Said Donald Trump, quite chaotically, at the town hall in La Crosse, Wisconsin last night. Maybe "Comrade Kamala" won't talk to anybody, but Trump will talk and talk, riffing from subject to subject, revealing the awful confusion behind the scenes, acknowledging the town hall and the presence of Tulsi Gabbard, but frantically filibustering as if desperate to prevent the audience and Tulsi from sharing the spotlight. Oh, that speech he would have given! It was one hell of a speech! But you're not going to get it... and you're not going to get that town hall either, not if he can string enough topics together into a crazy patchwork that can't end, won't end....
August 30, 2024
"And I figured I was going to come here and we were going to make a speech. I had a speech all set for you — I was ready — and they said, sir, you're actually doing a town hall."
"I said, oh, nobody told me that. I said Who's doing it? They said Tulsi. I said, well, that's at least good news. I've been a fan of hers for a long time, I have to tell you. So. So I didn't even know. I'm I'm in the plane, and I'm looking over some material, and we're going to give you a hell of a speech tonight. We were set to give you one hell of a speech. They said, no, sir, it's a town hall. I said why doesn't somebody tell me this stuff, and I don't even have any idea who we're doing it for. I don't know. Is it for a network or what? I see a lot of television all over the place, so maybe it's on all of them, but I did get to see uh the strangest thing today I looked at the news conference of Kamala — I call her Comrade Comrade Kamala Comrade Kamala — she's a uh you know that she's uh a Marxist. Her father was a Marxist before her, so she was brought up in the family tradition, and she really is, and this country is not ready for a Marxist. We don't want a Marxist as a President, and she destroyed San Francisco, she destroyed California, and we're not going to let it destroy our country, I'll tell you, it's not going to happen so — but just to finish — so for some reason she won't talk to anybody so...."
Once again, just like in 2016, we're here because the Democrats rigged their nomination and the Republicans didn't rig theirs.
What a contrast between the Trump-Tulsi townhall, and the Harris-Walz recorded scripted interview. Anybody think Harris could handle a townhall with Tulsi as the moderator?
If he can string enough topics together into a crazy patchwork that can't end, won't end....
In a word, vacuous.
Trump doesn't use note cards, he does not enjoy the biased media as his crutch. Yeah - there's some rambling- but the concepts are there. But you're above it all.
Trump's ads should be 100% Kamala's long history of radical leftist positions on issues. The very issues she is now fake-pivoting on...
Wow - the media bias is over the top. Just heard a clip on the radio. ABC gushes over her...
Why was the confusion ‘awful’? Unlike the opponent, the cabal precisely micromanaging the rules of engagement for whatever empty suit their candidate is this month, Trump is certainly capable of not caring about the format enough to be surprised about the town hall…am I being invited to feel some offense that Trump is stepping on Tulsi’s moment. Is she running for something or something?
Evil man and oppressed woman.
"I've been a fan of hers for a long time, I have to tell you."
I saw her first Donald...keep your snatch-grabbing hands off her.
"Nobody puts Tulsi in a corner."
DCLGFY, not "above;" EP's oblivious of it all.
Trump doesn't use note cards...
Perhaps he should.
Sally - I agree he should be a better speaker - but note cards are a horrible look.
Extemporaneous speech can be disconcerting. Especially when it’s compared to the pre-recorded, softball, chaperoned, platitude-filled charade that CNN hosted.
As I said in the Cafe post, this “town hall” was chaotic, rambling and he didn’t answer any of the few questions presented to him from the audience. Tulsi was polite to him ignoring her story about her personal experience with IVF, but if one can read body language it appeared to me she may be regretting her decision to hook her wagon to his. Why didn’t Trump know it would be a town hall? Are we to believe no one told him? Also, the town hall ended abruptly, strangely, almost as if his handlers decided that it had turned into a fiasco and it was time to end it. But of course you needn’t believe me, watch it for yourselves, maybe you’ll see the opposite of what I saw.
Leave them wanting more? Eh... I can't really say anything about it because I don't like listening to any politician anymore. I look at what they do, and with Trump, he's been President and I have an idea what he will do.
Still, don't waste Tulsi Gabbard. RFK Jr. was a great endorsement, but I think Tulsi can win a lot more people over, because she doesn't come across like a typical politician, she appeals to men and women, and she has served her country in combat and Congress (as has Vance). She is also doing a great job on social media warning people about Kamala Harris.
her knee capping of Kamala in the 2019 debate was glorious, of course thats why they drove her out of the party,
"...but frantically filibustering as if desperate to prevent the audience and Tulsi from sharing the spotlight."
