From "Beyoncé at the DNC? It wasn’t to Bey. Speculation was rampant that the 'Freedom' singer would make a surprise appearance. She never materialized" (WaPo).
I was trying to picture "a Biden-Harris mask," and thinking of one of those rubbery Halloween things with celebrity facial features and finding it weird that Beyoncé would disguise herself like that. Somehow, Covid had slipped my mind:
It's a bad move to trick people into staying tuned and then denying them what they thought they'd get, but I'm glad there was so little use of pop-culture celebrities. I was picturing one celeb after another, but I don't think they did that. I watched very little of the convention, but I got the impression that the Democrats went in the opposite direction and kept filling the stage with clusters of relatively ordinary people who exemplified one issue or another. That's good, though not enough for me to watch.
"Don't be upstaged." That had been some good advice from the vaudeville days. "Never follow an act involving children or dogs."
If this Beyonce or Taylor Swift were to have followed Heels-Up, while it woulda been out of the sequence order of the advice, in the end Heels-Up would have been eclipsed.
More Pop-stars in love with how they look = boring.
The left can have all the pop stars. The rest of us want freedom from the bilge.
While Americans suffer high gas prices, deal with high crime, high prices on everything/inflation, uncertainty (and Biden Sells our emergency reserves - and his corrupt media lie about it) - the wealthy Sores-Celebrity class get in line behind the She-Maduro.
but Abortion!
"From "Beyoncé at the DNC? It wasn’t to Bey. Speculation was rampant that the 'Freedom' singer would make a surprise appearance. She never materialized"
It's the 'Bid-en-Switch.' Just like the nomination.
If the Dems will lie about that, what else have they lied about? Try everything.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHY RFK JUNIOR CALLED OUT THE DEMOCRAT TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISTS YESTERDAY: "The DNC is in Chicago talking about their commitment to voting rights, while they're spending tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars to keep me off the ballot."
"I don't think my father would recognize this party, and I don't think my uncle would recognize this party."
my comments disappearing again.
Is she signaling SOS with those hat moves?
It's a bad move to trick people into staying tuned and then denying them what they thought they'd get
Like free healthcare and Trump in prison?
So when the mask ban goes into place in NY, how will cognitive dissonance be handled?
I don't even know who beyonce is. A singer I presume. Eric Clapton was okay (acoustic Layla) and who's the other guy ... Elton John (Blue Eyes). I pick up on stuff that has some musical validity. Turned into a crooner.
Little ditty about Kammie and Tim
One’s an assistant coach, the other’s famous for trim
Kammie don’t know her right from her left
Tim’s always leavin’ others feelin’ bereft
Suckin' on a willie dog
helped Kammie grease the skids
Tim found his calling: giving bad advice to the kids
Oh yeah, shit goes down
Long after the cackle turns into a frown
Say a
Oh yeah, shit goes down
One reason why you shouldn’t vote for these clowns 🤡
They squawk on
h/t Johnny Cougar
I think a lot more people think she's going to lose than are realized.
Everyone is keeping their powder dry.
"Hey everyone, hang in there and keep supporting us, because that thing we are hinting at that you will totally like, just trust us, is on its way, just four more years!"
According to my sources, Beyonce' and Taylor are secretly MAGA all the way. They don't want to be replaced by illegal alien pop stars who will sing and dance harder for less money.
What gspenser said. I was thinking more along the lines of you never want the bridesmaids prettier more intelligent more glamorous than a bride. Hence the hideous and ugly nature of the stereotypical bridesmaid dress
As a teenager I spent a summer on one of the New England islands tending bar and waiting tables. After work we’d go to a few of these restaurant/bar places what had low level bands in from the cities to perform. There was always a buzz amongst the girls that some A lister was sneaking in for the weekend to perform. There was this one girl in particular who would imagine someone she wanted to show up and then peddle the rumor they were showing up…
…I get the impression all high level Democrats are that girl…
Someone online sussed out that Beyoncé wouldn’t be there and speculated that the special guest would be … George W. Bush. Says something about the entire Bush dynasty that this was so plausible.
