NEW: JD Vance shuts down a very emotional Jake Tapper over CNN’s constant coverage of hoaxes.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 27, 2024
Tapper, who was very emotional throughout the interview, sat as Vance roasted CNN for their biased coverage.
Vance: Ask yourself a basic question about network integrity. You guys…
BREAKING: JD Vance called out Fake Tapper for the lies he pushed about Russiagate earlier this morning
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 27, 2024
Tapper denied telling any lies
So here are 3.5 minutes of Jake Tapper spreading Russiagate conspiracy theory
It has to be done, of course. But CNN is literally a failed outlet in an era which isn't going to be kind to white elephants. Actually, between Kamala's plane crash of a town hall and Biden's legendary face plant, I wouldn't be surprised to hear Zaslav sold out to Trump in favor of certain concessions.
I used to think Ron DeSantis was the Democrats' worst nightmare, but right now he has to be neck and neck with Vance. These guys are the next generation of conservative leaders that came of age with the news media bullshit and know how to counter it and shut down propagandists like Jake Tapper.
There is literally nobody on The Left with their intelligence and gravitas.
Masterful. Jake isn't used to having his hands slapped, is he; doesn't seem to like it one bit. I could watch more of this....
“The FBI was investigating… we reported on that story!”
Wasn’t the FBI investigating Hunter’s laptop? Did you report on that (other than to run cover and say “Russian Disinformation! Arggggghhhh”
Vance also demolished Kristin Welker on MTP this AM as well. When she mistakenly referred to Harris as a fa$ci$t I called Welker stupid in front of my wife. I recovered by saying, “You’re right honey, she’s not stupid, she’s dishonest. Which is much worse”
Ridiculous things seen in Madison. I know I know - this comment isn't directly related to your post. Delete - if you want. Maybe you would have already commented about this and if you have and I maybe missed it - I apologize. I live on the north side of town and get to drive by this - the 43-foot-tall statue depicting nude Trump is currently on Pennsylvania Ave Additionally I get to walk past a "F*ck Trump" sign in my neighborhood on a daily basis. It's a great time to be an American!
JDV well prepared [briefed to eleventy]
it is traveling exhibit!! being shown in Blue Cities to Trump Fetishists?!
The pop-up exhibit has been in several cities across the country, including in Las Vegas, Nevada; Phoenix, Arizona; and Detroit, Michigan.
“Tapper” is just another word for “tool.”
The failure of the media to accept responsibility for its actions is the anchor pulling it to its death.
Jake Tapper(D) is obviously defensive. How dare you!
My appreciation for Vance ... finally. The game is up - It's WE the people against a mostly fraudulent lying Democrat Party press.
Tapper composure: lost. Interview: lost.
My vote is for the end of state-run Democrat Run media.
We need a factual based media - and we do not have it.
The alphabet channels are banana republic. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN D-MSNBC WaPoo, NYT... and on and on....
to PBS "news" (btw - I love much of PBS's programming - but the leftist stuff is unwatchable crap)
Jake Tapper sounds like he actually believes his protests. How can an intelligent person be in such denial? Or maybe he's just a good actor.
Damn. That poor chicken. Tapper just fucked the hell out it every day for years.
And where is that pitiful bird now? Somewhere, wretched, heart-broken, a physical wreck, trying to heal. If chickens had wrists there'd be bandages on them. And heartless Jake Tapper doesn't call, he doesn't write. He wants to pretend the torrid affair never happened.
That chicken was his favorite, his darling, his little red hen. It's a very sad story, but an important story. Why isn't CNN covering it?
Yes Jake - the FBI is corrupt.
I forgot Drudge - but he is just a leftist joke.
Jake is saying CNN never pushed false lies and narratives - regarding the FBI's wholesale lies regarding Trump and Russia. (Maddow+Hillary insider money-whore FBI revenge)
Jake Tapper is a liar. Thanks for posting that second link. Leftist fake news in their own words. Right there for the world to see. How anyone can support the lie-club that is the modern democrat party, is beyond me.
You should yell out: "God Bless Donald Trump" each time you pass the sign, better yet, hire a sound truck and drive around the block, blasting it out for a few hours.
