August 23, 2024

I didn't watch the Kamala Harris convention speech — way too late for me — but how can I catch up now?

When things are happening live, you sit through them as they happen, including long breaks, such as the one that impelled me to switch off the TV last night. The stage was empty, music was playing, the conventioneers were waving American flags, and the voice-over commentators were enthusing inanely about how wonderful it was to see such a large crowd waving flags. 

I knew that in the morning, all the speeches would be on YouTube, but when you have recorded speeches, are you really going to watch them through? I'd like to, just so I could write about the effect. Did Kamala do what she needed to do with this speech? We went for a long walk yesterday, and one topic was predicting how well the speech would go. I had a scale from 1 to 100 — 1 being the worst possible speech and 100 the best possible. Think of the absurdities. 50 was just: She did what she needed to do, nothing wrong, nothing special. Meade predicted 51, and I took the "under" bet. 

So there's a vague need to figure out where she did on my scale. I've skimmed the headlines and the text of the speech, but I'm disinclined to watch the whole YouTube. Can I just rely on Mickey Kaus?
Haven't read anyone else's comments on Kamala speech. Here are mine: 
High point: "out of their minds" 
Other effective themes: Caring for one another, non-Dem outreach, Project 2025 attacks (however disingenuous); not a series of ethnic or interest group panders--represents broad American interest. 
Low points: All that family stuff, all the furrow-browed pleading ( joy?), general blandness of text; oratorical Olestra. 
Bottom line: Job of speech was to make her plausibly presidential. Mission not accomplished. I doubt this will hurt her campaign but a big missed opportunity. Hollywood trainers could not transform her (which is kind of reassuring).

ADDED: The "out of their minds" bit was this:

And get this. Get this. He plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator, and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions. Simply put, they are out of their minds. And one must ask — one must ask, why exactly is it that they don’t trust women? Well, we trust women. We trust women.

Language tip: It's better to say "They are out of their mind," singular, because each person only has one mind. 


Kate said...

Project 2025 is an infuriating tragedy. Heritage created the document to help (or hamstring) Trump. He doesn't like it and doesn't want it. It scares independent voters. But the Dems can hang it around his neck.

Breezy said...

I haven’t watched the speech yet. Not sure if I will. I watched most of Trump’s speech the day after he gave it.
That said, I am curious about this high point. As a candidate, I’d want something positive and unifying to be the high point. “Out of their minds” is not that. I guess I’ll watch that part, at least, to see why Kaus thought it was great.

Breezy said...

Not sure about other channels, but CNN has been fact-checking ownership of Project 2025 to inform viewers that Trump disavows it. I do agree it’s caused a lot of confusion and typical Dems dishonestly exploit things like that.

Dave Begley said...

A series of fantastic lies, but she should read the TelePrompter better than Joe. Score: 40. Failure. She can’t be President or we are fucked.

rehajm said...

She will be President and yes, we are fucked

rehajm said...

Democrat 2025 themes- Democratic overreach, put political opponents in jail, censor free speech, count illegals in the census to lock in a permanent House majority, add enough Supremes to backstop their oppressive policies, lots of cackling in place of leadership…

Mark said...

Given Kaus' track record? No

rehajm said...

They miss the oppression of the COVID years, we’re not going back to the time without them….

rehajm said...

I agree with Mark…

Mark said...

Trump can disavow what he wants, but a lot of his ex staffers were involved and his VP pick wrote the forward for the upcoming book of one of the authors.

Republican conspiracy theories going around here rely on much flimsier evidence.

rehajm said...

When they say outreach and broad American interest they mean you will comply with what we want…or else.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The standard is not so much whether Kamala Harris presented as plausibly presidential as whether she sparks joy.

Temujin said...

She has spent the previous 3.5 years showing us her vacuous side, and the last 4 weeks hiding from everyone while having those around her declare "Joy". Last night was her time to close the deal, to sell herself to America, or at least the new version of who she wants us to think she is.
I could not even consider watching it. We watched Industry instead. Much more substance, I suspect. But from what I've read, Kamala's speech was like thinking you're going to be served a beautiful filet only to be handed a plate of cottage cheese. Palatable, but not memorable in any way, and certainly not what you were hoping for.

rehajm said...

