September 3, 2024

"Yeah, well, Trump has that unvarnished element, and that's also something that's very appealing to working-class people...."

"He doesn't talk down to people.... He's very good at that.... Yeah, well and he's got that gift of spontaneity. You know, he doesn't craft his speeches, and of course that makes him a bit of a loose cannon, but people like that.... You might be deceiving us, but not in a practiced and calculating way. Right, you know, some of your personality flaws are leaking through, but but at least that's kind of like honest deception. I thought when when Trump won, I thought, well, they they preferred the spontaneous lies of Trump to the calculated lies of Hillary. You know, and that's very cynical but but there's still there's something about it that's accurate...."

Said Jordan Peterson, and it rings true to me. They're all going to lie, but which form of lying do you feel more inclined to trust?


Shouting Thomas said...

I agree with Scott Adams that Trump engages in a lot of salesman style hyperbole, but that what he says is almost always “directionally true.”

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Trump is the kind of guy you'd like to have a beer with. Of course he doesn't drink, so you might have to enjoy his braggadocious spiel over a Diet Coke. But there's nothing wrong with that. Would I like to have a beer with say Tim Walz or Joe Biden--or God forbid--Hunter Biden? I'll take a pasadena on all those choices. And if I were to share a glass or two of white wine (although I hear she's really into vodka) the kackling laugh from QueMala would drive me outa the bar.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I like the part about Trump being a 13 year old bully and darn good at it.

Breezy said...

Trump’s love of country supersedes his particular verbal style or faults, in my view. His sincerity on that front is thorough and unmatched in any other candidate. (Vivek has high marks on this factor, as well, though he is less emotional about it.) Because of this, I wholeheartedly trust Trump will do what he thinks is right to support and preserve our uniquely American way of life, for all of our families.

Narr said...

I saw it yesterday.

Weird on weird. NTTAWWT.

Maynard said...

I thought that the Supreme Soviet had declared Peterson to be a non-person, just like Elon, Tulsi and RFK Jr.

narciso said...

I guess he prefers the principal skinner candidates like Romney, or McCain,
I was not keen on Trump initially specially around 2008-9, and then the twist on the Birth Certificate wild goose chase, imho

wild chicken said...

I was at a candidate seminar with Frank Luntz and he said that's when a candidate is best, when they're new and unscripted.

Didn't seem to appreciate it with Trump did he. Lmao

Michael Fitzgerald said...
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AMDG said...

Trump only loves Trump. If he loved the country he would not have argued for the termination of the Constitution.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


narciso said...

ah Luntz had his moment 30 years ago, and can't get past it

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Go ahead and list the Trump lies. He's been investigated inside and out, framed for crimes Democrat Party members committed, had laws corrupted and twisted and courts acting like outlaws in an effort to pin something, anything on him, and they can't because he is the most honest elected official in living memory.

Michael Fitzgerald said...
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tim maguire said...

I don't think it's accurate to say we prefer this kind of lie to that kind of lie. It's simply that we expect politicians to lie and we try to look past those lies to try to see the person behind them. What do we actually expect them to do? In what ways will they betray us and let us down?

When Trump says he'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it and he builds a wall but we pay for it, well, we got a wall. Is that the important part or is who pays for it the important part? When Obama says you can keep your doctor and you can't keep your doctor, well, how important was keeping your doctor?

AMDG said...

No - Trump is a buffoon. I do not care for buffoons. Of the four candidates I would rather have a beer with JD. He is an interesting guy.

narciso said...

what ever the press branded as lies, like the palestinians celebrating 9-11 in New Jersey, Greg Kelly has the receipts

Sebastian said...

"makes him a bit of a loose cannon, but people like that" Some people do, more people don't, if they get to hear it at all. The loose cannon provides endless fodder for his opponents, who then use it to frame Orange Man Bad. It makes the election about Trump and increases Dem chances.

Eva Marie said...

