three, making threads like this very hard to deal with.
Dems think that Abortion is their route to maintaining power. Here in MT, they not only have a 9 month abortion Amdt on the ballot, but the Republican trying to oust Jon Tester from the Senate is tarred as being anti-abortion. Probably over half the state level TV ads by the Dems right now touch on abortion.
Dr. Death and Whitmer, Nurse Machete and Gosnell, Cecile the Cannibal at Planned Parenthood corporation exercise liberal license under the Pro-Choice ethical religion to perform human rites for social, clinical, criminal, political, and climate progress. Then there are abortion of "burdens" of evidence in sanctuary jurisdictions, etc. a wicked solution.
That said, doctors and nurses practice medicine to save human lives, not relieve "burdens" in darkness.
Trump lost it on procedural and standing decisions by the courts. Never on the facts, because they were in his favor. The Dems did steal the elector votes of a half dozen states in 2020, through massive, very blatant and visible, election fraud. He would have won on the merits, if any court had ever given him a chance. They didn’t.
So, yes, please drop the Big Lie, that Biden/Harris actually won the election through an honest counting of legitimate ballots from registered voters.
Women deserve better than to be kept affordable, available, reusable, and taxable commodities, "friends", womb banks, collateral damage of immigration reform and transgender spectrum therapy.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»I'm hearing the Middletown HS fight song in my head in anticipation of a beatdown.
My expectations are the moderators will give Vance leading, gotcha questions and challenge his statements. They will soft ball pitch to the arm waver. MSM will need a change of sheets about the wonder of Walz.
In the real world Walz will flail about and blow smoke about his actual record.
Its so unfair.
Has the VP debate ever had a consequential result?
I don't recall it doing anything more than what office does ... nothing important or memorable.
Norah Odonel. I didn’t know she was still around.
"Well jiminy gillikers Norah, that's a tough question!" - Tim "Aw Shucks!" Walz
Has the VP debate ever had a consequential result?
He really said that?
When are they going to talk about the cats and dogs.
This debate is putting me to sleep.
When was Kamala Harris elected President? Walz seems to think she's been in charge for the last 3.5 years.
I haven't watched a presidential debate since the Candy Crowley debacle, so I'll just follow along on Twitter (nominally objective since I follow rational libs and conservatives) and here on Althouse (not objective, but always informative)
Vance coming across as young and inexperienced and merely repeating Trump talking points. Walz has been refuting Vance’s talking points with a voice of an experienced administrator of a state. The difference is stark.
Vance blaming a vice president for not acting like a president is just plain dumb. Harris could not sign bills or do the functions of a president in her role as VP.
If an American citizen commits a crime and gets sent to jail, he or she is separated from their children. So what is wrong with deporting illegal aliens even if that means separating them from their children? Why should non-Americans who commit the crime of entering the country illegally be the only criminals who are exempt from this particular consequence of their crimes?
I’m glad Vance pushed back against the moderators, who are horrible as per expectations.
Vance just reminded Dan Rather's CBS that they don't get to debate. They just get to ask questions.
It's all FAKE. And designed to make people believe elections are real. They aren't. We have to end this form of government.
Good to hear both Vance and Walz admit to misspeaking, now that is very human.
Elmer Fudd.
Walz looks like Elmer Fudd. Where is his hunting hat?
There's something about Walz that I don't want to listen to him or agree with anything he says. I don't agree anyhow but that's intellectual disagreement. I just don't want to hear from him. I feel as if I were standing on hot tarmac on a hot day listening to a second-hand car salesman trying to explain how the ugly car I don't want will be financed and huge rings of sweat are forming at his armpits. I expect him to grab my arm with a clammy, sweaty hand if I try to leave so I am slowly inching away. Maybe if I said I had to use the bathroom. He couldn't come in there. But maybe he could these days.
Vance shows a firm grasp of policy detail and even occasional humor in questions about forcing 10-year olds to bear children.
Tim Walz should’ve worn more eyeliner.
Why is that extremely old man on the stage with JD Vance? His face is so red. Is he in danger of having a heart attack?
Jerry Lundegaard really needs you to purchase that add-on True Coat donchaknow! He's got fraudulent sales goals to meet!
No, Democrats have not taken a radical abortion stance, that would be the red states with 6 week limitations. Vance is pushing ridiculous and untrue right wing talking points and mistruths about the laws.