50 was just: She did what she needed to do, FIFTY is what she needed to do? That’s not a low bar that’s a no bar…

Inga said...

”They are out of their minds”

Kalli Davis said...

Watching her speech, I did'nt last 10 seconda.
She is broken.
All the kings horse and all the Kings men could'nt put Kamala together again.

Third Coast said...

She read words on a teleprompter that she didn't write. I'm waiting for a hard-core interview where she has to respond off-the-cuff to serious questions about national economics, security, etc. What are the odds of that happening?

FormerLawClerk said...

I think you can trust Kaus. Because he said she didn't accomplish even being "plausibly" a President and in the next breath said "won't hurt her campaign."

Our elections are fake and the STEAL is in. Nothing Kamala do changes the outcome. She has already won the election.

Inga said...

Key moments from Kamala Harrris’ acceptance speech

Breezy said...
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gadfly said...

Comma La is far better at giving speeches than blathering Donny could ever hope to be, and I have never read an Althouse assessment (or invitation to assess) any of his boring inane spoutings which contain at least one lie or a personal attack on his opponents in every other sentence.

But the bottom line is that the VP's speech is not important except for but the fact that she pointed out that Trump is a convicted criminal who has cheated on all his wives and raped a woman. His palling around with Jeffrey Epstein and the New York, Philly and Russian Mafia are well documented - if only the MAGA cultists could see through his scams and stay out of his rabbit hole.

Breezy said...

Thanks Inga.

She made up a bunch of hooey about Trump and abortion. Shameless. I agree that anyone proposing that list would be crazy to do so. Trump is not doing so.

Shouting Thomas said...

Project 2025 is the standard think tank attempt to influence the party platform prior to the convention. Party platforms are always immediately forgotten. I have no idea what’s in Project 2025, nor any particular reason to find out.

Wince said...

Who was the super secret special guest on the final night of the convention?

FormerLawClerk said...

They can't get a crowd to show unless they whisper that Beyonce is going to make an apperance. So they did that, knowing full well Beyonce was not going to make any appearance.

Shouting Thomas said...

The DNC/Intel’s assassination attempt on Trump didn’t shame you and cause you to reassess yourself. How are you managing this?

Iman said...

She’ll be a most convincing symbol of America’s decline. There will be no joy in an LCD America.

Iman said...

Nor should they.

Inga said...

“… if only the MAGA cultists could see through his scams and stay out of his rabbit hole.”

They’re deep in there and lost right now, but not all hope is lost.

Iman said...

You’d need an honest, competent and curious media and we’re pretty fucking far from having that.

Shouting Thomas said...

The DNC/Intel just attempted to assassinate Trump, Inga. This is on you. You’re so bereft of basic intellectual and moral decency that you now countenance murder. Shame on you.

Iman said...

Shizzle cups all da way down…

Ann Althouse said...

"50 was just: She did what she needed to do, FIFTY is what she needed to do? That’s not a low bar that’s a no bar…"

It's my scale, with me defining what 50 is. 100 was a godlike level that was not even reached by Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream."

Ann Althouse said...

1 was a level where she'd not only need to be removed from the ticket but she'd be permanently excluded from human society.

Iman said...

No sizzle, just a drizzle of shizzle.

Before the deluge.

KJE said...

Democrats have controlled the White House 12 of the last 16 years. They had enough power between the White Hiuse and Congress to impose a health care mandate and did so. If any of the things that VP Harris bloviated about as being “out of their minds” was an actual problem, why didn’t they fix it then?

Kevin said...

Hollywood trainers could not transform her

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put the Democrats’ campaign together again.

MartyH said...

“There’s no there there.”. Gertrude Stein may not have been right about Oakland but she sure nailed Kamala.

KJE said...

I know it’s her party and her night and she can say what she wants to pander to the people that are going to vote for her anyway, but we still have an open border, a crime problem, and the economy for many is in shambles.

Kevin said...

Each voter should be allowed to pick her up to determine whether she should be discarded.

Peachy said...

Democrat Plan: Ruin everything - then promise to fix it with free stuff and handouts - all of which will hike up inflation and taxes.

Peachy said...
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BonitRomo said...
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Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

Kate - Not quite.
The document is just that - a document. A conservative think tank wish-list.
The over-reaction to it - even of those on the right - is just silly.

