August 22, 2024

At the DNC: Bill Clinton stamps his presidential approval on Joe Biden: "And he kept the faith, and he's infected a lot of the rest of us."

"He healed our sick and put the rest of us back to work. And he strengthened our alliances, for peace and security. He stood up for Ukraine. He's trying desperately to get a ceasefire in the Middle East. And then he did something that's really hard for a politician to do. He voluntarily gave up political power. And George Washington knew that. And he did it. And he set the standard for us serving 2 terms before it was mandatory. It helped his legacy. And it will enhance Joe Biden's legacy. And it's a stark contrast to what goes on in the other party. So I want to thank him — for his courage, compassion, his class, his service, his sacrifice. Joe Biden, thank you. And he kept the faith, and he's infected a lot of the rest of us. Now let's cut to the chase. I am too old to gild the lily. Two days ago I turned 78. The oldest man in my family of 4 generations. And the only personal vanity I want to assert is I'm still younger than Donald Trump...."

On the topic of things George Washington knew... or things we think George Washington knew... George Washington knew that he was still wanted. He wasn't abandoned and bullied into leaving. But I presume part of the pressure that Joe Biden experienced was the argument that only if he left quietly could he receive this comparison to George Washington. It's hard to imagine George Washington influenced by the prospect of a laudatory speech comparing him to some other leader. That sounds like an insult to George Washington.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Old Bill may BE younger than Trump but he seems a lot less vigorous if not older in general. Kinda sickly.

rehajm said...

Big ew on Clinton and infection in the same paragraph

love johnson said...

I've never read anything in the history books about Madison, Jefferson, Adams going to Washington and telling him that his polls numbers didn't look good and so for the the good of the party AND Democracy, he should let someone else run for President while he can continue to be the President. Then again, maybe I was absent that day when it was discussed in class.

Breezy said...

Pray tell, about what faith did Biden keep?

tim maguire said...

Washington was still wanted. He retired because he chose to retire. That set the voluntary standard “before it was mandatory.” And why was it mandatory, Bill?

“it's a stark contrast to what goes on in the other party. ”

That’s true—the voluntary standard became mandatory after a Democrat, a celebrated and beloved Democrat, clung to power until he had to be carried out in a box in his 4th term. So yes, fortunately for America, Republicans are different. Somebody needs to be.

Too old to gild the lily! Bill hasn’t changed a bit, has he?

Kevin said...

He voluntarily gave up political power.

No he didn’t. He still holds all the political power he was ever given. Choosing not to continue a contest to gain additional political power - because he was likely to lose it - is not giving up political power.

Howard said...

judging political conventions and political speeches as if they were articles in peer-reviewed journals must be fun for the critic. Talk about a Target Rich environment makes shooting fish in a barrel seem like hunting for elk and Antarctica. Wow that was random.

That said I of course haven't listened to one nanosecond of the Democrat convention, including Bills speech. Based on the screen capture on the op, he looks like he is aging like The picture of Dorian Gray. All of the things he has done in his life that he has tried to cover up are being revealed in his horror show of a physique and countenance.

My impression of this convention just based on some of the posts that I have skimmed here on the high House blog is that the Democrats strategy is to harken back to the Glory Days of their youthful Boomer leaders in order to gin up excitement for their Gen x automaton., Harris is the first deep fake candidate that they have run. She's a spawn of chat GPT and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

rehajm said...

I listen to these assholes and the communists in Massachusetts and Boston- the defiance in the face of any criticism, legitimate criticism. It’s like they don’t believe they are accountable to voters anymore…

Rocco said...

"[Biden] healed our sick..."
Bill forgot the part about feeding the multitudes with the loaves and fishes. The way Kamala's talking, I guess that part has been delegated to her.

"... and put the rest of us back to work."
The latest adjustments in the jobs numbers disagrees.

"[Biden] stood up for Ukraine.
Supposedly Ukraine is keeping the Biden officials out of the loop on the latest offensive in Kursk because they grew tired of military information being leaked to Russia.

"[Biden]'s trying desperately to get a ceasefire in the Middle East."
Is he talking about the billions given to the number one state sponsor of terrorism in Iran that enabled their proxies, both the Hamas and the Houthies?

