It's so embarrassingly lightweight! He's the guy who thought up "weird" and reminded Ezra Klein of a "dad."
August 6, 2024
"[Tim Walz] jumped to the top of Ms. Harris’s list in a matter of days, helped by cable news appearances in which he declared that Republicans were 'weird.'"
"The new, clear articulation of why voters should reject Mr. Trump caught on fast and turned the spotlight on the plain-spoken Midwesterner behind it.... Mr. Walz leapfrogged better-known contenders in part because Ms. Harris viewed him as an Everyman figure from Minnesota whose Midwestern-dad-vibe balanced out her Bay Area background, according to three people familiar with the vice president’s thinking...."
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Talk about weird!
Tim Walz's wife said during the 2020 riots she kept her windows open for as long as possible to enjoy the smell of burning tires and what they represented.
I am astonished to thing that people might vote for this ticket. If they do then they deserve to get it good and hard.
The DNC will be open.
“I am astonished to thing that people might vote for this ticket.”
Dead people have notoriously bad judgement.
This choice says as much about Kamala Harris's political judgment as Biden's choice of her for VP said about his political judgment.
Drudge exults that 'Walz doesn't wear eyeliner.'
Why would he insult his demographic?
I assume she is also OK with his DUI and his "stolen valor" record.
The guy looks like he’s a member of the Politburo.
Drudge has been taken over by the pod people
I believe Portland, Oregon is fond of the "Keep Portland Weird" concept. So, 'weird' is another area where cherry-picking abounds.
You do NOT want your VP to outshine you. From that perspective, Walz's selection is perfectly fine. As they say in the Midwest.
Are midwestern dads cool with burning down police stations? I'm doubtful.
Walls jump to the top of the list when all of the decent candidates dropped out and pulled out of their own volition because they didn’t want to be part This shit show.
The only reasonable potential candidate was declined because he was a Jew even though he humiliated himself over the last few days.
Now Democrats are stuck with two far left absolutely unappealing candidates. They have completely given up on actually winning votes.
Blogger Mason G said...
Are midwestern dads cool with burning down police stations? I'm doubtful.
Or tampons in the boys bathroom?
Walz is such a bad choice, I would believe anyone who said they turned her down for the position. She must not have had anyone better to choose from.
Insulting potential voters when you only have 100 days to win an election is foolish at best; bragging about as accomplishment is incompetence.
It is literally impossible to embarrass Democrats by treating them like babies.
To glom onto what Mason G said… are midwestern dads cool with indoctrinating your kids with the sexual rainbow as early as pre k?
Clark said...
I am astonished to thing that people might vote for this ticket. If they do then they deserve to get it good and hard.
8/6/24, 1:57 PM
Voting's gonna have nothing to do with it. Then again, given everything that has happened this year the oligarchs REALLY should consider just making their peace with Trump. I don't think he wants to to violently cleanse the moneychangers, but then that wasn't necessarily the first priority of the Christ either.
He was chosen because he wasn't Jewish.
"It's so embarrassingly lightweight!"
High comedy given Gauleiter Walz's extra-large spare tire.
Tim Walz stood outside the White House with NY Gov Kathy Hochul and after Biden's dementia debate and swore he was sharp and fit for office.
Lying lightweight.
JD Vance has already spoken about the substance, "A real tag team. Walz let Mpls burn and Harris bailed out the few people who got arrested."
The Dems have intentionally selected pro criminal candidates.
Walz' daughter told the rioters that her dad was NOT calling out the National Guard.
"Minnesota First Lady says she left the windows open during the 2020 BLM riots to smell the burning tires and soak in the moment"
Holy Winnie Mandela Batman!
weird (adj.)
c. 1400, "having power to control fate," from wierd (n.), from Old English wyrd "fate, chance, fortune; destiny; the Fates," literally "that which comes," from Proto-Germanic *wurthiz (source also of Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt "fate," Old Norse urðr "fate, one of the three Norns"), from PIE *wert- "to turn, to wind," (source also of German werden, Old English weorðan "to become"), from root *wer- (2) "to turn, bend." For the sense development from "turning" to "becoming," compare phrase turn into "become."
I mentioned earlier that if the general consensus is that Harris's chances are low, the VP pick was going to be a take it or leave it. This screams "take it or leave it." However, we know that Shapiro, who is a far better pick and should have a political future, seemed to want the job. Perhaps this is less "take it or leave it" and more of the typical DEI thought process that disqualifies lots of qualified candidates because of what they are and then picking whatever is left. It may be the first time the white guy benefited from that logic, but nonetheless.
queer (adj.)
c. 1500, "strange, peculiar, odd, eccentric," from Scottish, perhaps from Low German (Brunswick dialect) queer "oblique, off-center," which is related to German quer "oblique, perverse, odd," from Old High German twerh "oblique" (from PIE root *terkw- "to twist").
Tampon Tim
He looks and sounds like Bernie Sanders. Who thought that was a good idea?
Dude is a stone cold radical who abandoned his men.
Think of it as a happy DNC sitcom. "Coach" Walz can wear a trucker hat unironically, and even put a flag on it. The last line of every episode can have him calling somebody "weird".
He's so... warm. He a white guy, but not a threatening one. Those threatening guys are weird.
Everybody look at the camera and smile! The ladies in line at the ABC paying for their boxwine will be sharing their own favorite parts.
