August 1, 2024

"She yelled 'this is unjust' at her corner and slammed her headgear on the canvas as the match in the 66-kilogram division was called off."

From "Imane Khelif, boxer in middle of Olympics gender storm, forces tearful first opponent to quit 46 seconds into fight" (NY Post).


Dave Begley said...

It is unjust. But maybe it is Inclusive in the eyes of the Dems.

Harris and the Dems favor this injustice.

RCOCEAN II said...

Women should not be boxing and wrestling. So, if Transgenders take over - good.

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

The Democrats Party USA are anti-women.

ron winkleheimer said...

Of course its unjust. In 5 - 10 years, at most, people will be trying to deny that they ever supported the current transgender madness.

Old and slow said...

I do not think that women ought to be boxing in the first place. It is grotesque. Allowing men to beat them up is so far beyond the pale, I simply have no words.

Gator said...

If transgender sports are the hill the community wants to die on-so be it

This is high school level competence. Our girls varsity team (who were pretty good) in basketball scrimmaged against our 8th grade boys team every year. The boys always blew them out of the water

At some point the narcissistic behavior of the community needs to be called out, not approved of

CJinPA said...

If "the Right" can't win elections against the Left's new Coalition of the Fringes, there is no true opposition to the progressive movement.

If the Normals can't prevent men from beating the hell out of women on TV, we are weaker than we feared.

That men competing against women in sports is even up for debate is historically unprecedented in it's lunacy.

Wince said...
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Sebastian said...

Does the "transgender" tag fit?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Disgusting and despicable and pure leftism. Democrat Party members are celebrating that huge victory for the rights of LGBTGALEHVNOE1=9I239U4292FR[PKRC;R.VLMFOV0F's...

Wince said...

Ken Clean Air System v. Miss Petula Wilcox

"I see nothing wrong with a healthy man beating the daylights out of a little schoolgirl."

wendybar said...

Meh. You see it everyday. Men beating up women in NYC, and getting a slap on the wrist and let out in an hour. It's so progressive!!

Peachy said...

Just hand all the former-men the gold medal and call it done.

That's all these former-men want, right? The big gold star. The big shiny golden prize.
Oh look - the former man beat the female. Screw you - female.

***& stop whining, all you trans-phobes! Take your pro-trans woke pill, and obey.

Peachy said...

btw- real trannies have their testicles removed.

Christopher B said...

@Sebastian .. you have to read between the lines a bit.

Neither Algeria’s Imane Khelif nor Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting are making their Olympic debuts. Both boxers already competed in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, where they were eliminated in the quarterfinals and round of 16 of their respective weight classes.

But that hasn’t stopped their appearances in Paris from causing a stir.

Khelif, age 25, fights in the women’s 66-kg quarterfinals on Saturday after her preliminary opponent on Thursday abandoned the bout less than a minute in, and Lin, 28, is set to enter the ring on Friday for the women’s 57-kg round of 16—but critics claim that they’re both actually “men.”

The controversy of their gender has swept over the sport since last year, when the two were both disqualified from the World Championships in New Delhi after they were on track to win medals but failed an eligibility test.

Jamie said...

I was seeing this on X this morning - I glean from that discussion that the person with the XY chromosomes perhaps was born without external male genitalia, and so really was "assigned female at birth" and raised as a girl. (I haven't looked into whether this makes this person "intersex." I thought intersex involved chromosomal irregularities like XXX and XXY, not just structural flaws.) Only upon trying to enter some big boxing competition that required testing did that boxer learn that he was a he - but still insists that she is a she, disqualified because of anti-Algerian racism.

If this story is true, this person isn't trans as we understand it. But as far as I can see, it doesn't matter. The XY is what it is. It caused this person who believed she was a girl, and whose parents and perhaps whose doctor also believed that, to go through male puberty, and that means "elevated testosterone," and that means you're disqualified from participating in the women's class.

ron winkleheimer said...

Wince said...

The reason the Ken Clean Air System Monty Python sketch was funny at the time was, dare I say, because the concept of a man boxing a woman was so "weird"?

