"This is unscripted with no limits on subject matter, so should be highly entertaining! If you have specific questions & comments, post them under the chat."
Tweets Elon Musk.
Tweets Elon Musk.
Is it a "conversation" or an interview? I see at Reuters, it says "Elon Musk to interview Trump on X social media network." Is Elon Musk an interviewer? You know, Trump was kind of an interviewer in his role on "The Apprentice." We'll see how much originality emerges in this format.
Anyway, this makes me think something Jonathan Swan said on today's episode of the NYT "Daily" podcast:
[T]he Trump people... have a very narrow, as they would say, universe of the electorate that they're focusing on... voters who they believe are up for grabs. It's about 11% of the electorate. They are disproportionately male, under 50, non-white, independent, moderate, actually, in ideology.... These are not people who are... reading newspapers, reading digital news sites... following cable news. They are consuming non-traditional media, you know, streamers, gaming, et cetera, et cetera. And that's why you see the Trump campaign doing so much of this non-traditional media to, to meet these low information voters where they are.
One way or another, Trump needs to shake things up. He's been thrown around lately, and we're in this slow week between the Olympics and the Democratic Convention. It used to be the norm to wait until after Labor Day to liven things up, and it's been a crazy last few weeks. Trump could have rested and geared up for September. But here comes something innovative and possibly disruptive.
ADDED: I see that Musk tweeted: "My use of the word conversation is deliberate. This is so that people understand how @realDonaldTrump talks when it’s a conversation, rather than an interview. Nobody is quite themselves in an interview, so it’s hard to understand what they’re really like."
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Trump has always been using non-traditional media. He was doing vlogging last week and apparently this week. Johnathan Swan is the one still working in the confines of old media.
This is only innovative, disruptive to the low information voters who consume traditional media like newspapers, cable news…The View. It is fair to lump these people together…
I would strongly disagree that Trump has been "thrown around" and "needs to shake things up." That's the proffered, wholly manufactured narrative of a media that has acted more openly as a division of the Democratic presidential campaign over the last 3 weeks than it perhaps ever has. There's no there there in the narrative, but acting like there is does spur conversation!
People are bored with the Trump Clown Show.
To ask if Musk will conduct an interview is to set up the later criticism that he did not conduct an interview. Musk says it will be a conversation. Take him at his word…
And that's why you see the Trump campaign doing so much of this non-traditional media to, to meet these low information voters where they are.
So anybody that knows the MSM (CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, NYTs, WaPo) are just propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and the deep state are "low information voters"?
Trump has to overcome the fraud margin in the swing states. What we will really learn from this election was if Musk's purchase of Twitter made a difference.
The lowest information voter are those still swallowing the bullshit and coordinated messaging pumped out by the MSM.
Yeah, the high-information voters read the NYT and there's nothing there, there.
80% of people get their news from TV. Sunday Morning shows are the "smart" people news shows. And pure democrat propaganda.
Musk may not be an interviewer, but who is? Its fawning or antagonizing. There are no interviews.
Tonight's interview / Conversation is a very fitting event. It's Trump and Musk vs. the rest of the Liberal, totalitarian, war mongering, gentile mutilating world.
If Kamala sat down for a conversation with Elon Musk she would come across as stupid as Don Lemon did.
One way or another, Trump needs to shake things up.
I've given up hoping Trump can ever do anything other than what he's done since he came down the escalator in 2015. He stirs people up. Creates a base. And...stirs up the base. Never expands it. It barely one him one election, lost him another, and left him trailing in a third.
When's the last time a positive, uplifting Trump ad ran on TV? When's the last time he gave a serious speech before a group that wasn't a rally? Those are two ways he could shake things up.
How can The corrupt Soviet left put a stop to this?
Shiny corrupt fraud-object = much better.
Warning: Elon Musk has publicly declared his support of Donald Trump. Post conversation statements critical of Musk as a Trump shill, all-in, rumpswab or whatever creative writing class told you to say make you look ridiculous…
I would strongly disagree that Trump has been "thrown around" and "needs to shake things up." That's the proffered, wholly manufactured narrative of a media that has acted more openly as a division of the Democratic presidential campaign over the last 3 weeks than it perhaps ever has. There's no there there in the narrative, but acting like there is does spur conversation!
8/12/24, 9:15 AM
It wouldn't be the modern media if it wasn't completely inept and out of touch.
That's how he got 11 million more votes the second time than the first, he didn't expand. I used to hear how fat he was fairly recently and frequently, I thought expansion was bad from that...
9 year old talking point says what lol
Is it a "conversation" or an interview?
It's a colloquy.
Each one of these unique interactive events increases the expectations and requirements that Harris needs to meet.
I'm coming around to the idea that the Democrat strategy for this election is to have their legacy media throttle as much reporting as possible on the Trump campaign. They want to starve it of publicity. Driving on Friday, listening to NPR, there were 4 stories on the Democrat campaign, one of them repeated in two different segments. There were no stories on the Trump campaign - it was all Harris/Walz, all interesting nuance on how excited and enthusiastic and high-energy the campaign is - no substantive 'policy/documented record' discussion. No treatment of Walz's lying, Stolen Valor, Blue Falcon history.
Having throttled mention of Trump/Vance, and focused on the empty excitement of Harris/Walz, the second element of the democrat strategy is to furiously Astro-turf the world of self-expression. Saturate the social media with ad-hominem attacks on opposing views, any discussion of the subject.
