"... that seemed to refer to Trump’s supporters as 'garbage.' They’d emphasize and dwell on the unanswered questions surrounding the primary that never happened. They’d be postmortems like no others, because Trump is such a dire threat. That was the proposition of Biden’s 2020 campaign — he came out of quasi-retirement in his late 70s because, he told us, stopping Trump demanded it.... There’d be recognizable elements of that reaction, such as a hindsight-is-20-20 analysis of the losing candidate’s strategic decisions and strengths and weaknesses. What if Harris had
chosen a different running mate? What if she’d more quickly, squarely and eloquently
articulated the changes in her positions? What if she’d done more probing media interviews sooner, to beat back any suggestion of excessive caution?... What if that incumbent hadn’t held on so tightly for so long? That’s no doubt part of why Biden has reportedly
itched to get out on the campaign trail on behalf of Harris.... And that’s the millionth reason I’m fervently hoping and desperately praying that Harris prevails. I believe Biden to be a good man who has done much good for us. That can rise to the surface if we don’t sink to the bottom."
That's Frank Bruni, over at the NYT, with his pre-postmortem, in a piece called
"Biden’s Stake in This Election Is Like Nobody Else’s."
"That can rise to the surface if we don’t sink to the bottom" — What can can rise to the surface if we don’t sink to the bottom? The goodness of Biden and the good that he's done for us, I guess. Absurdly, this is the second day in a row that I'm musing over a confusing metaphor of something that seems to be floating on water. Of all the things worth getting fervent and desperate about, Biden's feelings are low on the list. I think the American people should be quite angry at Biden for what he did to the procedure of choosing a President this time around. Too damned bad if he's sad about it.
They should focus on the fact that they chose an unlikeable dimwit candidate.
Heck, Liz Warren is more likeable than Harris, and Warren's a kommunist!
What if Kamala wasn't a bubblehead with extreme left policies and wasn't so lazy?
"I think the American people should be quite angry at Biden for what he did to the procedure of choosing a President this time around."
At BIDEN? For what HE did? Wouldn't it be more accurate to view this as something that was done TO him rather than BY him?
THIS is why they are going to lose. Rules for thee, but not for me.....
There’s a guy in jail for telling this joke.
Tom Elliott
Jimmy Kimmel: "If you want to vote for Trump, vote late. Vote very late. Do your voting on Thursday or maybe Friday."
As a political pundit, Frank Bruni makes a fine restaurant critic.
>"What if Harris had chosen a different running mate? What if she’d more quickly, squarely and eloquently articulated the changes in her positions? What if she’d done more probing media interviews sooner, to beat back any suggestion of excessive caution?... What if that incumbent hadn’t held on so tightly for so long?"<
Really incisive analysis, Frank. Try this instead: What if she hadn't been a grating, vacuous dolt who was the very worst Presidential candidate in US history?
They could focus on the fact that they rely on voter fraud to prop up the democrat party in general.
If there is one day voting with voter ID and open source voter rolls then democrats don't win anything anywhere.
"I believe Biden to be a good man who has done much good for us. "
Joe Biden is, and has always been, a vile piece of shit. So are his wife, brother, and kids.
What if the HUNTER LAPTOP was treated as what it is, conclusive evidence of the violation of Title 18, Section 201 of the United States Code by a sitting Vice-President of the United States?
What can can rise to the surface if we don’t sink to the bottom?
This is not a good metaphor because shit floats.
Turds that won't flush. Plural.
Everyone is puzzled today.
Why can't any of these people recognize their policies have made the country worse?
No, Biden was the one who decided to run and to sabotage all the people running against him. He's the one who screwed up the Democrat primary. Biden -- and all his handlers -- knew how bad he was months and months before the debate fiasco.
I think Biden will get 75% of the blame, or more. Harris will skate as a non-entity who was thrown into a difficult last minute campaign and did the best she could.
Progressives are finding they can't handle the heat, so it is time for them to get the hell out of the kitchen....
My Governor...Progressive ass licker, Phil Murphy thought he would have an easy interview on CNBC, but he fell apart when he was asked some pertinent questions. Cry more Phil. Your party is a party of losers. We see you.
You forgot to include Bruni.