RCOCEAN II said...

Its amazing how long conservatives have been losing. We've gone from "Lets let the girls have a few olympic events" to "We need women olympic boxing, wrestling, and weight lifting" to "Look at those horrible Transgenders beating women boxers".

Given that some young man on our HS Boxing team could win an Olympic medal fighting women, I don't really see the point to it, other than slavish adherance to some leftwing ideaology.

Rugby is even worse, with hulking females smashing into each other, while running at an incredibly slow pace, and kicking the ball an absurdly small distance. How much longer before we 2 male figure skaters dancing together in the Olympics? Why make it man-women?

Carol said...

I tend to agree this shouldn't even be a women's sport. But then this trans incursion could be the beginning of the end of all women's sports. Or at least, high-stakes, high status-sports.

Ann Althouse said...

"Does the "transgender" tag fit?"

Tags just show what the issue is. There's a controversy here. I'm seeing this at Time Magazine:

"The International Boxing Association (IBA), the organizer of the World Championships, said at the time that athletes who “pretended to be women” were excluded based on tests that showed “they have XY chromosomes.” (Women typically have XX chromosome pairs, and men typically have XY pairs. Neither Khelif nor Lin have ever identified as men, as transgender, or as intersex—which refers to people with both male and female sex characteristics.) However, the Russian-led IBA, which has long faced questions about integrity and concerns about governance, does not oversee Olympic qualification. For the 2024 Summer Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), does, and it has repeatedly affirmed Khelif’s and Lin’s eligibility. “All athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations,” the IOC said in a statement on Monday."

Jimmy said...
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wendybar said...

Riley Gaines

This happens the SAME DAY the Biden-Harris administration's Title IX rewrite goes into effect in the US

THIS is exactly what it allows for & celebrates. Don't be surprised or ask "how did we get here?" when this continues to happen at an exponential rate

tim maguire said...

At 9 o'clock this morning, Wikipedia said Khelif had XY chromosomes. At 10 o'clock this morning, it didn't.

Bob Boyd said...

The audience was booing.

Yancey Ward said...

Like I have written over and over- the women competing against the likes of Khelif need to refuse to compete against him- let him win the gold medal by forfeit- refuse to take the podium with him.

mindnumbrobot said...

This is madness.

Hassayamper said...

I glean from that discussion that the person with the XY chromosomes perhaps was born without external male genitalia, and so really was "assigned female at birth" and raised as a girl. (I haven't looked into whether this makes this person "intersex." I thought intersex involved chromosomal irregularities like XXX and XXY, not just structural flaws.)

Perhaps testicular feminization (recently renamed androgen insensitivity syndrome). Born with a male XY genotype, but with a genetic defect of the androgen receptors that prevents the undifferentiated primordial genital tissues from responding to the hormonal signals of testosterone. In severe cases, the male penis, epididymis, and vas deferens completely fail to develop. Since we are all "born female", so to speak, the development of the female external genitalia proceeds as if s/he had the XX genotype.

I don't know if the lack of response to testosterone extends to the muscles in these cases, or if they have different receptors that do work properly, and allow the "female" patient to develop the robust musculature of a post-pubertal male. I assume the latter is the case if s/he is beating the crap out of her opponents like this.

Peachy said...
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Howard said...

Another pro Trump campaign ad that writes itself.

Tom T. said...

Women typically have XX chromosome pairs, and men typically have XY pairs

The use of "typically" is embarrassing.

That said, what *are* the eligibility criteria that Khalif met? Is there a testosterone cutoff, and did Khalif satisfy it?

Peachy said...

Biden-Harris(DC-orrupt) re-write of Title IX is an affront to women.

Linda said...

I don't really care how these two individuals were raised - if they have XY chromosomes they should not be boxing against people who have XX chromosomes. Call them whatever they want to be called but don't let them "compete" against women.

Political Junkie said...

I think this is madness.

Peachy said...

Linda - exactly.

rhhardin said...

The armed forces box men against women (same weight class) and mostly the women hold out for a while. Likewise wrestling.

James K said...

