That Tim Walz falsely believes the free speech guarantee doesn't include what he considers to be 'misinformation' or 'hate speech' will bother almost no Dem supporters, since the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 7, 2024
August 8, 2024
"That Tim Walz falsely believes the free speech guarantee doesn't include what he considers to be 'misinformation' or 'hate speech' will bother almost no Dem supporters, since the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor dissent."
Writes Glenn Greenwald, at X, displaying this:
That Glen Greewald, a liberal, is the voice of truth and reason - is ... sad commentary on the state of the pro-Corruption, anti-free speech - abortion obsessed left.
I am so glad they picked Tim Walz as the Democrat VP candidate.
He is such an obviously dishonest and terrible person.
“Free speech is my right to say what you don’t want to hear.” – George Orwell
Yes: Where are the Republicans in their full-throated denouncement of attacks on the First Amendment, providing this and other Democrat examples? The political battleground in modern society is the flow of information. Those against that free flow, those that would want 'control' of it, are tyrants - easily, provably labeled.
“To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth”
– Believed to be Teddy Roosevelt
Progressives want people to lie to them. Like cattle it comforts them...there there now everything will be alright Bessy now put your head in this hole.
Thank you for introducing this. It's probably the most concerning thing about Walz.
Greenwald and Taibibi have become what they call "far right" in Europe.
Ann: You're a big advocate of the First Amendment and a scholar. Does any other country have something similar to our First Amendment? I can't think of one.
Our First Amendment (and our Bill of Rights) is a big part of what makes America both great and exceptional.
The West has to use a LOT of repression, while Russian and Chinese "opposition" figures are increasingly falling apart. It's a matter of time before a NATO government collapses. Then what?
It appears that a large percentage of Americans don't understand why our rights exist. The left is at fault for dumbing down civics coursework and their belief that if they have good intentions, that it is ok to force people to act in ways that are for their own good. To them the world is always on the brink of disaster and the only way to save it is for the right people to to dictate behavior and action.
This is the common state of mankind as it can come from any group in power. The only antidote is to vote against entrenched power, even if it means the other side does not support your sacred cows. A loss of freedom will mean ultimately a loss of the rights you think your side will uphold. They won't. Soon you will discover that those in power will turn against you, too.
You have a sacred duty to vote against entrenched power. Without a balance of forces there will be only extremism, and you will lose.
"the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor dissent." True, but that has been the left impulse since forever. But only when the state is controlled by the right party and people. Not when deplorables "ban books."
Besides leaving women to abort babies at will, is there anything progs don't want the state to do? Serve all kids breakfast and lunch, put tampons in boys' restrooms, anything?
It may be obvious to you (and me), but he is glib and Americans love glib. Meanwhile the nutty substance of his policies will be hidden by the MSM and exposed only in outlets visited by people who will not be voting for his ticket anyway. And yet Trump could still win if he just stopped with his infantile gratuitous insults, especially those directed toward Republicans more popular than him.
Tim Walz is a THREAT to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. A threat, in other words, to our Republic. What do we do with threats to the security of the United States of America? Where do we put those people? Is it any wonder that Biden is attempting to close Gitmo?
If there were a verb meaning `to believe falsely', it would not have any significant first person present indicative.
Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations p.190
They would like to have sex with your children. You forgot that.
I strongly suspect politicians like Walz who are in a rush to control speech and media are people living in fear of exposure. What has Tim been up to?
I have been planning to abstain from voting in this presidential election. But I might go vote against this
Walz is a Marxist with a shitty record as governor.
Just look at how they're scrambling to 'move on' from this. They don't want people digging any deeper. "So he made some small fibs about his service, let's move on please!"
What has Tim been up to indeed.
Freeman Hunt...
"I have been planning to abstain from voting in this presidential election. But I might go vote against this"
Good choices are scarce, but when a candidate says he favors censorship, believe him. You can be sure he reflects the views of his boss.
The first and second amendments keep this nation free. The reasons for wanting to be rid of them are obvious.
Freeman, don't vote for Trump. As someone suggested in another thread, vote for the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
What's more important, abortion or free speech?
I hate that the tic of adding "falsely" to editorialize everything has taken root.
Literally, Walz doesn't "falsely believe" something. He believes something that the writer thinks is false. Let's just go with what he believes, and then tell us why it's wrong.
