With everyone saying Trump is going to win and enough people hear it they will believe it. The public is voting that way and people can see it. Combine all of this and I think the cheat is not possible.
Even on the Lord's day the fulness innuendos show the real Christian spirit up in here.Garbage can ? Seems some folks live and think like OSCAR. Sunday vile beautiful. 😞
Glad you’re covering it, Althouse, because there’s no way in hell I’m spending hours listening to political speeches, especially on Sunday. I already know I’m going to vote for Trump. I’m hoping for a thorough post-mortem from you.
"The parts that are run by democrats sure look that way."
Based on pictures I've seen, I'd say those places could use some trash cans. And then maybe, when they're not busy killing unborn babies, democrats could teach their voters how to use them.
Yes. The event is sold out. Trump falsely claimed that Beyonce and Willie Nelson were going to give a concert, so all those people showed up to see the free concert.
No, wait ... that was Kamala Harris who did that and got booed out of her own rally.
Just remember the real purpose of this rally is to show that Trump can mobilize thousands of his followers in the middle of blue strongholds, any time he wants.
The MSG event is not really meant to get more voters. It’s meant to warn the blue city machines away from counterfeiting ballots.
She tried out her Sunday morning preacher affectation today! I am curious-truly. Do black people get annoyed at the speech affectations she uses or it just me?
To be honest, I'm not really sure what vibes are but there's no doubt there's not much joy coming from leftists these days. When did the memo go out that that was over?
Sprezzo and Inga are melting down completely at this point- a joyous thing to behold. Of course, if Trump does win in 9 days they might kill themselves.
I know you’re joking, but when I was in high school I did have a female youth teacher that weaned to sleep w/ me. All we did was groping and kissing because I stopped it at that. To me it’s gross to sleep w/ women that are not similar to my age. Going after younger (or older) women seems insane. IMHO.
I wondered about that myself, but my instinct was to go to Real Cleae Politics and check the poll average for each of the 7 battleground stares. He is indeed ahead in all of them right now.
Your instinct is not to check but to proclaim him a liar. I don’t get that.
The only treatment for RFKJr's spasmodic dysphonia is the occasional shot of Botox, to relax the vocal cord muscles. It's a temporary improvement, nothing more.
That's very ecumenical of you. I was baptized Methodist. As the saying goes- I didn't leave the Church- they left me. The United Methodist Church seems to have abandoned Christianity. I really ought search for a new spiritual home. My wife (and children) would like that to be RC, but it won't be. Maybe an Orthodox denomination of some sort.
My house overlooks the runway at former naval station Roosevelt Roads. I can sit in my yard and watch the planes come in and out. As I did after Hurricane Maria. Pretty much as soon as they could bulldoze the debris off the runway, the next day we have a continuous fleet of USAF planes from C-130s, C5As and everything else that could fly plus US chartered Antonovs (C5A's big brother)
This started before the airfield even had power or was operational. They had to fly in gennys, radar, comm gear and whatnot. There was no delay whatever in getting goods to the island.
It took a week or 2 to get the port reopened but as soon as we did we had 300 gas tanker trucks chartered from a Louisiana company, running around keeping hospitals, critical facilities and eventually gas stations supplied with gas and diesel.
About 3 days after the storm we had hundreds of linemen on the island helping restore electricity. After the port reopened, we had a couple thousand more with hundreds of bucket trucks.
And so on. There was no delay whatever in getting aid. We are an island and it is slower than in the upper 50. A couple days to get a ship from NY to SJ AFTER the port opens and so on.
It was not President Trump who left a million or so bottles of water sitting on a runway at Roosey for 6 months until it was finally discarded. That was our governor. It wasn't President Trump who kept warehouses of emergency food, clothing, bedding and other supplies locked in a warehouse for 3 months until a mob found out about it and took matters in their own hands. That was probably the mayor of Ponce. (Lots of finger pointing so hard to say)
It was not president Trump who left several dozen 40' trailers of emergency supplies rotting in a parking lot for months until they had to be destroyed.
And so on.
We had uncheatable elections for 75 years or so, until this go round. We still managed to get the country's shittiest politicians. Now we have machines, early and absentee voting and thousands of dead voting. I am glad I'll be in Chicago and have an excuse not to take part. But that is another story.
Have you ever been to Puerto Rico, Inga? I suspect you know even less about us than you do about anything else. Pretty close to zero, in other words.
Hurricane Hugo, 1989 and Georges, 1998 also hit us pretty hard. President Trump did a much better job supporting us than Bush or Clinton did. Neither visited us then or any other time, either.
It's amazing how quickly some nicknames become so recognizable so quickly. And almost everyone knows why. Even his staunchest supporters know why he's Tampon Tim. Question is- do his supporters really support tampons in boy's restrooms? Except for the truly deranged, I'd venture not. What is it about him they do support?
Oh, wait- abortion on demand up to and including birth. The left is a death cult.
We have a street that is called avenue of the presidents in old San Juan. It has statues of all the US presidents who have visited PR. Except President Trump and President Biden.
PDJT doesn't get one because, well just TDS. Since the statues are arranged in chronological order, they can't put one up for Brandon without putting up one for President Trump. So apparently no further presidents will be honored on the avenue. Some people are pissed that there is no statue of Brandon and think we should just pretend Donald Trump never existed.
As I said, honestly elected in uncheatable elections. Still the country's shittiest politicians.
I was promised Nazis. very disappointed in MSG. All I got was an african American inventor talking about Mars, some east Indian dude, and a bunch of pro Jew stuff from the crowd. what a let down after Inga, the MSM, and so many others PROMISED me NAZIS. Trump can't even orchestrate a proper Nazi rally. Harris does a much better job.
Trump has a lineup of luminaries not only endorsing him, but campaigning with him. Kamala managed to get Beyoncé to show up at an event with her, but many people left early upset that Beyoncé didn’t even sing.
I think returning to the Catholic Church is the best choice for traditional Methodists. I’d like to see the Church welcome them, and take in a few facets of Methodist worship: 1. Take in that entire, great Methodist hymnal. 2. Allow an ongoing conversation between priest and congregation (i.e., like those Joys and Concerns). 3. Nature the development of the post service coffee klatch.