*This week, Coach Walz finds eyeliner in J.D.'s gym locker. Hilarity ensues!
“The Dems have intentionally selected pro criminal candidates.”
The Trumpists intentionally selected a criminal candidate.
Like Mondale in '84, Walz might carry Minnesota, and Kameldung Herass will carry California, so not as bad as the '84 massacre, but the adverts about these two pretty much write themselves. Provided the Republicans finally stop trying to be "decent".
At least 60% of Americans, probably 70%, including lots of Hispanics and Blacks, believe in things Walz has decreed "weird" and Herass has vowed to demolish. Not a potent strategy.
Inga said...
“The Dems have intentionally selected pro criminal candidates.”
The Trumpists intentionally selected a criminal candidate.
What laws was Trump convicted of breaking Inga?
Mason G said...
Are midwestern dads cool with burning down police stations? I'm doubtful.
Maybe maybe not.
But I am sure they are absolutely stoked about their School Teachers doing 96 in a 55 with a BAC of .128%.
Tim Walz, his wife, and especially his daughter, aided and abetted the arson of Minneapolis.
They should be Trump's first targets when he's back in the Oval Office and begins to round up America's home-grown terrorists for shipment and storage at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Problems may arise when you refer to TikTok for your VP candidate.
I suspect Harris felt a camaraderie with Walz that she did not with Shapiro. And why not? Both are flaming socialists. They 'get it'.
Inga asserted, without evidence: "The Trumpists intentionally selected a criminal candidate."
So, Inga agrees that Walz and Harris are criminals. Because her response to the accusation is: "Well, Trump is also a criminal."
I was up in Mpls last summer. I drove by the St. George Floyd Memorial. I noticed the houses in the area weren't touched as the rioters had moved to business districts to burn and loot.
I also drove around the lakes and parks in the city. Super expensive and old houses; easily over $1m. Many of them had BLM signs in their yards. Virtue signaling. Their houses should have been burned down by the rioters.
It has been asserted, with evidence, that Mr. Waltz is a man that resigned from the Army Reserve after learning he was being called up, citing the excuse that 'he was running for office', although there was no requirement that he resign in order to do so.
“What laws was Trump convicted of breaking Inga?”
Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.
Dixcus said...
Tim Walz, his wife, and especially his daughter, aided and abetted the arson of Minneapolis.
They should be Trump's first targets when he's back in the Oval Office and begins to round up America's home-grown terrorists for shipment and storage at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
8/6/24, 3:03 PM
Put the oligarchs one step ahead of the politicians. If you let the money walk, you'll have the same problem attached to different names.
Take the donors away from Harris/ Walz, and you have two untalented fools who couldn't run a hot dog stand.
Eerent illegal under fec rules
Here is Tim Walz smiling as he signs a law that provides drivers license for illegal aliens in Minnesota
He wants all of America to do the same
This guy is as radical as it gets
Choice is yours, America.
“So, Inga agrees that Walz and Harris are criminals. Because her response to the accusation is: "Well, Trump is also a criminal."”
So no, that’s not at all what I said. Dixcus.
Inga actually said…
"The Trumpists intentionally selected a criminal candidate."
It’s an accusation that Trumpists are hypocritical to accuse Harris and Walz of being pro criminal when they’ve chosen a guy who has been found guilty of 34 counts of felony falsification of business records. Are you able to comprehend? I tried to say it in simple terms for you.
Yeah, if your dad was Chairman Mao.
See Keywiki for an older list of Walz's connections. To be updated soon.
Very good Inga. You quoted the lie perfectly. But- in order for that to be a crime, much less 34 separate crimes, the requirement is that there be a defined underlying crime.
And there isn't.
I am a Midwesterner with a dad bod. Stop pandering for my vote!
Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.
Dershowitz, Turley and, of all people, Althouse, have denounced this as a Soviet style show trial.
In fact, if you listen to Dershowitz, you’ll discover that you are wrong about the nature of that conviction. Dershowitz has said repeatedly that he has no idea what crime that conviction covers.
They could chose any of three options
Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.
No. It is not. How many fucking times do you need to be told this?
Hochul and Walz standing by their man:
"After the meeting, a handful of governors spoke with reporters outside the White House, with one, Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York, declaring, “President Joe Biden is in it to win it, and all of us said we pledged our support to him.”
Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the chair of the Democratic Governors Association, said: “He has had our backs through Covid, through all of the recovery, all of the things that have happened. The governors have his back, and we’re working together just to make very, very clear on that.”
If Dems selected a pro-criminal team and Trump is a criminal, then the Dems must love Trump! Ipso facto!
Of course, Trump isn’t really a criminal, so they hate him.
A Soviet Trial in NY - LOL.
I saw Trump had an ad out already about Tim Walz as "weird". We're about to go into the weirdo wars.
Walz thinks Vance is weird because Vance isn't all in on the transgender agenda; and because Vance has a wife and three young kids; Vance thinks Walz is weird because as governor of Minnesota he promoted and signed a bill allowing transgender surgery for minors.
I'm not going for the "stolen valor" attack on Walz. Back in the day I served six years in the Army National Guard and in an Army Reserve JAG unit. I kept Riverside California safe from the dreaded Chicomm menace, but the only combat I saw was a deployment to Isla Vista to put down rioting UC Santa Barbara students. But I am a little suspicious as to how a lightweight like Walz could rise to Command Sergeant Major. That's usually a lifer's job and is danged rare--unless you are politically connected.
