September 7, 2024

"Elon Musk is intrigued by the idea women can’t think freely because of 'low T.'"

Writes Arwa Mahdawi (in The Guardian).
[T]he billionaire reposted a tweet from “Autism Capital” that suggested that “women and low T men” are not able to think freely because they “can’t defend themselves physically”. The only people who can think freely are “high T alpha males and aneurotypical people ... this is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.”


Rabel said...

Try to calm down, Arwa.

rehajm said...

I'd like to think he couldn't be more wrong...

rhhardin said...

It's left-right brain communication facility. Men work mostly left-brain, women balance. Left brain works out system issues like instability, balance works out multitasking of short term things.

Inga said...

Musk likes autistic he-men.

robother said...

I resisted such ideas for years, but watching the feminine takeover of academia destroy free speech, thought and inquiry in the name of safe spaces has made me think that the 19th Amendment is likely to be fatal for the Republic.

Kate said...

Musk as Dark Elf.

Earnest Prole said...

A government of the freaks, by the freaks, and for the freaks.

walter said...

TRT for everyone.

Jersey Fled said...

I think he may have had Arwa in mind.

Breezy said...

Perhaps it’s a response to that clip of Harris saying free speech on social media has to stop.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Elon said this 👇🏽 was an “interesting observation”

“People who can't defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism. They literally do
not ask "is this true", they ask "will others be OK with me thinking this is true". This makes them very malleable to brute force manufactured consensus; if every screen they look at says the same thing they will adopt that position because their brain interprets it as everyone in the tribe believing it.
Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective "is this true?" filter.
This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.”

There’s a lot to unpack there. What exactly does Musk endorse is not entirely clear. I’m just saying.

loudogblog said...

I don't think it's a question of thinking; I think it's a question of expressing. If you know that you'd be no good at physically fighting, there is a tendency to avoid physical confrontation by biting your tongue and not expressing any thoughts that might escalate the situation to fighting. In fact, you might actually say things that you don't believe to avoid a fight.

Even though I've never been in a fist fight in my life, I know that I'd suck at it. (And probably get my ass kicked.) I got mugged once by some young guys and I was all "whatever you want, dudes." and of them still still clocked me on the back of the head with a piece of metal. (Which required stiches at the ER.)

Howard said...

That's why former president Donald j Trump attracts so many low T high obesity males who need to buy lots of guns and ammunition in order to pretend they have lead in their pencil

Eva Marie said...

1. “What exactly does Musk endorse is not entirely clear. “
He’s not endorsing anything. He’s saying it’s an interesting idea. Can we hold these 2 thoughts in our minds (whether we’re male or female): an idea is interesting and that idea may be false but is still useful to think about.
2. Use caution with any theory which proposes one group is better than another group AND you belong to the better group. That’s kinda what led women into the mess they’re in right now.

The Vault Dweller said...

Because women and men that don't possess the telltale signs of toxic masculinity, have historically, and to this day, been the victims of violence and exclusion from men which do have the qualities of toxic masculinity they have been forced into a rubric of evaluating policy decisions by taking more into account how others may perceive the value of the proposed policies rather than solely how they may perceive the proposed policies as individuals. While this is a sign that women and men without toxic masculinity qualities are more empathetic this can lead to policy outcomes which in the medium and long-term wind up harming the more empathetic women and non-toxically-masculine men.

Amexpat said...

There are plenty of physically strong men who don't ask "is this true" and blindly follow the group think they belong to or go along because they don't like conflict. Conversely, there are plenty of physically weak men and women who are strong willed, independent thinkers and are willing to live with the consequences of that.

Musk is exceptionally bright in some ways and downright daft in others, such as this comment and colonizing Mars.

Jamie said...

I suspect he's not (entirely) wrong from an evolutionary psychology standpoint - human females have to operate more on what we might call a consensus basis, or what my organizational communications prof some decades ago called the difference between cooperation and collaboration (if memory serves, his distinction was that in ideal cooperation, everyone gives up a little in order to work together, whereas in ideal collaboration, everyone gains BY working together) because of their inherent vulnerability.

