September 19, 2024

"Powered by just a few ounces of an explosive compound concealed within the devices, the blasts sent grown men flying off motorcycles and slamming into walls..."

"... according to witnesses and video footage. People out shopping fell to the ground, writhing in agony, smoke snaking from their pockets. Mohammed Awada, 52, and his son were driving by one man whose pager exploded, he said. 'My son went crazy and started to scream when he saw the man’s hand flying away from him,' he said."

From "How Israel Built a Modern-Day Trojan Horse: Exploding Pagers/The Israeli government did not tamper with the Hezbollah devices that exploded, defense and intelligence officials say. It manufactured them as part of an elaborate ruse" (NYT).
[Hezbollah chief, Hassan Nasrallah] had been pushing for years for Hezbollah to invest... in pagers, which for all their limited capabilities could receive data without giving away a user’s location or other compromising information, according to American intelligence assessments....

Not only did Mr. Nasrallah ban cellphones from meetings of Hezbollah operatives, he ordered that the details of Hezbollah movements and plans never be communicated over cellphones, said three intelligence officials. Hezbollah officers, he ordered, had to carry pagers at all times, and in the event of war, pagers would be used to tell fighters where to go.

Over the summer, shipments of the pagers to Lebanon increased, with thousands arriving in the country and being distributed among Hezbollah officers and their allies, according to two American intelligence officials.

To Hezbollah, they were a defensive measure, but in Israel, intelligence officers referred to the pagers as “buttons” that could be pushed when the time seemed ripe.... 

Did Israel engage in terrorism? One commenter over there — "Anon" — offers an answer:

It's not terrorism. If you are targeting military operatives or terrorists, and have no desire or intent to threaten or harm civilians, it's not terrorism. It's clear Israel designed the attack to optimally only harm the person wearing the pager. The videos confirm, how surgically precise this operation was. The two me shown being blasted by these mini-bombs had dedicated themselves to inflicting his kind of harm on civilian children and women.


Money Manger said...

Brilliant, just brilliant.

There will, of course, be stories of collateral damage--nearby innocents, women and children--who were harmed. These stories will be amplified by sympathetic press. But sadly, such is war.

Todd said...

It's not terrorism. If you are targeting military operatives or terrorists, and have no desire or intent to threaten or harm civilians, it's not terrorism. It's clear Israel designed the attack to optimally only harm the person wearing the pager.

THIS! A thousand times this! Anyone calling this military operation terrorism or equivalent is nothing more than an Israeli hating, terrorist sympathizer and has a case of the sads because their side got spanked HARD with near zero collateral damage.

When an enemy who's often stated goal is to eradicate you and yours from the planet, specifically hides and launches operations from within civilians (in this case there are factually few civilians left in these terrorist territories - most of the local civilians laud the terrorists and their acts), and specifically target civilians, all bets are off. This was a masterstroke of planning and execution that not only caused very targeted mass casualties of a very many within the organization that were high enough within to rate a pager but has the side effect (that could have been demonstrated the next day with the walky-talkies) that there was a more extensive infiltration than their worst fears. Additionally the intel collected after the triggering is invaluable. All those went for medical aid, those who took them, etc. Talk about 4D chess...

R C Belaire said...

Now, when my cell phone rings/pings, I hesitate just a bit...

Wince said...

Dang, that can’t be good news for Israeli sex toy exports.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m pro-Israel. I understand why the Israelis have to do this. No way I’m doing a victory dance over this carnage. I’d rather know as little as possible about the details.

Dave Begley said...

Certainly one of the best covert ops of all time. Right up there with Operation Mincemeat.

R C Belaire said...

I didn't realize AA had a tag labelled "body parts." Must be new.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"Anon" used the term mini-bomb which is much, much better than referring to the devices collectively as a modern-day Trojan horse which is pretty stupid. (Referring to a type of malware as a Trojan is tolerable enough in the spirit of charity but you really have to use your imagination.)

The NYT would still have missed the mark, but would have picked up some points, had it referred to the mini-bombs collectively as a large, wooden badger.

Duke Dan said...