Vance couldn’t get away with lying about what the law said.
What’s the citation? We can all read the law.
JD Vance is completely brilliant.
Yet you can listen to a Trump speech.
JD Vance is a rockstar. He can think and talk at the same time.
I note Walz did not quote the law to fact-check him
Walz wasn’t given time to do so. They are turning off mics if the answers are longer than the allotted time.
Smarter than Trump, for sure.
In 2023, Walz signed legislation that repealed the Minnesota's Born Alive Infant Protection Act that required that "all reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant." The repeal makes it more likely that infants born alive after a failed abortion will be allowed to die.
In 2023, Walz signed legislation that repealed the Minnesota's Born Alive Infant Protection Act that required that "all reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant." The repeal makes it more likely that infants born alive after a failed abortion will be allowed to die.
Jesus, when oh when are we ever going to have a U.S. President as well versed on the key issues, as smart, and as quick on his feet in any situation as Vance? Whether or not you agree with everything he says, this guy is a born leader.
Walz does better when he doesn’t say anything. . . . even with that resting bitch face.
Here’s the old statute:
“A born alive infant as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.
It was changed to this:
An infant who is born alive shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to care for the infant who is born alive.“
Walz’s lie doesn’t stand scrutiny of the facts. Of course Inga wants to wave it away.
“Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word “preserve” being changed to “care.” Nevermind that the statute still says the infant “shall be fully recognized as a human person,” which makes killing the child illegal.”
My favorite line so far is Walz saying “I’ve become friends with school shooters.”
Vance had an excellent “skeptical face” when Walz was talking about the housing Harris is “gonna build.” As if.
“Here’s the old statute:
A born alive infant as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.
It was changed to this:
An infant who is born alive shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law. All reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice, including the compilation of appropriate medical records, shall be taken by the responsible medical personnel to care for the infant who is born alive.
Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word “preserve” being changed to “care.” Nevermind that the statute still says the infant “shall be fully recognized as a human person,” which makes killing the child illegal.”
"Friends" ... this guy is definitely going to be arrested for kiddie rape.
Why hasn't Harris built even ONE SINGLE HOUSE in 3.7 years as Vice President?
The libs I follow on Twitter are amazingly silent.
And other than Inga (giving it the ole college try), I see that the Althouse lib contingent is also silent.
When it's over, I'm going to record Fox and watch CNN live - Scott Jennings is going to crush the panel.
If you can’t pivot from calling your boss Hitler are you even presidential?
The debate would be so much better without the moderators. They should both back off and let the 2 guys debate.
Vance is so much more on point about childcare than Trump. Kudos for not talking about tariffs, or saying “childcare is childcare”.
"Shhh, be vewy vewy quiet I’m hunting Twomp!!!"
Did he lose the 2020 election? Answer the question Vance.
Isn’t it time to STOP the Big Lie?
Either Elmer Fudd or Barney Fife
I really wish that the moderators would stop injecting their personal opinions into the debate.
Walz’s repeal of a so-called born alive law that had been in effect in Minnesota since the 1970s. That law required doctors to report when a “live child” was “born as the result of an abortion,” and to provide “all reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice” to care for that infant.
Like calling Vance’s points “allegations”
"When it's over, I'm going to record Fox and watch CNN live - Scott Jennings is going to crush the panel."
Sounds like you have a wonderful life.
Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word “preserve” being changed to “care.”
That's because "care" doesn't mean "you have to keep it alive".
The new law no longer requires abortionists to report on the babies they've watched die.
And they're "not killing" the baby, they're just leaving it to die.
Because they no longer have any obligation to "preserve the life and health of the born alive infant."
You're not really as stupid as you're pretending to be here, right?
"Yep. His change had two effects:
1: They're no longer required to collect and report statistics about the born alive babies
2: They're no longer required to "preserve the life and health of the born alive infant". Which means they just sit around and wait for the baby to die.
Which is what happens to babies who don't get adult support
Censorship: “You can’t tell fire in a crowded theater”.
A good debate, refreshing!
Yell. Duh
Norah O'Donnell was wrong when she said that the judges ruled that there was no evidence of voter fraud. The judges ruled that Trump didn't have standing. Those are two completely different things. Injecting incorrect personal opinions like this only clouds the real issues.
