September 15, 2024

"Donald Trump has survived 'what appears to be an assassination attempt' after shots were fired at one of his golf courses in Florida, the FBI has said...."

"A Secret Service agent opened fire on a man as Trump was playing golf nearby, according to the agency. A man in his fifties was taken into custody by the West Palm Beach sheriff’s office after a traffic stop on I-95. In an email to supporters, Trump wrote: 'There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumours start spiralling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me.'"

I'm using the "Trump shot" tag because it's another assassination attempt, and that's the tag I established for the first one.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 334 of 334
Michael K said...

No, I think this is more in the realm of psychosis.

Iman said...

Oh, the Inanity!

Bob Boyd said...

Assassinatin’s like pimpin’.
It ain’t easy.

Iman said...

Ruh roh Mutt!

RideSpaceMountain said...

Many are iNag, that doesn't mean 99.999% of want to shoot Trump, just this loser. He doesn't even deserve to look in the direction of the Republican's new Hawaiian coconut queen.

Iman said...

Gee whiz… don’t all Republicans donate to act blue?

Eva Marie said...

From a 2022 article in the NYT:
With Legion growth stalling, Ryan Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, N.C., is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.
“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said in an interview from Washington.
It is not clear whether he has succeeded, but one former Afghan soldier said he had been contacted and was interested in fighting if it meant leaving Iran, where he was living illegally.

Iman said...

Sepsis has struck our dear Inga. It has already manifested itself in her grey matter.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Just wakin up the mornin gotta thank God
I don't know, but today seems kinda odd
Tried to shoot Trump while he played golf
But goddamn it, my aim is always off!

Maynard said...

Here is what I have discovered. Inga is awake (woke) and sober now that she had time to sleep it off.

Inga is once again totally irrational.

Once they successfully assassinate Trump, she will call for a stop to all the hate speech

Jim at said...

It's amazing how the leftists here are trying to use any of his past associations or support as some way to shed the label he was one of theirs.

The man hates Trump. He hates him so much, he wanted to kill him. Not in 2016. Not last month. Today.

That puts him squarely in your camp. STFU and own it.

Eva Marie said...

Doesn’t this require an unusual depth of knowledge? How did he acquire the information to contact an Afghan fighter in Iran? Now this is the NYT - so not a particularly reputable source but still - interesting.

Vance said...

Tcrosse asked what would happen after the left killed Trump. You responded:

We're going to force them to read books and complete their high school education.

I.e. reeducation camp.

Gospace said...

We're going to force them to read books and complete their high school education.
What Vance wrote is nothing more then rewriting exactly what you said in different words with the same meaning. With a BS in PoliSci already and a 750M/760V on the SATs in 1973- today's HS curriculum would be even more boring then 1973's was.

Inga said...

Before Trumpublicans jump to the conclusion it was someone on the left who tried to assassinate Trump twice, maybe you should ask yourselves why are Trump voters and Registered Republicans trying to assassinate Trump?

Eva Marie said...

From the Washington Times:
On his X account, his bio says he feels “lucky to have been born in America, with freedom and opportunity and hope that I do not waste such a valuable thing; to do more and take less.”
On his account he frequently derided Mr. Trump and described the 2024 election as a referendum on democracy — one of the central claims of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in their Democratic presidential campaigns.
“Your campaign should be called something like KADAF. Keep America democratic and free. Trump’s should be MASA…make Americans slaves again master,” he said in one post in which he tagged Mr. Biden’s official @POTUS account.
“DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way,” the post from April 22 concludes.

Michael K said...

You are a hopeless liar and stupid. Go away and get help.

n.n said...

Democrats are fomenting, teaching, indoctrinating abortive ideation. Who will be next to flee?

Inga said...

And you are a senile asshole that has turned into a common troll. You go away and get your diaper changed.

Eva Marie said...

From X via Breitbart:
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) took to X on Sunday to decry what he called “extreme MAGA Republicans,” adding, “We must stop them.” Notably, Jeffries made this declaration an hour after former President Donald Trump survived a second assassination attempt on his life. “Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025,”

Michael K said...

Freder is always ready with a stupid comment. He never wonders why the attacks are always on Republicans.

Bob Boyd said...

What’s the principle? Assassinatin’ ain’t easy
I’m invincible. Lefties can’t beat me

Eva Marie said...

Oops. Forgot to state these are Routh’s statements.

RAH said...