But the tendency of women to want everyone to agree (outwardly at least) doesn't matter to the structure of our republic. Our foundational principles dictate that even those whose thinking is "impaired" (such as autists, hmm, Elon? As it is certain that autism-spectrum thinking is "impaired" thinking by comparison to neurotypical thinking, and neurotypical thinking is normative by definition) are able to participate equally in the democratic process. We do a lot of things that make us less than optimally effective or efficient because we operate on, in fact we are a nation BECAUSE OF, these foundational principles. We sacrifice some effectiveness and efficiency in order to live by these values.

traditionalguy said...

Does this mean The Professor is male!? Either that or I’m a dummie.

The Vault Dweller said...

It has been my experience that folks who own a lot of guns just like guns as a hobby. Interesting Observation

Hassayamper said...

This is an intriguing argument and there is no obvious reason it can’t be true. It ought to be amenable to the usual testing methods of social psychology, and will have to stand or fall on its own scientific merits.

I’m sure there are Lysenkoists on the feminist Left that would like to crucify anyone daring to perform actual research to answer the question, but they ought to be ignored.

traditionalguy said...

Seriously, confidence comes from strength… so weight lifting needs to be a tested qualifier

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective "is this true?" filter."

Interestingly enough, I credit this blog with developing the healthy skepticism necessary to ask, "is this true?" with just about every new information.

n.n said...

A hypothesis, a musing, a juxtaposition of sexes with gender identity? Is he mocking the monotonic divergence of Diversity, Exclusion, and Intoxication (DEI) in ancient socially conservative sects?

Radar O'Reilly in Ottumwa said...

Correct observation, wrong reason?

Hassayamper said...

Freudian theory has been scientifically refuted beyond all reasonable doubt, but his delusions about phallic symbols will live forever in the arguments of leftists who want to disarm us so the nanny-government can order us about without fear of resistance. I wonder what Freud would have to say about their relationships with their own fathers and mothers…

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw I’ve heard something similar from Jordan Peterson. Maybe I’ll find the video later tonight. I’m busy now.

Aggie said...

Musk points to something he finds 'interesting', and the reporter immediately takes the worst part or that post she can find, rips it out of context, and goes hysterical, attributing her worst-case-bias fears to Musk. Does that about cover it?

It's another form of the 'Trump says....' reporting meme, where you play the mis-attribution game. It all falls flat when you ignore what reporters say, ignore what their subject-of-hate says, and just watch what their subject-of-hate actually does. This is why newspaper publishing is dying: People can simply go online and see for themselves now.

Mark said...

Elon is trolling again. Wonder what bad news is about to come out about one of his companies while we are off discussing this.

Howard said...

They are completely missing the role of estrogen in both men and women and its links to aggression. I suspect that is why paradoxically a drug used to enhance female fertility in men causes the body to produce more testosterone. Also the famous so-called love hormone oxytocin and answers vasodilation and testosterone production in men.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Jordan Peterson stopped short of calling for women to give up their seat at the table. 🫣

mccullough said...

People without fear think freely. Not sure we want them as our leaders.

mccullough said...

Our leaders haven’t thought long-term (15 years plus into the future) in a long time. They don’t even think medium term (2-14 years).

Lazarus said...

Musk deals with technical problems that require mathematical solutions. As one would expect, he's not that good with human issues. It's probably true that groups of women decide things on a consensus basis rather than on one answer being logically right and others wrong. That can be fatal when precise answers are needed, but sometimes, the female preference for consensus means that a woman or two in the room can help predominantly male groups to come to conclusions tactfully and without tearing the group apart. An excess of testosterone can be as much of a problem as a lack of testosterone. In about two generations, the Western world may have moved from the first to the second scenario.

Maynard said...

Howard said: That's why former president Donald j Trump attracts so many low T high obesity males who need to buy lots of guns and ammunition in order to pretend they have lead in their pencil

I gotta give you credit Howard. You are the master of projection and overcompensation.

rhhardin said...

The data is that men don't think like women. Musk comes up with a theory : men are stronger than women, it must have something to do with it.

Men don't have babies, it must have something to do with it, works better.

Martha said...

In related news, all the member’s of NPR’s THIS AMERICAN LIFE had their testosterone levels tested. All the males had low testosterone levels—some so low doctors would recommend testosterone supplementation. A trans guest became interested in science AFTER taking testosterone. In one study mentioned, supplemental testosterone shifted weakly affiliated Democrats into Republicans. This effect was associated with improved mood.
Doctors like to see men in a range of 300-1000 for testosterone.
The highest level at NPR was 270.
Second place was 144.
And there were several below that.

