September 2, 2024

Taking it well.


Leland said...

Will Trump create a fake dossier implicating his opposition as a Chinese spy?

tcrosse said...

Never mind how Trump takes it. How will his millions of supporters take it?

Peachy said...

The left plan to cheat.

John henry said...


As in riots, city burning, lawfare shenanigans and worse.

Like they did in 2016 but amped up to 11

There may not have been city burning in 16,depending on how you define city burning


Peachy said...

The Radial left are known for their allowed & promoted temper tantrums.,
Tantrums and rage that include piles of bricks left for them - by the state.
Property destruction at will - and no consequences..

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Ah, The Resistance! The self-dramatizing White middle-class tools of a corrupt reactionary Establishment! I miss those crazy guys!

John henry said...

Puerto Rico used to have unquestionably honest elections

This year we get all the bullshit you have in the upper 50.early voting, absentee ballots, electronics.

I'm sitting this one out.

Otoh, I will be in Chicago on election day. I may do same day registration (I'll be a Chicago resident that week) and vote for president trump.

I need to verify that's legal but I think it is. (not going to break any laws

John Henry

Heartless Aztec said...

Just like the last time - they'll lose their collective shit.

wsw said...


Meade said...

Beat the cheat

Dr Weevil said...

With a stick, if necessary.

Dave Begley said...

Massive riots for days in big cities and Martha’s Vineyard.

Breezy said...

If it’s a free, fair and transparent election, all will be fine. If there’s a lot of evidence of cheating, all hell will break loose. As it should. None of us on any side should be ok with a lack of confidence in our elections. Of course, I know a lot of us are just fine with it. SMH.

Pelosi the reptile has unsavory plans, I’m sure. When will she go away?

Shouting Thomas said...

The 2020 election was sabotaged and rigged right out in the open. The sabotage and rigging of the 2024 election has been even more brazen. In case you’ve forgotten the DNC/Intel cartel tried to murder Trump. Add in the lawfare fraud, and the DNC Politburo picking its candidate in the back room, and what in the hell kind of election do we have? I’m puzzled why anybody thinks a legit election can be held once one side tries to murder its opponent.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vance said...

If Trump wins, I hope the Red States issue "Shoot to kill" orders against violent thugs claiming to "protest." Let's see the rivers of Antifa blood in the streets.

Should put an end to the riots, and then we can watch all the blue states and cities burn down.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Each side is spending a fortune on this election. How much of that money is to support blog posters spreading the party line? How many posters on this blog are sponsored in some way to post the party line?

Can anyone point to any poster anywhere that is known to be a party line conduit? There must be a zillion of them. How can we identify them?

Yancey Ward said...

The Dems will, at a bare minimum, do at least as much as Trump and his supporters did after the 2020 election. The difference, however, is that the Democrats are likely to find at least half the judiciary everywhere willing to take their court challenges seriously with what will be far flimsier evidence. I also suspect that the challenges will have the full support of the DoJ. The Rubicon has been crossed. This election, if Trump prevails in the vote totals, will go to the House at a minimum and there isn't a zero chance that Biden etal simply refuse to give up the White House even losing in the House.

The rioting, however, will be far worse than January 6th 2021- far worse.

Rory said...

There will be terror. There will probably be threats to secede, which I think should be encouraged.

TickTock said...

Its not just important that Harris loses, but that she loses by enough to wake up the Democrats to the understanding that their behavior will no longer be tolerated by the rest of the country. If they lose by a small amount (despite the expected fraud) I do look to see lawfare and riots. And I am with Vance on the appropriate response to rioters. Anybody with a brick or a Molotov cocktail is a legit target.

Earnest Prole said...

If the other side wins I think we can all agree it will be the end of America as we know it.

Peachy said...

Headline: "Kremlin prefers Harris, calls her ‘predictable’ "

Kamala has the Russia vote locked up.

Robin Goodfellow said...

I predict much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The Middle Coast said...

I’m an election judge in Cook County. I am not encouraging you to break the law. In fact, I am saying you should not break the law. But it is far too easy to register to vote in illinois.

Narr said...

Looks like the Germans have gone back to the adding machine (remember those?) and discovered they miscounted the votes for AfD.

What are the chances?

doctrev said...