The assassin had a rifle and had a criminal record. I expect his family may have helped him. He was driving his daughters car.

Mutaman said...


"What Vance wrote is nothing more then rewriting exactly what you said in different words with the same meaning. "

Despite what you learned at Trump University, you don't put quotes around "what you said in different words" (sic).

RAH said...

As we get closer to the election there may be another attempt. Lets hope Trump keeps getting lucky. Too much hate by the media and the left incites this.

Michael K said...

Shut the fuck up, Inga.

Iman said...

Inga fails this component of the Modern Practical Nurse Pledge (updated Nightingale Pledge):

“I will not do anything evil or malicious”

You fail EPICALLY, sistah!

Big Mike said...

The rifle pictured leaning against a chain link fence seems to me to have a barrel that's too long for an AK-47. I'm thinking perhaps a Dragunov SVD purpose-built Russian sniper rifle chambered in the 7.62x54mmR round. I don't own either an AR or AK semiautomatic rifle, so I could be wrong.

The attempted shooter has been identified as Ryan Routh, like James T. Hodgkinson before him (Congressional baseball game in 2017) he's a Bernie Sanders supporter.

FormerLawClerk said...

His son is already in the press saying that his father hated Trump "as every reasonable person does." Entire family of whackjobs.

FormerLawClerk said...

Every Democrat nutjob is looking to make history in the same way that John Wilkes Booth did.

Iman said...

crawl maggot brain… CRAWL MAGGOT BRAIN!!!

Mason G said...

If Trump is such a horrible candidate (and person) why is the left trying to shut him up by killing him? Wouldn't it make more sense to just let him talk?

Narayanan said...

was he stopped in black vehicle he used to leave golf course
if not where is that?

Dr Weevil said...

The only evidence that the Butler, PA shooter was a Republican is that he voted in the Republican primary. However, the PA Democratic party was specifically encouraging their members to ask for a Republican ballot in the open primary and vote for Nikki Haley. Everything else we know about him suggests that he was one of them.

Mutaman said...

"more like a concept of an assassination attempt."

Post of the thread

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Rachel Vindman opined on X: "No ears were harmed," . "Carry on with your Sunday afternoon." Still trying to find a copy of COLONEL VINDMAN's Purple Heart Citation . When I asked him, he blocked me on X

Narayanan said...

when stopped was he in black SUV or different vehicle?

John henry said...

His LinkedIn page is still up. I did not see anything about teaching at NC A&T. He does say that he attended March 95-March 98 studied mechanical and (perhaps?) project management. Does not seem to have graduated.

Only work experience is self-employed with Camp Box Honolulu which he apparently owns. There was a post on X that said he builds cheap shacks for homeless. I thought that was just snark.

But looking at his LinkedIn profile, he says We try to build units that fall below permitting requirements with the simplest of construction techniques to make units fast and affordable.

Sounds like a "shack" might be a step up. Not to denigrate this effort though. Providing shelter for the homeless is generally doing the Lord's work. Of course it depends on the shelter and how and what he is doing.

John Henry

John Henry

John henry said...

We try to build units that fall below permitting requirements with the simplest of construction techniques to make units fast and affordable.

Eva Marie said...

This is why Trump identifies with cats: “Nine lives bitches.”

Bruce Hayden said...

Looks like they caught him in the black SUV. Photos of him getting in the SUV gave FL LEOs the plates, and an automated license reader popped with him heading N on the freeway. Got swarmed, and gave up peacefully.

Bruce Hayden said...

Looks like they caught him in the black SUV. Photos of him getting in the SUV gave FL LEOs the plates, and an automated license reader popped with him heading N on the freeway. Got swarmed, and gave up peacefully.

walter said...

Properly preserved:
msnbc blamed trump.
9/15/24, 6:01 PM
Rightfully so. He puts a target on his OWN back.
9/15/24, 6:03 PM

Eva Marie said...

Via Instapundit:
“The rifle pictured leaning up against that chain-link fence is not an AK-47.
It appears to be an SKS rifle that has had the integral 10rd-magazine removed and modified to accept AK-style detachable magazines (a common modification available from several different accessory manufacturers)”
“Same rifle james hodgkinson had.”

Dr Weevil said...

How many Trump-haters heard the news of the second assassination attempt and couldn't help thinking "Third time's the charm. Maybe the next one will get him!" Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? So far, they all seem ashamed enough, or sensible enough, to avoid saying so on social media where others will be able to judge them, but you know many of them were thinking just that.