Governor Sar'n't Coach is a malevolent dimwit.
Republicans: “We don’t approve of our opponent’s campaign!"
You should send a stern memo to Kamala's campaign managers.
Trump is ALSO an "obviously dishonest and terrible person," yet he's running for President, and you and millions of other deluded Americans see him as a fit for the job.
As someone suggested in another thread, vote for the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Can't be said enough.
The neat trick with the corrupt totalitarian democrat left? They get to control what is deemed "misinformation" .
Certainly - any/all negative info about any democrat = "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!" -
These same obscene arrogant democrat-leftists cannot see their Soviet reflections.
It all started with the college campus shout down. America's education establishment has brought us to this ridiculous, totalitarian point. Why are women so opposed to dissenting points of view? They run the education establishment.
It only took two generations, essentially my life as an adult, to educate the US population into a collectivist mindset from the individual rights mindset that had maintained prominence for over 200 years. It was a good run while it lasted.
The only solution to the present political slide to totalitariansim is re-adoption of individual rights as the basis of all correct policy. Good luck with that.
Meanwhile, it is their side peddling misinformation en masse.
Via X : link
Nearly half of millennials polled say the First Amendment should not cover "hate speech."
Tienanmen Tim, my own coinage, of course dezinforma means the source not the content,
A conservative acquaintance I respect was telling me yesterday he thinks he’ll abstain from voting for a Presidential candidate. I was thinking about that and about asking him, what is the upside for him personally or for the country at this point of not voting?
A true Communist apparatchik pretending to be pro American. That little admission that he wants to censor everything all the time really stood out like a thunder clap.
For purposes of Tim Walz minding his own business, your mouth is not considered part of your body.
The people peddling misinformation will decide what is incorrect. The people preaching hate will decide what is hateful.
Do rank-n-file Democrats really not understand the 1A is one of the principal bulwarks against tyranny? Remove from government the chains of the Constitution and freedom disappears.
As the Birch Society has been wont to point out, "It wasn’t what government did that made America great; it was what government was prevented from doing that made the difference. What set America apart from all other lands was freedom - for the individual. Freedom to work, to produce, to succeed and, especially, to keep the fruits of one’s labor. America became great precisely because the stifling effects of too much government had been prevented."
America's biggest problem: Too Much Government.
I believe that there is the E. Jean Carroll carve out to the First Amendment. You have to be careful about what you say about her. Perhaps with a revamped Supreme Court, the rights granted to her can be extended to people like Christine Blasey Ford. Kavanaugh by denying the charges was, in effect, calling Ms. Ford a liar. He needs to be held to account for this defamation. They've also said some terrible things about Fani Willis, and the people who said them have gone unpunished.
I like this! Better than Tampon Tim...
Obviously he's not Tim Einstein.
"Do rank-n-file Democrats really not understand the 1A is one of the principal bulwarks against tyranny? Remove from government the chains of the Constitution and freedom disappears."
Hard as it is to believe, evidence indicates that, yes, they do not understand that.
Sneaky Tim doesn’t want you to know what he’s been up to.
Geez Tampon Tim. Is "misinformation" about your military record a bad thing?
In the Army there's something called a "Spotlight Ranger" (look it up).
I'm going to start calling him "Ranger Walz, The Spotlight Stranger". Put him under the microscope and you'll know him less and less lol.
Dem governors from maine to maryland (yes hogan might as well have been one,, stuffed nursing homes with covid patients locked down the people using fauci's delusions,
Cook - You just don't like him.
Trump has never promised to end free speech - like leftist democrats often do.
When it comes to discussions about honor and character it is probably. EST that tRump Swabs sit it out.
Is Walz dishonorable and dishonest. Apparently so but those are characteristics that celebrate when it comes to Trump.
I can't imagine allowing this guy to be in charge of any aspect of my life. He looks like the kind of guy in the village that all the kids are warned to stay away from.
It is not really an “or” for Trump. Trump is on record for pushing the GOP to accept abortion in all states, but for a limited period of time like 15 to 20 weeks, which would put the US on par with much of Europe.
I think Trump was right to send Kamala a “thank you” for picking Walz.