I'm reminded of all those East German "female" swimmers back in the 60s.

rhhardin said...

It's fairly stupid to train for the Olympics in anything, a huge waste of time, and all but one don't win in the end. A better shot is in men's basketball, and that's a losing path too.

Peachy said...

Harris likes to spring arsonists, Antifa brown-shirts, and BLM rioters from jail.

Kamala likes DEI and trans-madness.

Kamala approves of open borders and lies about open borders.

Kamala is a light-brown female, and in Soviet America- you will not be allowed to criticize her.

White progs for Light-Brown kamala! send money now.

Jamie said...

How much longer before we 2 male figure skaters dancing together in the Olympics?

Et voila, the plot of Blades of Glory! I highly recommend this ridiculous movie for those times when you've just got to laugh about something.

This scene may ruin Aerosmith ballads for you.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

What, no analysis or opinions??? Just the video. Where do you STAND on this?

Eat More Ibogaine said...

Why not compensate the boxers who lack penises by giving each of them a Glock? So long as they identify as disarmed, no one could possibly object.

Kay said...

If they are intersex, should they just not be allowed to participate in sports??

Narayanan said...

calling Droushnakovi to the fight ring

WK said...

The IOC rules are governing this event. The rules don’t really say how or if sex is determined. Only that IOC has the final say on competitors meeting requirements.

Todd said...

So the Olympics required that a woman fight a dude?


Anthony said...

Women need to just stand there and refuse to compete. Although I do think men should be banned from competing against women, if the women are too chicken to take a stand and refuse to participate then it's on them.

Yancey Ward said...

"If they are intersex, should they just not be allowed to participate in sports??

If XY, they are free to compete in the men's divisions.

RCOCEAN II said...

The armed forces box men against women (same weight class) and mostly the women hold out for a while. Likewise wrestling.

Yeah, mostly. Sometimes.

Bob Boyd said...

...Blades of Glory! I highly recommend this ridiculous movie...

100%. Blades of Glory may be the movie I laughed out loud at most.

Gravel said...

Decide for yourself.

Tina Trent said...

Jamie, great as that film is, perhaps the best film of all time, careful what you joke about today. It will be tomorrow's reality.

I warned back in 1997 that hate crime laws were changing the meaning of being a woman in our justice system by secretly excluding real, non-gay women from protections accorded everyone else, and this would permanently make real women second class citizens and disappear them from areas of public life.

In the modern world, culture flows downstream from the justice system -- which is just laughable political activism now. Speech next on the chopping block. Soon we too can be arrested for pointing out the ethnicity of rape gangs or objecting to politically protected ones, just as in Britain, Canada, and France. Ironically, our prestige journalists lead the way to normalizing the suppression of speaking the truth. Democracy Dies in Darkness is a promise, not a slogan.

imTay said...

The first, most important rule of the party...

tim maguire said...

Anthony said...Women need to just stand there and refuse to compete. Although I do think men should be banned from competing against women, if the women are too chicken to take a stand and refuse to participate then it's on them.

If this were published in an op-ed, I think it would be worthy of an Althouse analysis.

Sure, an intense competitor who trained her whole life for this moment should just stand there and refuse.

"too chicken to take a stand"

Sure, refusing to back down in the face of a bigger stronger opponent--that's what being chicken looks like.

Achilles said...

rhhardin said...

The armed forces box men against women (same weight class) and mostly the women hold out for a while. Likewise wrestling.

Women in combat need to be prepared for reality.

The worst things happen to people sent into a fight who think they are prepared when they are not.

Christopher said...

It is unjust, but in the post-fight interview she said

I am not here to judge or pass judgment," Carini said. "If an athlete is this way, and in that sense it's not right or it is right, it's not up to me to decide.

Oh well!

My understanding is Khelif grew up with DSD, Disordered Sexual Development, which presents in many different ways. It is a fringe case. But my understanding is this is not trans.

Clearly he should not be boxing women.

imTay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Anthony said...

Women need to just stand there and refuse to compete. Although I do think men should be banned from competing against women, if the women are too chicken to take a stand and refuse to participate then it's on them.

