September 11, 2024

"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there."

"And this is what's happening in our country. And it's a shame. As far as rallies are concerned, as far -- the reason they go is they like what I say. They want to bring our country back. They want to make America great again. It's a very simple phrase. Make America great again. She's destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn't have a chance of success. Not only success. We'll end up being Venezuela on steroids."

Let's say you're a person who really hates chaos. Which way to you go?

If I had musical skills, I'd concoct something using that line over and over: "In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there."

Let's say you're a person who really loves cats. Where do you go? Cat ladies?


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Chris said...

Trump gets all the "fact checks" (Muir lied about Springfield) and Harris gets none even with obvious lies (fine people). I wish we had actual journalists. People who cared about the truth, but since we now live in a post truth society, I guess it's all lies, and who can repeat the lies most often.

MartyH said...

Harris claims to have a new way forward, but her debate tactics were the same old crap.

She took the first question and completely dodged it, just like every other politician does.

In her response to Trump's rebuttal, she lied twice (about the unemployment rate being the worst since the Great Depression when she took over as "Trump's" Project 2025.) Again, just like every other politician.

Furthermore, she cast the first personal attack ("a bunch of lies, grievances and name-calling")

She's cosplaying Trump, or who she thinks Trump is.

rehajm said...

I’ll settle for the chaos the left creates when they aren’t in power over the chaos they create when they have it…

FormerLawClerk said...

If she has a "new way forward" how come we aren't already moving that way? She's been in office for 3.5 years. She cannot plausibly run as the candidate of change.

If you want inflation. If you want wars. If you want the ducks in your city park eaten by Mexican cartel members, then by all means, vote for this broad.

ChrisC said...

The childless cat ladies are really in a bind now.

TreeJoe said...

Trump was not great, Harris was a well prepared politician who said a lot while saying nothing. On balance, I'd say Harris won against the goalposts she helped set for herself.

ABC lost in my book. David Muir inserting himself to say a single city manager (who is not an unbiased 3rd party) said something different than what Donald Trump was saying during the debate was a new low. I wish Trump had simply looked at him and said "David, I'm not up here debating you and your job isn't to share random conversations you claim happened, without evidence. "

Political Junkie said...

I did not watch. The "vibes" tell me not good for DJT. Oh well. Life goes on.

rehajm said...

There was a Boston sex trafficker what raped and bloodied his neighbor this week. His charges had been vacated so he felt invincible I guess. That kind of chais I could do without…

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump looked fantastic, by the way, debating the two ABC News employees. Love his new haircut and ditching the orange hair was a wise move. Light brown makes him look decades younger.

FormerLawClerk said...

President Hillary Clinton won the debates against Trump also. Only 35% of people thought Trump had won.

rehajm said...

Sounds like ABC News the favorite for this year’s Candy Crowley award?

Mark said...

The eating cats and dogs line is going to get a lot of airtime. Maybe the people down his rabbit hole think that is a sane thing to say, but everyone under 40 just realized Don is just as much a demented old man as Joe.

A very June Biden performance by the Donald.

Temujin said...

Welp...reading the comments all over the internet it seems like, at worst, Kamala broke even. At best, she kicked Trump's butt. I suspect Trump kicked his own butt with things like commenting on Haitians eating cats (losing the cat lady vote). I did read that ABC was being...well...ABC, and live fact checking Trump, even going so far as getting their fact checks wrong, but hell...that doesn't matter, does it? And not fact checking Kamala at all? Even when she spouted obvious lies it was let alone.

Trump agreeing to ABC is like Charlie Brown agreeing to kick the football held by Lucy once again. When will they ever learn?

I wonder: Are there that many people who didn't know who they were voting for going into last night? I doubt it. Will this change the election? Not sure. But it will change the polling over the next 7 days and that will turn some remaining undecideds.

And I remain, more convinced than ever, that the best candidate for President, the most skilled and intellectually sound candidate is sitting in Tallahassee, Florida this morning.

Oh Yea said...

Trump is going to be remembered for losing to Biden and Harris. What a legacy.

Political Junkie said...

Dixcus - Agree strongly. Looks matter in life and politics. DJT looks better and a bit younger.

fairmarketvalue said...

You mean the GOPe bought and paid for candidate? Whatever Trump's shortcomings in your mind, count me and millions out of the idea of going back to a GOPe globalist administration. DeSantis and Nikki have shown their true colors and will never achieve the fever dream candidate status for which you evidently long.

Mr. D said...

It's frustrating, as usual. The dude can't help himself. The problem is what Bobby Kennedy laid out quite nicely on the video that was shared here yesterday; the Democrats need to be ousted because they are corrupt and totalitarian in nature. But for all his salesmanship, Trump has difficulty making the sale.

Rocco said...

Let's say you're a person who really loves cats. Where do you go?

Right here:

Left Bank of the Charles said...

There was no misstatement of fact in what Harris said about Charlottesville:

“Let's remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate, and what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side.”

Lilly, a dog said...

He gave SNL its opening skit for the week. Trump should ask for a writing credit.

BarrySanders20 said...

T Swift is holding that cat like a hungry Haitian is nearby. She does not want them to grab her pussy. Cat. She wants you to know she’s for Kamala too in case it was ever in doubt.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Watched one painful hour. Winceworthy by both, but I doubt if any minds were changed.

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump is going to be remembered.

mindnumbrobot said...

Trump took the bait nearly every time. He should know better by now, but as we know he's his own worst enemy. My expectations for the moderators were low, but jeebus. Could they have been more one sided? In the end Trump was Trump, and Kamala was allowed to skate. Nothing will change.

Inga said...

Trump got all the fact checks because he was the one lying. Muir didn’t lie about Springfield.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rocco said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
There was no misstatement of fact in what Harris said about Charlottesville:

Let's remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate, and what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side.

This is no misstatement of fact: America has steadily gotten worse over the last 3 1/2 years, and what did Left Bank of the Charles do? He came on to Althouse and posted “There were fine people on each side.”

Inga said...

