September 21, 2024

Sunrise — 6:39, 6:41, 6:46, 6:46.






Political Junkie said...

Not every day North Carolina basketball loses 70 - 50 to James Madison.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Things are so bad right now; K & T are joyfully running against Biden.

link X video

Big Mike said...

It wasn’t basketball, it was football. Schools from major conferences usually pay colleges from lower-ranked conferences. In this case the contract paid the JMU Dukes $10,000 per point scored, so the Dukes were incentivized to run up the score. UNC now owes JMU $700,000 after being blown out.

James Madison is about a half hour or so south of where I
I live. It’s not UVA, but it’s not a bad college either.

Political Junkie said...

That was a joke, Big Mike.

gilbar said...

wait a minute.. are y'all implying that UNC plays football? that's news to me..
wait another minute.. maybe you AREN'T implying that at all

Caroline said...

World on fire!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

No one jokes about Carolina basketball! Ever! They save the jokes up for Duke and NCSU.

TickTock said...

Whole lotta red going on there.

gadfly said...

The official @MyPillowUSA X (formerly Twitter) account tweeted an advertisement for its pillows with a price tag of $14.88. The number "1488" is a reference to the "14 words" slogan frequently used by neo-Nazis: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The "88" is a reference to the eighth letter of the alphabet twice, interpreted by neo-Nazis to mean "Heil Hitler."

As suspected, Mike Lindell is a Nazi.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

That can’t be right, gadfly. All the people who want to kill Jews are Kamala Harris supporters. Go to Dearborn and ask. Or coming soon to a campus near you.

BG said...

This won’t end well:

wendybar said...

You idiots will never stop, will you?? Get a life gad. If you want to see what a Nazi looks like, look at Gavin Newsome who just banned mean memes because they hurt his widdle biddy feelings. They aren't even trying to hide it.

wendybar said...

Even Tim Walz agrees...
Tim Walz: “We can’t afford four more years of this!”

wendybar said...

"While the Teamsters have decided to withhold a call to vote for Kamala Harris in this election, the tax collectors for the welfare state have put out their enthusiastic endorsement."

wendybar said...

Unfortunately, there are too many coincidences to be just dumb luck.....

"Prior to their respective assassination attempts targeting Trump, Ryan Routh and Thomas Crooks had extraordinary proximity to U.S. Intelligence, demonstrated foreknowledge of Trump’s schedule and security, and acquired skills that intelligence agencies have a history of sharing with assets."

Dr Weevil said...

Poor stupid gadfly can't seem to handle simple arithmetic. If "1488" = Nazi, then 14.88 is obviously one-hundredth of a Nazi, and gadfly himself has a higher percentage of Nazi in him than that.

I worked in a small town in PA a few years ago, and often had the cheap breakfast (two eggs, toast, and OJ, I think it was) at the local diner with Bible quotations prominently displayed on the wall. With tax, the price came out to $6.66. The waitress was mildly amused when I pointed out that the number wasn't very Christian, but not particularly embarrassed: it was just a number, and not even the same number. After all, if "666" is the Mark of the Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns, my $6.66 breakfast only represented seven-hundredths of a head and a tenth of a horn: ugly but not particularly terrifying.

Thomas Wictor once tried to calculate the number of actual Nazis and Klansmen in the U.S. Even adding up the various competing groups of each, he concluded that there were roughly 500 Nazis and 3,500 Klansmen in America. Of course, at least 10% of each, and probably more like 20% or 30%, are undercover agents of federal, state, and local law enforcement. People who pretend to worry about Nazis in America almost invariably support much larger, more dangerous, and less obvious groups that are at least as violent and unAmerican.

Was it Schopenhauer who said that 'Every noxious insect thinks he's Socrates'? So with self-described gadflies. Unlike Socrates, they're almost invariably annoying in an utterly useless way.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: Trump is not going to be allowed to win

Hint:: What Actually Happened with All the "Trump" 2020 Election Lawsuits - Viva & Barnes

Jaq said...

Maybe some of the cheerleaders for for the Kiev side of the Ukrainian civil war, which has been going on for a decade, BTW, ever since the coup, can update us on the Kursk operation. I have been assured that it is a serious operation and a serious threat to Putin's power. Any updates?

How about the HIMARS? Don't tell me that we exposed one of our premier weapons systems to combat and now it has been solved, and the Chinese are being filled in on how to deal with this threat? Hint: Drones with night vision and range, so that they are discovered as they are moved around at night, these are something China can manufacture in massive quantities, BTW.

We keep hearing about an agreement where Ukraine had security guarantees, (it didn't) from all sides, well, the Russians offered security guarantees written down, including signing off on additional security guarantees from the West, in exchange for neutrality, three times since, and all three times the Ukrainians tore up the agreements "because Putin can't be trusted," and interestingly, it was never Putin who tore up these agreements, it was always Kiev which refused to live by them, because it was more important to NATO to have nuclear missiles in Ukraine, five minutes from Moscow, than it was for Ukraine to live in peace and security.