Perhaps is was just to set up the contrast between Kamala's recorded, scripted interview with Dana Bash, and her dad showing up at the interview with her. Trump can flow with whatever is thrown at him. A REAL President needs have that ability. Biden didn't. Harris doesn't.
Trump pulls audience members up on the stage all the time. He's the leader. The star of the show. I don't see the "desperation" to not share the spotlight.
Trump's off-the-cuff comment was 'chaotic'? Really? Show your prejudice much, Ann? At least he did not need note cards. Or insist on it being taped.
The crowd reactions for RFK Jr. and Tulsi are loud, enthusiastic and REAL. A unity party is coalescing around Trump. Musk, JFK Jr., Tulsi. All former Democrats who watched their party turn totalitarian.
You forgot edited
He just sounds funny to me, like he's doing his usual riff. Self-deprecating and teasing.
Zito has a great article about Vance in PA. Someone in the audience asks him where his teleprompter is. His answer is golden.
Newt sez:
Newt Gingrich
After watching the CNN interview of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz it is clear that Walz is the first “emotional support candidate” in history. Just as some people need an emotional support pet it is clear Harris is sufficiently insecure she needs an emotional support vice Presidential candidate. President Trump should be compassionate and allow her to bring Walz to the debate so he can stand near her and offer emotional comfort.
Trump’s diarrhea of the mouth. Sorry if you haven’t had your lunch yet. I had my lunch already and I had a soft drink. Did you know why they call it a soft drink?…
You can only use notecards when you get the questions in advance.
Biden, and now Harris, only have to respond to "journalists" when they have already been fed the questions.
Trump has to face "gotcha" questions at every single press conference.
Those two things are not even remotely similar.
I don't believe for one moment that he didn't know what the event was or who would be there.
That was just Trump being Trump. Maybe he was told it was a town hall and he was just trying to be interesting. Trump doesn't talk like a lawyer. And I don't consider that a flaw or chaotic. The part Fox showed live on Jesse Watters was very impressive to me. My thought at the time: Trump really is a good guy and is running again - and risking his life and liberty - because he loves the country. Harris and Biden, OTOH, are in it for power and money. Wondering about the grifts Doug has in mind if wifey wins.
Remember, as with Biden, this is the best he's ever going to be.
I don't think Trump "handled" a townhall with Tulsi. She has endorsed him, after all. It would be the same thing as Harris sitting down for a townhall with someone who has endorsed her. Not very difficult.
lonejustice ignores the problem Kamala has with extemporaneous speech.
How is that so different from coach Bill Belichek on the sidelines while Tom Brady is on the field throwing touchdowns just like Kamala Harris. She's striping Nothing but Net.
I thought that Tulsi with Trump was really good. She would toss questions to him, and he would take them and run. Some from the audience, and some of her own. Almost as if they had Procter it, a lot. They hadn’t, of course.
Such a contrast with Comrades Harris and Walz. Tulsi is everything that Harris is not: confident, well spoken, and articulate. And much better looking. No head bobbing with either of them. Vance is probably the better VP running mate, if for no other reason than that he’s a Republican. But she would have done very well.
You're right. We don't believe you.
lonejustice also ignores the fact that Tulsi took Kamala out of the 2020 primary when she nailed her at the debate about her prosecutorial abuses. So what if Tulsi indorsed Trump. Any interview or townhall Trump has done with a MSM moderator has been hostile.
It was a Trump campaign event. Very much flow of consciousness. Reminds me of the speech by Beluchi in Animal House, when the Germans were bombing Pearl Harbor. The advice was to just roll with it and enjoy it.
Football is a game... involving skill. Politics for the left is also a game - involving crutches.
But they hid Biden. Nobody hides Trump.
Did anyone else listen to Trump's disjointed meandering performance on Shawn Ryan (Seal, CIA operator) podcast? He's lost his edge. It could be an adrenaline hangover from the attempt on his life?
Here is a video clip of Bluto’s speech:
DJT riffing with zero prep > KH with 5.5 weeks to memorize replies to a sycophant AND has her emotional support animal alongside. Wow.
It really is quite remarkable, that two former Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed Donald Trump. As Gabbard says, it is "not as Democrats and Republicans but as proud Americans who love this great country". I can only hope that there are enough of us left to win an election.
Eventually you will figure out why Trump got millions more votes than the "smart" republicans that are handled by the establishment and go off of cue cards and prepared canned talk.
EP prefers smooth talking and canned speech.
It is hard for the idiots that support Harris to deal with this.
Trump's rallies and/or town halls aren't my cup of tea, but he is relentless, engaging, and sometimes interesting. There's just too much other stuff to wade thorough for me.
