Bottom line: No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 10, 2024
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Bottom line: No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 10, 2024
Perhaps those of you who are obsessed with abortion should re-think your priorities. Free speech will be gone after Puppet Kamala wins.
The US will be a State-run media/ one party authoritarian state - much like all of the corrupt leftist governments in Central and South American... and the old Soviet Block.
Is abortion that important to you? (not to mention that abortion is now in the hands of the states and still very legal.)
Perhaps those of you who are obsessed with abortion should re-think your priorities. Free speech will be gone after Puppet Kamala wins.
The US will be a State-run media/ one party authoritarian state - much like all of the corrupt leftist governments in Central and South America... and the old Soviet Block.
Is abortion that important to you? (not to mention that abortion is now in the hands of the states and still very legal, in most every state.)
****my posts are disappearing again. Is this a Soviet/Democrat/Google thing?
He’s suggesting overthrowing the government! That’s populist language and anti-Democratic!
In other news, Michigan Supreme Court denies RFK request to be removed from their ballot.
Can we get this guy to debate Kamala tonight?
Powerful commercial.
Good use of Harris quote. Harris is perfectly capable of speaking clearly and forcefully. Unfortunately for her, what she says can be clearly horrifying.
RKF Jr. is a good communicator. Trump is fortunate to have him on the team.
He is right, the problem is that the entrenched elites control the media, and so what a significant slice of the electorate think, and generally they look to Goebbels as their guide, Goebbels was the guy who managed to turn a liberal democracy in Germany in to a single party state with absolute and untrammeled power over its citizens. What's not to like?
Cue the barrage of "thought stopping clichés" which the Democrats rely so heavily on.
Read this and ask yourself if it applies more to Trump supporters than Biden/Harris supporters. And if you think it applies to Trump more, give an example. If you are not being managed like a cult member, this should present little problem.é
If any falls into the category of "Entrenched elite" wouldn't it be the Kennedy family? Starting with Junior's great grandfather PJ, especially his grandfather and then his father than that generation.
Not that I disagree with him on this and I am glad to have him on our side.
John Henry
Yes, it is. Terrifying. And she wasn't kidding. They've been actively censoring private citizen's speech for the last 4 years. As Kennedy says elsewhere, 37 hours after the inauguration, the DOJ opened a portal to the social media companies and gave access to the FBI, CIA, IRS, and other agencies, some you've never heard of, and they began pressuring the companies, pretty much successfully, to take down posts they didn't like.
Is his voice getting better or am I just getting used to it?
It used to be that I could not listen to him, his voice was so horrible. Now, in this clip for example, his voice sounds fairly normal, within the wide range of normal. A bit off perhaps but I've known many people with slightly odd sounding voices or accents.
John Henry
RFK Jr and Trump are a perfect pair. Delusional narcissists.
Why are entrenched elites in charge of the media? Because they have the money. Money is the only form of speech that matters.
Good catch. It does sound almost normal.
I assume they used audio filters to screen out the more annoying overtones.
Well. "Narcissist" is a fine word, invented by delusional narcissists, in fact, and you can apply it to pretty much anyone you like, since it is essentially meaningless. But "Delusional" has a meaning. I suppose each of us is wrong about some question of fact, and therefore we are all delusional. But Kennedy and Trump seem pretty well-grounded to me. Have you read Kennedy's book about Fauci?
Lots of people have money. Some of them collect art, some collect journalists. I don't think "money" explains much.
We need change.
I listened to historian Andrew Roberts interview historian Robert Service. Service is an expert on Russian history. Service is a believer in the theory that at certain critical points in history, it makes a difference in the outcome if there is one person with the charisma and will. Think Churchill. Think Washington and Lincoln. Now think about Harris in charge when one of those critical moments comes up. She can't even face the Press!
You can say a lot of things about Junior', but with respect this message, you can't say he's wrong.
Let’s get real here:
Kamala Harris owns high inflation, the open border and 18,000,000 million illegal border crossing immigrants, and the Biden-Harris administration’s wars.