Michael K said...

Inga posts lies here and is free to do so. The would-be assassin has no history except as another crazy Democrat, just like attempted assassin Hodgekinson another Bernie Bro.

Michael K said...

Mutaman turns up with more lies.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

looks like another deranged trumper goes off the deep edge as he watches his former idol go off the rails..Thats two republicans shooting their own,,,cmon man do something about these people.Today, the FBI identified the shooter as Ryan Wesley Routh. Routh was a former Trump supporter, who had voted for him in 2016, but had since decided that Trump was "getting worse and devolving." He made a chilling social media post after the first attempt on Trump's life, writing, "I will be glad when you are gone." deranged group of people violence begats violence.

Michael K said...

More lies

Kakistocracy said...

He was a former Trump voter and recent Vivek fan. Mentally unwell with a criminal history. Better question is how he managed to purchase a firearm and why golf course security was so lax.

Mark said...

If it was the other side, you would already be calling it a false flag Michael K

walter said...

So as to not be logically attributed to Inga.

Quaestor said...

"That is pretty thin gruel to hang a conspiracy on. Langley is 991 miles from West Palm Beach. 'Rats, another 15 hours of driving and four states, I would have made it.' "

Mark said...


I want him to lose the election and be fired by the populace twice, not be shot by a loony.

Aggie said...

Read on, dear Doctor, read on. You don't have far to go.

Megthered said...

These stupid dems don't realize that killing Trump will start CW2 here but also destabilize financial institutions and stock markets around the world. Governments will be rocked by this. But they are too stupid to see it.

Peachy said...

2020. Back when Tulsi was a democrat - running with the democrats.

Peachy said...

Date Stamp 2020. Tulsi was a Democrat - with the democrats who ran in 2020.

Eva Marie said...

Jimmy Failla on X:
I want to live in an America where the press has more access to the Democratic nominee then the assassins do to the Republican nominee

Peachy said...

my comments are vanishing again.
If that isn't some leftist fake - the comments are from 2020.
2020 - Tulsi was running for the Dem nomination. Or are you dumb, Igna?

walter said...

Apparently he too was dismayed about the memory holing of the first attempt.

Peachy said...

my comments are vanishing again.
If that isn't some leftist fake - the comments are from 2020.
2020 - Tulsi was running for the Dem nomination. Or are you dumb?

Peachy said...

holy fuck.
my comments are vanishing again.
If that isn't some leftist fake - the comments are from 2020.
2020 - Tulsi was running for the Dem nomination. Or are you dumb?

Drago said...


The fake drink bleach quote/liar has thoughts!

Peachy said...

Ryan Routh
‏ @RyanRouth

"I was not supporting Bernie, but now I am; as sleepy Joe stands for nothing; no plans, no ideas, just as limp as hillary. Bernie.......give them hell.....fight to the death...... "

Peachy said...

Ryan Routh
‏ @RyanRouth

I was not supporting Bernie, but now I am; as sleepy Joe stands for nothing; no plans, no ideas, just as limp as hillary. Bernie.......give them hell.....fight to the death......

Eva Marie said...

Via CTH, all of Routh’s posts on X:

Quaestor said...

Rotwang's Cabana Boy is drunk blogging again. Ryan Wesley Routh was captured by Martin County deputies about 40 minutes after Routh fled the scene. Martin County is due north and adjacent to Palm Beach County. Why he drove north is unclear, but he could have been heading to Greensboro, NC where he lived from (at least) 2002 to May of this year when he moved to Hawaii with is girlfriend. In 2002, Routh was arrested on weapons charges, including possession of an illegal machine gun. Instead of prison, he was given probation. In the meantime, Routh has been involved in numerous, and frankly insane projects involving assassination plans against Vladimir Putin, solicitation of fraudulent passports, and recruiting "stolen valor" military poseurs, gun freaks, and hardcore nutjobs like Inga for his mostly illusional Ukrainian foreign legion. He even used to request a rocket from Elon Musk with which to attack Putin's Black Sea dacha. In other words, Rauth is the perfect lone wolf assassin the elite left has been searching for, all he needed was certain information from knowledgeable sources, e.g.

1) The Mar-a-Lago's golf course is only protected by a melaleuca hedge backed by a chain-link fence, something only known by those who actually been there and actually checked.
2) Trump's tee time.