What’s amusing is they all hold this belief they will attract more voters with an endorsement from their favorite singer. Isn’t EVERY Ye fan who is voting voting for whoever is on the Democrat ticket?
I travel to Brazil at least 4-5 times a year....and let me tell you - channeling Seinfeld - the money-makers are fake and they're spectacular.
I don't think American women are ready for imported jelly.
Hence the hideous and ugly nature of the bride. Lol.
...'teasing a huge surprise guest and leaking that it’s both beyonce and taylor swift just to get people to tune in is actually kind of funny.' Ho ho ho. Funny when our team does it - if the other team does it, it's a punishable felony offense for the near term future. The NYC AG is filing charges this morning....
Walter Kirn pointed out last night that to him, people are stuck with pointing out this behavior and calling it hypocritical and evoking principles of fairness. To him, it's not apropos. To him, it's an indication that we are moving into the post-political era, where single-party rule is more and more being pushed at us, as the norm.
It's the fascistic set of societal norms - older people will recognize these behaviors: We're in the Party - we are doing what Party Leaders are entitled to do. This is normal - and loyal Party Members will accept what we say without it occurring to them to question it. They will not complain that Beyonce did not appear. They will be disappointed, but accept what the Party has decided.
You are not in the Party. You are not allowed to do these things.
The new norms.
Meh. Kamala would be upstaged by anyone who has a 4th grade vocabulary or better.
Someone was supposed to be there but they saw the rest of the convention and split.
I remember many years ago going to The Cabooze in downtown Minneapolis to see the Lamont Cranston band. There was a wildfire rumor that afternoon the Bob Dylan was going to show up.
Late that same evening Bob Dylan showed up.
If I were a politician, I would be very weary of sharing a podium with a celebrity. On the other hand, if I were a celebrity, I would be very weary of sharing a podium with a politician.
wary, but agreed… most are tiresome. 🙂
HA! That's awesome. I hadn't thought of that.
Rich man's wife wants cheap domestics who will remember their place, winds up getting replaced by hotter, less expensive wife who will remember her place.
Saved it for when they need to change the subject in the media.
They'll never beat "Space affects us all."
It's been said before and should be said always that if hot, young, fertile, nubile and affectionate non-American women made up even 40% of illegal immigrants the Rio Grande would be filled with Alligators and mines, backed by 50 meter ramparts, defenses in depth, topped with laser beams, and manned 24/7 by US Navy Seals with orders to kill the cute ones first.
Beyoncé’s appearance was in their hearts all along.
If you vote for joy, you are an idiot.
Typical Democrat bait and switch.
If Harris wins, it will be the triumph of glitz over substance. The ultimate coup of Hollywood. Steven Speilberg produced the DNC. To his great shame, he turned his back on the people of Israel as Kamala is an appeaser and friend of Hamas. I've always admired the Jews because they mostly stick together. But Speilberg is out of his mind. Helping Kamala win is the ultimate betrayal of the Jews. Judas-like.
"kill the cute ones first"
It will be another typical backfire, like a few years ago the smug and superior "knowledge workers" wrote endless articles telling us AI would soon be doing all the blue-collar jobs. Didn't quite work out that way.
Somehow, Covid had slipped my mind
I'm pretty sure, that Most Americans WANT to put Covid in the dark recesses of history.
..remember the olden days? back when we wore masks, and pretended that they did something?
i DON'T want to talk about that.. We're well rid of that sh*t
This move wasn't directed at their audience, Ann. It was to allow the press to falsely claim that Kamala Harris can draw an audience. They wanted all the seats filled with Beyonce fans hoping she was going to sing.
"It worked, didn't it?" - Harry Reid
Rana said...
Typical Democrat bait and switch.
Close. Actually, it was Bey-n't and switch.