Of course it was a town hall with a friendly audience, which isn't a big deal, and shouldn't be for somebody seeking the highest office in the land. Team Kamala wouldn't dare let her do such a thing. Think about how embarrassing that is. The bar can't lowered anymore than it already is.
I'm curious how that makes feminists feel. Is it embarrassing or do they just not care?
We're actually here because DJT, piece of trash, won't acknowledge that he is a loser. And i'm not even a Harris supporter. He gives me the creeps, And i think he cares for no one but himself and his image.
It’s hard? Um…no. It’s easy to see Trump rambling, not answering questions, lost in his own runaway train of thought. It should be hard for Trump supporters to see Trump wasting stage time and space, over and over and over again. I hope and am confident that he won’t be able to improve his chaotic appearances and I predict they will continue to deteriorate.
Illegals are voting, the democrat-left is corrupt, Trump is not a great speaker - but he is a superior CIC.
It’s the Little Old Catlady From Pasadena!
Red Star about covers it…
I have no doubt that Trump's speaking style seems chaotic to you, Althouse.
It stands in contrast to your anal, well organized way of writing.
I can appreciate both styles of communication.
The last two individuals the Ds have put forward for the top job can not / could not communicate -- and that's being generous. Also, neither emerged from "normal" primaries. Versus: a media virtuoso. How did it come to this
You're gonna take a walk in the rain
And you're gonna get wet
(I predict)
You're gonna eat a bowl of chow mein
And be hungry real soon
(I predict)
Are my sources correct
(I predict)
They're gonna find Kamala’s a cipher
But that Inga don't care
(I predict)
Timmy will prove that the Imam and him
Had a fleeting affair
(I predict)
Are my sources correct
Are my sources correct
Yes I know they're correct
(I predict)
h/t Ron Mael
RFK’s VP Shanahan Releases 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' Ad
TDS is a manufactured product of the the democrats and the media.
“Edited” is not strong enough. “curated”… “revised”… “altered”… “rewritten” may be closer.
Tulsi was outstanding. There is side-angle video of her silently repeating the final few lyrics of the Lee Greenwood, and it's about as genuine/real as you could ask. Ds do not do "authentic" -- at least, not the current breed. Witness the halting, awkward failure by the Emhoff crowd to just extend saying "USA" more than twice. Contrast is reality.
Tulsi's reasoning for endorsing Trump is spot on. She thrashed Harris 3 and 1/2 years ago, and she will continue to thrash her, and Harris deserves it.
"And Vice President Kamala Harris, whose record shows an increasingly tyrannical government undermining our freedoms. We are embroiled in multiple wars and the world is closer to the brink of nuclear war than ever before, with increasing economic hardship for Americans throughout the 3½ years she served as Vice President of the United States. The contrast couldn't be more clear."
The alpha female asserts dominance over the imposter, and Harris is both a fraud and incompetent.
I change my mind. I would love it if Trump could find some articulation discipline. Also - I'd do a flip if he would read this off a sheet of paper. out loud. where it needs to be. see next
6. Do not mention Biden at all. Harris is not to be seen with him in photos or at events. Create a vaguely joyful but completely imaginary, “Harris record.” Separate it from the miserable Biden-Harris administration. Leak that she was unhappy with Biden.
7. Call Trump a mobster, criminal, insurrectionist, and dictator nonstop. Never provide any evidence to support such charges. When challenged, double down and let loose with worse invective.
8. Talk about abortion nonstop. But never dare mention the word. Relabel abortion “reproductive rights.” Falsely reinvent Trump as a radical anti-abortionist who wants a federal ban.
9. Follow the 2020 successful Biden “basement” strategy: keep out of the public eye, silent on the issues, reliant on 70 percent of the ballots not being cast on Election Day, and outsourcing the campaign to the fusion media and billionaire class.
10. Harangue about race and gender nonstop. Define the election as a stark binary between a “young” oppressed but dynamic black woman and an old oppressor racist white guy.
11. Reinvent the “journey” and life “story” of Harris — the child of two PhDs — into a hardscrabble, lifelong struggle against poverty, systemic racism, and greedy “billionaires” like Trump. She is always to be from Oakland — never Berkeley.
12. Talk about transparency nonstop. Feign a willingness to have three or four debates. But agree to hold only one — and only on a left-wing network. Promise interviews and town halls endlessly. Enter into discussions about them. But always delay, stonewall, and evade for the next 10 weeks.
13. Meet privately and endlessly with the megarich donor class that helped to remove Biden. Assure Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley grandees that banter about wealth taxes, taxes on unearned income, and higher corporate taxes are mere campaign posturing. Then outraise Trump again 3-1.