I just watched the Tony Hinchcliffe clip. I made it to and a bit past the Puerto Rico bit. Like a stopped clock, even Inga can be right fleetingly. He didn't really single us out, he was insulting a bunch of US cities. But no matter how bad we might be, we are nowhere near San Francisco, Los Angeles, Camden, Philly or other Demmie cities yet.
Still not funny, not necessary and I don't know why he was there.
I'd never heard of him before. He seems like he is trying to be a Don Rickles but with much less talent.
Re Junior, as someone mentioned, he has spasmodic dysphonia which has no known cause. It has no real cure though it can occasionally be helped and even cured.
Scott Adams suffered from Spasmodic dysphonia to the point that he was completely mute in the 90s or early 2000's. He did find a doctor who worked with him and now has his normal voice back. He has been in contact with Junior and has helped him find some coping methods and some treatments. He talks about it on his podcast from time to time.
I too could not stand listening to Junior speak. But over the past 6-9 months I've gotten used to it and it does not bother me anymore.
Lem, How did Hariss manage to get Beyonce to show up? I read that she was paid to show up and speak. That would not surprise. But the article said she was paid $10mm which seems like a lot so makes me question the premise.
The New York Times is not a reliable source. Real Clear Politics is much more reliable because they average multiple polls to get a more accurate picture.
No, it was not OK but I had not listened to Hincliffe when I wrote that 1st comment. I did not want to comment until I had. I assumed you had taken it out of context as you usually do. This was one of the few times you were right and I said do in a subsequent note.
It is not OK. Not totally wrong factually, but not OK. And a pretty stupid thing to say given how many millions of Puerto Ricans vote in NYC and elsewhere.
P-Inga is fantasizing about those sexualized showers joe biden shared with his adolescent daughter...that P-Inga first denied happening, then pretended to oppose after the FBI confirmed the diary was legit, then feverted back to approval after her Soviet masters told her she had to support joey....which lasted right up until the moment P-Inga waa told by her Soviet mastees joey had to go.
Not heard of them Mike but just subscribed. Also followed them on X. A quick scan of recent twixes looks like they may be interesting.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Anyone who is interested in my contemporaneous thoughts on the recovery from Maria can see my blog at www.darkislandpr.blogspot.com It mainly focuses on the power grid, though.
John Henry, I noticed the “fix it” signs too. There was even one on the podium, so it must be an official campaign slogan. In the campaign’s defense, DJT did say “I alone can fix it” a few years ago. Certainly that was also well after Saville, but it’s plausible that the campaign staff were thinking about Trump’s promise, not Jimmy’s.
You would think a dude with all that campaign and personal money could afford to hire one guy to just search for any derogatory callbacks associated with slogans, key phrases in speeches, etc. But it probably can’t be automated very well. You could crowdsource it, but you’d lose the element of surprise, and it could leak out and be subjected to ridicule anyway.
The saving grace on this one is that the MSM are also clueless. They just barely made the connection of MSG to the German-American Bund, for cripessake. And even then, they couldnt make the connecfion of “America First” to Lindbergh to the Bund.
I really doubt we’ll hear Joe and Mika talking about Saville tomorrow morning.
I have not seen the rally yet but my wife and I did start listenting to the Rogan interview today in the car. About halfway through.
He certainly didn't sound tired in that.
And he has been doing 2-3 events a day, traveling hundred of thousands of miles, speaking for an hour or more each time. If he were tired, he would certainly have reason to be and I would give him a pass.
Kamala complains she is tired but is doing perhaps a tenth of what he is doing.
Is New York in play? President Trump did reasonably well outside NYC and the eastern downstate strip. If he could get NYC, he could carry the state. I'm seeing reports of hundreds of thousands at the rally inside and out. Might he have more support than some think?
“I alone can fix it” is fine. Pretty much anything saying that he can fix it other than lifting the "Jim will fix it" would be OK and not associated. But "Trump will fix it" is way to close to "Jim will fix it".
I'm not too worried. You and I may be the only 2 people in the world to notice a somewhat obscure and foreign reference.
“Bad Bunny, the Puerto Rican recording artist and one of the biggest superstars in the world, on Sunday offered his support for Kamala Harris’s candidacy for president, sharing a video of her plans for Puerto Rico on his Instagram — a move that came just moments after a speaker at Donald Trump’s rally in New York City referred to the U.S. territory as a “floating island of garbage.”
“I will never forget what Donald Trump did and what he did not do when Puerto Rico needed a caring and a competent leader,” Harris said in the video, which he shared four times, focusing on this portion of her remarks in three of the shares. “He abandoned the island, tried to block aid after back-to-back devastating hurricanes and offered nothing more than paper towels and insults.”“
President has been taking a lot of heat for talking about "The Enemy Within"
Let us all vote Ann and Meade a big thanks by buying copies of the book.
It is actually a 1960 book by Junior's dad, RFK Sr. The "enemy" in his view, was unions in general, Teamsters specifically. Buy it through the portal here.
Ann, is there a way to post a shortened link to your portal? I could do it to my portal but that defeats the purpose.
I watched the entire Vance-Tapper interview today. Tapper was apoplectic about "the enemy within". Trump is going to kill and imprison millions! He's said so!
“Puerto Rican artists Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin also shared Harris’s video on their Instagram accounts, each expressing their support for her. The three artists alone have more than 314 million Instagram followers between them.
Hinchcliffe also made offensive comments about Latinos more broadly, going on a vulgar riff about how they “love making babies.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) and Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, expressed their anger at the comment as they spoke on live-streaming platform Twitch and said they hope Puerto Ricans across the country see the clip. Walz urged Puerto Ricans — hundreds of thousands of whom live in battleground states across the country — to vote and “send them a message on this.” “When you have some a-hole calling Puerto Rico ‘floating garbage,’ know that that’s what they think about you. It’s what they think about anyone who makes less money than them,” said Ocasio-Cortez, who is Puerto Rican.“
What idiot at the Trump campaign hired Hinchcliffe? Didn’t they review what jokes he would tell? A lot of Puerto Ricans on line aren’t finding the jokes funny. You would think the Trump campaign would be trying to appeal to Latinos, especially this late in the game.
If he did "try" to block aid, he did a horrible job at it because an enormous amount got through very quickly and continues to this day.
You can believe Bad Bunny. I'll believe my experience.
I forgot to mention that PDJT supplied hundreds of MW of standby generators in sizes from a few KW to multi-megawatts. A lot of them sat on Pier 4, undistributed as late as January (3 months later) and unattended. That was local, not US govt, fault.