1) Maybe if they didn't import illegal immigrant votes and distribute them to purple states in an attempt to gain one party rule.
2) Maybe if they didn't mutilate children for their sick trans agenda.
3) Maybe if they didn't shove the mRNA shots up everyone's asses
4) Maybe if the didn't HATE people who oppose them
5) Maybe if the MSM was just a LITTLE fair
6) Maybe if the didn't weaponize the court system
7) Maybe if the didn't invite Ukraine to join NATO and cause a needless war
8) Maybe if they didn't spur 11+% inflation in 2022.
9) Maybe if they didn't ignore the Supreme Court and have Americans pay for student debt relief to keep the Ivory Tower liberal happily employed on college campuses.
If Trump wins, it will be refreshing. But unless you change the liberal dominated education establishment his victory is just temporary relief.
Came here just to say this. Joe Biden is one of the most despicable people to ever hold office in the USA. Anyone who considers that degenerate scumbag to be a good man is themselves utter shit.
"Good man" is Democrat Party member code for 'criminal scumbag thug who hands out the stolen cash and properties' to his associates.
Didn't somebody get convicted of a crime for posting this exact type thing on the previous Twitter?
If the DNC was composed of decent law-abiding Americans rather than totalitarian conspirators, the HUNTER LAPTOP would have immediately triggered a summary disavowal of Joe Biden's candidacy in 2020. Trump would have won, but he'd be retiring now and the Dims would been running someone other than the giggling moron, probably the cackling witch. They'd still lose an honest election by a popular vote/electoral vote landslide of epic proportions, but they couldn't blame anyone but Hillary for their humiliation.
Biden is a Quitter.
We all know Trump won in 2020. If he gains office this time, they should simply be asking, "what went wrong with out voter fraud operation"?
The postmortems will occur, probably as described, and will not ever, never, ever, mention the elephant in the living room and the great piles of ordure it has left on the rug, namely the Biden administration being headed by a dementia patient and run by Obama, et al..
If Trump wins, I think the postmortem for Democrats is really going to depend on the margin. If the polls are off by the same amount as 2020 and Trump wins across the board, these kinds of small tactical decisions will have been basically irrelevant -- the problem was voters got four years of professional civil servants implementing their preferred policies with no adult supervision and voters didn't like it. Not much Harris could do with that. If it's a couple tens of thousands of votes in a couple swing states, on the other hand, that was a winnable election.
If Musk didn't purchase Twitter, and turn it into free speech X, none of this would be happening. Musk is the Benjamin Franklin of our time. He even loves the ladies like Ben did.
The corrupt left waste our money - and cause inflation - and then blame greedy CEOs.
The corrupt left let in million of illegal entrants - which should be an act of treason. but alas -their media did all they could to deny it. Until Chuck Schumer promised just recently to make them all legal voting citizens.
The corrupt left want men pretending to be female - in the women's locker room.
The corrupt left want to they-them our children.
The corrupt left want to persecute all who do not obey them.
The corrupt left use corrupt law-fare against Trump and all of the enemies.
The Corrupt left destroyed Rudy Guiliani with glee. How soviet!
and on and on...
The reasons to not for vote the corrupt left are endless.
Then Biden would have selected a different bubble head as his running mate in 2020.
Because she was selected as "removal insurance"
I know Althouse doesn't often respond to direct inquiries, but as a Waukesha County resident I have to ask... has the pre-postmortem hit Madison, WI yet?
The DNC decided to go along.
That's not on Biden, even if we assume he was running the show
They’d be postmortems like no others, because Trump is such a dire threat
This is why any postmortems will be bullshit. Any truthful soil searching will be an examination of why this assertion is false and why did we try to sell it so hard instead of focusing on popular policy…
Tell us more about the Democrats sinking soufflé Frank the Food critic…
We just sucked at messaging will be the conclusion of any searching for a soul…
"What if she’d more quickly, squarely and eloquently articulated the changes in her positions?" Meaning, what if she had been a different person than she actually is, a vapid vessel unable to articulate anything?
"What if she’d done more probing media interviews sooner, to beat back any suggestion of excessive caution?" Beating back excessive caution would have exposed her as a vacuous idiot. The caution was essential to maintaining the illusion of competence. It still may work.