"I'm not a reporter, but I play one on TV." - Jake Tapper
Tapper has no more an argument for supporting Harris and the intentionally destructive and traitorous doings of the Democrat Party than the libtards of the Althouse blog. But at least they're The Good Guys!!!
Tapper is such a liar. And thanks for posting the "factcheck". Yes, its true CNN "Just followed a FBI investigation". But that's a half-truth. It constantly and uncritically reported leaks from the FBI and Congressional Democrats and the Mueller investigation team. Almost always this were anonymous and based on one source. And they were untrue.
When Trump and the white house fired back, CNN would report it as "without evidence". Trump was guilty until proven innocent, and that's they way tapper and CNN reported it. They even refused to accept that Mueller cleared Trump, instead intoning that "questions remained".
Who can forget CNN and the others in the MSM laughing at Trump and calling him a liar because he said the FBI/Intelligence agencies were wiretapping him? "Haha Trump is lying. there are wires to tap. haha". But they were wiretapping him and all his associates and had started before he even got the nomination. And didn't CNN hire Jim Comey and Peter Stork as 'experts"?
And there was ZERO investigation by CNN and MSM into the true origins of the Steele Doisser. They knew it was a Hillary financed scam, but kept reporting it as "Coming from UK Intelligence".
Hey FBI-loyalist-led-by-the-nose sellout Jake - what say you?
Tapper should have burned every source who lied to him about the Russian Collusion. Tapper is a coward.
Surely Tapper understands that the reason this hoax was generated is exactly so he, and the rest of the media could "report" on it.
Excellent point.
To use a Trumpism, Tapper got schlonged by Vance. In a battle of wits between Tapper and Vance, Tapper is just half armed.
I have written it before- if you ever actually read the Mueller Report you will find out that the investigators stopped investigating the Steele Dossier allegations after a month and they stopped because they had demonstrated that the allegations were completely fabricated by Steele's "source" who admitted that he literally made them up for the money he was being paid by, ultimately, the Clinton Campaign through the cutouts. And, yet, the investigation continued for another 2 years and would have continued right through the next two years if Barr hadn't finally shut it down.
"How dare you, how dare you speak to me this way!"
That is how every Republican candidate should deal with the Democrat media- never accept the preliminary framing of a question, don't let them ignore what they have said on the same topic in the past, and treat them with the contempt that they have literally earned with their lies.
Spot on!
I beseech you… embrace the power of “AND”!
Welker is both stupid AND as dishonest as the day is long. Look at her eyes. She is a fanatic.
You got that right.
ah tapper the election denialist circa 2000-1, he was still futzing around with those chads, I don't know why he was so well regarded, slightly less of a hack then say, Brian Williams, who is being brought up from the briny deep by Hulu I think
“And didn't CNN hire Jim Comey and Peter Tork as 'experts"?
Hey hey, they’re teh Monkeys and people say they monkeyed around
don't call him shirley, although his attempts at labeled fiction, like the hellfire club were terrible,
Menopause has been tough on Jake.
Unfortunately for DeSantis, he sold out to the economic globalists that backed his campaign starting in 2021 and it will take alot to convince a new and evolved base of republican voters that he can be trusted on tgse key economic/trade issues.
In any event, thats all a long way off.
Here is an
Image of the type of person running the show, behind the scenes.
Fight Hillbilly, fight.
After years of mealy-mouthed Repubs it's such an air-punching joy to see JD.
Gen. Mike Hayden looks like the chicken little that annoyed foghorn leghorn. And everything he says suggests that elements of the UK government interfered in the US election. Back then they did it using a spy. This time they are in the open in sending members of the Labor Party to interfere in this election. If it is against the law for foreign governments to interfere in our elections, where are the arrests?
ah yes Peter 'noman bates' strzok, who claimed credit for the Chapman case, when a walkin Puteyev, basically handed him the whole file,
Why hasn't the dosier guy who's named after the dosier come out and sell his dosier publicly? I mean, how long has it been? Is it because there still investigating it? Never seen that guy say a peep publicly. The media stopped using that picture of him walking and smiling with not a care in the world.