Missing from all the MSM articles is the number of rockets hezbollah has been shooting into Israel. That is the justification for this.

Lucien said...

What’s Lebanese for “Hold on a sec., my pager’s going off”?
And it’s probably far less than “a few ounces” of explosive. One hypothesis is that the explosive was about 20 grams, in a dummy battery.

Ann Althouse said...

If Nasrallah really did order Hezbollah officers "to carry pagers at all times," then the pager should not have been carried by any child.

Ann Althouse said...

Did any pager explode that was not a pager belonging to someone who was a military target?

Crimso said...

Or by any Iranian diplomats...

rehajm said...

Do we know there aren’t child Hezbollah officers?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Asymmetric warfare is the trend. For context, recall that in 1978 Hezbollah poisoned citrus groves in Israel subsequently sickening thousands of innocent people in Europe and throughout the Mid-East. They admitted their goal was to sow distrust of Israeli products. They have now and again reaped what they have sown.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Don’t overlook yesterday’s radio (walkie talkies) encore to the pagers, conveniently timed to eliminate Hezbollah operatives attending the funerals of their fallen comrades. And this was as much an intelligence gathering operation as an attack. They managed to simultaneously reveal thousands of enemy soldiers hiding among civilians and track through news reports, social media and emergency services who was where when it happened. In a moment they created a hugely valuable “Social Graph” of their enemy’s network and associates and families.

Leland said...

It is interesting that the NYT knows how Israel managed to manufacture and get Hezbollah to hand out weapons to its own people to use against themselves. Yet the FBI still can't explain what happened in Butler, PA.
From what I can tell, this is certainly not a coincidence, so I'll accept a plan. Israel has carried out some amazing technologically challenging tasks in the past, such as Stuxnet. And Israel is most likely capable and certainly have incentive to have carried out this event as an attack. It is also easy for Hezbollah to create a false flag by handing out pagers that explode. While I can guess all this has to do with releasing the potential energy stored in a lithium battery; what I don't know is how you go from pagers to walkie/talkies that also explode on demand.
I also don't find any of this news to be comforting.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

And please note, they have a real-time map of terrorist locations, homes, cars, meeting places. They found out the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon received one of the Hezbollah pagers. The data is even more important than the damage.

James K said...

I would think if there had been, it would have been widely publicized by Hezbollah propagandists and the NYT (but I repeat myself). This was probably the most surgical strike ever.

It was suggested that if the converse happened (a Hezbollah terrorist's phone did not explode), that would immediately put him under suspicion as a mole for the Mossad.

Christopher B said...

As with the reporting that claims gun shots are a leading cause of death for "children" in the US, the terrorists and their symps will define anybody under about 25 as a "child". It's also not inconceivable that children could have been close enough to the intended target to be hit by shrapnel or blast effects. The explosions didn't just disable the devices.

Christopher B said...

The recent reporting I have read indicates the initial assumption of some exploit that caused the devices to malfunction and explode, ala the Stuxnet attack on Iranian centrifuges, was incorrect. It now appears the Israeli's either physically intercepted one or more shipments of pagers to be distributed and implanted explosives, or possibly even manufactured booby-trapped devices themselves and inserted them into the terrorist's distribution chain.

I don't see any reason for Hezbollah to run a false flag like this. It would only get all the guys without exploding devices to throw them away (how are you going to convince them the device you hand them now isn't boobytrapped?) and wasn't likely to cause any significant number of collateral casualties. They can get more mileage out of exploiting Western media sympathy to mislabel their own failed attacks as we saw in the hospital parking lot bombing.

Derve Swanson said...

Blaming the victim.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Boom Boom,
out goes the - pagers?

Derve Swanson said...

Blaming the victim.

Ann Althouse
Did any pager explode that was not a pager belonging to someone who was a military target?
9/19/24, 5:48 AM
= "tough tiddy to any 4th grader standing too close to her pa... Israel at war with the world and err'body a target... They gotta defend theyselves, dontchano??"
"hey guys, d brew crew clinched. yipppeeeee. Go team."

lol you're silly grrl, ann. that what they luv about you. don't ever change?? ;0)

Temujin said...