What if she’d more quickly, squarely and eloquently articulated the changes in her positions?
If she'd gone out and trashed the anti-fracking position, or any of her other hard left positions, which is what this would require, she would have lost a lot of left wing votes
What if she’d done more probing media interviews sooner, to beat back any suggestion of excessive caution?
Then everyone would know she's just as mentally challenged as Joe, and she'd have lost at least as bad
What if that incumbent hadn’t held on so tightly for so long?
You mean, what if the entire Democrat apparatus, from top to bottom, weren't lying sacks of shit?
Well, then, they wouldn't be Democrats.
I believe Biden to be a good man who has done much good for us. That can rise to the surface if we don’t sink to the bottom."
If you really believe that, Frank, then you are just as much of a mental failure as are Joe and Kamala. Joe is now, always has been, and always will be a mean spirited piece of shit
Mr. Bruni needs to define what he means by "us".
"seemed to refer to Trump’s supporters as 'garbage.'"
Why can't people make clear statements when facts are so clear. It didn't "seem to" - Biden literally called Trump supporters garbage. It was his exact statement. And he didn't clarify it or amend it after he made it - he made a clear statement. And just because others changed it afterwards doesn't mean that's not exactly what he meant.
…worst part of that advice is in some locales your vote will still count!
Maybe also, if they hadn’t openly and flagrantly rigged the 2020 election.
its because they lie, and gaslight people, you know who they don't think of garbage, terrorist gang members, trans gender freaks,
https://substack.com/@mattgoodwin/note/c-74876910 across the pond
IQ tests are not hard to administer in the least. Kamala Harris has the IQ of a child. She is sub-80. She knows how to use sex to get ahead and create opportunities for herself (who knows how many she has on tape?) But in every other respect, she is mentally retarded.
But she participated in a coup against a sitting United States President, threatening to remove him from office if he didn't pull out of the campaign.
That's a felony crime. She should be in a prison.
Kamala Harris participated in a coup, led by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and several other co-consipirators. We need to administer Justice in the United States and that won't happen until every last one of them is in a prison jumpsuit.
If Trump wins, the margins will have to be known before we can even guess at what kind of postmortems will be created. I can't imagine Trump winning a close election- if his margin on, let's say, November 4th in the evening is on the order of 250,000 votes total (spread through the states needed to win the Electoral College), then he is unlikely to win in the following weeks since such a margin is child's play for the Democrat's post-election ballot harvesting operation. If his margin is on the order of 1,000,000 total votes in various swing states then that is a blowout in which a post-mortem isn't even needed.
There is nothing stopping a Trump Attorney General from bringing charges against everyone in Joe Biden's family.
If he appoints me Attorney General, I'll put every one of them in prison on Day One.
Just remember Gusty ... Republicans have controlled the money funding all that for the past 3.5 years. They've been FUNDING the Democrat machine.
Bruni fully supported the installation of Joe Biden and continued support for Biden even after the disastrous debate performance in June. Bruni needs a fucking mirror before he puts pen to paper.
It's a theme. Weird how they all feel post-mortemy the same day. Was it because no one cared about Harris's Big Speech on Tuesday. Was it because no one buys their BS explanation about apostrophegate? Or is just that all the joy is gone from Ren and Stimpy's campaign? I mean Harris-Walz.
If with ya. I know the GOPe funds the Democrat machine. They're pissed we kicked them all to the curb in 2016.
Let's put it this way. She was in line to vote yesterday and she was considering voting for Kamala Harris, even given everything she knows about her and Trump.
No, the pre-postmortem hasn't hit Madison liberals like Althouse yet.
Bruni: "I believe Biden to be a good man who has done much good for us" Define "us". I don't think he means the people of the United States. He's done wonders for the green energy investors, but not so much for those relying on a affordable, reliable energy supply. He's done wonders for Iran but not s much for those hoping for some signs of of peace in the Mideast. He's done wonders for the federal bureaucracy (after all he's letting them run the show) but not so much for the American people. I could go on and on. I'm enjoying these pre-postmortem posts but with signs of the cheat mounting (in PA deliberately cutting short early voting and thousands of bogus voter registrations showing up at the last minute, the literally insane ruling that late ballots with no postmark were just okey-dokey) I wonder whether a postmortem will really be necessary.
