August 21, 2024

"It can be dizzying, for an outsider, to see the Democratic Party and its allied institutions walk in lockstep — promoting a fiction that Biden 'passed the torch' voluntarily..."

"... suspending scrutiny of Harris’s policy positions, reveling in emotions and 'vibes.' But Tocqueville emphasized how democracy is not always amenable to a diversity of opinions: Instead, the majority’s pressure 'acts upon the will as well as upon the actions of men, and it represses not only all contest, but all controversy.'..."

Writes Jason Willick, quoting Tocqueville, in "How Alexis de Tocqueville explains Democratic Party conformity/Why Democrats could so easily pivot from defending Biden’s abilities to celebrating Harris’s takeover" (WaPo).
Tocqueville was observing America several decades after its founding, and he regretted that there were fewer American political figures with the “candor” and “independence of opinion which frequently distinguished the Americans in former times.” The country’s leaders increasingly followed rather than led, a pattern that continues... to this day.... 
Controlling political thought can be ugly, and its results surreal — but Tocqueville saw that monopolizing opinion was inseparable from mass democracy.... 
But Tocqueville also had a warning about the fickleness of democracy: “As the majority is the only power which it is important to court, all its projects are taken up with the greatest ardor, but no sooner is its attention distracted than all this ardor ceases.”...


Paul said...

“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.

A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.

With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”
—Hannah Arendt, German historian and philosopher (1906–1975)

And so they lie cause they can... and they know YOU WILL SWOLLOW IT AND STILL VOTE FOR THEM.

Peachy said...
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Earnest Prole said...

It doesn’t really matter if Joe Biden passed the torch voluntarily. American political parties are private institutions that may organize themselves and conduct their business as they see fit. For obvious reasons the Democratic Party saw fit to dump Joe Biden. If that troubles you, do some reading using the keywords First Amendment, Supreme Court, and political parties.

Quayle said...

Hard hearts fail in discernment and judgment. They speak of justice and nuance, but can really only see raw power and base hatred of their chosen enemies.

gspencer said...

Biden done got f__k over good, and it's wonderful to watch that it happened to such a guy who so deserved it. The Democrat version of "democracy."

wildswan said...

"It can be dizzying, for an outsider, to see the Democratic Party and its allied institutions walk in lockstep — promoting a fiction that Biden 'passed the torch' voluntarily.."

Shamalot! Shamalot!
The speeches sound a bit bizarre,
But in Shamalot, Shamalot
That's how conditions are.

n.n said...

Demos-cracy... democracy is aborted by Democrats.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The comments presented therein defy reality. They are not sapiens. They are lied to in order to prevent cooler heads prevailing. Turn off the bubble machine.

PB said...

Cult behavior

wildswan said...

Governor Evers fumbled the roll call vote for Shamala last night.

narciso said...

NPC's change my mind, they may be real live breathing human beings, but I would need proof of life,

BUMBLE BEE said...

Have they not matured sufficiently to vote in their best interest? Gotta be looking for a best buddy around every corner?

tim maguire said...

If that doesn't trouble you, do some reading using the keyword Hypocrisy. Of course the Democratic Party is not legally obligated to use democratic means to choose its leaders, but there's something deeply wrong with you if you don't see a problem with what they did.

narciso said...

if you're going to make a fiction, at least make it interesting,

of course they can't relate the power dynamics of the last four years, so why would they would understand the handoff

gilbar said...

it WAS completely voluntary..
They gave him a choice, it was His choice:
a) give it All up, and walk away alive..
b) DIE a Tragic Death.. Probably due to complications of Covid (Hilary!)

Inga said...

Democrats made a difficult decision, we put the country before party. They/we know this election needs to be won, so much is at stake. Another Trump presidency, with his Project 2025 associations, is an existential threat to democracy. It doesn’t matter than Trumpists are too cultish to see the threat, they can’t be allowed to destroy this country either. Biden was no longer capable of the task of leading the country for another 4 years, or win an election, so even though it shook up the party, it wasn’t as important as the survival of the democracy.

Inga said...

Indeed Earnest Prole.

Inga said...


RCOCEAN II said...

A relatively small number of elite Democrat Party insiders and donors decided:

1) to skip primaries and nominate Biden by acclaimation
2) Get rid of Biden when it appeared he couldn't win
3) skip any input from the democrat voters and nominate Harris by acclamation

But this control by the elites, is somehow the fault of Democracy and the average American! Nice Gaslighting.

And all this WaPo garble-fargable about de Tocqueville, ignores that the Republican party doesn't do this. No doubt the Republican establishment would love to it, but the Republican voters wont stand for it.

n.n said...

Handmade tales are entertained with liberal license for green hopes and change.

Inga said...

Tim haven’t you bothered to read any of the Project 2025 plans for a Trump presidency? It doesn’t matter if Trump denies knowing anything about this. One of the authors has said that while Trump is denying, they know he’s really with them. It’s on a video, words right from the mouth of one of the leaders. If you’re concerned about democracy, you’ll need to wake the hell up.

Peachy said...

Prole- you have an admirer. Telling.

Mary Beth said...

Until recently I wouldn't have been interested in a book written by Dr. Jill. Now, if she writes one about how the Dems turned on Joe, I may have to read it.

Inga said...

