September 16, 2024

At the Medium Hot Mocha Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


n.n said...

Life is but a gamble. Play.

Yancey Ward said...

Aces in the hole, I hope.

n.n said...

A veritable back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP.

Peachy said...

want to re-post this Temujin quote here:

"It is absolutely the height of obtuseness when your networks and press spend their days- for years now- creating this story that Trump represents evil, the end of women, the end of Black people, the end of trans and gay people, the end of Jews the end of the ability to kill babies, the end of, well...the planet, and of course, the end of Democracy- and then call it his fault when people try to take him out. "

Aggie said...

Gin Rummy, or Crazy Eights? I know it ain't Go Fish.

Wince said...

Think about it.

Trump has survived more assassination attempts than Kamala Harris has done one-on-one press interviews.

FormerLawClerk said...

"This is like the plane flying into the second tower. The situation is suddenly totally clear. We are under attack." - X user Diana Allocco

FormerLawClerk said...

It should also be noted that one of those interviews was conducted by the wife of one of the 51 signers of the Deep State letter claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russia disinformation."

That would be Jeremy Bash. You know him better as the husband of Dana Bash, (D) CNN

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Watch out for the plastic-coated coffee cups. Our insides don't like plastic.

FormerLawClerk said...

It's not obtuseness.

It's a well thought out winning strategy that has proven time and time again that it works: gaslighting

Otherwise known as the illusory truth effect. Scientists have studied this phenomenon in human beings for decades.

The Democrats know what they are doing. It is a strategy that relies very heavily on well-studied human tactics.

Original Mike said...

(seen on Instapundit)

Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?

Peachy said...

Mark Stein:
"My own line on failed assassinations is that of the IRA taunting Mrs Thatcher after the Brighton bombing: You have to be lucky every time; we only have to be lucky once.

In the last two months, Trump has been lucky twice. There are another two months to go: can he be lucky thrice? Four times?

If I were Trump I wouldn’t want these guys anywhere near me – the official government protection, that is. The law-&-order types on the right have been ballyhooing the quick thinking of one individual agent on the ground – which is fine and dandy, but conveniently absolves the “bureaucracy” of its failure to provide sufficient protection, even after he’s already been shot and an American citizen has died. Trump is one of the comparatively few presidents who has taken a bullet for his country, which is more than even Tim Walz can claim, but nobody who matters is interested. The court eunuchs at ABC News couldn’t be bothered with a question on this summer’s near-assassination, but they did make room for a question about the rental practices of Donald Trump’s father over half-a-century ago."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Plastic-coated coffee cup was a Trump creation.

tim maguire said...

Yesterday: Someone tried to assassinate a former and possibly future president today.

Social media today: that same former and possibly future president says he hates Taylor Swift.

Humperdink said...

The Commie-Pinkos are 0 for 2. Will they go for the hat trick?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

X Video: "2.5 minutes of Democrats explicitly calling for using political vioIence".

FormerLawClerk said...

What we're learning:

* Routh's cell phone pinged him at the location of the sniper's next 12 hours prior to the actual shooting (he set up the nest at 2am, the first shots were fired at 1:30pm Sunday).

This means he knew 12 hours prior to Trump arriving at the golf course that he would be there.

His vehicle was parked nearby enough that he could get away from the scene while being chased by Secret Service agents who were firing at him with handguns. That location is basically a 4-way "Florida boulevard" which if you've been there, they are HUGE.

The Secret Service did NOT secure the golf course prior to Donald Trump and his guests' arrival. They basically just rode around in golf carts ahead and behind the president and only LUCK prevented Routh from getting off the kill shot.

Only the LUCK of a citizen seeing him fleeing the golf course towards his getaway vehicle (which he does not own, by the way since all his vehicles are still in Hawaii where he lives) allowed his capture by Florida police (not Secret Service).

It is clear that the Secret Service is not up to the task of protecting Donald Trump and only LUCK has kept him alive thusfar.

FullMoon said...

Video Played By Trump’s Attorney Of Over 4 Straight Minutes Of Nancy Pelosi/ Democrats & Media Calling For Violence, Death, Destruction, Even His Assassination

FormerLawClerk said...