AMDG said:
“Trump only loves Trump. If he loved the country he would not have argued for the termination of the Constitution.”
He proved otherwise the day he was shot, stood up to reassure the crowd, raised his fist in the air, saying, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

You're side has been doing way more arguing agains the Constitution than Trump has.

William said...

I have met Trump … twice (both times were before he announced he was going to run for president).

The first time, I was in an elevator. The door opened and Trump and two of his staffers got on. We chatted as people do in an elevator. No fluff, no guff, just two guys talking. I met Reagan once, and Trump came across just as affable and genuine as RR.

I ran into Trump again at a conference a year later (again before he was running for POTUS). He spoke to about twenty people in a room and then shook hands. Again, no fluff, genuine connection, one of us.

Trump doesn't turn it on and off like most politicians. Trump is Trump.

I think so many people hate Trump because of his genuineness; they are so used to politicians pandering to them that they are uncomfortable around Trump. I, for one, don't like to be patronized or condescended to. YMMV

TickTock said...

Speaking of lying, why is Biden still president of the United States? The only reason I can think of is that the "powers that be" (whoever they are) know that Harris is not up to the job, and that the voting public would be appalled by her performance during the months of September and October.

pacwest said...

I wouldn't have put it that way, but that particular quality (however you define it) is what gives him the edge in foreign policy and the reason there were no new large scale wars under his watch. Adversaries had to be saying to themselves 'what exactly is this guy capable of? I don't think i want to find out.' That and the fact he is willing to listen without telegraphing his next move. Its a plus, but also a minus. Any miscalculation could be costly. His unpredictability is a major factor in his successes, but also one of the reasons the deep state is so afraid of him. He said upfront in his first election he wouldn't be telegraphing his moves, but the MSM doesn't like that one little bit. They think they should be consulted first.

13 year old bully or stable genius?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You sound drunk AMDG.

Drago said...

AMDG is just Inga at this point.

narciso said...

well he's not up to the job either, but he wasnt back in 2008 when they foisted him on us, the first time

RideSpaceMountain said...

Trump is an elitist, but he is not a classist. You don't get to where Trump is without hurting egos and sometimes bullying people who are wrong or doing things that are in direct competition with your self-interests, and Trump is a self-interested man. The Wall Street, Real Estate, and Investment Communities are filled with people like this, and you'd better have some thick fucking skin or you'll be eaten alive by them, including Trump if you don't have your crap together. I completely understand where a man like Trump is coming from.

Trump understands that the entire world and most importantly his world runs and functions because of people that most wealthy people like him regard as invisible: Plumbers, Property managers, Roofers, Money managers, Police Officers, and the guy pushing a mop at Trump Towers. He could give a effing fly if you have a MBA or a PhD and can't produce on demand when it matters. Success matters. Results matter, and Trump is one of the first politicians to crack the code on telling everyone else that the MBAs and PhDs and 30 year government bureaucrats are full of shit and do not actually know what they're doing and could in fact be actively working against everyone's interests in clear violation of their ethical responsibilities.

This is the crux of his popularity, IMHO.

pacwest said...

The unfinished wall didn't slow illegal immigration. Remain in Mexico did, so in that sense Mexico did pay for it. Of course the sweetheart deal Mexico got from NAFTA2 helped...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nicely said, Eva. He is the only president who lost wealth being POTUS. We all know he could be enjoying the fortune he accumulated instead of risking it all to be president. Again. And the people bending and breaking the Constitution to get Trump have done far more damage than Trump did or would do, given his record. He certainly expresses more genuine love for this country than the people running against him. Who cares what a drunk loser thinks of him?

Hassayamper said...

well he's not up to the job either, but he wasnt back in 2008 when they foisted him on us, the first time

Biden wasn't up to the job the very first time he ran for it, back in 1988.

Jupiter said...

" Would I like to have a beer with say Tim Walz or Joe Biden--or God forbid--Hunter Biden?"