The people who made it to the Olympics have been spending at least 6 days/nights a week for a decade to get their one chance at recognition.

For people here on a blog this is easy. Those people have bled and have everything into this.

The real tragedy here is the dreams that are being crushed by these absolute demons.

Narr said...

This is weird.

Jamie said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness is a promise, not a slogan.

That's what it always sounded like to me - or perhaps as a recipe: we at the WaPo will cultivate darkness so as to kill democracy. I never understood why they chose it as a slogan when it's so easily "mis"interpreted. Another instance of "what are you gonna do about it?" arrogance?

CJinPA said...

The reason the Ken Clean Air System Monty Python sketch was funny at the time was, dare I say, because the concept of a man boxing a woman was so "weird"?

See also, Monty Python Life of Brian "I want to have a baby" argument by a man.

"But you 'aven't got a womb! Where's it going to gestate, in a cardboard box?"

At the time, we were told the movie was edgy for poking fun at Christians. They didn't know it would become truly blasphemous for a different reason.

Kay said...

Yancey Ward said...
"If they are intersex, should they just not be allowed to participate in sports??

If XY, they are free to compete in the men's divisions.

8/1/24, 10:10 AM

But then women with Swyer syndrome or similar will be forced to compete against men.

Joe Smith said...

Men who do this are pussies.

Anyone who supports this is a bad person.

He destroyed her dreams.

Watch her interview and tell me you still support men beating up women. If so, you have no heart.

loudogblog said...

Apparently, her nose was broken and after the fight she said that it was hardest that she has ever been hit in her life.

MadTownGuy said...

Biden’s new Title IX rules protect LGBTQ+ students, but avoid addressing transgender athletes

"The rights of LGBTQ+ students will be protected by federal law and victims of campus sexual assault will gain new safeguards under rules finalized Friday by the Biden administration.

The new provisions are part of a revised Title IX regulation issued by the Education Department, fulfilling a campaign pledge by President Joe Biden. He had promised to dismantle rules created by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who added new protections for students accused of sexual misconduct.

Notably absent from Biden’s policy, however, is any mention of transgender athletes.

The administration originally planned to include a new policy forbidding schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes, but that provision was put on hold. The delay is widely seen as a political maneuver during an election year in which Republicans have rallied around bans on transgender athletes in girls’ sports.

Instead, Biden is officially undoing sexual assault rules put in place by his predecessor and current election-year opponent, former President Donald Trump. The final policy drew praise from victims’ advocates, while Republicans said it erodes the rights of accused students.

You have to read AP past the headline. Sometimes the real issues are revealed somewhere past the halfway point in the article, but in this case it happens in the fourth paragraph.

The provision is on hold...for now.

I have a question, though. Can an executive order or administrative rule modify legislation? Title IX is part of the U.S. Code, passed by Congress. What authority has the Executive Branch to rewrite legislation?

Yancey Ward said...

"But then women with Swyer syndrome or similar will be forced to compete against men."

As long as they never had the testosterone advantage, it should be ok to allow them to compete as women. However, have there been any such cases in the field of sport where it was an issue or this particular syndrome? It isn't in the case discussed here where Khelif is clearly male no matter where the testicles reside in the body.

Kevin said...

Trump will bring this up at his next rally.

Harris will not be asked to comment.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Joe Smith

Do you have a link?

traditionalguy said...

The Olympics has lost its mind. Once the only goal is pretending men are women are the same thing insanity flourishes.

As a George C Marshall says in Saving Private Ryan, “Get those women the hell out of there.”

Gusty Winds said...

Liberals in Madison, WI applaud men beating [up] women in sports.

Beta Cuck Tony Evers is all for it.

n.n said...

This wouldn't be an issue with a trans/homosexual female. It is an issue with the male sex in women's spaces with liberalization of the doctrine of political congruence ("=") under the Pro-Choice ethical religion in progressive sects. All's fair in lust and abortion? Karma-la's gonna get you, whether you take a knee by choice or equitable inclusion.

n.n said...

Harris and the Dems favor this injustice.

It's social justice. Welcome to the Ouroboros.