Martha said...

link to THIS AMERICAN LIFE podcasts referenced above: 220: Testosterone

doctrev said...

Sam Colt did more for gender equality than every feminist who ever lived. Ironically, Musk has it exactly backwards: women are incredibly good historically at assessing immediately dangerous situations. Testosterone tends to give men false confidence.

Nonetheless, men are generally more proficient with and more ready to use guns.

Inga said...

Women stand aside, autistic high-T men will rescue the world. We don’t need the vote, or a voice, not when we are in the hands of the gifted aneurotypical strong men…what could go wrong? Interesting though is that just by looking at Musk, or Tucker Carlson, or even Trump, they all have a soft look to their features and bone structure. Their faces have a pudge look and their beards seem thin, patchy. Maybe they need more testicle tanning?

Krumhorn said...

This must mean that our hostess is high T. When combined with those photos of her as a young lady, she must be super hot!

- Krumhorn

Earnest Prole said...

A little more clear thinking by superior males and we can all party like it’s 1939.

walter said...

High T Howie wrapped his face in an Inga T-shirt mask. Semper Fudd!

Hassayamper said...

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy — George Orwell, 1984.

Orwell knew whereof he spoke, having fought on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, and seen at first hand the treachery and fanaticism of the Stalinist Left, who were more concerned with enforcing ideological purity amongst their own putative allies than with actually fighting the Nationalists.

Hassayamper said...

The autists and the high testosterone alpha males are two very different groups, and their reasons for being able to disregard group consensus and peer pressure are entirely discordant.

lamech said...

As others noted, Musk points to something he finds 'interesting'.
The idea which, Musk finds “an interesting observation”, was also apparently “interesting” to Arwa Mahdawi.
But, Mahdawi mischaracterizes Musk’s clearly stated “interest” in the idea, into a finding that Musk is “intrigued” by the idea, implying more than a plain interest, and even a ‘fascination’ with the idea.

The idea itself reminds me of another quote/idea, the Samuel Colt slogan (seemingly intended to sell a product): “God created men, Col. Colt made them equal” -- the logic of which is apt and does not exclude women or “low T men”.

Also… The first apparent fault that Arwa Mahdawi cites regarding Musk is “In recent months, Apartheid Clyde (as he [Musk] is nicknamed) has been doing his best to get Donald Trump elected by any means possible”, which is revealing about what is driving Mahdawi’s outlook on Musk.

RCOCEAN II said...

Like most, Musk doesnt think historically, but tries to base it off something else, in this case science. Until recently, men made society and women focused on family and domestic concerns. Women werent creators and they weren't leaders. They were only given the vote in the 20th century in most places.

The woman's role was to transmit society values to their children and help enforce the Tribal rules. That's their role in society. Mommy makes sure everyone plays nice. Teacher instructs in values and manners.

This is the natural way in all societies. In UK/USA the women taught liberal democracy, in Nazi Germany they goosesteped, in USSR they clapped for comrade Stalin.

So, its not surprising that fewer women then men are into "dissent" and "Freedom of Speech" . Girls want to help teacher and polish apples, Boys want to rebel.

gilbar said...

Is it MOST irksome because, it's True?

effinayright said...

Upthread, Eva Marie wrote: "Use caution with any theory which proposes one group is better than another group AND you belong to the better group."

If you're a woman, that's exactly what you've offered here.

If you're a man, you have revealed yourself to be a beta---or even delta--- male, forever pushed around by the "toxic" Big Boys. IOW, you're a tiny little homunculus.

Either way, it's a Loser's Explanation for social resentment and lack of success.

Bob Boyd said...

Tell it to Ayn Rand.

traditionalguy said...

TESTOSTERONE Uber ales. But doesn’t that make us old timers surplus? And the MDs are afraid of giving out a Testosterone Rx these days. They say it makes cancers grow faster. Whether that is true or not, they don’t want to be sued over the new “Science” promulgated by the government. Hmmm.

Jupiter said...