These facts were not generally known until the press published them after the fact. However, they were known to many Federal security agencies. It would only take one loyal Democrat with the Biden/Harris administration to leak those data to Routh in an email, a text, a plain old phone call...

Inga said...

Except it’s not Dems who are trying to kill Trump. The last two attempts have been by a registered Republican and a former Trump voter who didn’t like Biden, supported Vivek Ramaswamy.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...

Their "The Last Supper (1995)" hurr durr let's kill hidler! fantasy manifests their dismay when in fact it turns out more like "Dinner for Schmucks (2010)", just like it did with this inaccurate schmuck.

Dr Weevil said...

Since you didn't read it the first time I posted it, here it is again, with a correction on how PA runs its primaries:

The only evidence that the Butler, PA shooter was a Republican is that he voted in the Republican primary. However, the PA Democratic party was specifically encouraging their members to reregister as Republicans to vote for Nikki Haley in the primary. Tens of thousands of them did exactly that. Everything else we know about him suggests that he was one of them.

Granted, we know very little about him, which is itself suspicious. We do know that he gave money to a Democratic group.

Yancey Ward said...

Operative word, Inga, is "was". The question is who is he supporting today? That answer, Dingabat, is Democrats like Biden and Harris.

Eva Marie said...

Bizarre coincidence - Chris Kyle’s assassin (Eddie Ray Routh) has the same last name as Ryan Routh.

Yancey Ward said...

You will rarely see someone spinning as hard as poor Inga is tonight- it is an astonishing thing to see.

Bruce Hayden said...

Apparently, they did the same thing with the previous assassination attempt.

Inga said...

Routh is not a Dem. Supported a Nikki Haley/Vivek Ramaswamy ticket

LakeLevel said...

This is very scary. Routh must have had at least some contact with mercenaries in Ukraine. Which means it could have been anyone hiring him (them) to do this.

Josephbleau said...

I don’t want to pile on Inga, but unless you are getting paid to comment here, talk to some friends or get some help.

Josephbleau said...

I don’t want to pile on Inga, but unless you are getting paid to comment here, talk to some friends or get some help.

Original Mike said...

I was shocked in 2016 when, after Trump was elected, the left/media turned up the hate to 12 (that's larger than 11 for those of you in Rio Linda). I thought BushHitler and Romney denied medical care to a woman with cancer was over the top, but this was on another level entirely. It was obvious that it was an orchestrated campaign and now, 8 years later, we see the fruit of their labor.

Congratulations. You were successful.

Maynard said...

Let's talk about this in the AM when Inga is sleeping off her drunk and has changed her diapers.

Eva Marie said...

Here is an interview Routh did with Semafor:

Josephbleau said...

Hitler is a baby
Who to kill maby
The one to enshrine
Is the one I leave behind,

Josephbleau said...

Hitler is a baby
Who to kill maby
The one to enshrine
Is the one I leave behind,

Inga said...

Let’s talk about how Maynard gets drunk and molests his cat. I told you folks he was a deviant.

Eva Marie said...

Also bizarre: This is Ryan Routh’s Taiwan Foreign Legion website:

Original Mike said...

I want to know, if the Secret Service shot at him, why is he still alive? Aren't they supposed to be marksmen?

walter said...

They thought Routh would take care of it. Oh wait..I see what you're saying...

Bob Boyd said...

How’d this guy know where Trump would be and when?

Bob Boyd said...

How’d this guy know where Trump would be and when?

Jim at said...

I'm repeating this because some people are too stupid to comprehend it:

The man hates Trump. He hates him so much, he wanted to kill him. Not in 2016. Not last month. Today.

That puts him squarely in your camp. STFU and own it.

Yancey Ward said...

FBI/SS press release?

Yancey Ward said...

The hate Trump engendered, in my not so humble opinion, arose precisely because it was the mainstream media and the Democrats (I repeat myself again) that made Trump a candidate in the first place- promoting him specifically because he was supposed to either run as a third party if he didn't get the nomination or go down in landslide if he was the nominee. The Democrats were giddy when Trump won the nomination and when he won the election, too, the proof of the Dems' stupidity was something they couldn't swallow and move on like actual adults.

So, for 8 years now we have live with the childish psychosis, on display in this thread by DINGAgabat.

Yancey Ward said...

Choking on a hotdog and getting a Purple Heart is something you don't want people to know about.

Achilles said...

