September 29, 2024

Nick Gillespie confronts Donald Trump about the deficit. Trump absconds.


rehajm said...

I mean it’s cute and twenty years ago that would be a gotcha moment. They both suck but Trump is by far the better of the two candidates on spending. The people running Kamala would try to outdo the figure then waste it on climate pig in a poke projects, paying illegals, new wars, funding the growth deficit caused by economy choking taxation. In conclusion I’m unmoved by leftie’s question…

RideSpaceMountain said...

The deficit is not solvable. Not for Trump. Not for anyone. And as a problem its beginnings and foundation pre-date any politician elected after 1973 (Breton Woods).

If you want to blame anyone, blame Woodrow Wilson and Alan Greenspan.

rehajm said...

I don’t remember Presidents being in charge of spending totals. Something about the House but I could be wrong…

RideSpaceMountain said...

Postscript: You may also blame G.W.Bush, the council of economic advisors, Ben Bernanke, and the entire House and Senate during 07-09 for "Too Big Too Fail". It wasn't entirely their mess, but the way they cleaned it up allowed moral hazard to enter our economy in ways we've never seen before.

It's been with us ever since.

tim in vermont said...

It's true, if we are worried about the deficit, we should vote for Kamala, I am sure that all of the goodies that she is promising in her ads will actually "reduce the deficit" the same way that spending half a trillion dollars on EVs, which are only practical for the affluent who live in warm climates was called the "inflation reduction act."

doctrev said...

The fact of a $30 trillion+ debt points to the general failure of libertarianism. Not just in the sense of being a fringe ideology, although they certainly have less influence on politics than MAGA. Put simply, libertarians are the cheerleaders of tech oligarchs, and all the actual policy direction should be examined at the top. The smarter oligarchs knew their rapid ascent couldn't be justified by "balanced budgets" so they heavily funded social spending and DEI programs. Unfortunately, pending warfare and a failing government means that won't be viable for very much longer. As an ineffective parasite on wealth, libertarian commentators are going to get hit hard.

tim in vermont said...

This is why Kamala never does interviews, BTW; we have to elect her to find out what she plans to do!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump was not serious about the deficit. That said - the democrats are a million times worse. Democrats threw away budgeting.
Democrats DON'T BUDGET at all. Ask Nancy.

Bob Boyd said...

What is Chase Oliver's plan to get elected and bring down the deficit?

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Does Althouse have a few clips from Trump's rambling -- incoherent Prairie du Chien rally? Trump sounded like a very old and tired night club act.

Trump inherited a robust economy (repaired from absolute GOP destruction in 2008 by Obama/Biden), a healthy employment picture, and national debt slowly coming under control --- and then he torched the nation. When Trump left the office in Jan 2021, national debt rose the highest amount in a single term ever, unemployment was near double digits, millions were dying, GDP was deeply negative, rich poor divide was astronomically high, and Trump left the nation and democracy in shambles by leading a treasonous invasion with his base.

Currently, the stock market is at record highs. Crime is plummeting following the Trump Crime Wave. Inflation just printed 2.2% and all Trump and his trolls can say is that Biden and Harris have destroyed the country. Keep destroying it then.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
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NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

C'mon, folks! Nick's got to generate some attention for Moral Preener's, er, uh, I mean Reason Magazine. He needs the dough! You think hair care products and black leather jackets grow on trees?

tim in vermont said...

"sounded like a very old and tired night club act."

More projection.

Paul said...

Trump knows to solve the debt is gonna be a very hard thing to do, no matter who is President. It is just so huge and getting larger... but one thing for sure, Democrats will make it larger and never smaller.

Jonathan Burack said...
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DINKY DAU 45 said...

Oh dear facts instead of fear and doom and gloom and false information. The Lord has sent light on His day ,of course you know about facts up in here.. Help somebody today give your Maker a smile.(no charge)

Kai Akker said...

Trump is a builder. It takes borrowed money. He will never be serious about the deficit until he decides it is the perfect cover for reducing bureaucracy a la Argentina. He can cut the intel agencies 20% and most of the others by more. Eliminate Education and Energy. They're part of the Executive, he should be able to do this. But if for whatever reason he can't get his way, his instincts are not for frugality; he is not Coolidge.

Jonathan Burack said...

This really does not measure up for an Althouse Comments section entry. Everyone here knows why the deficit ballooned in the last year of Trump's presidency. COVID. What has added to the public debt far more rapidly since then have been the absurd levels of utterly wasteful deficit-financed spending by the Biden Democrats.

Michael K said...

Yes and Losertarians with "Free Trade" with China and open borders have no solution.

Michael K said...

Their last candidate for president ran on a platform of drug legalization.

Michael K said...

bich presents the fantasy world of Democrats.

Kai Akker said...

Yes, our stock market and several others around the globe are at record highs. But they are technically overextended and very weak. They look vulnerable to any bad news. A worldwide selloff of risk assets is certainly not farfetched!

A 20-25% haircut would put a little fear back and make budgeting choices somewhat more meaningful. A major bear market like 2000 or 2007-08 would change the landscape bigly. The wealth effect can, and does, get reversed periodically. Especially likely for one built upon the Fed's perpetual-motion machine.

Eva Marie said...

I liked the shout out to free Ross Ulbricht. Trump has said he will pardon him. Bit of a local story - he’s imprisoned in the US Penitentiary in Tucson

Barry Dauphin said...

Nick Gillespie wants the country to save money the same way he does – by wearing the same clothes every day.

Achilles said...

Democrats think that their opinions are facts because they are too stupid to understand the difference.

tim in vermont said...

This is what ChatGPT says about "abscond."