Hunter might be fun to knock back a case or two with.

narciso said...

well yes, but he faded out of the picture quickly

RideSpaceMountain said...

If for no other reason than to learn and find out what makes a moral hagfish like him work. I suspect there's some serious intra-family psychological trauma at work in the Biden family. From his behavior to his father's to their collective treatment of his stripper-conceived child. The Bidens are a real piece of work, and feeling obligated to meet their expectations or 'do one's duty' for such a clan has clearly taken a toll.

Elliott A. said...

Trump never said, "PERIOD!"

Breezy said...

Trump upheld Federalism, showed up for all the sham lawfare as defendant, corrected the broken Roe v Wade decision, used the courts to challenge poor laws, fought for our sovereignty, etc. He's the most patriotic president we’ve had in a long time. It makes no sense that he would argue for the termination of the Constitution.

JK Brown said...

It's the Caddyshack election.... again. In 2016, Trump was Rodney Dangerfield, crashing the club. This election he's more the Jackie Mason in Caddyshack II. Complete with the running mate who struggled to fit in and be accepted, but now realizes the value of embracing where he came from.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
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NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Peterson basically said all that in the video.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: What happens when some people are able to get pass their visceral reaction long enough to listen.

Quayle said...
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Quayle said...

Christ didn't warn about Wolves in Wolves' clothing. I presume He thought we could figure that out for ourselves.

Original Mike said...

"I think so many people hate Trump because of his genuineness;"

I think so many people hate Trump because of the "othering" enacted by the media/dems. Tribalism, straight up. It's how people can say "Trump only loves Trump", while the evidence of his love of country is obvious.

Michael K said...

I thought Trump was a buffoon in 2016, then he was elected and start doing all the right things. I still wonder if the Covid thing was planned.

Witness said...

trump's lies may not *feel* practiced, but by now it's kind of foolish to think that they aren't

rhhardin said...

There's nothing vicious in a vicious sense of humor. It's figuring out the what the other guy thinks and framing it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The actors and actresses think he's an actor like they are. That it's just a show, like the ones they perform. That his performance is no different from Kamala changing her accent depending on which crowd she's performing to. They can't fathom that a showman would actually use his gifts for something other than himself long after his gifts got him everything he needed.

Dave sees this.

Michael K said...

Well said.

Original Mike said...

"I thought Trump was a buffoon in 2016, then he was elected and start doing all the right things."


Old and slow said...

AMDG fancies himself to be very smart indeed. It reads more like envy and resentment from where I'm sitting. Were you bullied as a child AMDG?

Kakistocracy said...

Trump didn’t win the popular vote. In fact, no GOP president had since G.W. Bush, and that was the sole incidence of this occurring any time in the past 30 years. Even with the US Republic favoring small rural states by virtue of the design of the Senate, one must wonder for how long Republicans can manage to squeeze out victories.

During the same period of time we’ve seen endless Republican efforts to suppress voters and gerrymander their way to victory.

Combine this with the aging silent generation and boomers who disproportionately support Republicans, and the young disproportionately supporting Democrats, and one wonders how long the GOP can remain relevant if the same trends continue and Republican voters keep aging out of existence.

Trump is now attempting to win an election solely by pleasing rural white working class people and business owners, while alienating everyone else with his endless vitriol.

I feel that a Trump loss will set the Republican Party back 30 years (if he hasn’t already).

Michael K said...

Tucker Carlson has said some nice things about Hunter. They knew each other for years and talked about addiction. Tucker had some issues with alcohol for a while.

Michael K said...

"Rich" lying again. The Democrats are in a panic because they are losing the youth vote to Trump. Most people under 30 are smarter than you, or whoever writes your crap.

Breezy said...

Perhaps you are unaware of how the US Presidential elections are run and won. I refer you to the US Constitution. You can Google it.

tim maguire said...

