September 4, 2024

I got a text saying "Let’s get clear together about the role those of us who are white can play to defeat MAGA...."

I have never before received a communication that addresses me as anything like "those of us who are white." To those of you who think I would want to "get clear together" with people who reach out to include me as one of "those of us who are white," let me be clear completely on my own: Leave me out.

And what do you mean by "get prepared for what comes post-election - no matter the results"?

Here's the Wikipedia page for SURJ — "Showing Up for Racial Justice." It has a warning label that says "This section contains content that is written like an advertisement." I note that "Celina with SURJ Madison" texted me from a Long Island (NY) area code.


Iman said...

Little Commie Cadre.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Racial justice." I think that's the opposite of Justice.

Leland said...

I'm done with filling out demographic questions. I got a Census form last week. I'm American. Otherwise, I care not to define my gender (I identified my sex) nor race. I'm tired of Progressives dividing us, so they can exclude some from whatever discussion they want to have and be intolerant to others. I know they have those "choose not to say" option for those that are fluid, but it works for me to stop the racial stereotyping by the far-left.

Drago said...

A not so little commie cadre with, unfortunately, much more highly developed technology with background data on individuals, whether the individuals like it or not, that allows for the specific type of tailored messaging that gives the New Soviet Democraticals an on the ground addition to the No ID/Vote by Mail cheat operations.

Bill Crawford said...

Isn't "get clear" terminology from Scientology?

traditionalguy said...

Those of us that are Scots Irish never surrender. We are the Americans that fight when attacked. Good luck attacking us.

FormerLawClerk said...

"Get ready for what's coming AFTER the election, no matter the results."

Are you listening, Ann. As I have been saying all along, the fake elections don't matter. What is coming is coming, regardless of whatever election occurs or how you vote or what the results are. You are witnessing the end of the United States of America.

That these people have your phone number, Ann, and know where you live, and know that you are white, is the message being sent. You get that right? They know whether you responded to their entreaty or not (i.e. whether you are a "friend" or not.) They're watching you, Ann.

who-knew said...

Racial justice, social justice, environmental justice. If the term justice has a modifier in front of it, it's not justice.

Clyde said...

Boy, those white supremacists sure hate the idea of making America great again, don't they?

Original Mike said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's like the growing modifiers in front of "science".

Inga said...

“ Showing Up for Racial Justice

Showing Up for Racial Justice is a network organizing white people for racial and economic justice. SURJ was founded in 2009 amidst the backlash to election of Barack Obama as the first black President of the United States.” Wikipedia

Hassayamper said...

Like the all the cool kids say on campus now, if a college major has "Science" in its name, it's not scientific, and if it has "Studies" in it's title, it's not worth studying.

Mason G said...

"I'm tired of Progressives dividing us"

Progressives need to pigeonhole you so they know how to think about/treat you. They do not recognize individuals, their unit of measurement is the group. When someone they've mentally assigned to a particular group acts outside the bounds that have been assigned to him/her, the cognitive dissonance that results often launches them into a spittle-flecked rage. See, for example, Clarence Thomas.

Kirk Parker said...

No matter the results?

BAMN -- it's not like they didn't warn us.

Skeptical Voter said...

Sorta like White Dudes For Harris (or is that White Duds?) who really cares? I'm a mongrel American with many generations of forebears here in North America. Hey, if I'm like Fauxcahontas Warren with a little touch of "Native American" in me, maybe my ancestors have been here for 10,000 years. But when I hear "white" I'm thinking of bed sheets and hoods. And the terms have been appropriated by people whom your average 1920s Indiana Klucker would never accept.

Kate said...

Wow, I'm sorry. That's ugly.

Achilles said...

The Democrat Party was founded on protecting the institution of slavery and has been fundamentally racist and divisive since it's inception.

Dave Begley said...

The Dems have a very sophisticated database. They are also pros at all things digital.

Achilles said...