And the disastrous Afghanistan bug-out.
Speaking of your thought-terminating clichés...
Let's get this out there in the light of day:
"They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop." - Kamala Harris
A democratic insurrection.
A powerful and effective message IMO.
"The FBI has been collapsed into nothing more than a police agency for the Democratic Party..."
FBI Agent - Terry Turchie
BTW, Althouse, thanks for cruelly and neutrally giving that excellent video the exposure it richly deserves.
So that Harris quote about free speech that underpins Kennedy's whole presentation; is that a deep fake? Do you think Harris didn't say it or do you just not care?
WaPo: In MAHA world....
Since Kamula hid Biden's mental collapse, with the MSM help, and now wants to limit free speech, how can anyone believe Trump is the 'threat to democracy?' Kennedy is right.
Well, I started to disagree, but upon further reflection I find I do agree. He is suggesting overthrowing the current people and processes in and of the government. However, voting out the current people, and changing through legislation the current methods and procedures, is not usually referred to as "overthrowing". But on the other hand, in my lifetime we always talked about the non-violent change (AKA overthrow) through elections. So, in that light: yes, he is suggesting overthrowing the government (but not unlawfully, and not by ignoring the constitution.)
Brainworm shills for rotting bear carcass.
Tsk, tsk, tsk ... Robert Kennedy urging Americans to overthrow their government?
Can't you get in trouble for that?
Got his father murdered.
The FBI are nothing more than Mafia enforcers. Go read their history in Boston. Actual mobsters, executing hits even.
Rich - Loyal Apparatchik
Rotting bear carcass gets YUGE endorsement from brainworm.
Rotting bear carcass gets YUGE endorsement from brainworm.
See, this is the sort of speech right here that needs some oversight.
The first ten amendments to the USC are the Bill of Privileges now.
I can't wait for Kamala to get injected into the White House and for her to start oversighting our free speech. Can't WAIT. What an amazing free pass that's going to be.
He is not suggesting anything. He is telling Americans to overthrow their government before Free Speech is lost in the United States shortly. This is our last chance.
Oh MAHA . . .
Lots of people have money. Some of them collect art, some collect journalists. I don't think "money" explains much.
They also pay to dictate policy.
Ref. Leland at 10:08 above.
I'd love to see some lawyerly reactions to the Michigan SCt order.
Order is 1 page; Concurrence starts at top of page 2; Dissent starts at top of page 5. Read here:
Shut up, Rich explained.
no I would think that he was about fabian reform, maybe he was a little naive
about the deep state,
Coming soon to a country near you:
Is there any question that the particular "elites" occupying positions of authority and power are objectively the worst set of elites to afflict America in our entire history?
Even if you support leftist political goal, do you think this particular bunch of self-righteous bozos could actually bring about any positive change? Isn't it obvious that even if these people were TRYING to create a more "just" or "equitable" or "fair" society, they would almost certainly completely screw it up and make everything they touch worse?* Isn't that their track record for the past two decades? Is there ONE person currently at the top of an agency or cabinet department who seems to be wise, judicious, insightful, or even honest?
When the elites such as bad as our elites suck, you need to replace them with elites that don't suck. I am not particularly confident that Trump can find good, honest people to replace these grotesque failures, but just getting rid of the top 3-6 ranks of "leadership" of ALL our institutions and agencies would be a massive improvement.
*For example: The "overhaul" of the health-care system was almost immediately captured by special interests, so instead of doing any of the good things that were supposedly intended, it has made the capitalist insurance companies and hospital conglomerates far wealthier; taken away doctors' abilities to do what is right for their individual patients regardless of insurance-company desires; pushed drugs (oxycodone), devices, and surgeries that are profitable for hospitals and pharmaceutical and device-manufacturing companies, but not necessarily any better for patients; and has been coincident with an enormous increase in medical errors.
What makes you think the dimwits currently in charge won't be just as easily misled and incompetent with regard to all the other things you want them to do?