True, the Democrats succeeded in preventing completion of the wall, so we only got part of a wall, but Trump's inability to avoid Democratic sabotage at every turn does not make building a wall a lie. Whereas there is no evidence of a plan to make Mexico pay for it.

Dagwood said...

According to what I discovered the last time I checked, little Richie, the popular vote doesn't determine the next POTUS. And your little whines about so-called voter suppression and gerrymandering are as old and worn out as "I Love Lucy" reruns.

Dagwood said...

I think "Old and slow" gets it. AMDG probably was the "total swirlies champ" of his middle school class.

Esteban said...

Yes, I think the Trump we see is the "true" Trump or very close to it. That doesn't seem to be the case with most other pols.

Mr. D said...

Trump is a bullshitter. Kamala and Walz, like Biden and Hillary, are liars. That’s always been the distinction.

Drago said...

"Trump is now attempting to win an election solely by pleasing rural white working class people and business owners..."


Always the precise opposite of the what is really going on.

Such is the life of your everyday gaslighting LLR-democratical Rich.

Paddy O said...

I've long thought Hunter really has spent years passive aggressively trying to derail his father, who he really doesn't like, but no matter what he does, he just gets away with it. He escalates, gets away with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he intentionally "forgot" his laptop. And even still, with all that, he gets away with it. Hard to rebel if no matter what a person does, it just gets ignored. Of course, the money helps but money is nothing compared to a psychologically healthy family.

robother said...

But Kamala: she Black, at least when in Detroit or Georgia. "Only sixty-fo' mo' days!" Can't get much more authentic than that. As those rappers would say, "She da shit!"

Skeptical Voter said...

I see that Trump is a loose cannon on the foreign policy scene. And that's probably true. Which sorta keeps the rest of the world on their toes. But I'm reminded of a novel about a movie studio security cop by Lee Goldberg. The title of the novel? "My Gun Has Bullets".

When I think about Trump as Commander in Chief, he had control (sorta) over an actual cannon. He wasn't inclined to use it, but the world thought me might. When I think about Obama, Biden and Harris as Commanders in Chief, it's more like they wanted to use a water pistol. Water pistols don't frighten people.

Given a choice between being respected and being feared, you have to remember that respect is nice, but not really enough in a hard world. Respect without fear is not going to save you from the bad actors in this world.

traditionalguy said...

Beautiful display of Jordan Peterson’s mental abilities in action. Trump we already know well but Peterson is twice as good a communicator as Trump.

Dr Weevil said...

I would add that Trump went further than I would have in putting up with bullshit lawfare from local judges. When some low-level judge in Hawaii or Oregon ordered him to do or not do something in the entire nation, he obeyed and appealed to a higher court to overturn the b.s. ruling, which they always did. If I were president and some idiot lefty judge whose territory covered nine counties of Oregon (as I recall in one case) ordered me to do or not do something, I would have obeyed in those nine counties only, and ignored his order in the other 49 3/4 states. Trump went above and beyond that standard by allowing local judges to control his actions (temporarily) in the entire country. Tyrant? Enemy of democracy? Hah!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

What lies? Name some.

Maynard said...

Mr. D at 12:30!

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

gerrymandering is something both parties use. But of course if the left do it - it's very fine. It's super OK!
Voter suppression is complete Bullshit. Instead, we have the opposite going on. The left are actively asking for their voters to cheat. Listen to the Oprah speech at the DNC convention. She asks everyone to vote and vote and vote again. Very creepy.
On top of that - the corrupt democxrat left are actively doing all they can to get illegal border entrants to vote .

Mason G said...

Trump: “Listen, I had 107,000 people in New Jersey. You didn't report it.”
The left: "Trump lies! More accurate estimates appear to be anywhere from 30,000 to 60,000."

Obama: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"
The Left: *crickets*

Both sides!!!!

Mason G said...