Amazing how the MSM constantly gaslight us. Biden is the most authoritarian, hate filled, angry, POTUS in my lifetime. He started his 2020 campaign by lying about Trump and calling him a supporter of Nazis and a racist.
His DoJ has railroaded over 1000 people into Jail for walking around the capital on J6. He's tried to put Trump in jail using "Lawfare". I hope we don't find that he was behind Trump getting weak Secret Service protection, but I wouldn't be shocked if he was.
And he and Biden knew about Trump being spied on by the FBI in 2016, and approved the fake Steele Dossier and the FBI investigation. Biden is a divider not a uniter. His calling Trump and his supporters "Garbage" is just par for the course.
He's not a "good man" and has been extremely bad for the USA.
Exactly. The focus will (better to say should) be on Biden, with some shade thrown at Harris's performance, to avoid the fact that Obama has been running this whole charade from Kalorama since January 20, 2021 (and probably before then)
I'll take things that can float on water for $100 Alex.
Joe Biden is not, and hasn't been during his career, "a good man."
As an aside, I don't get the banging on about Bruni as an ex-food critic. That's just credentialism. People can be more than one thing. For example, I am a retired, once adequate COBOL programmer and yet I'm on here every so often with well-reasoned (take my word for it) takes on music, literature, politics, and energy policy .The problem with Bruni isn't that he used to be the food critic, it's that he's not very bright.
I think the metaphor works fairly well. It is discussing a post mortem, and drowning victims sink before they float back to the top.
I think there'll be a grim, Dem postmortem if Kamala wins too, because then they're stuck with her, her and Walz.
Look what they've had to do to try to cover for her as the candidate. Imagine 4 more years of that with her in the Oval. Good lord.
The Democrat postmortem after a Trump victory will make J6 look like a picnic.
Biden to drowning victim that didn't sink. "Hey, Fat!"
They boxed themselves in when they chose her as their VP candidate. Couldn’t ditch the woman of color. And yet she still might be our President when the cheating is done and the lawyers go home.
I, for one, appreciate seeing memes emerge from the social fabric of the campaign. In 1992 GHWBush had "the worst economy since the Great Depression," and per Carville, "it was the economy, stupid." In 96 Clinton "just had to win it", because of the Lewinski scandal he was hiding. In 2000 "AlGore" tried to steal the election from a "compassionate conservative" and failed not through want of trying but because his was an ad hoc theft attempt with piss poor preparation. In 2004 John Kerry ran as "ready for service" after being a truly vile anti-war activist all his political life, not the smartest confluence of message and history. In 2008 & 2012 we got a "blank slate," Obama, who realized that the election was won by getting out the vote, not by the candidate's appeal. He used Facebook data to direct his voter motivation operations. Weaponization of the federal government became de rigeur and "corrupt Hillary" lost because she ran against someone who didn't play by her rules of engagement, despite her opposition being "deplorable". In 2016 Trump "made America great again" and in 2020 Joe the dementia patient won from his basement, with mail in ballots harvested quite professionally, and a lot of lawfare allowing that harvesting operation.
Dems still have the best lawfare and vote harvesting operations, focusing on key states/locales, to produce an enormous number of nominally legal but often quite unverifiable votes. I'm betting Harris wins in a mess of vote counting that smells to high heaven, and that it is indeed a "garbage" election.
The New Soviet Democraticals have nothing to worry about!!
They are cutting a new ad targeting "working class men" starring none other than.....(wait for it).....(wait for it) ......George Clooney!
I mean, isn't that brilliant? I guess Lizzo wasn't available given the 24 hour buffets in Vegas baby!
Biden clarified his statement, which was meant to describe the speakers at the Trump rally, not Trump supporters generally. And when Biden made that comment, Harris was busy making her closing speech where she emphasized she would be president for all Americans. She also wasted no time in saying she does not judge people based on who they vote for.
On the other hand, Trump did not apologize for the comments made at his rally, which denigrated Puerto Ricans and others. Instead, he called it a love fest. It's also not the first time Trump or speakers at his rallies have made racist remarks about one group or another. Trump has never apologized for his racist remarks nor those of other speakers at his rallies.