Trump is either so demented he thinks the Springfield dog and cat feast is real or he thinks his followers are really stupid and will believe anything.

Humperdink said...

The resourceful Haitians in Springfield are going capitalist. The sign on the front of the building says Animal Shelter. The sign above the back door says Food Bank.

Political Junkie said...

I did not watch the debate or the clip, but if one does not like chaos, the establishment pick is your choice. Unfortunately (in my eyes), we have a liberal establishment that is wrong on many things.

Political Junkie said...

Bingo. I will be pilloried for saying this, but Ron D would have won the debate.

Dave Begley said...

Listening to Sen. Murphy lie about the debate right now. Said Harris *looked* presidential. That’s the test!

Clyde said...

Trump didn't do well, but it was three-on-one, with the "moderators" acting as Democrat fact-checkers, with the fact-checking going only one direction. He did stick the landing at the end though, pointing out that all the things that Harris claims that she will do could be done NOW, or have been done any time in the past 3-1/2 years. Harris is not the solution; she's part of the problem.

Political Junkie said...

Bingo Mr. D.

Political Junkie said...

Temujin - Yep.

Inga said...

Yes, Trump will have animal shelters named after him.

Dave Begley said...

Why don’t ABC, NBC, NPR, PBS, CBS, NYT and WaPo send reporters to Springfield?

Clyde said...

Also, one thing I found interesting was the contrast between the way the moderators treated the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza wars: They asked Trump, "Do you want Ukraine to win?" and he said that he just wanted the war and the killing to end. When they talked to Harris about Gaza, she said the same thing about that war, but they did NOT ask her if she wanted Israel to win.

mindnumbrobot said...

...Ron D would have won the debate.

Can't disagree, and he's not even a great debater.

Inga said...

Harris said that Israel has a right to defend itself. Trump didn’t even say that much about Ukraine.

Dave Begley said...

“ Let's say you're a person who really hates chaos. Which way do you go?”

Let’s say you’re a person who doesn’t want another 12 million illegal aliens? Who doesn’t want more ruinous inflation? Who wants affordable gasoline? Which way do you go?”

mindnumbrobot said...

Gender: woman (whatever that is, I'm not a biologist)
Race: blackish?
Abortion: YES!
Not Trump: YES!

Good enough.

wendybar said...

Because they can't handle the truth.

Rusty said...

Wish casting.

rehajm said...

The left and coordinated propaganda media stack the deck and this morning we’re all surprised it works?

rehajm said...

The wife had in the Fox News pre-game show and the last thing said was from Brit Hume- ABC News is also in the spotlight tonight and having been there for decades it was not the same place it anymore. I’d say that was an understatement…

FormerLawClerk said...

Oh look, it's Dick Cheney's pal Inga. She's voting like her friend and mentor Dick Cheney and voting for Kamala. Maybe Kamala will find the Weapons Of Mass Destruction that Inga's pal George W. Bush couldn't find. Bush is also voting exactly like Inga and DIck "Halliburton" Cheney. More wars for oil!

Clyde said...

But they did NOT ask Harris if she wanted Israel to win, even though they did specifically ask Trump if he wanted Ukraine to win.

FormerLawClerk said...

By the way, ABCNews and George Stephanopolis are being sued for defamation by Trump for claiming - falsely, and without evidence - that he's been convicted of rape. They tried to get the case tossed and a judge ruled against them. So it's going to trial. Big win for Trump.

It is journalistically UNETHICAL for ABCNews to be debating Trump while simultaneously being successfully sued by them.

Rusty said...

Kamala did just what I said she would do. She attacked Trump personally with the lies that the Ingas, Marks and Richs find so comforting. The only people who don't worry about the price of food or fuel or millions of illegal immigrants are public sector employees and pensioners who will collect their tax payer funded checks and live in their whites only suburbs. They don't mind the comforting blanket of socialism because they already have socialism.

rastajenk said...

Oh, Joy!

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

"Let's say you're a person who really hates chaos. Which way to you go?"

To answer the question, I would choose Harris. Everything will be made calming. Noisy voices will be regulated and harmonized or put in jail.

Ficta said...

"If I had musical skills, I'd concoct something using that line over and over"
Well, there's this.

planetgeo said...

Which way should the cat ladies go? I think Inga would be a good one to ask. Not that she personally is a cat lady, as she has scolded us, but because she obviously aligns with their causes and probably wears a pussy hat while commenting. Somebody should kindly inform her though that you're not supposed to wear those things, you know, down there.

Inga said...

Don’t be a pig.

lonejustice said...

Temujin is spot on. I often don't read all the comments, but I always read those posted by Temujin. Not that I always agree with him, but you can tell he has thought about the issue, and that he is not just repeating talking points reverberating in an echo/bubble chamber.

Humperdink said...

911 call in Springfield of Haitians hauling away geese.

Howard said...

Lots of excuses for Trump's disjointed meandering performance.

Kevin said...

Post-debate CNN could not stop talking about eating cats. Finally one of the panelists said the topic was racist and they went to commercial.

Kevin said...

If Harris enacts price controls we might all be eating cats...

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Trump was his usual buffoonish self who couldn't be bothered to have clear answers to obvious questions, although he was better than he usually is.

Harris was prepared and had a large stock of memorized material she was willing to use whether relevant or not.

In short, it was awful for Trump much of the time.

But, Harris doesn't wear well and leaves a bad taste. Sometimes she is an overbearing bully a la Hillary, and sometimes she is a heavy handed kindergarten teacher treating us like children. Neither leaves a good taste. She also mugged and harrumphed like Al Gore (mostly visually). Al Gore did not wear well.

We will see where this settles out. The election betting markets still show the race as basically a tossup.

Kakistocracy said...

Sure was a shrewd decision to bait Taylor Swift by touting bogus endorsements from her.

Trump got Swift Boated ….

People see what they want to see, fueled by bias and who they listen to. Some even watch half the debate, and still think they should enlighten us with their views. Take a step back and ask: who lies, who seems to have the beginning of a plan for anything and can articulate it, who has less grievances about the past, and who seems more competent overall? Narcissism is treatable, difficult over 70 years, but the Oval Office is not a treatment room..