Time Magazine says Routh's politicial philosophy is "unclear."

They must not have ready his autobiography, available on, where he pines for Trump's assassination by Iran or others. Finally took on the job himself.

You can get the book here for $2.99:

That's right. Amazon is profiting off Trump's assassination attempt.

FormerLawClerk said...

Routh also had a very special weapon. It is not - as has been widely reported - an AR-15. It is a Russian-made SKS, unavailable in the United States. He probably picked it up in the Ukraine and was able to get it to Florida apparently flying on US airlines. Routh (or someone else) scratched off the serial number so it's origin could not be tracked (he's now charged with that crime).

He stole the license plates that were on the vehicle he was stopped in. It may also be stolen.

This guy was well-prepared, obviously committed, and highly trained to perform this action.

It would be quite informative to discover who he has been talking with in the last 6 months. I'm sure the FBI are currently scrubbing that content, therefore.

Big Mike said...

Or Texas Hold ‘Em?

Big Mike said...

Whoever wrote that does not understand American men, do they?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Newspaper Opinion: “There is no place in politics for violence. That said, the former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself.”

Two can play this game all day long: “There is no place for sexual assault. That said, hotties going about in yoga pants ...”

William said...

They don't want to make Trump normal. In their efforts to abnormalize him, they have normalized assassination. They have to some extent succeeded in normalizing that 10/7 Hamas raid. That was asymmetrical warfare. ......Assassinations poll badly so right now Democrats are claiming that these attempts were done by Republicans, but they've been part of the Democratic ground game since John Wilkes Booth. Booth was a very talented actor and not afraid to put it all on the line in the interests of world peace. It's a shame that the Hollywood left doesn't acknowledge their beginnings and pay homage to this great actor. Perhaps there should be a special award at the Oscars in his name.

Iman said...

“There’s no political violence place for political violence in America.”

—— El Magnifico Joe Biden , approx. 5 minutes ago.

FormerLawClerk said...

It should be noted that Abraham Lincoln is the only US President ever to order the United States military to fire on United States citizens. And remember - they complied with that order. They killed 258,0000 US citizens in that war.

My guess is he won't be the last. It's going to get real hot in DC again real soon.

FormerLawClerk said...

Correcting myself here: Lincoln was the first, but not the only one to do it. Barack Obama also ordered the US military to kill American citizens without any trial or charge. And they did it.

narciso said...

Iman said...

It’s safe to say SS failed to secure the perimeter.

Iman said...

ESAD Mrs. Vindman, you fat mudskipper, you!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Via X: “ABC News whistleblower swears under penalty of perjury that the Kamala Harris campaign dictated the terms of the questions during the presidential debate.

Furthermore, the Harris campaign insisted upon live "fact checking" of Donald Trump during the debate.

The whistleblower signed the affidavit in New York and has sent a copy to Speaker Mike Johnson, the notarized document states.

The unnamed individual states that he or she is in possession of secret recordings that will prove that ABC News rigged the presidential debate.”

Curious George said...

Cribbage? probably not

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...


Original Mike said...

In this newest case, the wannabe assassin apparently has a big bug up his butt over Ukraine. As such, the reprehensible, and completely scurrilous, claims that Trump is in league with Putin have to be seen as a contributing factor.

Kate said...


FormerLawClerk said...

Maybe that's because Donald Trump is successfully suing ABCNews and George Stephanopolis for claiming falsely multiple times that he's been convicted of rape.

They have a financial incentive to destroy Donald Trump.

Kakistocracy said...

Where do I sign up to place my company's ads next to Elon's funny assassination jokes?

BG said...

Behind the scenes the alphabet agencies (CIA, FBI, USSS) are terrified of Trump becoming president again. He wants to clean house and the spiders, insects and rodents don't like that.

David53 said...

Don't forget Trump is literally Hitler.

Eva Marie said...

I like the photo: Chris, the heart, and the diamond. Variations on a theme.

tcrosse said...

You can burn down a liquor store in Minneapolis and Kamala will bail you out, but say the wrong thing and you're just asking for a bullet. Is that how it works?