Abscond generally carries a connotation of evasion or secrecy that often hints at something illegal or wrongful. It suggests that the person is fleeing or hiding to avoid legal consequences or to escape after some questionable or illicit action. While it doesn’t always involve theft, it usually implies a motive to avoid detection or capture, which gives it a tone of illegality. For example:

"He absconded from jail."
"She absconded with the sensitive documents."

Even if the specific act isn’t spelled out as illegal, the word typically suggests that the departure is under suspicious or wrongful circumstances.

It just doesn't seem like a neutral word.

Bob Boyd said...

After hearing Lurch talk about the anguish of living under the US Constitution, Nick Gillespie sounds like Paul Ryan.

Sebastian said...

Trump doesn't propose cutting the deficit because the people don't want it. It would be mean. It would push granny off the cliff. Etc. etc. Until the Gillespies give us different voters, who don't want access to other people's money or load debt onto future generations, and a different Dem party, that won't call for more taxing and spending forever, deficit-cutting is a sure loser in elections. Trump is doing a lot of things to try and lose, but at least not this.

Political Junkie said...

RSM and Doc K - You both nailed the right culprits. The only consolation of KH winning is that the deficit/debt issue might blow up on their watch.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Maybe we should put Trump and Harris on a stage together, ask them questions and let the whole world judge who appears to be in command and who appears a little off?
Oh wait...we did that....

Political Junkie said...

That has some dangers. Remeber the 1992 vice presidential debate. Who was the worst on TV? Admiral James Stxcckdale was the worst on TV. Who was the best candidate for VP out of Senator Al Gore, VP Dan Quayle, and Retired Admiral and Standford professor James Stockdale. James Stockdale is the answer to the question.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

@ PJ: Trump ranted about law abiding citizens eating dogs and cats. He is mentally unstable; a danger to our country. He rambles incoherently and cannot formulate a single sentence about policy without devolving into juvenile insults. He is terrified of another debate.

Dude1394 said...

So no responsibility at all eh? You think they congress would overrride vetoes? When do they override vetoes?

Aggie said...

That's funny, I watched a video where he didn't ignore the unprompted, informal question in a public setting, rather he gave an answer and then continued moving on. If he had ignored Gillespie and his question, then one might criticize. But calling it 'absconding' is at least as dishonest as the presumption in the question. He was gracious. He answered, and he answered Gillespie's followup. He just didn't cooperate in the ambush.

tim maguire said...

The deficit is one of the two biggest long-term issues facing this country (the Democratic criminalization of political opposition is the other), and neither party cares enough to do anything about it. The Republicans used to talk about it in their campaigns, but now they don’t even do that.

rehajm said...

I’m not saying that all but don’t start with the override shit- If Trump vetoed the usual blasphemous CRs and Omnibus Congress would be content to shut down the government and blame Trump for killing orphans and widows. Personally I’d love to see the government cut over seven trillion from government spending over the next four years. Are the people running Kamala on board with cutting spending by over 7 trillion dollars over the next four years? I don’t see that in either agenda…

Michael K said...

PK, that is why I worry about Trump getting a "poisoned chalice" by winning. It is now too late to fix.

Michael K said...

The Walz-Vance debate tomorrow night will be almost as much fun.

Ampersand said...

Suppose you and your wastrel brother managed a trust together, each of you switching places as trustee in alternate years. The trustee has absolute discretion. If you manage trust assets prudently, you are only making it easier for your wastrel brother to irresponsibly dissipate the trust.

That is an oversimplified version of the dilemma created when one side cares far less about deficits than the other, and is willing to spend lots of borrowed money to buy votes.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump thinks crushing debt is a feature, not a bug. When it becomes unsustainable, you declare bankruptcy and some other fool is left holding the bag. If it worked for him personally, surely it will work for the entire country.

Political Junkie said...

Doc K - I agree. I can't watch debates as I get too nervous. I am rooting for JD and hope the hillbilly kicks the goofballs's ass.

Political Junkie said...

As you are a D/Anti Trump troll, a question to get your opinion on one item.As President, DJT ordered the killing of Qasem Soleimani. What is your opinion of that? Thanks.

Michael K said...

bich is still trying to motivate one more assassin with lies. Watch Walz-Vance tomorrow night. Speaking of terrified.

Narayanan said...

why do so many pretend The deficit is solvable?!
for full transparency of the game the budget should be 100% deficit and zero taxes.

Iman said...

eat dat cat, richie!

Narayanan said...

Reason Magazine do get a lot of mileage with the word in their name Reason Magazine

Iman said...

Heh… teh Wan Libertarian in Black.

Narayanan said...

as everyone knows full faith and credit of US is based on GDP + valuation of asset of the people == may be J. Engeron can provide second opinion!

Wince said...

A return to "Regular Order" breaking down omnibus budget bills, along with a constitutional substitute for the line-item veto, would be a start to holding POTUS accountable for deficit spending.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The meme is real Narayanan:

"If they can just print money in the amounts they do, why in the hell are we paying taxes"

Why indeed.

Narayanan said...

The Republicans used to talk about it in their campaigns,== as lip service.

Narayanan said...

Reason Magazine do get a lot of mileage with the word in their name Reason Magazine

Wince said...

Earnest Prole said...
Trump thinks crushing debt is a feature, not a bug. When it becomes unsustainable, you declare bankruptcy and some other fool is left holding the bag.

You misspelled Cloward-Piven.

Narayanan said...

hope hillbilly kicks the goofballs's ass. there is problem of perception > hillbilly went Ivy League and goofball went Community College?

damikesc said...

Basically. President needs to tell the House, upfront, that they are 100% not signing any omnibus bills and they have to pass the budget by the law the House themselves passed.