Or does Bill mean something along the lines of the Abraham Accords that the Biden Administration has been denigrating since day one?

It seems that the leftie Dems like to break things that were working so they can go all White Savior and come in and fix it with "their" solution.

Tank said...

Bill Clinton can still cram an awful lot of lies and bullshit into one paragraph. I'll give him that.

Jaq said...

LBJ was a far better comparison than George Washington, who warned us against getting involved in wars across the oceans. LBJ went all-in to wars across the ocean, and got the same fate handed to Biden... hmmm.

gilbar said...

Washington KNEW that he'd keep getting reelected until the day he died
Biden was TOLD, that he'd Lose EVERY election from now til his death..
Seems to be EXACTLY The SAME Story

Jaq said...

"He healed our sick and put the rest of us back to work.'

Bill Clinton knows that the Democrats' only hope is the simple fact that idiots outnumber everybody else.

Humperdink said...

Shorter Bill Clinton: “He healed `our sick …….and infected the rest of us”.

RMc said...

Big ew on Clinton and infection in the same paragraph

"Better put some ice on that."

Jersey Fled said...

So now Trump is too old to be President. Pretty funny.

Jaq said...

Once you understand the way that the ruling class manipulates democracies, leaving out important facts, using projection to blunt the impact of criticism, outright fantastical lying, the rhetoric that they use to manipulate voters is laughable, the thing is that it has worked reliably for centuries, if not millennia, so who's laughing now?

Jaq said...

"First lie wins" is the main rule that they use against voters, because voters are 90+ % decent people who don't lie as a matter of course, and our leadership is made up almost entirely of the 1% or so of us that are born sociopathic, in every society.

FormerLawClerk said...

Bill Clinton lied: "He put the rest of us back to work ..."

CNN: US job growth during much of the past year was significantly weaker than the government claimed, according to new data released Wednesday.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ preliminary annual benchmark review of employment data suggests that there were 818,000 fewer jobs in March of this year than were initially reported.

They are also cooking the books on inflation so that they don't have to pay billions out in seniors' Social Security cost-of-living adjustments.

Iman said...

Eleanor Clift and Nina Burleigh both looked wistful as they dusted off their Regulation Bill Clinton Knee Pads and thought of giving thanks for Clinton “saving abortion”.

h/t Bernard McGuirk

Cappy said...

Hahahahahahaha. But seriously, Hahahahahahaa!

Big Mike said...

I’m one month younger than Donald Trump and one month older than Bill Clinton. Why I’m so old I can remember when we could trust the figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Not since Obama, it appears. Joe Biden put people back to work? Not for 818,000 Americans.

Democrats seem t think they can bring peace to the Middle East by funding Iran and angling for a cease fire on terms favorable to Hamas. My instincts are that that will fail.

wendybar said...

He may be younger than Trump, but living with Hillary aged him to look 20 years older

chuck said...

Bill Sh!t.

Maynard said...

Bill Clinton knows that the Democrats' only hope is the simple fact that idiots outnumber everybody else.

Well stated.

Iman said...

“There’ll be a chicken in every pot and an El Camino with Astro Turf in the bed in every garage.”

Achilles said...

To add to the several times said above Bill bringing up age just forces a side by side comparison.

Bill looks and talks old. Trump doesn't.

Though Trump did kinda look like a feisty old man when the democrats tried to kill him.

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary will never be President.

narciso said...

They are the same age he had his 78th this week

narciso said...

Eleanor clift is still slive as for nina well she cost the torygraph a pretty penny

tommyesq said...

Biden and the dems forced people to take an experimental injection that appears to have caused considerable damage to young people in this country and forced social isolation that has greatly harmed the emotional growth of the youth. They set up economic policies that ensure the youth of the country cannot afford to buy a house. They shut down markets and businesses, and jobs have not yet recovered, with youth unemployment being higher this summer than it was last summer. They have saddled the youth of America with staggering amounts of federal debt - currently $34 trillion dollars (yet the government still spent about 30% more than it took in in revenues this past year) - that will burden our children and their children throughout their lives.

Why do dems hate children?

Aggie said...

""He healed our sick and put the rest of us back to work....." Wait - 'healed our sick' ?? When did he do that? How did he do that ?? Why isn't he being compared to Jesus himself ?