Stephen A. Meigs said...

I think I may have already sort of figured out what the recent Trump shooting was about. Strong suggestions of Isis or something similar. No offence, but JD Vance doesn't seem quite as popular as Trump, and so the would-be shooter may have planned to say right before shooting Trump dead, "F*** it, landslide for Kamala!". There was a "Phuket" landslide (13 dead) just a few weeks before on 23 August 2024 above Karon, Phuket, Thailand, that killed about 13, and I suppose one could make out that disaster Jinns or whatever upon unleashing the landslide did say, "Phuket, landslide for Karon". Phuket is somewhat homographically homonymous with "F*** it", and could be mostly homophonic, too, at least if you tried to pronounce the ph homophonically (and wrongly) as f. But what was Karon supposed to represent? Possibly, nothing. Well, the landslide came basically down the slopes of the Nakkerd Hill surrounding the recently built Phuket Big Buddha, the third largest statue in Thailand. That may have had something to do with it--it came down a slope below a monumental Buddha statue. Probably it wasn't claimed to be a sign that the Buddha himself wanted to wreck havoc upon Karon, but rather that jinns hate Buddha statues and the land below them and decided to slay some of the people living below as punishment for the statue (the Taliban in a major act of disrespect for history and the wishes of culturally (mostly) refined long ago dead did blew up monumental ancient historical Buddha statues in 2001, for instance, and similarly Isis blew up Buddha statues). But that's not all, no way, my guess is that the recent landslide was probably made out to be a reminder from the "Phuket" Jinns of a deeper assassin meaning, namely what they might have been made to have said in the "Phuket" landslide that happened in 2017 above the Kamala section of Phuket, i.e., "Phuket, landslide for Kamala!". The strongest evidence for this is that the Kamala landslide (also called a landslip) did by most accounts on internet happen September 15, 2017, though some put it as having happened September 14—other evidence is that in the recent landslides a few weeks ago that produced the havoc in Karon there was at least one (I suppose not very consquential) landslide above Kamala. It's worth remembering, too, that the tsunami from the Boxing Day quake of 2004 killed 5078 in Thailand, including about 259 in Phuket, and on Phuket it mainly affected the western beaches, like those of Karon and Kamala.

Old and slow said...

You used (early 1990s) to be able to pick up Russian SKS rifles at sporting good stores in the Phoenix area for $99 each. Everybody I knew bought one. I don't know what the current import laws are, but there must be lots of these rifles around still.

Tank said...

Southeast NC shore. A ridiculous amount of rain since Friday. 10 to 15 inches. More probably on the way tonight. Roads closed. Water halfway up my lawn. As my daughter says, good time not to have a basement.

Original Mike said...

Joe Biden: "Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. That is not hyperbole. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He is literally a threat to the America that we stand for. "

Original Mike said...

No incitement there. Nosiree Bob.

Ann Althouse said...

The coffee is in a ceramic cup. The yellow cup contains water.

Ann Althouse said...

The card game is gin.

Wa St Blogger said...

Original Mike quoted:
Joe Biden: "Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. That is not hyperbole. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He is literally a threat to the America that we stand for. "

Do our resident lefties disavow this comment? Silence will be taken as a negative disavowal.

Does the aforementioned statement invite action? Does it make clear that such a "genuine" threat to America require action? Action such as novel legal theories, planted evidence, non-verifiable accusations, backroom, unsupervised ballot counting, assassination. Does this statement, from the President of the United States invite the "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" interpretation by people dedicated to the preservation of this nation and its democratic principles?

This appears to be more inciteful than any J6 statement by the "meddlesome priest".

TickTock1948 said...

Given the background of the accused, and Trumps view on the Ukraine war, I can't help but speculate about the possibility of Ukrainian involvement in the attempt. Not likely, but given the US interference in their politics, it would certainly be understandable if elements in Ukraine thought it was fair to interfere with the US election.

rhhardin said...

The problem isn't hateful rhetoric but news silos.

TickTock1948 said...