Vance was very impressive. It says a lot about Trump that he picked this very competent man (who sometimes disagrees with him) as his VP.
As unimpressive Kamala Harris is, she made sure to pick an even less accomplished running mate.
It was interesting and a good exchange. Walz did better than I expected. Except on the Tiananmen Square question. Vance was impressive.
“The problem with the previous law was that it could be read to require extraordinary measures that would temporarily “preserve” the child’s life while exacerbating his suffering before his inevitable death.”
Its so unfair.
No. It's pointing out how weak your candidates are they can't complete on a level playing field.
You should be embarrassed. I know I would if the roles were reversed.
I think that Walz just gave Trump a new nickname to call him.
Vance was doing well tonight. And then Walz asked a direct question about the 2020 election, and Vance ran from it like a freight train.
There’s a reason they changed the word…
Indeed he did, that was STARK and telling. Time to drop the Big Lie.
James David just won the 2028 Nomination.
If the concern is j6 was a threat to democracy, Vance simple pointed out the ongoing censorship is a magnitudes worse threat. He didn’t run away from it, just pointed out the hypocrisy.
Vance probably won the debate on points and it won’t matter in the slightest.
More likely it’s a wash and everyone gets something -- and it won’t matter in the slightest.
Tiananmen Tim.
Vance’s answer was very smart. Debates are for the undecided and the undecideds want to move on.
8 years of hysteria is a huge emotional commitment. I don’t think Democrats want to let go of it.
Vance missed an opportunity to make that point. The judges didn't "examine the evidence" as O'Donnell claimed. They dismissed the cases on technicalities. The problem once again is that the debate is three against one. Vance trying to refute all the BS thrown at him by all three participants is a tough task. But he could have done better on this one.
WOW. Vance destroyed Walz and Harris. What a great job.
This doesn’t move the needle at all for anyone. It takes quite a lot for any VP debate to move the needle. This one didn’t do enough either way to have any impact at all.
No person who does not make every possible effort to save the life of a baby born alive deserves to be regarded as fully human. On the very best day of their lives they are subhuman.
No person who does not make every possible effort to save the life of a baby born alive deserves to be regarded as fully human. On the very best day of their lives they are subhuman.
I was just sorta following this, but I think I caught four things.
1) In the past the old man lied about his location re China re a day re a long time ago.
2) The young guy is in supports abortion in America.....and some sorta fine print.
3) The young guy doesn't believe that DJT lost the last election, and hence if he was Pence back then, he would have facilitated keeping DJT in power.
4) The old guy would act like Pence if he was in a similar situation, unlike the young guy.
Did I miss anything?
Thanks, ridespacemountain , for deftly encapsulating the Jerry Lundegaard vibe that Walz exuded. He's the finan
ce guy at the dealership turning your buying decision into nightmares of self recrimination.
“Who is going to honor Democracy and who is going to honor Donald Trump". 🎤 drop quote from Walz going into commercial break.
In addition to those four things, I did notice one thing after the debate.
HOLY F! Is it a requirement to have plastic surgery to work for Fox News?
I don't watch cable news so I was shocked to see that group. Why can't they hire people that don't visually shout PHONY!!!! Seems like it'd be better for a news broadcast to have a visual image that isn't drenched in fakeness.
Walz completely deflected on the Tianneman square question. "Got caught up in the rhetoric". Like his stolen valor moments. What did his students learn about governance by way of his shuttling them there? What did he learn?
Moderator: "Can you explain the discrepency regarding Tiananmen?"
Gov. A-Walz: "I was born a poor black child."
Is it too late to replace Walz?
Shorter Vance regarding the border. Trump fixed it, Border Czar broke it.
Nice win tonight by Vance. Really makes you wonder why Harris chose Walz. Clearly an unforced error on her part. Doesn’t speak well of her ability to make good decisions.
Curiously, not once have I heard anyone express the belief that Democrats care about democracy. A tone-deaf exit line that probably left most undecideds puzzled or amused.
Boy is Vance easy to dislike. He "makes Nixon look like Tom Hanks".
"Shorter Vance regarding the border. Trump fixed it, Border Czar broke it."
Shorter Vance re overall: DJT gave you a pony, The gal that looks a bit like a Haitian ate your pony for lunch.
It’s time to drop the Big Lie.