As for 'put the rest of us back to work.....'

Aggie said...

So we've heard from the last 3 Democrat Prezzies. All 3 of them rolled out, dusted off, juiced up as required.... Did that happen in 2020? Don't recall seeing Bill then, I think his only purpose was to totter out and mention his age.

Temujin said...

He healed our sick? Seriously, people? Kinda like Barack ceased the rise of the oceans? These are some seriously demented- but joyful- people.

Birches said...

He's younger than Trump by 5 weeks! Bill Clinton was born August 19, 1946. Trump was born June 14, 1946. And FYI, George W. Bush was born July 6 the same year. Ben Domenech used to talk about three presidents born in the same year frequently. We can never escape the boomers.

Quaestor said...

Bill Clinton said, "And he kept the faith, and he's infected a lot of the rest of us."

What faith is Clinton raving about? Is what goes on in Chicago a political convention or a conclave of heathen shamans? Are they debating policy or formulating a creed? Clinton has always been more of a an Elmer Gantry than a Scoop Jackson. However, just a TV preacher's tearful plea for money isn't enough. The preacher must become a priest conducting a rite of blood. After the incarnation of Lord Zero, within the Inner Party there's are no gods before Him.

Infectious idiocy? Infectious insanity? There was a time when I would have rejected those B-movie sci-fi plot elements out of hand. But now? Let's just say they're more plausible than any other explanation of the last four years.

AlbertAnonymous said...

That “list of accomplishments” makes him sound like the Messiah, which he most certainly is NOT. Such political BS. But why do they always say things like “He's trying desperately to get a ceasefire in the Middle East.”

It’s what politicians with no accomplishments say. Kamala does it too of course. “Fighting every day for…” “Biggest champion of…” “totally focused on…”. Yeah, we get it. All the things you know people want fixed (most of which you broke), and you’re not capable of, or really don’t want to be, fixing.

Pull the other one…

Cacimbo said...

I just watched a few minutes of clips from the speech and he looks much much better than he has appeared recently and seemed to walk more easily. I wonder if that was all makeup or if he has had work done. Also maybe some kind of painkiller because he usually walks much more gingerly.

Ambrose said...

Surprised some Democrat hasn't claimed Washington stepped aside to retire to Mount Vernon and be pampered by his slaves.

William said...

Here's another theory about why Washington retired: Washington was a man of considerable pride and dignity. On state occasions, he would wear his false teeth. Those teeth were extremely painful, but he wore them in order to look his best. If he were no longer President, he would no longer have to put that painful contraption in his mouth. Hence his decision to withdraw from power. It doesn't take a superabundance of wisdom or nobility for a man to hate pain more than he loves power.......Washington is praised for his decision to withdraw from power. Is FDR ever criticized for hanging on for those extra terms. He was in sad shape that last term. The Office of Presidency can age a man, but that's nothing compared to what congestive heart failure can do. Look at Bill Clinton. In the Presidential Death Pool, Carter is the odds on favorite, but I'd give Clinton the edge over Biden--and I wouldn't count Trump out either.

Charlie said...

Bill Clinton and Joe Biden......two of the biggest dirtbags in USA presidential history. Good riddance.

Kai Akker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kai Akker said...

@Dixcus 6:58.... What is the evidence for your last assertion?

Kakistocracy said...

Walz gave a great speech.

He's an authentic midwestern Dad who grew up in a small town, served in the national guard for 24 years, a teacher, coach, Congressman elected six times in a rural, red district, and successful two-term governor. He's the first VP candidate that isn't a lawyer in many decades and connects with voters that Democrats have lost in recent years. He's the opposite of the 'coastal elite' that Republicans like to rail against.

Republicans attacking his bio show they're scared he'll take some of the rural vote away from them, along with more votes from union members and veterans, especially in the Midwest. And that will sink their campaign in a hurry.

Leslie Graves said...

I wonder if at some point I will feel like I am too old to gild the lily. One of my grandmothers announced that in her 60s -- something like "I'm done sugarcoating things!" She was markedly less fun to be around after that. I want to go in the opposite direction and become more tactful and diplomatic.

Paul said...

So 'Dollar' Bill Clinton, the serial pedophile who "didn't have sex with that woman" thinks Biden, the serial pedophile who "didn't take baths with his young daughter", is great... big deal.