I love how the US State Dept., the White House spokespeople, and more than a couple of congresspeople have indicated that they are not pleased at all with this, that Israel 'owes' them an explanation.

What they're pissed at is that Israel no longer tells the US what its military plans are. At least not the specific strategic strikes. The last few have caught the brilliant State Dept. team off guard. And who could blame the Israelis? When they did tell the US, Hamas was always one to two steps ahead of the Israelis. When they ceased telling the US, the strategic strikes against Hamas, and now Hezbollah have worked.

Our government has made it so the Israelis trust them as little as most Americans do. Such is the legacy of our Deep State.

Narayanan said...

so ... let it vibrate!!!!!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Exactly. And it was PETN that they planted inside the batteries so it was undetectable. Some reports indicate the Israelis were paid by Hezbollah for the pagers through the front company the Mossad set up.

Iman said...

So… they’ll reap what they have sown. One more blow against the pestilence.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Irony is indeed dead, Temujin. This is the same government that can't even keep Trump's last minute golf plans a secret. If you want all the wrong people to know something, tell a Fed.

Howard said...

Of course it's terrorism. That doesn't make it wrong. They have definitely terrorized Hezbollah who will now doubt every stinking single communication device and other electronic devices that they use. The psychological value goes Way beyond the actual number of deaths

Jaq said...

It's all cowboys and Indians all over again, isn't it.

Iman said...

“Hit ‘em again! Hit ‘em again! Harder! Harder!”

Tina Trent said...

Gliders, thus pagers. Nothing to celebrate, but I guess one's response depends on whether or not one thinks Israel has the right to exist.

Todd said...

On top of all of the direct FUD [as someone else pointed out] they also have to worry/question anyone who had a pager that did NOT "self-destruct". Would HATE to be that guy today...

Oso Negro said...

tim in vermont said...
It's all cowboys and Indians all over again, isn't it.

It is. Fuck the indians. Stone age savages. Let's hope the Israelis don't leave enough to staff a casino.

Jaq said...

That's right, they are not human. You have got the gist of it now! I mean what normal person would be angered by having their land taken away from them? Oh, that's right, there was never any such thing as "Palestine" not even when the Romans took all of the men of Judea they could round up and removed them to Rome as slaves, (You can read about it on a plaque that still remains int the Colosseum and the Arch of Titus) and the Philistines (hmmm. "Philistine" .. "Palestine"... nah!) probably took over their women, no, Palestine never existed. They are evil and need to be genocided.

Did I get that right?

What's really happening is that Israel is sowing more hatred, and they are not going to be able to genocide every country around them. They have a strategy of trying to keep the countries around them in the Stone Age, but tech has a way of spreading and leveling things out.

Jaq said...

So basically, what you are saying is that Hitler's only mistake was to lose, since, you know, genocide is justified, and who gets genocided is a matter of personal taste.

Rusty said...

Now we all know who the members of Hezbolah are.

Narayanan said...

math is hard says NYT grey lady

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Here is Zbegniev Brzeznsky bragging about how we armed and trained the Taliban in 1979 in order to provoke a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on his recommendation, and Jimmy Carter's order.

NO: Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?
B: What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?

And I am sure that it is just a coincidence that ISIS only seems to undertake attacks that serve CIA interests. In fact, ISIS apologized to Israel for killing one of their soldiers not too long ago.

It's so easy to make people hate.

Iman said...

And, apparently, some of the symps as well.

Jaq said...

This was three years before 9-11, I am sure that Mika's dad would not have admitted this after the attack on the WTC.

Narayanan said...

I read that in US for judges to recuse - relationship upto sixth degree is to be considered.for conflict?!

Leland said...

Christopher, my point isn't really to argue that it is a false flag and Israel couldn't have done it. My problem is the certainty that Israel did it with a headline "Here's how [they did it]", when your (Christopher) first paragraph makes clear nobody really knows how Israel did it, and if nobody knows how, it is only circumstantial that they did. For all we know, the pagers were built in China, and a large-scale regional war in the Middle East will help divert more resources out of the Pacific. For something this complex, let's take a moment before jumping to conclusions as to Whodunit, unless you just enjoy the fun of Whodunits.