"You should be embarrassed. I know I would if the roles were reversed. "
Mike with a long high pitched complaining cry. In addition to all their other faults , the Know Nothings are such a bunch of whiners.
Sure Jan.
The Babylon Bee summarized the debate with this headline:
Nation In Awe Kamala Harris Managed To Find Running Mate Dumber Than She Is
Big time boyish charm plus smarts.
Just like the Professor predicted when Vance was chosen
Vance helped Trump more than Walz helped Kamala.
For those voters who are leaning neverTrump, Vance reassured them. Those voters are apt to go to the polls and vote Trump/Vance.
For those Democrats who are more moderate than Kamala, Walz did nothing that exhibited his thoughtfulness or competence. If anything he seemed to be to the left of Harris.
I guess that's funny. But getting back to reality, how do you think the brain power of that geezer and the minority lady compare to the average undecided voter? Likewise how do you think their brain power compare to you or the folks that write quips for the Bee?
IMHO, you/the Bee/average-undecided-folks don't seem to be obviously smarter than that old man and the minority lady. Likewise I don't feel overwhelmingly impressed by the brain power of Vance/Trump. To me, those two seem smarmy more than smart.
But dif strokes fer dif folks.
And other than Inga (giving it the ole GED wannabe try).....
Vance is certainly smarter than Trump, but he is oily. Slick, too slick. At least Trump bumbles out the truth from time to time. Vance accidentally spoke the truth too recently when he admitted to “creating stories”, but mostly Vance is an intelligent slickster.
BTW, am I the only person killing time by blathering in this thread because there is nothing to do until Commentary drops their podcast re this debate?
"ALL scientists agree" that global warming is real and caused by humans.
---Fuckwit Nora
How the fuck can sel-described "journalists" say such a stupid thing?
She obviously does not know that the idea of CAGW cannot be tested or falsified, and is thus completely outside "science".
Even Britan's Royal Society's motto understands that: "No one gets the last word."
Walz won the debate on this comment and the J6 discussion alone. Vance will do Trump’s bidding even if it goes against the Constitution, Pence didn’t.
One thing that emerged from the debate.
Glorious new pro-Trump memes.
Already posted in my Facebook feed- "Marked safe from becoming friends with school shooters today."
I see that the Coulter podcast re the debate is available. I guess I'll check that out until Commentary is available.
wow the nighr crew brought their D game
She recently lost her CBS Evening News slot.
LOL, Inga! Walz busy making friends with school shooters, lol.
Still no Commentary podcast, and Coulter is BORING!
Fortunately Wednesday's "Spike's Car Radio" podcast just came through. So I guess I can listen to that until the Zionists make their stuff available.
Coulter has very good researchers but when she improvises, it can go awry, and sh'es fickle, as a roaming comet
Matt Taibbi live podcasts all the debates. The only way to watch.
“Walz won the debate on this comment and the J6 discussion alone. Vance will do Trump’s bidding even if it goes against the Constitution, Pence didn’t.”
Please report for a urine screening at 7AM EDT.
Get down, Mutt!
Except for legitimate Climate Scientists who don't agree like Judith Curry, Richard Lindzen, William Happer, Roy Spencer, and a host of others. Read both sides and you would be a skeptic too.
Comfortably Smug
Oct 1, 2024
“Full blown freakout happening on MSNBC”
"sh'es fickle, as a roaming comet" hmmm, lyrical prose, brother, but don't comets travel in a defined, predictable trajectory?
yss, that not like science works, that holy writ from the book of Mann, and the other guy who was a NASA scientist about Venus, name escapes me now,
through an asteroid belt, where it goes awry, i'm rolling here
"Vance is certainly smarter than Trump, but he is oily. Slick, too slick. At least Trump bumbles out the truth from time to time."
Oh Mama! Folks, I believe this is the very first intonation of that inevitable phenomenon when the New Hitler replaces the Old Hitler. You know that in 2025 when America is being guided to greatness by president Vance, Party members will be universal in their fond reminiscence of Donald Trump and how he was not as bad as New Hitler.
Stolen Valor Deer-In-The-Headlights Walz gets bodyslammed in the debate (hence the non-stop and hilarious excuse-mongering/whining by the lefties on all the usual New Soviet Democratical "news" channels) while the Althouse blog New Soviet Democraticals show up en masse to pretend reality ain't what it really is.