I have exactly ZERO shits to give about Beyoncé. Truly don’t understand the “celebrity fellatio” so many go through with her, or any celeb for that matter.
My comments are disappearing again
It's almost like a foreshadowing of what to expect from these folks when they take the reins for four more years of this. Bait and Switch.
The Blob - "Doesn't matter what we tell 'em now, they'll forget what actually happened and remember what we tell them is the TRUE narrative. Just promise the talking points and finish on time. We'll deal with the troublesome ones along the margins who remember too much when we get down the road. Focus on November, Trump, and abortion - err, freedom."
You are not in the Party..
The Real Problem IS: making Sure that the outer party members remember their place is NOT in the Inner Party
Does his make a difference? Oh - the celebrity I like - is a democrat Kamala supporter. My life in unaffordable under Biden - but celebrity popularity contest!
RideSpaceMountain said...
“It's been said before and should be said always that if hot, young, fertile, nubile and affectionate non-American women made up even 40% of illegal immigrants the Rio Grande would be filled with Alligators and mines…
Hippos along with the gators. Hippos are very territorial.
“…and manned 24/7 by US Navy Seals with orders to kill the cute ones first…
I think they would re-interpret their orders to be to “take them out”.
What...?? Elton John wasn't available?
Hunger games is an instruction manual, now back to the mines
If Kamala is phoning it in, why shouldn’t Beyoncé.
We apologize for the cheap fake last night. Those responsible have been
sacked. We apologize again for the cheap fake last night. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.
The directors of the firm hired to arrange last night's cheap fake after the other people had been sacked, wish it to be known that they have just been sacked.
The credits for last night's cheap fake have been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute, but the dolts in the DNC and the audience don't really care, and have of course, been sacked
Headboard Harris, the DNC, and the search for the Holy Shit What The Fuck Did We Just Watch.
Reminds me of the Abbott Elementary episode where the principal promises a major pop star for back to school night
"I was trying to picture "a Biden-Harris mask," and thinking of one of those rubbery Halloween things with celebrity facial features ...".
And you didn't ask AI to draw it for you?
The Democrat Party promised some goodies and then didn't deliver?
Never had any plan whatsoever to deliver?
I am typing this wearing my shocked face.
Wow, I didn't know you tended bar with AOC!
Sometimes they reappear
It was better for Harris to be the star of the night than to compete with Beyoncé.
‘I think they would re-interpret their orders to be to “take them out” ‘
Heh! 😆
There are reports of an assault on a buffet. Apparently a band of brave nitwits chucked some maggots into the DNC breakfast.
Harris puts her pantsuit on one leg at a time… the way a true professional should.
I didn't watch. Did George W. Bush show up to say, "Miss me yet?" Did he bring Dick and Liz Cheney with him?
Did Taylor Swift stop by to sing "We Are Never, Ever Getting Elected" or maybe pay tribute to Harris with "Blank Space"?
Did Sheena Easton serenade Tim with Prince's "Sugar Walz"?
Did Beyonce appeal to the base with "Single Ladies"?
I'm resigned to the fact that many actors and singers I like consider my political views fascist . These are people that give Harvey Weinstein a standing ovation or partner with P. Diddy, and their political views can be safely disregarded..... The one exception might be Oprah. I'm not a fan, but she's really good at being sincere. I bet if she ever decided to endorse a kitty litter product, it would really fly off the shelves. I think she might have moved a few votes in Kamala's direction.
I saw rumors on X yesterday about who might appear. I don't know the sources of the rumors, but if it was anyone with the DNC, they seem to be keeping with a theme of making promises they have no intention of keeping.
100,000 balloons?….Balloons contribute to our plastic pollution problem. Although balloons only take moments to release, they could take hundreds of years to biodegrade. Over time, these balloon pieces get smaller and smaller and eventually turn into microplastics.