And not to change the subject, but w-t-f does blogger think that I need to sign into Althouse again and get a warning/notice about EU law. I accept that I don't live in the twentieth century anymore, but this extra national application of laws and jurisdiction is F****ing insane.

rhhardin said...

There's no corresponding problem on the right because the right mostly hears both sides.

Mutaman said...

Is "Mark Stein" related to "Mark Steyn" ? Has Mark paid off that $1,000,000 yet? Maybe next time hire a lawyer, buddy.

Michael K said...

What company is that, loser? Your hot dog stand?

Iman said...

Eat teh cat, Eat teh cat

Maynard said...

I notice that when people respond to comments of others, it does not show up as a nested response, except when it is in comment mode.

I am doing this on an Apple computer, if that makes any difference.

Inga said...

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Donald Trump

Inga said...

Do you seriously think that Trump saying the Constitution can be “terminated” because of his LIE that the “election was stolen” isn’t a threat to the democracy? You don’t see this sort of rhetoric as being inflammatory enough to incite a crazy person to try to assassinate him? There are lots of crazy people out there. I hope he stays safe and lives the rest of his life surrounded by his loved ones in happy retirement.

rhhardin said...

The CALTRANS website gives next commuter train departures in your local time zone, i.e. for me EDST.

Wince said...

Ann Althouse said...
The coffee is in a ceramic cup. The yellow cup contains water...
The card game is gin.

Or maybe the game is poker with gin in the cup and water in the gin?

In the immortal words of Paul Newman as Henry Gondorff...

"Always drink gin with a mark, kid, he can't tell if you cut it."

AZ Bob said...

Fifty-one intelligence officials say that the latest Trump assasination attempt has all the classic earmarks of black ops.

Aggie said...

NPR is presently calling this incident : 'an apparent assassination attempt'.... Santa is coming around to the idea that these people can't be hated enough.

wendybar said...

Democrats used increasingly incendiary rhetoric against President Trump in the days, weeks, and months leading up to the two assassination attempts:

or read it here towards the bottom of the page.

Trump brought receipts. THIS is what inciting violence looks like....

rehajm said...

When they said 'ABC News has not shared the questions with the campaigns' I figured something was up- there's a couple weasel words in there. I didn't occur to me the way ABC gets out of it is the Kamala campaign provided ABC News with the questions. Clever...and disturbing.

Mutaman said...

The rule of Lemnity
Via X: “ABC News whistleblower swears under penalty of perjury that the Kamala Harris campaign dictated the terms of the questions during the presidential debate.

An affidavidt with the name redacted. Come on, no one is this stupid.

rehajm said...

In the south we play three games of gin at the same time. 10-11 cards, can knock with 10 or less. Money exchanges hands if you play at the golf club. Dad used to get his clock cleaned, then his best friend would play the other guy and win it all back. Between gin, cribbage and backgammon I always had beer money...

Maynard said...

The wannabe Trump assassin has a fading Biden-Harris bumper sticker on his truck.

Maybe Inga can explain why?

Mutaman said...

"Maybe that's because Donald Trump is successfully suing ABCNews and George Stephanopolis "

Trump survived a motion to dismiss decided by a Sonny Bush appointed judge. Not even in the world of the Know Nothings does that constitute a "successful" lawsuit.

FormerLawClerk said...

The suit is continuing - despite ABC's failed attempts to stop it. Trump is thusfar successful in suing them for defamation. They are LOSING the case, by having a judge refuse their motion to dismiss and the case is now going to trial.

FormerLawClerk said...

“America itself, is at stake," Biden in a June speech saying that Trump represents a "threat" to the existence of the United States.

Biden is inviting American citizens to murder Trump. He has been trying for the past year to get Donald Trump murdered and when Trump becomes President he needs to put Joe Biden in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for committing this crime.

William50 said...

By now everyone is probably sick of all the conversation about Routh but I just have one more thing to add. It's been said that the FBI has been aware of him since 2019 and that he has a 5 page rap sheet, yet he is not on the terror watch list but Tulsi Gabbard is? This administration is so f**ked up it boggles the mind.

wild chicken said...

I watched part of the PBS series Julius Caesar. Kind of surprised they'd do actual history without a BIPOC focus. Checked IMDB and found out it was made just last year.