Oh, bilge. It is certainly possible to evaluate the truth or falsehood of a proposition without revealing that evaluation to others. As others have pointed out, Althouse is quite good at this, despite her presumed low T (Elon seems rather lacking in this ability).
It is true, and is fairly generally accepted by social researchers, that men and women have very different ways of competing for social status. Men are much more likely to compete by working within a hierarchical team to achieve group objectives. Women tend to be less open about competition and conflict.
Just the facts, Ma'am.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

As the single father of a neuro-divergent daughter, he might, broadly, be onto something. She's 13 yo, and rather derisively detests, at school, the clots of what she calls, derisively, "The clots of nasty 'Tik-Tok-girls', who cackle away all the time, like a flock of stupid hens, and are happy as long as their feed-hopper still provides food."

Kevin said...

I don't think Janet Reno had low T, and her decisions were very often horrible.

wild chicken said...

I do think physical insecurity is a big part of our psyche. We are utterly dependent on men for protection. Laws can do only so much.

Hence the "agreeableness" trait.

Eva Marie said...

It’s important to remember that it’s within the interests of the permanent bureaucracy, the deep state, the globalists, etc. to create as much anxiety and division within the general population as possible.That includes the division between men and women.
Why are we asking about all these differences between men and women? It’s because of voting patterns. But keep in mind that the results of the last election were not caused by how men and women voted but by how the votes were counted. If our elections can not be immediately audited to the satisfaction of all interested parties then we have to conclude that the results have been tampered with. Since we don’t think we can change the system that enabled the tampering, we are turning our attentions to each other - we are getting angry with each other. That’s not where our energies should be focused. They need to be focused on our voting system.

traditionalguy said...

Might I add that HOPE is the greatest mental strength. Musk sure is a positive thinker about Mars et al.

And the greatest fear suppression tool in this world is Christianity. Or as Trump’s Presbyterian mentor called it the Power of Positive Thinking.

narciso said...

Elon put it as a socratic argument and those who bit, didn't really acquit themselves well

Bruce Hayden said...

What about Joy? I am told that this is the Joy! election, and only Comrades Harris and Walz can bring us that Joy!

Aught Severn said...

By that metric, Biden is the most qualified ever according to Biden. If you don't believe him, he will challenge you to a push-up contest behind the building.

Readering said...

An he wonders why advertisers stay away from his site.

Aggie said...

I can do this entire thread in 3 words: Hold My Beer

Aught Severn said...

Who is "calling for women to give up their seat at the table"? I just read the quote as a min-max discussion. Maybe I just missed the "and therefore we need to remove low-testosterone men and all women from governmental and civic roles." I will keep looking.

robother said...

Although, as the author of the Guardian article illustrates, women and their low-T allies have the gift of reading minds: "Musk is intrigued," "Trump is scared," etc., etc. That's what has enabled them to take over journalism.

Earnest Prole said...

I acquitted myself perfectly, thank you.

n.n said...

The Guardian is a proponent of gender (e.g. masculine) toxicity correlated with sex differences attributable to genetics of the sexes.

My unifying theory of the sexes is that female expression is influenced by thermal dynamic cycles and males to progressions.

n.n said...

It is the thermal dynamic eccentricities of the sexes that are determinant of whether we will have a gay old time or take a knee in depressed lucidity.

n.n said...

Rather than influenced, consider modulated.

Michael K said...

That's what we have now.

Leland said...

The UK seems to think even retweeting wrong think is wrong, but reporting on wrong think which requires restating the wrong think, that is fine. What a f’d up system once you go down the road of curtailing speech.

Michael K said...

Howard does seem obsessed with testosterone.

Michael K said...

They won't be. They control academia.

Michael K said...


Michael K said...

We see that now. These rallies and riots are now led mostly by young women

Michael K said...

No, he knows why and you are pretending not to know why, as well.

Paul said...

Being a martial artist for over 40 years... and a IPSC/IDPA shooter for over 40 years... I can say being able to handle yourself does free your thinking. Makes you more independent.

Or as Thomas Jefferson said, "A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks." - Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785

Dave Begley said...

Least surprising news ever.

Dave Begley said...

The Romans said, Healthy body, Health mind.

Narr said...

I yield to no one in my detestation of Professor Fraud of Vienna, but he didn't say what is attributed to him in this instance by people who quote him as an authority either for or against guns.

