From "RFK Jr. to endorse Trump, court filing says" (WaPo).
I'm very interested in hearing RFK Jr. explain — with precision — how one goes from where he's been to supporting Trump.
ADDED: Here's his full speech, which I thought was excellent:
From the transcript:
The DNC dragged us into court state after state.... It deployed DNC-aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw president Trump in jail. It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden, then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor also without an election. They installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.
My uncle and my father both relished debate. They prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic. How are people to choose when they don't know who they are choosing? And how can this look to the rest of the world?
My father and my uncle were always conscious of America's image abroad because of our nation's role as the template for democracy, the role model for Democratic processes, and the leader of the Free World. Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon... well, nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates. Only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus....
How did the Democratic party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle? We know the answer. They did it by weaponizing the government agencies. They did it by abandoning democracy. They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters. What most alarms me isn't how the Democratic party conducts its internal affairs or runs its candidates. What alarms me is the resort to censorship and media control and the weaponization of the federal agencies when a US president colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech. It's an attack on our most sacred right of free expression and that's the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest....
1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»Even more interesting than what RFK says was his journey will be how RFK's running mate, a hardcore Silicon Valley leftist, also made the journey to endorse Trump.
I believe the answer in both cases has been the utter fascist behavior on the part of the Democrat party in trying to keep them as well as Trump off of ballots and prevent any actual Democracy.
The Democrats have acted not so much like Communists or Fascists, but more like Mafiosi. Who better than Pelosi to act as Godmother?
He's always supported the same ideas as Trump: Truth Justice and the American way.
The brain worm guy called Harris and asked for a job. She told him to f--- off. Nuff said.
RFK with a total tear down of the dems and their media allies. Which none of them will hear, let alone think and act upon.
"The Democrats conspired with the deep state to rule America forever. They implemented a totalitarian system of mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda for that reason.
They made deals with the owners of big tech to safeguard their monopolies in exchange for integration into the surveillance and censorship state. They control the media and most online channels. They want to disarm the citizens, ban independent crypto and install a state controlled blockchain with a social score system to keep the public under control. You won’t have means to pay for anything if you disobey.
They imported millions of new voters through open borders and propped up the LGBTQ movement to stay in power. 86% of LBGTQ vote Dems and close to 100% of legalized immigrants will vote for the party that pays and protects them and not for the party that wants to deport them.
The Democrats want absolute power. They will execute this plan by all means. If they fail they will face serious consequences. They fear Trump and his revenge. But most of all they fear the American people when the inevitable economic collapse arrives. The elites, their puppet politicians and the media propagandists will be pay with their blood for ruining the United States.
Living the rest of their days in a 5-star nuclear bunker and blaming Putin for the end of the world may be the best of their options.
The worst is yet to come."
-Kim Dot Com
Don't worry Bobby, they're extremely good at killing Kennedys now. They've had plenty of practice, and they won't miss like they missed Trump.
Up your security Bobby, and I'd avoid the Secret Service like the plague if I were you ;-)
"but more like Mafiosi"
More like? They ARE the mob.
It there was ever a person who epitomizes “the democrat party left me”, it’s RFK Jr.
I'm very interested in hearing RFK Jr. explain — with precision — how one goes from where he's been to supporting Trump.
RFKJr's Vice Presidential Candidate, Nicole Shanahan, lays it out right here.
allegedly according to peter evans it was aristotle onassis who underwrote the operations, sirhan being a cutout employed by a mob boss demarouss, (sic)
yes much like the LDP which was founded by leading A level war criminals like Kodama and Sasagawa, except they were of notably center right formulation
He declared that "climate change deniers" should be imprisoned. He's a spoiled, authoritarian Democrat Party member who is supporting Trump only because he is butthurt the Party tried to whack his candidacy.
I explained that Putin’s victory had been rigged, thanks to the Kremlin’s control over the media, its quelling of the opposition, the disqualification of popular opposition candidates such as Alexei Navalny, and restrictions on election monitors. -- HR McMaster
By the same standards, so has every recent Presidential election in the US, including this one...
Not so fast.
It is being reported that the price for RFK’s endorsement is that Trump must denounce Operation Warp Speed.
RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard (who ran against Kamala in the last actual primary) and Elon Musk. Trump three very prominent liberal democrats on his team because they fear what has happened to the Democrat party. RFK nailed it when he said this administration directly "led to the rise of BRICS and the loss of the US dollar as 'the reserve currency.'" That's on this crappy WH. He summed up the DNC succintly: "Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?"
except you can't feed your family with hate,
"Vow not to repeat Warp Speed" was how Ms. Shanahan put it. Of course Trump won't repeat it. He no longer trusts the "experts" who lied to him last time. That's an easy win. She didn't even ask for it to be public.
Trump will be joined by a Special Guest? At least RFK Jr. is actually in Arizona.
There's a great thing about being fooled once. It usually means it's harder to get fooled twice. Let's hope Trump keeps his fingers crossed behind his back when he makes verbal handshakes like this.
I want a 2nd term that is thoroughly ruthless. And if that means making promises that won't be kept to people that up until yesterday were your enemy, then so-fucking-be-it.
Yup. Trump should have his own which he did before being elected in 2016.
Last night a plausible rumor that GW Bush would speak for Kamala at the DNC. Today a Kennedy endorsing Trump.
Strange days indeed.
Look at the greatest trade ever made: Elon, RFK and Tulsi for Liz Cheney, Adam Kinsinger and "The Mustache" Bolton.
Easy to explain. Although Trump and RFK, Jr. may have some political differences, Bobby loves this country and knows that Kamela is unqualified to be POTUS. Also, there's a payback angle here. The Dems jerked him around and worked to keep him out of the primaries and off the ballot. This is his revenge.
Bobby will also get a job out of this. Amb. to the UK or maybe head of the FDA.
It isn't even much of an embarrassment to Trump. Trump supported and signed legislation for "Right to Try". I have no issues with supporting a rush operations for a vaccine for what is considered a deadly pandemic and letting those who want to try it do so. The overreach was making the vaccine mandatory, which was done by Biden/Harris, not Trump. In fact, Biden/Harris were both against the vaccine for months then they made it mandatory.
More RFK Jr.: "[The Democrats] became the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, and big money." To prove it, Pfizer just stepped up with $773,000 for Kamala.
Also Trump bent his knee at the altar of Brian Kemp. The message has gone out to all tRump Swabs - “Please communicate in both social media and interpersonal communications our Dear Leader’s high regard for Georgia’s excellent Governor. Remember, MAGA has always loved Brian Kemp.”
Word is that the communique is signed by Laura Loomer, Chief tRump Swab.
Beyoncé is Trump’s special guest
The dollar is still the reserve currency of the world although its role has diminished. If the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, then we are really fucked. I mean fucked big time.
that would be unlikely, as the georgia election board, realized there will be a more secure election,
The DNC/Intel cartel ran a lawfare sabotage campaign on RFK, Jr., similar to the one that they ran on Trump. Until the DNC/Intel cartel’s assassination attempt on Trump, they denied RFK SS protection in a transparent attempt to leave him open to assassination. Trump and RFK now have a unique bond.
It was a gutsy speech, but that is not something new to RFK Jr.. Some of what he said are things that Trump has talked about, but coming from a Kennedy- even one considered an outcast- it is strong. I think it'll be stunning IF seen by independent and some 'open' Democrat voters who have to question their party after how they have operated Joe Biden, and now Kamala Harris.
RFK Jr. appears to be keeping his campaign open, except for the swing states. He has already removed his name from the ballot in AZ and PA. I would expect WI, MI, GA, NV and possibly others to be done as well. And, he will be working with Trump to defeat the New Totalitarians that used to be the Democratic Party in the US.
There is simply no way someone of Kamala Harris' vacuousness and inability to even handle questions or debate should be allowed to lead the most powerful nation on earth. RFK Jr. clearly sees this and rightfully is alarmed by it. And he's taking action.
Who doesn't like a man of action?
@Dave Begley
Tanks, jets, guns, and bombs are not the weapons of global warfare. Finance is. Our greatest weapon has never been physical violence, we reserve that for countries that really flee the plantation. The dollar is our greatest weapon. Has been since before the second World War.
Our entire national debt is held almost exclusively by foreigners and foreign countries who hold it for no other reason than the full faith and confidence in the United States to be able to back it up with whatever is necessary.
If that slips even marginally (as we are starting to see now), we will literally be unable to finance the interest on that debt by orders of magnitude.
As you put it, "I mean fucked big time."