So, I googled it and....
The Sun: the first time i see him speaking, he says i have nothing to say... is that his version of keeping it real?
Ah Hayden the masn who missed the intercepts between Sanaa and the two hijackers in LA, he has some nerve,
of course that episode would advance him to director, of the CIA, talk about failing upwards,
Steele was the collector like in man in havana, danchenko was the one that put the stories together,
furthermore, steele worked for deripaska, the same associate that manafort hired podesta and weber to lobby for,
the problem is too many british spies are high strung, steele and 150 colleagues were burned by tomlinson, who was peeved he didn't receive a promotion,
Did anyone see last night's SNL repeat from late September?
The cold open tried to depict JD Vance as a bad pick (even Trump wanted him to be shot), and that the Trump campaign was on the ropes.
Just a month later...
It's as easy as taking candy from a network television anchor.
You'd think Tapper would drown in his own bullshit, but he's an excellent swimmer and this is just a day at the beach. He'll probably be congratulated for the brave way he stood up to Vance......I think the establishment position now is that the collusion wasn't proven, but that's mostly the fault of Mueller's incompetence. "Collusion" is the subtext of their breathless reporting on the fact that Trump gave Putin a COVID testing machine and may be on speaking terms with him......I admire the way Vance took down Tapper, but I don't suppose this will cause any Taylor Swift fans to come over to Trump's side.
CNN is the Sargasso sea of hoaxes not only about the tenuous Russian connection, but Smollett the George Floyd altercation the Bubba Wallace episode,
Of course, the Legacy Mainstream Media earned its imprimatur of Fake News the moment they began using 'Anonymous Sources', or unnamed accusers, as a source of news material. They knew this at the time, and cannot pretend to not know it, now. The standard of responsible journalism mandates that stories are not printable or publishable until they have been confirmed by at least 2 or 3 sources, with at least one of them willing to be on the record, or named. The rejection of this standard, under the aegis of 'but the threat of Donald Trump is an exceptional case!', became the accepted excuse in the news community. And the Jake Tappers of the world would have us believe that, once the excuse is agreed to by all parties, it becomes an accepted condition, a sanctified position. Now, comes the comeuppance for such foolery.
Drago- didn't you say the same crap about JD Vance at one point?
Narayanan is right- Vance, 100% for certain, knew of all those instances of Tapper in that little video Althouse linked to. Vance had done his homework or his staff did and Vance followed their advice.
They got played because they really, really wanted the hoax to be true. They threw their journalistic ethics out the window because of their personal political biases. this is just a months worth of outrageous things on tapper's part,
"The standard of responsible journalism mandates that stories are not printable or publishable until they have been confirmed by at least 2 or 3 sources, with at least one of them willing to be on the record, or named."
As well, other news outlets reporting on the story should not be considered "sources".
Another View of Tapper's Memory Hole.
Note to CNN’s self-described journalists and other Democrat operatives: when you set out to debate (not “interview”) JD Vance, you are crossing swords with someone who climbed out of abject poverty through brains and hard work to be accepted into Yale Law on merit (back when Yale still did that sort of thing). Don’t throw your ridiculous talking points at him; he’s well prepared to demolish them. Be extraordinarily well prepared or expect a verbal beat down. He is smarter than you are. He knows you don’t like him and — very unusual in a politician — he doesn’t much care. He doesn’t like you either. Moreover he doesn’t respect you, but by golly he will make you respect him.
No. The FBI investigated, found it corroborated, then sat on the story throughout the election, because releasing what they had would have been election interference. Contrast that with this election, where the DOJ filed a huge memo with the DC courts on Trump’s 2/6/20 actions, much of it unsubstantiated, or even refuted, none of it admissible, because the people had the right to know! Of course, it violated DC rules on election interference, but that was ok, because Smith was only responsible to the AG, who, of course reports to the missing President.
The classic though was the 2020 election, where Simpson and Steele, funded by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, shopped their Dossier, much constructed over drinks at a Georgetown bar, into the FBI through various conduits. As intended, the FBI investigated, so the MSM (including CNN) reported, and then, with that collaboration, the FBI used it to get 4 FISA warrants, that ultimately covered Trump and his inner circle.