So tell me, Althouse, back when you were a college student at demonstrations thrusting your clenched fist into the air and shouting “Power to the people,” did it ever cross your mind that someday the people would want to overthrow the establishment by electing Republicans?
"thought stopping clichés"
Top 2: "Without Evidence!" & "That's Russian Disinformation"
I can even remember when the FBI was almost completely Catholics and Mormons.
The Hag shows up to echo Rich-Inga-gadfly-et al.
Rich - Nekulturny Loyal Apparatchik (FIFY)
Outsider Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is urging his supporters to join in voting for outsider Republican Donald Trump while establishment Republican Dick Cheney is supporting establishment Democrat Kamala Harris.
If there was ever a doubt about the existence of The Uniparty, that should pretty much clear things up, don't you think?
Off topic and not a lawyerly reaction (other than through long experience in critiques and causal analysis meetings), but the dissent seems to pound the table on the majority changing an implied 'SecState shall withdraw candidate on request' to an implied 'SecState may withdraw on request'. Certainly an easy fix for the legislature if/when they feel that this precedent needs to be corrected. As it looks like Michigan state government is fully Democrat, probably not a likely change at the moment.
Are you his daughter? - Watch K-Girl inaction
You also have to get rid of the elites running and ruining American Colleges and public schools.
Love the Kennedy style. They think in educated Irish. And that brings back Jack Kennedy memories. He could really entertain as he provided leadership. That style harmonizes with Trump very well..
It's nice to see upstarts like Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy, Jr. go toe to toe against the entrenched elites. America really is the story of the underdogs.
Shorter LLR-democratical Rich: Please please please stop listening to the people pointing out obvious truths and exposing my New Soviet Democratical amigos!!!!
The FBI literally worked for Whitey Bulger (Mueller) AND greenlit handing US uranium to Putin oligarch pals resulting in even more russki payments to the Clinton Global Initiative and slush fund (Hillary and Mueller AGAIN!)
So much more as well...
"RFK Jr and Trump are a perfect pair. Delusional narcissists."
This is intended to stop anybody from thinking more deeply about what RFK Jr says, without any effort at an actual rebuttal. It's a propaganda technique intended to shortstop any deeper thought on the subject, which might lead to territory Rich finds "unhelpful" <<- "Unhelpful" is another one, BTW.
So here is a good one, the CIA Chief, William Burns, just allowed in an interview, reported on in the New York Times, that it's Putin behind the "destabilizing immigration" coming from Mexico, not the Border Czar.
For his part, Mr. Burns said the C.I.A. was “very sharply focused” on the threat of Russian agents operating in Mexico, where there are reports that they are trying to encourage illegal migration into the United States, as a way to destabilize the country during a presidential election year.
“Part of that is a function of so many Russian agents kicked out of Europe,” Mr. Burns said. “So they are looking for somewhere to go instead.” - New York Times
Nothing is too absurd for them to try to get us to believe it, and dollars to donuts, Rich will profess to believe it, if pressed.
Entrenched elite = Members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
"Even if you support leftist political goal..."
The "left" has been utterly co-opted by the neocons and their fraternal twins, the neoliberals. In Germany, the Green Party is adamantly pro-war, and a new party just arose, that is traditional left, and it has been branded "far right" in the media.
It's astonishing, I am sure, to anybody who hasn't read a lot of history.
“I’m a very adventurous eater,” Kennedy said. “I’ll eat virtually anything. There are two things I wouldn’t eat — well, three. I wouldn’t eat a human, I wouldn’t eat a monkey, and I wouldn’t eat a dog. I think I’d eat anything else."
Indeed, he eats roadkill, as evidenced by his freezers full of the stuff, his whale's head story, and the dead bear in the middle of Central Park. Of course, he eats raw meat; otherwise, the worn-out spots in his brain would not have been there.
But this country, with its political system built around white patriarchal ideals of who powerful men are supposed to be, and its very limited view of what other kinds of power might look like, has created too irresistible an opportunity for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., someone with a famous name, a tremendous ego, and a persecution complex. So here he is, eight years after Trump descended the elevator in Trump Tower, listening to the man talking about ivermectin and the fascism of Fauci and the castration of frogs and electrocution of sharks while watching him run on a plan to end democracy as we have known it for 250 years, joining the authoritarian power over patriotism MAGA cult.