Previous polling suggested that RFK took away votes from Trump because those people refused to vote for Biden and a small percentage would otherwise consider Trump. I suspect the same dynamics are at work with Kamala-lala-dingdong.
However, I suspect that most RFK voters will either sit out the election or write in a third party. This is a small win for Trump. It is better than nothing, but it's not a whole lot more.
From X, @Wretchardthecat
"But what choice did the DNC really have? Once the game was to win at all costs they were committed to crushing all before the juggernaut.
It took them a month to twitch aside a sitting POTUS. Don't expect anyone to stop now. It's too late.
The only way to keep conflict from escalating and preserving the ROE is to make escalation unprofitable or so costly as to deter it. This implies only big policy rollbacks have any chance of stopping the runaway coach. Tinkering around the edges won't work.
This implies that future challenges to the DNC will be big, radical challengers. Not a Romney but a Trump on steroids. As the system rolls out of control an ever bigger brake is needed to slow it down. Donald was inevitable, seen in this light."
The ratchet of escalation only ever turns in one direction in the Prisoner's Dilemma. What would a "Trump on steroids" be to the democrats? Double Secret Hitler 2 - The Orange Fascist Boogaloo?
I’m think it’s probably huge, and just the start of the defections.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally.
Watched his speech. His primary motivation is to defeat what the democrat party has become.
Space Mountain - if the dollar crashes, won’t the debt be easy to service and even payoff, since it is a debt in dollars?
Any DC plumber could wheelbarrow his day’s wages over to the Chi-Com Embassy and pay that thing off.
Now what happens after that is, of course, problematic.
You can just feel the panic and angst AMDG is experiencing right now. Just like all globalist GOPe complete and utter democratical suckups.
I would be all in on RFK Jr being in charge of the FDA ….and then go after Anthony Fraudci with Rand Paul at RFK’s side.
As those that truly believe in classical liberalism should.
Yes, Kemp finally came out several weeks back with a much belated though welcome endorsement of Trump and public commitment to use his campaign and personnel structure in GA to support Trump.
Trump has returned the favor....thus upsetting, greatly, the pro-dem globalist GOPe sellouts like AMDG.
Thanks for playing AMDG! Now go sit with your democratical allies and continue your public wailing over classic real politik.
"Our entire national debt is held almost exclusively by foreigners and foreign countries"
That's not true. Foreign held debt is about 1/3 of the total, the rest is domestic.
I won't be the dollar crashing, but the USA's credit derivatives. American debt would become worse than would make Argentina's credit rating look positively AAA+.
But the real crisis is that so many other countries have hitched their wagon to our economy that we would drag them all down with us, including some of those supposed Chi-Coms and many many others if they happen to use US debt to prop up their own economies and especially currencies.
1929 was a truly global financial meltdown. Amplify that by about 1000x and you'll get a picture of the risk involved.
He mischaracterizes the democratic party of old but says the right things about the present version of the democratic party.
You're correct Chest. Typed that faster than my mind could check it. Most US debt serves as the foundation of most domestic investors portfolios.
I hadn't realized that Judge Doughty had found for Kennedy in his censorship suit against the Biden administration.
"The judge stated there was "not much dispute" that Kennedy and his organization, Children's Health Defense, were directly targeted by several government entities, including the White House, the Office of the Surgeon General, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)."
This is an example of what's motivating him to oppose Harris and the democrats. Censorship, jailing Trump, throwing him off state ballots. In a word, anti-democratic behavior.
I'm grateful there's no chance he'll be elected because his voice is complete nails on the chalkboard for me. It would be interesting to have him in the Govt somewhere as an actual independent thinker. As long as I don't have to hear him talk!
Watch the DNC turn on a dime and insist that RFK's name remain on the ballot.
The bottom line given in RFK's speech was that Trump believes in protecting free speech, while Kamala and Walz do not.
Plus the DNC ticked him off with all the lawfare and warmongering.
He still asked for votes in the safely-blue and -red states in hope of a contingent election; however, he's supporting Trump in the battleground states.
Operation Warp Speed wasn't the problem- the problem was always the mandates to take the jab for people as young as 5 years old. Trump did none of those things- it was Biden and the Democrats.
RFK, JR is doing the right thing. Opposing illegal, undemocratic systems means actively opposing them, even if it means supporting others regardless if you don't agree with everything they stand for. If you don't have the courage to defend the rights and freedoms in this country you don't deserve them. You can't just stand on the sidelines and go tsk, tsk. The Democrats have been emboldened every step of the way, and so you see them moving steadily forward in undemocratic activities. If they don't get spanked hard they will just keep going, cheered on by the useful idiots who would trade away their birth-right for a mess of pottage.
