August 18, 2024

"Becoming chief sausage-maker for President Obama.... Plotting a 2016 presidential run, only to be discouraged by Obama.... Running as a moderate, but governing as a progressive.... Signs of slipping concerned allies.... A legacy now tied to his own vice president’s candidacy...."

Those are the "Six Takeaways From the Magazine’s Profile of Joe Biden/His decision to quit the race ended a remarkable chapter in American political history — and started one that may yet define his legacy" (NYT).

I'm most interested in the heading "Running as a moderate, but governing as a progressive," at the first link:
According to those close to him, Biden believed he had become president because of his instincts, honed in the Senate, to build a winning coalition — in this case, with the progressive wing of his party that felt disrespected by the Hillary Clinton campaign four years earlier. “When he became president, he felt compelled to govern with them being a part of it,” said Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, who added: “I also think Biden went through this metamorphosis.”

“For an older white man who most people would call a moderate,” said Pramila Jayapal, the chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, “I certainly didn’t think he was going to be a progressive.”

But Biden came to see Bernie Sanders, his chief opponent in the 2020 Democratic primaries, as the standard-bearer of a movement that would be necessary for his own success as a president. When Sanders visited the White House in early 2021, he told Biden he wanted to see the bill that would become the Inflation Reduction Act funded to the tune of $5 trillion to $6 trillion. “Bernie,” the president replied, “I want to go as big as we can possibly get.”

From the second link: 

Still, Republicans were not wrong in pointing out the strikingly leftward tilt of Biden’s agenda. His administration accomplished objectives that progressives had been pining for years to see realized, from forgiving student loans to expanding Title IX protections to include gender identity.... 
Jayapal, who would become a key figure in shaping Biden administration policy, told me that she had been advised early on by the liberal icon Bernie Sanders that “Biden is a very relationship-oriented person, and I think it would be good for you to get to know him.”

Sanders himself remembered how he and his wife, Jane, were warmly welcomed by the Bidens when he first got to the Senate in 2007, following 16 forgettable years as a disgruntled backbencher in the House. It was a case of Biden paying forward the kindnesses he himself received from elder senators who offered camaraderie when he first took office in 1973, weeks after the car accident that killed his wife and daughter.

Later, as a rival for the Democratic nomination in 2020, Sanders repaid the favor: He insisted that his campaign staff members treat Biden with civility. Biden came to see Sanders as the standard-bearer of a movement that would be necessary for his own success as a president. When Sanders visited the White House in early 2021, he told Biden that he would like to see a munificently funded social-spending bill — somewhere in the neighborhood of $5 trillion to $6 trillion. “Bernie,” he replied, “I want to go as big as we can possibly get.”

Ultimately, the multitrillion-dollar Build Back Better bill was downsized over a year to the $433 billion Inflation Reduction Act. That eventual triumph came to pass in no small measure because Biden understood the Senate’s meandering cadences better than a lesser-versed politician might have. But other feats of his presidency suggested a memory that stretched further back than his days in the Senate.


Aggie said...

'When he finally got there, it brought out his best....'

Yes, I'm afraid I agree with that statement: His best, such as it was. Sadly lacking in any saving graces, too.

Peachy said...

No mention of the Biden family shell companies - and bag-man Hunter - and the millions in pay to play secret family profits?

Peachy said...

Hunter Biden asked a U.S. ambassador to help with a business contract when his father was VP

Peachy said...

Know why Kamala is smiling? Politics is a get-rich-quick scheme.

Biff said...

"Running as a moderate, but governing as a progressive..."

Many years ago, Rush Limbaugh began saying that Democrats who want to get elected have to hide or lie about their agenda. It's still true today.

The Drill SGT said...

nor the 6 figure checks to grand kids from the shell companies and their Chinese paymasters. Legal services from teenagers? kids paying back 6 figure loans from Pops?

Dave Begley said...

We finally learn that the IRA was Bernie’s payoff for dropping out. A bribe.

MartyH said...

It’s a good thing they scaled back “Build Back Better” considering the damage that the much smaller Inflation Ignition Act did.

rehajm said...

Joe’s best is as bad as most bad people’s worst, so that’s some good spin…

Grandpa Publius said...