Vance could afford to be magnanimous because every American knows the truth about inflation, cost of living/housing/food/energy, economic hardship, Cloward-Piven open borders crushing our systems (hospitals/schools/police etc), the massive increase in crime, Forever Wars, war breaking out everywhere, corruption in DC and abroad, and on and on it goes...and The New Soviet Democraticals hoaxes and lies and gaslighting just isnt working anymore.
We will see if the corrupted election systems put in place by the dems will be enough for New Soviet Democraticals to install Harris in the White House.
Okay, for all the folks here that are on the edge of their seats, we did finally get the Commentary podcast re this debate.
But FTR, Crowder got his stuff out a bit earlier. So looking at podcasts that start with "C' and jabber about this debate, the order (re publication) was Coulter-Crowder-Commentary.
Copy that!
Drago, would it kill you to not vomit out boring talking points? I'm worried that you must do this to survive. Assuming such, please to carry on.
But, if you can live and also come up with comments that deviate from boilerplate about trying that?
Just sayin'
I'm sorry to see you taking the Walz failure so poorly. Perhaps a therapy group rate can be procured for you and your pals, though I would recommend multiple therapists to avoid driving a single therapist over the cliff.
Btw, whats your favorite debunked hoax that you like to continue pushing? Every lefty has a handful so it should be easy to identify.
Drago, my favorite is that DJT had hookers piss on a bed that BHO slept on.
What is your favorite?
My favorite is whichever one Inga is pushing at the time which can get confusing as she still actually believes, passionately, in every single one of the now hundreds of debunked New Soviet Democratical Hoax/lies.
Inga still believes Jussie fought off Trumpy neer do wells on the deathly cold dead of winter chicago streets and that its all Trumps fault! The claim of shouts of "This is MAGA country!" were particularly amusing and have real comedic staying power.
more than rolling >> correct syntax too!
Two thoughts on the debate:
Achievement unlocked!:
Donnie Dumpster picked someone even dumber than he is for his VP.
I'm going to start calling Vance "FP Vance" for Fisher-Price. Vance seems to be so mentally challenged and juvenile that the Fisher-Price toddler toys might be too advanced for him.
Here's Commentary's podcast on the debate:
They are calling it a slaughter.
Most jarring moment of the debate: Walz's over-the-top declaration of love for Cheney.
So many questions.
Cry more. Kamala was worse.
You can always go back to watch the Racists on MSNBC, Al Sharpton and Joy Reid. Now THERE are some lookers for you. Joy even has Trump hair, while Al's bouffant isn't as wild as it once was.
She looks Indian to me. Funny, that you see what you see.....maybe get your eyes examined?? Then your head??
Probably because they are normal, and you are brainwashed in DEI Progressivism.
Go back to bed Joe.
Trump/Vance- Not Friends with School shooters.
Who knew there was an organization named “Knuckleheads Anonymous” of which Tampon Tim Walz is a charter member?
“Hi, I’m Tim Walz and I’m a knucklehead.”
How did The Knucklehead do?
C'mon Sprezzy, open up a spare room to a handful of "migrants" wearing Biden T's. You could make some good coin.
Walz, aka the Knucklehead, failed. Why did he fail? Because he has not faced the national media since he was picked by Harris. His debut under the bright lights was weak, halting, and fumbling.
Vance 2028.
Democrats will want another Presidential debate to sweep the VP debate under. Just do a townhall Kamala.
"Every time you think, you weaken the nation."
Moe (The Three Stooges) Howard
No, but Walz could, and did.
I just released comments that had been caught in spam. This is something I need to do a few times a day, when I get the chance. I'm just pointing it out this time because I don't want anyone thinking I intentionally deleted anyone's comment in this discussion. If your comment didn't appear, it was because of the spam filter.
Thanks to everyone for keeping the conversation going overnight!
Exactly what I thought. He even blubbered like Fudd.
I live in Minnesota and the thrashing Walz took didn't surprise me. He has two big problems - first, he's an inveterate liar and embellisher and he just can't help himself. That's on him. The second problem is one that's endemic to all Minnesota DFL politicians; since the media in the state never challenge them on the nonsense they peddle, they start to think they are farting rose pedals. Same thing happened to Klobuchar in the last cycle; once she was challenged, she couldn't handle it.