AMDG having a bad day, it seems.
Supporting trump seems like a no brainer to me. He doesn't want tyrants running government. And make no mistake, the democrat party, it's lawfare and it's propaganda arm ARE tyrants.
Wow- - get past the crackle-fry voice, she's clearly very emotionally affected by her experience. But yes, I think just a moment's reflection on the efforts that the Trump campaign made to influence Junior''s campaign, and how the Democrat campaign conducted themselves, makes it a quick insight.
Affordable, accessible, with informed choice, without Diversity, for all Americans.
I came here to write this exact comment.
I see a similarity between RFK Jr.'s reasoning and that of David French. Each are endorsing the side which is not closest to their own political outlook. French bases this entirely on what he thinks of Trump as a person. Sure, he extrapolates to what Trump would do if elected, but those things are entirely detached from what Trump actually did as president. In contrast RFK Jr. bases his decision entirely on the undemocratic and anti liberal actions of the Democratic party. RFK Jr. is based on reality, French's is based on mood.
Also, [ethnic] Spring! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. #HateLovesAbortion
From Instapundit: "RFK JR. SPEAKS: “Fun fact: almost all of the US media outlets cut their live coverage after he accused them of participating in government censorship.”"
I guess I have to give PBS credit. They played the whole thing.
Think about this. If the Democrat party wasn't so opposed to democracy and had let Bobby compete in the primaries, it might not ever have come to this.
If our capital (R)epublican political system is the end-all-be-all game that we say it is, that votes and voting are the pre-eminent way for the people to guide the country, then the only way to tell politicians and political parties that they have gone off the deep end is to punish them not just with abstention, but a vote for their opponent.
If democratic voters don't punish their party for betraying their values and even their own electorate, then no one will.
Haha, even RFKJ himself said that he tried to meet with the Harris campaign and they wouldn’t meet with him. Still believe it never happened?
What RFK Jr. has seen is a Democrat Party that rigged the primaries to protect Joe Biden from any serious challenge. Then engaged in endless law fare against his independent campaign to keep him off the ballot in every state (gee, why does that sound so familiar?), all the while denying him Secret Service protection. Then, the big donors and Pelosi/Schumer/Obama simply replace Biden with Kamala. I hope Trump gives him a big role in the campaign: his message about the deep corruption in the Democrat Party needs to be heard by every American voter.
The witch hunts, warlock trials, and Capitol punishment were becoming the Democrats. Placing Americans second, and third, selectively, is deplorable.
Going out as nutty as he came in. Vote for him in red and blue states. His poling indicates a 269-269 split, and he can get selected after that. I wonder what the future of his marriage to Camelot-loving Hines is. Is he moving on to his younger model running mate?
Bingo. But of course, that's what makes RFK, Jr. unforgivable in their eyes.
" However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. " - George Washington
Washington was might just be partisan acrimony and internal strife that served as the last nail in the (R)epublic's coffin.
Kennedy family response
It's tolerable if you don't also watch him. Then it's just a voice background.
This might be the thing that tips the election for Trump.
"Haha, even RFKJ himself said that he tried to meet with the Harris campaign and they wouldn’t meet with him. Still believe it never happened?"
Meeting with her does not imply supporting her. No one can listen to the bill of particulars he laid out against the democrats and believe he would support them.
That was just five people. And how do those people know that Trump betrays the values of the long-deceased JFK and RFK? Things have changed alot in the past five decades.
Haha, another new hero for Trumpublicans! All those who came before him, now left behind. Sad trombone.
The DNC/Intel cartel deliberately denied RFK, Jr. SS protection, leaving him open to assassination. It’s time for you to back off and examine your conscience. Why are you still endorsing political assassination?
Comrade Inga,
I do not understand why you are posting about RFK JR. You have already declared him a non-person because he is disloyal to The Party.
One must never be disloyal to The Party.
“My family's decision to put party before country is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. He once said 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country'. My family's treason is a sad ending to a once great and patriotic family, and they can all fuck off to the Hamptons and do whatever the fuck they do when they're not banging actresses or drowning members of the Kopechne family."