BonitRomo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Peachy said...

Project 2525 is on-line for all to see.

The left - including East CA Gov Polis - LIE about what is in it.

cfs said...

Last night was the first I've heard of a National Anti-Abortion coordinator. Democrats have a National Abortion coordinator--Planned Parenthood and they operate mainly in inner city black communities. To the left, killing babies is a religion. Trump is not focused on abortion. He is more of a moderate on the issue. Leave it to the states (where it should have been all along). Who came up with the anti-abortion coordinator idea? .

Rusty said...

Basically her platform is abortion for everybody, Yay! And Donald Trump. No policies, oh, price controls. Price controls are a big deal. To people who don't know how to think. You know who I mean.

Enigma said...

Following Obama 2008, when he was painted as the savior from evil G.W. Bush with pop-art posters and by standing in front of Roman columns, everything at Democratic Party conventions has been stage managed.

Trump taught the political establishment, deep state, and media that personality, breaking taboos, and uniqueness matter a lot. So, they reacted by aggressively denying any place for personality, deviation, and uniqueness (and covering up their endemic bumbling and corruption). Any "team player" now gets a huge propaganda push, but their deal with the devil is that they must be an empty-vessel figurehead in service to the Establishment.

The ancient Romans caesars ruled for centuries as empty figureheads and insane playboys controlled by the deep state (Praetorian Guard). The Catholics controlled European governments for 1,000 years through true believers in the religion, rampant corruption, and heavy reliance on the iconography of saints and the Virgin Mary.

Today, Saint Greta von Thunberg is the left's "Protector of Nature and Environment" and "Revealer of the Jewish Octopus." Biden was "The Bringer of Normality" and (fully contradictory) "Defender of Kinky Passions and Desires." [See the transgender, anti-woman, anti-straight, anti-patriotic, pro-molestation, and pro child surgery crowd.] Saint Kamala is the "Charitable Princess of the Bended Knee" [for men in power] and "Bringer of Joy to All Humans."

Humans are stupid and predictable animals. They are suckers for cartoonish propaganda. They will fight and die as the next Joan of Arc or next lemming to swim out to sea. Welcome to chapter 2,488,129 of that book.

Peachy said...

The Lying Liars who Lie Convention

Rusty said...

Seig Heil! Amiright. LOL

Peachy said...

Gadlfy and Inga = what happens when they buy all the Schitt.

cfs said...

Michigan AG: “I have a message for the Republicans and the justices of the United States Supreme Court: You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay hand!”

Where did that come from? No one is talking of outlawing gay marriage.

The Democrat party is officially off their rocker (and out of their mind).

Rusty said...

"Our Deocracy" Absolutely depends on you giving us your rights and trusting us with everything in your life. We know better. We're the government. Just vote for Trump and livre like a decent human being.

tommyesq said...

Tell us you haven't read Project 2025 without expressly telling us you haven't read Project 2025. Dumbass.

Peachy said...

The OMG! bullet points of Project2525: Eeeeeek! run for the hills!
2525 Project wish-list Items - for the American People.

-Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
-De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
-Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
-Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
- Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
-Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
- Ban biological males from competing in women's sports

Peachy said...

The corrupt left want to destroy All Charter Schools. Popular-with-parents - Charter Schools.

Quaestor said...

"...oratorical Olestra"

Grease-glazed shit.

Mark said...

They beat the RNC in ratings every night, tho

Big Mike said...

As summarized by Glenn Beck:

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than inflation.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than open borders.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than fentanyl and drugs on our streets.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than our children being killed by illegals.

They need to you hate Donald Trump more than the homelessness epidemic.

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than the abortion cult of death.

They need you to hate Donald Trump more than the possibility of nuclear war.

That’s what a vote for Kamala Harris is actually about.

Got it.

Maynard said...

They beat the RNC in ratings every night, tho

Most of the liberal Democrats I know are mindless TV watchers. So, that is no surprise.

MadTownGuy said...

"The stage was empty, music was playing, the conventioneers were waving American flags, and the voice-over commentators were enthusing inanely about how wonderful it was to see such a large crowd waving flags."

Hey, at least they weren't burning them...yet. Check back in 70 days.

narciso said...

Is is safe of course not

AMDG said...

I guess the Republicans should not have nominated the only person that Kamala could beat.

planetgeo said...