Gusty Winds said...

it has repeatedly affirmed Khelif’s and Lin’s eligibility.

Does he/she have XY chromosomes or not? Is there a testosterone advantage?

What I read is the rules changed from Tokyo to Paris. Now a person had to have transitioned prior to puberty.

What exactly are the IOC transgender participation rules?

n.n said...

It's not just a hormonal difference. The male and female sex have structural, systemic differences that make us inclusive partners, but equitable competitors in the physical arena. Throw another baby... woman on the barbie, it's over?

n.n said...

Distinguishing by testosterone levels was the hook that trans/neo-gender brokers exploited to entrap women and girls in a Pro-Choice religion of their own Choice... uh, choice. Credit where credit is due.

Readering said...

Neither the Algerian nor the Taiwanese boxer is transgender as best i can tell. The Algerian competed in Tokyo, and lost to the gold medalist in the quarters. Both have multiple international competitions under their belts. Let's see if her opponent in the next round cries and quits after a blow to the face.

Lucien said...

Are women still banned if it is discovered that they take testosterone or other male hormones?

Michael K said...

People with androgen insensitivity syndrome are physically women but sterile. One famous actress is an example. That guy is not. He looks like he went through male puberty.

Gusty Winds said...

However, the Russian-led IBA, which has long faced questions about integrity and concerns about governance, does not oversee Olympic qualification.

Of course it the Russia's fault the IBA didn't let a man beat a woman up. Russia. Russia. Russia.

Maybe the Russians don't believe men should be allowed to beat up women in a boxing ring.

This is a new, enlightened value system held by white liberal women in the west, along with Readering and Kamala Harris.

PM said...

Sounds to me like Khelif inhabits a tiny zone of humankind - not M, not F, but Other.
Wouldn't box males, wouldn't sit-out, but ok to box females.

Gusty Winds said...

Last sentence in the NY Post article. Khelif was disqualified “just hours before her gold medal showdown” against a Chinese opponent “after her elevated levels of testosterone failed to meet the eligibility criteria.”

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And Kamala Harris, a likely LGBTQ&A champion, is not even president yet.

JK Brown said...

In this case, she chose non-disability, but this is what the female athletes need to do. Shut down the cash flow to those profiting from the matches by forfeiting or just not showing up. Make the old people who profit off these young women fear for their easy income if they don't protect the young women.

robother said...

Kind of perfect that he's wearing a wifebeater.

walter said...

"and mostly the women hold out for a while.
Or the men held off for a while.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well nobody much likes a hard punch in the face. And when you get two and are not used to such forceful blows you do the rational thing---and quit. OTOH when you are boxing in the light welterweight class (or thereabouts at 66 kilos) and you find yourself fighting someone who hits like a heavyweight, that might not be fair.

Kay said...

However, have there been any such cases in the field of sport where it was an issue or this particular syndrome?

Not that i’m aware of, and i suppose you wouldn’t need to chromosome test people who would want to compete as men anyway, only women athletes would have to worry about being subjected to it.

Quaestor said...

Ken Clean Air System...

That was John Cleese beating up his then-GF later wife, Connie Booth. She went on to being weighed again a duck ("It's a fair cop.") in Monty Python and the Holy Grail and later still to co-star with Cleese in Fawlty Towers (or was that Warty Towels?)

gilbar said...

Michael K said...
People with androgen insensitivity syndrome are physically women but sterile. One famous actress is an example. That guy is not.

back in college, i knew a girl (20yr) that had androgen insensitivity. She was about 5'6" and as feminine as could be. Her boyfriend didn't know about it until she told him..
SHE didn't know about it until she went to the doctor to find out she hadn't started her periods.

Quaestor said...

"For the 2024 Summer Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), does, and it has repeatedly affirmed Khelif’s and Lin’s eligibility. 'All athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations,' the IOC said in a statement on Monday."

Am I permitted to shout FILTHY LIES!! and refuse to patronize any corporate entity sponsoring Olympic competitions in any field of sport ever again? Thank you.

Leland said...