We are seeing that here, on Ms Althouse's excellent site. The message is strictly focused on the gratification of being excited ! Happy ! Enthusiastic ! Did I mention excited?
Best response, I think: Ignore the fabulism, ignore the ad-hominem attacks, respond with advancing the discussion of the issues. Force the ad-hominem into its own very public isolation, start shaming on policy.
only with stupid people, thats like teaching a pig french,
Cool, sounds awesome. I agree with Elon Musk it should be very very entertaining.
Harris is so wonderful she hasn't done an interview with Lester Dolt or Maddow or even Morning Joke the intern killer (give me a break)
So Swan is of the opinion that non-white males are "low information" losers who don't/can't read the news and just sit around playing video games all day, and NYT is fine with publishing that opinion under its banner. Got it.
“One way or another, Trump needs to shake things up. He's been thrown around lately, and we're in this slow week between the Olympics and the Democratic Convention.”
This narrative doesn’t hold air. It’s the media’s obvious lockstep efforts to rehabilitate Kamquat’s image and obfuscate for Timmy Tampon that have taken center stage and are reminding anyone paying attention that it’s their Same Old Song.
I'm coming around to the idea that the Democrat strategy for this election is to have their legacy media throttle as much reporting as possible on the Trump campaign. They want to starve it of publicity. Driving on Friday, listening to NPR, there were 4 stories on the Democrat campaign, one of them repeated in two different segments. There were no stories on the Trump campaign - it was all Harris/Walz, all interesting nuance on how excited and enthusiastic and high-energy the campaign is - no substantive 'policy/documented record' discussion. No treatment of Walz's lying, Stolen Valor, Blue Falcon history.
Having throttled mention of Trump/Vance, and focused on the empty excitement of Harris/Walz, the second element of the democrat strategy is to furiously Astro-turf the world of self-expression. Saturate the social media with ad-hominem attacks on opposing views, any discussion of the subject.
We are seeing that here, on Ms Althouse's excellent site. The message is strictly focused on the gratification of being excited ! Happy ! Enthusiastic ! Did I mention excited?
Best response, I think: Ignore the fabulism, ignore the ad-hominem attacks, respond with advancing the discussion of the issues. Force the ad-hominem into its own very public isolation, start shaming on policy.
8/12/24, 9:30 AM
Beyond the assassination attempt, which is inexcusable to minimize after fewer than 2 months have passed, Donald Trump has had a lot of influence on YouTube. Adin Ross, Break 50, Dr. Phil, and that's just the most popular Trump moments. I can't believe how pompous someone has to be to claim Trump has to "shake up" his campaign, but then a lot of older Republicans are grossly out of touch with the Internet.
The fact Kamala Harris can't get real influencers is a major sign.
Kamquat should seek out Robert Costa for a professional, state of the art Tongue Bath.
He's been thrown around lately = the tried to kill him
"no substantive 'policy/documented record' discussion."
Word on the street is that Kamala wants to eliminate taxes on tips.
So there's that.
An "interview" of a Republican is, by definition, a stream of gotcha questions on trivialities. An "interview" of a Democrat is, in contrast, a series of requests to hear the candidate's well known talking points.I cannot imagine Musk, who fired Don Lemon, doing either, so it will be a conversation and will be criticized for not being a proper interview.
More people will watch this interview (yes, it will be an interview unless you really believe Musk will ask no questions) than will read a newspaper or watch a mainstream news show today. The dirty secret the Jonathan Swans of the world are desperately trying to hide is that no one pays attention to them any longer. This is why the astroturfing going on right now for Harris/Walz is going to fail to move the needle. The Democrats will still have to cheat with mail-in-ballots to win in November.
He did get more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. The opposing party increased their vote share even more. That's why I referred his base and not his votes. Expanding your base means you eat into your opponent's support. (This would mean, for example, Trump improving his standing with suburban voters, particularly women.) He does the opposite. He's the best Get Out the Vote operation Democrats have.
Correct. Vance is covering the legacy democratical media and taking them to the woodshed while Trump is all over the alternative media where the younger age demos spend their time.
Musk has offered to host Kamala for a similar conversation. So far she has not responded and I expect she won't. Her ignorance and incompetence would be on full display to the world in an unscripted conversation with one of the world's most brilliant and successful entrepreneurs. Trump will do fine.
And Aggie above is correct- the media are trying to ignore the Trump Campaign this time around but, again, this doesn't work any longer because so few people pay attention to the mainstream media any longer. Musk buying Twitter has made a major change from 2020- will it be enough? I don't know. I do know that Trump needs to win states like Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania by at least 1.5% in order to make the fraud too obvious to hide.
It will be most interesting seeing where Elon takes the conversation and compare it with democrats masquerading as "journalists" on the legacy networks.
Sensible people do not get their news from the New York Times or the Washington Post. Althouse gets her news from both the New York Times and the Washington Post. Conclusion?
When even Guy Benson sees it, you know Vance did well:
On X
"A sign of how successful Vance’s Sunday chat shows tour was (the combined Dem ticket has done 0 interviews) was the palpable, on-camera frustration of several interviewers."
But it is striking they don't trust with any of the hacks, well she might shortcircuit or something,
And the New Soviet Democraticals are also suddenly all about strong borders!
Conversation sounds more interesting and more egalitarian than interview. Musk isn't feigning impartiality, as the media does -- and is rightfully no longer trusted to do.