Trump has never promised to end free speech
But he has advocated making it easier to prove defamation. He has often said that we need to have libel, slander and defamation laws that are more in line with those in the UK.
Apparently Gov. Walz is misrepresenting his rank in the National Guard as Command Master Sergeant, a rank he did not earn because he chose to retire before he fulfilled the requirements. And that rubs some people the wrong way. Not only because he’s lying, but because he knows he’s lying.
American Civil Liberties Unburdened
You fascists are so pathetic and dishonest. There is no place for people like you in a free country.
Walz betrayed his unit. He was the ranking NCO when the unit was deployed and he bailed out.
He was busted down to E8 for this betrayal. Everyone in his unit hates him for this if they are honest. He abandoned them when they deployed to combat.
Because the media cannot stop themselves from lying and defaming him. And our laws protect the freedom of the press to do so. Sadly - the press have no qualms acting as Democrat Party operatives.
Don't you get the feeling that if the free speech Althouse blog was being watched / policed by the Tim Walz's of our gov't, and arrests were made, and the blog ordered shut down, participators like Cook, Inga, Readering, Freder, Gadfly and the rest would be just fine with it? Madison, WI might even have a naked bicycle parade to celebrate.
Excellent quote!
Mr. Cook, I watched Trump’s performance(s) in office over a four year period. It was outstanding. Across the board.
Walz is a strange shitbird who failed miserably as governor.
Good one, narciso!
Manpon Timmy
Defamation is not protected speech. Reasonable people can disagree about what constitutes "defamation," but that's a matter for the courts. "Misinformation" (unless it's defamation), which has come to mean "statements I disagree with," is protected with very limited exceptions (clear and present danger).
You know right
Mr. Humperdinck, I watched the Falcon’s in Super Bowl LI. It was outstanding. Across the board.
My recent comment from VC:
My problem here is that if hate speech and misinformation by candidates are not protected by the 1st Amdt, it is almost inevitable that the standards will ultimately be prosecuted politically, with on standard for those the head prosecutor agrees with, and a different standard for those he disagrees with. Throughout almost all of this country, the ultimate prosecution questions are made by AGs and DAs, who are either elected themselves, or appointed by someone elected, in partisan political elections. (I am more generous as to banning misinformation, etc, about the voting process itself).
We have seen government misuse of its ability to regulate and combat “misinformation”, with COVID-19. Governments, with top health care bureaucrats on the take, declared the ModRNA vaccines both safe and effective, and alternatives like Ivermectin the opposite. Yet, these vaccines almost assuredly killed many more people than Ivermectin ever has, while probably being less effective against the virus if the drug is used properly (prophylacticly, and not in the hospital). Yet, doctors across the country were sanctioned by states for questioning the vaccines or pushing the drug. Masking and social distancing were similar.
Everyone on the right is well aware of their opponents using laws politically against them, and esp against Trump. But, flipping the script, probably over half the states could potentially prosecute Walz for his stolen Valor claims, if they weren’t protected by the 1st Amdt. He was never actually a Command Sergeant Major, just provisionally one, and reverted to his permanent rank of Master Sergeant, upon his premature (almost 2 years before the end of his contract) retirement. And he never served in combat, or even a combat zone. Probably enough falsehoods to qualify under many state’ Stolen Valor laws.7
Abortion is legal in all 50 states (with certain restrictions by state).
I pay for Greenwald, Taibbi, Weis and Loury.
Don't you get the feeling that if the free speech Althouse blog was being watched / policed by the Tim Walz's of our gov't, and arrests were made, and the blog ordered shut down, participators like Cook, Inga, Readering, Freder, Gadfly and the rest would be just fine with it?
You know, like abortion, sometimes the government needs to step in and say, "this is enough, this is bad for you, so we are shutting down Althouse." And yes, I would probably be relieved (even thankful) that I would be forced to stop wasting my time here.
That was sarcasm btw.
Or possibly your brain.
He got elected and then re-elected. He's not the only shitbird, the whole liberal half of the state of Minnesota is.
It's just like AOC. A blank-headed bartendress like her can only be whipped up from central casting if the voters in her district have a room temperature IQ and like big Latin boobs. Both turned out to be true.
I'm pretty sure that Walz is wrong there not being a free speech guarantee of spreading misinformation. Remember how the courts threw out that Stolen Valor law because they said that people have the right to misrepresent themselves under certain circumstances?