The difference is clear.
Biden will be in his basement, in his fake WH office, counting the cash with Jill. With the Bidens, it's always been about the money, and so long as the money flows in, they don't really care if Biden is president in actual WH or just in his fake home-office WH. Jill, will she'll have a hard come-down, no longer attended by a big Fed-paid assembly of staffers, but she'll still have SS protection.
Kamala Emhoff and her horn-dog husband Doug will retire to LA, also well-compensated for their 3-month Joyful Tour campaign. For Kamala, it's always been about the perks and the accolades, and ZERO about the work. No burdens for Kamala, as she has so eloquently noted.
For the Walzs, unfortunately ALL their secrets and lies have been revealed, Gwen is gone, and divorce papers will be filed in January. Hard price to pay for 3 months of lurid fame.
Dire threat? Is to laugh.
Absurdly, this is the second day in a row that I'm musing over a confusing metaphor of something that seems to be floating on water.
That's not a Baby Ruth floating in the pool.
Greg nails it. The DNC rigged the primaries so Joe was "unopposed," despite them knowing he was brain dead. The DNC implemented the Happy Joy Joy Kamala campaign. They are the ones suing to keep RFK Jr. on the ballots after suing to keep him OFF prior to this. The DNC is the most anti-democratic party in the USA.
He needs and deserves to face the rested if his demented days facing the horror of prosecution for him, his family members that were involved in their graft, his staff and whatever appointees they can get. They need to be broken, financially, mentally, emotionally and where legally needed, physically. That cocksucker has been a blight on all things good and decent his entire political career. He can’t pay a big enough price.
Well Dixcus, "undecided" doesn't necessarily mean that Kamala was one of the choices she was pondering. Maybe, maybe not.
What "more quickly"? Has she EVER "squarely and eloquently articulated the changes in her positions" at all? I haven't seen it.
So sad and pathetic. This gaslighting thin gruel couldnt keep a small animal fed!
What else can Abacus Boy Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, do?
“Seemed” to refer… yeah, that stuck out to me, too. Another attempt at a Demo Jedi mind trick.
"They’d emphasize and dwell on the unanswered questions surrounding the primary that never happened. They’d be postmortems like no others, because Trump is such a dire threat."
There will be no postmortems. We know that because there were no postmortems in 2016, WHEN THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE PROMOTED TRUMP.
Any post mortem should the media’s contributions as well. If they weren’t such lying shills, Harris wouldn’t have happened. Biden wouldn’t have happened either.
…should include…
That should have been November 6th, the day after the election in the evening.
Fascinating no/low propensity early voter data out of VA that appears to be replicated in some other swing states. The x/4 numbers indicate how many of the last 4 elections the voter participated in, which provides a clue as to whether or not increased republican early vote is comprised of new voters or simply cannibalizing election day voters (I apologize in advance to the Althouse lefties for the Authors first name: Christian. I know how triggering that word is for the Althouse New Soviet Democraticals):
"If Donald Trump does pull off an extremely unlikely miracle in Virginia, this is going to be the reason why.
Here's the early voting numbers for VA-9 broken down by voter propensity (excluding swing voters):
4 of 4
🔵 Dems - 17,871 (29.34%)
🔴 GOP - 43,031 (70.66%)
3 of 4
🔵 Dems - 6,374 (22.67%)
🔴 GOP - 21,746 (77.33%)
2 of 4
🔵 Dems - 2,387 (17.13%)
🔴 GOP - 11,544 (82.87%)
1 of 4
🔵 Dems - 849 (9.01%)
🔴 GOP - 8,576 (90.99%)
0 of 4
🔵 Dems - 190 (2.19%)
🔴 GOP - 8,483 (97.81% !!!)"
--Christian Heiens on X
Your an outright liar. That's not the explanation Biden gave (or his staff wrote for him on X). Trump did distance himself from the comedian, who he had not heard of, did not approve of, didn't hear at the time, and he said the remarks were unacceptable; that is Trump held the comedian to a higher standard than Biden holds his entire cabinet and the Joint Chiefs, none of which he has ever criticized for their hideous exit from Afghanistan. Biden never holds anyone accountable. Trump at least criticized the "jokes" and said that comedian is not welcome going forward to any Trump event.