Ironically, it is Trump and Musk who are fomenting a revolution by breaking down the old patterns and walls of the GOP, while the Democrats are literally and performatively reactionary, to the point of returning to the scene of their rotting ramparts, a Chicago DNC with faux managerial liberalism inside the walls squaring off against faux romanticism of violence for the sake of Revolution trying to break down the walls from the outside, though it's just two flavors of "Communist Banquet Circuit" this time.
Trump's one hour livestream with Adin Ross got almost 600,000 views on Kick and has over 2.3M views in replay on YouTube. I watched it and it was very enjoyable and informative. The young man actually did a creditable job and made it very entertaining. These reach a part of the population that pretty much pays no attention to the Democrat-controlled MSM.
One of the kamala influencers just this last weekend claimed she was given $225,000 to be a kamala influencer!
The proper response: Musk voted for biden in 2020 as well as for the democrats prior to that time.
“When's the last time he gave a serious speech before a group that wasn't a rally? “
Did you miss the convention? But I’ll fix this for you.
When's the last time Kamala gave a serious speech before a group that wasn't a rally?
"Low information voters?" By this he refers to people outside the leftmedia bubble. The arrogance of the mediaswine and most Democrats is palpable and unwarranted.
“We need to run a more disciplined campaign against Kamala Harris.”
“Okay, where do we start?”
“Let’s do an interview with Elon Musk.” ~ Trump Campaign 2024
Nothing like two wealthy narcissists getting together for an interview to convince regular people that they haven't lost the plot. At least this will be fun to listen and the Harris/Walz campaign will have volumes of new material for campaign ads.
Something else to watch: Trump playing Break 50 with Bryson DeChambeau on his YouTube channel, recorded on Trump's NJ course.. Right now just short of 11M views. So people think Trump is in physical and mental decline like Joe? Better think again after watching this. Trump offered to give Joe 20 strokes in a match? I would say that is too low. Trump can play, He can hit it, even at 78. A little unorthodox swing and putting stroke, but the guy can play. I think Bryson was kind of blown away. And Trump comes across as just a regular guy, loves to play, and even asks Bryson for some tips. It's an hour long and very enjoyable.
Sure, Rich. They need to fill those ads with something, because they can't talk about issues like immigration, the economy, and a tampon in every boy's bathroom.
Move fast and break things.
Still no policy statements on Kamala’s official website.
Ann does it for us.
Liars love leftists.
At some point Harris will have to defend the policies of the Biden/Harris Administration- there is no avoiding this. It wasn't Biden's infirmities that made him weak politically- it was always the policies implemented in the last 3.5 years and Harris is tied to them as if they were an anchor. She will not be able to run as an outsider.
Nothing like two wealthy narcissists getting together for an interview to convince regular people that they haven't lost the plot.
So now the Democrats have something against wealthy narcissists? That's their donor base.
More fake quotes!
Well. That is certainly what the New Soviet Democraticals do best.
And its a good thing that SpaceX narcissist is around to save us from legacy space company failures and ripoffs and dependency on the ChiComs and russkis for space transport and crew transfers....
....oh. wait.that's Rich's problem isnt it? The dems ChiCom and russki paymasters have been cut out of the pattern by Musk!
I think i am picking up on another pattern of Abacus Boy Rich....not that its difficult.
Cuz it ain't.
Trump's swing appears designed to maximize performance while protecting his lower back. However, he has played frequently enough over his entire life to have developed sufficient muscle support for the swing.
Which is even more impressive as it means he may be conscious of the form while launching long and accurate drives and approach shots.
One thing is absolutely certain, Trump would beat the hell out LLR-democratical Chuck...which no doubt angers LLR-democrati Rich to no end.
This should be an all time great interview. Finally Trump has an IQ equal to interact with and sparks will fly.
Might I suggest using a Tag Team set up. Either guy can bring in his second on the hardest questions. Trump can tag in Jordan Peterson on pro nouns and Musk can tag in Joe Rogan.On mushrooms.
Oh, I get it now, it's the "Spinal Tap" campaign (as in: ...and uh I was just wondering, does this mean, uh, the popularity of the group is waning?
Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, not at all. I - I - I just think that the, uh, their appeal is becoming more selective.)
You really don’t think vet deeply about any of this stuff do you.
Break 50 with Bryson Dechambeau has 10 million views and the video is 2 weeks old. He's doing just fine with new media.
The corrupt left know all they need to do is win in key states. ..Making sure vote-counting *wink* goes on for days and days - until the result is achieved.
The Harris campaign, who hasn’t done a press conference or answered any questions for 3 weeks since they deposed the winner of the primary, wants you to know that the Trump campaign is struggling.
Trump has been all over new media running a completely new kind of campaign that is more comprehensive than any campaign in history. The Harris campaign has been reduced to outright theft of his platform. Trump also received over 10 million more votes than any other person in history in 2020. There has never been a more innovative and objectively successful campaigner.
It will be easy to predict the Harris supporters and nevertrumper comments below. They are just stupid people.
Elon Musk has over 153 Million followers on X. So basically, the OPPOSITE of your spinal tap reference.
But other than that, you were spot on........
Is Musk goring to pass a doobie around? Will Trump partake
Really looking forward to it.
Goring? Sorry.
As pointed out elsewhere, the golf video is over 10million views.
Adin Ross has almost 4 million followers on Instagram, 7+ million on twitch, and millions across all other platforms...and they skew much younger obviously.
Dr. Phil hits about 2.4 million households per day.
And all these are audiences that might not catch Trump otherwise.