...and, and then Trump's going to take away kids from their parents...and let them cut off their penis and/or their breasts!...they're out of their minds I tell you!...

Oh, wait. That's us Democrats. Never mind.

Bob Boyd said...

Isn't all medical information reported to the federal government now? Wasn't that system created under Obama?
I haven't heard Trump say anything about a "national anti-abortion coordinator", but I'd bet if you followed up on that it would turn out they're talking about a position for someone in the Republican party whose job is to push an agenda, not a position in the government.

narciso said...

Miss haley might well have had a national abortion coordinator

Rocco said...

cfs said...
Michigan AG: “I have a message for the Republicans and the justices of the United States Supreme Court: You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay hand!”

Where did that come from? No one is talking of outlawing gay marriage.

Until I read your 2nd paragraph, I was imagining the AG as Gollum.

Rocco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

...'his VP pick wrote the forward for the upcoming book of one of the authors...'

Wait a minute.....What ??

Well, I have it on unimpeachable authority (Joe Biden) that Kamala once was in the same supermarket as Attilla the Hun, and both of them were shopping for Doritos. So, there's that.

rehajm said...

Haha- I get it now…

Paul said...

"I didn't watch the Kamala Harris convention speech — way too late for me — but how can I catch up now? :".... why catch up?

Iman said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Heritage scholars publish this every four years in anticipation of a new Republican administration. About 400 scholars contribute essays to the 1300 page plan. The only time Trump is mentioned is to highlight policies he had ("remain in Mexico" for example) that should be revived. There's also criticism of Trump, which we all know he would not endorse. Yet weenies like Mark lie and lie again because they need anything they can use to distract from the dumpster fire that is the Biden-Harris Administration, and specially to distract from what promises to be a nuclear-plant meltdown of the economy-to-come under Kamala.

It is humorous that the BS got so deep even CNN is weakly shoveling it out of the way. Yet here's Mark, still shoveling more in. Leftism is the only true shovel-ready job.

Howard said...

So, is the Democrat convention over? Besides the disappearance of Bouncy, it seems like nothing happened. Once the convention bounces over then we get we'll see how this horse race is really shaking out. It's not easy to call because it's basically a choice between burning diarrhea and vomiting up bile

Big Mike said...

Harris gave her speech too late for Prime time? The Dumbocrats can’t run their own convention but they want to run the country?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Typing too fast. I meant Heritage publishes one like this every four years since 1984. Why is it only this one has caught the attention of demagogues? (Hint: the answer includes the phrase "empty pantsuit")

Dogma and Pony Show said...

I only saw her take the stage and start to speak. Nothing "presidential" about her. She was non-stop giggling and repeating "thank you" -- must have said it 30 times. She exhibited less gravitas than you'd expect from a high school student emceeing a pep rally. It's preposterous to imagine her going face-to-face at a summit with a Putin or a Xi.

Big Mike said...

”He plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator, and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions.”

Made-up “facts.” But I’ll bet a lot of female voters fall for the demagoguery. C’mon ladies. Exercise those brain cells and prove the sexist wrong.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ratings 20% under their last in-person convention isn't the flex you think it is.

Sebastian said...

Missed the speech. Sorry. So, any proposals for ending the invasion once Harris does become the actual, you know, border czar?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yay the blue-hair crowd saw it! They aren't even trying to reach anyone under 30. Which is why they appropriated every conservative image and trope they could, especially with the Walz show.

Yancey Ward said...

I read the transcript this morning- that was the least substantive presidential nomination acceptance speech in US history. Of course, hiding Kamalamadingbat's agenda isn't going to work- people still know who has been in power the last 4 years no matter how much the media try to pretend Trump is the incumbent.

Yancey Ward said...

Tim Walz is the new border czar on day one of the incoming Democrat administration- they will solve the Trump border crisis as soon as you give them to power to do so.

Mom said...

The fact that each person has only one mind is precisely why the correct expression is "out of their minds." It's "they," so there's more than one person, so there's more than one mind.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Kamala only had to do better than Joe. I mean, I’m not sure about this but isn’t it a recurring theme that she is only trusted with things she can handle and nothing more? Of course she was going to do better than Joe.

Big Mike said...