Do I need a /s tag for that?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Nah she aint...and bruthas aint finna vote for no ho, and we seein it show 4sho.

Not even the bruthas want a Chickenhead-In-Chief. Shiiiit.

Readering said...

Jordan Peterson makes a living spouting bs.

Narr said...

Nobody will pay for yours.

Rusty said...

Original Mike
"I thought Trump was a buffoon in 2016, then he was elected and start doing all the right things."

Rusty said...

I heard that speech AMG. Taken in context he did not advocate for the termination of the constitution. That's what you guys want.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Given a choice between being respected and being feared, you have to remember that respect is nice, but not really enough in a hard world. Respect without fear is not going to save you from the bad actors in this world.”

Except that Obama Biden, Harris, and now Walz, are neither feared or respected, except maybe by the effeminate Western European elites, whose own countries are rapidly being Islamified.

Lazarus said...

Trump exaggerates. His exaggerations are pretty easily seen through. Take him figuratively, not literally, and take 20-25% off. But how did "Trump Lies" become such a mantra when he's been running against lyin' Joe Biden all these years?

Mason G said...

Ok- the post this (/s tag) was a reply to has disappeared.

Kakistocracy said...

The crowd was roaring for Harris on Labor Day. She pointed out all the many antilabor positions Trump took while president including appointing a union buster as head of their Labor. Board. In contrast the Biden Harris administration passed labor bills and walked a picket line with strikers.

Harris is up nationally by 6 points and is pulling away with more energy, money and volunteers.
Democrats are now going after Florida, North Carolina and Texas as Trump continues to collapse. The election for Trump is over, there is no road to victory. Democrats are moving on to the Senate and House races and using the Harris momentum to great effect.

The GOP are looking at massive losses around the country, in state races as well.

Mutaman said...

"Trump’s love of country supersedes his particular verbal style or faults, in my view"

"Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”

Mr Bone Spurs believes in Mr. Bone Spurs.

tolkein said...

We'll see.

tolkein said...

If you think all the votes in California are genuine, or all 120% of the voters in some Philadelphia precincts actually turn out to vote D, or that it's perfectly OK Colorado moving to solid D when all mail ballots are introduced, then you might believe this. The same point in the UK about how all the Conservative voters will die off and the future is Labour, is repeatedly made. As you get older you get less trustful of politicians and more of a stake in society. The Ds expected all the Hispanic immigrants to guarantee a D majority forever. But as they got a stake and got older they moved away from the Ds.

narciso said...

wow thats lame, you should be embarassed

Hassayamper said...

Gerrymandering, as ordinarily understood, only pertains to the districts drawn for Congressional Representatives, and in a slightly milder form, to the Presidential electoral districts that are unique to Maine and Nebraska. By definition it cannot be done to any un-districted statewide election contest, i.e. those for senators, governors, and the vast majority of Presidential electors.

Lately the Democrats have taken to using the term ahistorically to denigrate the makeup of the Electoral College, as well as the Connecticut Compromise that gave us 2 Senators for each State. It is plain that they would abolish both of these structures instantly, if they could muster the votes.

Such a radical Constitutional amendment won't happen in my lifetime, but some decades hence, the brazen Democrat electoral fraud and deliberate Democrat demographic replacement that this illegitimate Democrat enemy occupation government is imposing on us might allow it to squeak by.

At that point, we would surely be in a civil war. The deranged Democrat statists are bent on the permanent aggrandizement and centralization of government, with the ultimate goal of turning the globe into a unified world-government prison planet. They dismiss the notion of 50 free and independent states affiliating in a Union that grants the central government strong but strictly delineated powers.

But that is the only reason the Union was ever successfully formed, and it is the only way it will stay unified. Without something like the Connecticut Compromise, the people of perhaps 40 out of the 50 states will refuse to be oppressed by the degenerate, perverted communist filth in California and New York City.

Mutaman said...