So, uh, thanks for your "input" there Einstein. You're a regular Karl Rove or something......
Now if only I can figure out how to watch it, it whatever you do...
Seems to me that the Trump camp knows that trying to run a Mitt Romney style "Go on CNN and Meet the Press to win!" campaign is a loser.
Step back for a second: how is it that roughly half of the country is Republican and conservative, despite unending lockstep media propaganda? Leftists scream "Fox News" but Fox doesn't reach half the country. My whole life the media has been spokespeople for Democrats. So how do Conservatives even exist?
Trump has figured out how to go around the NYT and WaPo and CNN. Doing Musk and Joe Rogan and so forth is brand new, really... and I bet it drives the NYT wild. How DARE Trump ignore us!
Will it work? I hope so!
It will be streamed on X only at first so just go to Elon Musk's X account and the video will be live there and viewable anytime after. It will probably end up on Youtube and elsewhere afterward until the DOJ/FBI demands everyone take the video down before it hurts the democraticals too much.
FYI, this direction will seem odd to Rich and the other lefties as they proclaimed X dead in January of 2023....so this kind of stuff on X totally befuddles them.
I can’t wait to see how long it takes Musk to get impatient when Trump is asked a question, doesn’t answer it and then gets on an unrelated tangent. Musk does not strike me as the patient type. I wonder if Trump will ask about the 45 million per month.
I hope one subject covered is this:
Vice President Kamala Harris — who on Saturday copied a campaign promise first announced by former President Donald Trump to eliminate taxes on tips — voted in 2022 to pass legislation that allowed the IRS to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed.
On August 7, 2022, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act that provided $80 billion in additional funding to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which then got to work cracking down on the service industry’s reporting of tips so that they could be taxed.
“Two years ago today, I proudly cast the tie-breaking vote to pass our Inflation Reduction Act,” Harris’s Facebook account reminded the public on Wednesday, sharing a video of the vice president voting to pass the legislation.
Potato, potahto.
"Nothing like two wealthy narcissists getting together for an interview to convince regular people that they haven't lost the plot. At least this will be fun to listen and the Harris/Walz campaign will have volumes of new material for campaign ads."
I'm laughing.
And the idea was Musk's, I believe, not Trump's, unless someone has information otherwise. And I think Trump, not Harris, will get good material out of this.
Musk has also asked Harris for a similar interview and so far she has not accepted. And she never will. Watch her campaign tomorrow try to belittle the whole thing. She wouldn't last 5 minutes with Musk, he would have to lower the conversation to elementary school level to get anything out of her.
Ah, thank you!
Looking forward to the conversation though Musk is painful to listen to. Content is always terrific but he is not a good talker. If it is too bad tonight, I'll wait for the transcript.
Will he extend an invite to Harriss for the same kind of conversation? He should. And he should make the invite as public as possible.
It puts her in a real bind. If she accepts she will piss off her fascist base who view Musk as even more Hitler than Hitler plus apartheid.
If she doesn't, she looks scared.
President Trump and VP Elect Vance go into all sorts of lion's dens and get mauled. But they give as good as they get and come out looking pretty good.
Kamala can't even afford a tongue bath from her supporters in the media.
John Henry
You're so right. As a completely normal person, why don't you set a great example by showing your long list of accomplishments, successful business endeavors or things that moved society's needle in profound, dramatic fashion, so that we all may see how these two narcissists pale in comparison with their empty talk??
Off topic but related to the tongue bathing media
I am re-reading Caro's 3rd volume in the LBJ series "Master of the Senate" Very interesting and well written.
Some here may remember Drew Pearson. He was a famous columnist of the 40s thru 60s He spawned Jack Anderson. He was supposed to be fearless and willing to skewer both sides equally.
In the book Caro casually mentions some Democrat Party policy or steering or something committee that regularly met at Drew Pearson's house (this would have been 50-51 or so) Caro just mentions it in passing as if it was no big deal.
It just seems so wrong. And yet so normal.
John Henry
Joe Biden was filmed riding a bicycle yesterday. Yea! The old codgers getting out there, getting their exercise, peddling and swinging a golf club.
Fascists love Republicans (Equally correct: Republicans are Fascists)
Ironically, most of the patriot movement has long since left Fox behind, and doesn't regard its anchors as leaders in any way. Gutfeld is a good comedian, but that's as far as things go.
That breakup will eventually cause a divorce between the GOP and the neocons.
Here it is, 46,000 positive comments. 37 negative comments
MountainMan said...
Something else to watch: Trump playing Break 50 with Bryson DeChambeau on his YouTube channel, recorded on Trump's NJ course.
Fascists love Republicans (Equally correct: Republicans are Fascists)
I expected better from you. I am sure there are fascists in the Republican ranks, but Fascism comes from a position of power. Dems hold almost all the power in the federal government, and their actions are very fascist in manifestation. Republicans are far more libertarian currently.
Jersey Fled, the convention? Come on. That's nothing but a big...rally. Candidates speak before nonpartisan groups to draw attention to policy. This is standard. He doesn't do it. He could be drawing attention to an issue that benefits him, the border, by announcing his plan for securing it and even his deportation plan. (Deporting illegals is supported by a majority.)
I don't care about Harris. She has a multibillion-dollar news industry getting her message out. Trump does not.
Fascists love Republicans (Equally correct: Republicans are Fascists)
Cookie is once again projecting.
Tell me who is threatening both the 1st and 2nd Amendments and wanting to pack the SCOTUS.
