September 11, 2024

"Video has emerged from North Korea showing handcuffed teenagers being publicly denounced for the crime of enjoying foreign films and music...."

"Clips broadcast on South Korean television show teenage girls with heads bowed in some kind of tribunal. One of them, whose name and school are identified on screen, stands weeping in front of a microphone as she makes her confession, before being roughly led away by uniformed soldiers.... In a second clip, a young soldier confesses to similar crimes. 'Using my mobile phone, I watched 15 American movies, 17 South Korean puppet movies and 127 videos and listened to about 160 puppet songs,' he says.... A voiceover comments: 'There is a phenomenon by which impure recordings are purchased, viewed, stored and distributed using mobile phones. In the process, even text messages are exchanged in the contaminated puppet dialect. We must consider the fight against this malignant tumour as a matter of life and death.'"

From "North Korean teens publicly denounced for listening to K-pop/Pyongyang’s fear of exposure to ‘malignant tumour’ of foreign films and music laid bare in leaked video of handcuffed and tearful suspects" (London Times).


Humperdink said...

Was it North Korea or North Manhattan?

Leland said...

Rocket Man should hold Elon accountable, that's how the EU and Brazil stop impure speech.

Dave Begley said...

We know Trump will do the same thing and also ban abortions in all 50 states.

tim maguire said...

And then what? Executed? Or just imprisoned to the 3rd generation?

n.n said...

Social progress: one step forward, two steps backward in a liberal society. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #PrinciplesMatter

Ann Althouse said...

"And then what? Executed? Or just imprisoned to the 3rd generation?"

From the article: "Those convicted of such crimes can face punishments including demotion, sacking, detention in a re-education camp, hard labour and, for the possession of pornography, execution by firing squad."

Not sure what "sacking" means to the British. Losing your job, I suppose.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wait until those teens go on "X" - and try to speak freely. Not allowed!

tcrosse said...

Being sacked means being fired from your job. Not from a cannon.

Curious George said...

Norks: "We must consider the fight against this malignant tumour as a matter of life and death.'"

Kamala Harris: “are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop.”

traditionalguy said...

Ask Commala’s father about why Marxist Dictators are
Mean about everything?

hawkeyedjb said...

Those in charge, everywhere and always, gravitate to censorship. Our founders knew that, and created the first amendment specifically to constrain government - it has no other purpose. Politicians like to think of rights as "things that are allowed by government." But the first amendment says: you have this right, it is a natural right, and we forbid government from infringing on it. Tim Walz has said that his understanding is the opposite - you can say whatever the government approves. He is one of the multitudes who disapprove of the Constitution.

Leland said...

London Times giving Brits a taste of what's to come under Keir Starmer. Starmer has already arrested over a 1000 people for posts or retweeting. He'll raise those numbers when he starts catching those reading the posts.

Aggie said...

I had a crewboat driver once, working a rig in Tunisia. All the rig hands were from South Louisiana (as was the rig). The crewboat driver was known as 'June Bug'. So, on the way to the rig, June Bug was telling me about learning to swim. He said, 'My daddy learned me how to swim one day. We was out in the piroughe, out four or t'ree miles in de Gulf, and he t'rew me over the side and said 'Its up to you son, sink or swim'. I said 'Jeez, June Bug, that's kind of a long way out' and he said, 'Aww, I did all right, once'd I got outta the sack'.

David53 said...

This has been going on for years. The Norks are truly evil.

KellyM said...

I'd like to learn the "contaminated puppet dialect". Anyone here an expert? LOL

Darkisland said...

I know you are tongue in cheek about President Trump, David. But we do know that a President Harriss would do this in a heartbeat. She has already said, just a few days ago, that someone ie;govt must regulate speech. She did not mention a music exception.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Firing is what sacking means in Britain. In NoKo, it might mean being literally put into a sack and left there until death. Speculation on my part, of course.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

You make a great point that can never be repeated often enough. When you read the Constitution and especially the Amendmends, there is nothing granting rights from govt. Though there is some delegation and, arguably, "granting" of rights to the federal govt.

It is all based on the assumption that rights already exist and govt cannot infringe upon them.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

For example, most people will say that 19A gave women the right to vote.


It recognized that women had ALWAYS had the right to vote and it prevented govt from denying or interfering with that right.

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

John Henry

EdwdLny said...

A democrat fever dream. Like "1984", the democrats think of the norks as a goal to achieve. They even consider Infanticide health care. Ask Ralph Northem and five states, including Minnesota. Sick and twisted doesn't begin to describe them.

n.n said...

For example, most people will say that 19A gave women the right to vote.


That's exactly right. Same with the 14th. The Constitution does not tolerate Diversity, (e.g. racism, sexism) and human rites a.k.a. reproductive rites are antithetical to the spirit and letter of conservative philosophy.

n.n said...

Class disordered ideologies garner progressive bitterness.

n.n said...