If you have to bear the cheat, you only have a "managed" democracy.,
It's possible that Kamala Harris will "win." She might even get away with it. But Bloomberg/ Katzenberg stealing another election would mark the end of many actual Americans caring about Ukraine, Taiwan, and especially Israel. It's possible people would cheer on Tel Aviv being nuked, if they thought Epstein types were secretly controlling our government.

Eva Marie said...

Return of the pussy hats.

MadisonMan said...

If Democrats lose, then we re-enter "Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism" territory.

Old and slow said...

"Epstein types"? Say what you mean you miserable piece of shit Doctrev.

doctrev said...

Most people would read that as child abusers who miraculously escape legal accountability. Interesting that you take that a personal attack.

Kai Akker said...

I believe she has her favorite Crowdstrike making an AI-brained digital replica of herself. She could be available for centuries as Speaker of the House or just top-bitch dirty-tricks Democratic consultant.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The way he took a bullet? I guess.

Iman said...

The left will lose their mud BIGTIME if Trump wins. Anything built on lies and half truths cannot stand and Harris - Walzrus will be remembered for their ineptitude and dishonesty.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Democrat version of J6 in 2025. After that....well, let's just say it would be a good investment to buy stock in the companies that box wine.

Iman said...

Some rending of polyester and hemp, as well.

Iman said...

“There may not have been city burning in 16,depending on how you define city burning”

Light smoldering, mostly peaceful…

doctrev said...

That might not be so bad. You'd be surprised how quickly a rifle shot can break up smaller riots in smaller towns. In huge cities where criminals are protected by the oligarchy? Well, I hope you have a bug out plan- and use it before the election.

Achilles said...

If you try to pretend the left and the right are the same in this aspect you are just not intellectually honest.

The has been nothing like the Russian collusion hoax or BLM riots.

You are just being dumb with this.

Bruce Hayden said...

“If you have to bear the cheat, you only have a "managed" democracy.,”

It was very visible in 2020. It will have to be even more so this time. My estimate is that Trump will pick up maybe 80 million mostly legitimate votes. That means upwards of 80 million pissed off Trump voters, if the Dems visibly and publicly cheat their way into the WH and keep their Senate majority. If they hadn’t set up the 1/6 Capital fiasco (very much apparently with coordination between the FBI and Speaker Pelosi, blatantly killed some of the protesters, and sent hundreds others to prison, they could make a claim for a peaceful transfer of power. But we saw, over the last 3 1/2 years precisely what that meant. The Republicans peacefully accepted the transfer of power, and the Dems sent those with the audacity to protest the steal to prison, after repeatedly violating their Constitutional rights, with impunity.

Keep this in mind. The FBI no doubt knows who the AntiFA terrorists were in 2020, and still do. The 1/6 Capital “riot” still very much looks like it was instigated by the FBI, working with bussed in Antifa instigators. That should scare everyone here (with a couple of obvious exceptions, who were overjoyed). That means that the government has essentially forfeited its legitimacy, and according to the Declaration of Independence, rebellion is not only justified, but possibly even required.

Right now, I think that it is possible that their election fraud may be thwarted in GA, AZ, and maybe PA. MI appears, from recent court decisions, to be a lost cause. Those recent decisions have uniformly taken the side of facilitating election fraud. It’s so bad, that in Detroit, they approved >20k Dem election judges, and 500 Republicans. WI? Don’t really know. H

rehajm said...

…and they will.

Peachy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peachy said...

Here's a short list of the horrible things Trump will do - as reported by MSNBC/Leftist hive - if Trump were to somehow beat the cheat:

Trump will round up all women and force them to have babies against their will at the Margaret Atwood Concentration camp for grrls. They will also be forced into that horrible religion call Christianity.
JDVance will then force all these women to stay at home with their children. That bastard!
Trump will pump out so much oil out of the ground - he will need to fill all of Rachel Maddow's various swimming pools with the excess crude.
Trump will then arrest Nancy Pelosi and force her to admit what a useless corrupt wicked witch she is - in public. .. preferably at gunpoint on PBS - with someone pointing a gun at Judy Woodruff or Andrea Mitchell.
They will also be forced to wear pussy hats, and clown noses.
It's going to be grim.

Tank said...

The last time they lost, they put vaginas on their heads. Where do you go from there?

Peachy said...

On Jan 6th - the FBI planted fake pipe bombs to divert actual resources.

doctrev said...