Obamacare was a gift to the insurance companies. Employer based health insurance has been run by insurance companies acting as "Administrative Management Companies." The employer is on the hook for the bills. They like that arrangement so Obama/Pelosi/Schumer gave them Uncle Sam as the one on the hook for the bills. The Electronic Medical Record is all about billing and rationing.
Think it can't happen in the First World? England is now jailing anybody who opposes untrammeled illegal immigration.
A dark curtain has fallen on the continents.
The ENTIRE Kennedy entrenched elite family has DISOWNED Robert F. Kennedy, if that tells you how entrenched THEY are, but he is not.
What good is voting when the Democrats are boarding up the windows to the counting rooms? RFK, Jr. isn't talking about voting.
He's talking about revolution. He's talking about overthrowing these people and finding new guards for the defense of our liberties - exactly as our forefathers did. He wants you to join him in the trenches, on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets.
Not true. They’re very, very bad, all right, but on the eve of the CiGil War people in the Buchanan administration were transferring cannons and muskets to Southern arsenals and in the late nineteenth century we had the Teapot Dome scandal. But yeah, this bunch is up (down) with the worst of the worst.
RFK Jr and Trump are a perfect pair. Delusional narcissists.
Harris and Dick Cheney are a perfect pair. Warmongering globalists.
Overthrow them at the ballot box if at all possible. Overthrow them by force of arms and bloodshed, if that's the only way to hang on to our liberty as free Americans. That's exactly and precisely what our Founding Fathers intended for us to do. They would have hanged half of Washington by now. I wouldn't be sorry if I lived to see it happen. The Left are enemy oppressors now, not our countrymen.
If PRESSED you say? I don't think so. He'll enthusiastically proclaim it to the heavens as soon as it goes out on the JournoList bat-signal.
I don't know enough about the pre-Civil War administrative state: back when I studied the period a bit, the blame was placed firmly on the failures of the various leaders of Congress.
But I think it turns out that the Harding administration was actually quite excellent--both in terms of what people wanted then and how we evaluate it now--but the Teapot Dome scandal and extra-marital affairs were blown out of proportion as part of anti-Hoover / pro-FDR propaganda.
So in your rants.... care to comment on Kamala's quote about ending free speech for everyone in favor of Goverment regulated and Approved Speech? Like the Soviet Union?
Because your little rant wouldn't be allowed if you made it about Kamala instead of RFK. I'm sure you are fine with oppressive censorship, though.
So let me guess--Burns is in favor of cracking down on illegal immigration and rigorously controlling the border? Or just blaming Russians?
This, coming from a politician who admitted to having a freezer full of roadkill meat, even though he is a millionaire, if not a billionaire. I live out in the country on a gravel road, and I see roadkill almost every day. The idea that anyone would pick up the roadkill, put it in their freezer, and later eat it, is, well, weird.
Gadfly doesn't want to lose his "privileges."
gadfly focuses on some bullshit issue like what RFK eats, and is silent on Harris's full-on censorship comments and program. What an asshole
The idea anyone would support government regulation of speech is, well, weird.
Not just gadfly. I guess it's easier to criticize what people eat than it is to admit that you're an authoritarian asshole that wants to censor people.
Jupiter writes, "Have you read Kennedy's book about Fauci?"
Rich is a Man of One Book, Mein Kampf.
Quaestor said...
"Rich is a Man of One Book, Mein Kampf"
ein Buch, ein Thema, ein Poster
Kennedy said...
"I wouldn’t eat a human, I wouldn’t eat a monkey, and I wouldn’t eat a dog."
To which gadfly criticizes...
"But this country, with its political system built around white patriarchal ideals of who powerful men are supposed to be, and its very limited view of what other kinds of power might look like..."
So gadfly wants powerful men to eat humans, monkeys, and/or dogs. Got it.
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