As usual, Cook provides the communist view point.
yes Pearson late in life fancied himself a novelist, the Senator and the President about his ideal for a chief executive, it comes off more like Yes Prime Minister with an American accent,
The dullard shows up and, guess what, says something stupid.
Yes, fascist are the ones who want to limit the power of government, allow the population to bear arms, and are for free speech, all of those positions are just about the opposite of fascism. Of course one political party in the United States shares those positions with fascists.
It's always projection with Robert Cook.
CJ, you don't seem to know much about alternate media. When Musk does his thing it gets millions of views.
"Gusty Winds said...
If Kamala sat down for a conversation with Elon Musk she would come across as stupid as Don Lemon did."
Kamala seems unusually happy all of the time. She has to pretend to be serious. Frankly, she does not have Presidential Gravitas.
Hopefully the tech issues that plagued the Kennedy run announce solved.
Notice the definition of "low information voter", effectively people who don't ascribe to MSM publications and emedia. Musk attracts a very informed crowd.
I can’t wait to see how long it takes Musk to get impatient when Trump is asked a question
That's not impatience you see in the eyes of the mainstream media. It's fear of leftwing backlash when he manages to elude their carefully-scripted "gotcha" questions.
Better to be uninformed than misinformed
As usual, Cook provides the communist view point.
Yes. Soviet propaganda really pushed the idea of fascism on the right. Basically anyone who is not a communist is a fascist.
Fascism is always said to be descending on the right....but somehow always lands on Cookie and his pals.
Funny that......
You can already see countless examples of Musk becoming impatient over unrelated tangents, wild non-sequitor ill-logical conclusions, blatant lying and mischaracterizations etc during all the interviews he has had to put up with from standard New Soviet Democraticals, lefty Pravda media types, and just generally moronic lefties like the ones that post at Althouse blog.
More on Walz, from Powerline:
In a book published last year by the Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum, Minnesota in the Global War on Terrorism, Post-9/11 Profiles, remarks Gov. Walz made on September 11, 2021 are included on page 374. Here’s a key paragraph:
"I had the privilege of serving in this state’s national guard. I stood one night in the dark of night on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base in Iraq and watched a military ramp ceremony–a soldier’s body being loaded onto a plane to be returned home."
First, Bagram Air Base was in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Second, did Walz ever visit either Iraq or Afghanistan? If he did, it wasn’t on an official guard deployment—that much has been nailed down. It is exceedingly unlikely that he was ever present for a military ramp ceremony of a fallen soldier in either nation. He made this up out of whole cloth. Full stop.
There is another group Trump will be reaching. Since Musk bought X (nee Twitter) he pared back the censorship that carefully crafted what users saw under the Dorsey-regime. Well, a lot of those "manipulated" were tech entrepreneurs who live on the platform. Since the boot stopped crushing the open discussion, some have become less groupthink. Musk interviewing/conversing with Trump will bring in an audience that heretofore has only had the para-phrasing of media curators for their info.
Wherever it was, Walz was confirmed present by Brian Williams.
Trump to sue DOJ for $100M over Mar-a-Lago raid, alleging 'political persecution'
If an individual sues the DOJ for monetary damages, and then becomes the President, can they order the DOJ to pay to settle the suit? What limits are there on the size of a settlement before the DOJ would need to get Congressional approval?
I hate living in an era when this is a completely plausible question fairly raised by actual circumstances and not a lunatic made-up scenario.
Michael K, if elections were decided by social media, you'd have President Bernie Sanders. Trump's problem isn't getting attention. It's getting bad attention. I'm just suggesting he try something different for once, to talk about popular things, not weird crap. Interviews should be the last thing he does. The X interview will produce dozens of negative clips for Dems to use, and nothing else.
Perhaps but it is the only show in town. Harris/Walz is still in development with one week before opening night. The media are hurting as people tire of the Harris surrogate elevator pitches. Trump brings the show to almost everything he does.
If the Democrats don't have a good show for next week, the media may turn on them in self-survival.
“When even Guy Benson sees it, you know Vance did well“
Vance looked pretty decent dressed in drag as a bleached blonde too….
I remember something from the distant past called a "party platform". It used to be a featured product of each party's nominating convention. In essence, it was a list of values the party believes in and specific policies and laws it intends to produce if elected. This would be a great election to bring that back from each party and its candidate for President.
Elon, make this a challenge for both Trump and Harris to respond directly. You know, like a proposed "Contract with America" if they win their votes.
So far, based on Harris's rallies and Olympics ads, I discern the following promises:
1. 11,000,000 illegal immigrants will get the right to vote
2. Women in every state will get the universal right to kill their unborn babies pretty much for any reason, regardless of what the Supreme Court has ruled and the majority of people in each state want.
3. (Inga, Rich, Mutaman, Cook, please add your favorites.)
Desperate times for Don & Elon! Scammer and Spammer.
You mean how the DOJ just laundered large "settlements" to both Strzik and Page for their services rendered to the New Soviet Democraticals Russia Collusion hoax?
Sort of like how Andy McCabe lied under oath repeatedly trying to hide his russia collusion hoax liability and then was fired and then sued the US govt and the DOJ immediately settled (because laundering taxpayer cash to loyal New Soviet Democratical party operatives is standard practice) so perjurer Andy got his full pension back, had his record of perjury expunged (no Law Bar problems for him!) and McCabes attorneys collected a cool $500k for making a couple filings and showing up in court twice.