Oh I get it: WHO does Julius Caesar remind you of? That's right! The Monster emerging from his lair!

God, Trump is awesome...

RMc said...

Do our resident lefties disavow this comment?

They do not, and even they did, they're not about to explain themselves to a deplorable like you!

Yancey Ward said...

Bich, just pay a bot farm to retweet your Grindr profile.

FormerLawClerk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FormerLawClerk said...

The next thing they're going to try to do is sabotage Trump Force One. I'd highly recommend that he refrain from traveling on the public it and use his backup (non-branded) aircraft that most of the public doesn't know about instead. And have Blackwater or some other security group shadowing the Secret Service that is intent on making Trump available for assassination.

FormerLawClerk said...

Priming their audience in how to conduct an assassination is something PBS would totally be doing right now.

Mary Beth said...

Two months to go? Hopefully two months and four years.

I don't have confidence that the Secret Service will be any better next Spring than it is now.

Mary Beth said...

Does everyone know when Trump is going to play golf? Is he there every week at the same time? Is his agenda for private events published to the public? Or did someone tip off the shooter?

William50 said...

Routh has a 5 page rap sheet, has been known to the FBI since 2019 and Tulsi Gabbard is on the terror watch list? Our country is so screwed it's beginning to scare me.

Mutaman said...

Mary Beth said...

" Does everyone know when Trump is going to play golf?"

Trump only plays golf on days ending with the letter "Y".

Michael K said...

Mutant man is all in with hockey sticks. Unlike you, Steyn does it have unlimited funds, like the trust fund billionaires funding Mann.

Michael K said...

Mutant Man is dumb enough. Maybe the guy doesn't want lefty nuts, like you, shooting at him.

tcrosse said...

Mutaman had offered a logical analysis of why a Democrat would not wish to assassinate Trump. To wit: Vance would stand a much better chance of getting elected. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that any prospective assassins would do such a logical analysis.

Mutaman said...

Michael K said...

" Unlike you, Steyn does it have unlimited funds"

Mark is going to have even more limited funds once he pays off that judgment. In hindsight, would have been a lot cheaper to hire an attorney.

Kevin said...

Gin is better in a cup. Ceramic or otherwise.

Kakistocracy said...

Routh sounds like he was a nut.. A Trump supporter in 2016, later supporting a bunch of moderate Democrats in 2020 -- suggested a Biden, Hillary Clinton ticket in 2020. In 2024 he championed a Haley/Ramaswamy ticket.

One things is abundantly clear -- in the US we have too many guns and we grossly underfund mental health services.

As far as the political impact goes, the U.S. is highly polarized. I doubt Trump's whining about this issue is going to win him any sympathy at this point. More than half the country will probably view him responsible for fueling the fire with his own rhetoric. The rest think he can do no wrong and that he has some kind of divine mandate. In a country with a limited attention span, in another week it will be onto the next story.

Wa St Blogger said...

Interesting comment from the Alphabet brigade:

USSS Ron Rowe: “This was an off the record movement. It wasn’t a site that was on his scheduled… It wasn’t a part of his schedule. So, there was no posting up of it because he wasn’t supposed to have gone there in the first place.”

Sow HOW did Routh know to be there? It seems like a golden opportunity to place a man in an under-secured place at the right time. Who informed Routh earie enough to find a position that a) is concealed, b) in Trump's path. c) had an escape route d) able to get a stolen license plate (and car?) and e) be on site 12 hours in advance? Something does not add up. I mean, if Routh can be there 12 hours to scope the place, why couldn't USSS scan the place 12 hours in advance?

I want answers people!

William50 said...

"One things is abundantly clear -- in the US we have too many guns ..."
That's exactly what the British King said about the colonies.

Kakistocracy said...

Siri, show me, “bomb threats in Springfield this week”

BUMBLE BEE said...

"Democrats accuse Trump of inciting further violence by not dying".
H/T Babylon Bee

Iman said...

Trump has also seen more combat time than Stolen Squalor Tampon Tim Walz… in a sense.

Rt41Rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

Inga’s a regular at the word salad bar.