“No. It is not. How many fucking times do you need to be told this?”
Why do you have so much trouble understanding this?
“Simply, if you delete, alter or make a false entry in the business records of an enterprise and you do so with the intent to defraud, you have run afoul of the misdemeanor crime. If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime.”
They all killed their share of nursing home patients
This is Tim Walz's Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan:
She went viral a few months ago for saying "When our children tell us who they are, it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them."
While wearing a shirt with a knife on it that says "protect trans kids."
There is no such legal concept, Inga. Never been done.
It’s fabricated to justify a political prosecution.
Now that the DNC/Intel Cartel has moved on to attempted assassination, maybe it’s time for decent people to bail, Inga.
It’s really now a complete disgrace to support the attempt railroad and murder of Trump. Disassociate yourself from this savagery.
Shame on you for continuing down this road.
Kids think they can fly doesnt mean you indulge them
Waltz sure is pasty white.
Mr. Walz’s past DUI arrest for driving 96 mph in a 55 zone comes back to haunt VP pick.
that would be 107 felonies - if his name were Trump - in a NY Soviet Merchan court room.
Coined the “weird” label and oh, btw, not Jewish
Inga said...
"It’s an accusation that Trumpists are hypocritical to accuse Harris and Walz of being pro criminal when they’ve chosen a guy who has been found guilty of 34 counts of felony falsification of business records. Are you able to comprehend? I tried to say it in simple terms for you."
Felonies invented from whole cloth, based on misdemeanors past their expiry date, in a kangaroo court, adjudicated by a partisan hack who issued jury instructions that probably violate BAJI rules, don't count. In a perfect world, the convictions, all of them, would be immediately thrown out on appeal, but the case will have to make its way to the USSC for that to happen.
Your accusation of hypocrisy is illogical. Walz and Harris are pro-criminal with regard to their aid and comfort to violent and destructive rioters who trashed their cities. Even non-Trumpists can agree to that.
This was not the first assassination attempt on Trump staged by the DNC/Intel cartel.
Remember that BLM riot in D.C. when Trump had to retreat to the basement of the White House?
Pelosi withdrew all police support around the White House and left Trump naked except for Secret Service.
The leftist media proceeded to ridicule Trump for seeking shelter from the attack, calling him a coward. I guess he should have just walked out into the riots and let BLM kill him.
Achilles said...
They have completely given up on actually winning votes.
Underlying everything is my suspicion that this is indeed the case, but it's because they figure they have enough fraud ballots anyway. After all, they've allowed in 10 million potential ballots in the last 3 years. . . .
"How many fucking times do you need to be told this?"
Doesn't matter how many times they're told, leftards will never let go of their precious lies.
When our children tell us who they are, it's MOST LIKELY that they've been sponging up (as kids are wont to do) all the fashionable, attention-gaining nonsense being pushed at them by Marketing Society, AKA Hollywood and the Teacher's Union.
It is our job as grown-ups to maintain their connection to reality as they grow.
Ah a Bambi killer! that'll sew it up.
I don't get a midwestern-dad-vibe.
More of a 'The Lives of Others' vibe.
The Dullard is not a lawyer so she thinks that juries don't have to agree on verdicts. It's enough that they hate Trump.
Inga wrote:
Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.
and when called on it. It's a misdemeanour, and only turned into a felony "If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime.”
What is the criminal offence? The Judge gave the jury three to choose from, and they didn't have to agree on the offence.
"When our children tell us who they are, it's MOST LIKELY that they've been sponging up (as kids are wont to do) all the fashionable, attention-gaining nonsense being pushed at them by Marketing Society, AKA Hollywood and the Teacher's Union."
Bill (not a conservative) Maher: "I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery."
Trump’s reaction to the VP choice: “Thank you.”
The Walz pick stops the age issue in its tracks. He looks older than Biden. Shocking that he’s only 60.
Was it the boozing that makes him look so old?
"[Tim Walz] jumped to the top of Ms. Harris’s list in a matter of days, helped by cable news appearances in which he declared that Republicans were 'weird.'"
No, he was helped by the fact that he's not a Jew, hasn't supported Israel vs Hamas, and doesn't have any known corrupt deals with the CCP.
Also, he and Kamala have worked together before. He made it easy for rioters to burn down parts of the Twin Cities, and Kamala helped bail out anyone who was arrested.
It's teamwork for the ages
WBuff said...
This choice says as much about Kamala Harris's political judgment as Biden's choice of her for VP said about his political judgment.
Joe picked Kamala because he wanted a VP so stupid and pathetic that no one would push him out in favor of her.
And it worked for the first 3.5 years of his dementia addled Presidency.
Kamala picked Walz because he's the top contender who will never outshine her.
A people hire A people
B people hire C people
Or, in the case of both Joe and Kamala:
C & lower people hire F people
Inga actually said…
"The Trumpists intentionally selected a criminal candidate."
Walz was arrested for driving 96 in a 55 mph zone and blew a .128. He pled to a lesser charge.
That was an intentional choice by the Harris campaign.
Please, I want to hear your defense. And don’t use the Walz defense that he was hard of hearing(?).
He's a nice rundown on Tim Walz:
I think he is well worth a bucket of warm spit
"I think he is well worth a bucket of warm spit"
I'm sorry, it has to be cold. Wasting energy warming the spit gives leftards the sads.
Scott Adams says, “The Walz are finally closing in.”