Who cares? Why is it important?

donald said...

lol toots. It’s all about the party. It’s nothing but the party. The worst part is you know it, and then still vomit that bullshit out. You’re just some fat little sheep.

narciso said...

You work from the wrong premise and work backwards to the facts you desire,the chattering jack o lanterns send off was a pitiful site, but not out of character with the Red Wedding speech, now that Harris is affecting Bezos bottomline, they try to tame the creature they fed, alas it's too late

Holy Moly! said...

The Dems are acting like a political party. The Republicans, on the other hand, have become a cult of personality party.

narciso said...

when has she shown the slightest sense of self awareness about these matters

yes she would never challenge the Praetorians who have secured her future,

Steven said...

I was laughing at this pitch-perfect satire, but then I looked at the author's name and realized she was serious and my laughter turned to tears of despair for our country.

Mary Beth said...

The Heritage Foundation has been doing a transition paper of what they would like to see incoming administrations do since the 1980s. I don't recall you objecting to the previous ones.

You might want to consider that you are being manipulated into thinking this is somehow different. Talking about it as if it were is kind of cultish.

Earnest Prole said...

If that doesn't trouble you, do some reading using the keyword Hypocrisy

American political parties exist to launder hypocrisy. You’d have to be a child to be troubled by that.

BUMBLE BEE said...

narciso said...

When OBrien asked Winston what he thought the Party was about, Winston thought it was about noble ends secured corruptly O'Brien corrected him

Aggie said...

"It can be dizzying, for an outsider, to see the Democratic Party and its allied institutions walk in lockstep — promoting a fiction that Biden 'passed the torch' voluntarily suspending scrutiny of Harris’s policy positions, reveling in emotions and 'vibes.'
" Yes, well he misspelled 'disgusting', there, fourth word. And he also mischaracterized de Tocqueville's clear criticism as 'explaining', diluting it down so it could be misconstrued as supportive.

However much you hate modern journalism, it ain't enough.

narciso said...

interestingly generations later john hurt who was the victim in the '84 version, at the hands of Richard Burton was the grand inquisitor in V for Vendetta,

Butkus51 said...

never look for honesty from a commie

Leland said...

Inga agrees? Isn’t she the fool that thinks Trump committed felony fraud by preventing an election in NY? The DNC just threw out the primary election results in NY, meaning the primary there was a fraud, and it means nothing to Inga? Clown nose on, clown nose off. If it is all what the Party bylaws say, than stuff your “Democratic norms” were you tossed the primary votes. And recant your BS that States had the right to remove Trump from Republican primary ballots. Ponder no longer why people call you liars.

Peachy said...

Dear Lying Lair who Lies - TrumpHate Cult is the actual cult. You lying liar.

Kevin said...

we put the country before party.

And yet Biden is still left running the country.

Peachy said...

Inga and the corrupt media left sure do follow orders. Why don't you READ the Heritage Foundation's list of recommendations. They have been doing this since the 1980's.

gilbar said...

Inga? help me out here..
IF the Democrats had put party first, would they have kept Biden?
(Biden was no longer capable of the task of leading the country for another 4 years, or win an election)

Are you Really Saying, that IF the Democrats had put party first, they would have decided to LOSE the election? I'm not trying to put words into your mouth, or imply you're ignorant.. But i AM trying to see what you think they'd have done "party first" ???

Leland said...

More DNC fraud:
“ The Harris/Waltz campaign kicked out patrons at
@primantibros at 4PM to bring in staged “customers” for Kamala’s visit tonight. Trump supporters gathered next door to properly welcome their fake campaign to Allegheny County!”

Aggie said...

Destroying Democracy to save it, amirite?
1. Tell us about how Joe decided not to run for re-election.
2. Tell us about the Democrat Party's primary process, and how it worked this time compared to past elections.
3. Explain how this was putting 'country before party'.

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

Here is a list of 2525 Project wish-list Items - for the American People.
The list terrifies the Left.

-Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
-De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
-Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
-Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
- Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
-Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
- Ban biological males from competing in women's sports

n.n said...

The Democratic/dictatorial duality... progression is an ass.

hombre said...

Igna @ 12:06: Democrat self righteousness, denial, hypocrisy, lust for power, viciousness and underlying it all, evil, are on display in that post. Thanks, Ig!

Diamond said...

"Another Trump presidency, with his Project 2025 associations, is Another Trump presidency, with his Project 2025 associations, is an existential threat to democracy.."

And what do you do to an existential threat to democracy? You stop it by any means possible.

That's the kind of rhetoric that incites the crazies.

Inga said...

Where in the Constitution does it direct how a political party must choose their nominee? Democrats understand what is at risk and to pretend that you are concerned that the primary process did not happen as it usually does this election for Democrats is so disingenuous. I suggest you do as Tim Walz says when it comes to how the Democratic Party makes decisions. Mind your own damn business. Pay attention to what your Republican Party is doing, or failing to do.

Peachy said...
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mccullough said...

Biden is a Quitter. Kamala is a Moron.

That is all we know on earth and all we need to know

PM said...

The 'difficult decision' the Democrats made, as claimed earlier in this thread, was not to dump Joe. They were forced to dump Joe because Joe displayed his cognitive inability on national TV. Had he not given up the scam, they would've run him again. Kamala was handy and a woman of color. A two-fer! So they threw her a helmet and pushed her onto the field. She will fumble.