14. Privately assure leftist activists and Democrat politicos that any backslidings from supporting lifelong left-wing advocacies are temporary and necessary 70-day pretexts. Instead look at what Harris actually does after November 5, not anything she must say before then.
The scales fall from Nicole Shanahan's eyes.
I'll take a rambling, energetic Trump, who is interested in everything, has an opinion about everything, and does lot's of reasonable stuff about almost everything. I'll take that over a self-conscious, anxious, incoherent Harris, who does nothing, seems to have zero interest in actual, real issues, and who behaves like a Prom queen who will sell out at the drop of a hat.
Indeed it is. The Manufactured Trump Hate Cult works. Similar to the Covid Jab-Pushers.
At least EVERYTHING he says about Kamala is true. How the hell does SHE get away with THESE lies over and over and over again?? Because of the faithful, Progressive arm of the Democrat party that owns the media who run with this kind of shit because our lying POLITICIANS have no clue how to tell the truth.
Liz Wolfe
Trump, the guy who just said Florida's six-week ban was too restrictive? Maybe a misinformation reporter or a professional fact-checker should hop on this, since Harris is straight-up lying here. In fact, pro-lifers are pissed off because Trump is just...transparently pro-choice.
Kamala Harris
If Donald Trump wins, he will not only sign an abortion ban—he also intends to create a national anti-abortion coordinator, forcing states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions.
8:02 AM · Aug 30, 2024
Well, ma'am.... if you're not going to consider any rationale to change, and all you have to offer is your personal vitriol, with nothing else that's original thinking, then please don't feel you must provide us with updates; you don't have any.
Did anyone listen to Kamala's performance on Shawn Ryan? Oh... Kamala doesn't do public speaking. I forgot.
Not just 'edited.' After the initial negotiations between the parties, it probably went something like this: There was an agreement to the list of issues and questions, preparation and approval of the script, time formatting, agreement to the set layout, the seating, and the lighting. Then there was camera placement, shot angles, and sound. And after all of this, there was some rehearsing, some final set blocking, and then: The raw shooting of the interview. Then the material went into production, the editing and massaging of the interview material was organized into a coherent narrative that probably had nothing to do with the actual shooting sequence of the interview footage. And then, more post-production work on sound and visual effects, adding the padding they needed with collateral shots of family members and so on, because they didn't have enough material.
It's better to think of this as a fully-produced television show - because that's what it was. All those thinking that the Harris - Walz - Bash hot tub movie is comparable to the Trump - Gabbard Town Hall - criticizing the latter using the former - just don't think very hard about the way things really work, and don't have any real world experience to inform their thoughts anyway - which is why they're inclined to vote Democrat.
Do we want a President that struggles to answer soft-ball questions in friendly environments? Or one that is willing to go unscripted into potentially hostile audiences, and take questions directly from citizens, and answer them right then and there, however imperfectly?
If you have to think hard about this, then your life is entirely too soft, and you are taking too much for granted.
President Trump practices Gonzo campaigning. Nothing wrong with that.
this got disappeared. Trump should read this - out loud: VDH:
6. Do not mention Biden at all. Harris is not to be seen with him in photos or at events. Create a vaguely joyful but completely imaginary, “Harris record.” Separate it from the miserable Biden-Harris administration. Leak that she was unhappy with Biden.
7. Call Trump a mobster, criminal, insurrectionist, and dictator nonstop. Never provide any evidence to support such charges. When challenged, double down and let loose with worse invective.
8. Talk about abortion nonstop. But never dare mention the word. Relabel abortion “reproductive rights.” Falsely reinvent Trump as a radical anti-abortionist who wants a federal ban.
9. Follow the 2020 successful Biden “basement” strategy: keep out of the public eye, silent on the issues, reliant on 70 percent of the ballots not being cast on Election Day, and outsourcing the campaign to the fusion media and billionaire class.
10. Harangue about race and gender nonstop. Define the election as a stark binary between a “young” oppressed but dynamic black woman and an old oppressor racist white guy.
So- yet another edition of "Why can't Trump be something other than what he is?"
Good luck with that.
Edit everything, also, Ds. Tape first, just in case it's really bad. (Reminds me, it's Labor Day weekend, does the Hur audio with JB emerge right about now?)
"Vicki" is now Victoria but her hatred is the same.
Trump just ran an ad where Kamala says her values haven’t changed followed by a number of video clips of Kamala stating unpopular progressive shit.
Trump just ran an ad where Kamala says her values haven’t changed followed by a number of video clips of Kamala stating unpopular progressive shit.
VDH cont..