Yancey Ward said...

Just one video of a Haitian in Springfield carrying a dead duck, goose, dog, or cat is what Harris needs to dodge over the next 8 weeks.

Kevin said...

There were fine people on each side. Of what? There were fine people on each side of what?

Certainly not the tiki torch peoples behavior, because Trump specifically denounced them. No, there were fine people on each side of the debate about whether to remove the statues.

But that's not what Harris said. So yes, she lied.

Kevin said...

Even CNN's moderators called this out as a lie in the first debate.

Gunner said...

ABC knows that nobody but a fraction of Republicans will remember how badly their moderators handled this debate in a few weeks. Stupid ass Republucans will be fine falling for the same trick in 2028.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Same here. Thanks Temujin. He often makes it unnecessary to post because he usually makes the sane and honest points on a topic.

Breezy said...

So, Taylor needs to write a song about immigrants who catch, kill and eat domestic pets and local wildlife.

You know, the number of events showcasing the culture clashes between our way of life and those of the interlopers are growing daily. We have vehicle accidents resulting in death, gang violence, gangs taking over buildings and rent payments, and local animals being caught and killed for food. We also have immigrants squatting on private property and terrorizing property owners. We also have illegals registering to vote. We need only look at what’s going on in Europe to the see the existential danger we’re in. How long can Harris and msm deny these real and serious threats to our democracy, our culture?

Leland said...

Glad I didn't waste my time. All I learned is Travis Kelce won't have children if he keeps with Taylor.

mindnumbrobot said...

I'd be curious to know the amount of time spent discussing the economy versus Jan 6. It felt like they started with the economy, which was probably the only time of the night Trump seemed on point, then pivoted to abortion once it was clear Harris was stumbling.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, Trump is finished?

Lazarus said...

Trump specifically excluded the racists and anti-Semites. This would have been a good time for Trump to bring up the Democrats' support for the Antifa/BLM rioters' destruction of American cities and Harris's efforts to get bail money for the rioters, something that went much further than what he said about Charlottesville, but the supposed would-be dictator doesn't go for the jugular in a way that the usual Democrat politicians do.

Lazarus said...

Those are the Haitians. Mexican cartel members are used to eating better than that.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

All I could think of during Trump’s eating dogs and cats rant was Bill Murray as Peter Venkman.

Trump is drowning in the cesspool of his own bullshit. Or am I thinking about this all wrong and Trump is making a brilliant play for the Ghostbusters vote?

Breezy said...

About last night, I think Harris said nothing new. Voters were looking to learn about her and her agenda, and all they learned was she does not like Trump, she is a mean liar, she can memorize a lot of filibuster material, she is “not Trump” as a reason to vote for her, and she wants to spend a lot of our taxpayer money on things that should be handled via private equity. So, nothing new.

boatbuilder said...

Not to appeal to authority, but Althouse has denounced Biden for the craven dishonesty of the "fine people" lie from he very beginning. And Inga and Lefty, and Harris, are fully aware that they are being craven and dishonest in repeating it.

Kate said...

If your entire vote is based on a dislike of chaos, you vote Trump. You remember his presidency, which had a lot of journalism jaw-jaw but the world was thriving, and you remember how unsettling for regular people the past four years have been.

tim maguire said...

You're right, Charles. It wasn't a misstatement of fact, it was an outright lie that neither Biden nor Harris can stop telling. And the moderators, who were so quick to "fact check" Trump, couldn't be bothered to correct her.

donald said...

It’s literally true you disgusting piece of shit. Maybe everybody under 40 are fucking retards like yourself. If so you and they deserve everything that is coming.

Political Junkie said...

Shouting Thomas - Unfortunately for this election, I believe he will lose. Also, unfortunately, I predict he will get jail time after the election. Establishment R's in the background will want DJT gone.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...


Trump took a lot of well-executed hits on the points he has been taking hits on for years, he did better than average in responding but still not very well.

But Harris increased her fascism vibe, her fakeness vibe, and her ponies-for-everyone vibe.

Spiros Pappas said...

Hundreds of Springfirl, Ohio residents insist that they saw Haitian migrants catching and butchering ducks at a local park. There is a 911 call about Haitian migrants slaughtering wild geese in public. And some sort of police officer bodycam video of a black woman being arrested after she killed a cat is circulating. The arrest happened on 8/20 and the officer doesn't quite believe that a cat was eaten. But this woman is unsuccessfully questioned about whether or not she ate a cat. I'm not sure where the arrest happened.

But whatever. All sorts of mayhem is happening in Springfield, Ohio.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: “… But understand, if Donald Trump were to be re-elected, he will sign a national abortion ban. …”

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: “... It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban. …”

LINSEY DAVIS: “Would you veto a national abortion ban if it came to --“

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: “Well, I won't have to …”

LINSEY DAVIS: “But if I could just get a yes or no. Because your running mate JD Vance has said that you would veto if it did come to your desk.”

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: “Well, I didn't discuss it with JD In all fairness. JD -- And I don't mind if he has a certain view but I think he was speaking for me but I really didn't. …”

It’s a little hard to follow Trump’s evasions and flip flops there, but if we take him at his word (sarcasm), he’s saying that he would not sign a nationwide abortion ban but he won’t say that he would veto it.

Could that be his concept of a plan for the nationwide abortion ban? I note that under the Constitution, as long as Congress stays in session for 10 days after passing a bill, it becomes law if the President doesn’t sign or veto it, the same result as signing it.

Caroline said...

Eggsactly. I had to turn it off. As always, there were so many, many, many reasonable rejoinders to her fanciful tales, but he just kept going back to the same immigration quotes over and over.

Cappy said...

Deep fried Fido for Thanksgiving, anyone?

TeaBagHag said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TeaBagHag said...

I’ve seen people on television!” he protested. “People on television say, ‘My dog was taken and used for food!’”
Listen, you chucklefucks, Trump actually said this and meant it. He’s a dipshit but he knows what his words mean.
Just wanted to get this out there before the MAGAt apologists pretend its a hoax,

The Vault Dweller said...