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

Curious why this keeps getting "disappeared" ???

List of 2525 Project wish-list Items - for the American People.
Caution: The list terrifies the Left.

-Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens.
-De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ.
-Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices.
-Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation.
- Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress.
-Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments.
- Ban biological males from competing in women's sports.

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...
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Peachy said...
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narciso said...

that seems rather uncontroversial, some thing are probably debatable,

narciso said...

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Trump is the same thing, guys. The Republican party is a vehicle for electing Trump, and when, win or lose, he's gone, everyone is going to suddenly believe in something else. I hope it's something else, and not just another someone else.

Aggie said...

" I suggest you do as Tim Walz says when it comes to how the Democratic Party makes decisions. Mind your own damn business....". Why Inga - are you just a Good German, after all? Isn't the Democrat Party a public charter? A transparent function?

narciso said...

you would think that, but in practice the Party works against the working class members

Michael said...

Oh, c'mon. Kamala Harris has always been a thoughtful, inspiring leader.

And Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia.

Iman said...
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Iman said...

A mindless attempt at excusing the incompetence and lies of the Left.

Vote for a change from the party that only makes untenable promises, lies with every statement made and that delivered the misery millions of Americans have experienced these last 3.5 years… say “oh, Hell no!” to the Democrats.

Iman said...

Drunken, low-T sod of a governor.

Iman said...

Your heads up your holiest of holes, moly.

Anagram Margana said...

It's emblematic that what was taken from him illicitly was obtained by him illicitly. He got no respect and he merited none.

Rabel said...

"So the question whether the Democratic Party’s switcheroo reflects a triumph for democracy or a dystopian exercise of political command-and-control misses the point, because those two aren’t mutually exclusive."

That's one way of looking at it. Seems to me that they are mutually exclusive, but absurd and illogical justifications are sometimes necessary for the common good.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Dems can readily "suspend[] scrutiny of Harris’s policy positions" because the party is no longer interested in persuasion. In fact, it has become essentially fascist. Whatever the party leaders decree becomes "the truth" and everyone who doesn't wish to become an enemy of the party is expected to conform to and obey that "truth." It is entirely an "us"-vs.-"them" proposition, and the party leaders have exclusive authority to define who belongs in each group. Enemies are deemed unworthy of even living their lives in peace, let alone succeeding and thriving in an American society controlled by dems.

Inga may like to pretend -- that is, lie even to herself -- that she had a say in what she portrays as a collective, unanimous decision to dump Biden and install Harris. It is as if a random Soviet citizen in 1940 claimed to have been part of a "difficult decision" to put country first and have Trotsky assassinated in Mexico.

Leland said...

We are paying attention to what the RNC is doing. Most of us voted in the Primary, and if the results didn’t go our way, we accepted them without throwing out the results we didn’t like.
Personally, I’ve read what Project 2025 wants to do. As Mary Beth notes, it is nothing but a think tanks opinion, which is meaningless. In this case, it is also stupid at the detail level, so I’m glad that Trump has rejected it. You do know Trump rejected the Project 2025 proposal and his name isn’t on it anywhere? Perhaps you don’t know because as you lie, you believe the lies you are told so easily.

JIM said...

A Republic form of government protects the rights of the Minority from the potential tyranny of the Majority.
A Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.
A Republic is dependent on ethical, moral people.
The 2020 election was the last election in America. Now we are just going through the motions as if nothing unseemly or irregular happened that fateful night.
Judges intervened beforehand in several states, but would not hear a single argument after there were allegations and motions filed.
Instead of the Kabuki theatre J6 House Committee hearings, there should have been Committee hearings doing audits.
And can someone tell me why some J6 defendants were denied bail?

Sebastian said...

Tocqueville was talking about the system as a whole, not the internal machinations of a political party, so the article's premise is BS.

There's nothing dizzying about Dem operations as such. They function as a party, they have leaders, they ruthlessly keep their eyes on the prize, and they have mostly willing sheep as their base. The quick turn of the "allied" institutions is a bit dizzying, though not surprising: within weeks of resisting any aspersions on Joe's cognitive ability, they all treat the problem as obvious, and after years of being dismissed as a dysfunctional moron, Harris is now the inspiring joyful leader. The speed and coordination of the propaganda are impressive.

JIM said...

You are right. They can do as they please. I just wish they would stop telling me they are "saving democracy" when they in fact tossed Democracy in the trash can to get rid of Biden, and then blatantly installed Kamala.
That's hypocritical right?

narciso said...

yes and their prize is the looting and immiseration of the people, others distract themselves with minutia,

JIM said...

The only way Kamala wins is by the same modus that Biden "won", election cheating.
In 2019, Harris entered one primary contest, lost badly, quit the race in humiliation. Then, miraculously, was resurrected by Biden as his affirmative action VP pick.
You people are swell.
Make another batch of that dissonance kool aid.

FullMoon said...

It is obvious Bidens' debate fiasco is what killed him. What is obvious to many of us is that he was set up by his handlers to look even more incompetent than usual.
He was definitely drugged. In none of his appearances since the debate has he looked so stupified. And immediately after debate, as planned, MSM was all over his ass about how terrible he was.
MSM job is has been to protect Biden by explaining away his f-ups . "Clarifying his remarks" constantly.
I had previously believed the handlers accidentally screwed up his dosage. Now observing the aftermath, it was done on purpose, without any doubt.

