NEW: Full exchange of the incident leading up to Joe Biden putting on a Trump 2024 hat.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) September 12, 2024
Biden: "Sure, I'll autograph [a hat]."
Man: "You remember your name?"
Biden: "I don't remember my name... I'm slow."
Man: "You're an old fart."
Biden: "Yeah, I'm an old guy... You would…
So, I thought Biden was a nice, funny grandpa-like guy in this clip. Still wondering who's running things, though.
Not funny. I assure you it is horrible and a disgrace this is happening in our country. I say this as a dog and cat owner who works with rescues and knows migrants bring with them and implement their culture of abuse, torture, killing, and consumption of pets and strays. We have our own demented and evil people here. We don't need the lunatics from other countries.
That was my thought too, Jamie. I liked this guy. Where has he been the past 40 years?
John Henry
Tax-funded gender surgeries in prisons is so crazy that they think WE made it up
Roll the tape…
My question still stands. Why won’t the Fake News send reporters to Springfield and interview residents? Fox had a Springfield woman on this AM and no question about pets. Unacceptable!
Democrats do not care about your dead mother - or son or daughter - killed by an illegal immigrant.
That was a nice moment. It's a shame Biden will probably be punished for it. Our politics would be better if things like this were allowed to just happen and weren't capitalized on.
In another clip of the event you can see the kids. They are all wearing Trump t shirts.
Is Joe going to jump on the MAGA train? Too much to hope for I'm sure.
Is that even Joe Biden and not a double?
John Henry
Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
Cats and dogs will wind up in a curry
Cats and dogs will wind up in a curry if the Dem's on top
Why is Biden perpetuating the stereotype that immigrants eat dogs and cats? It (1) increases the importance of immigration in the political discourse (Democrats' worst issue), and (2) others immigrants in a particularly repugnant way (increasing anti-immigrant sentiment).
When I visited the Philippines, my Filipino relatives joked frequently that you shouldn’t let your pet dog run free because somebody might cook and eat it.
These are faces of the 9/11 victims. Harris said January 6th was worse. ABC hacks agree.
roll out those lazy
hazy crazy Summer days
hot dogs pretzels beer
make sure you ask for the “Perros Panchero”
Ay chihuahua!
Dog Recipes tip: to tenderize a good steak, let age a week – or 1 day in human time.
Roast Spotted Dick, a la dalmation.
I just asked ChatGPT when the Philippines outlawed eating dog. Answer: 1998.
How long have we known that eating dogs and cats in East Asia is acceptable? Further repugnant that they consider the meat to be most tender and delicious if the animal dies in great pain and suffering? That kittens are a delicacy in southeast Asia?
Are these reports from Ohio that incredible then?
Facing pressure from animal rights groups, Thailand banned the dog meat trade ten years ago. Now the soi dogs are all over the place in great number. I wish one of you do-gooders would come and adopt the pack that is howling outside my home right now.
It's cultural imperialism, you do-good bastards!
Spay and neuter. It works.
It seems to me that assimilation is a big part of the problem. It's inarguable that different cultures have different attitudes about domesticated animals. We Westerners think of dogs and cats and sometimes considerably less "ordinary" animals as pets - some of us keep guinea pigs and potbellied pigs and snakes and iguanas as pets. And our attitude about pets is extreme by historical standards - cats no longer have the responsibility for keeping the barn pest-free, dogs generally don't have to support hunting for sustenance. Pets are purely for fun and companionship.
My neighborhood has a high proportion of people from the Indian subcontinent, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean - but pretty much all educated professionals. Even so, few seem to have (or at least walk) dogs, and in talking with friends a generation removed from these regions, I hear that the reason is commonly cultural. When I'm walking my dog, I go way off the sidewalk when I encounter people walking who have "that" expression - ranging from distaste to fear - on their faces; they are uncomfortable with my dog's proximity and I'm giving them space. But I also smile and greet them, acknowledging that MY behavior in having and walking my dog is perfectly normal. My neighbors are largely but not perfectly assimilated to the way Westerners live.
Clearly there will be some immigrant communities that are much less so. Should we be surprised if the attitudes toward domestic animals in these communities are different from ours? But we do have a right to say, "This is how it's done here. A degree of assimilation is mandatory."
Never eat a greyhound though!
Fast food is bad for you.
"Woof!", "Woof Woof!" - Captain and Matey, my next door neighbors.
They should get a say in this, and now they have.
If eating dog is outlawed, only outlaws will eat dogs.
Maybe these animals are not being used simply for culinary purposes. It might be for religious reasons.