I knew a guy who worked for a mayor of one of the larger cities and he was telling me he was trying to get a genny to power up a waste treatment plant. I told him about this, they dummied up some paperwork and sent a city truck.
Didn't even need the paperwork. They hitched up a 250KW genny and drove out with it.
I have no idea what happened to the genny once power was restored, being too polite to ask.
I took pictures of me driving around the lot. https://darkislandpr.blogspot.com/2017/12/what-are-these-generators-for.html Could have driven a genny home if I'd had a hitch.
It would not surprise me if it could. Another possibility might be Elon Musk's Neurolink which takes a signal from the brain to control muscles. Perhaps that with an artificial larnyx?
Whether it’s liberal observers describing Trump’s Madison Square Garden campaign event as a Nazi rally or conservative attendees of the same event describing it as a Nazi rally, both sides agree that the event was a Nazi rally.
Freedom of speech in the US means calling out racism like this for what it is. Patriotism means criticizing your political leaders when they promote it.
No Lem. Althouse did not fact check me. I checked the NYT before my original comment. I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate.
On Twitter, Saul Montes-Bradley (@Debradelai) is pointing that Puerto Ricans seem to think Puerto Rico is a garbage island, since nearly half of them choose to live on the mainland. (Didn't the island's government steal half the aid sent after the last big hurricane?)
And for all the people referencing the Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in the late '30s, Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) is pointing out that FDR had a rally there in 1940, Truman in 1948, and LBJ in 1968.
“Red Wave” Redux: Are GOP Polls Rigging the Averages in Trump’s Favor? Polling by right-leaning firms has exploded this cycle. Maybe they want to be accurate—or maybe they’re trying to create a sense of momentum for Donald Trump.
To proponents of what might be called the “Red Wave Theory” of polling, this was a blatant example of a phenomenon that they see as widespread: A flood of GOP-aligned polls has been released for the precise purpose of influencing the polling averages, and thus the election forecasts, in Trump’s favor. In the view of these critics, the Quantus example (the firm subsequently denied any such intent) only made all this more overt: Dozens of such polls have been released since then, and they are in no small part responsible for tipping the averages—and the forecasts—toward Trump.”
If partisans on both sides of the aisle are describing Trump’s Madison Square Garden campaign event as a Nazi rally, Trump must be doing something right.
It's basically the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." I've spent far too much time in recent years trying to dig through articles asserting that someone said/did something racist without actually finding evidence of said racism. I don't even bother to try any more. If any "journalists" wonder why they have lost so much credibility, there is no need to look any further.
You know who else had a rally at MSG? New York state Nazis - 85 years ago. That means Trump is a nazi too. Don't think that makes sense? Talk to Larry Sabato. And MSNBC.
CNN actually had a scroll under Trump speaking "Trump uses hateful rhetoric about Immigrants". Guess that's more of the famed "Jack tapper objectivity".
Actually it exactly reflects the views of Trump and his campaign. It’s just inconvenient for the campaign that it was said about an important voting bloc a week before the election.
I only tuned in for random bits and pieces. I thought Trump didn't have quite as much energy as he did with Rogan or at some of his other recent rallies. Still, merely putting in a solid performance with the pace he has been going at is very impressive.
FWIW, I've been around my share of CEOs and other senior executives, and the one thing common to almost all of the successful ones is that they seem to be in the 99th percentile of the population in terms of energy. If you spend a few days around such people, it's as impressive as any athletic feat.
Yes, his animal energy is amazing. But I still have painful memories of him jetting from rally to rally to rally , almost a superhuman effort, in the last election round, only to be run down by the cheat and defeated. I don't want to see it again, and that's why I keep warning about becoming overconfident in red wave theories.......
Cenk Uygur's glowing review of Trump's 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan: "I thought Trump looked presidential and personable. I hate that, but he did. It goes back and forth smoothly. There aren't talking points. Standard politicians including Kamala Harris are talking point machines, that's not what Trump is doing. He doesn't seem like a robot, he doesn't seem fake in that sense. I know all the facts. It looks really good for Trump. You gotta be honest about it. You know me, if it was a trainwreck, I would be very happy to tell you it was a trainwreck."
Cenk is smart enough to be able to follow Trump's weaves. He doesn't like or support Trump, but he's smart enough to give the Devil his due. Plus, he doesn't want to look like an idiot when Trump wins. He'll be able to tell his viewers, "I told you so!"
Trump's favoritism toward Hitler and Nazi Generals was noted by Demented Don to his Chief of Staff and then he portrayed his autocratic tendencies and White Suprematism in the hallowed building where the New York Knickerbockers play. Democrats projected a sign on the side of the huge building in Midtown that read "Trump Praised Hitler."
Trump and fellow speakers besmirched Latinos, mainly Puerto Ricans. Remember when Trump tossed rolls of paper towels to Puerto Ricans washed out of their homes, and without roads or electricity by Hurricane Maria in 2017 ("and they call the wind Maria")?
Then In Pennsylvania last month, Trump dragged a Puerto Rican entertainer on stage to beg for support for Trump, and then at MSG, he put a comedian, known as "Kill Tony" who said that each and every Puerto Rican is dumber than a rock, notably calling Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean.” He also said Latinos “love making babies,” adding, “They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside. Just like they did to our country.”
Why does any of this shit happen? None of Trump's White Supremacist ugliness was worthwhile since Puerto Rico has no votes in the Electoral College.
Michael Shellenberger @shellenberger · Follow The media are claiming that a comedian at the Trump rally today made a racist joke about Puerto Ricans. He didn’t. He was poking fun at the island’s infamous trash problem. The media are acting ignorant about it but they have covered it for years —> https://x.com/shellenberger/status/1850716103993176220
"No Lem. Althouse did not fact check me. I checked the NYT before my original comment. I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate."
It doesn't matter what YOU'd pick as your preference. YOU chose to call Trump a "liar." He was correct according to THE most standard place to look for the information he was talking about. You demonstrated your own unfairness and rashness, and you didn't even respond decently when I took the trouble to gently show you where you'd gone wrong.