11. Reinvent the “journey” and life “story” of Harris — the child of two PhDs — into a hardscrabble, lifelong struggle against poverty, systemic racism, and greedy “billionaires” like Trump. She is always to be from Oakland — never Berkeley.
12. Talk about transparency nonstop. Feign a willingness to have three or four debates. But agree to hold only one — and only on a left-wing network. Promise interviews and town halls endlessly. Enter into discussions about them. But always delay, stonewall, and evade for the next 10 weeks.
13. Meet privately and endlessly with the megarich donor class that helped to remove Biden. Assure Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley grandees that banter about wealth taxes, taxes on unearned income, and higher corporate taxes are mere campaign posturing. Then outraise Trump again 3-1.
14. Privately assure leftist activists and Democrat politicos that any backslidings from supporting lifelong left-wing advocacies are temporary and necessary 70-day pretexts. Instead look at what Harris actually does after November 5, not anything she must say before then.
Donald Trump said…
“ — I call her Comrade, Comrade Kamala. Comrade Kamala — she's a… you know that she's a Marxist. Her father was a Marxist before her, so she was brought up in the family tradition, and she really is. And this country is not ready for a Marxist. We don't want a Marxist as a President.”
The first fully Marxist-American for president. The Democratic Party truly is the party of firsts.
This is what normal Americans see of our Hack Media:
Democrats get ooozing affection and kid-glove treatment.
R's get hostility.
Kamala doesn’t do public speaking? Huh? GA, PA, WI, NV, AZ, MI, IL and probably some I forgot. Huge rallies, thousands of people. She gave speeches at every one of them.
Call her Harpo.
How will that abortion ban cross Trump's desk? It would have to be passed by both houses of Congress, right? If the President has the power to ban abortions with the stroke of a pen, then why doesn't President Biden [sic} make them fully legal with the stroke of his pen?
I am beginning to reconsider my educated guess that Kamala-lala-dingdong is dumber than Inga.
When stupidity reaches a certain level it is really hard to differentiate.
Why not? Because he did so well despite not having his whole presentation worked out in advance? Not everyone is as deficient in extemporaneous speaking as KH, nor as fearful about being in such situations. Your girl Kamala is so weak in that department she had her staff participate in a mock dinner party ahead of a real one she had agreed to attend.
Attacks on John Kerry were successful because many other Vietnam veterans felt a strong sense of betrayal that he’d made his political name criticizing the war.
But those aren’t the circumstances of Tim Walz, who served 24 years and was a senior non-commissioned officer. He may have occasionally embroidered here and there, but the attacks look feeble.
Trump’s exemptions and Vance’s service as a one-tour media specialist hardly glisten by comparison.
Trump is trying to outrun his earlier, disrespectful comments by embracing the Abbey Gate families.
By deriding “the generals,” pardoning troops convicted of serious crimes at court martial, and demagoguing only some service as worthy, Trump is engaged in a sinister effort to break up the good order and discipline of the American military — to reach past the leadership and create insurrectionists among the ranks.
True, although they did not hide Biden well enough to distract me from writing here for years that he was too old to run for re-election. Or the majority of voters in poll after poll who answered that he was too old to run. Looking forward to a Richard Ben Cramer type book on 2024 that explains this phenomenon. (To bad he's not around to do it.)
Inga, why do you think his supporters would or should care about this? " It should be hard for Trump supporters to see Trump wasting stage time and space, over and over and over again." You're really digging deep to find something there. OMG, the 45th president of the United States, running again in 2024, is literally wasting time and space! This will make him lose........
He gives me the creeps,
So don't watch him or listen to him. Ever think of that, harpy?
Constantly and consistently lying about your service, rank, and being in a war zone over a 20 year period is not "occasionally embroider[ing]." And then with jabs at Vance.
What a combination - "Respect veterans and their service, even if they lie about it" v. "Except that Vance guy. Yes, he went into a war zone, but we *can* denigrate his service, for reasons. Because we respect the troops, or something."
These types of oftentimes chaotic, riffing, sometimes incoherent ramblings by Trump have to stop. Someone needs to tell him that he has already won the Republican nomination (even though he refused to debate any of his opponents). He can't waste the next 2 months simply firing up his base. They are already as fired up as they will ever be. At some point Trump has to exhibit some self control and reach out to those who agree with most of his policies, and would vote for him, but are turned off by these undisciplined diatribes. This election is Trump's to lose if he doesn't change course.
Why would or should his supporters care? Hmmm, maybe because you WANT him to win the presidency? How does he help himself win with the way he uses his time in a public situation? I don’t care how much of your time he wastes, it helps my candidate when he makes himself look like an old man who doesn’t have the self discipline to do the work it takes to appear presidential.