"Animal Sacrifice - A variety of animals might be killed during a Vodou ritual, depending upon the lwa being addressed. It provides spiritual sustenance for the lwa, while the flesh of the animal is then cooked and eaten by participants." - The Basic Beliefs of Vodou
The Philippines’ ban on eating dog meat has an exception for indigenous people practicing their faith and reituals.
When I worked in Indonesia, I would drive past the marketplace on my way to work. One day of the week, there would be stack cages of puppies, in the 10-15 lb range. It really used to get to me.
Do you think predator wolves should be “reintroduced” to Springfield?
Dear/etc., Democrats are fine with YOUR raped/murdered daughter/wife/mother as well as your eaten cat/dog. It's a small price for others to pay in order to have stolen elections in perpetuity.
Looks like Joe has moved past the humiliation of being routed from office, and let it go. I wonder how Jill is faring.
This young woman has a true story related to Trump comments. Maybe what Trump said was dismissed prematurely. (btw How does Musk find time to tweet and guide space walks? What is his secret?)
Yes, but I hear it's dog gone good.
@Jamie. Bingo!
C'mon John Henry, you're to smart to think that Joe Biden is some nice old man all of a sudden. He's the same nasty POS that he's always been. The illegal immigration has and will continue to be a disaster for the US. Some folksy joke does not remedy that.
And Jamie, they are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.
Michelle Obama once publicly stated (I paraphrase) “It’s time we initiate new traditions...” Maybe now is the time for Springfield to begin a yearly VOODOO FESTIVAL to welcome their new neighbors. It could lead to a another National Holiday, ZOMBIE DAY, for the Haitians who are awarded government jobs. Good idea? Bad idea?
You know the old joke about how you can build 1000 bridges and nobody calls you a "bridgebuilder" but you fuck ONE GOAT!
That's the problem with Trump. He will will always fuck the goat and "Trump Fucks Goat" will be the headline. He can't help himself.
This is the part of the campaign when I tell you this should be a slamdunk landslide victory right now. It should not be close. Blame the media all you want but Trump is the one fucking goats and they report on it. Don't like it: nominate candidates that fuck fewer goats.
This was the plan all along. Get the GOP locked in on Trump and then pull the plug on Joe. I've been saying this forever while all the smartypant Trumpies cackle and crow about the latest dumb polls that don't even have the right candidates.
I still think Trump probably wins, but this should not be close. The reason this is even close is Trump is a goat-fucking loser that has no discipline.
Jill is seething, biding her time, planning a surprise payback for all their “well meaning Democrat fiends, I mean friends. Once Hunter “comes down” from his latest binge he’ll add some ideas of his own. Didn’t some Wag state, “Don’t f**k with the Biden’s” or am I mistaken?
No molesting your underage daughter. #HateLovesAbortion
The difference in productivity between people who live in habitats with benefits and those with homes maintained by their own labor and capital.
Rember: no aborting babies... dogs and cats deemed unworthy of life or otherwise inconvenient to social and Democratic progress.
I haven’t watched the video yet. But like the skeptical look of the young girl in the red t-shirt.
Benghazi is ALWAYS forgotten by the media and politicians. 9/11/12 Never Forget Hussein and Hillary's victims
What to Know About Kamala Harris’ Controversial Debate Earrings
Now that Biden's completely out of the loop and doesn't have to pretend to be running anything, he can work on solidifying his "grandfatherly" image. That's going to be his "legacy," just like house building and peacemaking became Jimmy Carter's legacy.
That is hilarious!
I've never heard that and wonder why you heard it. Who warned you of this and why did they feel the need to give you this warning?
This dunce has always considered himself to be quite the wag. Pretty much he alone. So here he is being "funny" yet again.
"Don't like it: nominate candidates that fuck fewer goats."
But you're the one who doesn't like it.
Don't like Trump: Win the primary with the goat-neglecter of your choice.
"This was the plan all along. Get the GOP locked in on Trump and then pull the plug on Joe."
Who's plan? The Dem masterminds who control everyone's thoughts but yours? If they can control so many people's political preferences, why don't they just make us all vote Dem?
From the NYTimes, August 9, 1982:
"Every so often a news report rereminds us that sizable communities Vietnam War refugees now in America brought with them customs that war with American law.
"In 1980 Southeast Asian refugees were reported poaching and eating squirrels, ducks and dogs in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
"With their old world hunting and trapping skills, they were attempting to carry on the way of life they had known, in a place they did not know.
"In 1981, a similar problem confounded wildlife authorities in Utah. Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian refugees were poaching deer, porcupines, skunks, doves, woodpeckers, robins, baby birds, duck eggs and fish...."