The very small puppy squeaks in the desert, but the caravan moves on.
Very Monte Python. And it was a wig, not bleached hair though. Thank you for your usual level of attention to detail.
The best part, a dude in college dressed up in college at a party is something you actually, literally thought would achieve...something on the blog!
Too funny.
The left's plans and ideas are so horrible, they must keep them secret, lie, or steal Trump's ideas.
"Kamala Harris — who recently copied President Trump’s “no tax on tips” campaign promise — voted in 2022 to pass legislation that allowed the IRS to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed."
"Wherever it was, Walz was confirmed present by Brian Williams."
But then, inexplicably, declared AWOL by Dan Rather!
And then declared homeless and unfed by Jason Blair!
Then Jussie said: hold my subway sandwich...
Rich - You make the perfect Corruption supporter.
Fascist leftist Soviets love to drag out Halloween photos - and use them for their Bullshit.
The guys on The All-In Podcast, politically split, were arguing on their last edition about whether Google's odd search results - when you search for Trump, you get Harris news that mentions Trump plus negative Trump news, whereas when you search for Harris you get positive Harris news and no mention of Trump* - was due to actual bias on the part of the algorithm programmers or the humans who curate results, or simply reflective of the bias of the media. None argued that there was no bias.
I bring this up here to point out that going to the large-audience "new" new media seems to me an effective way of reaching people when the "old" new media like Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are throwing up roadblocks, whether automatically because their algorithms privilege mainstream media sources that are like 30:1 left: right leaning, or through the well-documented political leanings of their staff.
* For the pedants in the mix (of whom I am one, usually), of course I'm talking about top results, not all results. This bias can occasionally work against Democrats, I think - I commented on that podcast episode that with the Harris team's limited time to vet VP candidates, one can't rule out that Walz's significant weaknesses simply didn't show up on the Google results that the doubtless very young staffers were seeing.
Tipper gate is going to sink Kamala Harris's campaign.
How desperate are you when a silly costume photo is your idea of controversy?
Yet Biden family corruption = all A-OK with you all.
No it won't. The democrat party media provide all Kamala-kover needed. She can lie and steal Trump's ideas at will.
It should be open to anyone on X Spaces.
"Spaces can be listened to by anyone on the Internet. This is part of a broader feature of Spaces that lets anyone listen to Spaces regardless of whether or not they are logged in to a X account (or even have a X account)"
Can we teach a pig to eat a French instead?
And it’s a Beggars Banquet at best…
the Kackling Kamquat
new and improved from Mattel
cackles and shits pants
It is amusing that the Left, which used to be on top of new tech stuff, is unaware of the new Media Trump is using now. That is where the 22 year olds are getting their info.
Check RedState for a fuller report about his 9/11 speech.
I don't think Turn-Tail Timmy was confused but he did mean to be deliberately confusING. He moved from a discussion of how his overseas deployment to Italy (he never mentioned where he was for a year) affected his daughter to reflecting on a ceremony he saw at Bagram *while on a Congressional trip several years later*. Again, no reference to how the two were related but clearly designed to leave the impression he had been deployed to Afghanistan.
They will destroy our democracy!!!!!!!!!
It has to be tough for stupid people like Cook to watch his Harris/Biden Regime and media light themselves on fire.
What really makes Cook mad is Elon is telling the EU to F off. Cook hates it when Governments are outed as fascists because he is the actual fascist on this board.
So, he still isn't the President?? Who's running things?? Has to be Obama, since this was his 3rd term anyways...and Kamala will be his 4th. Enjoy the fundamentally transformed USSA
Nobody cares about what you think CJ. You are stupid enough to get your news from the Regime propagandists. You are inside a dying bubble.
Everyone else knows that Trump is running the most comprehensive campaign in history against a "candidate" that hasn't held a press conference in 3 weeks who picked a stolen valor traitor to be her VP.
I think our gracious host should write a story about the UK police commissioner threatening to try to put in jail Americans who post pictures or comments about the riots over immigration going on right now in the UK.
Yes, they want to have the Biden admin arrest Americans and extradite them to the UK to be punished for speech the King doesn't approve of.
Will the Kamala Harris administration comply? And Cookie: is it fascist to arrest people who publish things the government does not approve of? And why is it coming from the new Labour government, the left wingers? I thought you said fascism is only on the right? And we all know that Harris will gladly comply with these requests from the Brits. Why do you endorse fascism, Cook?
Rachel Maddow is a wealthy pencil necked white leftist.
Rumor has it this is where JD Vance discovered his love of guyliner
Elon should dress up in a blonde wig and skirt imitating Trump’s VP pick — just to get a reaction from Trump.
From Politico: The European Union's digital enforcer, Commissioner Thierry Breton, wrote an open letter to Elon Musk on Monday ahead of a planned interview with Donald Trump to remind him of the EU’s rules on promoting hate speech, informing the world's richest man of his legal obligation to stop the "amplification of harmful content" on X.
Responding to Breton, Musk tweeted out a meme containing the words: "Take a big step back and literally, fuck your own face!"
Or EU can block X on the most of the European continent.
Your own comment gives it away, but you are too dumb to see it.
He is not anti-trans adult or anti-gay he is simply against what your pro-groomers and radical psycho trans radicals are pushing on kids, including graphic pornography, in schools, as part of your marxist agenda.
Btw, what is the definition of a woman? Dare you even say it?