I'm happy to see Inga going with the Governor that allowed rioters to burn his cities, while his wife opened the windows to take in the smell of low income neighborhoods going up in smoke and daughter sent out texts letting the rioters know they had nothing to fear from the national guard. That sounds like a much better pick to represent Inga than a guy that paid his lawyer's invoice incorrectly.
Breezy said...
If Dems selected a pro-criminal team and Trump is a criminal, then the Dems must love Trump! Ipso facto!
Of course, Trump isn’t really a criminal, so they hate him.
Breezy FTW
How long before Althouse creates a "Waltz drops out" tag?
"I'm happy to see Inga going with the Governor that allowed rioters to burn his cities..."
As bad as that would be if it were true, it's even worse in reality. Those cities were not his to burn, what burned belonged to other people. People he was elected to represent.
Picked him to try and get the BLM people back aboard.
The penitential political self-flagellation that has become typical of the left is very curious.
We’re sinners who deserved to have our cities torched and looted. Just payment for our fathers’ sins.
This philosophy has complete taken over the mainline Protestants.
Walz DUI- 1995
Trump committed 34 felonies-2017
Republican George Bush DUI-1976, served two terms.
This video is so pathetic.
The special part is where she's clearly reading a script off her iPhone.
It's really impressive how bad she is
Somehow we're not supposed to notice that the man complaining that republicans are "weird" is all in favor of child genital mutilation and taking children away from parents for the thoughtcrime of opposing child genital mutilation.
Cynical Publius, a retired USA vet and BN commander, accused Walz of Blue Falcon behavior when Walz, who was a CSM for a Minnesota Guard Unit, to be called. Total violation of the NCO Creed.
Inga said...
“What laws was Trump convicted of breaking Inga?”
Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.
No he wasn't.
Try again.
And for bonus points name a single other person that was convicted of the same thing Trump was convicted of.
hint: Nobody in the history of the universe was convicted for what Trump did because it is not illegal for anyone other than Trump. But a lot of other people have done what Trump did.
The problem is that you are too stupid to even carry off a basic conversation about this.
Reddit is all about this guy, and his achievements - notably free school lunches for every kid - and how this puts Kamala/democrats ahead of trump into the double digits, coupled with crap about trump melt down and how he is actually I’ll, on the level of Biden. Oh, and all the Trump stalwarts now voting for Kamala.
Personally, I’m still seeing this as a poll war, to get them close enough to hide the cheating.
"And don’t use the Walz defense that he was hard of hearing(?)."
"I'm not going for the "stolen valor" attack on Walz. Back in the day I served six years in the Army National Guard and in an Army Reserve JAG unit. I kept Riverside California safe from the dreaded Chicomm menace, but the only combat I saw was a deployment to Isla Vista to put down rioting UC Santa Barbara students. But I am a little suspicious as to how a lightweight like Walz could rise to Command Sergeant Major. That's usually a lifer's job and is danged rare--unless you are politically connected."
I would assert the following:
1. The National Guard is looked upon by the active duty army basically as Army Lite, and things that would be considered outrageous in the Guard are mostly Meh to the Army. But...
2...If he resigned because of a WARNORD deployment order, he's a coward.
3. If he left before his contract was up, that's his right, but he has zero right to claim anything beyond that, including his own judgement of his "leadership" after that, which he has done and with nothing but the highest praise for himself.
4. If he resigned because of a deployment warnord and left a subordinate holding the bag as Tom Behrends in MN says he did, he is a disgusting pile of shit that even flies would reject.
I knew very little about Walz before today, but things I've heard about just this issue in the last 4 hours tells a veteran like myself everything I need to know about him.
Why do you have so much trouble understanding this?
I'm going to type this very slow so maybe even you can comprehend it.
Name. The. Underlying. Crime.
Name it or stfu.
Walz is a lightweight? Compared to Harris he is Nobel Prize material.
“But I am a little suspicious as to how a lightweight like Walz could rise to Command Sergeant Major. That's usually a lifer's job and is danged rare--unless you are politically connected."
Walz served in the military for 24 years.
It's so embarrassingly lightweight!
Is there anything about the ticket that doesn't scream "lightweight"?
The Dullard keeps harping on those fake "felonies" as if that were real. Law fare is to impress dummies, like Inga. None of those cases, including the 30 year old alleged dressing room claim, will stand up to appeal.
“Is there anything about the ticket that doesn't scream "lightweight"?’
Trump/Vance oh heavy so heavy.
Kamala's taking out insurance a la Obama. Oh, these wily "black" pols.
Would NG/Reserve NCO careers have survived a DUI in the 90s, or would it have to be on duty? He had only ~10 years in then, so there may have been more slack for lower ranks.
I can't look a word like "Walz" without thinking of call letters. (Indeed, there's a WALZ radio station in Maine!)
Trying to guess if Althouse likes the Kamala Pennsylvania speech. Empty impossibles cheered to me, a mindlessness proudly displayed. Althouse might fit in or might not, you can't guess.
Inga said...
“Walz DUI- 1995
Trump committed 34 felonies-2017
Republican George Bush DUI-1976, served two terms.”
So you’re saying it’s irrelevant.
LOL! If Walz were such a brilliant pick, it wouldn't be necessary to defend it with comment after comment- it would literally speak for itself.
“Walz DUI- 1995
Trump committed 34 felonies-2017
Republican George Bush DUI-1976, served two terms.”