Cacimbo said...

NPR reported that an 8 year old girl died. She heard the pager beep and picked it up to bring to her father in another room. The father was the target.

William said...

It took awhile for the generals of WWI to realize that the machine gun made some military tactics worthless. Ditto with the tank in WWII. Drones, cell phones, AI. I'm pretty sure that these things will have profound effects on military tactics and in ways that the military doesn't understand. I'm glad that the Israelis are a step ahead right now. This was about as precise a strike as a strike can get. It's possible that this new way of waging warfare will result in less civilian casualties. Smart bombs were certainly an improvement over the block bombings of WWII. All bets are off, however, if this somehow triggers a nuclear war. Experiments in wars like experiments in viruses can get out of hand.

Birches said...

Heard on a podcast this morning: Operation Hot Pocket.

Narayanan said...

so may be Hezbollah will develop R&D for communications tech!!! way to climb out of stone age

Dr Weevil said...

Someone whose stupid and vicious comments are deleted as soon as Ann sees them calls Ann a "silly girl"? The lack of self-knowledge is flabbergasting. Did her subconscious tell her to pick a pseudonym with the same initials as Dumb Shit?

Maynard said...

I am left wondering what the strategic value is of exploding the terrorists communications. Does it hamstring them so that the Israelis can conduct more raids? Does it prevent the terrorists from organizing raids of their own.

The answer to both questions is "yes". The latter question makes it clear that the Israelis acted to prevent terrorists from attacking more civilians.

Bob Boyd said...

Remember in "Better Call Saul" when Saul Goodman sold all those cell phones to bad guys by telling them they were secure and they couldn't be listened to or tracked with his phones?
Whoever the Mossad agent was who closed the deal with Hezbollah to provide them with pagers was a heck of a salesman. I hope he got the knife set.

Dr Weevil said...

How many times do I have to correct the stupid lies of 'tim in vermont' before he stops repeating them? The Taliban was founded in 1994, fifteen years after the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and five years after their final withdrawal. They were students, so most were in diapers in 1979.

The Soviet invasion in 1979 was 'provoked' by the failure of the coup the USSR had encouraged the previous year, which murdered the autocratic liberalizer Mohammed Daoud Khan and installed a pro-Soviet communist government that quickly alienated the entire population with their stupid communist policies. The invasion was an attempt to keep him in power.

As for Zbigniew Brzezinski*, only someone who (like Putin) regrets the end of the Soviet Union would sneer at the idea that the "liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War" was a noble goal.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

*For God's sake, if you can't remember how to spell his name, look it up before posting! Back then, you might have had to spend half an hour at the public library to get it right, but with the web it's a 30-second job.

FormerLawClerk said...

Or any adult. Nobody should be carrying terrorist pagers and if they are, they deserve to have their balls blown off.

Bob Boyd said...

I hope this will make the US military pause and reflect about how much of their stuff is made by the PRC in China.
I hope the US voters will think about this too.

FormerLawClerk said...

The US Military under Democrat control cannot be trusted. Israel is well-aware of this.

Dr Weevil said...

Just a few months ago, a Hezbollah strike killed twelve Druze children on a soccer field. Has anyone thought to ask the Druzes what they think of the exploding pagers and walkie-talkies and the civilians (a lot fewer than 12) who were collateral damage?

I've read that Hezbollah has fired 8,000+ missiles at Israel since last October 7th, killing 25 civilians and 21 "security personnel" (soldiers + police, I assume), while driving 60,000 Israelis from their homes. They also murdered 241 American Marines and 48 French paratroopers in 1983. Does anyone seriously think killing dozens of Hezbollah and crippling hundreds more, at the cost of a couple of civilians, is somehow a "disproportionate" response?

As the saying went at the moving company where I earned much of my college tuition, "If you think that, you better think again".

Zavier Onasses said...

Are plastic explosives (e.g. c4) suitable for 3d printing or casting into something like a cell phone case? Asking for a friend.