"Said Jordan Peterson, and it rings true to me. They're all going to lie, but which form of lying do you feel more inclined to trust?"

Althouse and her fellow Know Nothings are down to " Well, Trump may be an asshole, but he's our asshole".

Michael K said...

Field Marshal Freder is teaching a class on Constitutional Law. Since he likes the result of the fraud, he is OK with it.

Original Mike said...

"Lately the Democrats have taken to using the term ahistorically to denigrate the makeup of the Electoral College, as well as the Connecticut Compromise that gave us 2 Senators for each State."

He's looking at you, "Republican Rich".

Bruce Hayden said...

Hilarious. This is the woman who just lost the active and retired military vote this weekend by trying to shame Trump for showing up in Arlington, at the invitation of the Gold Star families involved. The families had invited both Biden and Harris too, but neither responded.

I have little doubt that the Harris campaign could cobble together a D+15 or D+20 poll showing that those states were now in play. But before you get too excited, keep in mind that they have much stricter election integrity laws that the safe Dem states they are taking for granted.

But keep trying. Always ned some humor here.

Drago said...


Another day, another debunked hoax pushed by Mutaman at Althouse....complete with ANOTHER fake quote!

Mutaman gonna mutaman.....

Rocco said...

Not so Tricky Dick said...
"Trump didn’t win the popular vote."

In the 1960 World Series, the Yankees scored 55 runs, the most in Series history, to the Pirates 27. The 28 Run Differential is the largest in Series history. The Yankees outhit them 91-60, out-homered them 10-4, and out BA'd them .338 to .256. And yet Bill Mazeroski hit a dramatic home run in Game 7 to lead the Pirates to victory. It remains the only walk off home run in Game 7 to clinch the Series.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

No, shithead. I am not a mincing GOP lifer like these fucking quislings here who have to couch their opinions jn equivocation. Trump is not an asshole, he doesn't send mean tweets, he's the most honest politician in America today and probably since Lincoln. You tell me what lie Trump has told. List them or STFU, lib bitch.

Luke Lea said...

"Strategic hyperbole" he calls it in "The Art of the Deal"

Rocco said...

Not so Tricky Dick said...
"Combine this with the aging silent generation and boomers who disproportionately support Republicans, and the young disproportionately supporting Democrats, and one wonders how long the GOP can remain relevant if the same trends continue and Republican voters keep aging out of existence."

Blair White responded...
I asked voters, “Trump or Kamala?" and it was shocking.
- Kamala voters were mostly white, older, and had no idea why they’re voting for her.
- Trump voters were mostly minorities with detailed explanations.

Rocco said...

robother sarcastically said...
"But Kamala: she Black, at least when in Detroit or Georgia."

*snort* I played golf on Monday. I'm blacker than Kamala right now.

Rocco said...

Skeptical Voter said...
"Well Trump is the kind of guy you'd like to have a beer with. Of course he doesn't drink, so you might have to enjoy his braggadocious spiel over a Diet Coke... Would I like to have a beer with say Tim Walz or Joe Biden--or God forbid--Hunter Biden?"

With Trump you would have a Diet Coke; with Hunter, it would be just Coke.

Freder Frederson said...

Perhaps, Mr. Constitutional expert, you can point out where in the constitution, accusations of fraud nullifies the constitution.

FullMoon said...

Trump only loves Trump. If he loved the country he would not have argued for the termination of the Constitution.

Really? Who did he argue with? Was it a one time impromptu statement? Was the so-called "arguement" ever repeated, or was it that one time off-the cuff statement?

Eva Marie said...

FF: Yes, fraud nullifies the constitution. Which is why Democrats should stop setting up systems that make fraud inevitable.

Kakistocracy said...

Scott Adams, like Trump, is heavily invested in being loudly, proudly wrong about every single possible thing. Performative stupidity and outrage is literally the only tool he has left to make a living with.

Kakistocracy said...