"But those aren’t the circumstances of Tim Walz, who served 24 years and was a senior non-commissioned officer. He may have occasionally embroidered here and there..." You misspelled 'lying'. It's not 'embroidery' when you lie about having a more senior rank, when you never earned it in the first place. Never. It's lying when you continue to say that you are this rank, 'retired' when in fact, you retired before earning this rank, because your unit was being called up to actually be used in active duty - and you 'retired' as soon as you found out. That's called lying and cowardice, as many of the men, left without leadership and facing deployment, as a consequence of this, have testified, some of them sworn in.
And it's called lying when you say that you carried certain weapons in combat, which in fact you never saw combat - because you retired out of cowardice. All of these things, taken together, are not harmless 'embroidery', they show a pattern of behavior that most people correctly assume highlights a defect in character - and this has been borne out by many witnesses that have come forward.
But the idea that you keep propping these untruths up there, keep plumping up the cushions, says a lot about you - and your honesty. These 'embellishments' are not harmless. They are outright lies, and every single one of them has been repeated, over and over, to score political points. Walz lies like a rug, if he thinks it might buy him votes. Which say everything about the relationship he has with the truth.
But you're not going to get it... and you're not going to get that town hall either, not if he can string enough topics together into a crazy patchwork that can't end, won't end...."
Did he ever give time for Tulsi to do the town hall?
Heh. "Harpo" is "Oprah" in reverse.
He was there for the bennies and gravitas. Got the hell out of Dodge when it came time to lead. That's not embroidering.
Why would or should his supporters care? Hmmm, maybe because you WANT him to win the presidency?
Mind your own business.
..and then became strangely enamored with China.
Of course- fact checks on Facebook say she's not a communist. Likely because she's not an actual card carrying member of that party- but of the Democrat Party elite that shares communist values.
Kerry was badly damaged by allegations that he had betrayed America’s sacred honor. Trump, on the other hand, pays no price for pouring frequent scorn on the very idea of serving one’s country.
Trump mocked McCain for having been taken prisoner in Vietnam. “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said. “I like people who weren’t captured.” According to John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, and a retired Marine general, Trump would openly mock those who had died fighting for their country. Alone among allied leaders in 2018, he could not be bothered to commemorate the D-Day fallen in Normandy. Trump thinks dead or wounded soldiers are “suckers”, according to Kelly, and refused to be pictured next to amputees or people in wheelchairs because “it doesn’t look good for me”.
I am unaware of any elected leader in the history of democracy who has spoken about their armed forces with such contempt. Yet Trump pays no price for it. Why?
Some of it is to do with Trump’s skill at harvesting resentment against the non-serving elites. A veteran once told me that there were few things more annoying than people who dodged the draft saying “Thank you for your service”. When it comes to the supposedly honored role of veterans in US society, hypocrisy is truly the compliment that vice pays to virtue.
Aside from Biden, Trump bears particular responsibility for Afghanistan’s reversion to the dark ages. It was he who negotiated directly with the Taliban, agreed to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners, and set the date (originally April 2021) for full US withdrawal. That he is now trying to piggyback on the deaths of 13 American soldiers whom he would otherwise regards as suckers is quite hard to stomach.
No, why should I? I’m not going to ignore the doofus you people chose to support and possibly hoist upon the rest of us. Thankfully it looks like he will lose in a huge blue wave. You can thank us for saving our country from the likes of Donald Trump and his agenda.
...and then abandoned MPLS to riots...then enabled a Covid snitch line.
I've watched this video twice. Trump says that 107% of the jobs created were taken by illegal immigrants. I'm not a mathematician, but .....
Tulsi Gabbard was just a prop for Trump's diatribe. What a wasted opportunity. If Trump had just shut up for a while and let her speak, he would have really made some inroads into getting women to support him. Tulsi is a great asset to his campaign, and he squandered this opportunity.
Like I said, I just watched this surreal disastrous video twice. It ended up with the Trump campaign playing of Y.M.C.A., a song by the American disco group The Village People, a group of cartoon dressed up homosexual deviants. Is this who Trump and MAGA is now wanting to identify with? What the hell is going on with the Trump campaign?
Wait a minute, are you changing the subject away from your first foray into defending the contemptible behavior of candidates being dishonest, for years, and calling it 'embellishment'?
'Aside from Biden, Trump bears particular responsibility for Afghanistan’s reversion to the dark ages....'
'Aside from Biden ??' Is this like that old joke, 'Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?' Rich, where do you get your material? Are you on the same feed as Inga, or something? Are they paying you well, at least?
Lulz....fuck off, karen.