- Bobby Kennedy Jr. (allegedly)
Lots of great comments here.
shes a lazy udba drone, did her parents she would turn out that way,
Begley, come to what? Democrats want nothing to do with RFK. He’s all yours, lol.
oh good two guys now with brain worms. The double haters (trump/biden too old and too senile) no longer had that going as trump is the only senile old guy in now.)The double haters can now choose youth over old age.After Biden dropped out RFK down to about 2% and those folks who hated the OLD DUDES can now just vote JILL STEIN! TRUMP is a loser and will lose even worse this time bigly wait for the October surprise, Melody elopes with JD!(SEE ben and jlo)
She sure did.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter sarc
Both RFK Jr and Trump are blockchain currency friendly. Along with cabinet possibilities Musk and Vivek.
This is a long video, but RFK Jr. spells it out.
Mike (MJB Wolf)
"RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard (who ran against Kamala in the last actual primary) and Elon Musk. three very prominent liberal democrats "
three very prominent liberal democrats ?? What planet are you living on?
Fake news.
"how one goes from where he's been"
Althouse wants to know how RFK could be "unburdened by what has been".
Althouse is so in the tank for Kamala 😉
Bobby Jr. Is a plant. He's been sheep dipped and trained in counterintelligence ratfucking. You people are falling for a DNC mole. Tehehehehe
The odds of Trump and RFK newfound friendship surviving their first bump in the road is next to zero.
RFK has broken the rule of Omertà , which governs the Mafia. Anybody who does that is dead to Inga. Soon he might sleep with the fishes.
RFK Jr: "Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?"
"The DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself," said Kennedy. "Each time that our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot, the DNC dragged us into court, state after state, attempting to erase their work and disappear with the will of the voters, which signed those petitions."
Saving democracy.
This is really something. The Dems love them some Hamas supporters and antisemites bigly, but shun others of the traditional liberal left. They have truly lost their way. No moral compasses for sale at the DNC?
Not sure this endorsement means much. I suspect Trump already had the brain worm vote locked up.
DInky is mooning us, or something of equal intellectual weight.
What RFKJ said about people who live in red states
RFK Jr was a Democrat... Kennedy's WERE the definition of Democrat. Tulsi was a Democrat but in the mold of Leibermann. Musk was Mr. Electric car!
And the Democrat party ran all of them off because the Democrats have gone full communist.
RFKJ call climate deniers was criminals
You folks now have this guy on your hands, thank goodness. You’re welcome to him.
The bigger news is Trump openly coming out as pro-abortion: "My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights."
Note that Inga and the rest of the Harris mob are all singing from the same hymnbook: "Who cares if the Democrat party ran off RFK and acted the full Soviet? That's a Good Thing! We NEED to have the Party über alles! No dissent, no challenge, nothing but the Party forever!"
Inga, your party is throwing out the Kennedys! They are the historic embodiment of Democrats... and now they aren't "good enough" and you have to justify spying on them and using censorship against them.
Haha, even RFKJ himself said that he tried to meet with the Harris campaign and they wouldn’t meet with him. Still believe it never happened?
You keep insisting this is some sort of gotcha. It's not. Pissing off your potential allies - to the point where they join the other side - is stupid.
No wonder you think it's a some sort of dig at RFK. You really suck at politics.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. If my impression of Trump is correct, he'll play this like a champion.
Uh oh. Now Trump went and made the anti abortion contingent mad, lol.
RFK Jr. didn't call Harris asking for a job. He tried to reach out to her to see if they could find some consensus. Her campaign refused to talk with him. (So how do they know that he was asking for a job if they didn't even talk to him?)
This is another major misstep in the Harris campaign. She could have played nice with RFK Jr. and actually listened to him. That may have prevented him from endorsing Trump and shifting the RFK Jr. voters over to the Trump camp.
Kamala Harris callef Biden a racist. Welcome to politics Russia Russia Russia Hoax Dolt.
Non-combat "vet" and Stolen Valor Fan-boy Howitzer Howard has some thoughts.
Kennedy family response to RFKJ
Nevertrumpers are even dumber than Harris supporters.
I wonder why Inga thinks that someone reaching out to meet with the Harris campaign makes them a really bad person........I guess that some people don't see the value of discussion and negotiation. Harris' "my way or the highway" approach here has just cost her a lot of votes.
Maybe it's the kindred spirit derived from the CIA's attempts to kill Donald Trump and much of RFK's family.