Well I guess Trump will stop referring to Taylor Swift as unusually beautiful and now it will probably just be unusual.

Humperdink said...

@TeaBag, did you listen to the 911 call to the Springfield dispatch center referenced above? Of course not. No evidence shouts the left. Par for the course.

Yancey Ward said...

I watched the debate this morning and the media reporting of it is pretty funny. I also watched the debates with Clinton and Biden in 2016 and 2020 and in my personal opinion he, Trump, did much worse in all of those debates than he did last night- and it was reported in the media at the time exactly the same way- and my opinion was not shared by a majority of Americans in the sense that it changed their minds. I think it mostly is that the majority of people are turned off by rehearsed answers and narratives when it comes to debates- they also don't like open smugness and over-the-top facial reactions.

This debate is going to play poorly for Harris over the next week or so as viral videos use her grating voice and ridiculous facial gestures- there are not a lot of undecided voters who are going to want to have to live with those features or the next four years.

Kai Akker said...

Aside from this stuff, about which Trump will probably end up being right again, his biggest failure to me was running away from Project 2025. He didn't have to endorse the whole thing. But there was Change. And many of those changes are needed. Abortion ban rubbish, but reducing the Administrative State and avoiding totalitarian control by Washington DC such as he has been persecuted by would have made a powerful pitch to any undecided voters who actually do want Change.

Achilles said...

If you think Desantis would have done anything other than melt on that stage you haven't watched Desantis. Also if Trump was not in the primary then Vivek would have won.

Democrats wouldn't even have to cheat to beat Desantis. You Romney supporters need to start dealing with reality.

Achilles said...

Ukraine had a chance to sign the Mingsk Accords and they would be whole and at peace right now.

One wonders why Biden and Johnson forced Zelensky to renege on his promise to sign the Mingsk Accords and start this war.

Peachy said...

The Charlottesville lie - The Bloodbath lie ---> all paraded around by the D-hacks of ABC "news"

Achilles said...

You Harris supporters are missing the forest for the trees.

I am looking forward to Harris showing everyone what guns she owns.

Peachy said...

Trump doesn't debate prep + biased moderators = a gift for team D.
Perhaps Trump and the R party should stop allowing lucy and the football.

The ABC(D)'s were over the top biased ...
R party needs to say NO LEFTIST MEDIA ALLOWED.

Achilles said...

I look forward to Harris explaining why she doesn't close the border right now.

Peachy said...

Indeed. Trump should be 10 points ahead.

TeaBagHag said...

Errrr, maybe not….
Bless your dumb little MAGAt heart.
Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

Achilles said...

I love it when the Desantis supporters come out and speak up for their failed loser candidate. Jeb 2.0 fared worse than Jeb. Desantis loses to Vivek or whoever is better than Vivek in 2028 as well.

Spiros said...

The Democrats are super happy about the debate. Kamala was fiery, outspoken and courageous. Some MAGAts are crying about how manipulative, tortured and insane she was. Obviously, both sides are wrong!

More important, was Kamala likable? I know this is unfair but for a lot of men, young men and men in bad relationships, Black men, heck all men, Kamala is going to come off wrong. Every single comment she made somehow included insults. And serious, bizarre insults -- Donald Trump is disgusting and boring and a disgrace. And the Democrats are having a rough time with men. Men seemed to be amped about all the discrimination and racism and the dumbass migrants taking their crappy jobs. Enough is enough!

I also like tying Kamala Harris to the bizarre stories about animal butchery happening in Springfield, Ohio. Kamala kind of looks like Cruella de Vil from “101 Dalmatians"!

Peachy said...

Kamala = Wave goodbye to free speech and hello to leftwing tyranny - all wrapped up in blue ribbons.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This reflects poorly on ABC, with their disinformative "fact checking" in which they ignore what the City Manager wrote to Democrat Senators about the Haitians when he was begging for help. The obvious lies that they allow Kamala to say without imposing a "check" are a sharp contrast to their constant harping at Trump. Sure it worked, in the way they got him to react angrily to their mistreatment.

But the "who will handle the economy better?" question shifted more into Trump's favor after the debate by two points, now 55% to 35%. So for voters who actually want a change, Trump is still the best option. I'm disappointed Trump didn't do better, but of the three debaters, ABC probably got their points across more than Trump or Kamala.

Rusty said...

You first, Inga.

Bob Boyd said...

Her intent was to deceive and to slander.

Peachy said...

Inga is a loyal Maddow Apparatchik

Peachy said...

Achilles - So tell us your thoughts on how Trump did last night. You do know that Trump is the nominee - and not DeSantis - right? You seem awfully insecure about Trump when it comes to DeSantis.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is the Big takeaway. People know Kamala is lying. ALL politicians lie and exaggerate. But they also know to a large degree that what Trump says is "directionally correct" as Scott Adams puts it. We know the "Amen Chorus" will be here to say "Well only Trump lies," but normal people don't think like that and normies will decide the election, not the hardcore Leftists who spout nonsense. They are a shrinking minority, thank God.

FormerLawClerk said...

I can assure you that Harris "oversight"ing and "regulating" speech is going to create a whole lot of Chaos. Remember the Washington DC sniper? Only one guy (well, 2 technically) but he caused a LOT of chaos for a LONG time. Imagine someone not motivated by money (that's how Malvo got caught) but instead someone motivated simply by causing chaos and bringing down a corrupt government. Imagine hundreds of unconnected Wolverines conducting these sorts of guerilla operations. That's the kind of chaos Kamala Harris brings.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well said.

mindnumbrobot said...

Nah. I think Shapiro's take is correct:
This debate won't matter. It was just eliminated as an inflection point. The American people still know nothing about Kamala Harris' positions. Donald Trump is still Donald Trump. And the legacy media are still a giant flaming dog turd.

Also, I can't help but get the feeling the Democrat powers that be really don't want Kamala to win. Four years of her and she'll be the automatic nominee thereafter. Yikes! Better to live with four more years of Trump and move on to Newsom or whomever they'll decide upon.