Not to mention his friendship with school shooters.
In her role as Vice President, one of her general duties has been to advise the President on major problems that are not being resolved and suggest possible alternatives. But she also was given specific functions that she was intended to spearhead and manage. The border specifically was assigned to her, with much fanfare. She did nothing of any consequence the entire time she had that responsibility. You can't evade that reality no matter how you spin it. Her "Day One" was hundreds of days ago and she did nothing that entire time.
Inga said...
"Anti-abortion activists are fixated on the word 'preserve' being changed to 'care.'"
Greg The Class Traitor responded...
"That's because 'care' doesn't mean 'you have to keep [the baby] alive'."
I'm old enough to remember when politicians used to literally say "I care". They stopped doing that when it became apparent that what they really meant was "I care that this has become an issue and wish it would go away because I'm not gonna do anything about it."
Same energy.
Walz stood back and watched as his city burned. LOL - what a joke. He is a human joke
Two fucking losers
"The media bias in this debate is nearly as bad as the Trump/Harris debate. It’s not as evident because Vance has navigated it brilliantly."
btw - this thread is not working. comments do not load.
I recall that Palin beat Biden like a rented mule. McCain had to work very hard to lose that election, but he managed it with the grace & skill he exemplified throughout his political career, a "Maverick" Republican who only voted with Democrats when the Republicans might have won otherwise.
Did Google(D) shut off the comments because Walz lost so badly?
Vance was extremely polite to Walz and the moderators. He maintained a friendly demeanor and kept a pleasant smile on his face throughout, at least as long as I watched, which was most of it.
It was a strikingly different tone than we've become used to. I think Walz was surprised by it too. He looked scared of Vance, but determined to slug it out. Walz still used some of his prepared insult lines, but they seemed a little out of place and didn't land very well. They came across as unnecessarily belligerent because Vance was being very respectful to him. Walz seemed to realize this and it threw him a little. I think his personal instinct was to be nice back, but he hadn't been prepped that way and he was very wary of Vance.
I think Vance's number one goal was not to scare the women and children. I think he wanted to be not Trump, which is the Dem's whole campaign. Maybe he wants to offer independents a not Trump Republican to vote for.
Very reminiscent of the 2004 VP debates when old fogy Dick Chaney wiped the floor against serial liar, grifter, and crooked foreign asset John Edwards.
Only this time the ages and sides are reversed.
Looks like Blogger ate this thread. How convenient.
You really have proved to be a lying ghoul a strigoi
There's no question about it. Vance won the debate.....Here's the plus side for Democrats. Vance handled the questioners and his opponents with the poise and aplomb you want in a President. He refrained from calling Walz a fat moron.....I thought Walz looked a bit doofus, but he was okay. Here's the plus side for Republicans. Walz was more likable and, for all his clumsy answers, far more articulate than Kamala......I don't think this changes anybody's opinion, but the debate was civil and polite so that's nice.
Walz says he’s been busy befriending school shooters.
Blogger is horrible.
Huh? It seems as though over half of last night’s comments have disappeared. What happened?
Instead of *whining* about the moderators Vance just took them on three on one with a smile on his face and never lost his cool. This is what I want to see from the GOP. Trump is a crybaby and has turn the GOP into a party of crybabies. Get back to being men.
What's wrong with Blogger this morning? Is anyone else having trouble getting the page to load any comments past 8:54pm last nite? I hit "load more" and it only loads more about 2 comments at a time.
I won't even be able to see this comment or the replies to it unless I want to sit here and hit "load more" about sixty times.
Blogger is the absolute pits.
I think a five week ban is extreme, and I think no time limit is appalling and close to murder. Given those two choices, I know which way I’d go. Luckily, individual states can decide
Knucklehead Walz.
Poor P-Inga. Joe Biden himself, just a few days ago, explicitly stated Word Salad girrrrrrrl was at the heart of every policy and decision...and he cant be lying because you called him an "honorable man"...the kind that likes to shower with and sexualize his adolescent daughter.
That kind of sexual grooming is not far off from child trafficking which Hunter Biden did and videoed on his laptop which also contained emails proving the money launderin which the FBI finally admitted was real but you, P-Inga, called russki disinformation.
Tsk tsk tsk
why is blogger saying I posted my limit and to try again tomorrow?? (if this gets through, they changed their mind??)