You could have said: Trump's assertion is wrong according to the information I'm seeing in the NYT. But you chose to go big and be ugly and call him a "liar." This is the kind of unfairness toward Trump — like the willingness to call him "Hitler," etc. — that makes me begin with a presumption IN FAVOR of Trump when I read any criticism of him. I presume that people like YOU are the liars. But I do go on to check or I express my concerns in the form of questioning what's being said. I don't just make assertions when I don't know.
"I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate."
RCP has a page that lists the polls it is using and shows a statistic that measures the degree of skew. Check it out. More of the polls skew left than skew right.
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1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Will there be Nazis?
All across the good old USA regressive heads are exploding.
Stephen Miller gets hair!
Tuned in to see if he was playing Beyoncé music and getting booed.
Let the name-calling begin.
The headline at the NYT is: "Election Live Updates: Racist Remarks and Insults Mark Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally."
When does today’s delivery of baby parts arrive? You building up the fire under the witches’ cauldron? Getting hungry?
RFK Jr.!
Viviek was on FIRE!
There’s a Mark Trump?
”There’s a floating island of garbage, it’s called Puerto Rico”
Will they give us full contextual quotes of the "racist remarks and insults," or do we just have to take the NYT's word for it?
RFK..... I didn't leave the democrat party the party left me.
The party of Bill Gates, Dick Cheney
Proving the old adage, yet again, that the Left can't meme....
RFK is torching the dem party
It looks like seating capacity at MSG is about 20,000. Is it full ? ?
I suppose the NYT could mention that Hitler drew big enthusiastic crowds, too.
I just noticed that RFK Jr. didn't sing and nobody noticed - or even booed !
Make America Healthy Again
Make America Great Again
Tucker is hilarious!
Daddy loves you, but you’ve been a baaaaad girl and you’re going to get punished!
Wow. You people are just completely lacking talent as well as intelligence.
He is killing it! Another speaker on fire!
With everyone saying Trump is going to win and enough people hear it they will believe it. The public is voting that way and people can see it. Combine all of this and I think the cheat is not possible.
Great speech by Tucker
That is a comedian who roasts people and places for a living.
He is pointing out that places democrats control turn into islands of garbage.
Inga is so stupid she thinks this line of attack will work.
RFK and Tucker were compelling to me.
Hogan in the house!
Hulk Hogan is 71
Walz compares this rally to a Nazi one the German American Bund threw at MSG in 1939. I find this unpersuasive.
I don't see no Nazis in here. I see real Americans here.!
Didn’t Trump just say America was a garbage can?
Best Hype Man since Flavor Flav!
I never thought I’d hear the chant, Dr. Phil
It's the age and the miles.
The parts that are run by democrats sure look that way.
The number of people democrats have turned against themselves is shocking.
I would not be able to listen to RFK Jr's voice for 4 years. I've said this before. Bears repeating.
As a schoolyard-level retort to the people who deliberately misunderstood Trump’s garbage can remarks at the schoolyard level:
I’m Donald the MAGA Man
I live in a garbage can
Your girls won’t go swimmin
With men dressed as wimmin
Vote Donald the MAGA Man!
Inspired by Matt Groening’s Life in Hell strip, “Kids’ Greatest Hits.”
Even on the Lord's day the fulness innuendos show the real Christian spirit up in here.Garbage can ? Seems some folks live and think like OSCAR. Sunday vile beautiful. 😞
Glad you’re covering it, Althouse, because there’s no way in hell I’m spending hours listening to political speeches, especially on Sunday. I already know I’m going to vote for Trump. I’m hoping for a thorough post-mortem from you.
"The parts that are run by democrats sure look that way."
Based on pictures I've seen, I'd say those places could use some trash cans. And then maybe, when they're not busy killing unborn babies, democrats could teach their voters how to use them.
How is a Nazi building still allowed to stand in New York City?
What time does Beyonce's concert start?
Nobody of substance cares what the NY Times is doing. We all know they were all in for Adolph Hitler.
Yes. The event is sold out. Trump falsely claimed that Beyonce and Willie Nelson were going to give a concert, so all those people showed up to see the free concert.
No, wait ... that was Kamala Harris who did that and got booed out of her own rally.
Better than Kamala's overemoting.
Oh wait, that's a different one.
He obviously has some sort of permanent damage in his lungs (likely drug-induced). He can barely speak at all.
Imagine how many fake ballots Democrats are having to print up tonight.
Tim Walz Calls Trump Madison Square Garden Attendees Nazis
Just remember the real purpose of this rally is to show that Trump can mobilize thousands of his followers in the middle of blue strongholds, any time he wants.
The MSG event is not really meant to get more voters. It’s meant to warn the blue city machines away from counterfeiting ballots.
I'm guessing you are tired of the left's non-stop lies?
Well, I played music for a Methodist service this morning and for a Catholic service last night, so I probably took care of your Sabbath obligation.
"Never seen a nazi rally with jews, blacks, and hindus as speakers" says someone on X
right? - Well Tampon Tim just called every one there a Nazi.
Heels-Up couldn't do this.
The pictures of the crowd outside are pretty wild.
He has spasmodic dysphonia. There is no cure.
She tried out her Sunday morning preacher affectation today!
I am curious-truly.
Do black people get annoyed at the speech affectations she uses or it just me?
Looks like the speakers are not being censored.
Elon is on. Must be getting close to Trump time.
Elon is so amazed he may stay on earth now.
Note for Inga:
Trump was going to be a Nazi in his first term.
But he forgot.
Got it?
To be honest, I'm not really sure what vibes are but there's no doubt there's not much joy coming from leftists these days. When did the memo go out that that was over?
Phone is no good for this. It’s crashed
"Didn’t Trump just say America was a garbage can?"
No, he didn't. Try harder.
No, but I probably should. I’ve kinda lost my edge at 75.
He's still got the jam. He was doing the DonaldDance.
How does this help? That's what I would like to ask Gov Walz.
Liar, he’s not leading in every swing state.
Listening to the president is not a requirement. I rarely do, I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Sprezzo and Inga are melting down completely at this point- a joyous thing to behold. Of course, if Trump does win in 9 days they might kill themselves.
Clean up on aisle 12
That’s a lot of tax cuts.
I know you’re joking, but when I was in high school I did have a female youth teacher that weaned to sleep w/ me. All we did was groping and kissing because I stopped it at that. To me it’s gross to sleep w/ women that are not similar to my age. Going after younger (or older) women seems insane. IMHO.
From what they say, Trump is going to kill them before they have the chance.