Balloons also harm marine life because they’re often ingested by animals. Animals mistake balloons for food and fill their bellies with the polluted pieces. Believing they’re full, they risk starvation because they haven’t eaten anything of nutritional value. In addition, balloons risk intestinal obstruction once ingested.
Animals can also become entangled in the balloon debris. The ribbon and strings hanging from balloons get wrapped around animals preventing them from normal foraging activities (Wageningen University).
Balloons even cause power outages! According to Litter Free VA, up to 20% of power outages are caused by balloons contacting power lines (Litter Free VA). …fuckers…
The DNC couldn’t afford Beyoncé
naybe FJB can do Halloween trick with Kamala mask as in Mission Imposibele
and take office in January!
Don't forget Ted Nugent and "Cat Scratch Fever."
Yes, it seemed entirely on brand.
Oh, the Humanity!
“ TOPLINE Speculation about a possible surprise performance by Beyoncé at the Democratic National Convention reached a fever pitch Thursday after TMZ claimed she was set to appear—but the pop star ultimately didn’t emerge onstage during the convention, which Vice President Kamala Harris closed out Thursday evening.
Shortly after the TMZ report, an unnamed Beyoncé representative told The Hollywood Reporter “the report of a performance is untrue” and she was never scheduled to attend the event, and The Washington Post reported a source who has spoken with convention organizers said there was no special guest—Beyoncé or otherwise—planned for Thursday.“
It wasn’t the DNC who spread the rumor of Beyoncé’s appearance, but it’s fun to blame them, eh?
The other rumor was Joe passing the baton for the good of the country.
Oh, the Inanity!
Dementia Joe would have a tough time passing a kidney stone.
A very tough time. All’s I’m sayin’…
Yes- Howard. Oh the humanity. I'm calling Amsterdam.
Wasn't it you bragging about the ratings being higher than the RNC? That's how they do it.
The DNC and the MSM are the same thing, iNag
She endorsed Trump back when he wasn't running.
How do you know ? More mind reading ?
Haven’t watched much of it, but they seemed to be going pretty heavy on the blackety-black. Not sure how well that will play in Peoria come November.
The DNC ‘Special Guest’ Rumor Turned out to Be a Con Job for Ratings
Precious Kamala was supposed to have a pony at her birthday party.
Harris acceptance speech was in line with a "Miss America" contest winner, and poor showing for Democrat's last-minute substitute presidential candidate. We know she can read a teleprompter better than Biden, but four nights past and not once was Harris speaking without a prewritten script of banalities.
Hey folks, the Empress has no clothes. And her court-jester Tim is one scary scary guy. Put Pelosi on speed-dial, we need another candidate-team --- pronto!!!.
Beyonce fans leaving the DNC convention last night...
"I went out to face the world again, wiser."
Almost certainly a scam to try to get more people to watch the convention.
Who told TMZ this rumor? I suppose they could have just made it up, but usually TMZ has some source. The organization that would most benefit from the rumor would be the DNC or the Kamala campaign, as it would boost ratings for the last night of the convention. (We already know that many "supporters" leave as soon as the opening act leaves the stage and they have to listen to Kamala.) But, sure, it could just be a hoax by some pranksters. The problem is when people lie to me all the time, I stop giving them benefit of the doubt.
It has been reported that in 2005, Hillary Clinton said Democrat voters were gullible and would believe anything they were told by party leaders. For once, I believe HRC was correct.
I see that TMZ has taken the fall for rumors Beyoncé would appear after Kamala’s acceptance speech. I wonder how much they’ve been given to do so, i.e., let the Harris campaign off the hook for the false rumor?
“Almost certainly a scam to try to get more people to watch the convention.”
Almost certainly cooked up by 23 year old ivy grads who don’t realize the consequences of loosing their credibility.
"I was picturing one celeb after another, but I don't think they did that."
isnt that pretty much what they did?
Dixie Chicks are the pulse of American culture. Nobody likes them.
Harris promised to show all the delegates and all the viewers The Egress at the end of the night.
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