Peachy said...

Note - Covid Coward/ StolenValor liar Walz refuses to debate JD Vance.

The only hope Trump has after this debate is the fact that the anyone watching could see how over-the-top Pro-Kamala the hack ABC "moderators" were.

narciso said...

Peachy said...

btw- Youtube is smothering and covering for the Kamala "how dare we sing merry Christmas" rant.

wishfulthinking said...

Yes, I agree that the results of this debate will not be fully felt till the next 48hours and through the next 8 days for polling. Trump had his best debate performance to date as I see it. Kamala was horrid. Speaking as a woman wow! what an unlikable fake and nasty person she portrayed herself as. Reminded me of the Gore/Bush debate in which Gore was reputed to have lost because of his demeanor.
I think Kamala's demeanor last night will cost her with women as well as with men. Further, the media is bringing more attention to the cat/pets horrid situation by trying to debunk this issue in prime time. That Haitians and followers of Santeria in the Caribbean, and the uneducated poor people in central and south America eat cats and pets in general (as well as use them in religious rituals) is well known and documented to anyone that has lived for a substantial amount of time amongst these people

MadTownGuy said...

Ron DeSantis may well have won such a debate, but the next day, he'd still be literally Hitler. Just as any candidate not anointed by the (D) Party.

n.n said...

So, Swift is not a baby person. Fortunately, with mass flights of aliens into minority American communities, thereby forcing progressive prices and availability, where democracy dies under a Democratic dictatorship, her cat in a pussy hat can dance on a progressively warming tin roof. Climate change... can wait, but the Green blight is temporary, renewable, unreliable, and thus sustainable. All's fair in lust and abortion.

Achilles said...

The 911 calls of people telling police people are eating their pets are going to get a lot of airtime now. Kamala Harris "won" by lying a lot.

The fun part will be the tacit admittance that ABC was lying too. People who think that you can win with lies are in for a rude awakening.

I still want to know what guns Kamala owns.

Peachy said...

How Dare WE Speak Merry Christmas ... How Dare we."

Soon to be vanished by Google-youtube. I suggest everyone take a phone video of Kamala screeching her guilt lecture. Youtube also layers a fact-check about it. LOL. So Soviet!

mikee said...

The phrases Althouse wants to set to a tune are rhythmically close to the "I want a man who is six five, blue eyes, makes six figures, in finance." meme of recent musical improvisations.

Achilles said...

Trump isn't talking to you. People on this board don't understand Trump because he is not a politician or a geek like us.

Trump got well over 10 million more votes than any Republican because he talks to the people that don't talk about politics all day like we do.

Clyde said...

If people can truthfully say that they are better off now than during the Trump years, they are probably here illegally.

Achilles said...

It is silly to watch people think you can lie as much as Kamala lied and "win."
You guys argue about politics too much.

And Ron was an absolute Mediocrity. Anyone that thinks Ron would have done better than Jeb is just not smart.

If you are going to make that argument at least use Vivek who is going to crush Ron in 2028.

wishfulthinking said...

What undecided male voter will Harris images and sound bites from the debate appeal to? Same question for women.

The only thing Harris was missing last night to fully look and sound like Satan were the horns!

Aggie said...

I hope you're not going to call this 'evidence'

Achilles said...

Trump did fine. He isn't the best debater. That only rankles for a bunch of nerds on discussion boards.

He forced Kamala to lie repeatedly and make up a fairy world that doesn't exist. Looking forward to seeing Kamala shoot some clay pigeons.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Haitians eating pets? The light bringer ate dog, so what's the issue?

Breezy said...

Red herring. It’s a State decision, plus nothing like that would get through Congress.

Robert Cook said...

Actually, any "debates" (so-called) by Battlin' Politicians should include the moderators correcting the debaters on matters of fact, history, etc. Just letting politicians babble at each other, with no grounding in context, sourcing in fact, etc. is of no use to anyone watching who doesn't know whether the hot air they're hearing is bodacious or bogus.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'll have to look up a clip. First I've heard.

Mark said...

Trump didn't speak about people poaching ducks or geese, he claimed that both cats AND dogs were being eaten.

My grandpa was an avid goose and duck hunter. I don't think most people correlate 'eating your pets' with the Canada goose in the park.

FullMoon said...

Do they eat cows in India. or do they find it revolting?
17 Countries That Eat Dogs and Why They Do It [Updated 2023]

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that the moderators gave up the game with their fake Fact Checking of the Haitians eating domestic wildlife. Yes, Mark, and maybe Inga, may consider the subject closed. I sincerely doubt that to be the case. Rather, we now know that the left, and, in particular, the MSM, are willing to lie their asses off to kill this meme. Rules For Radicals says that a technique has to be fun, to be effective. Cats and other domestic animals, begging for protection from Trump and Republicans is likely to be even more effective in the future, because it not only highlights the folly of bringing in 20k immigrant pet eaters into a city of 60k, by the Biden/Harris Administration, but also how the MSM will lie, cheat, and steal to cover it up and protect Comrade Harris.

It should be interesting.

Peachy said...

MSNBC Host Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the ABC News Debate. “Donald Trump missed his chance to deliver a knockout blow to Kamala Harris. It was sloppier than his first debate. She got under his skin, which led to some nonsensical tangents, something Harris wanted to do. Anything that can be done to get her out of talking about policy is a win for that camp. Yet, despite my disappointment in Trump’s performance, where he had multiple opportunities to turn Harris inside out as a total clown who is unqualified and unprepared to be president, the vice president was assisted mightily by ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis. It was the Democrat media complex at work, and they arguably were debating with Trump during this circus last night. MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace and Tim Walz both said the quiet part out loud: the moderators rigged the debate.”

Peachy said...

btw - Taylor Swift is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
She alone could financially support 11 million illegal border crossers.
Instead - we tax payers get the bill.

FullMoon said...

"It can't happen here
It can't happen here
I'm telling you, my dear
That it can't happen here.."