Show me where Biden has held anyone accountable for the shitty job they've done over the last 4 years, you lying flame-throwing troll.
Bich is still having apostrophe difficulties, as leftists do. Biden's lame excuse was not that his slander was "meant to describe the speakers" plural, Bich, it was "speaker's remarks" as in one guy. He actually thought America would buy the explanation that he meant ONE GUY. Which is ironic as you Bich are the ONE GUY who believes him, even if you still don't know how to punctuate.
Joe Biden seemed to be a good guy who seemed to have done much good. Well I suppose a fellow who only seemed to be sentient could say that. Biden as best has a middling record, marked by several disastrous decisions.
They hid a sitting President's mental decline, saw it blow up on national TV, had no back-up, looked around the room and last-ditched Harris. That's what they think of US.
Other things that float on the surface: pond scum, bloated dead bodies, turds …
“Donald Trump is a fascist and his supporters are Nazis.”
A few sentences later…
“We must all come together and join hands!”
Hard to figure how this went off the rails… lol. 😆
And what if monkeys sprouted wings and flew out of her ample ass?
I submit the “whatifs” nearly write themselves…
Shouldn’t mess with American pie….
Obama and Clyburn interfered to install Biden and Harris in 2020 and interfered to install Harris and Walz in 2024. They couldn’t accept following the normal process, nominating the voter preferred Sanders in 2020 and taking the likely loss. Obama’s ego and hatred of Israel spurned this entire D debacle.
While some late votes may get counted, I'd bet that one marked "Trump/Vance" will get disqualified for reasons.
After the things Trump and his allies have said about Democrats and his opposition in general ("like vermin", enemy of the people, etc.), it is really rich that you (and yes, this time I am including Althouse in "you") get all bent out of shape by one statement by Biden, especially since you continue to defend the "good people on both sides" and "grab them by the pussy".
They got richer. The fact that your grocery bill is doubled is irrelevant to them.
…for those of you not data inclined the term to describe this is robust
Indeed! Opinions… everyone’s got one and most of ‘em stink.
It’s Bruni and his gerbil 🐹 “implant”.
Dig this:
I don't know why you think this is indicative of anything. VA 9 is a deep red district that trump won by a 42% margin.
Old Freder still peddling the good people lie. You guys are just morally bankrupt, aren't you.
How many years have we heard deplorable/racist/bigoted/nazi from your side about anyone who disagrees with you? Decades --since before I was born. Now you are finally getting pushback and it terrifies you.
Alright, I'll take a shot at the metaphor. Some believe that a large sinking ship, think maybe the Titanic (or the Democrat party), creates suction as the ship descends to the bottom. This suction would pull everything in close proximity down with it. Other theories attribute this effect to differences in the mass of the supposedly aerated water above a sinking vessel to the surrounding water. In either case, how deep anything being pulled down would descend would likely depend on the believability of any hysterical conspiracies that Democrats are sure to float should Kamala lose.
it's only the millionth reason. Pretty low down,
Bruni asserts WITHOUT EVIDENCE that Biden is a good man.
"Biden clarified his statement, which was meant to describe the speakers at the Trump rally, not Trump supporters generally. "
Who do you think you're fooling?
Notice that he puts Walz at the top of the list of problems. If Harris loses, her people will be out to make him a fall guy.
Contrast to Tim Kaine, who faded right back into Senate obscurity after 2016. He didn't help his ticket at all, but no one blamed him for HRC's loss.
It was an article of faith that Hillary didn't lose, and that Trump's win was illegitimate.
"I don't know why you think this is indicative of anything. VA 9 is a deep red district that trump won by a 42% margin."
Doesn't mean Trump is going to win, but it's obviously indicative of the level of enthusiasm of the republicans this election vs those past.
Sure hope your job doesn't involve data analysis.
Bruni writes for the NYT. His job is fan service for leftists and they refuse to accept what Biden actually said as reality so he gets as close to it as he can.
I think you can point to a lot more people than just Biden but he's likely to be made the fall guy if Harris does go down on Nov 5.