William50 said...

Inga said, "Another Trump presidency, with his Project 2025 associations, is an existential threat to democracy."

existential threat to democracy.

I keep reading that phrase from people on the left but they never define it or explain how Trump is a threat. He was President for 4 years and as far as I can tell we still have our democratic Republic. So why is he a threat now when he wasn't during his term in office. Maybe you could help me and list 5 specific things he has done that is the basis for the threat.

Rabel said...

This is a surprisingly neutral fact check on many of the lies and distortions pushed by Harris.

I say surprising because it's from ... the BBC!

I follow their coverage of Trump sometimes and usually it's simply MSNBC with extra toff sprinkles on top.

It's missing the "very fine people" lie but, still, it's from the Beeb!

Maynard said...

Dems can readily "suspend[scrutiny of Harris’s policy positions" because the party is no longer interested in persuasion. In fact, it has become essentially fascist. Whatever the party leaders decree becomes "the truth" and everyone who doesn't wish to become an enemy of the party is expected to conform to and obey that "truth."

Well stated.

I am reminded of the Kavanaugh hearing and Sen. Cory Booker defending CBF by repeatedly stating that she was sharing "her truth".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well you can believe the pile of horseshit Inga is shoveling or your own eyes: project2025.truth

Charlie said...

Democrats don't turn on you when you are a liar or a crook; they turn on you when you are a loser.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What democracy? As she and Earnest have lectured us over and over about Democrats being able to do what they damn please and fuck the voters over. Did she vote in the primary? Does she care her vote was ignored? No. Power is all they care about, as clearly expressed by their shameless posts followed by hiding behind the constitution.

Well if the DNC is a private organization that can do as it pleases it can also go extinct like many private entities do. What it cannot do is expect the powers of the state to accrue to it by fiat, by right, when they won't put a candidate up to a vote except when they change the rules suddenly or can count behind closed doors.

A reckoning is coming.

narciso said...

Holy Moly! said...

Obviously, I am not wrong.

William50 said...

Holy Moly! said...

The Dems are acting like a political party. The Republicans, on the other hand, have become a cult of personality party.

Well I guess I only have one thing to say in reply, Obama.

Full disclosure, I am NOT a Republican.

Inga said...
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n.n said...

The Democratic axis is queerly diverging.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Inga said, "Another Trump presidency, with his Project 2025 associations, is an existential threat to democracy."

Listen, It is enough effort to cut and paste the talking points. You can't really expect substantiation of the allegations from these buffoons.
Public schools, you know.

Inga said...

Watch: 14 Hours of Never-Before-Published Videos From Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy

“ProPublica and Documented obtained more than 14 hours of never-before-published videos from Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, which are intended to train the next conservative administration’s political appointees “to be ready on day one.”

Project 2025, the controversial playbook and policy agenda created by the Heritage Foundation and its allies for a future conservative presidential administration, has lost its director. In recent weeks, it faced scathing criticism from both Democratic groups and former President Donald Trump, whose campaign has tried to distance itself from the effort.

But Project 2025’s plan to train an army of political appointees who could battle against the so-called deep state government bureaucracy remains on track. Video trainings like these are one of the “four pillars” of that plan, says Spencer Chretien, the associate director of Project 2025, in “Political Appointees & The Federal Workforce.”

For transparency, we are publishing the videos as we obtained them.”

Michael K said...

The dullard does not even realize she is in a cult.

Michael K said...

Republican voters have pretty much tossed out the "Republican Establishment." Unlike the Democrats.

Michael K said...

New trolls are best ignored.

Earnest Prole said...

If that doesn't trouble you, do some reading using the keyword Hypocrisy

American political parties exist to launder hypocrisy. Only a child would be troubled by that.

Michael K said...

I suspect this will be a pattern, just like her explaining space to those child actors.

minnesota farm guy said...

I hate to agree with Earnest prole, but the reality is that the parties for most of their history nominated their candidates at the convention. Primaries are relatively recent - since WWII. One can rightly accuse the Dems of changing the rules of the game in the third quarter, but that really is their prerogative. It's that they are such a bunch of self-righteous cheats that it is hard not to take a swipe at them when they change the rules in the middle of the game.

Michael K said...

Inga is eager to adopt conspiracy theories if they are from the left. Like the Russia hoax.

tcrosse said...

Trump-hatred is a cult of anti-personality. Trump is the Democrats' Emmanuel Goldstein.

n.n said...

The Democratic ass sitting on its tuffet braying, lying with diverse equitable inclusion.

Iman said...

Go get ‘em, inga. Bless your heart…

Mason G said...

"It can be dizzying, for an outsider, to see the Democratic Party and its allied institutions walk in lockstep — promoting a fiction that Biden 'passed the torch' voluntarily..."

"Dizzying"? For anyone with the sense that God gave a goose, that's just silly. The Democratic party leadership could hand out shit sandwiches at their convention and people like Inga would be excited to tell everyone how nutritious they are.

n.n said...

#HateTrumpsLove #HateLovesAbortion

Michael Fitzgerald said...

What made German citizens devout Nazis? What made people become devout communists? Probably a similar answer to what makes American citizens Democrat Party members.

Marcus Bressler said...