It is impossible not to notice the commentary from the Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencers (AMDG) is indistinguishable from from that of the those on the far left and the LLR-democraticals.
There is a reason for that. They share the same goals and they always have.
"And yet Trump could still win if he just stopped with his infantile gratuitous insults, especially those directed toward Republicans more popular than him."
I couldn't agree more. Trump's attacks on Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (especially since Kemp has endorsed Trump and activated his GOTV team on behalf of Trump) is both tactically and factually wrong-headed.
Kemp allowed this fraudulent regime to prevail for his own reasons, and we see the consequences,
the border, Abbey Gate, the borders of kiev, the kibbutzes of kfar etc etc
GARM, sued this month by Elon Musk for anti-trust and defamation in getting advertisers to collude against social media sites that the left doesn't control ... has been SHUT DOWN effective today. This is the way.
We must sue these people, take EVERYTHING from them and run them right out of town on a rail. This includes politicians who believe they are safe.
Try to stay on topic, Cookie.
" And yes, I would probably be relieved (even thankful) that I would be forced to stop wasting my time here."
The Field Marshall feels he is wasting his time here. I know the feeling every time I see a comment for him
Walz said that there’s no guarantee to free speech for hate speech or misinformation. That’s wrong or at least misleading. Not pleased but not upset because it’s a fairly common incorrect generalization and he might have said it because it’s impolite to be right about law on MSNBC.
So, I would not, for instance, fall into the typical Althouse/MSM trap of focusing on this statement and ignoring that Trump has ranted about jailing flag burners and making defamation cases easier to win and deporting people based on speech.
Bad news lefties/dems/LLR-democraticals/Wannabe Online DeSantis Influencers: Politico is reporting the Harris campaign has deleted the reference to Walz being a retired "Command Sergeant Major" from Walz's campaign website.
The well deserved shots are hitting home against the Stolen Valor/Blue Falcon liar and his defenders......
This attempt at lying to cover for your Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Boy as well as deflecting for the New Soviet Democraticals is really quite sad, isn't it?
Is your heart simply not into it any longer?
Flag burning is shitty, but it is free speech. Agreed. Defamation is different. If you publicly accuse someone of being rapist, and it is false, you are free to do so, but there may be a civil price to pay. Finally, where has Trump threatened to deport anybody based on speech alone? Terrorists entering the country illegally and chanting "Death to America" perhaps, but they are subject to deportation from illegal entry, not speech.
Amazing innit?
Once you stop looking at the MSM as a corporate money-making-monolith and start looking at it as a 5th column of federal power, it all makes sense. They aren’t in this for the money. It has nothing to do with profit at all.
Isn't it interesting. There are rumblings the Joey Dementia family remains livid over how their Corn Pop dude was kicked to the curb and Walz's failures as a candidate along with Kamala-la-la-la-la already falling far behind historical democratrical averages in August might have opened the door for a biden crime family attempt to regain their position......and then out of the blue the DOJ FINALLY reports on the Romanians kicking $millions over to the biden crime family.
Comrade Drago is besides himself today —he still believes the market rebound is (checks notes) Trump….
A conservative talk show host in the Twin Cities calls him Tim Jong Walz.
"That Tim Walz falsely believes the free speech guarantee doesn't include what he considers to be 'misinformation' or 'hate speech' will bother almost no Dem supporters, since the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor dissent.". (emphasis added)
Tells you who the dems think pull the deep state levers, doesn't it?
Huh, not sure where my "emphasis" went.
I often disagree with Robert Cook, but he has principles and when he says he is for free speech I believe him. Some of the others, now . . .
I believe you are going to have to come to terms with the likely long delay before your betters provide you with adequate talking points and until that time, I would strongly recommend that you not climb too far out on the rhetorical branch given your overall lack of ability.
If you don't vote for the lesser evil you allow the greater evil to prevail.
Greenwald ain't wrong!! What is 'Hate' speech? Who gets to define it? 'Disinformation'? Who rules on that? The state? Hahahaha... yea.. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc.. would all applaud that. That is how totalitarianism works! The state defines that is what... and jails you if you descent.
I am sure democrats would love it as long as they get to define it.