Nobody cares about nevertrumps. You are a tiny and useless group of losers.
Interesting that Kennedy is pulling out of swing states but apparently staying on the ballot in other states.
One suspects thats going to upset the AMDG's even more in their quest to assist Team GOPe/Dem/left/Lawfare.
RFK is wrong that the dems suing to get him off the ballot is anti-democratic. Arrow's theorem proves that there can be no fair voting system. All the dems are trying to do is keep the vote 2-party instead of gaming it with RFK as a spoiler, the spoiler being one of the ways that our voting system can be gamed.
The 2-party majority can as easily be foiled as not with RFK drawing votes with no possibility of winning.
We the People are not being well served by the Dem party. The list of actions they pulled on RFKJ to stifle his candidacy is extremely anti-democratic, yet they claim to be the guardians of democracy. They’ve proven over and over that they are not.
RFK wants nothing to do with murderous fascist douchebags like Inga.
What we are seeing now is the Democrat party melting down and all of the traditional liberals leaving the party.
The only people left now are idiots and maoists like Inga who want Trump killed.
New Soviet Democraticals like Inga and Mutaman and Dumb Lefty Mark hate it when people become Refusniks and dare to defy the the same way they become spittle-flecked anger-balls when minorities dare to flee the New Soviet Democratical political plantation.
RFK Jr: Frog of a voice, worse than Carol Channing; yet washboard abs. It's a mood.
Mutaman through stupidity inadvertently highlights the maoist takeover of the democrat party.
Actually, the pro-Hamas islamic-supremacist allied New Soviet Democraticals would never be caught dead singing from a hymn book. Its the koran all the way for these cats now.
They don't have to be friends all Bobby has to do is draw votes.
No youre not c thomas howell
RFK Jr. has made the following claims:
Wi-Fi causes cancer and "leaky brain," Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan. Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing an assertion made by Alex Jones. AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times. I was going to skin and eat the roadkill bear I found, but instead I buried it in Central Park.
Is this really the guy you want to trot out on the national stage to endorse Trump right before the election?
Jaysus. You two are dumber than shit. Trumps stance vis a vis abortion has always been to let the states take care of it and if congreess decides to take it on he's for a 15 week limit. I sure hope you two have your name and phone number stitched in your clothes.
RFK’s comments about chronic illness in the US were powerful. Seeing him at HHS, Dept of Ag, FDA, or similar would be welcome.
“Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money wanting to abandon democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president.
I left the party to run as an independent...
The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for VP Harris based upon nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates. Only smoke and mirrors.”
"A Chicago circus that is based on NOTHING. Who needs a policy if you hate Donald Trump?"
Mike - The D party did whack his candidacy.
First RFK now this: A group called "Muslim Women for Harris-Walz" is disbanding. The group said the family of an Israeli hostage "has shown more empathy towards Palestinian Americans and Palestinians, than our candidate or the DNC has.”
They are no longer supporting Kamala Harris for President.
It’s time for Democrats to rethink their blind loyalty to their Party which really no longer represents the interests of rank and file Democrats.
They all explicitly said they have voted Democrat (until now) all their lives, and all three self-describe as "liberal." What are YOU talking about? Do you like Inga claim to know their hearts better than they themselves do?
The real question is, what the fuck has the Cabal done to your party?
When you dont bother to link the segment in question you look foolish
Trump literally just knocked the DNC's foil out of the race. He'll be forgotten in a month, but you'll still be yelling at clouds.
LLR-democratical lonejustice suddenly very very very concerned that a 1 to 3% shift in independent vote might "swing" Trump's way in a swing state.
We hear you LLR-democratical no doubt your comrades LLR-democraticals Chuck and Rich.
There's a good little fellow now. Have a pat on the top of your head!
I suspect the disregard for law, the anti-democratic actions taken in support of the Democrat putsch and the insanity displayed by the Biden-Harris administration in their priorities and policywas more than enough to trouble RFK Jr.
Before Trump's next term is over Inga will voluntarily be fitted for her Burka no doubt. Democrats have the baby-killer and Jew-killer voting blocs locked up.
Begley, come to what? Democrats want nothing to do with RFK. He’s all yours, lol
Who gained or lost votes with this move today, Inga? Trump or Harris?
It's as simple as that.