He pointed out that fear of the penis as a weapon could be found in the dreams of "abstinent women" and was the basis of a lot of neuroses, but he never made the statement(s) so often attributed to him.

That's leaving aside his opinion that objects had no fixed symbolic meanings anyway.

Peachy said...

Leftists hate Musk - like robot cultists, programmed to hate at will. Obey!

Peachy said...

Yes. Although - you just described the entire leftist pro-Democrat hack media

Narayanan said...

Ayn Rand 'I am male chauvinist - proudly'

The Godfather said...

The version of the Colt slogan that I recall (No, I'm not remembering back to the beginning of the six-shooter era; I wasn't there, but I read about it later) is "God made men in many sizes; Col. Colt made equalizers".

Original Mike said...

"Wonder what bad news is about to come out about one of his companies while we are off discussing this."

Johnnie One-Note.

tcrosse said...

Paintings on the walls of the Rathskellar in the Wisconsin Memorial Union used to say "Ein heller Geist in gesundem Körper". I wonder if they still do.

Maynard said...

Howard does seem obsessed with testosterone.

That is a clue to his life and personality - a big clue.

Maynard said...

Igna said: Musk likes autistic he-men.

Says the woman who has not gotten laid in 10 years. 15 years? Maybe more.

The thought actually makes me queasy.

The Godfather said...

Holy crap! I was -- what? -- 10? -- when I figured out that girls and boys thought about things differently. I'm talking about MOST girls and MOST boys in middle class USA in the 1950's. I'm a great believer in -- what do they call it? -- Evolution! That's why the women I know don't sit in the cave around the communal fire nursing their children while us guys are out hunting mammoths.
I see plenty of women at Trump/MAGA rallies and plenty of men at Kamala (formerly Biden) rallies. I question whether stereotyping is useful.

Inga said...

Maynard is strangely obsessed.with my personal life.

Inga said...

Maynard is obsessed with sexual appliances.

tcrosse said...

Musk is being criticized for this by those who have trouble defining what a woman is.

Paddy O said...

Well we tried rule by highT for most of human history, so... that pretty much was a lot of blood and lack.of freedom for most.

Maybe we need midT who just want to leave others alone.

Harun said...

Doctors need to start asking simple question during physicals. "Do you vote for Democrats or other left-wing party?" If so, test for abnormal low T levels.

Mason G said...

"Maybe we need midT who just want to leave others alone."

Are you serious? There isn't anyone in the Democratic party who wants to leave others alone.

Skeptical Voter said...

Musk thinking with his membrum virile again. But there are exceptions to every rule, including even silly rules as proposed by Elon. I'll go with Maggie Thatcher--and pass on such as Hillary, Kamala and AOC.

walter said...

See Stolen Valor China stooge Walz.

Paddy O said...

So then don't vote for a Democrat

Craig Mc said...

Remember Arte Johnson's "Veeery Interesting" shtick on Laugh-In?

The postulated theory is, like most thought experiments, grist for a science-fiction novel. I'm not surprised Elon finds it interesting in that context.

Jupiter said...

Rule by those who just want to leave others alone? How does that differ from anarchy?

n.n said...

"Interesting observation", to quote a remark on ambiguity that resembles modern science in other fields: weather and climate, conflation of sex and gender, transgender spectrum, ethnic Springs, affordable and available, Diversity, religion, etc.

Maynard said...

Two points for Igna:

1. You do not understand what "obsession" means or you are completely projecting.

2.No one, including me, care about your personal life. That is very likely another case of projection.

Ok. There is a third point. You are really fucked up.

Readering said...

I'll bite. What am i pretending not to know that's different from Musk's repellant ideas about "low T"?

Peachy said...

So true.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

"Interesting observation" is stirring the pot. Did Tim Higgins make that his Musk feature in the WSJ this week?

Peachy said...

BREAKING: California Democrat Gloria Romero, who served as the State Senate Majority Leader, has just announced that she's leaving the Democrat party and becoming a Republican and will be voting for Trump this November

"Today, I say goodbye. Adios. I've had enough. I am now another near lifelong Democrat who is joining the growing number of people, including key groups like Latinos, who are leaving the Democratic Party."

Peachy said...