“So you’re saying it’s irrelevant.
No, I’m saying that these are not bad men, they made a mistake many years ago and undoubtedly learned a lesson. George W Bush was forgiven, so was Tim Walz. Trump’s crime can be forgiven too, but he needs to admit guilt first and quit lying his ass off about it.
“Timmy Tampon”.
Is it too soon?
I've read statements by those serving with him in the NG claiming he bailed on a promotion to Sgt. Major so he could resign prior to the unit's deployment to Iraq.
in which he declared that Republicans were 'weird.'"
That's not Minnesota nice(tm).
Derve Swanson said...
"We're being played at both ends for Israel's damn never-ending warfare."
So...Oct 7 was a "false flag" operation, is that what you're saying? SNORT
(And...everyone notice that Derve here has the creepy ability to read the minds and motivations of Netanyahu, the American people, and even Ann Althouse? WEIRD. And the mark of a pretentious douchebag.)
"It's so embarrassingly lightweight!"
Hence the left is able to present Harris-Walz as a balanced ticket.
Why not Shapiro? By contrast, Pennsylvania Gov. JOSH SHAPIRO’s team felt that his own interview with Harris did not go as well as it could have. There was “not a great feeling” coming out of it, according to a person in touch with Shapiro’s advisers. A person familiar with the selection process told our colleagues that, after their meeting on Sunday, Shapiro called Harris’ team and made clear that he was “struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor, in order to seek the vice presidency.” -- Politico
In case anyone is confused, the "not a great feeling" was Shapiro's of Harris, not the other way around.
We, retired Command Sergeants Major of the Minnesota National Guard, feel it is our duty and responsibility to bring forth the truth as we know it concerning his service record. So, we have put together a timeline of his service post 9/11.. the dates and time frames are from his official discharge document and the reduction order reducing him to Master Sergeant.
On September 18th, 2001 Tim Walz reenlisted in the Minnesota Army National Guard for six years.
In early 2003 he was selected to attend the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. When a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer accepts enrollment in the course, they accept three stipulations. First, they will serve for two years after graduation from the academy, or promotion to Sergeant Major or Command Sergeant Major, whichever is later. Second, if they fail the course they may be separated from the military. Third, they will complete the course or be reduced to Master Sergeant without board action. Senior Non-Commissioned Officers initial and sign a Statement of Agreement and Certification upon enrollment.
In late summer of 2003, First Sergeant Walz deployed with the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to Italy. In no way were the units or Soldiers of the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion replacing any units or military forces so they could deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan.
After the units return to Minnesota in the spring of 2004, he was selected by high level Command Sergeants Major to serve in the position of the Command Sergeant Major of the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion.
In early 2005, a warning order was issued to the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, which included the position he was serving in, to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq.
On May 16th, 2005 he quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war. His excuse to other leaders was that he needed to retire in order to run for congress. Which is false, according to a Department of Defense Directive, he could have run and requested permission from the Secretary of Defense before entering active duty; as many reservists have. If he had retired normally and respectfully, you would think he would have ensured his retirement documents were correctly filled out and signed, and that he would have ensured he was reduced to Master Sergeant for dropping out of the academy. Instead he waited for the paperwork to catch up to him. His official retirement document states, SOLDIER NOT AVAILABLE FOR SIGNATURE.
On September 10th, 2005 conditionally promoted Command Sergeant Major Walz was reduced to Master Sergeant. It took a while for the system to catch up to him as it was uncharted territory, literally no one quits in the position he was in, or drops out of the academy. Except him.
According to his official Report of Separation and Record of Service, he re-enlisted for six years on September 18th, 2001. However, in his response he says that he re-enlisted for four years, conveniently retiring a year before his battalion was deployed to Iraq. Even if he had re-enlisted for four years following Sept.11, his retirement date would have been September 18th, 2005. Why then did he "retire" on May 16th, 2005, before his supposed four-year enlistment was up? And he makes it sound like he "retired" a year before his battalion deployed to Iraq; when in reality he knew when he "retired" that the battalion would be deployed to Iraq.
Command Sergeant Major (Retired)
Paul Herr
Command Sergeant Major (Retired)
The Dem party practice of nominating unthreateningly vacuous airheads for VP (Biden, Harris, Walz) has damaged, and may continue to damage, this country greatly.
So now the MAGA cult wants to "Take Down the Walz!" Perhaps the very same Walz that Trump so weirdly built. Now Trump can add that excellent Aussie tune, "Walzing Matilda" to his next yell-fest.
Up rode the Squatter a riding his thoroughbred
Up rode the Trooper - one, two, three
"Where's that jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?"
"You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me"
God youre a moron
Well. That was fast. He's gone from a suspected scumbag to a certified scumbag in less than 24 hours. The Army and its glacial administrative state allow guys like to slip through all the time, but like the internet, your record is forever. Walz is a wussy.
Tim Walz: 1
Army administration: -189,764
Well they blew the call
And the Walz got picked
They'd all been warned
And the Walz got picked
They stood there laughing
They're not laughing anymore
The Walz got picked
Sanctuary state, the sentient split
Open borders policy, the population shits
A song ‘bout mayhem, ringin' in their ears
We got terrorists thinking, playing on fears
Well they blew the call
And the Walz got picked
They'd all been warned
But the Walz got picked
I don't think it was the Russians
Or the Red Chinese
Just oligarch criminals
Doin’ as they please
Wake up
h/t Michael Been
“God youre a moron”
Dear God, help narciso with his spelling.
