That's "The opening of [Bill Maher's] comedy show last night a few hours after the shooting."The opening of my comedy show last night a few hours after the shooting if anyone wants to know my thoughts….
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) July 14, 2024
You were warned.
"Liberals don't shoot people."
Ask Steve Scalise and Rand Paul about that one.
Thomas Crooks is a registered Republican. This is the headline that guy wanted. A smart ass!
Fuck the left
Project 2025 is the new Qnon on the left. Trump has not endorsed it, hasn't read it, and isn't pushing it. A think tank did. The left has their new boogie man after they tried to kill him.
Trump is lucky.
The leftists are luckier.
You people were a hairs breadth away from the whirlwind. I thought it was a joke when I saw that pop up. But now I am pissed. Everyone around here is pissed.
We are all lucky. Now is the time for reflection and the next motherfucker who says Trump is hitler or trump is a threat to democracy or Trump is a convicted felon gets punched in the face.
There have to be consequences for this short of hot civil war.
Dave Begley said...
Thomas Crooks is a registered Republican. This is the headline that guy wanted. A smart ass!
7/14/24, 7:08 AM
who donated to Act Blue. Besides...there are a LOT of 'Republicans" who hate Trump. Right chuck and Rich??
This will get worse until "Liberals" make a distinction and purge the illiberal left from their ranks.
Listen to their own words....THEY did this to themselves and now are twisting themselves into pretzels to pretend how upset they are. Lying corrupt bastards belong in prison.
Oh yes. Bill Maher is going to try and curry favor with the incoming President, much like Mark Zuckerberg is, but it:s not going to work. After something like this, President Trump will have even MORE motivation to end the CIA and their lackeys like the WaPo goons.
From the video: "Trump is the luckiest m'fer in the world".
Can you believe that? In 2015 Trump was a wealthy real estate developer and loved by democrats. He decided to change the course of the country and what happened? And this idiot calls him lucky.
My young nephew said he only watched Maher and Jon Stewart for his news.
I think DBegley was being cynical.
"There will be idiot conspiracy theorists..." sadly this isn't a prediction but an early reading of the progressive response to the assassination attempt.
You fed this hatred for years, Bill. Now you want a pass?
Maher has taken a very very long time to learn or accept that the 1990s concept of a "Democrat" died during the Obama Administration, as "The Lives of Others" (2006) East German-style Deep Sate took over. Frankly, I blame the passive, idealistic, and trusting Obama for handing over the reins to a bunch of anonymous inside operators who told him what he wanted to hear. We all know how some people become obnoxious when allowed to be anonymous online -- those same people took control over the federal agencies.
In trying to destroy "evil" traditions and the old-line establishment, the left ALWAYS lets foxes into the henhouse and gets destroyed from inside.
Must be a lot of conservatives shooting up people and destroying neighborhoods in Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit, Washington DC, New York.
Bill Maher still doesn't get so much. I've listened to him enough in the past few months to realize that sometimes, you can smack someone on the top of the head a dozen times and they may still believe it's something falling from the sky. He doesn't see, or refuses to believe his own ears and eyes. Comparing a throwaway statement by some guy from the Heritage Foundation to the years of visceral hate coming out of the media, all of the press, celebrities, TV and radio, major athletes- denouncing the simple mantra of Make America Great Again, and turning Trump into HitlerBeelzebub who's goal is to end democracy, well...its just that the left has both allowed, paid for, and accepted violence all over our country right up until last night. And even last night and today, many of them are bemoaning that the job wasn't completed.
Joe Walsh once titled one of his albums, "You can't argue with a sick mind". This may be the only time in my life I quote Joe Walsh, but it applies here. There is no discussion. One side has to learn civility again and it has to learn how to stand up FOR civil society instead of breaking it down constantly in the name of saving it.
My heart goes out to the poor misunderstood Left.
Norm Macdonald was way ahead of you, Bill
It damages America you self-centered putz.
You know who is not lucky?
The Secret Service.
They tried to get Trump killed and failed.
Trump will never say it publicly and always say nice things about the agents. But you know he knows and so does every trained person who looks at the map of that venue. You don’t even need the multiple witnesses who were yelling at the SS about and guy with a gun on the roof before he took the shot.There is no chance that man gets a shot off from that spot without SS help.
The spectator who got his head shot off wasn't so lucky was he there Billy Boy.
What a tone deaf asshole.
See, lefties are worried about lefties (and Maher's a lefty).
A Muzzie goes on a murder spree following the express instructions of Big Mo, citing Mo's book.
And the left's worry? That there'll be a backlash about Muslims.
That’s Bill Maher. Worried about what it did to his tribe rather than admitting that it is what his tribe does.
Leland said...
That’s Bill Maher. Worried about what it did to his tribe rather than admitting that it is what his tribe does.
7/14/24, 7:35 AM
Mmhmm. They killed JFK. But failing to kill President Trump is the worst of all possible worlds for them. Deus Vult.
How dare you inga shut your antifa loving trap
Of course the question will arise: which side is more inclined to violence to achieve their objectives? On the right it may be that the mainstream pro-life movement has given some support to the shooters and bombers. Judges have been threatened by both sides from time to time.
