২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪

"I'm going to go to a McDonald's next week. I'm going to go to a McDonald's and I'm going to work the french fry job for about a half an hour. I want to see how it is."

Says Trump (expressing doubt that Kamala Harris ever worked at McDonald's):

২২টি মন্তব্য:

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

"Grab a bucket and mop......" I would love to see it

rehajm বলেছেন...

I had to change out the grease on occasion. Lots of burns…

mezzrow বলেছেন...

He should demand they load the fry-o-lator with beef tallow before he drops a single piece of potato. Make America Great Again.

Leland বলেছেন...

Been there, done that.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

She had a job for what, two months, once, in high school? It's embarrassing that she even mentions it, let alone pretends that this somehow relates to the normal, non-elite American experience.

Trump worked for his father as he grew up. Also an atypical experience, but he doesn't run around pretending that it was normal.

RMc বলেছেন...

Another reason to avoid McDonald's! (Although, to be fair, they always did have the best French fries...)

gilbar বলেছেন...

But HAY! she grew up in an (upper) "Middle Class Household", in tony Toronto!
She KNOWS what it is like, to be (upper) "Middle Class" !!

Serious Question: would her mom let her even eat Beef? or work at a Beef Killing Place like Mac's?

rehajm বলেছেন...

In the real world the hiring manager or one of the people that worked with her would step forward with a quote mentioning how she was terrible at the job but I give a non zero probability to the theory one of the agencies had them all killed so the McD’s claims were…ah…bulletproof.

William50 বলেছেন...

Has Harris ever identified which Mickey D's she worked at? If she has I haven't heard about it. If Trump makes one batch of fries it will be one more than Harris made.

WK বলেছেন...

All Harris needs to do is make public her Social Security income history statements. At least it would show the years she was paying into SS and not working a government job that didn’t require paying in. Pretty sure my high school years show up with at least the income I earned……

John henry বলেছেন...

In many McDonalds the french fry process is about 90% automatic. The operator takes the basket of cooked french fries, dumps it in the bin then upends the salt dispenser which put the perfect amount of salt. Then they put the empty basket into a rack where it eventually travels to the french fry dispenser, is loaded then sent to the fryer.

I suspect that even Kamala could handle that.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, knows how to run a backhoe, and probably a Bobcat and a bulldozer from his summers working construction as a teen.

Top that, Kamala.

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

I worked at a Hardees in high school (65-66) At that time we made french fries from potatoes. We peeled them, cut them and fried them in the back of the restaurant.

Also onions.

I doubt Kamala is smart enough to handle that.

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

Humble brag: I was taught to operate a bulldozer when my father was building a house and had a guy pushing dirt around. He took an hour or so and taught me some basics and let me move some dirt.

I'll bet I could still do it today.

Pretty cool for a 4th grader, perhaps 10 years old.

Operating the dozer was not the hard part, though starting the pony motor then using that to start the main engine was pretty magical to me. The hard part is knowing which dirt to push and where.

I can also half-ass run a backhoe and Bobcat. Or a 6,000HP steam engine.

John Henry

tommyesq বলেছেন...

She claims to have done "french fries and ice cream." I worked at McDonalds in the 80's - the same time frame - and no one worked just "french fries and ice cream." McDonalds were not staffed with enough people to have someone specializing in these two simple jobs. The people working the register would make the ice cream (on the rare occasions that the machine worked) while taking orders, collecting money and serving food. Those same people would make the fries, which entailed nothing more than opening a bag of pre-cut potatoes into the basket, putting it into the oil, and hitting the timer. Once done, they were picked up out of the oil, shaken once or twice to shake off remaining oil, dumped into the bin and salted. All told, maybe 15-20 seconds of actual employee time per basket. It simply wouldn't be economical to have a person specifically to do just those two jobs (particularly for a Canadien-based franchise - how much ice cream do you think gets served on a mid-January day in Montreal?). I call BS.

PM বলেছেন...

Hot oil memory.
I was working as an H. Salt fish-fryer the night Bobby Kennedy was shot.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Test her, ask how many slices of cheese on a double cheeseburger

mikee বলেছেন...

I worked as a busboy when a young teen. My younger brother, hired at that restaurant first, got to be a frycook because he smoked and the other cooks liked him. He got a lot of burns and hates onion rings to this day. I can still do dishes without thinking about what my hands are doing. He got paid a bit more. We were both horribly exploited as high school kids working weekends.

J Scott বলেছেন...

I also worked at McDonalds in the 80s. Two of them in fact. Got fired from the last one. Some of the busiest McDonald's in the country I'm told, and yes I was a dedicated Fry guy for a while. I had the waffle pattern burns from moving and loading the baskets.

If the store was busy enough you definitely had a dedicated person to work the fryolaters, which included fries, apple pies, and the filet of fish at the time.

To be honest I don't remember if we fried the nuggets or not. I know that at the time we had two different types of oil, I assume one was the beef tallow and the other the vegetable. At the time I was just a kid and didn't know anything.

loudogblog বলেছেন...

I do miss those fries that were cooked in the beef tallow.

Mark বলেছেন...

What was wrong with the clip of Trump threatening John Deere with 200 percent tariffs for planning to do what allowed under Trump's own negotiated United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)? Why this banal clip instead?

Jim at বলেছেন...

Why this banal clip instead?

To see if you could stay on subject.
Congrats. You couldn't.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

I'd be surprised if one of the franchise owners would let him in the place, for all the disruption it would cause.
And then there's the possibility of assassination by grease fire.