"... the Secret Service is making an exception after the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13, when the gunman took several shots at Trump, grazing his ear before a Secret Service sniper killed him.... The Secret Service typically pre-positions personnel around the country in battleground states so they can be within driving distance of campaign rallies, which enables faster transportation of the ballistic glass to events...."
Trump's rallies are much better when they are outdoors. To have restricted him to indoor rallies would have reined him in, so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump.
What's a little bullet proof glass beyond show to a dead man walking?
"They" nearly put a bullet in the man's head. (I'd say that qualifies as "anything".)
My understanding is that bulletproof glass loses its effectiveness over time due to exposure to sunlight. Will they get the old stuff out of storage to use for Trump?
Lots of ways to kill a man.
An equine passing through the entrance to the stable comes to mind, too.
I didn't watch Trump rallies in 2016. Does anyone remember if he had bulletproof glass outdoors then? It was at least implied in some of Susan Crabtree's reporting that 'ex-President' was a lower level of security than even 'major party candidate for President'. Are they actually moving up to that level, or taking minimum action?
They should, since we can't trust the Secret Service to do their jobs. https://www.foxnews.com/us/secret-service-investigating-report-agent-left-post-breastfeed-trump-campaign-event?msockid=2f04b102da81666b393ea556dbe36745
“To have restricted him to indoor rallies would have reined him in, so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump.”
After years and years of lawfare against Trump and their attempts at ruining the country in their pissy little hissy fit about losing their lock tight grip on the USA, that’s a fairly ridiculous assertion to make.
Bulletproof glass is for show when the call is coming from inside the house…
They will do anything to stop him... lease without the public seeing it... and now the public watches the SS carefully...
We’ve placed SS around the county, locked and ready to break in to your salon to drop a deuce anytime, anywhere…
I would be curious to know the "rating" of this bullet proof glass as well as its age. Bullet proof glass is not impenetrable, it is rated for specific cal., velocities, bullet weights as these various factors affect the impact energy.
Is it the same stuff used for POTUS or the "factory seconds"? At this point I would put NOTHING base these clowns. They have already shown by direct action or by putting idiots in charge that they don't REALLY want to keep him safe.
Describing them as “they” begs for a reminder that WE must never forget which party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow.
The unceasing flow of whine is not healthy, people. This is great news for your guy. Being chill in the face of fear uncertainty and doubt is the essence of human valor. Life's too short to exist in a constant state of constipation. I feel your pain, but you need to get out of your heads and into the beautiful world that Gaia and Odin have bestowed upon us
Ann said: "this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump." The use of bulletproof glass undermines Trump appeal. Visually, he will look more despotic, more dangerous (and IN danger), and in need of containment (Hannibal Lecter). And as others have said, there are more ways to kill someone if it comes to that. Meanwhile, Lawfare will gear up again, with sentencing, etc. And Trump will be sealed in Lucite, er, "protected" by glass.
So they were using plastic shields umcay
AGAIN - Everyone in attendance should wear a bullet proof vest and a helmet.
It didn't work for Eichmann.
"...so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump."
They're still trying to jail him. And we still don't know how or why the assassination attempt was even allowed to happen. I think they're still working on it.
The Secret Service has very few times in its existence actually prevented a President from being shot (Ford, I think is the only one). Every other President who has been shot at has been hit. They don't "prevent" anything. They are there to cart the body to the hospital.
If you watch carefully ... oh, who am I kidding ... you don't have to carefully watch them, it's so obvious: Once they figured out that Trump was getting shot at (after 8 shots), they held him on stage for 76 seconds with his head in full view (due to a 5'-5" obese female agent trying to guard a 6'-3" man.) Once they got him to the car, the car sped out of there like a bat out of hell ... oh wait ... this just in ... the car didn't even spin its tires. It left the scene at 2 miles per hour, then passed a VA emergency room to take Trump to a hospital much further away.
Donald Trump is in danger because he trusts the government to protect him when it is clear to everyone that our government cannot be trusted.
They intend to jail him, and then kill him in prison, just like they did to Jeffrey Epstein. No witnesses, no cameras, no proof, FBI investigating (covering it up). That is a tried and true method they know works. So this bulletproof glass stuff is all just more "fighting the last war."
Yeah keep assigning those nursing mothers to Trump's security detail. That's the ticket!
There’s new info from Clay Higgins that the sniper who killed Crooks was not SS. It was a Butler SWAT person who did so. Another datapoint to consider.
That fact that we are having this discussion reflects either extreme incompetence or overt maliciousness by the Secret Service. There is no possible valid explanation for the shooter being able to get on that roof and take a shot. It was the obvious location for a sniper, the Secret Service and the local police knew it was an obvious location for a sniper, they knew someone was trying to access the building and was acting strange, and they let him climb the roof with a gun and get off multiple shots, killing a man and wounding Trump and a couple other people. We keep acting like this is some minor thing or just one of those goofs that happen in bureaucracies. No. This is a fundamental failure to perform the core mission. This is existential. This is the sort of event when everyone involved is fired for cause, the leaders are brought up on criminal charges, and the organization is disbanded. The only question is whether the Secret Service was in on the assassination attempt or not. Even if they weren't, would they have done anything differently?