Jake's empty but airtight head keeps him afloat.
“ danchenko was the one that put the stories together,”
Over drinks with his buddies at a bar in Georgetown. They were paid to come up dirt on Trump, and that money ultimately went to pay their bar bill. I would have loved to have actually witnessed that conversation, where their thoughts were ever more preposterous. But probably wouldn’t have understood much of it, that was probably in Russian. Of course, by the election, the FBI knew this, but reporting it would have been Election Interference…
HLS Law Review, but not a managing editor like his wife-to-be. Nor a SCOTUS clerk, as she also was. Would love to hear their personal discussions.
Yes - and normal Americans stand up and cheer.
Me thinks somebody looks under the bed every night before turing out the lights, to see if there's a Globalist hiding there :-)
and before this, they were touting that vomit from john kelly which is contradicted by everyone else in the room, how about the afghan bounties,
those who proffered that garbage should have been silent after Abbey Gate, but that would require shame,
"Drago- didn't you say the same crap about JD Vance at one point?"
Thanks for playing.
When Vance is VP, they won't be able to avoid interviewing him, so we can look forward to many more of these journalist beat downs. It's almost better than football.
NKP: "Me thinks somebody looks under the bed every night before turing out the lights, to see if there's a Globalist hiding there :-)"
I suppose its easier for some to pretend DeSantis did not vote for TPP and obambi Fast Track Authority while in Congress as a Paul Ryan acolyte, followed up by the Sea Island crew going all in on DeSantis starting in 2021, followed by Murdoch throwing a $10M book deal DeSantis' way, to name just a few things, but these facts will be raised again in any future campaign.
Which was my only point....and the wailing and gnashing of teeth then commenced.
Ken Griffin of Citadel Capital, huge DeSantis supporter against Trump, laid it out fairly well way back in the fall of 2022 where Griffin explained his goal was to blunt the rising populism in the republican party.
A goal shared by all the major funders/bacers of the GOPe.
Its clear many want to pretend none of this exists. So be it.
Jake Tapper will never apologize for being wrong in support of the left. For Jake, and people like him, falsehoods perpetrated on behalf of the left are virtuous responses to a transcendent moral urgency. The regular rules apply to the other side, but are inapplicable to them.
I used to complain that Republicans didn’t push back more. I watched this whole segment. What Vance did is very hard to do. Not only did he have to know the backstory but he had to be confident of his knowledge. He also had to keep bringing back the conversation to the issues that are important to the American people. Extraordinary degree of difficulty. And he had to keep calm all the while. No stuttering, no pausing to collect his thoughts. Very impressive.
Rather than stuttering, I should have said no tripping over his words.
Pouty, humorless windbag Tapper. No joy.
Glitch McConnel went BSOD watching that.
He, and all participating journolisters, were never lied to. Au contraire, mon frere, they were told the truth and instructed to lie about that with dogged and unyielding determination, because something about all hanging together.
James David Vance is a warrior with a great education. The neo Marxists are already regretting attacking him. And he never surrenders to them.
That trait is why the great replacement of Americans like him has been the plan from day one. The Destroy America First globalists have to beat Trump and Vance or they know they will lose.
Tapper should first feel a sense of embarrassment and then some shame. He did not comport himself well in that interview. Far from it.
Jake Tapper has been saying what they told him to say for many years... then he started to believe it. Vance just showed him what a fool, abet a well paid fool, he is.
It’s a contrast to listening to Kamala struggle to finish a sentence…
Would you rather see Trump and Vance against an F-ing Hitl!er or a Harris (yuk, yuk, yuk) Waltz.
It would be fun to know what was their conversaton after the interview - reserved or in-your-face?
Tapper, Walker and Raddatz. Hat trick.
Reminds me of the scene in that great book/movie by James Dickey "Deliverance" where the hillbilly says to his victim "Squeal like a pig!"
Desantis proved he was a mediocre candidate at best. Jeb2.0 was propped up by record amounts of GOPe money and he performed worse than Jeb did.