OMG. Inga pushes the 2025 plan first without mentioning Trump's opposition to it, then actually includes that in her second "scary scenario" post about it. Let me quote the Dems: "It's a Nothingburger.". I haven't read much of it because Trump declined to endorse it. It Classic example of a Straw man argument.

Peachy said...

Inga- LOL.
Oh no! How dare they! Only the corrupt left are allowed to do things.

Inga said...

“Trump has publicly rejected Project 2025 as Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has sought to tie him to some of the plan’s most extreme proposals.

Vought said his group, the Center for Renewing America, was secretly drafting hundreds of executive orders, regulations, and memos that would lay the groundwork for rapid action on Trump’s plans if he wins, describing his work as creating “shadow” agencies. He claimed that Trump has “blessed” his organization and “he’s very supportive of what we do.”


Peachy said...

No - The left are the party of lies.
Trump ushered in the Abraham Accords - and last night Obama all but took credit for it.
No new wars under Trump.
War war war - Under Biden-Kamala.

I will hand it to the leftist production Team D- they know how to sell bullshit & lies -very well.

Peachy said...

Leland - Trump merely stated he did not write the 2525 plan. That's it. (which is factual)
The 2525 plan is from the Heritage Foundation. That's it.

Peachy said...

First - Everyone knows Pro-Publica is a leftist joke.
Second - there is nothing nefarious about people who work for Trump who might work for the Trump administration - being on board with the 2525 plan.

which again is as follows: (shake in dreadful fear - oh loyal leftist stooge)
2525 Project wish-list Items - for the American People.

-Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
-De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
-Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
-Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
- Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
-Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
- Ban biological males from competing in women's sports

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

Not only are the DEMOCRATS against the 2525 plan... they are AGAINST BASIC LAWS that would protect vote integrity by making sure ILLEGALS CANNOT VOTE.

james said...

Neither Ann, nor the person she quotes, nor the RW commentors contest any of your factual assertions, so its mystifying that you feel the need to make the comment. The opinion that "It doesn't matter if Joe Biden passed the torch voluntarily" is noticeably at odds with the fact that so many LWers lying about him leaving voluntarily. The dishonesty of the left is what is being commented on. Did you really not understand that, or are you lying when you act like you don't understand the point?

Freeman Hunt said...

It's a great time to listen to H.L. Mencken's Notes on Democracy.

Peachy said...

If Trump is for the 2525 plan === good. He should be.
Only Soviet a-holes on the corrupt left are afraid of it.

Peachy said...
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james said...

" wasn’t as important as the survival of the democracy."

Impossible to reconcile the Dems professed concern for democracy with their repeated attempts to remove independent or third-party candidates from the general election ballot. Notice the Ds have tried to keep/remove Kennedy from the ballot in multiple states. Rs have not attempted to do so in any state. Democrat party bigwigs schemed to keep Bernie from winning the 2016 nomination. Republican big wigs, despite despising Trump even more than their democrat counterparts hated Sanders, made at most only feeble sounds about intervening and did nothing.

Leland said...

Dear corrupt;
I disagree with your explanation:

OldManRick said...

J6 defendants were denied bail so they couldn't walk through the congressional buildings escorted by the capitol police again. Didn't you know the extreme dangers in that?

Disparity of Cult said...

Also speculation that the Gaza hecklers at her rallies were staged.

Peachy said...

Again people - the 2525 plan is not the enemy.

Trump didn't write it - THE Heritage Foundation did. Like they have since the 1980s. It's basic common sense. It's standard conservative ideas. It's not controversial. Unless you are a didicated lying liar who lies - Soviet Democrat.
You and Trump should not let the corrupt left steam roll you. wake up.

You can find a link to it on Heritage Foundation's website. READ IT.
Good gravy - Trump SHOULD embrace it and F THE CORRUPT LEFT.

Peachy said...

The left are so embedded with lies - they cannot see reality. It's go-team-go - no matter how many lies are told.

n.n said...

Dictating a handmade tale for profit and pandering. That said, the climate is changing and American Civil Liberties Unburdened is a not a viable choice.

Peachy said...

Leland - wow - if true of Trump - that's really dumb of Trump. The Heritage Foundation wrote it. It's not controversial. Build the wall is now controversial to Trump? Well - OK then.

Peachy said...

Leland - the other big lie in that forbes article is that the 2525 plan discusses abortion in any way. It does not.

Peachy said...

The Truth About Project 2525

Mason G said...

"When did Trump says he is opposed to it?"

From USA Today:

“I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump wrote in a July 5 Truth Social post. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

Peachy said...

Debunking the Lies:
Project 2025 is a plan from Trump: FALSE

Terminate the Constitution: FALSE

Give the Government more power over your daily life: FALSE

Gut democratic checks and balances on presidential power: FALSE
Civil Rights

Ban books and curriculum about slavery: FALSE

Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges: FALSE

End civil rights: FALSE

End DEI protections in government: TRUE

Promote and expedite capital punishment: TRUE
Military & Veterans

Cut military benefits for veterans and service members including housing, TRICARE, retirement, and secondary education: FALSE

Marriage & Family
End no-fault divorce: FALSE
End “marriage equality”: FALSE
Complete ban on abortions without exceptions: FALSE
Ban contraceptives: FALSE
Condemn single mothers while promoting only “traditional families”: FALSE

Outlaw pornography: TRUE [me - ok this one is dumb]

Health Care
End the Affordable Care Act: FALSE
Raise prescription drug prices: FALSE

End free and discounted school lunch programs: FALSE
Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools: TRUE
Shut down the Department of Education: TRUE
Economy & Workers
Cut Social Security: FALSE
Eliminate unions and worker protections: FALSE
Raise the retirement age: FALSE
Cut Medicare: FALSE
Mass deportation of illegal immigrants: TRUE

Mason G said...