"Walz served in the military for 24 years."
Must have quite a combat record having served 24 years in the National Guard considering he enlisted in '81.
Perhaps Inga can enlighten us on that.
The VP is a pretty vacuous job. It's only placeholder role in Kamala's situation is attaching Walz's merits to Kamala. Indeed, the media is declaring Minnesota to be utopia under his reign.
Kamala did Josh Shapiro a huge favor.
Why would anyone want to hitch their wagon to her? yikes.
In a way Trump has always wanted a popularity contest, and he may get a popularity contest.
Do all 20+ year tenured Command Ssrgeant Majors run away from their units after being temporarily promoted to CSM just 2 weeks earlier and a week prior to their units deploying to an active combat zone despite the CSM having 2 more years on his commitment?
Perhaps Inga can enlighten us.
Chinese tool
‘Perhaps Inga can enlighten us on that.”
Perhaps Drago can enlighten us on his military service and how he separated from the military.
Blogger Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
Kamala did Josh Shapiro a huge favor.
Why would anyone want to hitch their wagon to her? yikes.
Shapiro could never humble himself to work for a black woman, be honest.
He would have tried to outshine her as a White Man. Walz won't do taht... Midwestern v East Coast and all.
If all you have is the Soviet talking point "Trump is a felon! 430 times over!"
You might want to ...mmmm. Go fuck yourself.
FYI, just today Walz went Full Inga Hoax Mode and repeated the Vance/Couch lie and told the audience it was true.
narciso ate the Shift key, Caps Lock, and all punctuation keys on his keyboard. They were undoubtedly delicious.
"Perhaps Drago can enlighten us on his military service and how he separated from the military."
I wasn't aware Drago was running for VP.
The Vice Presidency is not a steppingstone to higher things for Minnesota politicians. Ask Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale.
Dear God, help narciso with his spelling.
That's not spelling, that's punctuation.
Time for the billy madison line.
Lefties dont care about crime or inflation , about the wars that arisen in three different regions of the world
They care about freak shows like dylan mulvaney or the algerian double for the crying game
Someone who came up the hard way like clarence thomas or ben carson or jd vance has nothing to teach them
They worship the Old gods shunned in ancient times
Philadelphia was where the republic was born now it moulders in ruin
"neither I nor any of my compatriots ran away like Walz."
How long before the "Brave Sir Robin"- err... "Brave Sir Walz" videos start showing up on the intertubes?
Here's something else neither I nor any of my compatriots would do: claim on my official website a rank I supposedly achieved that I only held for 2 weeks and was rescinded for failure to complete the mandatory requitements.
But Walz did...and STILL does!
There's a term for those sorts of lies pushed onto the public: Stolen Valor
I'll bet Inga could not be prouder...not as proud as her "spark of divinity" MS13 illegal alien machete murderers, but still.
“My military service was quite exciting with many amazing experiences from my point of view as both an Active Duty and Reserve Naval Officer until I retired.”
So say you. Going by your many un-American comments over the years, I have trouble believing you ever belonged to the US military.
Inga is pro DUI. Even gives that fucking piece of shit Bush a pass. Sounds typically Wisconsin.
Inga said
“No, I’m saying that these are not bad men.”
Well put.
The democrat party is ... a pack of lying liars who lie. I guess if that's your thing - good luck with the decline...
And you Social Security will run dry under the corruptocrats. There's that.
It's like she doesn't even want to win.
And I'm ok with that.
"So say you. Going by your many un-American comments over the years, I have trouble believing you ever belonged to the US military."
This is why you deserve no answer at all.
FYI, Althouse and Meade know precisely who I am and my background, so your pathetic screechings and rationalizations that you use to justify more of your lies fall harmlessly by the wayside and reside comfortably in the Inga Dead Hoax Ditch.
“Dear God, help narciso with his spelling.”
“That's not spelling, that's punctuation.”
His spelling is no better.
“FYI, Althouse and Meade know precisely who I am and my background…”
Appealing to Mama Althouse now, big brave boy.
Got to give Inga credit for gamely trying to keep Walz fever alive.... as his campaign crashes and burns on the very first day.
Boy,this election has brought the lefty trolls, plus activating our usual trolls.
I was also in a National Guard unit that was called to active duty. I was starting medical school and hated to drop out but I went. Fortunately, the medical school held a place for in the next year's class. It was only a year and not Iraq but I was not happy.
"Got to give Inga credit for gamely trying to keep Walz fever alive.... "
Probably covid, time for another booster.
Walz was never a command sergeant major
He was a master sergeant, who filled in for a CSM, and he then quit about a month later.
I'll give him a pass for embellishing.
Alice, a NYC Dem, says this guy has the following advantages:
Shapiro, to put it mildly, didn’t grow up on a Nebraska farm.
Didn’t serve in the armed forces
Is not an old truck guy.
Doesn’t fix his own plumbing
Never had a real job outside politics.
Wasn’t a football coach
We'll see if they can sell Kamala and thus guy's far left crap as "football coach America"
“Got to give Inga credit for gamely trying to keep Walz fever alive.... as his campaign crashes and burns on the very first day”
You wish.
Yes the trolls have gone full brundle fly
One half ritmo one half cedarford
Inga: "Appealing to Mama Althouse now, big brave boy."