Right. So is Kamala Harris really going to be able to claim 85 million voters? Every publicly available metric besides the cooked polls shows that she is being received with lukewarm enthusiasm at best. Vans full of paid actors really aren't enough to get her out of that.

But then with Zuckerberg and Musk going to the Trump side, there will be a lot of temptation for non-freak oligarchs to strike their colors.

Old and slow said...

"...Interesting that you take that a personal attack."

No Trevor, most people would read that as transparent Jew hatred. It's okay, come on out and be yourself. You've got some company around here, though I wouldn't call it "good company".

Indigo Red said...

Democrats will not take losing well. Democrats will not take winning well, either.

Megthered said...

Wailing, screaming, murder and mayhem. The usual demoncrap activities.

cfs said...

Old and slow said...
"...Interesting that you take that a personal attack."

No Trevor, most people would read that as transparent Jew hatred. It's okay, come on out and be yourself. You've got some company around here, though I wouldn't call it "good company".

9/2/24, 1:52 PM
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Bullcrap. No they wouldn't. After reading your comment, I scrolled through the thread wondering if I could find the answer to why someone would take the word "Epstein-type" personally. I couldn't think of any reason. Because my thoughts immediately went to Epstein, the abuser and trafficker of young girls, and wondered who could defend such an evil man and take criticisms of him personally. I was truly baffled.

And then I find that someone took the word "Epstein-type" alone as antisemitism and pretended to think everyone else would as well. It certainly never occurred to me even when pondering the matter.. One would have to be looking hard to find antisemitism to find it in a reference to Jeffrey Epstein.

Joe said...

Democrats against Election Integrity.

Deep State Reformer said...

Total war without limits to the death. Not joking one bit.

Mary Beth said...

I'm stocking up on some extra things like toilet paper, paper towels, pantry foods, and pet food. I am not expecting the collapse of civilization, but I wouldn't be surprised about some supply chain issues due to roads being blocked and other unlawful acts that get written off as mostly peaceful protests and people venting their emotions (because taking to the streets and torching businesses is apparently how adults process their emotions now.)

If I'm wrong and everything is fine, then buying those things will be just one thing I won't have to worry about during the Nov-Dec holiday season.

FormerLawClerk said...

And they need to know we are going to react very violently to stolen elections.

FormerLawClerk said...

They usually post from foreign countries. Like you did. If you backtrace the IP address of the poster, you can tell they're from ... say ... Sweden. Because all IP addresses in Sweden are known. Then you can use OSINT (open-source intelligence tools) to narrow down their probable location.

FormerLawClerk said...

The real question is will the FBI assist him in doing that.

FormerLawClerk said...

Bungholes. I'm pretty sure they're going with bunghole hats this time.

FormerLawClerk said...

You can bet your ass the Democrats won't be moving en masse to Canada, like we all hope they do.

Old and slow said...

Perhaps it was this line from doctrev that clued me in. "It's possible people would cheer on Tel Aviv being nuked" Yeah, I suppose you must be right. It would be silly to associate an enthusiasm for nuclear annihilation of the Jewish state with antisemitism.

gspencer said...

Two stolen elections in a row could be a problem.

Martin said...

They will not accept it at all.

Maynard said...

The rioting that occurs when Trump wins will be ascribed to Trump's divisiveness by the DNC-MSM. Attempts to control the riots will be seen as a clear sign of Trump's authoritarianism.

It is as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.

Stephen said...

Too obvious to say, perhaps, but this is false equivalence. Trump's record of "not taking it well" is the worst in American history, by a wide margin.

Dr Weevil said...

When your reaction to "Epstein-type" people is to justify nuking a Jewish city, it's perfectly obvious that you are equating pedophiles and Jews, and want to kill the latter because the former deserve killing. Concluding from the fact that Epstein was a Jew (at least ethnically) and a pedophile that all (or most, or even a disproportionate percentage of) Jews are pedophiles is in fact grossly, disgustingly, contemptibly antisemitic. Denying that doctrev is an antisemite makes you either a liar or a fool, cfs.

Aught Severn said...

I have to admit, that made me chuckle

gadfly said...

Mark Levin threw softballs at Trump last night. The no longer conservative commentator said that President Joe Biden or Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris could tell the Attorney General to "knock it off" regarding the federal cases against Trump. He went on to ask, "this election interference never ends, does it?"