Big Mike said...

Most historians seem to believe that Washington retired because he could feel illness overtaking him and he realized that if he died in office he’d be no different than a king. When his old opponent, King George III, learned that Washington was retiring from office, said “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world."

If not the greatest, then well up there.

mikee said...

I thank Clinton for not surrendering to those who called for his resignation for his misbehavior in office. Had AlGore been president before the 2020 election, AlGore might have won against Bush. The catastrophe of an AlGore full-term presidency would have been historic.

It is amusing that history is repeating itself as farce here, with Biden still holding office, but not holding any power of his office from election through January, while his VP runs for that same office, having even less capability that AlGore to be president, and inheriting no authority if elected. The Democratic Party and this presidency is run by apparatchniks, not the elected candidate, and should Harris win, only Jill Biden will lose any power out of the present administration's leaders.

RCOCEAN II said...

I never thought Clinton would live this long. We all remember what a fat slob he was in the 90s. And that Clinton was the big fat creme puff who was in the HS band, and not on the HS football field. In 2004, he was saved by the miracle of modern medicine, and now going strong 20 years later.

Dick Cheney is another one. Despite having an annual heart attack for 20 years, he too had heart surgery and is still going strong. Too bad.

RCOCEAN II said...

Say this for Trump, at least he has good taste in women (mostly). Clinton went after Hillary and Monica Lewinski. And the kept sex slaves on Epstein Island.

Unclebiffy said...

He didn't give up power. What little power he had was taken from him by the actual behind the scenes power brokers. They are retaining their power by replacing the last figure head with a new one that they believe they will continue to control.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Obama never claimed to cease the rise of the oceans. He said his victory was "the moment that the rise of the oceans began to slow." So, a zero of the second derivative was all he was claiming.

Lazarus said...

"We are through the looking-glass, people. Black is white, and white is black."

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Comparing lifelong lowlife scumbag Joe Biden to Jesus Christ! Democrat Party members are absolutely despicable, shameless frauds.

Michael Fitzgerald said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Faith in "OUR democracy"?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Excellent catch Kevin. Of course Bill is being dishonest. That's his MO.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"He's an authentic midwestern Dad who grew up in a small town"
So was the BTK killer.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yet they left him nominally in power! POTUS!

Lazarus said...

If you run for president at an age when your mental faculties are already in decline and then let yourself be forced out when your allies can't cover for you anymore, is that really a reputation enhancer?

Lazarus said...

I doubt Walz is going to bring back voters the Democrats have lost over the decades. People aren't likely to look at Walz and look at their grocery bills and consider their future tax bills and choose Walz. He may help them to hold onto some Obama-Trump-Biden swing voters and that, together with the Democrats electoral shenanigans may just be enough to win.

Lazarus said...

I don't think Walz is going to bring back voters who left the Democrats over the decades. People aren't likely to look at Walz and then look at their grocery bills and consider their future tax bills and choose Walz. He may help Democrats to hold onto some Obama-Trump-Biden swing voters, and that, together with the Democrats electoral shenanigans may be enough to win.

Michael K said...

No, Biden was the first "deep fake" candidate. Clyburn chose him because he knew he would do anything to be president.

Michael K said...

Easy, they want the population to shrink.

Michael K said...

Which "midwestern dads" have visited China 30 times ?

n.n said...

Clinton empathizes with Biden. The ides of social progress loom large.

Michael K said...

Cheney has a new heart. Before that, I liked him.

boatbuilder said...

Sure. Biden is like George Washington, and Kamala belongs on Mt. Rushmore.

JIM said...

He can still Gild a Lily. And he got an infection from Joe. Dude still gets around. He doesn't look 78, he looks 88. Even Biden looks healthier than Bill.

mccullough said...

Biden quit. And the phrase is “paint the lily.” Trump is two months older than Clinton. And Trump is still taller.

mccullough said...

gild refined gold

Those who don’t know their Shakespeare are doomed to repeat it

Iman said...

Walz lies about everything he’s done he thinks is important and everything he’s had happen to him. If he can pump himself up, or put himself in a better light, he’s willing to lie and lie repeatedly. Even after being called on it and mewling a half-assed apology, he does not hesitate to tell the lie again.

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