But the Corruptocrats have the Money whore war machine Cheney liars.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

wait until Leon hears trumps Wisconsin debacle of word salad.The guy is definitely too old and cognitively shot.Yikes The guy would be 79 if he ever made it to the WH and he says people 80 are too old to sign their own paperwork..He's a goner time to be put out to pasture painting by number(only up to 5)

Inga said...

Maynard seems to be obsessively interested in writing comments directed at me. He often mentions sexual appliances and he even told a commenter named Ritmo a few years ago, that he wanted to eat his brains. In the same post he said he wanted to eat my private parts. Yes folks “Maynard”, a strange fellow who said he had been a psychologist. Maybe he was channeling Trump’s favorite obsession, Hannibal Lecter.

Inga said...

However, I suspect he is an alcoholic who tends to make his weird comments later in the evening after he had been drinking all day, or he could really be a deviant. Who knows?

effinayright said...

Camille Paglia has always said the world would be FUCKED if women ruled it------femmes short on rationality and logic itself, looong on FEELZ ultimately leading to destruction.

But surely, surely somewhere, sometime in human history women ruled nations where civilization thrived, people lived in harmony with their neighbors, and unleashed universally useful inventions onto a grateful world.

Oh wait...!

n.n said...

Low Temperature? Hypothermia? Perhaps a lethargic condition. Siesta!

n.n said...

A psychiatric condition, including: LowT, Incel, toxic masculinity, "burden", Diversity, transgender spectrum, etc.

Maynard said...

Take your meds Igna.

Inga said...

Put down the bottle Maynerd.

mikee said...

I, too, saw the JP interview where he had to start every response with, "No, that is not what I said."

Hassayamper said...

Here's another small milestone on our march to the New World Order. The Lysenkoists who control Wikipedia have edited the article on Lysenko to remove all discussion of how modern authors using the term "Lysenkoism" almost always intend it as a metaphor for any subjugation of scientific research to political ideology. I guess it was hitting a little too close to home for the climate-change crowd. Sort of a meta-Lysenkoism, I guess.

Caroline said...

The powers and principalities are gunnin’ for Elon.

chuck said...

The NPR levels were amazing. I'm an old fart, but compared to the NPR crew, I'm loaded with testosterone. Never thought of myself as a raging, testosterone fueled, alpha male, but there you go. Watch out ladies.

wildswan said...

The real difference between men and women is that men deal with women whereas women deal with men. Quite often men can't see when women are thinking and quite often women can see when men are not thinking and there are multitudinous social consequences. See King Lear, just one example.

boatbuilder said...

I believe that Arwa rather conclusively proves Elon's point.

boatbuilder said...

Those who demand "consensus" do not want to leave others alone. They want the others to go along with the consensus. That (I think) is Musk's point.

Lazarus said...

Are autistic people really more clearsighted and unencumbered by prejudices? They also miss a lot of context, don't they? Autistic mathematicians or physicists may do wonders in their fields, but in more human-oriented activities they could have real trouble.

holdfast said...

Based on his recent remarks, I think that James Carville agrees.

The Dems have become the party of insecure shrieky women, and even more insecure soy men. If you are living a life of constant fear, and endlessly searching for a protector in Big Boyfriend Government, it's hard to be rational and think those deep thoughts. Some women manage it anyway, for sure, but overall the sense of fear and search for protection that characterizes low-T folks is currently the biggest driver of Dem/Left politics and policies.

holdfast said...

At least he had well-attended rallies. Unlike Harris.

Didn't like Obama's policies, at all, but he's a hell of a gifted politician. Not super-smart, but just smart enough to do what he needed to do. In some ways, he was the first modern celebutard President. Paving the way for the next celebutard, DJT.

holdfast said...

There are some human interactions where all the nuances, subtleties and layers are just total BS - a smokescreen masking real intentions that are actually based on measurable capabilities. So in those cases being blind / immune to them is actually kind of a superpower.

stlcdr said...

I recall talking about a 2016 Trump/Bernie match, and looking at Bernie's ideas, posts, and what not and thinking 'Interesting notion [observation]' but also qualified as, in my opinion, completely wrong.

Just because you find something interesting doesn't endorse that something.

As noted, however, the reporting of this by Arwa (?) seems to support the notion.

Darcy said...

Finally a scientific theory to my puzzlement over Democratic party voters! Women and low T men. Hahaha. It's gotta be true.

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