Cat meat, with recipes and photos

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Trump should be 10 points ahead." Maybe he is and they just won't admit it. Look at the hatred heaped on Nate Silver just for showing his mildly Trump-positive results.

n.n said...

American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Peachy said...

No Evidence.

Jonathan Burack said...

I am most disturbed by the comments about cats. I have a black cat who is a MAGA cat, as are a hidden majority of cats. (Cats as everyone knows do not answer calls from pollsters.) So many of you are missing out here with these catty comments about cats. Cats are not moved in the least by fake cat ladies who roll their eyes, glare self-righteously and act snooty while saying nothing that makes a lick of sense.

Eva Marie said...

Cats vs pussy. Which side are you on? And which side is which side?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Laughing at the Haitians-eating-pets-and-wildlife reports is a HUGE mistake by Harris. Although there's plenty of good reason to believe it's in fact happening, the reports of it are at least PLAUSIBLE given the undisputed fact that Biden-Harris has dumped tens of thousands of impoverished, illiterate people from another culture into Springfield, without any buy-in from its residents.

Having your pet taken and killed for food is not as bad as if an illegal alien raped and killed a family member who was out jogging or stabbed to death a four-year old neighbor, but it's horrifying to contemplate nevertheless. Yet, Kamala and her ilk laugh it off as if something that horrible CAN'T be true (even though the murders and rapes of people ARE true!). And they obviously don't KNOW that it's not true, because the best David Muir could come up with in rebuttal was that the city manager said there were no "credible reports" of it. Sorry, but ABC's telling folks in Springfield and in communities all over America that may be eyed as future dumping grounds for masses of unvetted aliens "Go home folks, nothing to see here" isn't going to cut it. But it's the complete dismissiveness -- the pretending that her immigration policies aren't unleashing havoc all over the country, and the utter lack of empathy that kind of gaslighting connotes -- that's going to tank Harris in middle America.

Eva Marie said...

There’s fine people on both sides.

n.n said...

Emigration reform to mitigate progress and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. The abortion and consumption of domestic animals is a metaphor for the excess murder, rape, injury, and redistributive change dictated to Americans by a Democratic and corporate axis.

Achilles said...

Cook thinks the State should make sure that all politicians tell the Truth.

Of course Cook is the sole possessor of Truth.

That is how this works.

Dr Weevil said...

If Achilles knew how to spell Minsk, he could look up the Minsk agreements on Wikipedia and find that Ukraine did in fact sign them and that Russia immediately violated them on a huge scale, as they had already violated the Budapest agreement (guaranteeing Ukraine's borders in return for giving up their nukes) and every other treaty the USSR and post-Soviet Russia have ever signed. Except the Hitler-Stalin pact of course: Stalin did exactly what he had agreed to do in that one, though he would surely have violated it too if Hitler hadn't beaten him to the punch.

One Fine Day said...

Taking a step back: Trump wins on the criteria, hands down. I think my favorite part about this dishonest question is the implication that Trump has too may grievances about "the past", eliding the fact that the "grievances" are the many, many illegal plots and incessant warfare against Trump by the Dems. As if if stealing an election is just a "grievance". As if paying for a false 'intelligence dossier' and using the CIA and FBI to promote it and open investigations and hearings, as if lying to the public about closed-door testimony in impeachment hearings, as if lying to Congress about evidence, as if misusing the star chamber FISA court, as if filing false statements to get an indictment, as if pocketing millions in bribes, as if cutting and running from a shithole country and killing 13 American soldiers, as if ginning up a conviction of a crime that isn't a crime, as if all of this and more created by the Democrat party and supported by America haters like Rich are just "grievances".

Bob Boyd said...

Althouse said: "If I had musical skills, I'd concoct something using that line over and over"

Here you go:

One Fine Day said...

Hopefully he wasn't poaching geese out of season and in a place where hunting is illegal, unlike our recent illegal imports from a country Democrats destroyed in order to line their own pockets.

walter said...

The Cloward Pivening that is the border invasion and distribution makes discussion susceptible to whatever is happening that micro-news cycle. Meanwhile, trafficking, crime and financial burden continues.

One Fine Day said...

It remains to be seen that you are thinking at all, since you're a leftist.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL! The claim by ABC and Harris implicitly is that the story about the Haitians was completely false, Mark- completely. Just having one of them confirmed by a new video will be indisputable proof that Trump was speaking truthfully and Muir and Harris were not.

Lilly, a dog said...

That incident happened in Canton, Ohio, which is a considerable distance from Springfield. The woman is a garden-variety crazy black woman and a US citizen, not a Haitian immigrant. Aren't you at all skeptical about things that you see on the internet?

Rosalyn C. said...

I think Harris gave a better performance, but her lies really bothered me. She kept insisting that she was middle class as a child, but that was a total lie. She spent much of her childhood living in a very upscale neighborhood in Montreal. Apparently she also had a nanny who she claimed gave her insight into creating small businesses because she also had some small business. I think somebody who actually was a businessman has more insight though.

Harris kept saying that Trump was divisive and constantly dividing us about race. She then lied about Charlottesville and ignored the fact that she was chosen to be vice president because of her racial identity. During the debate it appeared to me that suddenly she’s not black anymore, now she’s Asian again. But then she kept slipping in a very slight black accent.

She came across as vicious and deeply dishonest. She was thoroughly dishonest about Israel. She kept saying she believes Israel has the right to defend itself. But in reality she supports allowing Hamas to remain in power and continue being funded by Iran. That puts Israel in the position of constantly having to defend itself.

But she did get points on her discussion about abortion because she can relate to the problems that women have.

Trump wins on actual knowledge and experience, but he never wants to come across as an egghead.

walter said...

For example, the Venezuelan gang problem in Chicago was getting attention just before this.

Michael McNeil said...

Aren't you at all skeptical about things that you see on the internet?

I'm skeptical that you're really a dog.

One Fine Day said...

I would like to note that - true or not - everyone is talking about illegal immigration again. Own goal for Commiela Harridan and the America-hating Dems since that's a topic that favors Trump.