Dr Weevil said...

That's also what made the difference between last year's failed Ukrainian summer offensive and this year's successful incursion into Kursk oblast: the US government helped plan the former, and wasn't even told of the latter until after it started.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Trojan horse story comes to mind but this was even better.

Lazarus said...

It's a two-way street. Over more than 70 years, the Israeli government and military have also given people reasons not to trust them. Netanyahu is no orphaned babe in the woods. If you want to see how "Deep States" operate, and operate effectively, Israel is one place to look at.

Todd said...

Tim said:

What's really happening is that Israel is sowing more hatred, and they are not going to be able to genocide every country around them. They have a strategy of trying to keep the countries around them in the Stone Age, but tech has a way of spreading and leveling things out.


So basically, what you are saying is that Hitler's only mistake was to lose, since, you know, genocide is justified, and who gets genocided is a matter of personal taste.

The delusion is STRONG in this one!

Let us start with "genocide", that word does NOT mean what you think it does. When your population GROWS year to year for 20+ years, that is like the exact OPPOSITE of genocide.

As to "What's really happening is that Israel is sowing more hatred", that is baked into the cake since Israel is not polite enough to just die. If "Palestine" really, truly want peace, all they need to do is this "one weird trick", just STOP killing Jews. No, really, it is JUST that SIMPLE. Stop teaching your kids that the only good Jew is a dead Jew. Stop paying your citizens a bounty for each Jew they kill. Stop paying the parents whose kids martyr themselves trying to kill Jews. I know, it is really THAT simple! Why hasn't anyone in charge of the territories thought of this?!? Someone should tell them, right? Maybe Kamala or what's her name in Congress that roots for them to win "from the river to the sea".

The Drill SGT said...

I wonder if they thought they had a leak? Else, the best time to activate was just before an Israeli attack

mindnumbrobot said...

This is no different than targeting officers on the battlefield. The pagers (communication devices) were distributed among Hezbollah leadership and its fighters, equivalent to distributing firearms, ammunition, rations, etc. If, sadly, one of the pagers fell into the hands of a non-combatant, that is the responsibility of the terrorist, not Israel.

The Drill SGT said...

Apparently the Mossad got C4 into the cell phone of a senior PLO guy, and said good bye to him. smaller op, but solid

The Drill SGT said...

you mean the FBI 60 day report? LOL

The Drill SGT said...

targeting Military assets is not terrorism, though it is Psyops

Yancey Ward said...

Now, if you are the Israelis, you start putting out rumors that they have done the same thing with all sorts of militarily useful equipment.

gspencer said...

Many of the devices were in pant pockets when their owners learned they were wearing Fruit-of-the-Kaboom undergarments.

Jaq said...

LOL, you got that from Wikipedia, no doubt. You are thinking of Al Qaeda, not the Taliban. Who am I supposed to believe? Wikipedia, or Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser, who was in the meetings and who had direct access to the US president?

Jaq said...

Well, be your opinions what they may, the generation that grew up watching movies about cowboys and Indians is aging out of the electorate, and in 20 years, Israel will have lost the support of the United States.

Narr said...

Or every device in the house--Insty has an amusing video up.

Jaq said...

It just means that they will buy their pagers directly from the Chinese or the Russians or the Iranians from now on. Pagers don't require a central server to know their nearly exact location every minute in order to work.

Israel has burned its bridges with Russia by arming Ukraine. Putin was a known softie on Israel, and has now been forced to the other side by events, same as it has been forced into China's waiting arms. BTW, the outgoing NATO Secretary General was just complaining about Russia providing advanced military tech, stealth, missile, submarine, to China in exchange for the chips we deny them due to sanctions, that's like complaining that your car burned up just because you threw a lit flare in the back seat and expecting sympathy.

Israel is burning its bridges with the younger generation in the US. We will see how this works out for them, well those of us who are younger will see, if we survive the US playing with fire on nuclear war.

Jaq said...

"From the river to the sea."

Always accuse the other side of what you are planning that the normies might consider bad. Who really wants to expand "from the river to the sea"?