Terrible people.

Peachy said...

Wise to stay away from the White left. They are insane.

Shouting Thomas said...

Obama was re-elected in 2012. That’s some backlash.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"the role" = it's a pageant

Original Mike said...

Backlash. What a load of horsecrap.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse does have a joyful smile. I'm just saying.

Jim at said...

amidst the backlash to election of Barack Obama

And precisely what backlash was that? Be specific. Cleaning his clock in 2010?

robother said...

Inga, Celina, many names. Out in the West Texas town of El Paso, might even be Felina. As with all racist appeals, the best approach is, don't show up.

Mason G said...

From the SURJ website:

"SURJ mobilizes white people for justice across the country. Through campaigns, education, and action opportunities, we move our people to reject racism and complicity– and to join movements for change."

How can they reject racism if white people are inherently racist?

EdwdLny said...

Racist democrats telling everyone exactly what they are.

Rabel said...

Show up. Express your opinion.

Whiskeybum said...

I would encourage Althouse to follow through with the offer to get involved (only information-wise) even though I know by her response she would be loathe to do so. It would certainly be interesting to get more ‘inside information’ as to what this group is up to and spread that information with her insights - like 2010 all over again.

FormerLawClerk said...

Why are we still seeking justice after 16 years of Hillary, Obama, Biden and Harris?

Rabel said...

Take video. Make a blog post out of it. Relive the glory days of the Capitol protests.

dubbyhesspdx said...

I wonder if the professor responded with a link to this post -- otherwise she is going to continue to receive similar messages.

I was receiving several text messages from Act Blue to donate. At first, I ignored them. Then I responded with "stop." Act Blue continued to send me text messages. Only after I threatened to report them to the FCC did I stop receiving text messages.

Mason G said...

The group's reaction to someone showing up and proceeding to photograph attendees would be instructive.

Rory said...

I'm pretty solidly conservative, and get a lot of spam texts. None of them has ever addressed me as a white person.

Kirk Parker said...


Presumably you fail the one drop test.


Maynard said...

Inga must have sent it to you. She is probably one of their most active volunteers.

n.n said...

People of White (i.e. albino) should vote for a Person of Orange (PoO).

J Severs said...

Another such message and Prof. Althouse's vote will be lost.

Inga said...

I had to look them up, never heard of them before. How is your sexual appliance obsession?

Smilin' Jack said...

But they’re gathering to share a meal, art, music, and laughs. Just imagine how much fun that party will be! Especially the art and the laughs! How can you miss it?!

rhhardin said...

It's nothing sinister. They just assume you're a moron, which very often is not wrong. They failed only to take into account your buttons. They should have phrased it in a way that conveyed that they mean well.

Inga said...

Blocking these sorts of messages helps. I’ve blocked several from right wing organizations texting me in the last month. Since I live in a red county maybe they think I’m one of them and would welcome such texts.

Narr said...

TOUWAW. I like it.

It is, as already noticed, a probe to locate potential resisters and malcontents.

Lilly, a dog said...

Celina just wants you to be a good people. Why don't you want to be a good people?

tcrosse said...

Where do mixed-race people fit into this? People who accept non-binary gender seldom accept non-binary race.

mikee said...

Every notice I've gotten this election cycle by text has been an urgent plea for money. Nothing more, nothing less. I feel like I'd be participating in a money laundering scheme were I to donate anything to either party. And I don't want to give them any money, it might encourage them.

Kevin said...

How can they reject racism if white people are inherently racist?

The only logical plan is to reject white people. One day "showing up" for racial justice will be getting onto the cattle car.

Kevin said...

Maybe we should send Meade and have him report back. To conceal his identity, he could go in whiteface.

Rabel said...

"A MAGA victory over the presidency and Congress in '24 would be dangerous for all of us and threaten the existence of democracy in the U.S. As white people who care about justice, we are clear that undermining white support for Trump is critical work. "


That work pays pretty well.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Backlash. What a load of horsecrap.