Alternative history. After failing in the early 2020 primaries, Jim Clyburn made Biden an offer, if you secretly promise to govern from the left, the South Carolina primary is yours. Biden, at that time already significantly mentally diminished, didn’t care how he governed. He would make a deal with anyone for anything in order to become President.


Ampersand said...

To say that someone ran for office on the promise that he would govern as a centrist, and that he then ignored his promise and governed as a leftist, is to accuse that person of betraying the voters.
But the NYT treats it as some sort of stylistic whimsy. Now suppose that Biden governed as a conservative after running as a centrist. The NYT outrage would be boundless.

Kakistocracy said...

"It’s very hard to find leverage with people who don’t have really any beliefs or any agenda, it’s hard to negotiate with somebody who wants nothing.” ~ Nancy Pelosi

The Trump MAGA faction is more focused on purging government institutions of the disloyal.

The MAGA faction do not want to shrink and hamstring government. But the focus is fundamentally different, as is exposed in the Project 2025 details. Republicans want government to be able to reach into people's bedrooms, and into women's personal health decisions. Republicans want government to reach into families' health decisions about transgender children. Republicans want to reach into school libraries, and school classrooms, and tell parents and teachers what their children and students can read, discuss, and be taught.

Republicans do not believe in "smaller, less intrusive" government. Republicans believe in a government which is a tool for imposing their religious, cultural, and economic ideas on everyone without recourse -- and using force if needed. Republicans most of all want to use government as a tool to enable Republicans to retain political power forever, regardless of the public's desires, votes, or democracy. It is a fundamental difference, but it is not a loathing of government, only a desire to control it wholly.

FormerLawClerk said...

from forgiving student loans to expanding Title IX protections

Of course, both of these items are unconstitutional and these programs have been stopped by the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden has the distinction of losing more cases in the Supreme Court on pushing his unconstitutional agenda than any other President in our nation's history.

Lawnerd said...

I am surprised that they admit the entire Biden bait and switch: run as a moderate but get progressive. They failed to mention the other bait and switch; he was supposed to be this great uniter, but worked hard to demonize the other side once he was elected. For this I despise Biden.

FormerLawClerk said...

“Bernie,” he replied, “I want to go as big as we can possibly get.”

That's politic speak, of course, that the media cannot comprende. Translated:

"Bernie, bro, you're nuts. It's not going to be anywhere near that amount."

peacelovewoodstock said...

Get ready for a flood of hagiography. It should be interesting to watch, as Biden has been known for decades in DC as being not very bright, a bully, venal, corrupt, and incompetent. What did Obama say about Joe? "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

FormerLawClerk said...

Finally, we should all remember that it is under Joe Biden's Presidency that his famed 40-year-career institution ... the United States Senate ... will go down in history as the only place in Washington DC where an act of actual corn-holing was literally filmed in his Senate Judiciary Committee meeting room and then shared with the public.

August institution, indeed.

Lance said...

"His administration accomplished objectives that progressives had been pining for years to see realized, from forgiving student loans to expanding Title IX protections to include gender identity..."

Accomplished? No. Issuing illegal executive orders doesn't accomplish anything.

Amadeus 48 said...

The depressing history of an empty hack. Parents, don’t let your children grow up to be Bidens.

rehajm said...

Joe Biden has the distinction of losing more cases in the Supreme Court on pushing his unconstitutional agenda than any other President in our nation's history.

If the Democrats had not been so confident in stealing it for Hillary, all the leftie Supremes would be emanating so many penumbras it would make our heads spin…

Earnest Prole said...

A sound analysis, but Joe Biden’s progressive achievements would have been impossible without Donald Trump. His sabotage of Republicans in Georgia allowed Democrats to win the Senate and push through Biden’s left-wing agenda. As an own-goal it ranks with Harry Reid’s abandonment of the judicial fillibuster.

Michael K said...

More sewage from "Rich." Republicans want power so they can leave you alone, unlike your team, "Rich."

Aggie said...

'The Trump MAGA faction is more focused on purging government institutions of the disloyal.'

I would say that's accurate, except perhaps for your perception of what 'disloyalty' consists of. For many of us, it's disloyalty to their mission, their oath of office, the institutions they represent, and the disparity between these principles (some of them sworn) and their actual actions, while in positions of power and authority.

Aggie said...