Harris to propose $50,000 tax deduction for small business startup expenses, ahead of Trump debate ~CNBC

Who can argue with this? It’s up there with motherhood and apple pie. She has yet to put a foot wrong in this campaign and it’s paying off. I am so looking forward to next week’s debate.

Harris just has to show up and not mention sharks or cats. Trump has to prove he doesn't have dementia.

boatbuilder said...

Boo hoo. They demonize every Republican who doesn't suck up to the press and knuckle under to Dem propaganda. Trump says screw that, I'll say what I think, which gets his message out there. This makes some people uncomfortable, who should probably be less comfortable, because if you think anything the press and the Dems are promoting is healthy for the future of this Country, you are not paying attention.

boatbuilder said...


boatbuilder said...

There was a Caddyshack II?

Michael K said...

The change in format is annoying.

boatbuilder said...

I really do not want Hilary Clinton close to the levers of power. But can you even imagine Kamala harris engaging in a debate in which the effects of the US Tax code on wealthy donors is a subject of discussion? We are falling far and fast.

Mason G said...

"Harris to propose $50,000 tax deduction..."

Trump should propose a $100,000 deduction. Who can argue with this?

It would appear the leftist brain trust has determined that the way for Kamalamadingdong to improve her popularity is to pretend to adopt conservative values.

Or perhaps she could offer free BJs in exchange for votes. Who knows? Could be a winning proposition.

J Scott said...

Hunter is to Joe as Jessie is to Walt

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Almost 6 hours later. You writin' 'em all down?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Almost 6 hours later. You writin' 'em all down?

boatbuilder said...

I can argue with it. It's a clear invitation to defraud the government--legally. Just start a new company and have at it! Run it into the ground and have a blast!

How about we lower the tax burden on all companies?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

4 hours later. Still thinkin' 'em up, or can't find your crayons?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

and that's 1/3 of what illegals are being given free and clear to buy a home in the USA.

Kakistocracy said...

It’s called weaving! You know, a way of taking about 7 different subjects all at once. The only thing is the only person who understands it is Trump, and sometimes, not even him. 🤔

Mason G said...

"How about we lower the tax burden on all companies?"

Even better. What do you think, Kamala?

boatbuilder said...

Did Jordan wear that jacket to the Kentucky Derby?

Mark said...

I am torn in between 'ok boomer' and 'meh'

effinayright said...

Readering, There is simply no point in trying to counter such fact-filled, tightly reasoned, unassailable logic as yours. Your ass is clearly GENIUS!

effinayright said...

Rich: Harris to propose $50,000 tax deduction for small business startup expenses, ahead of Trump debate ~CNBC

But if they succeed and become Big Businesses, she will shit all over them for how they treat the workers in their labor unions! WIN-WIN!!!

effinayright said...

Once again, Readering implies that HE is all-wise, all-knowing, while the millions who enjoy listening to Jordan Peterson are flat-lining dingbats.

Funny how Peterson is known to hundreds of millions, while Readering remains in a richly-deserved obscurity.

I bet he asks himself every day: "Why does the world not bow to my MAJESTY?"

Kakistocracy said...

"Unregulated activity" is the central defining characteristic of a free market. Harnessing that is probably not a good idea.

Roosevelt's New Deal worked at making markets, particularly the capital markets, "fair" by getting all the information "in" and getting the manipulation "out." ("Taming the Street" by Diana Henriques describes this beautifully.) Information manipulation should be guarded against (this is also why the Chinese economy is not going to do well over the long run; information manipulation over there is a state obsession).

The most efficient industrial policy is one that feeds incentives into a market altering the flow of capital and effort towards the desired public goal. Sometimes tax incentives, sometimes loan guarantees (a form of pay-as-you-go), sometimes subsidies. Remember, markets deliver prosperity; government per se rarely does.

A Harris administration also must guard against becoming a second Jimmy Carter administration. The whining about the malaise will kill you.

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