Do people falsely believe that the Earth is flat? Do they falsely believe that the universe is 5000 years old? The level of falsehood in Walz's constitutional nihilism is flatter earther level wrong.
If you’re against misinformation and disinformation, wouldn’t you want to make defamation cases easier to win? TBH, I don’t like the heighten requirements for public figures to win defamation cases, which is what I believe Trump meant when he ranted about making defamation cases easier to win.
The left doesn't realize that we can always just shoot them if it comes to that. Just like our forefathers did.
There's always been a fine calculus of who is permitted to say what, and where. Each of us has to decide whether to play along.
And yes, I would probably be relieved (even thankful) that I would be forced to stop wasting my time here.
Nobody's 'forcing' you to be here, jackass.
When it comes to discussions about honor and character it is probably. EST that tRump Swabs sit it out.
Is Walz dishonorable and dishonest. Apparently so but those are characteristics that celebrate when it comes to Trump.
The only people that are dumber than Biden Regime supporters are Nevertrump losers.
Nobody believes that was sarcasm. We see who you are and what you support. We have seen you support all of the corporate censorship declaring that google facebook and twitter were right to shut down COVID "misinformation."
We know you want us censored. You do not hide it.
You are pathetic scum. At least don't be a coward.
"They aren’t in this for the money. It has nothing to do with profit at all."
Don't you remember the constant leftist complaints about how Twitter (back when the left still ran the company) wasn't making any money?
Me neither.
Don't worry, folks. Dissent will become patriotic again next January.
I can answer that. No. Emphatically, NO!. Most other nations have an an official censorship bureau of some sort, though they don't call it that.
Our friendly neighbor to the north says they do, and it's in their Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
Fundamental freedoms
2 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Wow! Just like the bill of rights. Compare this to the first amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Wow! Identical rights. Except notice that part Congress shall make no law... Kind of important. Well, obviously Canada has something similar, right? No, Absolutely wrong. In fact, before the fiudamental rights is this:
Rights and freedoms in Canada
1 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
In case you're incapable of understanding plain English, let me translate that for you:
Everything that follows is nonsense, the government can regulate anything it wants to as long as the government itself declares it to be "reasonable limits". The people have no ACTUAL RIGHTS that government cannot abrogate.
I think you may be conflating their adding "without evidence" with their adding "falsely". As Steve implies, statements CAN be obviously false on their face, and it's fair to point that out.
"Don't worry, folks. Dissent will become patriotic again next January."
Exactly. From
ILHAN OMAR: We tell people that here in the United States, dissent is patriotic; here in the United States, disagreement is welcome, debate is welcome.
July 19, 2019
Walz, from plain-spoken translator: We obviously need censorship and media content restrictions, because we KNOW most voters are too inert to do their own research on political, financial, and climate-change issues, so absolutely must be spoon-fed our ideologically correct woke talking-points without risk of exposure to any contrary viewpoints.
Harris-Walz ticket is 1984 in real time.
Oh the irony!
Vox Day, not my favorite person, but often says interesting things, is a firm believer in physiognomy as a judge of character. His description of what pedos look like apply almost perfectly to my former doctor, now in jail for what will amount to the rest of his life, fit the description perfectly... While physiognomy is not a perfect prediction of what a person is, I can't say I disagree with you- for I had the same kind of thoughts...
Dear Mr. SpaceMountain;
Why do you assume that being the 5th Column of Federal Power and making profit are mutually exclusive? I'm sure there are plenty of ways to make money off Government influence and grift that more than make up for the loss of ads and subscriber fees.
Embrace the power of "And".
@Mason G
The Taqiyya from these people is astonishing. I don't think it's just acknowledgment that the media will protect them from these flip-flops, but that they genuinely believe people can't see them switch it up.
They've been doing this for over 1000 years.
Burn your own flag peacefully as a right of free speech.
But Steal and Destroy someone else's flag (especially one at a government facility) as an instigation to rioters? Jail seems appropriate.
Those two things are not the same moral act.
There are a contingent of his former victims who have been assembled to tell you exactly what he's been up to all this time.
Read this thread about how the DNC covered up Biden's decline in the name of targeting misinformation and disinformation. Incredible.
"but that they genuinely believe people can't see them switch it up."