Babylon Bee: "Trump Adds A Kennedy In Hopes He Will Draw All The Sniper Fire"
He did say that their goals are to change the Electoral College math and if possible deny Kamala any chance at scoring the "popular vote" as well.
The reason some are saying Harris gave an inspired speech is that she said nothing. Absolutely nothing.
He was pulling close to 10% in some markets, which is about the standard portion of Democrats who think Elvis is still alive. It's obvious this scares you totalitarians shitless. He can claim he has a pet dragon for all I care as long as he endorses Trump. It's not like I have to hang out with him. You're candidate is endorsed by Hamas. Think about that.
Insightful Iman. Y'all been on a roll lately.
She could but she's dumb and can't even blame a brain worm. Sad!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Well Begley, Trump is not drug-addicted, has never drank alcohol and by accounts did not screw starlets in the Whitehouse. So yes, he does veer out of the classic Kennedy Lane somewhat, although their political leanings tend to line up around 98.5%
Trump already had millions more voters. This election was never going to turn on 1 million voters here there. It’s all about the mail in vote fraud now.
Even Snopes admits that Pelosi's father was a mobbed up Congressman.
That was a spellcheck problem. Not inspired but insipid.
Inga is A murderous Maoist. She doesn’t care about earning votes. She is happy to excommunicate anyone who does not to the party line.
Because in the end they can just be thrown in jail or killed as far as she is concerned.
Uh oh, Jack Schlossberg is working on new skits.
The Party of the Good Germans. Party über alles !
CNN cut away to protect the tender ears of their viewers from anything that might require them to think.
I was never a fan of RFK Jr or the Kennedy clan for that matter. However, I watched his speech on Ben Shapiro's Youtube feed. I was really impressed by this man. Really impressed!
Reminds me of the 1960s when the two parties kept each other kind a honest cause if not the media would catch them. Those were the days.
Anyhow, listening to RFKjr brings it all back PRE-MARXIST honest tussles when you could respect the other side. It was about money back then. Now it’s about extermination.
"Brought to you by..Pfizer"
Democrats have only one tool, a steamroller. And only one technique, go forward, bump bump, go backward, bump bump, then repeat indefinitely. Blunt force trauma is always on the death certificate.
So why is there surprise when the assaulted get together and support each other against the beast?
A paraphrase from Kennedy, " Governments don't care if you lie, lie they will, but your lies don't hurt them. They only censor you if you tell the truth. Per: Hunter's laptop, Russia Russia, Inject bleach and so.
I cannot believe I laughed at this!
"From the transcript:"
Where can one find this?
"Nobody cares about nevertrumps. You are a tiny and useless group of losers."
Not entirely correct, the Democrats will always happy to use them. But then, they're happy to use anybody.
That appears to be the official policy of DemoncRATs , so you support it.
Can’t shine a light on that, Tim. Wouldn’t be prudent to expose the idiotic nature of that enterprise.
"He did say that their goals are to change the Electoral College math and if possible deny Kamala any chance at scoring the "popular vote" as well."
If Trump wins in the electoral college and also gets the most popular votes, you can be sure the Democrat position will be "Getting the most votes is meaningless- voting doesn't really matter".
Very astute, ST!
The Democrats and their Media have one tool, a steamroller. And have one method, go forward, bump bump, go in reverse, bump bump, then repeat indefinitely.
So why is it a surprise that the assaulted of all stripes get together for common support? The beaten are forced to prioritize defense against the predator.
To paraphrase Kennedy, The state does not care if you lie, lies are not a concern. They only censor you if you tell the truth. The truth can hurt them.
Sorry, Yancey -- of course the mandates were a huge problem, but so was Warp Speed itself. You take a brand new technology, never before used for a human product, and whose track record consistent entirely of you failed veterinary products... And then employ a testing process that is both truncated and corrupted?
Sorry, no no no no no no no no no no...
Trump is a transactional man, AMWAY. Kemp extended an olive branch and Trump reciprocated. It’s a great thing, very helpful. Harris should NEVER be president, as it would ruin the USA. She’s a Commie.
It’s spelled O B A M A. He told us he was going to transform America. I guess we should’ve listened.
You have lost your soul, Inga. Get well.
If a democrat voter decides to vote for no one, that is one vote for Trump. If a democrat voter decides to vote for Trump, that is two votes for Trump.
How are Moe and Larry doing, Dinky?
Stop 🤡ing!