You guys should really read some history. It's fascinating stuff how these games are played. Here's a free hint: What you are told about on the surface is never the whole story, ever. The news is carefully curated in order to create certain opinions in the populace.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No Tim you did not. Nobody is advocating genocide, nor have the Palestinians even suffered from a drop in population. Your hyperbole is misplaced. Since before modern Israel was founded the Palestinians were offered their own land. They have refused hundreds of such offers. They refuse all peace deals. They repeatedly attack women and children knowing you and the UN will defend them, always say they are the victim. Yet if they did not insist that the elimination of all Jews be part of any "deal" they could ended this war and all the wars preceding this one.

The difference is Israel accepted the land offered, and the Palestinians did not. Maybe look up what the wandering tribes of Philistines were all about before declaring "the land was theirs." You are making a false assumption.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Read some earlier comments above then. There was enormous strategic advantages to the way this was carried out. And ponder for how long Israel had access to these communications devices BEFORE they set them off.

Jaq said...

BTW, who would have been better for women in Afghanistan, the Taliban that we put in power, or the communists, who fell ten years later anyway?

And your reading of Brzeznsky is bizarre. You should read his book, in it he lays out the strategy of breaking up the Russian Federation by using Ukraine as a battering ram. Way before Ukraine even had an anti-Russia government. He was as anti-Soviet, and then anti-Russian as you can get this side of Kiev.

Seriously, it might open your eyes to what is actually going on.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

These facts do not warrant the consideration of the "Israel is always wrong" crowd. They make up their own facts and definitions.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Do you think they can guarantee the chain of custody the whole way?

hombre said...

The majority of NYT commenters predictably condemn Israel. It's a tossup whether these lefties are ignorant or antisemitic. Regardless, they don't express appreciation for the fact that the Islamists of Hezbollah and Hamas are engaged in a holy war against Israel, funded by Iran and the US, the stated goal of which is to "obliterate" Israel (and probably the US).

Derve Swanson said...

Dr Weevil
Someone whose stupid and vicious comments are deleted as soon as Ann sees them calls Ann a "silly girl"?
Nope, I said "grrrl". There's a difference, old time.
Re. my name? Nope, never crossed my mind.

Doctor We Evil... you like the silly grrrl names, eh?
You're so bad even the boogeyman is scared away.

Now go kill some more children so the ladies like annie will feel safe in this world... Kill the children so she "feels" safe. It's a sick sad fucked up situation all around...

I pity the poor Israeli captives being castrated right now as y'all celebrate the other side getting their balls blown off.... More! More! More, bloodshed!!

Am I rite, annie? It's gotta bleed to make you feed good about such amazing plans. You know what, kids?

Hamas engineered huge tunnels with rooms and excavators right under the nose of the IDF. Turns out they were too busy with silly tricks like "exploding pagers in the pants! heh heh" to protect their own people...

If only Israel would use it's brainpower for good not evil. If only the ladies like ann clapped for masculine diplomacy and a peaceful world, not for the boys to blow the joint up as she departs herself...

Life goes on.
Israel likely won't.
Not long term.
They make dumb strategic choices like this, but... woo hoo! Blown up balls and dead kids. Nothing makes ME beat my chest harder... /s

Derve Swanson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Derve Swanson said...

Many of the devices were in pant pockets when their owners learned they were wearing Fruit-of-the-Kaboom undergarments.

You so silly.
Everytime somebody makes a joke like this, they chop another testicle off one of the Israeli hostages; anybody still remember them while glorifying all this bloodshed? Hm.

*a ball for a ball, it reads in the Torah, right next to where God signed the contested land title over to Israel, right?? Lol... let Him enforce that gift.

Bob Boyd said...

This was pretty clever trick, but there's still no way anybody could have messed with the voting machines. It's just paranoid and whacko to think that could have happened.

Todd said...

Always accuse the other side of what you are planning that the normies might consider bad. Who really wants to expand "from the river to the sea"?