And yet, they seem to enjoy Jon Stewart's "Clown nose on- clown nose off" bits, don't they?
But the construction "falsely believes" is senseless. It ought to be "believes the falsity" or "believes the false statement/premise..." The BELIEF, the act of believing, isn't false. It's the thing the person believes in that's false (or that the writer thinks is false).
I mean, I guess you could use "falsely believes" if the person were being false - were being untruthful about her belief. But that's an archaic use of "false."
Trump has challenged Harris to three debates in September... He's obviously desperate to change the momentum....
Gospace is absolutely correct. Look at what they did to Mark Steyn and Jordan Peterson. One man's "reasonable" is another man's "outrageous". The founders made the First and Second Amendments absolute for this very reason.
David Burge@iowahawkblog nailed it. "Once again, I will agree to let you ban hate speech and disinformation when you agree to let me decide what constitutes hate speech and disinformation
@ Gusty Winds: Eugene Volokh supplies more of the context, which makes the misinformation line plausible if limited to that context.
Golf clap.
Cook you're the biggest hypocrit on this site.
2 days in a row the conservative media are offered Tim Walz as an easy target. 2 days in a row, who aren't the conservative media attacking?
Answer: The actual candidate.
Does the VP candidate even matter?
Were any minds changed in the course of it all?
Let's see if they're chasing this laser pointer again tomorrow.
No. He just doesn't like ,We the People.
Our defamation laws are quite rightly very limited, and respect the First Amendment. The "public figure" standard created by the Supreme Court in NYT v. Sullivan creates a license well beyond First Amendment protections to libel and defame. Trump, who has been the foremost victim of this license, wants it it stop. Nothing that he has proposed is inconsistent with the First Amendment.
The E. Jean Carroll case turned this entirely on its head, and made denial of libel an actionable tort. This gross violation of the First Amendment is cheered by partisans who see only their enemy, Trump, and not the horrific violation of principle.
He and Kamala desperately want to be tyrants
"We believe in the Collective!"--Kamala-la-la-la-la, just today
Walz is a threat to our Democracy.
Taking Tucker Carlson off the air, while still paying him, had nothing to do with profits. At least in the short term, as Chris-2-4 points out.
As an elected public official in California three decades ago, I was advised to preface nearly any public (or private) statement with the phrase "in my opinion". I even used one of Lincoln's favorite aphorisms, i.e. "I have heard, in such a way as to believe it...." So based my experience, I would say either: "in my opinion, Tim Walz is a lying sack of shit" or "I have heard, in such a way as to believe it, that Tim Walz personally enjoyed stocking tampons in boys bathrooms when he was a football coach". Ah, politicians - I always turn down the sound when watching news clips of public figures, like Walz, and I watch their facial expressions especially their eyes and their use of frowns, smiles, smirks or completely blank expressions like Stalin. If I could impose any physical thing on a politician (other than removing their vocal chords thus forcing them to rely on written statements read by an aide) it would be to surgically remove their forefingers, on both hands. Forefinger use is a staple of all politicians who are emphasizing the critical nature of their comments. Such a surgical event would force the politicians to use their middle fingers for emphasis. And the public would know just how the political class actually thought of the unwashed electorate when the politician "gave them the finger".
I personally believe that Walz should be disqualified for saying "around our democracy." Middle America my ass!
Eh. It's August. Let Kamala be Kamala for a while; it can only provide more ammo.
I am confused = All praise for 1A - which is 3 parts
1speech, 2writing, and holding personal principles i.o.w. 3religion
but the controlling case for 1 is NYT v Sullivan which is
?as muddled as can be?
Albinophobia. #HateLovesAbortion
You could read up on your questions. Start with reading the Amendment. A little research on Sullivan will be enlightening.
Weren't you window lickers saying - just last week - Trump was too scared to debate her? Make up your damn minds.
Robert Cook is a New Yorker. Half of the New York City population is required to be a Trump hater. Witness the lawfare. They hated him before the Apprentice, and before the election. Since Trump was elected, the haters have found ways to justify their insanity. Fairly simple, actually.
The VP candidate by proxy reflects on the candidate. Attacking Palin substituted for attacking McCain.
Harris should fake an injury that requires having her jaw wired shut. That will be the only way this cackling clown doesn’t expose herself to further ridicule.
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