"We're going to force them to read books and complete their high school education. "

So you believe in murdering political opponents AND re-education for people who disagree with you.

I appreciate your honesty.

Original Mike said...

"This is very scary. Routh must have had at least some contact with mercenaries in Ukraine. Which means it could have been anyone hiring him (them) to do this."

So, this guy supports Kamala (to the point of committing murder) in order to continue the war in Ukraine?

How much death and destruction has there been (with perhaps even nuclear catastrophe in the future) because Joe Biden saw an opportunity to skim a few million dollars?

Maynard said...

Inga sweetie,

I never thought you had a sense of humor. I apologize. You can be pretty funny sometimes.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...


Original Mike said...

I think that's right; back in 2016 they felt guilty and immediately set out to tear him down. I think 8 years on, that's all be forgotten. Now it's just dogma. Everyone knows Trump is Hitler. It's his own damn fault people are trying to kill him.

walter said...

Noteable how long it took Drudge to post on this.

Quaestor said...

"How much death and destruction has there been (with perhaps even nuclear catastrophe in the future) because Joe Biden saw an opportunity to skim a few million dollars?"

The irradiated mutants will paint that story on their cave walls.

Eva Marie said...

Edward Snowden on X:
“We know little so far, but w alleged Trump shooter's personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House's agencies can claim zero contact—"clean hands." Something of an Oswald vibe, here. Congress should get answers.”
“I'm not saying this guy was some pro on somebody's payroll, obviously—in my opinion, the guy just looks deranged. But that doesn't mean the government didn't have a hand in encouraging his past militancy, as we once did with Bin Laden. We had a word for it at the CIA: blowback.”

Quaestor said...

Shortly after the Butler PA incident, Ryan Routh posted on facebook and X some advice for Joe Biden. In short Routh urged FJB and harris to visit the wounded and the murdered firefighter's survivors because Trump wouldn't do it. Of course, we know that Trump visited all those people the following morning and NO DEMOCRAT, LEAST OF ALL BIDEN EVEN BOTHERED TO CALL ANY OF THEM.

Eva Marie said...

This isn’t our first encounter with leftie violence:
“People have completely forgotten that in 1972 we had over nineteen hundred domestic bombings in the United States.” — Max Noel, FBI (ret.)
From a review of Days of Rage:

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...

"So you believe in murdering political opponents AND re-education for people who disagree with you."

"Poor dumb Achilles".

Eva Marie said...

From Wikipedia:
On 15 May 2024, Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico was shot and critically injured in the central Slovak town of Handlová, in front of its House of Culture after a government meeting.[3][4][5] He was hospitalised and stabilised after emergency surgery.[6][7][8] The suspect, Juraj Cintula, is a 71-year-old man, was detained by police at the scene.[1] During interrogation, he stated that he acted primarily because of the Fico government's opposition to military assistance to Ukraine during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[9]

Jason said...

I didn't think I could hold Inga in more contempt.

I was wrong.

LakeLevel said...

Where the hell is the Justice Department defending America? If Donald Trump were killed, this country would be in terrible peril. They, the Justice Department, should know this. The Justice Department should never have been politicized, but Garland has corrupted it. A good Attorney General would know that should a political opponent be violently eliminated with his seeming complicity; the country would descend into chaos. Our enemies are smiling.

Tina Trent said...

Why do I have to quickly get my news from libs of tic toc while the MSM is still pretending they know nothing about the shooter and other social media is quickly deleting information?

Here is what the MSM is not reporting: he published a manifesto urging Iran to kill Trump. He was discussed at length in a NYT article about nutcase Americans going to Ukraine imagining they are going to fight Putin. He went there trying to recruit fighters. He is obsessed with the incorrect, MSM-promoted idea that it is Trump, who opposes foreign entanglements, not the Democrats, who officially now and historically encouraged this conflict, is somehow responsible for the war between Ukraine and Russia, while exactly the opposite is true. He claims special knowledge about acquiring fake passports from Pakistanis. Note that Pakistanis are increasingly controlling the Left and the DNC. He also claims connections with soldiers in Iran's terorist state. So his ties to Islamic terrorist groups need to be investigated.

Not one word of any of this in any news channel. Why?

He better watch out for Jack Ruby.

wendybar said...

Posted yesterday, but bears repeating.....

Donald Trump has now experienced as many assassination attempts as Kamala has experienced interviews.
4:39 PM · Sep 15, 2024

wendybar said...