Three days before the Russian intervention in the Ukrainian civil war, Moscow tried to find a way out by asking if NATO would agree to a nuclear free Ukraine as part of NATO, and the US refused, saying that it was completely non-negotiable and that as soon as Ukraine was in NATO, nuclear missiles would be stationed there, as I said, five minutes from Moscow. If you don't think that a statement like that was intended to provoke an invasion that we felt would amount to a trap for Russia, well, tell me without saying so that you haven't read any history.

Now the West is finally admitting what had been clear all along, that the neocons like Biden and Blinken dreadfully miscalculated, and that Russia is far stronger than they thought, and the economic sanctions are hurting Europe more than Russia, and advocating starting an economic world war by sanctioning China, because, just as predicted, the whole misadventure was poorly thought out, and the only way that the Biden/Harris Administration can think of to win is to threaten Russia with WW3 and hope that Putin is bluffing, in fact the Biden/Harris Administration wants to bet all of our lives on the opinion that Putin is bluffing.

That is enough reason to vote for Trump right there. The idea that it was ever worth WW3 in order that Ukraine, a country whose very name means in English "The borderlands," and which lies between NATO and Russia, could join part of a hostile and warlike military bloc which seeks the collapse of the Russian Federation is .. well, I can't think of an expression to convey how deeply misguided such a "plan" has been.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Headline: "Arizona Supreme Court OKs nearly 100K people to vote after citizenship proof glitch"

Big Mike said...

This election all of the people who proudly announce that they want to kill Jews are Kamala Harris supporters. You can already find them in Dearborn, Michigan, and in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Coming soon to a campus near you (if they aren’t there already).

Big Mike said...

Well, Political Junkie, it strikes me that the real story is funny enough. Like two weekends ago, when Notre Dame paid Northern Illinois over a million dollars to come to South Bend, only to have the Huskies win.

Jaq said...

Putin, so far, has publicly declared only three red lines.

No NATO in Ukraine. The US crossed it, and now we have the war.

No depleted uranium weapons in Ukraine, as they would consider this the equivalent of using dirty bombs. The UK did it, not the US, we didn't send Abrams tanks with DU armor, but Russia responded by moving nuclear weapons into Belarus. Oh yeah, and the DU tank shells made no difference in combat, since the largest cause of mortality to NATO tanks is drones, which the shells are useless against.

Now they are saying that if the US operates long range missiles that strike in Russia, we will be in a state of war with Russia. As was obvious, but which was proven by the leaked German general's phone call, the Ukrainians can't operate these weapons by themselves, if US missiles are used against Russia, the US will be heavily involved in each strike. This is Putin's reasoning, and if you can talk him out of it, go ahead and try,

The rest of these supposed "red lines" we've crossed were entirely based on speculation on our side as to how much Putin would tolerate, not plain language declarations from the Russians.

Christopher B said...

While demanding a third Democrat debate with Trump, "Say it to my face" Harris ditches another joint appearance hosted by a group that isn't DNC-adjacent.

Humperdink said...

VP candidate Tim Awalz in Bethlehem, PA yesterday: “We can’t afford four more years of this”.

I completely agree. Preach it Tim!

Rocco said...

Dr Weevil said...
"Poor stupid gadfly can't seem to handle simple arithmetic. If '1488' = Nazi, then 14.88 is obviously one-hundredth of a Nazi, and gadfly himself has a higher percentage of Nazi in him than that."

Oh, it gets worse than that.

The Left is always accusing the rest of us of what they are doing. Take gadfly's post and spell out all of the numbers as words (14 = "fourteen", etc). Including his name "gadfly" at the top, it comes out to exactly 88 words. Gadfly is literally screaming "Heil Hitler" at us.

wendybar said...

Elon Musk


Surely Cheney, the IRS, Putin and Iran endorsing Kamala can’t all be wrong! 😑

boatbuilder said...

Well, he's not wrong.

Jersey Fled said...

You were kidding, right Gadfly?

Jersey Fled said...

On X this morning.

“Usher just deleted all of his tweets. The Diddy tapes are about to send hundreds of celebrities to prison.”

Jersey Fled said...

Is the ABC whistleblower document any less credible than the Steele dossier?

narciso said...

Asking for a friend

Leland said...

It is interesting how familiar gadfly is with Nazi lore. It is like he’s a fanboy.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Beautiful photo sequence. An accompaniment - Bad Company"

BUMBLE BEE said...

I keep thinking back to what Buwaya was predicting about USA's future before he bugged out of this blog.

Narayanan said...

these guys need to speak slower - what is the rush? is anybody poundng at doors to arrest them?

Aggie said...

@Dr Weevil, Thomas Wictor now there's a name I haven't heard from in a long while......

Bill Crawford said...

I miss his comments.

Political Junkie said...

I can't believe Timmy said that. Sounded like a W malapropism.

wendybar said...


"Not only did General Milley ignore President Trump’s order to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol on January 6, and not only did General Milley hide this important fact from investigators and the media, but General Milley also reportedly placed the US military under his control following the January 6 riot."

Original Mike said...


Aggie said...

gadfly is amusing himself by winding up the other commenters. This is gadfly, being clever - a legend in his 'owned' mind.

Michael K said...

Me too.

Jaq said...