Sorry gadfly, little soy boy Stalinist wannabe. Thierry can shove it..as millions of Europeans purchase VPN's. And all this will do is increase demand for Starlink!
"Rumor has it this is where JD Vance discovered his love of guyliner
Actually kind of funny. Nice to see J.D, like Trump, has a genuine sense of humor
Musk is the new Emmanuel Goldstein for these lefty yahoos. Amusing, but sad still. These are damaged people.
Before you know it, Drago will be breathlessly posting a pic of Walz in a woman’s dress uniform. Vance should lighten up on the eyeliner in his drag outfit picture. Makes him look like a slut.
Jersey Fled, you may believe that, and many commentators on this blog agree with you. However I am skeptical. I’ve been a commentator for more 16 years, and I recall that Althouse has described herself as a single issue voter, and that issue is abortion. She posts about negative New York Times articles because she hates Trump for having nominated Supreme Court justices who voted for Dobbs. She may again abstain in voting for President as she did in 2020, but I suspect she will vote for Harris because of sisterhood.
I'm with iowahawk on this:
David Burge
It was a mistake to let you stupid Eurotrash garbage people have internet in the first place.
Thierry Breton
With great audience comes greater responsibility #DSA
As there is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in 🇪🇺 in connection with events with major audience around the world, I sent this letter to @elonmusk
We don't have to make things up about Walz. We just post the things that people served with him said:
COATES: Sergeant Major, this was really -- excuse me, I don't want to cut you off, sir. Finish your point, please, Sergeant Major.
JULIN: He went around me. And the fact is that there's a possibility he probably would have realized. I would have probably said, no, it's too late, you're going forward, because we'd already received our notification of sourcing. And there's one other little point out there that people say, well, he hadn't been notified yet. Yes, he had been notified.
Now, there's another step out there. It is what's called stop loss. Ninety days prior to the actual deployment, we received our orders. And at that time is what's called stop loss, where if you're in a position, you're going forward irregardless, unless there's some really major or process --
COATES: Hmm, okay.
JULIN: -- that gets you out from not going on the deployment itself. So, there's that window of opportunity there. People say, well, he never knew he was going forward. Yeah, he knew he was going forward. Had he gotten his orders yet? No. At that time, he had not."
Compared to Joe Biden/Hunter Biden international pay to play for personal family profit using shell companies - Eyeliner is a HUGE deal.
"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."
-Kamala Harris
Halloween photo costume-gate sure to follow. Big deal in leftist circles.
Soviets define "Speech they do not like" as hate speech.
The campaign might be thrown-off by suddenly facing a new opponent. Also, Trump may have been motivated partly by the fun of demolishing Joe Biden and now that it's not Biden, he doesn't care as deeply.
A theory which makes some sense is to hold fire until Harris is formally nominated. If they were to go all Guns of the Navarone and mortally wound the Harris campaign, Democrats could switch to someone else at the convention. Harris is weak, let her get the nomination and then get on non-stop repeat of her wildly unpopular and very recent positions.
I do appreciate you fascist losers just taking the mask completely off.
There would not be a more ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler than gadfly.
Kamala wants to ban the words/phrases "Radical Islamic Extremism" & "Islamic Terrorism"
Again - What can the Corrupt International Neo-Fascist Speech-Crime Thought-Crime left do to stop this?
Is "Rich" getting paid for these posts ? Somebody is really loose with money, if so.
[T]he Trump people... have a very narrow, as they would say, universe of the electorate that they're focusing on... voters who they believe are up for grabs. It's about 11% of the electorate. They are disproportionately male, under 50, non-white, independent, moderate, actually, in ideology....
The NYT knows this because the Trump campaign was hacked. And that stuff was fed to the media. The narrative is that the campaign was hacked by Russians. Blame everything on Russia! But that doesn't go along with the propaganda that Russia loves Trump and wants him to win. The Latin phrase is "Cui bono?" Who benefits? And the people who benefit from hacks of the Trump campaign are Democrats. I call bullshit on the Russian hack story, and suggest that denizens of the swamp have hacked the Trump campaign. CIA, NSA, FBI, any of the alphabet soup of agencies who hate Trump and are desperate to stop him. The NYT should be exploring who provided the leaked intel. Get off your ass and investigate that, bitches. "The Russians did it" is a bullshit propaganda line and I do not believe you people.
The interview is tonight. Monday, 8 PM Eastern. The quoted post must have been from Sunday.
"Live conversation on 𝕏 with @realDonaldTrump & me at 8pm ET tomorrow."
I'm just sitting back, reading the Narrative Nobs acting as if this was not only a close contest, but one in which the Harris-Walz campaign is leading. It will be the biggest blowout since .....Willie Brown introduced Harris to how politics works.
The Iranians didnt hack Trump. The US govt did.
The russkis didnt blow up Nordstream. The US govt/proxies did.
Crooks wasnt the mastermind of the Butler op. The US govt was.
Inga with another bizarre comment that I can only assume translates to Please Please Stop Talking About Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Walz snd the literally hundreds of times he falsely claimed to be a combat vet.
Did you know that Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Idiot literally had his congressional challenge coin include the Command Sergeant Major insignia?
Did you know that Inga?
This guy has basically been screaming for almost 2 decades for someone to expose him!
Oh, fuck off with the ‘proper response’ crap, Althouse Richmeister. I’ll say what I want…
Oh, fuck off with the ‘proper response’ crap, Althouse Richmeister. I’ll say what I want…
I'm guessing that there won't be zingers, so not worth watching.