It was a backlash to them because we didn't unanimously declare him God Emperor.

BamaBadgOR said...

Fake. Democrat disinfo to be used later to mischaracterize Trump supporters.

wildswan said...

You don't have to delve very far on their website before you are sent to empty pages such as would occur when one builds a website using an app and does not finish either filling in the pages or deleting them. The organization mentions inspiration from the Sixties (Stokely Carmichael, for gods sake) and then the Obama campaign, Michael Brown, BLM. If you were 80 years old and stuck in the Sixties - - this would have no appeal because you'd be dead from an overdose. And if you were younger you'd put different picture sequences together differently. So this ad isn't really addressed to anyone. I think it's AI generated and it shows what AI thinks is a vibrant appeal to Madison political culture. Conclusion: We're safe for awhile yet from AI though not from olde-tyme Dem tactics such as "vote early and often."

Narayanan said...

Professora could at least let them explicate how it all comports with US Constitution!

MartyH said...

The Democrats are a racialist spoils splitting party. It is inevitable that Whitey will claim his share of the action.

Step One: Act as an Ally
Step Two: Take over
Step Three: Profit!

Narr said...

On YT lately I'm getting political pitches about 2:1 D/R.

Iman said...

She’s up too early and appears to be much too busy for this sorry-assed lot to catch up with her.

The Middle Coast said...

Althouse could just publish the link and any of us could go, right?

Michael K said...

Thank God Inga was able to block those messages. She might have learned something.

n.n said...

While PoPs are divided, I have heard that PoWs are voting for PoO.

Iman said...

Fucking underachievers and ne’er-do-wells with no interest in the results of the actions taken by their blood and excrement-stained minds and hands.

Original Mike said...

As soon as Trump won in 2016, the mother of all backlashes was unleashed. Yet Inga has the temerity to claim a backlash against a president who enjoyed unprecedented adulation. Hell, he won an unwarranted Nobel Peace Prize his first year in office! Yet, Inga claims a backlash against Obama. Utterly clueless.

John henry said...

"Born Fighting"

I identify as Scots-Irish white non-hispanic Puerto Rican.

Got a problem with tha? (asks the Scots-Irish part of me)


n.n said...

Who are the PoY voting for? PoR? PoJ?

Iman said...

“She might have learned something.”

FAT!!! Chance

Original Mike said...

As soon as Trump was elected in 2016, the left unleashed the mother of all backlashes. Yet Inga has the temerity to claim a backlash against a president who enjoyed an unprecedented level of adulation. Hell, he won the Nobel Peace Prize 9 months into his first term!

Utterly clueless.

Mason G said...

"I note that "Celina with SURJ Madison" texted me from a Long Island (NY) area code."

That may or may not be relevant. My area code is from ID, I moved to AZ for seven years before moving back and never changed it.

Hassayamper said...

What does that mean?

Aggie said...

'Organizing White People': Yes - that's called 'racism', Inga

Krumhorn said...

It is interesting to consider who those might be who would respond favorably to a txt msg like that. I suspect that anyone whose magic twanger might be plucked like that are already deeply involved in mutual magic twanger dreadful white urban/suburban wymin and male beta cucks.

- Krumhorn

Aggie said...

It would be worth understanding how you got onto this list, and how they know that you're white. I bet you could find out. But on the other side, why not have some fun? You and Meade buy some nice new freshly-pressed khaki pants and some tiki torches, some matching polo shirts and red caps, pull a 'Stars and Stripes neck gaiter up over your faces and attend the first rally. I'll give you $200 bucks to do it, just to cover your costs.

Hassayamper said...

I registered as a Libertarian more than a decade ago to express my disgust with the milquetoast Romney/McCain/Graham wing of the Republican Party. This year, far more than any before, I am being inundated with text messages from both the Harris and Trump campaigns. I reply STOP, but it never stops. As soon as I am assured that I've been unsubscribed from one puppet organization's call roster, another one pops up to beg for money in practically identical language.