The "doofus" was promoted by your party in 2016 as a straw candidate, and has been promoted by the DNC in 2024 by giving him air time (to demonize him, to be sure, but it's free advertising) for the same reason. Your party is not about democracy; it's about uniparty, dictatorship.
In her pod today, Megyn Kelly is at her absolute best and well-researched in taking down the Adynamic Duo, and Bash of CNN.
Trump Says He Will Vote Against Florida Abortion Referendum ~ WSJ
“I have principles, and if you don’t like them, I have others!” — Groucho Marx
Thanks LLR-democratical lonejustice! Always great to hear from you losers running your hilariously transparent FakeCon 5th column movement.
But, as always, you remain the runt of the LLR-democratical litter! Chuck and Rich cannot be very pleased with your sad performance.
Btw, were youbpaying attention a few days back when Abacus Boy Rich attempted ANOTHER "reset" as a supposed conservative?!
Now thats comedy little LLR-democratical amigo!
Yes, a kamala-la-la-la-la supporter wrote that...just now! Too funny.
STILL waiting on New Soviet Democratical points! Man, the democratical Politburo has been awfully quiet as of late...but that was bound to happen with the policy lies, twists and turns the New Soviet Democraticals have been contorting themselves around for the last 8 weeks!
The point of mentioning his "war service" was not to build up his war record. Rather it was to emphasize that ARs are weapons of war and shouldn't be used to kill children. He pushed the envelope. I could care less. His priority was to save kids from being killed. Good for him.
Oh gosh, this will keep Trump up “truthing” all night long. He’s old, the poor man needs his sleep.
“Harris-Walz Interview Ratings Nearly Double Trump’s Last Big CNN Sit-Down
The CNN interview also outpaced the ratings for Donald Trump and JD Vance’s first joint interview on Fox News.”
No one lies, twists and turns better than our Drago.
We'll just mark you down as mathematically and economics illiterate as your fellow leftists.
Illegals have taken more jobs than the Biden administration has claimed to have created...which is true which is why unemployment has soared in the black and Latino communities under lonejustice's beloved harris-biden admin.
You're welcome kamala-la-la-la-la supporter.
Now do Kamala saying 150M Americans died from COVID, twice.
But you wont...because why would any democrat call kamala-la-la-la-la out on anything?
Russia collusion truther Inga (yes, she STILL believes it happened along with the hookers peeing on a bed in Moscow!) thinks more people watching the kamala train wreck is a GOOD thing!
It was the novelty of it all Inga....and now, like the Trump-Biden debate, where Inga predicted Trump would not show up and then predicted Biden would destroy Trump, the viewing aufience cannot "unsee" the marxist disaster kamala and Stolen Valor "bad grammar" boy inflicted on the audience!
Trump doesn't need anyone advice on how to campaign, make speeches, or do interviews. He will win HUGELY and liberal tears will flow like a tsunami ... a beautiful thing. (Rich still pushing the Kelly lie while anyone with access to the internet can view Joe Biden check his watch numerous times while the dead military members are passing by. As to DJT's comments on John McCain: McCain was evil, was a traitor to his party and the country with his votes, said dozens and dozens of nasty and vile things about Trump. If you cannot handle a counter-punch, which DJT is SO good at, maybe you ought to keep your trap shut. I shed not a single tear when that bastard died; good riddance.)
I can tell you what I like about Trump and what I don't like. At times he can be his own worst enemy, other times he hits the perfect note. He's genuine. Harris isn't. "I haven't changed my values" - Harris. That's just a scripted magic trick to satisfy the base. Just like Obama's "hope and change".
Trump has been President. Did a damn good job. Was harassed relentlessly both in his own party and by democrats, and faced a torrent of fake news. All we got from Biden was more of Obama's "fundamental transformation" otherwise known as Communism lite. Harris is an Obama protege.
As expected, LLR-democratical Rich has moved on to Stage 4 of New Soviet Democratical gaslighting: You're damn right I ordered the Code Red!!! And its a good thing!!!
Previous LLR-democratical Rich Stages (parroted by fellow democratical squawker Inga):
Stage 1) Walz is a War Hero!
Stage 2) Walz is being Swiftboated!
Stage 3) Walz slightly embellished his distinguished record...once!
Stage 4) (after mountains of irrefutable video and documentary evidence could not be "hunter biden laptop-ped" hidden by lefty media) okay okay, Walz repeatedly lied and is a textbook case of Stolen Valor and Blue Falcon-ry but darn it, he has good intentions so good for "bad grammar"!!!!
At this point you really have to start wondering if Rich and Inga and lonejustice are really conservatives portraying moronic lefties online!