FullMoon said...

Notice Harris surprised expression when Trump mentioned her importing people for her rallies? I don't think she was aware of it happening.

Peachy said...

I just said - no evidence.

walter said...

Imagine the debate questions if Harris had recently narrowly escaped a head shot.

Drago said...

Uh oh. Screen grab of a Clark County/Springfield police report from Aug re: Haitian men and women carrying dead geese.

Interesting aside: Clark County voted 61% for Trump last time but Springfield city proper was all lefty with a psycho Walz-like mayor....and those lefties were the virtue signalling lefties declaring Springfield open for illegal immigrant business.

walter said...

Or her debate preppers didn't tell her possible retorts.

Temujin said...

All you guys who are pegging me (me?) as an Establishment GOPer are so far off track it's laughable. I'm a more radical right-sider than any of you here. But, not to the point of cutting off my own nose to spite my face. I'm voting for Trump. But to ignore his obvious flaws is to ignore reality.

Another reality. I have some problems with Nikki Haley. I also like a lot about her. And for those who said I've never seen much DeSantis, jeez. He's my Governor. I see more speeches from him than anyone. He is the best executive I've lived under in my life, the most accomplished, the most productive, and the strongest leader I've seen.

And here's the nugget for you: Either Haley or DeSantis would be leading Kamala Harris by a large margin at this point. This should not even be a close election. It would not be if Haley or DeSantis were the candidates. That's also reality- like or not. If you feel insulted by that, that's on you.

Trump can do so much. But you can always count on him shooting himself in the foot. His mouth is what makes him great and also what makes him so cringey; lethal in a good way and lethal in a bad way. And even at this point, at this point in his life, deep into his third campaign, he cannot control himself.

So...I'm the farthest thing from an Establishment Guy that you've ever met. But I'm not crazy. I like to win. And to do that, you have to leave your purity standard at home. Otherwise you'll be sitting there watching socialists run things for the next 30+ years, long after I'm outta here.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Reuters polled undecided voters after the debate:
- 60% are now voting Trump
- 30% are voting for Kamala
- 10% remain undecided

"Undecideds" are the battleground to win. Reuters is not known for favoring R candidates.

Freder Frederson said...

Your pseudonym is perfect.

Bob Boyd said...

In the Republican party, you have to win the primary.
DeSantis is a victim of the destroyed trust in the Republican Party. Haley is an example of a trust destroyer.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

"And here's the nugget for you: Either Haley or DeSantis would be leading Kamala Harris by a large margin at this point. This should not even be a close election. It would not be if Haley or DeSantis were the candidates. That's also reality- like or not. If you feel insulted by that, that's on you."

Absolute fiction and magical pixie dust thinking. Haley and/or DeSantis would already be obliterated in the mid-west and would have zero appeal to the populist base given their records whivh the dems would have already thoroughly exploited.

Romney/McCain numbers for both of them, at best.

The "good news" if DeSantis or Haley were the candidate? You could be in bed by 10 pm EST on election night after the Haley/DeSantis conession speech.

Mattman26 said...

Here's the missing music:

Yancey Ward said...

Well, I would never tag you as establishment, Temujin, but neither Haley or DeSantis would beat Harris- neither of those candidates would win Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania. Sure, both would win NC, GA, and AZ handily- those states would no longer be close tossups as establishment GOP voters came home. However, here is the thing I can't seem to make you or the NeverTrumpers understand- there is a large class of voters that either don't vote or normally vote Democrat that Trump draws in and there are far more of those voters in Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania than there are normal GOP voters who won't vote for Trump.

The deal with Trump on the GOP ticket is that he performs worse than a GOP standard-bearer in red states (the states, for example, that Romney won in 2012) but performs much better than a GOP standard-bearer in states that are normally leaning blue by 10% or less. The problem for the GOP is that states that lean blue absent Trump are a majority of the electoral college. For Haley or DeSantis to win the electoral college that candidate would have to, at a minimum, win 52% of the two-party vote just to have a chance of winning a single one of the following states- NH, NV, WI, MI, PA. The country's voters are not homogenous- with Trump you trade the certainty of winning around 260 electoral votes only for the chance to win 300+. The Democrats have developed a lock on the electoral college since NV, CO, and VA quit being lean red to lean heavily blue. That is the reality.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Either Haley or DeSantis would be leading Kamala Harris by a large margin at this point."

I see this said here a lot. It has real "all else being equal" vibe to it, but things in that universe don't exist. You don't know what BS the Left would have thrown at those candidates, you don't know how Biden would have reacted to their imagined campaign so we don't even know if Harris would be the nominee in your alternate universe take, and we certainly don't know what kind of general election candidate either Haley (who is highly unlikeable in many ways) or DeSantis would be.

Why don't we know? Because they both flamed out. Because they did absolutely horribly in the primaries when they were auditioning for our votes on the National Stage, to the point Haley openly depended on Democrat voters in states where she "challenged" Trump. As if those Democrats wouldn't have gone home after effing up our primaries. Please!

Quit daydreaming about what could have been because it's a fools game and start working to make this election happen with less fraud and more oversight.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

I don't dispute that Haley would likely beat KH, but Haley would also be far more likely than Trump to tack to the center as president, give into the pressure to appoint "moderate" judges, and otherwise let the totalitarian left consolidate their gains with only a little pushback here and there. I think a better case can be made that DeSantis (rather than Haley) would be leading AND would display backbone, but he make a dent against Trump in the primaries, so it's a pretty moot question.

If Trump loses, then let DeSantis beat Harris in 2028.

Political Junkie said...

Achilles - I think you would rather lose and not be in power than win and be responsible for outcomes.

Mattman26 said...

So true. I bet the same folks were bemoaning the loss of Jeb! at this point in 2016.

Political Junkie said...

Temujuin - Save your energy. They will not listen. They would rather bitch that govern.

Kakistocracy said...

The “Haitians eat cats” thing is not just an appeal to racists. It’s an end-zone dance, a celebration of how far the American Right has successfully shoved the Overton Window back to where they can revel in being openly, overtly racist. It’s glee over the abandonment of pretense.