Bob Boyd said...

those of us who are white

BUMBLE BEE said...

Just the sort of catchy little melody
to get you singing in the showers
H/T Elvis Costello, Night Rally

Narr said...

On YouTube lately I'm getting political pitches (ads) about two to one Democrat to Republican.

I'm not sure what the fact means IYKWIM, besides biased algorithms and more money on the Dem side.

Other theories welcome.

Yancey Ward said...

Be sure to take your Pussy Hat.

gilbar said...

it IS pretty important, to realize that One side is Blatantly racist..
and The Other Side dreams of a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character..

it's Also pretty important, to realize which side is which..
hint: One side freed the slaves, and passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
The other side were slave owners that formed the KKK

Readering said...

AA, from its web site looks like the nearest chapter to you is in Milwaukee. Lots of people keep their old area code on their cell when they move. Me included.

Yancey Ward said...

You must have donated money to at least the GOP- I have donated to neither party and my Youtube ads are 100% Harris/Walz- almost every single video starts with either them or Obama asking for money.

dwshelf said...

Dude. You call her "Althouse".

Narr said...

I have never knowingly donated to any politician or political campaign, and I'm not about to start now.

Maybe it's our search histories?

Narr said...

I did work for McGovern in '72, but my contribution was in kind--hauling little old black ladies to the polls in my Beetle.

Christopher B said...

Somebody smarter than me advanced the opinion that if you treat a group of people as a racial collective long enough, eventually they will start acting like one. I'm not entirely sure SJWs have thought their program through to the possible conclusions.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

I’ve had the same cell number for decades but for years the text message political assholes have believed I’m a leftie asian- they call me ‘Khin’. I guess because I lived close to Chinatown they just assumed…

Narr said...

I haven't had any political text messages lately, but for a few months earlier this year I was getting reminders to vote R--in Mississippi races. Several a week.

I've never lived in Mississippi, and my area code is for Memphis.

n.n said...

Make America Green Again? What you talkin' about, Celina?

Vance said...

I'd take "God's Justice" as a modifier.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Created in response to the backlash to the election of Barack Obama as president".... What backlash was that? Was there someone who didn't cheer and clap? Point them out and we will take care of them!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I thought that was the shit Barry Bonds was having someone rub on him when he was trying to hit more home runs than the other shithead who used a different drug.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Something like this, I'd guess:

Tina Trent said...

I have an acquaintance. Special forces. Killed a lot of people in Somalia before and after Black Hawk Down.

They had to leave when the UN entered. They knew they would be back to pick up the bodies.

And they were, 48 hours later.

Then Afghanistan. Then Iraq. Then a life-changing ingury.

He doesn't want to be thanked for his service. He wants to be left alone. He doesn't vote. He is damaged beyond anything.

What answers that? I have no idea. He has really altered my way of seeing things.

Aggie said...

'Organizing White People' is the mission of the organization, which is what I was commenting on. They are deeply racist, and proud of it, and oblivious to the irony.

Oso Negro said...

Nothing. He will take it to his grave.

Saint Croix said...

ha ha ha ha hahahahahahah

Peachy said...

White Leftists must defeat Make America Great Again.

In Colorado - democrats have successfully defunded the police.

Saint Croix said...

Interesting that were no "white dudes for Biden" or explicit racist appeals for white people to vote for Biden. Was this a Harris-approved campaign strategy? Or is the racist approach to voter recruitment something that came slithering up from the white underbellies? Is it top-down racism or bottom-up racism?

Inga, you're white, right? You want to join up and report back?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

No thanks. I don’t even belong to the Democratic Party.

Interested Bystander said...

What they’ll do no matter the result. If they lose they’ll burn it down. Pretty clear.

Bruce Hayden said...