Well, Mark, if you can come with a good justification for why Government officials should not face accountability then by all men’s let’s see it. Meanwhile I am reading that 54% of federal managers think that they should be able to ignore the will of the voters. “Rein in” doesn’t begin to cover the proper response.

tommyesq said...

They beat the RNC in ratings every night, tho

Train wreck effect - most every night there was a chance to see things go crazily off the rails

narciso said...

Like in the billy madison we were left dumber for hearing it

Michael K said...

"The Russian Mafia !" Gadfly is still all in on the Russia Hoax.

Michael K said...

Democrats are OK with Kamala and her cackling because they assume the same people who ran FJB will run her. Even if they don't know who they are.

FWBuff said...

She spent a lot of time on her bio talking about her working, single mother raising her and her sister. Lots of "life quotes" from her mother, too. She has certainly learned from Joe Biden how to use a dead parent as the source of convenient (and unverifiable) wisdom, stories, or quotes for any given situation.

FWBuff said...

Prof. Althouse, maybe you need a "dead parents in politics" tag like your "children in politics" tag.

hombre said...

"MAGA cultist." Does that include those of us who don't care about Trump, but are voting against Democrat corruption and for the Constitution - particularly the Bill of Rights?

RMc said...

Language tip: It's better to say "They are out of their mind," singular, because each person only has one mind.

Well, no. "They are out of their mind" is one of those things that's technically grammatically correct, but just sounds wrong. Way too affected.

Jamie said...

Without reading any other comments - why is it a bad idea for states to report on miscarriages and abortions? Is this not a legitimate public health interest? If, for instance, there's suddenly a spike in women having abortions because prenatal testing reveals a similar spike in serious genetic defects in the fetuses (fetii?), wouldn't we want to know that?

Or, if there is a spike in girls in their teens having abortions after the recent decades' precipitous drop in teen pregnancy, wouldn't it be useful to know that it's time to focus again on contraception?

Jamie said...

Fantastic, guys!

Leland said...

Most people watched the RNC via Social Media.

Leland said...

Yancey, I think you meant to say they'll defend our borders as soon as we give them legislative authority to do so. Pay no attention to those walls in the airport and Dufry stores that you can't purchase products in because there is some imaginary border that lets people outside the country buy things without taxes and enter without papers, but not Americans.

Achilles said...

AMDG comes in with the hot Desantis supporter take.

AMDG is too stupid to figure out why Trump got 75 million votes. Nevertrumpers are just stupid people.

Tina Trent said...

You don't need to watch the speech. Just re-watch the last fifteen minutes of Dr. Zhivago.

Achilles said...

It is quite telling that Inga thinks the highlight of Kamala's speech was a bald faced lie.

Inga is just angry that democrats have failed to kill Trump.

PM said...

The Dem D&P Show is over.
Now it's just Kamala - the last sad, sagging, leaky balloon.

Rusty said...

Well. Some delegates got robbed. It is, after all, Chicago.

Rusty said...

It's Inga think. She hasn't connected more than two dots her entire life. Right now she's wondering when they're going to introduce the policy to round up all the Jews.

Mark said...

There are vast portions of Harris' speech that not too long ago would have been voiced by Republican candidates to immense cheers. Including some of the autobiographical elements in the beginning which themselves expressed principles.

There were also portions I did not like and would strenuously object to. The problem is that Trump and the Trumpists are incapable of providing an effective push-back. Neither Trump nor Vance, for example, can offer a coherent defense of human life, which is only disastrous to the cause. All Trump can do is grouse and insult.

mccullough said...

Kamala came off as drunk again. Her drinking problem isn’t as bad as Walz who looks older than Biden

Mark said...

That Trump disowns and trashes mainstream conservative policy proposals from a mainstream conservative organization should be telling. Should be.

The more Trump talks, the more he moves away from and repudiates conservative principles and policies. But by all means, call me the lefty.

Tina Trent said...

We already gather accurate data on abortions, published regularly by Guttmacher Institute, which works with the CDC's own federal reporting system, and I think there also used to be data published in federal morbidity and mortality reports. Guttmacher is a pro-choice research institute, but the accuracy of its data is trusted across Party lines.

So did the Heritage Foundation steal this idea from a liberal research foundation?