And by the way, most of us consider the 2025 Project to be nothing more than a pure canard, it has been dismissed by both Trump and Vance as not part of their platform, and it has been used solely as an opportunity for Progressives to point and shriek

What are your ideas? Why are they a secret?

Sebastian said...

So, a stealth campaign to bamboozle the anti-Trumpers, followed by hiding the deterioration of an elderly gent. It worked, and Dems are running it back, airbrushing Harris' progressivism with just enough flip-flops and faux populism, while hiding her sheer airheadedness as much as possible. Of course, in both cases they got plenty of help from Trump, once again the main issue.

n.n said...

Left-wing agenda is redistributive debt, human rites, Mengele dreams, Spring without borders, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, class-disordered ideologies, Green deals, Diversity etc. Progressive: one step forward, two steps backward.

Ann Althouse said...

"No mention of the Biden family shell companies - and bag-man Hunter - and the millions in pay to play secret family profits?"

No bothering to click on the link and do a search for "Hunter"? Seems like you're knocking the reporter for failing to do enough when you yourself are neglecting to do the simplest thing.

JK Brown said...

When Sanders visited the White House in early 2021, he told Biden he wanted to see the bill that would become the Inflation Reduction Act funded to the tune of $5 trillion to $6 trillion. “Bernie,” the president replied, “I want to go as big as we can possibly get.”

The Inflation [standard of living] Reduction Act. Now they run from the inflation they created by pumping borrowed money into the economy.

Breezy said...

Clyburn also insisted on a black female VP…. I suppose there’s a ton of deal-making by the seat-warmers in our institutions, much of it useful, but its nonetheless depressing that they these deals can also single-handedly screw up so much.

Peachy said...

Delusional. btw- the CORRUPT left should be purged... From OUR lives. A pack of corrupt a-holes should be shown the door. For the common good of the entire nation.

hombre said...

All the NYT lefty eyewash aside, can you imagine eating a sausage made by Joe Biden?

DINKY DAU 45 said...

soon to be over ,trump will be out, GOP will try to salvage what's left after losing years with the trumpster. I'll be shooting on toward 80 and have hope for my grandkids who will look back on this era in the history books, In 20 years the minority will be the majority and a bulk of the relics up in here will be taking a dirt nap, the others will still be dreaming of how it used to be...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Thinking about Biden as Obama's chief sausage-maker is a lot like thinking about Alain Delon's sperm.

n.n said...

Biden received an economic bump following the conclusion of the Covid hysteria, and a GDP bump with immigration reform funded through redistributive change, sustained through capital extraction schemes (e.g. federal loan forgiveness and institutional giveaways).

John henry said...

"Sausage maker in chief" has to be the best description I've ever heard for the function of the Senate President (a/k/a VP)

Not just Brandon but all vps

John Henry

n.n said...

Trump needs to proceed with his foreign policy initiatives and follow through with prosecution of monopolistic practices forcing progressive prices. A Summer after Spring.

TosaGuy said...

Biden sold his soul for something he can’t remember doing.

Iman said...

What, precisely, did this “best” that was brought out consist of?

Iman said...

Democrats! When they’re not fucking people over, they’re bribing them.

typingtalker said...

“Bernie,” the president replied, “I want to go as big as we can possibly get.”

Potential buyer in the new car showroom: "How much is that blue convertible over there?"
Salesman: "As much as we can possibly get."
Potential buyer: "And how much is that?"
Salesman: "How much do you have?"

Potential buyer walks away shaking his head.

Dave Begley said...

How did such a dumb and corrupt guy like Biden have such a long and successful career in politics? Delaware bears a heavy burden for sending this guy back to the Senate.

Michael K said...

Dopey Dau, I feel sorry for your grandkids, and mine, if you get your wish.

Michael K said...

Well, for years he was known as "The Senator from MBNA."

narciso said...

Ah Robert Draper, nuff said

Lazarus said...

Yes, a remarkable career. He's our century's James Buchanan, the fellow who hung around DC for a half century and when he finally got the brass ring turned out to be worse than useless.

"Moderation" is a matter of style and image. The guy who pledged in the 2020 debates to open the border and end oil was a "moderate" because he was old and white and doddering. Still, hat tip to the writers for acknowledging that the lunge to the left and the mess we're in now was Biden's conscious doing and not something forced on the old man by staffers.

Lazarus said...