Isn’t Memphis almost in Mississippi? They are both Down South where all of the red neck crackers live…

wildswan said...

Let's get clear about the past
Here's what people really think. "I was radical once and young and when people wish to draw me in to a dreary commie meeting composed of people who think of themselves as white they should say [different things to people from different decades]:

60's We are gathering to share a meal, art, music, and laughs

70's We are gathering to share a quiche, alternative art, and tears at the Hotel California

80's We are gathering to share blackened fish, counter-counter-cultural art, and frissons

90's We are gathering to share Doritos, bubble gum pop, and ignore each other while playing Super Mario

2000-2003 We are gathering to share eating local cupcakes, surrounded by art from artists no one has heard of, ignoring each other while playing Grand Theft Auto.

Next will come the anti-semites gathering to share being Nazis because they're tired of video games online and want to play them onstreets.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

‘To those of you who think I would want to "get clear together" with people who reach out to include me as one of "those of us who are white," …’

Celina didn’t though. Celina reached out to you as Ann.

wendybar said...

The Progressives only see color. THEY are the RACISTS they have been waiting for.

wendybar said...

They should call themselves idiot whiteys against whites. They are one of the reasons we laugh at the left. This would be hilarious, if they weren't planning on burning down our country with their hatred and violence.

wendybar said...

In the movie "Am I racist" the white liberal women have a $5000. dinner called Race2Dinner where they talk about their white supremacy. Matt Walsh goes undercover as the caterer, and has the women toast to their racism, AND THEY DO. I can't wait to see this movie, because it looks hilarious. The dinner itself was helmed by Regina Jackson and Saira Rao, two women who hate whitey (look them up)

Dave said...

Yeah this guy feels like right-wing Chuck.

MadTownGuy said...

1. Racism is just another word for 'class struggle.' Identify the underclass, mobilize them with catch phrases like 'no justice, no peace,' and let the struggle begin.
2. Justice is a cover word for enforced equity, which of course never happens. The classless society they advertise never happens; it's replaced with a new class structure where the proles get equal misery, the minders, apparatchiks and functionaries get a few extra benefits, and the Party elites get a comfy if uneasy life where saying the wrong thing can get you demoted, or worse.

gadfly said...

During Obama's terms, Althouse defended Rush Limbaugh's racist attacks on the President for using the term "ax" instead of "ask."

Althouse argues that Limbaugh’s sustained sneering at Obama for supposedly saying “ax” instead of “ask” was O.K. because it was “humor,” a “joke,” a “riff.” In short, she thinks, it was O.K. for one simple reason: “It was satire.” Rush was simply entertaining his audience.

In retrospect, however, it is clear that he pandered to the racism of his audience, and that he did it intentionally and repeatedly.

wendybar said...

It WAS satire gad....something you wouldn't recognize since your comedians are the Jimmy Kimmels (who you are fine with wearing black face, because he is the "right" kind of whitey) of the world with the only thought in his head being TRUMP....just like you.

Leland said...

Um gadfly, I hate to break it to you, but Rush Limbaugh pronounced "ask" like "ax" long before anyone knew who Obama was. If you see everything as racist, quit looking in the mirror. Besides CRT says it is wrong and racist to critique a person's dialect.

Leland said...

I hope those encouraging Meadhouse to do something are motivating them at the tipjar.

Satyendra said...

Dont look those, they are propogenda

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Uh "organizing white people" assumes facts not in evidence. The racist Left divides everyone into an ethnic group assumed to have a monolithic purpose, except "white people" because to the racist Left white people have autonomy and personal agency. Unlike the minorities your side likes to herd around as if they all think alike. Very much like the KKK of old who said they all looked alike too. It's no surprise that a present-day "whites group" is thinking exactly along the lines of the Democrat militia KKK.

Not a surprise at all. And if you think the text to Althouse was a "right wing" outreach then you really don't know any conservatives or understand that "racial justice" is not now and has never been a conservative idea. Individual liberty is what we promote, not racial hatred.