Want real crazy? Wikipedia weighs in with this craziness: "Many people object to abortions later in pregnancy because they intuitively feel that there is something more human about a fetus which looks so much like a baby."

Static Ping said...

"Well, we trust women. We trust women."

Such broad statements are always foolish. No, of course you do not trust all women. Nor should you. You should not trust all men, you should not trust all Democrats, you should not trust all Republicans, you should not trust all left-handed persons who like Warhammer. Blind trust is a sign of stupidity.

For that matter, I am sure Kamala can find all sorts of groups that she does not trust. I bet she does not trust Republican women, for one. "Women" only includes women that Kamala likes.

Quayle said...

Trusting women was Joe Biden’s downfall. He trusted that Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris were all right behind him. (And they were, because you have to be behind a person to stick the knife in their back.)

(HT Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister)

Quayle said...

Does she trust women with guns?

Peachy said...

Dear Fellow Robert Kennedy Jr. supporters and American Citizens,

As we have seen this week,
ONCE AGAIN the Democratic Party is NOT running on any ideas to make American’s lives better, they are once again running on the hatred of one individual, Donald J Trump.

And they are hoping that YOU will HATE him so much that you will forget about the Democrat’s FOREVER WARS that are pushing the world closer to World War III, they are hoping that you forget about your grocery bills being 26% higher since Biden/Harris took office





Robert Kennedy Jr. supporting President Trump is plainly this:

As a fellow American Citizen and Robert Kennedy Jr. supporter, I hope that you will OPPOSE TYRANNY and join us and VOTE FOR DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Rob Schneider

Peachy said...

You fraud leftists have all the angles down. Trump better disavow Project 2525. Oh no - Trump is not on board with some of it! Trump bad!

Peachy said...

Mark - Do you want Trump to support Project 2525 - or not?

Peachy said...

Trump Hate Cultists should eat Schitt. Y'all are Lying liars who lie.

Achilles said...

You mean like Biden's Philadelphia speech?

Or when Kamala asserted that she can take drug company patents if we just have the will to do it?

Achilles said...

Your problem is you cannot be honest about what you actually want.

In your stupidity you highlighted the abject dishonesty of Kamala's speech.

gadfly said...

Here is a catch-up from this morning: PredictIt, the betting market shows Trumps odds have slipped to 46% from 69% last month.

gadfly said...

And The Economist prediction model shows Harris with a 3 in 5 chance to win.

Peachy said...

Mark - Project 2525 is not a conspiracy. We all know you speech crime leftists want to ban all ideas and speech that go against The Party(D) - but you can all actually pound sand.
BTW - Leftists have think-tanks too. But of course all of those think-tanks are fine and dandy.

Peachy said...

Gov Polis lied about what is in Project 2525.
Again - the entire DNC+Media convention was a Festival of Lies.

Peachy said...

Hillary had a 89% chance of winning.

gadfly said...

Rob, what we got from Trump on Jan 6 was tyranny and Trump has threatened authoritarianism on day one if he wins and his supporters have drafted Project 2025 to end democracy as we know it.

Neither Trump nor Bobby Jr have demonstrated that they understand the rule of law. Trump has been convicted of several crimes and RFK Jr hasn't campaigned since early July and he illegally dumped a dead bear in Central Park. Bobby Jr will suspend his campaign today because he needs the funds provided by those awful Feds - and he wants a job in the non-existent Trump administration.

Achilles said...

Mark does not have a single principle that he will place above the acquisition of power. No matter what Trump does it will be wrong.

Mark practices insect politics. There is no thought or care. It is about power and destroying people who disagree with you.

Kakistocracy said...

Overnight ratings for the acceptance speeches of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Seven networks combined:

Harris - 15.0 (10:30-11:15p)

Trump - 12.3 (10:30-12m)

Difference: 22%

Temujin said...

Forget Project 2025. It's the new QAnon for 2024. A Boogie Man for our times. Not one person has read it. They've allowed clips to be taken out of it by those who's job it is to find horror in certain ideas. Trump is not using it, but the Democrats are. All the time.

Anyway, speaking of Boogie Men, I'd be very interested in knowing more about Project Soros for this year, but it seems that Kamala's team cannot bring themselves to state anything 'official' until the run it up the flag post a bit, check out the reaction, then announce it has been misinterpreted, or misstated.