You are such a dishonest joke! The "Palatines" (i.e. Arabs the other Arabs did not want invading their countries) currently have "territory" cause the Israeli's GAVE IT TO THEM and allowed them autonomy to run it as they saw fit! This was just a couple of decades ago. The super evil genius Jews sure don't know how to commit genocide, giving their land away to their homicidal neighbors.

What happened? They finally held elections and the very terrorist groups that were trying to wipe out Israel won control of the governments of these two places.

Residents of these "territories" work in Israel. How many Israelis work in the territories?

After Israel pulled out their troops, all the "Palestines" had to do was NOT kill Jews. That was and is a bridge too far for them and they constantly, daily, kill and try to kill Jews. What has your panties in a wad is that despite the YEARS and YEARS of the Arabs that surround Israel doing all that they can to wipe them all out, the Israelis not only survive but thrive. Meanwhile despite BILLIONS of dollars in aid going to the Palestines, all they have accomplished is weapons and tunnels for furthering their goal of wiping out all the Jews.

This conflict will end when the Palestines love their children more than they hate the Jews or Israel finally decides they have "played nice" long enough and do decide to end the "Jewish problem" by taking out all of the Palestines. Then and only then will you get the genocide you spout on about and it will be all because of the Palestines and toadies like you the do all that you can to embolden the "baddies".

Michael K said...

Well said.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Tim, try to calm yourself. The Arabs have been "Stone Age" since, well, the Stone Age..The reason why we have so little of Classical Greek literature is because the Arabs that took over were interested only in agriculture, not philosophy or politics.

Michael K said...

Tim, calm down!

Dr Weevil said...

I "got that from Wikipedia"? Nope. I got that from carefully reading a variety of newspapers and later websites, a habit I had developed by the time of Daoud's coup d'etat (1973). I read about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, its ignominious end, and the rise of the Taliban as they happened. That's how I know that the Taliban was not in fact founded until 1994.

At first, I thought 'tim in vermont' might be lazily assuming that all militant Islamists could be loosely called 'Taliban', but he insists that I don't know the difference between the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and implies that the latter were founded in 1994. Two more bald-faced lies, and evidence that he knows not all Muslim terrorists are Taliban.

Of course, all his lies start from the assumption that everything bad that happens in the world is the fault of the U.S., and nothing bad is every the fault of Russia or the USSR. That's why he can't admit that the Russian invasion was preceded by a Russian-backed communist coup d'etat, and that Afghanistan was in fact destroyed by the Russians, though evil Afghans like the Taliban and stupid Americans like Biden have done their share to make the destruction ever more thorough and irretrievable.

Maynard said...

Iman at 12:01!


Aggie said...

In this particular case, I heartily agree with the troll. The victims of the pager strike are eminently worthy of blame for the offenses carried out against the Israelis. Not only do I blame these victims, I would helpfully suggest to them, as they bleed, 'Don't start nuthin', won't be nuthin'. Remember October 7th.

Prof. M. Drout said...

I know a fair number of Lebanese diaspora families here in Massachusetts. I wouldn't say that they love Israel, but they don't hate it the way they hate the Palestinians and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. "I wish they [Israel] would just finish them [P & H] off once and for all" is something I've heard more than once.
By the way, the older members of the Lebanese diaspora are among the most highly educated, erudite, and cultured people you will ever meet. I can only imagine what their educational system and general intellectual culture were like before Palestinians and USSR-backed leftists wrecked the place in the 1970s.

Leland said...

It would be nice if they had even that:

MadTownGuy said...

Circulating on X: "Operation Grim Beeper."

GRW3 said...

As corrupt as these countries and organizations are, I would not be surprised if there a good amount of inventory shrinkage, the old wise guy "fell off the truck" source. Lesson to non-terrorist Lebanese and Iranian ambassadors - Don't take things from Hezbollah or Hamas.

Freeman Hunt said...

This is the exact opposite of terrorism. Much less likely to kill civilians than traditional military strikes.

Mikey NTH said...

Exactly. What other supplies received by Hezbollah has been sabotaged? Any rocket shipments compromised to explode when launched, for example?

Mikey NTH said...

Crazy Ali's Everything Outlet is just a front?

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