Iman said...

Mutt shit the bed again. His record of consecutive days of fecal incontinence continues.

Iman said...

“Routh sounds like he was a nut.”

So you have something in common with the spud, Rich.

Iman said...

Eat the cat, rich

FormerLawClerk said...

What if there are private intelligence agencies operating in the United States (such as it is, there really are no borders) on both sides of the political aisle that are better at intelligence than the US government is? Suppose tech bros decided after Snowden to start steering the US government in the wrong direction. And other tech bros set up private intelligence agencies? Would that change the world of today from one dominated by governments, instead to one dominated by other types of organizations?

Who is dominating space? Who is dominating the dispensation of freedoms? Who is dominating technology?

And don't say Elon Musk.

Jim at said...

You don’t see this sort of rhetoric as being inflammatory enough to incite a crazy person to try to assassinate him?

Keep talking. Inflame your rhetoric.

Jim at said...

One things is abundantly clear -- in the US we have too many guns and we grossly underfund mental health services.

So, why is Trump the only one being targeted for political assassination? Oh, that's right. His skirt is too short.

Drago said...

"Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced on Monday that the 33 “bomb threats” against schools in Springfield, Ohio, “have all been hoaxes” and have originated from overseas. “None of these had any validity at all,” the governor said. Pressure is now mounting on the establishment press to apologize to former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH).

“At least 33 separate bomb threats, each one of which has been responded to, and each one of whom has been found as a hoax,” DeWine said. “So, 33 threats, 33 hoaxes. I want to make that very, very clear. None of these had any validity at all.”

LLR-democratical Rich hot on the New Soviet Democratical Hoax Train....again!

We await your apology for your continued lying Rich.

No, we wnt hold our breath..

Original Mike said...

"Routh sounds like he was a nut."

Yeah, that doesn't get you guys off the hook for all the appalling hateful rhetoric sent his way.

Joe Biden: "Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. That is not hyperbole. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He is literally a threat to the America that we stand for. "

It's a nut who's going to respond to that vitriol.

Peachy said...

Violence of the Demo-Fascists.

Peachy said...

If Demo-Fascists cheat and lie - Inga thinks that is fine. Soviet Igna also thinks all of Trumps words and opinions should land him in prison.

wendybar said...

You think you hate the media, but you don't hate them enough. This is blatant in your face hate, no matter HOW they will try to hide and say it was unintentional. I can't wait until they ALL go out of business, and these heathens have to actually find a job.

Donald Trump Jr.
The morning after a Democrat donor attempted to assassinate my dad, the top headline on the front page of
is "Hope in America." Can't make this shit up!

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

Hmmmm.....It does make you wonder, doesn't it??

So, here we have two loose cannons who both appeared in propaganda videos for groups that could kindly be described as having globalist interests. And these two guys both decided to try to take out Donald Trump, with varying levels of success.

wendybar said...

GOOD. THIS is how you do it. It's time to call out the violence, the hate and the intolerance, and actually DO SOMETHING about it, instead of just talking.

wendybar said...

"The Ohio Haitians are here under two programs, neither of which they qualify for, but of course, that has not stopped Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas. The first program being legally misused is called Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Sec. Mayorkas announced this summer a whopping 300,000 illegal Haitian illegal immigrants, no matter how they got here, can apply for TPS status because there were rains and mudslides or something back in Haiti. Hmm, tropical island and rain/mudslides -- kind of goes with the territory. TPS was intended only for people here legally, whose return was delayed, if their homeland had suffered some unique disaster. Today, Democrats routinely use this law to import all manner of Third-World freeloaders."

Jersey Fled said...

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?" Trump wrote on Truth Social.

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," he continued. "Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!"

Since Inga cherry picked the part of the quote she liked, I thought I would post the full quote.

Trump was speculating on what the remedy might be if the election was stolen by illegal means. Not the words I might have chosen, but sounds a little different when taken in context.

Now consider how many times Democrats have advocated the same approach re: our rights to free speech, the right to bear arms, the role of the Supreme Court, federalism, and so on.

Now that I think about it, that last paragraph is pretty much the Democrats whole agenda.

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