So, I mean ... I can only vote SO HARD.
See? No joy.
“ Liar, he’s not leading in every swing state.”
I wondered about that myself, but my instinct was to go to Real Cleae Politics and check the poll average for each of the 7 battleground stares. He is indeed ahead in all of them right now.
Your instinct is not to check but to proclaim him a liar. I don’t get that.
Trump has figured out that Democrats aren't the ONLY ONES who can buy votes.
Real Clear Politics
Those of us who read all the comments definitely get that. I'm surprised that you are surprised.
There's definitely a lot of background stares, too.
Trump sounds tired.
He's been busy.
I dont get that vibe at all
No he’s not ahead in all of them.
PA Harris 40, Trump 48
NV Harris 48, Trump 48
WI Harris 49, Trump 48
MI Harris 49, Trump 48
NC Trump 49, Harris 48
GA Trump 49, Harris 48
AZ Trump 49, Harris 48
No he’s not ahead in all of them.
I'll take RCP over the NY Times, thank you.
And he's up in every one.
Deal with it.
If you can.
I immediately checked the NYTs.
PA, Harris 49, not 40.
The only treatment for RFKJr's spasmodic dysphonia is the occasional shot of Botox, to relax the vocal cord muscles. It's a temporary improvement, nothing more.
That's very ecumenical of you. I was baptized Methodist. As the saying goes- I didn't leave the Church- they left me. The United Methodist Church seems to have abandoned Christianity. I really ought search for a new spiritual home. My wife (and children) would like that to be RC, but it won't be. Maybe an Orthodox denomination of some sort.
My house overlooks the runway at former naval station Roosevelt Roads. I can sit in my yard and watch the planes come in and out. As I did after Hurricane Maria. Pretty much as soon as they could bulldoze the debris off the runway, the next day we have a continuous fleet of USAF planes from C-130s, C5As and everything else that could fly plus US chartered Antonovs (C5A's big brother)
This started before the airfield even had power or was operational. They had to fly in gennys, radar, comm gear and whatnot. There was no delay whatever in getting goods to the island.
It took a week or 2 to get the port reopened but as soon as we did we had 300 gas tanker trucks chartered from a Louisiana company, running around keeping hospitals, critical facilities and eventually gas stations supplied with gas and diesel.
About 3 days after the storm we had hundreds of linemen on the island helping restore electricity. After the port reopened, we had a couple thousand more with hundreds of bucket trucks.
And so on. There was no delay whatever in getting aid. We are an island and it is slower than in the upper 50. A couple days to get a ship from NY to SJ AFTER the port opens and so on.
It was not President Trump who left a million or so bottles of water sitting on a runway at Roosey for 6 months until it was finally discarded. That was our governor. It wasn't President Trump who kept warehouses of emergency food, clothing, bedding and other supplies locked in a warehouse for 3 months until a mob found out about it and took matters in their own hands. That was probably the mayor of Ponce. (Lots of finger pointing so hard to say)
It was not president Trump who left several dozen 40' trailers of emergency supplies rotting in a parking lot for months until they had to be destroyed.
And so on.
We had uncheatable elections for 75 years or so, until this go round. We still managed to get the country's shittiest politicians. Now we have machines, early and absentee voting and thousands of dead voting. I am glad I'll be in Chicago and have an excuse not to take part. But that is another story.
Have you ever been to Puerto Rico, Inga? I suspect you know even less about us than you do about anything else. Pretty close to zero, in other words.
Hurricane Hugo, 1989 and Georges, 1998 also hit us pretty hard. President Trump did a much better job supporting us than Bush or Clinton did. Neither visited us then or any other time, either.
John Henry
Trump Harris
Michigan 47.9 47.7 Trump +0.2
Pennsylvania 48.3 47.7 Trump +0.6
Wisconsin 48.2 48.0 Trump +0.2
Arizona 49.2 47.7 Trump +1.5
North Carolina 48.6 47.8 Trump +0.8
Georgia 49.2 46.9 Trump +2.3
Huh. Just look at that, willya. RCP Right Now. Huh. Just look at that.
It's amazing how quickly some nicknames become so recognizable so quickly. And almost everyone knows why. Even his staunchest supporters know why he's Tampon Tim. Question is- do his supporters really support tampons in boy's restrooms? Except for the truly deranged, I'd venture not. What is it about him they do support?
Oh, wait- abortion on demand up to and including birth. The left is a death cult.
Inga, you need to understand that battleground state polls don't matter.
What matters is if Republicans will beat the ever loving crap out of any Democrats who try boarding up the counting room windows this time.
If they do ... then Trump will win. If they don't, then Democrats will steal another election and cause another Civil War.
Trump doesn’t say if he voted yet.
OT but amusing story about our politicians.
We have a street that is called avenue of the presidents in old San Juan. It has statues of all the US presidents who have visited PR. Except President Trump and President Biden.
PDJT doesn't get one because, well just TDS. Since the statues are arranged in chronological order, they can't put one up for Brandon without putting up one for President Trump. So apparently no further presidents will be honored on the avenue. Some people are pissed that there is no statue of Brandon and think we should just pretend Donald Trump never existed.
As I said, honestly elected in uncheatable elections. Still the country's shittiest politicians.
John Henry
I was promised Nazis. very disappointed in MSG. All I got was an african American inventor talking about Mars, some east Indian dude, and a bunch of pro Jew stuff from the crowd. what a let down after Inga, the MSM, and so many others PROMISED me NAZIS. Trump can't even orchestrate a proper Nazi rally. Harris does a much better job.
So it was ok for that guy at the MSG rally to say that PR is “A floating island of garbage”? What is wrong with you?
You leftists hate Christians - so what do you care?
Trump has a lineup of luminaries not only endorsing him, but campaigning with him. Kamala managed to get Beyoncé to show up at an event with her, but many people left early upset that Beyoncé didn’t even sing.
I think returning to the Catholic Church is the best choice for traditional Methodists. I’d like to see the Church welcome them, and take in a few facets of Methodist worship: 1. Take in that entire, great Methodist hymnal. 2. Allow an ongoing conversation between priest and congregation (i.e., like those Joys and Concerns). 3. Nature the development of the post service coffee klatch.