I listened to Reilly Gaines being interviewed by Mike Rowe. At one point, they are discussing what happened when she first learned there was a male in her locker room while women prepared their swim gear. She called her parents, and her dad, a former NFL player, was ready to come to the meet and have a “chat”. She knew how that would go, and that’s when she knew she had to be the person to stand up and fight against this, which she did. I agree.

These transgenders deserve the benefit of doubt and presumption of innocence on their motives. But I don’t care if there are examples of honesty among them, there is very likely men doing this for the other advantages it brings to do it. Whether that is access to vulnerable women or an easy win against a weaker opponent, they are going to be men abusing this and the women will be taking that abuse. This woman boxer was literally being abused and had the good sense to stop being abused. I think the other woman will need to come to this conclusion and Riley Gaines conclusion, and say no. They won’t participate in their abuse nor will they allow others to champion for them. Support them, yes, but champion them, they’ll do it themselves. The fight isn’t in the ring. It is with the rules made outside the ring.

RCOCEAN II said...

Her dream should never have been boxing. Good God, we now are white knighting for women boxers. Get rid of this absurd sport.

ron winkleheimer said...

"That's a woman. Shame on you."


Quaestor said...

"Your people look so small here today, ann."

Derve (rhymes with perve) Swanson is looking through the wrong end of the telescope once again.

"Tip jar churning much so you can buy meade some toys for his truck? Camping gets expensive when you're not roughing it..."

Insulting one's fellow commenters is expected, particularly of trolls like Derve Swanson. Insulting the generous host is just plain thuggery.

Lee Moore said...

Just to get the biology straight :

1. A "woman" aka an adult human female has ovaries (past, present or future tense.)
2. A "man" aka an adult human male has testes (past, present or future.)
3. A tiny number of humans have neither testes not ovaries and so are not either male or female (but still definitely human.)
4. Gonadal differentiation into ovaries or testes is triggered by the SRY gene (in mammals - except monotremes)
5. The SRY gene is on the Y chromosome. Usually. Very occasionally it can be on the X chromosome. Hence XY karotypes are almost always male, as are XXY, XXXY etc.
6. But it is the phenotype (testes) that defines sex as male, and likewise for females (ovaries.) Not the karotype. The genes are the development mechanism, not the defining feature.
7. Secondary sexual characteristics (ie everything that comes after the gonads in development) are developed under the influence of sex hormones, particularly testosterone/androgens, produced by the testes. Secondary sexual characteristics - genitals, body shape, voice pitch, body hair, musculature etc usually agree well with the sex defined by the gonads. Because evolution. But in the rare cases that they disagree, they do not change your sex. They're secondary.
8. Thus an XY male wth androgen insensitivity - ie a human with testes which produce testosterone, but whose cells do not take up the testosterone, will develop a largely female secondary sexual characteristics phenotype. Though the primary sex characteristics will stil be male (testes.) Androgen insensitivity can be complete or partial.
9. Androgens masculinise the body producing different shaped skeletons, bone thickness, musculature, bigger heart and lungs etc. These are the things that give males athletic advantages. These effects increase during puberty, but it is a mistake to believe that male athletic advantage begins at pubery. It begins in utero.
10. But a male with complete androgen insensitivity doesn't get the advantage of testosterone in skeleton, muscle mass etc and so you can argue that these men can fairly compete with women in sports. But partial androgen insensitivity still gives an advantage.
11. Current testosterone level is not very relevant. What matters is the testosterone level during development.
12. Some women have high testosterone levels - testosterone is produced in other places than the testes - but these high levels are high only relative to women. They are low relative to men.
13. None of this has anything to do with transgenderism - how you "identify" is a different subject. Likewise if you are gay or straight. Not relevant (to athletics)
14. These competitors who look like men are probably men - ie possessors of testes, and if any of them have androgen sensitivity it definitely isn't complete. Thus they have an unfair testosterone derived advantage and should not be allowed to compete agaist women. not just for fair competition, but also in contact sports like boxing, for safety.
15. Bayes Theorem allows us to conclude at a high level of probability that these competitors are in fact men, because we are not being told whether or not they have, or used to have, testes, whether internally or externally. If the answer was that no they never did have testes, they'd say so.