It's been happening since before dawn this morning. I tried to post this previously, but blogger said I posted my limit of comments and try again tomorrow, but then it let me post??
Surprised after that word flurry the moderator had enough sense to point out he hadn't answered the question yet. That was a LOL moment. It's like he copied Harris' answer off the test not realizing how wrong (and long) it was!
Vance slapped the moderators so hard that they stopped being jerks. Amazing.
Vance humiliated Waltz, and managed to bring down Harris as well. Great job.
Huh? More than half of last night's comments have disappeared. May I ask what happened?
A lot of cope here.
New York Times: “Vance’s Dominant Debate Performance Shows Wh He’s Trump’s Running Mate”
P-Inga hardest hit.
Biggest takeaway: Vance is not Hitler, not anywhere near Hitler. The hysterical mob lied to you ... again.
Lowered expectations are supposed to be before the debate, not after Mark.
Dullard to the rescue but a bit late. CBS even cut off Vance's mike as he was about to correct her lie.
Trump would do well to mention that JD is ready to become president if something should happen to Trump. Even better, say that if he (Trump) slows down he will resign to make Vance president. Make a Vance presidency a real possibility: Immanentize the eschaton.
That's not true. Blue states, like NY, California, Virginia, Minnesota permit abortions up to 40 weeks. Nothing like that elsewhere in the civilised world. Closest is UK with 24 weeks. EU (France - 14 weeks, Germany- illegal but unpunishable in first 12 weeks, Italy - 13 weeks, Spain - 14 weeks) is typically 13-15 weeks with 2 doctors signing it off. Trump stated position is 16 weeks
Find me a single, prominent Democrat that will suggest ANY time limit on abortions. Not even for purposes of debate for legislation. I've only heard dodges. They hide behind "between a woman and her doctor" coupled with there are "no late term abortions *bullshit*. If it is truly ONLY between a woman and her doctor it is, in FACT, up to the time of birth.
now I know what test means
If I click the Post title all the comments load. If I click just the comments they partially load. Keep clicking load and at about the end of 9pm comments all comments load. Click Post title then click comment and the comments truncate back to the 8pm time frame. Post the comment and here it is. You have to go thru the loop t do to see it, What a debate,
“ She looks Indian to me. Funny, that you see what you see.....maybe get your eyes examined?? Then your head??”
Funny thing is that Vance’s wife (Usha Chilukuri Vance) is also Brahmin Indian. But a lot smarter - YLS, then clerked for Kavenaugh as a Circuit Court Judge, then for Chief Justice Roberts. Each Justice gets 4 clerks a year, for a total of 36. Only 4 of them clerk for the Chief. JD Vance is married to one of them. Law firm signing bonus for SCOTUS clerks is reportedly $450k.
The big problem I have seen is that there is a LOAD MORE button now. It’s fine when it loads 20-50 additional comments at a time. Late last night, it was loading just three, making threads like this very hard to deal with.
Six weeks meets the physiological criteria for homicide in all 50 states. #HateLovesAbortion
Dems think that Abortion is their route to maintaining power. Here in MT, they not only have a 9 month abortion Amdt on the ballot, but the Republican trying to oust Jon Tester from the Senate is tarred as being anti-abortion. Probably over half the state level TV ads by the Dems right now touch on abortion.
Dr. Death and Whitmer, Nurse Machete and Gosnell, Cecile the Cannibal at Planned Parenthood corporation exercise liberal license under the Pro-Choice ethical religion to perform human rites for social, clinical, criminal, political, and climate progress. Then there are abortion of "burdens" of evidence in sanctuary jurisdictions, etc. a wicked solution.
That said, doctors and nurses practice medicine to save human lives, not relieve "burdens" in darkness.
Trump lost it on procedural and standing decisions by the courts. Never on the facts, because they were in his favor. The Dems did steal the elector votes of a half dozen states in 2020, through massive, very blatant and visible, election fraud. He would have won on the merits, if any court had ever given him a chance. They didn’t.
So, yes, please drop the Big Lie, that Biden/Harris actually won the election through an honest counting of legitimate ballots from registered voters.
Women deserve better than to be kept affordable, available, reusable, and taxable commodities, "friends", womb banks, collateral damage of immigration reform and transgender spectrum therapy.
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