We should not be having this discussion. Trump should be dead.
But, yes, they have now done the bare minimum to try to secure future rallies. Big help. That assures us that everything is normal.
Althouse, you have gotten accustomed to our new level of insanity. None of this is normal. We are not even in shouting distance of normal.
Another day of Howie whining about whining…
We just watched the Democrats, corrupt prosecutors and judges, Biden and the DOJ, try and jail Trump for the last two years. Try and take his property.
Raid his home. Jail his supporters. Sentencing for the bullshit Stormy Daniels trial is upcoming.
But some bullet proof glass they can no longer avoid "undercuts" the notion "they" will do anything to stop Trump. Voter fraud doesn't count I guess.
At least the bullet proof glass will protect Trump from contracting COVID just like the plexiglass at Walmart.
This nation is cluster-fucked. With an apologetic nod to James Kunstler.
We would but Progressives are destroying what is left of us.
Doesn't it just create a limited subset of "they" and what they will do? The Venn Diagram still has this major overlap of "not wanting free and fair elections".
The catch is that they're insisting that the glass has to be tinted black. ;-)
A list of Democrat/DerpState attempts - all the way from hamstringing his term as president to jailing him on false pretenses to facilitating an assassination attempt - “undercuts” the notion that these are normal participants in a civil society. They are anything but.
Prof's conclusion is a rare non seq. "They" have to do something--anything--to look like they are on top of things and serious about threats; protective glass is something.
That said, the guy talks too much, rambles, repeats, and doubles back. Half the verbiage would be enough, but some people love it.
Also, the FBI released the body to the family, we are ONLY NOW finding out. The family then cremated him. So all that evidence is lost. Didn't release the body back rightfully to the coroner, or notify anybody they were having this evidence burned to destroy it.
The meltdown continues.
It's starting to become obvious that Trump's supporters know Trunp is flaming out.
There's no attempt to persuade, or speak to positive things ... it's all mockery and conspiracy theories all the way down. Hell, Drago hasn't found a new insult in months, it's just the same boring low energy insults that don't even make sense.
To have restricted him to indoor rallies would have reined him in, so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump.
Butler proved they only have to do "nothing," even for a for a brief moment, to get a protectee killed.
It's starting to become obvious that Trump's supporters know Trump is flaming out.
What? Kneepads and blue are walking, talking ads for a Trump win. One can't formulate a coherent sentence, wants to institute price controls on food, and can't articulate what inflation is, democracy is, or what a woman is. The other lied about his service record, lied about his DUI, and had the NG and police shoot people on their OWN porch with paintballs during COVID. Both want even MORE censorship. And you think Trump is worried?
Hopefully in September they stop trying to jail Trump and actually do it.
Trump will win 50 states if he is in jail even 1 day.
Harris continues to refuse all requests for interviews and runs and hides from a media that in all likelihood would give her a world-class tongue bath. Harris is a cackling clown of a featherweight.
I loved the little date that Kamala and Tim had. I would much rather watch them talk to each other about taco recipes than actually talk to voters or answer questions in interviews.
The price controls are also a good touch.
Indira Mandela is an EPIC FAIL.
Their motives and methods were overexposed. Now it's Plan B for the day after.
kamala has no
medulla oblongata
and it’s a damn shame
>Ann Althouse said...
To have restricted him to indoor rallies would have reined him in, so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump.<
That's a real stretch. That is the Secret Service showboating this little bit of theater to attempt to rehabilitate some of its shattered reputation. And it does nothing to undercut the supposed "notion" that they will do anything to stop Trump, since that is manifest truth.
Friend over-heard a progressive couple talking at the store. They were over heard saying that once Kamala wins- they will be in charge of the military.
This is how leftist fascists think. They want war machine against all who dare disagree. Force.
Peak Althouse the AWFL. "They" have been trying to destroy Donald Trump since he came down the golden escalator. He has proven heroically resilient and indomitable to every angle of attack, so finally comes the assassination attempt in which the Secret Service was culpable. But a month later "they" announce that they'll use bullet-proof glass now, and this proves that there is no "They" there. SMFH....
this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump
As I understand it he said he was going to resume outdoor rallies over the USSS objections. "They" didn't want him doing them. "They" are now going to contain him, if this actually comes to pass. I hope it's in addition to, but I fear it is rather than securing the premises.
One really can't be pessimistic enough when it comes to the myriad efforts to "get Trump" that we know about. I'm sure there's others we aren't even aware of.
"so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump"
Trump was going to hold the rallies anyway- this is the Secret Service and the Biden Administration being shamed into to doing what they should have been doing all along- so this doesn't undercut the notion at all, only that they were no longer willing to take the blame if someone else takes a shot at Trump.
I understand former SS director Cheatle has been assigned secret service protection by Biden. I hope she gets the DEI team that Trump had in Butler.
This is so that a Secret Servant agent can safely desert her post and breast feed her baby.