English comprehension problem again, plus another lie.
And all to support a Stolen Valor dude that abandoned his unit 1 week before deployment.
Still, not as bad as Inga calling Joe Biden honorable even after knowing he showered with and sexualized his own 12 year old daughter....but not good either.
Typing mistakes are easy and common with everyone using phones these days.
The point is you made an even bigger mistake while trying to pose as being learned.
“Walz served in the military for 24 years”. There’s a whole Lot of people that were in the military that were complete pieces of shit. Anybody that served can tell you that.
Just think, the New Soviet Democratical Party had to embrace this Stolen Valor pro-post-birth abortion live birth- "let 'em die on a table" dude because Inga's beloved New Soviet Democratical Party is now completely aligned with the islamic supremacists and they would not allow a Jew to be on the ticket....not even a Jew that ran screaming from his Jewishness.
When the Social Security runs out, It'll ALL burn.
Social Security will run dry
It's being stressed by progressive prices, but the primary driver of deficits is underfunded Medicare, unfunded Medicaid, all under the Obamacares umbrella, followed by educational debt including federal loans and forgiveness through shifted responsibility.
"Under Gov. Tim Walz's watch, at least eight babies were born alive during botched abortions. All eight of them died. None of them received any care attempting to save their lives, and most of them didn't receive basic comfort care either. They were treated like garbage, and then thrown away.
We know this is true, because until 2023 Minnesota, despite not punishing the neglect of born-alive infants, at least required such failed abortions to be reported.
For Walz, it wasn't the dead babies that were a problem. It was the "reporting" part. So, Walz had the law changed to eliminate any reporting requirement for botched abortions, and make it so doctors and nurses were no longer required to provide care to born-alive infants.
Most Americans aren't as pro-life as I am. But most of them also dislike infanticide. Gov. Walz should be forced to explain why he supports it."
h/t @jsolomonReports and Just The News…
What a gift to Trump this turned out to be.
Willie Brown's mistress chose BLM, Dearborn, Michigan, and whiny student protesters.
Trump's ads and commercials are already writing themselves.
Today was a good day, boys and girls.
Right ignore the substance of what im saying
Question did your parents think you would turn out a udba drone (thats titos secret police)
Inga said...
“Got to give Inga credit for gamely trying to keep Walz fever alive.... as his campaign crashes and burns on the very first day”
You wish.
We don't wish, we know.
Perhaps you didn't notice that the NYT *immediately* headlined Walz letting Minneapolis burn in honor Saint George of Floyd in the summer of 2020 upon Harris's announcement.
Have fun watching these two losers circle the bowl for the next 90 days, and then get flushed like the turds they are.
Hunter Biden served in the Navy just barely longer than Walz was a SMG.
Both of these heroes managed to fuck it up.
Fat boy just took longer to do it, so he's got that going for him.
Drago, Inga misspelled her reply to you. She referred to "un-American
comments" but she meant unDemocratic comments, as in you, unlike her, are not a devoted fan of the DNC.
This guy has the same creepy Grinch smile (what some people call "pedo-face") that Kaine has. Weird.
He's an old-looking 60; I would have guessed he was several years older than that. I heard one reason that he might have been chosen was that he was seen as less likely to overshadow Kamala than Shapiro might have been. When you've got a 50-watt bulb in the top spot, you need a 40-watt bulb to play second banana. And that might be giving Kamala credit for more wattage than she can generate.
“Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician turned GOP congressman, regularly touts his military bona fides. “As a retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral with nearly three decades of military service I understand the commitment and sacrifices made by servicemen and servicewomen to serve our country,” the two-term representative from Texas says on his congressional website in a message posted to a page listing his work on veterans issues. But Jackson is no longer a retired admiral.
The Navy demoted him in July 2022 following a damaging Pentagon inspector general’s report that substantiated allegations about his inappropriate behavior as a White House physician, a previously unreported decision confirmed by a current defense official and a former U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive personnel move. Jackson is now a retired Navy captain, those people said — a demotion that carries a significant financial burden in addition to the social stigma of stripped rank in military circles.”
“Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump, is facing allegations of “stolen valor” as he continues to wear a Combat Infantryman Badge pin on his suit jacket, despite the Army revoking the pin in March 2023. “It's really shameful,” a military veteran Republican lawmaker told NOTUS.”
So what Inga is touting is the Biden administration stripping a retired military officer of his flag rank by making up stuff.
She has no answer for Walz's dereliction of duty, so she tries to deflect to her boy Biden being the usual nasty Biden self and targeting a political opponent.
Guess what, Inga: Ronny Jackson is not on the ticket. You are trying to defend Tampon Tim here.
March of 2020: Walz Implemented COVID Hotline To Snitch On Neighbors.
Covid Nazis gotta Covid Nazi.
The dullard seems to be sniffing all sorts of underwear to counter her "Walz was a hero theme."
What was Jackson's "inappropriate behavior?" And why was the other guy's combat infantryman badge revoked?
Your team has a history of fake war stories, like "Danang Dick" Blumenthal and Harkins' fantasies about flying.
"Minneapolis Star-Tribune in 2020 - Lileks wrote: “There was nothing on the front page on June 1st about COVID restrictions lifting, because it was the sixth day of the Floyd Protests.”
That was the day that Walz referred to “the week of righteous anger being expressed by community leaders and all people of conscience,” in a press conference.