I know Trump won’t partake but…will there be weed?
Trump is blaming it on the Iranians, not the Russians, last I heard.
By the time any of these Euro wussies try to do something, Europe will be part of the caliphate.
FYI, the UK will be the first islamic supremacist controlled major nuclear power.
It should be open to anyone on X Spaces.
"Spaces can be listened to by anyone on the Internet. This is part of a broader feature of Spaces that lets anyone listen to Spaces regardless of whether or not they are logged in to a X account (or even have a X account)"
The comments at the link are 50 to1 pro Trump. From all around the world.
The EU are not happy (that is the Self Appointed Betters of the Citizens of the European Union) because of the 'things that are happening' in the UK.
Yes, Trump has been cutting some of the agencies some significant slack im anticipation of his possible election win. This has been discussed widely, particularly in regards to the Secret Service / FBI / DHS failures with the New Soviet Democraticals assassination attempt.
As with our New Soviet Democratical commies in the US, the EU commies thought they had total censorship at their fingertips...then along came Musk and his little X platform, all by itself, destroying the efforts of the commies to control all content.
Just look at how insane that drives the Euro commies and the Richs and Ingas and gadflys here in the US.
LOL! You can tell how pissed off the MSM is by this. They're all huddled together on their shows and newscasts like a bunch of mean girls telling each other that Musk isn't a journalist! Can you believe it? Who does he think he is, anyway? They hate it and they can't control it, so they hate it even more.
Oh my goodness, Elon tells EU F -off.
Comrade Drago’s blather is so detached from the political reality that it’s almost funny, but more importantly it highlights how too many very online (and offline!) people are so lost in a political bubble and are being primed to reject reality they don’t like because they were primed otherwise. It’s simply stunning how myopic and bubbled Americans have become.
CJ, the Harris operation is trying to interest younger voters in their campaign Meanwhile they spend all their time on legacy media that old folks watch. Trump is all over the new media where young voters hang out.
I have seen comments that Walz could quit. Not Harris. She would have to be dragged out. Anybody seen "Doctor Jill?"
'"Low information voters" means anyone who doesn't listen to me.'
I'm guessing that there won't be zingers, so not worth watching.
Nor Twinkies
Trump might consider asking Musk about the AI generated pictures of the massive crowd in MI. I bet Musk could be a good resource person for Trump when it comes to AI and fauxtography.
You forgot "Joy for the Good people."
You are trying too hard, Inga.
It stinks of desperation, but that seems to be where the Kamala-lala-ding-dong and Tampon Tim campaign is at.
Will Trump be live or AI?
It’s telling that Trump is doing the interview on X not Truth Social. Truth Social doesn’t have the audience compared to X, and likely doesn’t have the technology. It reminds me of when Mitt Romney had to go grovel for Donald Trump’s support for the 2012 election, with Musk playing the role of Trump, and Trump playing the role of Romney,
I will watch. Hard for me to watch any politician but will give a try and share thoughts. Cheers.
These asshole Democrats tried to have Trump removed from office and jailed for the 4 years of Trump’s first term and then, for the 3.5 years after the Biden junta was installed… and it continues.
And then these lawless assholes engage in a coup to remove the enfeebled Biden from office to facilitate their next puppet, Harris.
There is nothing these horrible people won’t do to hold onto power. They and their media co-conspirators are horrible people and there’s nothing… nothing about them that is American. They are lying, conniving people without ethics or morals.
So all drag queens are groomers and pedoph!les? What about JD Vance...
Biden didn’t fall this time? Good for him.
I'm sure that he would be the single, solitary one you would demand be arrested instead of being given a medal for his "bravery" in molesting children....
Gadfly--Jeez, Man! Even for you, sucking up to the thought police is a bad look.
First of all a network of electric vehicle charging stations - I"m out
Still a few bugs left in the system, apparently. That's a bummer
I'm old enough to remember you lefties telling us with great certainty that both X and Truth Social would go the way of Air America.
How's that workin' out for you?
What a loser play on your part.
Hilariously loserish.
Fantastically moronically hilariously loserish!
And all because you are petrified of the Stolen Valor /Blue Falcon Coward Liar Walz truth...just like the kamala campaign! How long will you guys try and hide the big brave 24 "year" miltary stud who ALMOST fought in combat?
You'll have to hide him away forever because this story isnt going away.
Left Bank with another bizarre, not analogous "analogies" that is at a level of stupidity that is difficult to characterize.
Great party,man…
X Spaces interview not working. Wonder how many are tuning in. Has to be millions. Musk even ran public tests last night. Overload? Glitch? More audience than expected? Or hacked by large competing forces? Who knows.
Wonder if that was the picture that got him the GOP VP candidacy? Peter Thiel can really pick them. This is his hand picked candidate backed with his billions.
When you’re young, you don’t realize how thin the line is between colorful and crazy.
We wont know until after. Lots of people in and X'ing about it
I have another 90 minutes on this zoom call before I can check it out. The perils of a Hawaii based CEO led zoom.
Fat Walz aint gettin' any less Stolen Valorish.
19 million US veterans and families...who all know what happened with Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Walz...with only a small % of those being lunatic lefties....like Walz.
I like those stats.
This story continues....
denial of service attack…from?…
Little Miss Vance and Daddy
As predicted, the inevitable New Soviet Democratical DDOS attack. Which is not that long after the New Soviet Democratical assassination attempt.
You think maybe Musk could've predicted something like this would happen and prepared accordingly...?
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