"Actually, but you know the good news it's so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up. When people get indicted your poll numbers go down," Trump said.

Only Biden can give directions to Merrick Garland, but there is no evidence that he ever has done so. Demented Donald just said he has every right to interfere in presidential elections - and Levin never responded.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

If Trump "loses", it will be because of corrupt Democrat lawfare, and election fraud, including voting by illegal aliens the Democrats let into the country, and blocked Republicans from stopping them from voting.

So it's not possible for Harris to win legitimately, thanks to the Democrats' choices.

So if Harris "wins", it's time for a real and bloody insurrection to make sure Trump is still installed as president.

When, like the Democrats, you aren't willing to allow an honest election, it's your own fault when the other side refuses to accept your "victory"

Greg The Class Traitor said...


Because 1/6 showed there's no point in showing up to a protest unarmed

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"If it’s a free, fair and transparent election", there will be Unicorn farts sprinkling Skittles all over the place.

In this one, Democrats engaged in corrupt lawfare, and are fighting to let non-US Citizens vote.

Which means any victory they have is dishonest

Interested Bystander said...

Trump winning may set off a real insurrection. I recently read the story about the 5 months between Lincoln’s election and the assault on Ft. Sumter. The slave holders were so angry they couldn’t see any other way. The socialists will make the BLM riots look tame by comparison. I’d bet they are staging for it right now.

Interested Bystander said...

The Demon of Unrest.” My favorites of his are The Devil in the White City aI should have credited Erik Larson, the author of “The Demon of Unrest.” My favorites of his are “The Devil in the White City” about a serial killer at the Chicago World’s Fair and “In the Garden of Beasts” about the US ambassador to Germany and his family as they assigned to work in Germany before the US entered the war in 1942.

Michael K said...

Other than Hillary's ?

Michael K said...

"Stephen" how is the pay from Harris-Walz ?

Michael K said...

How would you recognize a Conservative, gadfly ?

Achilles said...

Stephen is just a dishonest piece of shit. The Russian Collusion Hoax by itself is worse than anything any recent republican has done.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Democrats' attacks on Trump are all, without exception, garbage

The President is the head of the Federal Gov't, including the DoJ

Therefore, he bears ultimate responsibility for the DoJ's political corruption in going after the Republican Presidential candidate

But you are a sick and twisted corrupt little Nazi yourself, gadfly, so you enjoy seeing the DoJ be like you

Gospace said...

The question is- will it actually be fake in Walz's case?

Gospace said...

As far as the brick or Molotov cocktail one of Niven's Laws: "Never throw shit at an armed man!" with it's added corollary: "Never stand next to someone throwing shit at an armed man!"

Anyone in a riot is a target. Shooting randos gets the hanger's on to scatter fast. And- more important then shooting the throwers- anyone with a megaphone or appearing to direct others.

Lilly, a dog said...

All the hot air in this thread could roast a turkey.

hombre said...

How well did they take it last time? If he wins, Dementiacrats will go for civil war or anarchy. OTOH, if he loses, we will face foreign takeover, civil war, anarchy, Dementiacrats tyranny or some combination.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Why would he create a fake one, when that's actually true of Walz?

Jim at said...

All the hot air in this thread could roast a turkey.

Maybe so. But the people who aren't venting their grievances are the ones you need to worry about.

traditionalguy said...

What did Hillary warn her crew? It was about all of them being lynched if Trump investigated their crimes. But The Donald tried to get along with them. This time they know he won’t do that.

So MAGA better ramp up security for Trump and especially for Musk.

The Godfather said...

I think it's important to remember that the choice between the Republican and the Democrat candidate for President didn't used to be seen as a life-or-death decision. My earliest memory of a Presidential Election was in 1952. My parents, who were both "moderate Republicans" (if you can imagine such a thing), told me that after the Republicans nominated Ike and the Democrats nominated Stevenson, "the country can't lose", no matter who wins. And I think that was largely true then.

The first election I was able to vote in (you had to be 21 then) was 1964, Goldwater-Johnson. And although I think it's likely that Pres. Goldwater would have limited US involvement in Viet Nam more than Pres. Johnson did, I don't know what academic historians of the day would have agreed.

TickTock said...

And your take on Arizona?