And that feeling of “righteous anger” was infectious! During those legendarily “peaceful but occasionally slightly fiery protests,” Walz’s wife was imbibing the sweet smell of small businesses in flames, his daughter was tweeting advice to the rioters on whether or not the National Guard or SWAT would be present, and Kamala was offering to bail out those few who were actually arrested. "
Clyde said...
I heard one reason that he might have been chosen was that he was seen as less likely to overshadow Kamala than Shapiro might have been.
Politico is reporting that Shapiro told Harris to go fuck herself after he met her. This is after he disgraced himself by pretending he's not really all that Jewish. She must have been a real train wreck.
So now she's stuck with the old crazy socialist who let Minneapolis burn.
Like I said earlier. How so before Althouse creates a Waltz drops out tag.
The Jackson thing sounds like a typical anti-Trump political hit job. The other guy, the disputed CIB might be valid but there is also an anti-Trump aspect.
"What was Jackson's "inappropriate behavior?" And why was the other guy's combat infantryman badge revoked?"
The New Soviet Democraticals have certainly amped up their Lawfare and administrative attacks across the board against their political opponents and Inga actually believes this exonerates the proven Stolen Valor of her Dear VP Candidate Leader chosen by the New Politburo that installed Biden and then kamalblah.
This is how shallow they really are. He looks like a middle class white guy! He was a football coach!
This will make everyone in America think that our radical leftist program led by radical leftist sort-of-black woman Kamala Harris is just what this country needs to clean up the mess that those damn Republicans allowed us to create!
Walz is about the biggest Blue Falcon I've heard of. He held a key leadership position (Command Sergeant Major) in his battalion, and engineered an accelerated retirement when the warning order dropped for deployment. His unit had to scramble for a replacement. The DoD reduced his retirement rank to E8, as he never completed the requirements for E9.
Of his civilian "accomplishments" I shall not comment.
I support the opinion that Walz's selection in intended to tank the Harris run for president. Shapiro would have broadened the support. Walz narrows it to the base.
"The DoD reduced his retirement rank to E8, as he never completed the requirements for E9."
According to
"After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005."
According to
"Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Grade: E9"
You have a problem with narciso's spelling?
As a Minnesotan, I look forward to the conservative national media telling my fellow citizens things about Walz that our local media have refused to mention. Walz has been getting a tongue bath for years from WCCO, KARE and the Star Tribune. He hasn't been asked a difficult question in many years and the spotlight will fall uncomfortably upon him. Picking Walz is an unforced error.
I wonder if Walz makes it to the end of the week right now. I hope he is the VP nominee but I have learned not to take good news for granted any longer.
Gilbar posted the link I was going to. Pretty much a joint letter from NCOs saying Walz is a POS.
Walz received his DUI in 1995- by which point he was a senior NCO in the guard. He must have had a powerful protector- that all by itself in 1995 should have ruined his career. Period. In 1973 when I enlisted, a DUI was no big deal for an enlisted man of any rank. By 1985 when I was teaching Class "A" school, it was a career ender. It's really amazing how the military can turn on a dime on such things. A couple of drinks at the club at lunch in 1973? No big deal. 1985? Minimum of non-judicial punishment.
The documentation of how his military service ended pretty much ensures the vast majority of veterans aren't going to support him. And who he's chosen to hitch his wagon to shows poor judgement.
Trump has spent 9 years insulting his opponents. Then a democrat calls him and Vance "weird" and they're offended. I still can't comprehend how a former president, running again for president, cannot talk about somebody else for 2 minutes without name-calling. It's like he never got past middle school.
They are ALL freakin' weird to anyone paying attention. Biden was weird as hell. The burning question should be which of them are NOT stinking West hating Israel hating Commies?
Yancey Ward said...
I wonder if Walz makes it to the end of the week right now. I hope he is the VP nominee but I have learned not to take good news for granted any longer.
I think it is pretty funny that all of the other governor's pulled themselves out of the VP race one by one as they saw how fast Harris was sinking.
Walz is such a white flag copium choice.
I think they are past the date they can easily replace her. If they are intelligent they will do whatever they can to reset this race.
Achilles said...
" And for bonus points name a single other person that was convicted of the same thing Trump was convicted of."
Name a single other person that fucked a porn star while their wife was pregnant, then paid the porn star off so she wouldn't on him, and then falsified
his business records to cover up the pay off.
Poor dumb Achilles.
Gospace said...
"The documentation of how his military service ended pretty much ensures the vast majority of veterans aren't going to support him."
Instead they're going to support Bone Spurs?
If you criticize narciso's spelling and punctuation, you'd better make sure that your own is immaculate.
Damn strait!
Given his proven, public, support for the military, why not? Also compare Walz with Vance
He wasn't a Command Sergeant Major ass he didn't serve.
After many years, I can usually figure out what he's trying to communicate, but I do hate it when anyone widely and reliably knowledgeable spews out a link with no indication to what it contains. Chasing rabbits!
Waltz isn't the VP nominee yet. That happens at the convention. So if he appears to be a drag on the ticket -- what with the Stolen Valor, the DUI conviction, the "let Minneapolis burn" approach to the George Floyd riots, etc. -- they still have time to cut him loose and get a new white guy.
Didn't she sign a sworn affidavit that the supposed sexual event never happened, in agreement with Donald Trump. On penalty of perjury charges? Doesn't she owe Trump money ? Aren't you spreading lies? Yes.
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