I just watched the whole 48 minute RFK Jr speech that our hostess shared. First time I have full watched a long "political" speech since, I guess 1992, with Perot and all his charts.
It motivated me to get off my ass and go for a powerwalk, even though the temperature is close to 100 still.
I will definitely vote for Trump, even though there is much about his behavior and demeanor I do not approve of in an elected official, and certainly not the president.
Hell, maybe I am a democrat after all, just a very very conservative "old style" democrat. RFK Jr stirred something in me with his teary talk about health, children, processed foods, censorship, and military industrial complex.
Lastly, DJT better get his act together. He owes it to RFK Jr. I can't imagine the hell RFK Jr has taken from his wife, family, and friends. RFK Jr damn well might be my favorite politician now.
Cheers. Going for that walk.
Howie’s left hand diddlin’, while his right hand go to work
He’s 🤡ing.
Says everything to watch how RFK Jr. is first prevented from running in the Democrat Primary, and when he doesn't toe the line behind Harris, they unperson him.
JFK Jr. is a lifelong Democrat from what is probably the most prominent Democrat family in American history. It has to be wrenching for him to leave it and endorse the opposition candidate. He's not just leaving his party, he's leaving his family, in a way. Of course he tried one last time to reconcile with the Democrats. Of course he did. Why would he do anything else? I think that action speaks well of him. RFK's following his conscience. You have to respect that even if you don't agree with his positions or his actions.
The fact that the party wouldn't even meet with RFK Jr. says a lot about what the party has become, none of it good.
Every circus needs its clowns
Kennedy is the candidate for those who think Trump isn’t weird enough.
Well, at least he has the time tested “worm ate my brain” excuse for his behavior.
“I sure hope you two have your name and phone number stitched in your clothes.”
I’m not confident that would be enough for the two of them. Tattooed on their foreheads may meet their needs. Give them each a hand mirror and it has potential to have “five 9s” reliability.
“Every circus needs its clowns”
They need a plethora of monkeys too, Rich. Don’t lose hope, you’ll soon be drowning in peanuts.
I don't agree with the majority of this postion on issues, but what part of RFK Jr.'s speech that Althouse quoted did you disagree with?
The dullard is too stupid to consider the consequences of political mayhem.
The MSM will suddenly discover a lot terrible things about Kennedy in a concerted effort to destroy now that he has become a bigger problem for Harris.
To be fair, if RFK had chosen to endorse Kamala, Inga and RIch would be praising him to the skies, and the rest of us would be making fun of him. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
Mutaman seems as clueless as Inga.
Does anyone have a link to a well-formatted transcript? YouTube has a transcript of sorts, but there is no formatting.
Michael K said...
" Mutaman seems as clueless as Inga."
Boy that's going to really leave a mark. Is this the best you've got?
Maybe we should skip the elections and just go directly to war against these rat bastards destroying Our Democracy.
You'd think the left would use this opportunity to take a step back and consider what it is they've become to cause a life-long Democrat to not only walk away, but endorse the opposition.
But no, they mock him and bid him good riddance.
You deserve everything coming your way this November. And then some.
Kennedy’s statement is powerful. Although some say just being the candidate who is NOT Trump could be enough for Kamala. I don’t think so. I don’t believe like John at PowerLine blog that “half the country hates Trump.” One party does. And many non-partisan voters are suspicious but judging by independent voters Trump has a chance. The endorsement today increases his odds of success.
Possibly on a superficial level, but given the complete lack of strong, most relevant policy preference hypothetical overlap between RFKjr and the New Soviet Democraticals, that endorsement would have been quite hollow. Alternatively, there are significant and substantive policy preference overlaps between RFKjr and Trump despite areas of disconnect.
"The MSM will suddenly discover a lot terrible things about Kennedy in a concerted effort to destroy now that he has become a bigger problem for Harris. "
What could they possibly discover that this moron hasn't already admitted to?
It's his tiebreaker strategy if he can win a couple electoral votes
Relax ladies. I'll go get the smelling salts
and the rest of us would be making fun of him.
No. Because he's a Democrat. That's what he supposed to do.
the Chimp scat is rather thick, and yet rather insubstantial
Excellent speech. And absolutely true. I'd add one more thing: Biden's denied RFK secret service protection. Given RFK's family history this was the sort of contemptuous and dangerous cheap worthy of a mob boss not a President of the USA. Only Biden-Harris could've done it.
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