That's the exclusive province of your side, Inga.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Madtown nails it. The activist Left uses racism as a cover story for their class struggle, because they know appeals to racism tickle the ears of it's natural allies: progressives, liberals, imbeciles, professors, college students and the incarcerated.

Rusty said...

Isn't making Americaq great a worthy goal? I would like to see more manufacturing returning to the United States. What do you think would make America great?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Exactly. Inga is just pretending not to know they are on her side, fomenting racial unrest to advance the Cause. They text Inga because she signed up for one of their other "groups" and they are furiously mining the Left's lists (they are getting more desperate as Harris slides fast in polling).

That's why none of us get them. Which reminds me, Althouse is on the DNC email list because she used to share humorous attempts at affinity outreach they did when Debbie Whatshername Schultz ran it. That's probably where they got her number.

Mikey NTH said...

Area codes can be meaningless. My brother lives in Maryland and has a 313 Detroit area code because that's where he bought the first phone with his number.

Danno said...

Very true. I left the east metro of MN five years ago but was literally left aghast at changing my cell phone number with hundreds (maybe even a thousand) of contacts.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yep. Mine is SoCal Inland Empire yet I am a fully fledged Florida man now. I still don't run red lights like the locals but otherwise I fit in OK.

Narr said...

Memphis is the capitol of north Mississippi, but even the red neck cracker Republicans of Mississippi should know I can't vote there.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Maybe Gadfly can explain Kamala's wide repertoire of fake regional/racial accents now. Curious minds want to know.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Fuck off spammer

Narr said...

I agree that area codes can be meaningless, and often are, but there's still no reason anyone should think I vote in Mississippi.

I guess I should be glad that the calls for Maurice Griggs have stopped. Maybe he had the number before me, and voted in Mississippi. OTOH, I'm pretty sure the political texts didn't address me as Maurice. Even I could have figured that one out.

Narr said...

"Maybe Gadfly can explain Kamala's wide repertoire of fake regional/racial accents now."

Yes, let's ax him to ax her.

Christopher B said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
The racist Left divides everyone into an ethnic group assumed to have a monolithic purpose, except "white people" because to the racist Left white people have autonomy and personal agency.

I think the reality is a little more complicated than that. The deal after Civil War 1.0, reinforced by defeating the racialist powers in WWII, was that WASPs would get to define what it meant to be an American in exchange for not explicitly organizing white people as an ethnic bloc. To that end the organization of various groups of whites into cultural blocs was almost encouraged (the history of Europe until about 80 years ago was one group of white people finding a reason to attack another group of white people). In their effort to organize non-whites into a political bloc using systemic racism as a catalyst, the progressive SJWs have created a situation where whites really are cohering as a bloc in response, and then they doubled down on it by declaring various non-white ethnicities to be 'white adjacent' if they aren't sufficiently supportive of the SJW program.

Lazarus said...

Like Bob Dylan sang:

“Don’t forget that you are white”

In any "white" neighborhood, though, you're likely to find people who don't identify as white. Mixed race couples. Adopted children. Maybe migrant squatters. That's true even if campaigns and marketers use authorized subscription lists for "Magazines White People Like," like Food and Wine, or the New Yorker, or Vanity Fair, or Vogue, or Guns and Ammo.

Randomizer said...

Since I was born in America, I check the box for "Native American" if it's available. They've gotten wise, so it usually isn't that simple. Now I choose the box for "Other".

I've never done that on a Census form, and would like to see the government get out of tracking race and gender. Race has always been a vague category, so the data meaningless. Now that gender is too, we should scrap that line.

Mikey NTH said...

I get plenty from both. I never counted the number or broke them down per party because one is more than enough.

Mikey NTH said...

Envious? That's the color of green, right?

walter said...

Music, fellowship, Trump pinata....

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