September 21, 2024

Althouse at 6:47 a.m.

Photo by Meade:



Original Mike said...

My wife wears those kind of pants. I tell her we can afford full length pants, but she doesn't listen.

tcrosse said...

They can flatter the derrière, I asserted without evidence.

Original Mike said...

They do.

lonejustice said...

I think others here may have posted about this, but I just discovered the delightful podcasts of "The Rest is History" by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook. These two historians really love history, are incredibly smart, enjoy each other's company in a remarkable scholastic manner, and are a joy to listen to. I can't say enough good things about them.

The one I listened to this afternoon was about St. George the Dragon Slayer.

lonejustice said...

In my office women were allowed to wear these pants, although it was somewhat frowned upon. I think they were called capri pants.

MadTownGuy said...

I see the Tesla logo.

rhhardin said...

Kindle action/mystery/politics book series that's very nice, the Joe Demarco series by Mike Lawson. Up to 18 as of next February. All the rest I read as sold-by-the-yard time-passers that aren't as good. This guy is a not-quite-legal peacemaker.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

I remember when they were called "pedal pushers" or even "clam diggers." "Capris" seems kind of recent and inauthentic to me, like it was a name cooked up by marketers, but it turns out that the marketing was very authentic and predates my arrival on the planet.

The name “capris” comes from the Italian island of Capri. The style was popularized in the late 1940s and early 1950s by fashion designer Sonja de Lennart, who is credited with creating the modern version of these pants. They became widely known as “capri pants” after the island, as the chic, cropped style was associated with the casual elegance and laid-back glamour of Capri, which was a popular destination for fashionable jet-setters at the time.

The style gained international fame when actresses like Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly wore them, cementing their place in fashion history as a symbol of sophisticated, yet relaxed, casual wear. - ChatGPT

tim in vermont said...

Dang it, I copied it to fix a typo, and lost the italics that indicated that the second and third paragraph were from ChatGPT, not me. D'Oh!

mongo said...

Wonderful picture. The sunrise is nice too.

MadTownGuy said...

FBI agents have boarded vessel managed by Synergy Marine Group whose other cargo ship collapsed Baltimore bridge

"Federal agents on Saturday boarded a vessel managed by the same company as a cargo ship that caused the deadly Baltimore bridge collapse, the FBI confirmed.

In statements, spokespeople for the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Maryland confirmed that authorities boarded the Maersk Saltoro. The ship is managed by Synergy Marine Group.


The Justice Department said mechanical and electrical systems on the massive ship [the Dali, not this ship] had been “jury-rigged” and improperly maintained, culminating in the power outages and a cascade of other failures that left its pilots and crew helpless in the face of looming disaster. The ship was leaving Baltimore for Sri Lanka when its steering failed because of the power loss.


The two companies “need to be deterred because they continue to operate their vessels, including a sister ship to the Dali, in U.S. waters and benefit economically from those activities,” the lawsuit says.

Darrell Wilson, a Grace Ocean spokesperson, confirmed that the FBI and Coast Guard boarded the Maersk Saltoro in the Port of Baltimore on Saturday morning. Wilson has previously said the owner and manager “look forward to our day in court to set the record straight.”

Like the Dali, the Singapore-flagged Saltoro was built by Hyundai in 2015."

More at the link.

Iman said...

“They can flatter the derrière, I asserted without evidence.”

Now THAT is funny!

tim in vermont said...


A funny thing happened as the WaPo tried to map out half a billion years of global temperatures and the "disaster of global warming"

Meanwhile they have convinced our children that the planet is going to burn up if it returns to its normal operating temperature, while they push us towards nuclear war with the other hand.

If we push Russia to a nuclear war, on the theory that they would rather capitulate and live under our thumb than fight, in 75 minutes the bangs and pops will be over with, and the lucky among us will be gratefully dead. Then over the next two years, it's likely that five billion people will starve, not before a fair number of them resort to cannibalism, and most of the survivors live under warlords, envious of the dead.

All of this over who rules over some Russian speakers, on Russia's immediate border, within the borders of the old Soviet Union.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Mark said...

Musk quit his fight with Brazil and Twitter is going to do what was initially asked of them.

Twitter must really be in a precarious place if he is going to add Brazil to India and Turkey (and others) as places where Twitter blocks whatever the authorities ask.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

What happened to the bravado of this self-styled champion of free speech who had no problem currying favor with Modi and Xi? The financial bite hurts his bottom line too badly, presumably. So he swallows his pride. Business men will be business men.