I'm sure Obama was happy with his third (and a half, counting 2017-2021) term lounging in Kalorama, and was more than motivated to agree that Biden had one more run in him. Especially considering they figured that either Trump would be nominated and spend most of the campaign fighting off lawfare, or half the GOP would be at war against their own nominee. Kamala and the California crowd could be bought off by promising a level playing field (pinky swearzies) in 2028. I suspect Biden's people wanted early debates to ensure against any further mental deterioration and were likely as surprised as Obama that the 3 on 1 debate they thought they had rigged in Biden's favor turned into a disaster. That lead to the mad scramble to figure out how to get him replaced, culminating in the infamous tweet with an unknown author anointing Harris. Given that they had dragged Biden's carcass into the White House in 2020 I expect Obama's motley crew thought they had a sure thing with a DEI two-fer and a Democrat party ecstatic that the senile old coot wasn't going to be on the ticket.
It's like a match head cut from a wooden kitchen match in a very full bottle of water. It floats unless you raise the water pressure with your thumb on the bottle neck and then it sinks. Release the pressure and it rises.
Also, in addition to OM's point, it means the GOP early votes are not just voters that would normally have voted on Election Day.
"All of us who recognize the danger and depravity of Trump" offer you Kamala, an empty vessel not as damaged as Joe but more pliable.
"Also, in addition to OM's point, it means the GOP early votes are not just voters that would normally have voted on Election Day."
I missed that. I should have read Drago's comment more closely.
Until proven wrong, I’m going with the assumption she’s voting for neither Trump or Harris. She was probably at the polls to cast her vote in down ballot races.
She's a 105 IQ midwit. Smart enough to graduate from law school, although given her later escapades with Willie Brown, maybe there were factors other than grades that helped her scrape through.
James Woods
Says the woman who calls Trump voters “fascists,” while the guy she overthrew in a palace coup calls us “garbage.”
Go back to San Francisco. Enjoy your retirement tiptoeing through the needles and feces you and Gavin Newsom are responsible for.
Kamala Harris
On day one, Donald Trump would walk into the Oval Office with an enemies list.
When I am elected, I will walk in with a to-do list full of priorities focused on the American people.
I am more concerned about how the Democrats going to rig the down ballot votes. If Trump somehow wins despite the attempts to steal the election, he will need a solid majority in both houses of Congress to make a difference and at the state and local level as well to help in the restoration of sanity in government.
Isn't it rather remarkable that the Democrat Party has not had an open primary since 2008? No serious challenger to Obama in 2012, then Hillary was anointed (the sitting VP Biden was told he had to bow out) in 2016. And in 2020, the powers that be cleared all serious opposition to Biden after the South Carolina primary. Even when that blew up in their face with Joe's obvious dementia, Harris--who'd dropped out without a single delegate in 2020--was anointed.
It's as if Barack Obama has become king or dictator of the Democrat Party. The Democrat primaries are mere theatre, where the little people ratify his choice. We'll know for sure if the MSM post mortems put all the blame on Biden and Kamala and their minions, with no mention of Obama's role in squelching 4 consecutive Democrat presidential primaries.
Who do you think you're fooling?
Himself. And only himself.
"When I am elected, I will walk in with a to-do list full of priorities focused on the American people."
Securing the border, maybe- like a majority of the American people want? Too bad Biden didn't appoint someone to handle that job.
bent out of shape by one statement by Biden
Your elected officials - from the top on down - have been calling us every name in the book for decades. So it's not just 'one' statement by Biden.
And take your other lies and stick 'em somewhere.
You are just a fundamentally dishonest person RIch.
All freder has are lies. That is what freder does. Just another fundamentally dishonest person.
That was because the democrats had a solid scapegoat picked out: Russia and their Russian Collusion hoax.
Dude’s wearing out the amyls.
Frank Bruno is just eternally jealous that he can’t write like Bruce Bawer, or be half as sophisticated as Mark Steyn. He should have kept stuffing his pie hole in the food reviews.
Like Mary Beth said. Theres an enormous amount of graft to gained in Democrat policies. A lot of politicians and their families and friends are getting very rich off of us.
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