The 2525 plan? Didn't Zager and Evans have something to say about that in the '60s?

The Godfather said...

Sounds good to me!
I find this "reply" format hard to follow. Does anyone here (perhaps other than "Inga") disagree?

Freeman Hunt said...

" quickly reaches the limit of his capacity for taking in actual knowledge, remains capable for a long time thereafter of absorbing delusions. What is true daunts him, but what is not true finds lodgment in his cranium with so little resistance that there is only a trifling emission of heat. ... The thinking of what Charles Richet calls Homo stultus is almost entirely in terms of palpable nonsense. He has a dreadful capacity for embracing and cherishing impostures. His history since the first records is a history of successive victimizations—by priests, by politicians, by all sorts and conditions of quacks. His heroes are always frauds. In all ages he has hated bitterly the men who were labouring most honestly and effectively for the progress of the race. What such men teach is beyond his grasp. He believes in consequence that it is unsound, immoral and of the devil." - H.L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy

Earnest Prole said...

The dishonesty of the left is what is being commented on. Did you really not understand that, or are you lying when you act like you don't understand the point?

I’m shocked, shocked to find dishonesty in American politics.

You do realize a majority of Americans are neither Democrat nor Republican and couldn’t give a shit about how the parties choose their candidates.

Peachy said...

The only dumb thing in 2525 - is the desire to ban porn. Stupid.
The rest of it is all common scene/ anti-leftist-totalitarian stuff.

Peachy said...

Debunking the Lies about Project 2525

Peachy said...

From Project 2525's own web-site:
"Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to abolish the Deep State and return government to the people. It was stood up in 2022, before any major candidate announced a campaign, to assist the next conservative president.

Project 2025 is not partisan, nor is it secret. Project 2025 does not speak for any candidate or campaign, in any capacity. We are an open book, with our materials available online. "

That's crazy!

Chuck Schumer, Pelosis, Clintons, Adam Schitt, Maddow, & the on-air talent at
Micro-SoftNBC/Soviet TV - all lose their minds!

Peachy said...

I see my posts are disappearing again.
The Truth About Project 2025

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

Inga - Project 2525 is on-line and available to read. Why don't you read it - instead of regurgitating the left's hysterical lies?
[ooo there's that BS leftist word again "Shadowy!" ]

Peachy said...

BTW - Inga - You should be happy Trump said he doesn't like Project 2525.
What a relief - right? Or are you inconsistent with your BS?

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...
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OldManRick said...

For all or the 1900's and most of the 1800's, after a president had served his term, he retired and did not seek to control his party or influence the actions of his successors. The Bushes, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Eisenhower, Truman, Reagan all basically retired and with them went their hand picked staff. Their opponents, in most cases, also let go of control of their respective parties after they lost and allowed the next candidate to staff his own presidency or campaign. This continued in this century with the minor exceptions of Clinton, whose wife tried to take over the party and GWBush who depended heavily on his father's advisors.

Until Obama came along. Obama had his eight year term to "fundamentally" change the United States. But instead of retiring in peace to allow the next person to take over, we now see him as a shadowy back room presence continuing his policies and pulling strings through the staffing of his successors and the semi-puppets that are the democrats presidential candidates.

I put it to you which is the greater existential threat to democracy. A man who will not be eligible to become president again after serving another four years and a party that openly choses a new presidential candidate or a party that selected and foisted Biden on us to allow Obama's people to continue his policy and now wants to install another semi-puppet candidate with the same staff and goals as Obama. Remember many of the goals of this current administration like open borders, men in women's sports, and forced energy conversion to electric cars are not supported by the majority of Americans.

RMc said...

The 2525 plan? Didn't Zager and Evans have something to say about that in the '60s?

I interviewed Denny Zager a while back and asked him if it ever bothered him that he and Evans only had the one hit. He replied, "We only had one hit, but it was a good one!:

Peachy said...
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The Godfather said...

Pardon an old fart, but please read through.
The first Presidential Election I remember was 1952 -- I was 9 so I couldn't vote (I'm sure Kamala would change that) -- but my parents, both Republicans, told me that when the Democrats nominated Stephvenson, after the Republicans had nominated Ike, then "the American people couldn't lose". They were probably right.
The first Presidential election that I paid much attention to, 1960 between Kennedy and Nixon, I still couldn't vote, but I liked Nixon and thought Kennedy was young and shallow.
The first Presidential election I could vote in, 1964 , Johnson v, Goldwater, you remember the old line "They told me if I voted for Goldwater, we'd be stuck in a land war in Asia, and I did, and we were." True.
In the decades since then, I have from time to time voted for Democrats for State or Local offices. But almost always Republican.
Recently, in the 2016 primaries I voted for "anybody but Trump". I thought he was loser. I was wrong.
Yes. Biden won in 2020.
But the world knew he would lose this year. So the Democrats dumped Biden and replaced him with a candidate who couldn't have won a contested nomination.