One wonders if the country and the world will put up with this for 4 years.

loudogblog said...

The Democrats probably felt that it was better that less people saw the speech and just got the highlights from the fawning news media the next day. Harris is not a good public speaker.

Dr Weevil said...

Definitely 'fetuses' in English. Many Latin nouns ending in -us (those that are 2nd declension) change it to -i, so you can use the Latin plural in English: fungi, cacti, alumni, radii - they only have a double I if the singular ends in -ius. A few (3rd declension neuters) change -us to -era or -ora, so you can say genera, corpora (as in a linguistic corpus) in English. But the 4th declension nouns change -us with a short U to -us with a long U, so you don't even want to try to use the Latin plural in English. Latin singular 'fetus' is pronounced FAY-tuss, rhyming with 'puss' as in Puss in Boots, while plural 'fetus' is pronounced FAY-toose, rhyming with 'goose' or 'moose'. No one will know what you mean if you say FAY-toose, so stick with 'fetuses'. The same goes for other 4th-declension Latin nouns that come into English, including 'census', 'consensus', and 'apparatus'. There are quite a few more, though I can't think of them at the moment.

Michael K said...

Lefty Mark thinks Pence is a Trump stand in. Pence was his worst mistake.

Rusty said...

I keep telling you, Mark, Trump is a moderate.
Tell me, though. How are those price controls going to work. How are they going to benefit Americands as a whole.

Michael K said...

Lefty Mark wants politicians to tell us how they will make our lives better. Trump is going to leave us alone.

Michael K said...

Gadfly would be a better liar if he would stay away from the ridiculous.

No Name said...

Here she comes, Miss America... Oops, Bob Barker sorely missed his opportunity to cue DNC's beauty contest winner, but said girlie who won the swimsuit competition isn't presidential material, no matter how well she reads the teleprompter.

No Name said...

But RNC didn't promise Beyonce as the show closer.

Deep State Reformer said...

Harris isn't actually doing any campaigning except for TV and radio ads and some digital stuff, and that can all be watched on YouTube. If the Professor is expecting anything else she's in for a disappointment. There won't be a Lincoln-Douglas debate or Kennedy vs Nixon stuff. The Dems have a stranglehold on the "election process" and they don't think they need that messy Demokratical stuff to pull off a win. That's probably a correct assumption too. I am looking for a long term rental in Costa Rica right now myself.

FullMoon said...

Trump can disavow what he wants, but a lot of his ex staffers were involved and his VP pick wrote the forward for the upcoming book of one of the authors.

Republican conspiracy theories going around here rely on much flimsier evidence.
8/23/24, 5:48 AM

LOL!. Unlike Biden or Kamala, Trump thinks for himself and makes his own decisions.
Re: Vance and the author, Liberal favorite Jesse Jackson attended funeral of notorious Oakland drug dealer Felix Mitchell, (murdered in prison) and Jesse is friends with Schumer, Pelosi, Barack and Michelle, And a thousand other drug dealer loving democrats.

Jim at said...

Notice how the Democrats aren't talking about their own policies and running on the huge success (sarc) of said policies. Nope. They have to make up shit about things the Republicans 'might' do, but won't.

And look at all the stupid people who believe them without question. The very definition of a cult.

FullMoon said...

Dogma and Pony Show
I only saw her take the stage and start to speak. Nothing "presidential" about her. She was non-stop giggling and repeating "thank you" -- must have said it 30 times. She exhibited less gravitas than you'd expect from a high school student emceeing a pep rally. It's preposterous to imagine her going face-to-face at a summit with a Putin or a Xi.
8/23/24, 8:50 AM

Exactly. President needs to be serious all the time but able to laugh occasionally.

Not laughing all the time and pretending to be serious occasionally. .

Mark said...

It was between 9 and 10 PM CST.

Big Mike said...

Language tip: It's better to say "They are out of their mind," singular, because each person only has one mind.

In the interests of mathematical precision, each person has at most one brain. It can be argued that those with multiple personality disorders may possess multiple minds.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

What a waste it is to lose one’s mind.

Cappy said...

Just run your dicitonary through a blender.

Rusty said...

No. Seriously, Mark. What is the plan for those price controls?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

He plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator, and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions. Simply put, they are out of their minds.

What are they afraid the data will show?

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