Leland said...

Democrats have this ad about peaceful transition suggesting it was normal until Trump. Setting aside the contested election in 1876, it is funny the as skips 2000, when Al Gore and Democrats contested the vote over and over, and when SCOTUS finally called a stop to yet another recount, Democrats spent W’s first term claiming he was “selected not elected”. Of course the ad also ignores all the times Sheila Jackson Lee argued against certification. But the more annoying thing is how they don’t comment on Barack Obama using the US intel community to wiretap Trump’s campaign and then the FBI harassing Trump’s transition team with a fraudulent accusation based on an unvetted dossier.

Aggie said...

So tell us - what have you two mavens of progressive thinking done for Free Speech, and why has it made you so cynical, bitter, and twisted?

Dr Weevil said...

No one is pushing Russia to a nuclear war. Russians are using nuclear threats to try to intimidate fools and cowards in the west into allowing them to slaughter Ukrainian civilians every night, while not allowing Ukraine to destroy the Russian bases used to slaughter them, but they're not stupid enough to actually fire them.

If they did, they probably wouldn't work. They test-fired a Satan missile today, and the result was not at all intimidating (link):

"Russia attempted to conduct some nuclear saber rattling through a show of force by conducting a test fire today of the RS-28 Sarmat aka Satan 2 and it ended in complete failure.

"The missile detonated in the silo leaving a massive crater and destroying the test site."

Iranian mullahs might have a strong enough faith in the afterlife to be willing to blow up the world, but Putin and his buddies are atheists, and know it would be suicidal. As usual, 'tim in vermont' is repeating Russian propaganda, almost (?) as if he's being paid to do so.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Uh huh.

Dr Weevil said...

By the way, what Ukraine and its allies are asking from Russia is not 'capitulation' or to 'live under our thumb'. That is a bald-faced lie.

All the Russians have to do to end the war and live in peace with Ukraine is to remove all their troops and colonists from all of Ukraine, return all prisoners and kidnapped civilians and get their own prisoners back, hand over the war criminals who have been raping, torturing, and mutilating Ukrainians in their power so they can be tried at the Hague, and pay for the damages they've done. They can probably wiggle out of the last on grounds of extreme poverty, but Ukraine can also pay for reconstruction, demining, dam rebuilding, and so on, from seized Russian properties overseas. Have I forgotten anything?

After that, they can oppress the Hell out of their fellow Russians in Russia all they want, as long as they do it on their side of the internationally-recognized border, and no one in the West will care, any more than we care about oppression in Iran, China, Syria, North Korea, and other (weird coincidence!) allies of Putin. They can also sail their civilian ships past Crimea to the Bosporus, as long as their cargo is all made or grown in Russia, not stolen Ukrainian grain, as it usually is now.

Rocco said...

MadTownGuy said…
Like the Dali, the Singapore-flagged Saltoro was built by Hyundai in 2015.

Very suspicious. Everyone knows that that 2015 Hyundais (and Kias) are one of the years that are easy to steal.

tim in vermont said...

"By the way, what Ukraine and its allies are asking from Russia is not 'capitulation' or to 'live under our thumb'. That is a bald-faced lie."

LOL. Then what is the issue? The people in Crimea are quite happy as part of Russia, the people in eastern Ukraine have been fighting to be part of Russia, in their militias, for a decades.

Even that time that the coup-plotter government failed to shut down the airspace over a combat zone where fighter bombers were active, and air defenses had been actively shooting down aircraft, it was ethnic Russians in Ukraine who were doing the fighting.

Somehow, of course, Kiev had zero responsibility to close the airspace over a combat zone and the men, Ukrainian men fighting in a civil war who were on the ground and who were being attacked by warplanes out of Kiev were responsible for this tragic mistake by the Kiev government.

I guess in order to do one's patriotic duty, and believe all of the lies coming out of Kiev and the neocon publications in the US, like the Washington Post and the New York Times, one must also stifle any obvious questions one might have about the narratives that they push.

tim in vermont said...

"not stolen Ukrainian grain,"

"Stolen Ukrainian grain" = grain bought from the farmers in Ukraine where the taxes were not paid to the coup plotter govt in Kiev.

Chest Rockwell said...