Vivek was a far better candidate if you wanted an alternative to Trump.
Drago - if the key trade and economic issues revolve around tariffs than there is no evolving, only devolving.
Your Lord & Savior has claimed that tariffs will both solve our fiscal issues and provide incentives for producers to move production back the US. Tell me how this works.
I used to live in Florida - pre-DeSantis - but I understand the politics there. Trump's big problem is that he's not a politician. But we live in a popular polity. DeSantis is not as charismatic as Trump, but he can address issues and advance solutions without turning off 49-51% of voters. The other day I saw Ron being interviewed about the recent hurricane, and Ron was ready. He shut the interviewer down with FACTS about earlier hurricanes that had hit Florida. Trump couldn't do that (actually, he could, and he'd do it well, but he won't do the homework).
Trump was guilty until proven innocent
More like guilty until proven guiltier.
"DeSantis is not as charismatic as Trump, but he can address issues and advance solutions without turning off 49-51% of voters."
Didn't the Republicans hold a primary? How did DeSantis miss out winning that, seeing as how Trump is so unpopular?
"Trump's big problem is that he's not a politician."
I disagree. Lots of people are tired of politicians. Trump has the benefit of having FU money and can do pretty much what he wants. DeSantis doesn't, so he's going to be influenced by those funding him. Who are those people, and what do *they* want?
Have you considered the possibility that being a great governor doesn't necessarily mean that you'd be a great president? The jobs are similar, but they're not the same.
Have you considered the possibility that being a great governor doesn't necessarily mean that you'd be a great president?
so simple to remember - donors for Presdient are different from donors for Gouvner and want different things!!
'The FBI was investigating' ... is shorthand for there is limit to what media can ask about unless permission!!! ... excuse for surrendering press freedom
AMDG provides another example of how the incredibly loathsome Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencers cost DeSantis so dearly in the primary, despite DeSantis spending $200+ Million and basically parking himself in Iowa for months....only to lose EVERY SINGLE COUNTY.
He couldn't even come close.
Worse, from a Team DeSantis point of view, is how much ignorance married to sense of entitlement was combined with that loathsomeness by these bit players that literally drove voters away from DeSantis everywhere he went.
Blackmailed??? Surely Biden and Kamala had far more to fear than Trump over blackmail...
Have you considered the possibility that being a great governor doesn't necessarily mean that you'd be a great president?
Methinks great governors have a better shot at being great presidents then senators or congresscritters, They have executive experience. I also thing more successful businesspeople (other then lawyers) ought throw their hats into the political arena. They've demonstrated they're doers, not just thinkers. It's possible to think about a lot of things without ever actually accomplishing something. You can't accomplish things without thinking about how to do it then doing it.
Another problem is too many British spies on the past have been Communists or Communist dupes. I doubt they're vetting process has vastly improved.
has VP ever had side gig as WhiteHousePressSecretary - should set aside a day every week .
I suppose the good news for AMDG and Godfather and others is Mitch McConnell taking time here in the campaign stretch run to "helpfully" inform the public that he intends to fight more against Trump and his team (assuming Trump is allowed to take office which I doubt given the Dem/GOPe/deep state alliance) than against Schumer and the dems.
Gee, I did not see that coming.../s.
"Methinks great governors have a better shot at being great presidents then senators or congresscritters, They have executive experience."
I don't disagree. But then, the governor of Florida doesn't have a lot of influence over the trillions of dollars that flow through DC. I am suspecting that whoever manages to win the presidency is going to have a lot more to deal with than a state governor would.
And once again, in order for DeSantis to win the presidency, he's going to need funding. What will the people providing it be expecting in return?
Seriously, it is easy to detect Hillbilly Vance's lies and he is the candidate running for office. So what does a difference of opinion about Jake's counterpoints have to do with the election since nobody watches Tapper anyway?
Twas a joy to behold.
Hey Jake Tapper-
How's that defamation lawsuit going for you?
You might want to sit this one out then
What a fraud
I watched that again today. Glorious. And Tapper looks like he's about to vomit.
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