Peachy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

A political party, the democraticals, have made "Saving democracy" and "count every vote" (including illegal votes) a centerpiece of their rhetorical campaigning for almost a decade now.

When that party then chooses to rig 3 primaries in a row and toss out the 14 million votes of their own primary voters in 2024 while publicly advancing commie policies, its certainly valid to point and laugh at them and point out their hypocrisy.

No matter how angry that makes you and causes you to leap forth once again to white knight for the democraticals whenever they do something dumb and easily mockable.

Strange. In thinking back over your many Look At Me I Am Above All This! posts, I cant recall a single instance when you offered that up when some republicans or especially Trump said or did something mockable. it appears to be a deflection tool you use only to deflect for the the dems.


Peachy said...

So Inga - you hysterically recited the leftist lies about Project 2525. Now you say Trump rejected it. Shouldn't that make you happy??? Trump rejected it! Rejoice... and be filled with Joy - you old cow.

Lilly, a dog said...

My favorite part of "Project 2525" is that it causes "Dear corrupt left"'s posts to disappear from her view, even though everyone else can still see them.

It's always entertaining to see someone go nutso on the Althouse blog.

narciso said...

Lazarus said...

Tocqueville was talking about democracy. By the 1830s the gentlemen weren't in charge anymore and people who had to work for a living had the vote and expressed their political opinions. They had to worry about what their neighbors thought of them, so it's likely that they couldn't have the wide range of opinions that wealthy gentlemen might have had a generation before. That doesn't have anything to do with what's going on at the DNC. Better to look to 20th century tactics and strategies of opinion manipulation, both in totalitarian and non-totalitarian societies.

Peachy said...

Blogger is owned by Google? Right? Why the post-disappearing act? Something touch a neerve?

Lazarus said...

To say that Democrats put country before party is silly. Biden was taking their party to defeat. They got rid of him. Now they can pretend that they are opening a new chapter of history and bringing hope to the country, and they may even win. That's not putting country before party.

Peachy said...

How would I know that - it I cannot see the posts?

Peachy said...

Imagine a nation with a valid, functioning, non-corrupt media.

Mason G said...

"When that party then chooses to rig 3 primaries in a row and toss out the 14 million votes of their own primary voters in 2024 while publicly advancing commie policies, its certainly valid to point and laugh at them and point out their hypocrisy."

That's what I was thinking. If the Democrats want to screw over their membership, that's up to them and their members. However, the Democrats haven't been shy about expressing concern of threats to "Our Democracy" by those who are not Democrats.

That being the case, I think it's more than fair for non-Democrats to say "WTF is your fake concern with democracy all about anyway, when you clearly don't believe in democracy in running your own party?"

Rusty said...

So. Are you saying, Dear corrupt left, that the other side doesn't want any of those things? They don't want a secure, prosperous and healthy democracy?

loudogblog said...

The Democrats cannot celebrate Harris' takeover without admitting that they were all complicit in covering up for Biden's obvious dementia.

loudogblog said...

The vast majority of people in a cult will never admit the possibility that they're in a cult. As they say, it's much easier to fool people than convince people that they've been fooled.

loudogblog said...

If a Republican had fumbled the roll call for Trump's nomination, Inga would be crowing about it. If it weren't for double standards, the far left would have no standards at all.

Also, after seeing Hillary, Pelosi and Harris be sloppy and incoherent in public, I suspect that alcohol consumption is quite high with the Democrat elite.

Oso Negro said...

Zager and Evans were optimists:

In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today
In the year 4545
You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to chew
Nobody's gonna look at you
In the year 5555
Your arms hangin' limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin' to do
Some machine's doin' that for you
In the year 6565
You won't need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
In the year 7510
If God's a coming, He oughta make it by then
Maybe He'll look around Himself and say
Guess it's time for the judgment day
In the year 8510
God is gonna shake His mighty head
He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been
Or tear it down, and start again
In the year 9595
I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain't put back nothing
Now it's been ten thousand years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through
But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight
So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday
In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find

Drago said...

For some odd reason, calling out such democratical hypocrisy and foibles always triggers Earnest Prole into deflection/minimization commemtary that he does not ever seem to offer up in reverse scenarios. even though he declares himself to be a sort of Mr Super Duper Neutral Middle Of The Roader Just Calling Balls And Strikes Here dude.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Bad dog!

Robert Cook said...

Statements by anyone in the Dem party hierarchy, including Harris, to the effect that Biden "passed the torch voluntarily" is simply a polite fiction, known by all to be fiction, not expected to be accepted as anything other than a fiction, put forth simply to provide a little dignity for Biden. It is just a matter of etiquette, like pretending an elderly family member did not actually pass wind at the dinner table. In the end, it is for the best, for Biden and the party and for the nation, if Harris is elected. (I don't know if Harris will be a good and effective president, if elected, but I do know she is the better choice over Trump, who seems to be falling apart by the day, and who wasn't fit for office even when not so muddled, as he has always been as ignorant and inept as he has been convinced of his brilliance.)

Michael K said...

We hope that the party will represent the voters, which it has not done in years.

Michael K said...

The Dullard quotes CNN as a source on Trump.

Michael K said...

There we have Cook's opinion on Trump. He's not sure Harris and Walz will be communist enough.

PM said...