Here's the link:
And BTW, it's pretty clear that 1) it's happening in Springfield, Ohio, and 2) Springfield's city government isn't telling the truth.
I agree with you, george, He is still a nasty piece of shit. But in this video clip he seemed OK and if that was who he really was (it isn't) I would like him a lot more. Not his policies, but his person.
I did ask in my next comment if that was really Joe Biden or if it was one of the doubles that rumor has taking his place.
Too nice to really be him.
John Henry
They should move to more rural locations. Talking the other day with the guy across the street, in MT. You could eat quite well on the deer infesting the town. You can’t discharge a firearm within the city limits, so talk shifted to bow hunting. No noticeable sound. Besides, your hunting rifles are gross overkill for hitting deer 20 ft from the house. Keep those for elk hunting, which have a lot more meat. Besides we have turkeys in the neighborhood, and Canadian Geese manage to befoul our local parks every year with their feces. We are completely surrounded by National Forests, teaming with edible (and carnivorous too) wildlife, with NFS law enforcement underfunded, like most of the rest of the agency, due to the ever increasing cost of fighting fires, after a century of increasingly reckless mismanagement of their forests.
“You put ‘em on the menu, Dementia Joe.”
“The Philippines’ ban on eating dog meat has an exception for indigenous people practicing their faith and obedience training.”
Muslims hate dogs as "unclean."
And Jamie, they are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.
But would it matter? An unassimilated person whose behavior is unacceptable by a nation's standards is a problem whether that person is in the country legally or illegally. The problem I'm trying to highlight is the idea that we, because we're part of the evil colonialist West, have no right to demand a certain degree of assimilation from everyone who comes here.
I'm thinking, of course, of the groomer gangs of Rotherham and the areas of European countries where sharia law is THE law rather than the laws of those countries. In legal terms (obligatory reminder that IANAL), it seems to me that this Springfield story comes down to poaching, theft, destruction of property - not to human trafficking and gang rape.
So far. Yet. As far as we know. But victims, actual survivors of the grooming gangs tried in vain to get anyone to believe them for years because of the stupid cultural guilt that accompanies multiculturalism. Would we find out if a grooming gangs was operating in blue City or a blue state? Or, like the people of Rotherham, would we be told to shut up, racist, because all cultures are equally worthy except ours which is self-evidently evil?
I mean, we know the answer, don't we? We are being told to shut up, racist, simply for thinking that it's plausible that this story could be true.
Hence, assimilation - and our right to insist on it - is a big part of the problem.
DD comes along with these weird takes once a while. Best ignored.
Good points. Why are we importing Muslims?
I thought DD was sort of “coming around” lately, but “around” ends up being around teh bend…
“and Canadian Geese manage to befowl our local parks every year”
As long as people keep talking about it, the underlying subject of illegal immigration is still on people's minds. Trump wins.
Keep talking, leftists. You're doing us a favor.
That's the problem with Trump. He will will always fuck the goat and "Trump Fucks Goat" will be the headline. He can't help himself.
Maybe in your circle, people are talking about fucking goats. But the independents are talking about our open borders.
What a colossal shame that this wasn’t the Joe Biden America saw after his inauguration. He really could’ve helped immensely to heal the partisan divide. Instead he chose to vilify Trump and his supporters for three plus years.
Truly a tragedy. I could’ve supported this Biden, at least somewhat.
Whenever I "come around," Trump reminds me that he is a dipshit that loses elections and you are a bunch of crybabies that can't understand why?
Seriously, people. How fucking in the cult are you morons. Your emperor's brains have been secretly replaced with Folger's crystals and the ground meat of your neighbors pets. My lord. Biden's uncle was eaten by cannibals and then the Hattians ate all the dogs and cats and you are stupid and don't forget it.
Your hero had a chance to put Harris out to the pasture and he SHIT THE BED like he always does. He is a loser. He loses. He loses so often I have gotten sick of all the losing.
Cry about the refs more, losers.
Maybe get a real candidate next time.
Well.... at least you're not so distraught that you're thinking of voting for Kamala. Right? Or wrong?
Make sure you call a cab or Uber, DD! Get home safely.
Of all the acronyms and initialisms out there, Jamie, the use of IANAL might be a little misconstrued especially if you are texting on a smart phone and it uses autocorrect. Tread carefully and review everything before you hit the send button. I recall a nice young lady whom I had invited for a dinner at my place -- she knew I was a chef -- and she meant to send the text "I can't wait to taste your cooking." It arrived to me, to her chagrin and my amusement, as "I can't wait to taste your cock ring." I politely informed her with that TMI reply of, "I haven't ever used one, but......"
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