Yancey Ward said...

Fine, Political Junkie- you explain to me why Trump wins Iowa and Ohio twice by 8% but can only win GA and Arizona once by 5% and 3.5% in 2016 and lose both by less than 1% while Romney won those two states by 9 and 8%. This theory also has to explain why Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by 1-2% when Romney lost all three by 7, 9.5, and 5.5% even while winning the same two-party vote percentage that Trump won in both of his elections. The answer is staring you in the face- the voter demographics are very non-homogenous state to state and Trump appeals to exactly a class of voters in the big blue wall states that allows him to pick that electoral lock.

Your mistake is thinking that any GOP candidate could have won in 2016 even though that election and 2012 proved otherwise. Why did Trump win those states when Romney could not even while winning the exact same national percentage? Want more proof? Just examine the primaries from 2016- where did Trump run the strongest- in Democrat-leaning states and for the exact same reasons- he appealed to voters who won't pull the lever for any other Republican candidate.

Breezy said...

Agreed. This issue is a visceral one and is just getting going.

walter said...

Yes. Communities being force fed a steady diet of illegals should refrain from critiquing their behavior. Pay that exploded car insurance. Have your social services flooded. Say nice things. Co-exist. Smoke some Richweed or eat some Richables. Chill out.

Yancey Ward said...

Or consider the fact that Sherrod Brown is likely to win re-election in Ohio over a GOP standard-bearer. This should tell you that a state like Ohio is not red- it really is a swing state- only Trump makes it solidly red and only at the Presidential level.

Breezy said...

It’s not about race, it’s about culture. The whole open borders issue is about preserving our unique American culture. Slow legal immigration ensures assimilation. Fast illegal immigration doesn’t.

TeaBagHag said...

I really thought your orange furher said dogs and cats but I defer to your obviously keen intellect and commitment to the propaganda machine.

A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

TeaBagHag said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Political Junkie: "Temujuin - Save your energy. They will not listen. They would rather bitch that govern."

Speaking of "not listening", go ahead and explain how DeSantis goes to the midwest and populist GOP base and RFKjr democrats and pitches his (DeSantis') support for globalist Paul Ryan/GOPe trade policies (shipping more jobs overseas via TPP and obambi Fast Track Authority).

Should be easy for you to do, given you are a "Political Junkie".

Or will you "just not listen" to what the GOP base wants?

mccullough said...

Childless cat lady endorses childless cat lady.

Earnest Prole said...

If your plan for winning the 2024 election requires the media to be unbiased, you might as well concede today.

Drago said...

Looks like post-debate and, more importantly, post focus group reality is starting to hit our slow learner, Abacus Boy LLR-democratical Rich.

Expect increasing levels of anger and spittle-flecked stupidity by the Althouse lefty crew.

rehajm said...

They don't want to hold the monopoly on information because it's fun, they obsess over it because controlling information is effective.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BUMBLE BEE said...

This is a Hoot... Cats In Ohio!

Drago said...

If your plan for winning the 2024 election requires the media to be completely biased and you have to deny every policy you've supported for decades and you even have to flip flop and claim some of your opponents policies as your own AND you have to recycle dozens of debunked hoaxes to try and advance your campaign and you are completely petrified to appear in any non-scripted event, you might as well concede today.

Filed under: Something Earnest Prole, Straight-shootin' non-partisan, "neutral" observer, just calling balls and strikes here type of guy would never write...because it would reflect negatively on dems instead of Trump.

Drago said...

I will say this for Prole: he is at least every bit as unbiased as the ABC moderating team....


Leland said...

Does a police report count?

Inga said...

Leland, whose pet was the goose?

Achilles said...

Ron Desantis would have lost the debate given his past debate performances.

If you want to say someone would have won that debate at least talk about Vivek who blew Desantis completely out of the water in all of the debates.

The other problem with Desantis is he was a terrible candidate and would have got 60 million votes in the general.

Peachy said...

I think RFK jr. and the treatment he received from the corrupt left - would have forced him to join almost any R. To say only Trump - is nonsense.

Yancey - you forget that Hillary was vastly unlikable - by men and even some women. Also, Trump at that stage was not cut-off from the media - he was pushed hard by the MSNBC crowd back then. A unique set of circumstances. Lucky for Trump - I feel confident most men feel that same queasiness toward Kamala/Walz.
AS the media become more and more ONE PARTY STATE RUN MEDIA - it will not matter who the R is. The only thing that might help - is someone who can articulate a message better.

David Duffy said...

Mrs Duffy and I started watching late and checked out after about 20 minutes. Kamala should be toast. When Trump started talking about people eating cats we were gone.

I’m a former hunter and pet owner. Only pets we have now, since the kids have moved out, is an aquarium and Koi pond. I have eaten plenty of hunted meat and also buried a lot of carcasses of pets (all dying from natural causes , except the two stray cats killed by my son’s husky ) under the vegetable garden. I don’t have much of an affection for pets.

Good grief, that debate was awful. I’m voting for RFK. Being in California my vote doesn’t matter. If I were in Pennsylvania, I would vote for Trump. Hopefully in four years, we can have someone to vote for instead of against.

Achilles said...

Yeah can't fix typos. Also noticing Weevil can't admit that Biden and Johnson started this war.

Not one inch to the east Amrite? NATO has flagrantly violated every agreement it ever made with Russia. There was no reason for the US to depose Yankukovich in 2014 and there was no reason for this war to start other than warmongering by the west.

Achilles said...

Well that is a 90 IQ take.

I would rather win with Trump than lose with Desantis.

Peachy said...

The word from locals in Springfield is that they are over-run with illegals who have no way to assimilate. Plunked down. Same illegal Haitian immigrants are getting all sorts of free goodies like housing and unlimited EBT cards. Some are getting into auto accidents - and yes - perhaps eating park dwelling wild-life. (and maybe pets?) Displaced local homeless folks are pushed out - to handle the influx. Again - this is leaking out. The mainstream narrative driven press will not cover it.

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