I was just thinking this morning about how much I miss his comments.

Dr Weevil said...

Thomas Wictor is still around, mostly doing podcasts ('Beard Blather') with his buddy Saul Montes-Bradley on Quod Verum, which S M-B founded. S M-B is also very active on Twitter in English and Spanish - with an itchy block-finger, too - and advertises the podcasts there: follow him at @Debradelai.

Dr Weevil said...

More stupid lies from 'tim in vermont'.

He was of course "assured" nothing about the Kursk operation, since Ukraine has never revealed its aims or planned extent. We do know it's had three huge effects: (a) Russians are being slaughtered and captured there in large numbers, and thousands are now caught in a 'cauldron'; (b) a cease-fire in place is now far less attractive to Putin, since it doesn't mean only keeping Ukrainian land until further notice, but giving up Russian land; (c) as long as Ukraine controls the Sudzha train station, they have complete access to the automated rail tracking system for all of Russia, with up-to-the-minute information on exactly which trains are going where and how fast. This last explains how they blew up three huge ammunition dumps in two days last week, one of which had a 50-car train loaded with ammo in it at the time, taking out something like 12% of all the missiles and bombs in Russia. (The system tracks every individual boxcar, and can only be turned on or off as a whole: no part can be cut off from the rest.)

As for "agreements" and "security guarantees", I've asked him before: name a treaty or security agreement that the USSR or post-Soviet Russia has signed that they did not blatantly and openly violate. There's only one: the Hitler-Stalin pact. (What happened 85 years ago today? A big party in Brest-Litovsk in which Russians and Germans togethr celebrated their conquest of Poland.)

I could go on, but it takes more words to refute stupid lies than to make them, and he just cuts and pastes them from previous posts anyway, like some kind of propagandist paid by the word, whose paymasters are too lazy to see if he's actually said anything new.

Dr Weevil said...

More Putinite lies:

Ukraine never even wanted to join NATO until after the Russian coup and seizure of Crimea and the Russian invasion of the Donbas in 2014. And Russia knows perfectly well that NATO is an entirely defensive alliance. Sweden and Finland recently joined NATO, and the latter doubled the length of the NATO-Russia border. What did Putin do about that? He has since removed nearly all his troops and weapons from the Finnish border, and from Kaliningrad, to send to Ukraine, completely confident that NATO will never cross the border unless attacked by Russia.

"Now they say . . ." whatever they think will fool the gullible, and be passed on by the likes of 'tim in vermont'. I wonder if we will ever get a complete leaked list of who in the US is getting money from Russia. If so, will 'tim in vermont' be on it? Seems likely.

Narayanan said...

where was JAG during all this? why not Trump raise questions on J6 2021?

Jaq said...

"And Russia knows perfectly well that NATO is an entirely defensive alliance."

Yeah. Just ask Moammar Qaddafi, oh wait, I forgot, "We came. We saw. He died." Or Yugoslavia, or Serbia, or Iraq, or Syria...

Jaq said...

"since Ukraine has never revealed its aims or planned extent."

That's right, only trust content from official Ukrainian sources! It couldn't have been the nuclear power plant that they were headed for before being stopped in their tracks. An objective that might have changed the course of the war, had they succeeded, but since they are not saying what they had planned, we are forbidden to use critical thinking to arrive at any inferences.

But as for the Hitler Stalin pact, I suggest that Ukraine return the land that those two evil dictators awarded to Ukraine immediately to Poland. Too bad about all of the Poles there that the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists killed, or the farms that they burned, but what are you gonna do?

Dr Weevil said...

I don't get my knowledge from official Ukrainian sources, though 'tim in vermont' seems to get his from official Russian sources: there's a 100% matchup between what he writes and what is acceptable to Putin.

And anyone with an inkling of strategy has heard of misdirection, making (for instance) an attack that looks like it's headed for a nuclear power plant, forcing the enemy to defend it, when its actual aim is different. Again, if 'tim' read even one quarter of the intelligent and informed Twitter feeds I have repeatedly listed for him, he wouldn't write such stupid things about Ukraine.

I have previously pointed out that the border set by the Hitler-Stalin pact and the border set by Stalin himself after the war are not in fact the same line, and that Ukraine had nothing to do with setting either. But he just can't stop lying.

Jaq said...

So none of Ukraine's asserted territory includes land that was Poland's before the events of WWII? Is that what you are claiming?

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Well trump now has no choice but to do a 2nd debate with Harris as she calls him out.He is the one that needs it fter get slapped around last time and has her caling him punk. He'll have to figure out another story than its too late when people realize in 2020 his 2nd debate with DARKBRANDON(who also slapped him around) was on OCTOBER 22 2020 AND PEOPLE WERE VOTING.. Lets hear it Don ,,I would suggest forget him but Kamala wants him back LET GO NO EXCUSES.

Dr Weevil said...

Anyone who is not a fool can see that that is absolute NOT what I am claiming. Is 'tim in vermont' a subliterate fool, or a shameless liar, or a bit of each?

Michael K said...

DD with another brain less post.

Michael K said...

Anybody else notice the number of lefty tolls lately?

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