I just watched the Tony Hinchcliffe clip. I made it to and a bit past the Puerto Rico bit. Like a stopped clock, even Inga can be right fleetingly. He didn't really single us out, he was insulting a bunch of US cities. But no matter how bad we might be, we are nowhere near San Francisco, Los Angeles, Camden, Philly or other Demmie cities yet.
Still not funny, not necessary and I don't know why he was there.
I'd never heard of him before. He seems like he is trying to be a Don Rickles but with much less talent.
John Henry
Calm down Inga.
Your hysteria does not have the effect you are hoping for.
While watching Hinchcliffe, there was some asshole waving a "Trump will fix it" sign behind him. I wonder if that was a Harris plant?
Calling back to BBC's favorite child molester, Jimmy Savile, is not a good look for anyone.
John Henry
"Kamala managed to get Beyoncé to show up at an event with her, but many people left early upset that Beyoncé didn’t even sing."
The Free Stuff brigade unhappy they didn't get their free stuff? Who could have possibly seen that coming?
"How does this help?"
Well, would you vote for Nazis?
I wouldn't vote for Nazis.
I read a blog by a somewhat Libeertarian Puerto Rican. Alway on point! https://boriquagato.substack.com/
I’m going with “biggest” as Trumps favorite word.
Re Junior, as someone mentioned, he has spasmodic dysphonia which has no known cause. It has no real cure though it can occasionally be helped and even cured.
Scott Adams suffered from Spasmodic dysphonia to the point that he was completely mute in the 90s or early 2000's. He did find a doctor who worked with him and now has his normal voice back. He has been in contact with Junior and has helped him find some coping methods and some treatments. He talks about it on his podcast from time to time.
I too could not stand listening to Junior speak. But over the past 6-9 months I've gotten used to it and it does not bother me anymore.
John Henry
Omg I don’t know if my father is in heaven, but it’s close 😆
Lem, How did Hariss manage to get Beyonce to show up? I read that she was paid to show up and speak. That would not surprise. But the article said she was paid $10mm which seems like a lot so makes me question the premise.
John Henry
it didn't realize that OUR Insults Mark was going to be there too!
The New York Times is not a reliable source. Real Clear Politics is much more reliable because they average multiple polls to get a more accurate picture.
Milton Himmelfarb, about Jews, they earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans. That could be mined for how Puerto Ricans vote.
No, it was not OK but I had not listened to Hincliffe when I wrote that 1st comment. I did not want to comment until I had. I assumed you had taken it out of context as you usually do. This was one of the few times you were right and I said do in a subsequent note.
It is not OK. Not totally wrong factually, but not OK. And a pretty stupid thing to say given how many millions of Puerto Ricans vote in NYC and elsewhere.
John Henry
I read Beyonce wanted to be paid to perform. The campaign wouldn't pay her, so all they got was a speech.
indeed - thanks for the head up JSM
P-Inga is fantasizing about those sexualized showers joe biden shared with his adolescent daughter...that P-Inga first denied happening, then pretended to oppose after the FBI confirmed the diary was legit, then feverted back to approval after her Soviet masters told her she had to support joey....which lasted right up until the moment P-Inga waa told by her Soviet mastees joey had to go.
P-Inga is quite...malleable in that way....
It would be awesome if they managed to pay Lizzo 10.5 mil to descend from the ceiling playing her flute then endorsing Trump.
Real Clear Politics is much more reliable because they average multiple polls to get a more accurate picture.
Exactly. And he's been up in every swing state at RCP for nearly a week now.
Not heard of them Mike but just subscribed. Also followed them on X. A quick scan of recent twixes looks like they may be interesting.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Anyone who is interested in my contemporaneous thoughts on the recovery from Maria can see my blog at www.darkislandpr.blogspot.com It mainly focuses on the power grid, though.
John Henry
By the end of this, Sprezzy will be outfitting his fancy cars with truck nuts.
Well, the media has been saying Kamala has raised billions of dollars.
John Henry, I noticed the “fix it” signs too. There was even one on the podium, so it must be an official campaign slogan. In the campaign’s defense, DJT did say “I alone can fix it” a few years ago. Certainly that was also well after Saville, but it’s plausible that the campaign staff were thinking about Trump’s promise, not Jimmy’s.
You would think a dude with all that campaign and personal money could afford to hire one guy to just search for any derogatory callbacks associated with slogans, key phrases in speeches, etc. But it probably can’t be automated very well. You could crowdsource it, but you’d lose the element of surprise, and it could leak out and be subjected to ridicule anyway.
The saving grace on this one is that the MSM are also clueless. They just barely made the connection of MSG to the German-American Bund, for cripessake. And even then, they couldnt make the connecfion of “America First” to Lindbergh to the Bund.
I really doubt we’ll hear Joe and Mika talking about Saville tomorrow morning.
I have not seen the rally yet but my wife and I did start listenting to the Rogan interview today in the car. About halfway through.
He certainly didn't sound tired in that.
And he has been doing 2-3 events a day, traveling hundred of thousands of miles, speaking for an hour or more each time. If he were tired, he would certainly have reason to be and I would give him a pass.
Kamala complains she is tired but is doing perhaps a tenth of what he is doing.
John Henry
can AI assist voice robot be designed ?
Is New York in play? President Trump did reasonably well outside NYC and the eastern downstate strip. If he could get NYC, he could carry the state. I'm seeing reports of hundreds of thousands at the rally inside and out. Might he have more support than some think?
John Henry
@ Drago Feverted. A new word. I kind of like it! Sounds like a portmanteau of fever and perverted, which is oddly appropriate.
so Harris wanted free song from Beyonce
“I alone can fix it” is fine. Pretty much anything saying that he can fix it other than lifting the "Jim will fix it" would be OK and not associated. But "Trump will fix it" is way to close to "Jim will fix it".
I'm not too worried. You and I may be the only 2 people in the world to notice a somewhat obscure and foreign reference.
John Henry
The .5 for extra roof trusses?
John Henry
Following in the footsteps of another (eventual) Democrat VP candidate. (scroll about halfway down)
“Bad Bunny, the Puerto Rican recording artist and one of the biggest superstars in the world, on Sunday offered his support for Kamala Harris’s candidacy for president, sharing a video of her plans for Puerto Rico on his Instagram — a move that came just moments after a speaker at Donald Trump’s rally in New York City referred to the U.S. territory as a “floating island of garbage.”
