August 26, 2024

I've been suspecting that Kamala Harris will back out of the debate with Trump.

Why should she expose herself when running on nothing — AKA "joy" — has been working so well?

But suddenly here's news that Trump might be in the process of weaseling out of the debate:

At CNN: "Trump campaign casts fresh doubt on September debate with Harris over microphone dispute." We're told that "a source familiar with the matter" is telling CNN that "Trump’s campaign is casting fresh doubt on whether the September 10th debate will take place on ABC." Trump himself has written: "Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?" But what is the "microphone dispute"? I'm seeing: "The Harris campaign is requesting that ABC and other networks seeking to host a potential October debate keep microphones on, according to a senior campaign official." That relates to an October debate, and the doubt is coming from the Harris campaign, not Trump's. And isn't it funny that the tables have turned on who wants the microphones to shut off?

At The Washington Post: "Trump suggests he might skip ABC debate with Harris/The Sept. 10 debate with ABC is the only one both campaigns have agreed to do with one of the major networks." This piece begins with the Trump statement, "Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on [ABC]?" And this article too shows the Harris campaign attempting to change the rules: "Brian Fallon, the Harris campaign’s senior adviser for communications, said in a statement, that the campaign has told ABC and other networks that 'both candidates’ mics should be live throughout the full broadcast.'"

At Politico: "Playbook: Scoop: The secret debate about the Trump-Harris debate." Here, we're told that before Trump published that question —  "Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on [ABC]" — "the two campaigns hit an impasse over the rules of the debate, according to four sources familiar with the issue." Politico isn't pointing at either campaign. They hit an impasse together. But it's the Harris campaign that's trying to change the rules: "Harris’ campaign wants the mics to be hot at all times during the ABC debate, as has historically been the case at presidential debates." A Trump adviser, Jason Miller, is citing other rule changes the Harris campaign has supposedly asked for: "a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements." He says: "This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate. My guess is that they’re looking for a way to get out of any debate with President Trump." 

Aha! That's been my suspicion: It's Harris who's trying to get by without debating.


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Mark said...

SweatBee, who in the campaign confirmed it?

Oh wait, your just believe everything Jason Miller says.

Mark said...

Trump thinks he needs to win a debate. Kamala, like Obama, wants to win votes. Only one of those matters

Michael K said...

Yup. Obvious ploy.

Michael K said...

Of course she does not want a substantive debate. We saw how her price control trial balloon exploded.

Michael K said...

Never heard of her. Another anonymous ex-staffer seeking a payoff.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kamala is a moderate now - doncha know.

Kirk Parker said...


Think and talk at the same time? Heck, Harris can't even talk and talk at the same time.

Michael K said...

Tusi is is a lot smarter than you, or Harris, is .Try not to make it more obvious.

Michael K said...

But she did have control of the voting machines. Stalin was right.

Michael K said...

She had control of the machines. If you have that, you don't need debates.

Christopher B said...

If I recall correctly, Trump and Harris were supposed to do a *joint* appearance at the NABJ and they let Kamala duck out of it. If she couldn't be prepared to do an even more obviously joint interview set-up in a venue full of likely supporters with an entire panel of hosts hostile to Trump, then I think our esteemed hostess's suspicions are well-founded.

walter said...

Whole lotta projection: "In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences — but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious. … Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails.”
Unburdened by what has been, the unbridled pursuit of "equity".

Iman said...

Trump will earn those votes. Democrats will lie, cheat and steal. It’s their nature.

walter said...

That's so last month. Embrace the crip, fresh summer word salad that is Kamala...when not on so many interviews.

walter said...

""The Vice President is ready to deal with Trump’s constant lies and interruptions in real time. Trump should stop hiding behind the mute button,"" Wouldn't he be unable to interrupt if the mics were muted? She could still respond to his "lies" in her responses. Oh hey..meanwhile Pedo Pete Demento still at the helm (figuratively?) and the Harris' open border keeps funneling "migrants" to Inga's not so Happy Hostel.

walter said...

Christopher B, You recall correctly. But that was ages ago...

GRW3 said...

I know how this plays out. Trump says no to all the proposed rules changes. Harris will drop out of the debated because she can't get her way. The media will report it as Trump chickening out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - that link has got to be the dumbest things you've ever linked to. There is no proof there. There isn't even a video. It's more Russia Russia bullshit and lies from YOU - the actual Soviet.

Achilles said...

You caught a few on this one Howard.

Breezy said...

Seems to me one of the tells that indicated Biden was not capable of being Pres was his use of cheat sheets with reporters.

tolkein said...

I don't know why Inga is so determined to support the Harris camp. This story is all over the news - in the UK, as well, and is sourced to the Harris campaign.
I think Harris doesn't want to debate, but Trump is confident that Harris will self destruct in debate (cf Tulsi Gabbard) so will accept changes like mics.

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