Tell us more about russia collusion, the hoax dossier, Trump suppisedly communicating with Putin via Alfa bank and Trump Tower servers, "drink bleac" "fine people", etc.
Actually, lets make this very easy for our russian collusion lunatic Inga:
Name a single New Soviet Democratical hoax over the last 9 years (remember the Russian Bounties lie you pushed?) that you didnt fall for completely or have retracted.
There have been hundreds. HUNDREDS!
Show us just 1.....just. 1.
lonejustice is not "ignoring" anything. He is here to push New Soviet Democratical talking points.
Which he does daily.
"I haven't changed my values" - Harris.
No shit, Sherlock. Remember that when she talks about immigration or fracking or...
Really, all the Althouse lefties should be doing cartwheels right now given their commie allies in Brazil are completely cracking down on free speech (as kamala and Stolen Valor boy are desperate to do) AND attacking Musk!
Thats a drwam come true scenario for the Althouse marxists.
Really, all the Althouse lefties should be doing cartwheels right now given their commie allies in Brazil are completely cracking down on free speech (as kamala and Stolen Valor boy are desperate to do) AND attacking Musk!
Thats a dream come true scenario for the Althouse marxists.
BTW, Jim- that snark wasn't directed at you, it's intended for Kamalamadingdong. Sorry for any confusion.
Oh gosh. This will keep collusion truther Inga posting all night:
"Kamala Harris was leading by double digits in Minnesota before Tim Walz entered the race and now her lead is cut in half.
Absolutely incredible."
And our Comrade Drago pushes Russian talking points. Which he does daily.
Geezus Inga. Take your evening pill.
Inga is still on the Russian thing. Hilarious !
Will that help her get even?
She pretty much played, filleted and slew those three lying cheese-eaters.
Inga is not aware the Obama and Harris do not do well without a teleprompter.
With her Teleprompter, of course!
Althouse is gathering excuses to not vote for Trump. It has nothing to do with policies or competence or pro-USA vs The Party. It has to do with a lifelong democrat party member being brainwashed loooong ago to always hate republicans and view them as the enemy, and to never, ever, ever vote for one.
Inga has no idea how real campaigns are conducted.
I'm sure your advice is sincere but the bullshit detector went off.
The odds are now in Trump's favor - Trump at -102, Harris at +106. So the confusion over both candidates' having positive numbers, meaning that a bet for either one of them would be in the money somehow (and I might be the only person confused by this, but since (a) it's illegal to bet on the election in the US and (b) I wouldn't bet anyway even if I were not a citizen, and also (c) I'm only watching the odds to keep tabs on public opinion, I haven't bothered to assuage my own confusion), is over for the moment. Trump is the favorite, by about the same margin as before the debate.
Nice bump, Harris.
Now, public opinion and Gladwell's wisdom of crowds says nothing about whatever "election fortification" measures are in space or will be out in place. And I still don't think Trump will be allowed to take office even if he wins beyond the margin of "fortification." "They" were caught flat-footed in 2016; "They" won't be again.
He's joking. Jeez, the left wing runs strong in you.
Drago continues to flood the Althouse blog with the same old shit, over and over again - 24/7. He uses such a limited number of words and viewpoints that there is a serious limit to his understanding that disagreements are not unusual and that his personal attacks need to be replaced with reasoned counterarguments.
Trump took a bullet by campaigning...continues to do so despite well founded concerns about protection. That is not the marker of a self serving loser. But YOU will have to pick between him and a woman who exudes zero acumen or integrity..and her support stooge Walz.
If that were the case, you would be a pro -lifer, and you aren't so sit down, about your concern for killing children being the reason you like Tim Walz's lies about guns.
"Perhaps is was just to set up the contrast ... Trump can flow with whatever is thrown at him."
This is precisely how I interpreted it.
Is Trump’s mental instability proof that Biden hasn’t calmed America down like he claimed he would.....
Victoria is Inga's west coast alter ego. Bless their hearts.
Doc. I blame her cats. They're not giving her the current talking points.
Yeah, Readering. You go with that. Now you're going to vote for Trump, right? The moderate.
Rich. Let me tell you something about leadership. The leader sets the example. No matter how painful and time consuming. And when you commit to something you see it through to the end.
Of course women and beta males don't have to consider these things.
Rich. More children have been saved from being killed by citizens with guns than by any without one. I'd be happy to have a discusion with you about the meaning of the second amendment.
Trump has about as many ads on YouTube as the Democrats. He isn't silent.
The law professor, and perhaps the moot court judge, might prefer something a little tighter and less rambling than an emcee with an unexpected guest.
But does she have brand new shiny red SuperStock Dodge?
Kamala is the candidate of the Praetorian Guard.
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