I deleted Gusty Winds at 7:49 AM because he introduced boldface that made all the comments after that appear in boldface. The deletion cured the problem.
The comment was a response to my "so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump."
It said: "OMG is this statement ridiculous. They tried to kill him once. "They haven't tried to shoot him in over a month, so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump.""
I don't agree, by the way. "Undercuts" is the key word. I didn't say utterly disproves.
security theatre like TSA
Correct, you didn't say it utterly disproves. Which difference doesn't matter at all since what everyone is saying is ridiculous is the notion that it undercuts.
Using “ridiculous”, when it really should be “offensive”. It’s insulting.
Howard sure drips with cuck energy.
Building the orangutan cage is taking longer than expected; the custom feeding slot has to be big enough for a triple cheeseburger..
"To have restricted him to indoor rallies would have reined him in, so this undercuts the widely believed notion that "they" will do "anything" to stop Trump."
No, it just provides a bit of additional information on exactly who "they" are. Look at that walking perversion of the legal system Juan Merchan. Tell me he is willing to practice restraint in his pursuit of his chosen victim.
Trump, standing in front of his golf club where it costs a half a million dollars to join, tried to complain about high prices yesterday.
Perhaps you missed the irony.
Next thing you know they're gonna ban rangefinders at entrance.
So it mirrors your “slot” then, hag.
My pussy IS huge but that’s a deflection from the fact that your cult leader is fading fast and his little MAGAts are in denial. Cope and seethe little buddy.
At least Trump is actually talking about high prices and not trying to gaslight people into thinking that the recent inflation isn't real. What Trump is doing is telling the average person that he understands their problems. Mark is actually criticizing Trump for doing what a candidate is supposed to do. And if Trump wasn't talking about high prices, Mark would probably turn around and criticize him for that and call him "out of touch."
My pussy IS huge
But is it clean?
If you believe "they" were trying to kill Trump, something which is not known at this time, but is not unreasonable to suspect, they probably wouldn't try the same thing twice. And they'd have to keep up appearances.
If they were going to try to shoot him again, they'd at least have to make it look like they'd taken steps to correct the lax security around him.
If they were planning on killing Trump, I'm sure they had a number of different plan ideas to choose from. They picked shooting to try first. Who knows what Plan B is. Monkey wrenching his airplane? CIA Heart Attack Gun?
Murdered in prison? Blown up by "Iranian Terrorists?"
Anyway, we'll see.
Lefty Mark is always a good source for Trump's thinking.
This "person" is as obnoxious as usual. Maybe a bit more today
The crashed airplane is an old standby. As a bonus you get rid of all the people on it.
Trump "tried to complain about high prices" Dumb Lefty Mark?
Sorry Dumb Lefty Mark, the entire nation has lived through your bidenomics/Harrisnomics disaster...and there is no hiding it.
Food, housing, energy. You guys destroyed them all.
But yeah, golf club membership fees are the REAL story!
Please run wih that!
Ladies and gents, he ain't called Dumb Lefty Mark for nothing!
The same party that denies that the 2020 election was fraught with corruption and irregularities. Calls J6 an "Insurrection." Withheld exculpatory evidence from the public about that "Insurrection". Is still pursuing Trump as the de facto ringleader. Is certainly capable of anything. Nothing is off the table to keep Power they feel belongs to them exclusively, because they "know what's best". They just deposed Biden because that power was threatened. And then credulously said he was stepping down for the "good" of the country.
By any means necessary isn't some benign slogan.
It's good to make it harder to hit Trump in such a vulnerable situation, but big picture, I'm not reassured by this grudging little measure. That they're only offering this now could just as easily be seen as an admission of incompetence, if not malfeasance.
Sorry about the bold. Fair enough. You didn't say "utterly disproves."
We could also say "This undercuts their efforts to purposefully leave Trump unprotected so somebody can take a shot at him."
They missed on first attempt. They're not in a position to let the same thing happen, the same way, again. Plus it probably takes time to cultivate the sacrificial lone wolf.
Ah! "Flaming out", "fading" - those are the Dem talking point buzzwords for today. Thanks Hag!
They also doctored J6 video
..and deleted interviews.
Ok, now Trump gets his own Popemobile. I would agree that crashing his aircraft is the best bet for Democrats now.
"Trump, standing in front of his golf club " blah blah blah
What the actual fuck does that have to do with the cast iron idiocy of proposing a policy - price controls - that has resulted in shortages, black markets, hoarding, and eventually even higher prices every time it has been tried, you economically illiterate goon?
Are they gonna let him keep the glass when they put him in jail next month?
Just wondering if the Popemobile is still available?
Ah, somebody beat me to it.
I haven't had a chance to read all the comments, and for that I apologize. Trump is an unusual case -- he's the only the second President to run for election after having left office -- If you're saying there was only one, you're forgetting Theodore Roosevelt
Or Grover Cleveland.
what happens if child falls into OrangeManCage?
somebody just need to launch dummy doll in and presto!
smart move by SS for excuse to tranquilize with prejudice!
intransitive verb
: to lose freshness, strength, or vitality : WITHER
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