Lilly, a dog said...

Well, Jim at, I only know that you'll be right here on this blog on 11/6, still talking tough on the interwebs and whining like a fucking baby.

Wince said...

Gadfly said…
“Only Biden can give directions to Merrick Garland, but there is no evidence that he ever has done so.”

Biden had 'said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6,' the [NYT] report stated.

Gospace said...

Academics of the day back then thought Goldwater was going to precipitate a nuclear holocaust. And that's exactly what the DemoncRAT television ads portrayed.

rhhardin said...

Trump won't win. There are too many pregnancy-aged women voting against Republican-brand short-time abortion restrictions.

Jim at said...

that you'll be right here on this blog on 11/6, still talking tough on the interwebs and whining like a fucking baby.

I must've missed where I've been talking tough and whining. Maybe you should take a break and focus on where the real problems lie.

narciso said...

Goldwater wanted full committment or to stay out, instead we stepped into the big muddy

Fletcher Knebel thought the war might have been over Iran, in the intro to Seven Days in May,

Inga said...

It sounds like 8 Chan in here. So many eager insurrectionists .

Witness said...

Are we talking 2016 not taking it well or 2020 not taking it well?

Big Mike said...

Oh Hell. Back in 1969-1971 I was an enlisted man working in an IT shop in the Pentagon. Everyone was 100% certain that bombing Hanoi and mining Haiphong harbor would absolutely result in the USSR and Red China entering the war on North Vietnam’s side, leading in turn to a nuclear holocaust. Then Nixon did both, and none of that happened. So much for conventional wisdom.

Big Mike said...

@TickTock, + 1

Christopher B said...

To Gospace's comment, I'd add all the hooey about Ronald Reagan's foreign policies.

I do, however, agree with you in general terms. Contrary to what people often suggest, I suspect it was really 1994 that broke the Democrats. The period of (largely) Democrat control of Congress for the previous 60 years was a real anomaly in American politics but it got to be conventional wisdom that the Democrats were the 'Congressional' party and the Republicans were the 'Presidental' party. Newt knocked that right out, then it was followed by W's near-Electoral College-only win (though the CW was that *Gore* was going to win the EC but not the popular vote) and then Trump did win that way in 2016, beating all the odds makers.

effinayright said...

But you "worried" about them as a consequence of this election. What a dingbat!

If you were really "worried" you would have a loaded sidearm to repel invaders breaking down your door. A sidearm you would empty into the chest of a crazed Dem intruder.

But groceries!! They are things to die for!!!! SNORT

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Judge Merchan will be putting Trump in jail next week so that Kackula won't have to debate him. That's how far they will go.

Iman said...

“It sounds like 8 Chan in here. So many eager insurrectionists.”

Damn it! THAT’S who you remind me of: Carol Channing.

Jim at said...

It sounds like 8 Chan in here. So many eager insurrectionists .

What in theee hell is 8 Chan?

Once again - much like qanon, the buggaloo boys or the other monsters you create - you seem to know FAR more about those things than those of us who are supposed to be card-carrying members.

Jim at said...

I suspect it was really 1994 that broke the Democrats.

Absolutely. Same thing happened in Washington state when we took control of the House. I was there. Up to my ears.

Co-workers across the aisle who used to be friends? I was suddenly a Nazi.

This shit isn't new.

Rusty said...

Morons will do moron stuff. The rest of us will protect our property and our lives. The morons will try and dox the rest of us. Swat us if they can. I'm talking about the usual suspects on this site.

Rusty said...

They'vwe always been against election integrity.

boatbuilder said...

Levin was a Cruz guy in 2016, and was very, very critical of Trump. He is a Constitutionalist. He saw what has happened over the past 8 years and recognizes the threat to our country.

PM said...

It'll be the usual:
"Not my President."
"I'm leaving the country."
"Idiots between the coasts."

Aggie said...

You know, maybe the best response to big planned, NGO-financed riots in the major (blue) cities, is to forgo any Federal funds for re-building if they refuse the National Guard the first time it's offered, write an Executive Order absolving insurance companies, and just let all those Democrat mayors handle it. They speak beautifully, you know.

Peglegged Picador said...

Y'all are ding dongs. Althouse, please flag this post so we can compare it to reality if these jokers get what they want and we have to live another 4 years under Trump.

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