Looking good Ann! Your discipline is inspiring.

Rusty said...

Well done, Meade. Nice subject well framed.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Musk hasn't tweeted a word about him caving in to Brazil court, and suspending accounts he was told to suspend.

Mark said...

Of course he hasn't.
He never tweets when he removes stuff for Modi, either.

Dr Weevil said...

And here's 'tim in vermont' repeating the usual lies that (a) have already been refuted, and (b) always align perfectly with Putin's propaganda.

The only people in Crimea who are "quite happy as part of Russia" are the colonists who moved there after the coup that seized the peninsula in 2014 and are living rent-free in other people's houses. And even they are getting tired of the constant air strikes, gas shortages, contempt of the inhabitants, and wondering how long the Kerch bridge will be available when they need to run back home.

The natives (Tatars, Ukrainians, and most of the ethnic Russians) are actively resisting the occupation with constant sabotage and by supplying Ukrainian armed forces with plentiful up-to-date information on targeting and damage assessment. Hundreds - disproportionately Tatars - have been jailed and are being tortured.

As for targeting the Malaysian airliner, it was shot down by a Russian-from-Russia crew that moved a Russian Air Force anti-aircraft system into Ukraine for 24 hours to take the shot. The crew was commanded by Igor Girkin, a Russian KGB guy (reportedly a colonel) from Moscow, who also commanded the coup that seized Crimea and fired the first shots in seizing the Donbas. The airline no doubt thought they were safe flying at 30,000 feet because no rag-tag band of insurrectionists armed with hunting rifles and weapons stolen from National Guard armories would have the equipment to do the job. They should have known that most of the fighting in the Donbas was in fact being done by Russian regulars sent in by Putin, pretending to be locals, and that all the stories about a popular uprising were lies. Then again, 'tim in vermont' is still repeating these lies, so you can't blame them too much.

I could go on, but why bother? 'tim in vermont' will repeat the same lies again in a few days or weeks as if they had never been refuted, like the probably-paid Putinite ass-licking propagandist he is.

tim in vermont said...

The problem with repeating Ukrainian propaganda word for word, as you seem to like to do, is that it is so far fetched.

"The airline no doubt thought they were safe flying at 30,000 feet because no rag-tag band of insurrectionists armed with hunting rifles and weapons stolen from National Guard armories would have the equipment to do the job."

And yet, the Maidan forces were operating warplanes in the area, so the area should have been shut off to commercial air traffic, and it wasn't.

What is really funny about you is that you imagine that argument by using your own definitions of words is somehow proof of anything. Were the weapons "stolen" or simply accessed by a "ragtag force" that managed to keep the American supplied Maidan army at bay for eight years before Russia intervened.

tim in vermont said...

"Several aircraft from the Ukrainian Air Force were shot down in the months and days preceding the MH17 incident. On 14 June 2014, a Ukrainian Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 military transport was shot down on approach to Luhansk International Airport, with loss of nine crew members and forty troops.[3]: 183  On 14 July 2014, a Ukrainian Air Force An-26 transport aircraft flying at 6,500 m (21,300 ft) was shot down.[3]: 183  The militia reportedly claimed via social media that a Buk missile launcher, which they had previously seized and made operational, had been used to bring down the aircraft"

There is a lot of "he said, she said" about who shot the missiles, all from interested parties, but the fact is that no commercial traffic should have been allowed to transit contested airspace, since nobody disputes that warplanes were being shot down there prior to the incident.

Dr Weevil said...

Because the insurgents (controlled and commanded by Russians from Russia) had the equipment to shoot down a military transport "on approach to Luhansk International Airport", the Malaysian Airline should have known that they had the equipment to shoot down an airliner flying at 30,000 feet? And they did not in fact have the latter equipment, until Russia lent it to them along with its Russian crew, thus proving (among other evidence) that they did not "keep the American supplied Maidan army [you mean the Ukrainian Army] at bay for eight years before Russia intervened". The first Russian tanks that rolled across the border still displaying their Russian insignia and not even trying to hide that they were Russian invaders did so in August 2014, five months into the "insurrection", which was begun by, and commanded by, Russians. They did so because the number of Donbasians who wanted to secede was a minority, and the number willing to fight for their unjust undemocratic cause an even smaller minority. Russians arrived in large numbers because the locals were getting their asses kicked. Again, this is historical fact, and only Russian shills deny it.