It doesn't matter if Harris is effective or not, she won't really be in charge. The unelected team that ghosted for Biden will ghost for her. A sham and a scam.

Vance said...

So here's the thing: Inga, Robert Cook, Earnest, and the rest of the left are all about "The Democrat party can do what it wants! No need to respect the election!" which is true. Their party, they can choose to be fascists instead of democrats.

But then they scream that this election is too important to let Trump win... that they have to "Defend Democracy!". But we see that they hate it in their own party.

If they think that the end of "winning the presidency" justifies the means of "Canceling and throwing out the election" in their own party, do they have the same view for the general? Inga, what say you: if Trump wins the election will you demand that the Democrat party throw out the votes and install their choice for all of us, just like you did for your own party?

Jamie said...

It doesn’t matter if Trump denies knowing anything about this. One of the authors has said that while Trump is denying, they know he’s really with them. It’s on a video, words right from the mouth of one of the leaders.

Are you sure, Inga?

Let's take an example from this very blog. As we all know, Robert Cook is at least a Socialist, possibly a Marxist. (Cook, feel free to jump in if I've got this wrong - I know you vote Green and my recollection is you have stated your affinity for at least socialism and your rejection of membership in the Democrat party.) You say that you're just an ordinary Democrat. If Cook said that while you deny you're a Marxist, you're really with him, would that make your claim about yourself any less truthful?

Jamie said...

Were "you," Democrats that is, putting country before party when "you" lied about the mental and physical capacity of the President of the United States for the past at least two (I believe the evidence indicates four) years? How was that putting country before party? There was - self-evidently, apparently - an absolutely viable second in command available - Michelle Obama said last night that Harris was one of THE most qualified people EVER to run for the presidency. So how is it that when Biden's obvious deficits first became undeniable (well before the debate - check the references to "President Roomba" for instance), the Democrats didn't simply pressure him to resign and allow their now-favored candidate to take the reins? Country before party, after all.

But no. With Biden making an utter fool of himself all over the world, the Democrats decided, "We can still make this work - let's pretend he's still viable and close off the primary process." Which they did.

It wasn't until FIFTY MILLION people watched him, live on television, freeze and mumble and splutter in ways that caused even the hardest heart to quail at the elder abuse that had obviously been taking place for God knows how long, that Democrats finally decided to "put country before party" by throwing their old, lame, blind, half-witted (but God knows ever faithful - to the party) dog out into the cold and replace him, without recourse to their voters, with the VP who had, until literally the day before the replacement, been the least popular person ever to hold that office.

Sure, you keep telling yourself it was a patriotic move.

Oso Negro said...

The Democrats speak of defending “our democracy”, by which they means “theirs”, not “ours” in terms of all American citizens. It is their grift, their Macguffin, their guiding principle - power for their party over all other considerations. It is wickedness, and can be perceived so by any intelligent, honest person. They have long since choked the life out of the old Republic.

walter said...

Inga said...
Democrats made a difficult decision, we put the country before party. They/we know this election needs to be won, so much is at stake.
Mere moments after endlessly defending a demented pedo.
Fuck your attempt at high ground.
And get back to administering rape kits at your Kamalist enabled migrant hostel.

walter said...

Also, instead of parroting outrage re project 2025, do your link magic to what you view so antithetical to "Democracy".

gadfly said...

Tocqueville described small-d democratic deliberation like this: “As long as the majority is still undecided discussion is carried on; but as soon as its decision is irrevocably pronounced, a submissive silence is observed, and the friends, as well as the opponents, of the measure unite in assenting to its propriety.”

Sounds right to me - it certainly isn't the wrong way to go. What is wrong is the already written 2025 Project initiated by Trump Republicans that will eliminate small-d democracy all together.

The 922-page plan proposes a dramatic expansion of presidential power and a plan to fire as many as 50,000 government workers to replace them with former President Donald Trump loyalists who will carry out a hard-right agenda without complaint, according to the Associated Press.

Vance said...

So what is not democratic about the winner of the election actually getting to implement his policies and get staff that will support him?

Or do you insist that leftist policies must be implemented regardless of what the people vote for? In which case aren't you the one erasing democracy?

Rusty said...

In Ingas case It's a very short walk.

Rusty said...

You can't address the issues. You have to let your emotions guide you. There's a good beta male.

GTMAC said...

I prefer to think of it as they "grabbed the torch from his bony old hands and beat him with it--as they whispered, thank you.""

Witness said...

oh no did they really persuade him instead of him deciding without any input from others? sounds awful

Zev said...

I have a different theory than Tocqueville, simply that the Democrats and their allied institutions are hopelessly corrupt and dishonest.

walter said...

Where does this quote come from, Jabfly?
"The 922-page plan proposes a dramatic expansion of presidential power and a plan to fire as many as 50,000 government workers to replace them with former President Donald Trump loyalists who will carry out a hard-right agenda without complaint, according to the Associated Press."

walter said...

"One of the authors has said that while Trump is denying, they know he’s really with them. It’s on a video, words right from the mouth of one of the leaders."
Oh, mistress of linking, where are your links?

walter said...

i.e. fig leaf for a demented "Pedo Pete", mob transferred power to knee pads Harris.

Marcus Bressler said...

If it comes from the AP, I must first assume it to be fake news, then try to research it to see what the truth is

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