America's rotten borough.

John Lindsay's slogan when he ran for Congress was "The District's Pride. The Nation's Hope." If Biden were still running and I had the money, I'd put up billboards on I-95 reading "Joe Biden. Delaware's Disgrace. America's Disaster."

n.n said...

sausage (n.)

article of food consisting of chopped or minced meat, seasoned and stuffed into the cleaned gut of an ox, sheep, or pig, and tied at regular intervals,

An apt characterization. Obama would likely approve.

boatbuilder said...

Ultimately, the multitrillion-dollar Build Back Better bill was downsized over a year to the $433 billion Inflation Reduction Act.

Well, damn.

Imagine how much inflation reduction we could have gotten for $5 or six Trillion!

Harun said...

This is all RetCon.

No old man changes his ways like this.

What happened is Joe Biden was a career politician who floated along very nicely in the middle of where his party was going. He drifted left with the party.

He was very good at being adapt to the current thing because he personally wasn't very principled - his corrupt actions overseas proves that.

Harun said...

Where do we think Harris was? Supposedly at $4 trillion.

boatbuilder said...

Except in this instance, the buyer, who is spending yours and my money and taking a cut, says "Great, lets do it!"

n.n said...

Strike breaker, deal taker, males in female faces... we didn't start the conflagration, it was a Diverse achievement, a progressive proponent.

Yancey Ward said...

This is like a hagiography to Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd. We need to see the hagiography to the guy who had his hand up Biden's ass.

fairmarketvalue said...

Actually, I feel sorry for Dopey Dau's grandkids. Full stop.

Temujin said...

Interesting that they view the 'Build Back Better' Bill as being a triumph, and speak nothing of it ripping the economy, now and well into the future. Biden and Bernie Sanders both will be long gone when the Yoots of our country are still trying to figure out how to pay it all down.

robother said...

Another hagiography to Obama? What would be the point?

Jaq said...

By the time Biden got done with his stellar presidency, the country hated him worse than Trump, and this is with the media covering for him at every turn, and attacking Trump, twisting every quote, and repeating long debunked lies about him.

Jaq said...

Remember when Biden released all of his tax returns, except of course for the twenty or so shell companies that Joe and Jill control whose primary purpose seems to be to cover the tracks of payments within the family.

Jaq said...

That's how you "protect democracy."

Fustigator said...

More lying and obfuscation from NYT. Right from the Treasury Dept website:

"Multiple groups have forecast the IRA’s fiscal costs over its 10-year life. In November 2022, Credit Suisse forecast that the IRA’s fiscal cost to the federal budget would amount to more than $800 billion over 10 years. In March of 2023, researchers at the Brookings Institution estimated the IRA fiscal cost to be $780 billion through 2031. That same month, Goldman Sachs forecast the IRA fiscal cost at $1.2 trillion. And in April, University of Pennsylvania researchers expected the IRA fiscal cost to be just over $1 trillion from 2023 to 2032."

But now that they have figured out that the $1+Trillion Dollar IRA is a key driver to inflation, they are softpedaling about how much it actually will cost. I certainly remember a lot of bragging from Democrats and the Biden Admin about look how great we are to push through over a Trillion dollars of spending.

Gospace said...

"Running as a moderate, but governing as a progressive,..."

So, name a demoncRAT not constrained by a Republican legislature that doesn't do that.

You can't. Nobody can.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Joe Biden, the Sausage King of Delaware.

Moondawggie said...

Run as a moderate, then break hard left and govern as a progressive.

Kinda sounds like the old "Bait and Switch" maneuver of a used car salesman.

I reckon Joe learned a lot from his dad...

Jon Ericson said...

Dinky's getting his winky disarmed at the DNC convention, so no worries about the issue issue.

walter said...

" “Biden is a very relationship-oriented person, and I think it would be good for you to get to know him.” Let him give you a good sniff. Do you have a daughter?

walter said...

"The Trump MAGA faction is more focused on purging government institutions of the disloyal" When the bloated, grifting gold brick "institutions" are filled with lifers around 90% Dems willing to stonewall, sandbag the "disloyal"...

walter said...

This shit was out via Bob-Ulinsky and Schweizer in 2020. It's tiresome as it is unadressed.

mccullough said...

Biden is a Quitter. That’s his legacy

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