FullMoon said...

That guy will get beat and then the woke will use his loss as "proof" that it is ok to let trans men fight women

.Any boxers born female trans to male fighting in men's division? Didn't think so.

FullMoon said...

There is no crying in boxing

walter said...

Tomcc said...

Les Moore @ 12:59, great information!

Gusty Winds said...

Remember when the world thought it was unfair that the East Germans pumped their female athletes full of...testosterone??

Thanks goodness liberals have moved us passed that ridiculous notion.

mccullough said...

She should have kicked him in the balls.

Original Mike said...

Sometimes you just have to shake your head. I get that the left is all in for socialism, but celebrating men beating up women? How did that become a thing?

Jim at said...

I was wondering if someone was going to be stupid and/or evil enough to defend this.

And there you go: 8/1/24, 11:34 AM

effinayright said...

RCOCEAN II said...
Her dream should never have been boxing. Good God, we now are white knighting for women boxers. Get rid of this absurd sport.

Apparently RC hates ALL sports, jeering at them again here after doing the same just yesterday.

I'm getting a "When I was a kid I was humiliated by always being picked last" vibe.

Even when it was the Men's Field Hockey team!


Jim at said...

Go hate on somebody other than transgenders today?

OK. I'll hate on you.
That better?

walter said...

To be fair, there's a lot more seeing Trans where it isn't by proponents.

Is this Derve's post in question?

Comment deleted
This comment has been removed by the author.
8/1/24, 9:04 AM

Deep State Reformer said...

The Olympics™ would be better off if the North Koreans and Chinese were running it. And why is it that only the Islamic & Communist states, and authoritarian regimes still present a moral universe that we can recognize?

FullMoon said...

Only a matter of time:

Ann Althouse said...

(Derve) Mary knows that her commenting here is harassment under Wisconsin statutory law. I've been lax lately about deleting her, but will go back to my practice of deleting everything. Please don't talk to her or about her ever.
3/4/11, 11:45 AM

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BUMBLE BEE said...

Hilarity will ensue when the men decide to use women's locker rooms and saunas under today's New Title IX.
What's next Kamala? Wife Beating in 2028 Olympics - USA?

Robin Goodfellow said...

“ Blogger Kay said...
If they are intersex, should they just not be allowed to participate in sports??”

There should be two competition classes: XX and Open.

H said...

This is unjust. Can’t say it better.

walter said...

I remember years ago (was it William?) an etch-a-sketch comment posting technique.
Seems like it lives on.

Narr said...

"There should be two competition classes: XX and Open."

XX only, XY only, Open, Cut, Uncut, Juiced, and Natural.

Lots of combinations, and the chance to spend even more money!

Kakistocracy said...

The @ssholes attacking Imane Khelif don’t actually care what the truth is about her; they’ve classified her as Other making her an acceptable instrument for being @ssholes. “Actually you are incorrect” won’t move them.

Kakistocracy said...

Also lost in the noise -- the Italian boxer didn’t know how to put up a guard…

Rusty said...

That's great, Rich. Except he's a guy. You can cut and fill and add and subtarct all you want. He's still a guy.
She. The actual XX woman didn't put up her guard because she had already given up. You could tell by her stance she had given up the fight.
I can tell you've never boxed.

Kakistocracy said...

^^ Social media allows an amazing chance to encounter people you would otherwise never meet, read one of their posts, say “you know, I think I would enjoy never getting to know this person,” and blocking them.

Readering said...

What do you know? The italian boxer has apologized for not shaking the hand of her victorious opponent and causing so much trouble for the boxer identified as female from birth in a muslim country and falsely accused of being transgender. She would embrace her if they came together, and if the IOC has qualified her that's good enough for the Italian boxer.

Readering said...

AA: Maybe remove the transgender tag for this post since it does not appear to involve a a transgender athlete.

Marcus Bressler said...

What were the weight class heavy to light that they both fought in. Seems like he, visually at least, was quite a bit heavier than her.

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