“I will never forget what Donald Trump did and what he did not do when Puerto Rico needed a caring and a competent leader,” Harris said in the video, which he shared four times, focusing on this portion of her remarks in three of the shares. “He abandoned the island, tried to block aid after back-to-back devastating hurricanes and offered nothing more than paper towels and insults.”“
President has been taking a lot of heat for talking about "The Enemy Within"
Let us all vote Ann and Meade a big thanks by buying copies of the book.
It is actually a 1960 book by Junior's dad, RFK Sr. The "enemy" in his view, was unions in general, Teamsters specifically. Buy it through the portal here.
Ann, is there a way to post a shortened link to your portal? I could do it to my portal but that defeats the purpose.
I watched the entire Vance-Tapper interview today. Tapper was apoplectic about "the enemy within". Trump is going to kill and imprison millions! He's said so!
“Puerto Rican artists Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin also shared Harris’s video on their Instagram accounts, each expressing their support for her. The three artists alone have more than 314 million Instagram followers between them.
Hinchcliffe also made offensive comments about Latinos more broadly, going on a vulgar riff about how they “love making babies.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) and Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, expressed their anger at the comment as they spoke on live-streaming platform Twitch and said they hope Puerto Ricans across the country see the clip. Walz urged Puerto Ricans — hundreds of thousands of whom live in battleground states across the country — to vote and “send them a message on this.” “When you have some a-hole calling Puerto Rico ‘floating garbage,’ know that that’s what they think about you. It’s what they think about anyone who makes less money than them,” said Ocasio-Cortez, who is Puerto Rican.“
What idiot at the Trump campaign hired Hinchcliffe? Didn’t they review what jokes he would tell? A lot of Puerto Ricans on line aren’t finding the jokes funny. You would think the Trump campaign would be trying to appeal to Latinos, especially this late in the game.
i suspect, that there are US House seats in play.. Statehouse seats too?
Ho-gan...? Dis- Missed!
Yeah, trap artist Bad Bunny is a great source.
If he did "try" to block aid, he did a horrible job at it because an enormous amount got through very quickly and continues to this day.
You can believe Bad Bunny. I'll believe my experience.
I forgot to mention that PDJT supplied hundreds of MW of standby generators in sizes from a few KW to multi-megawatts. A lot of them sat on Pier 4, undistributed as late as January (3 months later) and unattended. That was local, not US govt, fault.
I knew a guy who worked for a mayor of one of the larger cities and he was telling me he was trying to get a genny to power up a waste treatment plant. I told him about this, they dummied up some paperwork and sent a city truck.
Didn't even need the paperwork. They hitched up a 250KW genny and drove out with it.
I have no idea what happened to the genny once power was restored, being too polite to ask.
I took pictures of me driving around the lot. https://darkislandpr.blogspot.com/2017/12/what-are-these-generators-for.html Could have driven a genny home if I'd had a hitch.
John Henry
This Madison Square Garden Rally event may actually be Harris' closing argument....
It would not surprise me if it could. Another possibility might be Elon Musk's Neurolink which takes a signal from the brain to control muscles. Perhaps that with an artificial larnyx?
John Henry
Whether it’s liberal observers describing Trump’s Madison Square Garden campaign event as a Nazi rally or conservative attendees of the same event describing it as a Nazi rally, both sides agree that the event was a Nazi rally.
Freedom of speech in the US means calling out racism like this for what it is.
Patriotism means criticizing your political leaders when they promote it.
Althouse fact checks Inga. That's why I check first before posting anything here. and everywhere else.
he’s not leading in every swing state.
For certain values of "swing state"... Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire come to mind.
No Lem. Althouse did not fact check me. I checked the NYT before my original comment. I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate.
Hard to recall any other politician with Trump’s strength and stamina. So glad I agree with him on most things. Otherwise, I’d be morose.
Please clarify, Inga. You're implying that the NYT has zero left-wing bias in poll reporting?
How do you not get Inga’s slave mentality?
Methodology: How the Upshot’s Presidential Polling Averages Are Calculated. The choices we’ve made to assess the dozens of polls that can arrive in a single day.
"I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate."
Throw out the right-wing polls, keep the left-wing polls. That's some method you have there, Inga.
Three Things to Look For in Any Election Poll
A new poll comes out. How should you interpret it? Here are some rules of thumb.
Might as well. She can't make an argument based on herself.
On Twitter, Saul Montes-Bradley (@Debradelai) is pointing that Puerto Ricans seem to think Puerto Rico is a garbage island, since nearly half of them choose to live on the mainland. (Didn't the island's government steal half the aid sent after the last big hurricane?)
And for all the people referencing the Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in the late '30s, Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) is pointing out that FDR had a rally there in 1940, Truman in 1948, and LBJ in 1968.
Forbes stream completely muting audio between speakers. Lost a good chunk of Don Jr's. Other streams doing same?
Her hormones are way off.
But let us not quibble: The Election Betting Odds page is showing this:
Trump chance of winning: 61.5% (312 - 226)
Kamala chance of winning: 38.0%
Republican chance of controlling Senate: 84.7% (52/48)
Democrat chance of controlling Senate: 15.3%
Republican chance of controlling House: 52.3%
Democrat chance of controlling House: 47.8%
WOW Igna links to the NYT's, to show that (according to the NYT's) the NYT's doesn't have bias! GOOD JOB igna! keep up the Good Work!
“Red Wave” Redux: Are GOP Polls Rigging the Averages in Trump’s Favor?
Polling by right-leaning firms has exploded this cycle. Maybe they want to be accurate—or maybe they’re trying to create a sense of momentum for Donald Trump.
To proponents of what might be called the “Red Wave Theory” of polling, this was a blatant example of a phenomenon that they see as widespread: A flood of GOP-aligned polls has been released for the precise purpose of influencing the polling averages, and thus the election forecasts, in Trump’s favor. In the view of these critics, the Quantus example (the firm subsequently denied any such intent) only made all this more overt: Dozens of such polls have been released since then, and they are in no small part responsible for tipping the averages—and the forecasts—toward Trump.”
If partisans on both sides of the aisle are describing Trump’s Madison Square Garden campaign event as a Nazi rally, Trump must be doing something right.
What racists Rich?
Do you support "regulation" of speech like Kamala and Tim?
You just can't be honest about anything.