Video has emerged? British disinformation? AI?

n.n said...

In London, they will fine and imprison citizens who participate in State-unapproved speech or assembly. In America, they conduct witch hunts, warlock trials, cancel schemes, and Capitol punishment. 50 shades of North Korea? #HateLovesAbortion

Mason G said...

"One of them, whose name and school are identified on screen, stands weeping in front of a microphone as she makes her confession, before being roughly led away by uniformed soldiers...."

***Kamala furiously scribbles how-to notes***

Readering said...

Never knew S and N Korea had different dialects. All the refugee movement must have complicated things. (Also never knew sack as terminate employment a different dialect)

Leland said...

Learning who has never watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

gspencer said...

Recommended the 30-minute Overview of America, from Birch Society; explains Americanism (psst, the left has America and Americanism),

Rocco said...

Darkisland said...
When you read the Constitution and especially the Amendments, there is nothing granting rights from gov’t…

Abou a quarter century ago, I had a discussion with a leftie who couldn’t understand how we could have rights without a government (or some other authority) to grant them. It was only later that I realized that she had a vague understanding of the distinction between rights and privileges.

Narr said...

The people responsible have been sacked.

Aggie said...

Isn't it interesting, the list of regular posters that do not feel the need to comment on this particular story.

Aggie said...

The Running Dogs that don't bark.

rhhardin said...

The last I heard, NK had kids trained as Western classical musicians to impress foreigners that visit. It represents culture, I guess. They were amazingly good too.

rhhardin said...

Here's one playing abroad. Given the culture and poverty it has to be early selection for a special school and lots of drill. Search around on YouTube for North Korea Classical Music. There are some 4 year olds playing in full-sized guitar ensembles with matched body movements.

roger said...

Coming to a neighborhood near you

lonejustice said...

"North Korea has great beaches. You see that whenever they're exploding cannons into the ocean... Wouldn't that make a great condo? ... You could have the best hotels in the world right there. Think of it from a real estate perspective. You have South Korea. You have China. And they own the land in the middle. How bad is that? Right? It's great."

-- Donald Trump on North Korea, his favorite Communist country.

Rusty said...

One has access to the world and has grown. The other is insular and isolated. The latter is the end result of the leftism you so dearly covet.

Mikey NTH said...

It is a Britishism. I learned that reading PG Wodehouse and Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers and others.

Mikey NTH said...

He's correct, it is a total waste of opportunity. Much like Gaza is.

How big a waste? Look at a map of lights on earth at night.

Craig Mc said...

Western socialists dreaming: The Misinformation Show Trials

Craig Mc said...

...and Greenland!

FullMoon said...

Well, at least they shut down all power at night, to save the planet.

Leland said...

Is your complaint that Trump tried to reasoning and didn’t just push for war or isolation?

Hey Skipper said...

John Henry scores bigly twice.

Craig Howard said...

The different dialects have developed since the division of the country. The same phenomenon occurred in Germany after the Soviets took control in 1945. After reunification in 1989, the East Germans not only had to put up with their relative poverty but were looked down upon by the West Germans for their distinct "Eastie" accents.

Temujin said...

In America we do the same thing to young people wearing a Trump t-shirt or MAGA hat. But...we're not totalitarians. We just play them every once in a while.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

What's up with the puppets? Did the South Park boys know more about NoKo culture than anyone gave them credit for when they mocked Dear Leader Kim?

Kirk Parker said...

Narr @ 3:06pm,

Wouldn't it be more useful to sack the irresponsible people?

boatbuilder said...

Hawkeyedjb is 100% dead on. When I make this point to people I discuss these things with they seem baffled. It simply does not occur to them that being an American means that there is not some sort of benevolent overarching authority that knows what is right, and that everyone must take their cue from that. No! Think what you want. Do what you want. Make the "authorities" prove that they are authorized.

Josephbleau said...

In NK being handcuffed and made to stand quietly for any amount of time is a privilege.

Narr said...

It was Monty Python's script, not mine.

n.n said...

They probably censor pedophilia, sadomasochism, sodomy, gender confusion, human rites and other progressive liberal themes celebrated in Democratic cultures.

Aggie said...

Does anybody here remember the old British comedy series, "Are you being served?" ? It was a pretty witty take on a department store and the exploits of its various staff characters, from the 1970's - 80's. Lots of double-entendre humor. There was 'Young Mr. Grace' who appeared to be in his late 80s, the owner of the store, who would totter in with some young babe on his arm and announce "You're all sacked !" from time to time.......

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kamala is our lil' Kim.

Old and slow said...

I always suspect that you are feigning ignorance about the British meaning of words. You are smart and well read. You must know these things already.

Rusty said...

Of course not. Lil' Kim is their guy. Our usual uspects look at North Korea with envy. Hence the feverish efforts to get rid of our Bill of Rights.

Rusty said...

Lonejustice is desperate to have us at war with somebody.