Jimmy Failla


I wanna live in an America where the press has more access to the Democrat nominee than the assassins do to the Republican Nominee.
6:29 PM · Sep 15, 2024

wendybar said...

According to an Article from the Greensboro News and Record in December 2002; a then 36-Year-Old Ryan Wesley Routh ran from Police during a Traffic Stop before Barricading himself inside of a Roofing Business for Three Hours, leading to him being Charged with Carrying a Concealed Weapon as well as Possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction, referring to a Fully-Automatic Machine Gun.

Second, how could Routh obtain a firearm when he had a rap sheet that could scale Everest? His criminal record is about 50 pages, some of which were reported in local media. One of his convictions related to the possession of a machine gun (via NBC News): "

Jim at said...

Our enemies are smiling.

Our enemies are within.
Rush did a song about it.

Part of the Fear Trilogy.

Jim at said...

Rand Paul was attacked because he had a long running feud with his neighbor over lawn maintenance.

Oh, so all's good. Lawncare.
Reverse the politics and say the same thing.

Jim at said...

Part of the Fear Trilogy.

As a progger ... the Trilogy was released in reverse order of the songs written.

typingtalker said...

318 comments just 13 hours post publication. Is that a record?

Leland said...

Interesting that in less than 12 hours, the left already knows with certainty the voting record of the alleged shooter. There are people who still don’t know this occurred, and progressives can tell you to the dollar who this guy donated. That is a lot of familiarity.

I have a question. NBC reports that a guy with the same name has 100 arrests in North Caroline including a charge of possession of a machine gun, which is a federal crime. NBC noted the person never spent time in the state penitentiary. Why would a person that committed a federal gun crime go to a state pen? You may think because they committed so many other crimes in the state. Well, the state attorney for Palm Beach has already claimed supremacy for investigating this shooting. Seems like the feds should know this guy.

rehajm said...

I'm old enough to remember when holding politicians accountable for violent rhetoric was de rigor. Apparently now it's inconvenient...

Iman said...

A couple of Baby Rouths floating in the gene pool.

Rusty said...

Freder. Question. What do you need to get on an airplane?

Rusty said...

"Perhaps you forgot that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself."
Perhaps you forgot that we are too. And Yes. Ukraine has every right to defend itself. And as a heavily taxed American taxpayer I have every right not to finance Ukraines beef with Russia.
You're dismissed.

Rusty said...

Criminals usually steal them. Of course now that there are open boarders the cartels are supplying weapons to the gangs. The gangs will sell guns to anybody. But only after a background check.

Tina Trent said...

Hate to tell you, but every dollar you contribute to a candidate is published on an easy-to-access website. Unless you do it through a Superpac and give more than a million dollars to be a principal in that superpac.

I know a lot of conservatives fell for that law (supported by both Parties) declaring corporations and superpacs as "people" (only, people who can hide their names, unlike us, via the fiction that they don't "coordinate directly with campaigns"), but Citizens United is as dishonest as they come. We fell for it, and now the Democrats primarily benefit from it.

We need to work smarter. Meanwhile, it would take me about a minute to find every political donation you ever made. Maybe five minites if you have a very common name.

Achilles said...

Looks like Freder found another excuse to justify killing his political opponents.

Iman said...

But will she reach terminal velocity before she’s able to free her cranium from her dank, fetid poop chute… that’s the question.

Gravel said...

Partisans often encourage what they perceive to be spoiler candidates from the other party to stay in the race. There's exactly zero indication from this link that Routh ever voted for or supported Trump in any way. Take your meds, Inga.

Gravel said...

Take your meds, Inga.

Gravel said...

Again, none of these xwitter links provide any evidence at all that Routh ever supported or voted for Trump. Take your meds.

Rusty said...

Freder can you tell us why such modes of transportation might not be a good idea?

Rusty said...

Hey, Freder! You remember that time when Meade called you a dumbass? Yeah. Good times Good times. See if you can figure out, in your own little head, why it might not be a good idea,after you tried to kill somebody, to book a flight or a train ticket.

Old and slow said...

Not even close. See the death of RBG posts for impressive comment totals.

Cameron said...

Yes. But he also regularly golfed on that course while in Florida, and the guy was apparently waiting for 11 hours before the incident. So it seems he didn't know Trump would be there at that time, just that Trump routinely visited on weekend while in Florida. He probably has staked out the course on prior weekends.

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