It's basically the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." I've spent far too much time in recent years trying to dig through articles asserting that someone said/did something racist without actually finding evidence of said racism. I don't even bother to try any more. If any "journalists" wonder why they have lost so much credibility, there is no need to look any further.
You know who else had a rally at MSG? New York state Nazis - 85 years ago. That means Trump is a nazi too. Don't think that makes sense? Talk to Larry Sabato. And MSNBC.
CNN actually had a scroll under Trump speaking "Trump uses hateful rhetoric about Immigrants". Guess that's more of the famed "Jack tapper objectivity".
Actually it exactly reflects the views of Trump and his campaign. It’s just inconvenient for the campaign that it was said about an important voting bloc a week before the election.
I only tuned in for random bits and pieces. I thought Trump didn't have quite as much energy as he did with Rogan or at some of his other recent rallies. Still, merely putting in a solid performance with the pace he has been going at is very impressive.
FWIW, I've been around my share of CEOs and other senior executives, and the one thing common to almost all of the successful ones is that they seem to be in the 99th percentile of the population in terms of energy. If you spend a few days around such people, it's as impressive as any athletic feat.
Yeah..all that antiwar talk clinches it.
CNN: "Trump loyalists spew racist, vulgar attacks during New York City rally."
This..is CNN
Hundreds of millions will have watched the rally via X and other media.
Meanwhile, LLR-democratical Rich and his sad sack simpletons will reach...basically no one.
Facebook freaked out after one video of the ethnically diverse rally garnered over 150,000 views in mere minutes...so Facebook shut it down.
But the New Soviet Democraticals are not quite in complete control of all media....yet...
Yes, his animal energy is amazing. But I still have painful memories of him jetting from rally to rally to rally , almost a superhuman effort, in the last election round, only to be run down by the cheat and defeated. I don't want to see it again, and that's why I keep warning about becoming overconfident in red wave theories.......
Final days of the campaign. The media is really ramping up the vitriol.
Pretty good rally. They really hammered Heels-Up.
Cenk Uygur's glowing review of Trump's 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan:
"I thought Trump looked presidential and personable. I hate that, but he did.
It goes back and forth smoothly. There aren't talking points. Standard politicians including Kamala Harris are talking point machines, that's not what Trump is doing.
He doesn't seem like a robot, he doesn't seem fake in that sense.
I know all the facts.
It looks really good for Trump. You gotta be honest about it. You know me, if it was a trainwreck, I would be very happy to tell you it was a trainwreck."
Don't forget that Hillary was massively up in the polls right before the election and still lost.
"Don't forget that Hillary was massively up in the polls right before the election and still lost."
Yeah, and in 2022 the polls predicted a red wave which never arrived.
Polls; meh.
Cenk is smart enough to be able to follow Trump's weaves. He doesn't like or support Trump, but he's smart enough to give the Devil his due. Plus, he doesn't want to look like an idiot when Trump wins. He'll be able to tell his viewers, "I told you so!"
Not even the same building.
I could swear I saw Sgt. Hans Shultz at the food concession.
All the young girls love Igna
A crusty chew Igna they say.
Iman said..."Not even the same building."</iM
Really? LOL.
Undo italics
You got yer bad bunny. And you can keep him
Bugs has that poser beat.
Makes sense. Trump's learned and has a much better team behind him.
Biden did zero rallys and got 81 million "votes".
None of this shit matters.
Is that what Doug Emhoff said to his girlfriend before he slapped her and knocked her to the ground?
Or is that what Joe told Tara Reade before he raped her?
Or maybe that's what Bill told his multiple rape victims?
Do you know how vicious, dishonest and evil you people come across with this garbage?
Trump's favoritism toward Hitler and Nazi Generals was noted by Demented Don to his Chief of Staff and then he portrayed his autocratic tendencies and White Suprematism in the hallowed building where the New York Knickerbockers play. Democrats projected a sign on the side of the huge building in Midtown that read "Trump Praised Hitler."
Trump and fellow speakers besmirched Latinos, mainly Puerto Ricans. Remember when Trump tossed rolls of paper towels to Puerto Ricans washed out of their homes, and without roads or electricity by Hurricane Maria in 2017 ("and they call the wind Maria")?
Then In Pennsylvania last month, Trump dragged a Puerto Rican entertainer on stage to beg for support for Trump, and then at MSG, he put a comedian, known as "Kill Tony" who said that each and every Puerto Rican is dumber than a rock, notably calling Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean.” He also said Latinos “love making babies,” adding, “They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside. Just like they did to our country.”
Why does any of this shit happen? None of Trump's White Supremacist ugliness was worthwhile since Puerto Rico has no votes in the Electoral College.
THIS is why we point and laugh at Regressives.....
JFK had a Nazi rally there in 1962
Jimmy Carter had a Nazi rally there in 1980
Michael Shellenberger
The media are claiming that a comedian at the Trump rally today made a racist joke about Puerto Ricans. He didn’t. He was poking fun at the island’s infamous trash problem. The media are acting ignorant about it but they have covered it for years —>
Get her some Narcan, Stat!
Self limiting population.
"No Lem. Althouse did not fact check me. I checked the NYT before my original comment. I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate."
It doesn't matter what YOU'd pick as your preference. YOU chose to call Trump a "liar." He was correct according to THE most standard place to look for the information he was talking about. You demonstrated your own unfairness and rashness, and you didn't even respond decently when I took the trouble to gently show you where you'd gone wrong.
You could have said: Trump's assertion is wrong according to the information I'm seeing in the NYT. But you chose to go big and be ugly and call him a "liar." This is the kind of unfairness toward Trump — like the willingness to call him "Hitler," etc. — that makes me begin with a presumption IN FAVOR of Trump when I read any criticism of him. I presume that people like YOU are the liars. But I do go on to check or I express my concerns in the form of questioning what's being said. I don't just make assertions when I don't know.
Darkisland, make https://tinyurl.com/ your friend. Here's what it does to that long URL for the RFK book: https://tinyurl.com/fmcj6ksw
"I don’t trust RCP, it includes polls with a right wing bias which skews the results. Not accurate."
RCP has a page that lists the polls it is using and shows a statistic that measures the degree of skew. Check it out. More of the polls skew left than skew right.
There, you can see that 3 of the polls have favored Republicans and FOURTEEN have favored Democrats!
Face it. You don't like what you see there because it doesn't disguise what you fear as much as the thing you like does.
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