If the left is largely non-violent, this must be partly because they occupy the high ground of the institutions, so they can get what they want without firing a shot. In 2020 they were helped by the violence of Covid 19, perhaps man-made, but with little involvement by Dem activists. They were also helped by the somewhat non-violent street protests.
Antifa were largely young people, recently radicalized at school. BLM seemed to be black people who were prepared to shit in their own nests. As in the 60s riots. There was always an implied deal with the Dems. Push DEI, and spend money where we say, or we start burning your neighborhoods.
With Biden in office, it seems they were hoping his record would be a winner, and/or Trump would self-destruct somehow. J6 could be fought by more or less lawful means. Nothing had worked all that well by 2024, so full-on lawfare against Trump became necessary. I for one thought the bill of attainder cases must fail, especially the three in NYC.
What do the Dems do if nothing is working, and Biden's health becomes a top issue?
This is a Sterling Hall Bombing moment. The perps thought they had the moral high ground but they blew up an innocent man. The shooter thought he had the moral high ground but he shot and killed an innocent man instead.
Nancy's husbands attacker took the fall and is in prison for years. He WAS definitely a product of the left by way of Canada. He was an illegal alien. What you think he is on the right for, shows just how indoctrinated you really are Inga. Trumps blood is on YOUR hands too. Keep spewing hate.
Maher has provided a platform for this eliminationist rhetoric for years. It gets him viewers and clicks. I wonder if he will do any soul searching about that. Nah, he just got high and decided to start the both sides discussions.
Anything to restore democracy eh maher
The time for denouncing violent rhetoric is before violence is perpetrated by your allies, not after, and it doesn't involve "but our opponents", either.
"Liberals don't shoot people."
Liberals do not run the Democratic party. The Democratic party's street-fighting auxiliaries, which they treat with kid gloves, ANTIFA and BLM, are not liberals in any meaningful sense, they are leftists. They are not only capable of violence, they like it.
He should have stopped commenting after the first two sentences and gone on to the comedy.
Trump is not a threat to democracy.
Anyone who says trump is a threat to democracy was partly responsible for this assassination attempt.
Inga is all in on "Both sides do it". Will not fly.
"You bring a knife, we bring a gun". (Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack the Magnificent)
He hasnt done intentional comedy since dc cab and thats debatable also amazon women on the moon
Say anything you want. The Constitution is ultimately about how we treat each other. Anything goes, but is subject to ridicule.
Mahar is one of the biggest Trump derangement syndrome promoters. He is just kidding himself if he believes he is above all of this.
"Liberals don't shoot people"
Um...Bill...have you heard about the violence in America's liberal metropolitan areas? Liberals do shoot A LOT of people.
It's just the white ivory tower liberals who ignore it.
Sigh. Project 2025.
Not read by Trump. Certainly not read by Bill M. or the thousands now trying desperately to wrap it around Trump.
Rejected by Trump and the R party who have their own, ACTUAL platform.
If a reporter asked me about 2025 the first thing I'd ask is "Have you read all 900+ pages?".
Blogger Achilles said...
You know who is not lucky?...The Secret Service....They tried to get Trump killed and failed.
It may have also been DEI incompetence. In one video, you can see the panic look on the female Secret Service agents surrounding Trumps car. One is so panicked she can't reholster her gun. These people are supposed to have the fortitude and training to stay calm.
The Trump campaign has requested additional protection and it has been denied. RJK Jr. gets zero.
rhhardin said...
Say anything you want. The Constitution is ultimately about how we treat each other. Anything goes, but is subject to ridicule.
Go peddle crap like this on DU.
Like I said on the LI thread, words don't result in blood dripping down somebody's head, or dead bodies.
We're talking actual bullets flying here.
Honestly the part where everyone holds their breath and hopes the maniac is one of 'them' rather than one of 'us' is one of the most ludicrous parts of modern life.
Their chickens have come home to roost...
Megyn Kelly interviewed Maher a few weeks ago. He has a new book out. She had to inform him on quite a few topics. He came across as generally ignorant about what has happened in the past and what’s going on now. It surprised me how in the dark he is, given how much he bloviates about current events. Credit goes to lefty news sites.
Wow he's sooo short
I'm a tall man (6'4") and these shorties are a problem
Regarding the comments speculating that the SS was in on it, I would just say that one should rarely attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. What I’ve heard from people who are/used to be in the SS is not complimentary about the recent push for DEI hires, and their abilities. Or lack thereof.
PA is a closed primary state. Is it possible the shooter registered Republican to vote in the primary to try to select the opposition? Register Republican may not mean what it seems.
Since this is a political thread, where does this leave Team Biden's election strategy? Althouse has advocated they focus on issues rather than the bad orange man. Will they actually do so? Do they have any other choice now?
Gusty Winds said...
Blogger Achilles said...
You know who is not lucky?...The Secret Service....They tried to get Trump killed and failed.
It may have also been DEI incompetence. In one video, you can see the panic look on the female Secret Service agents surrounding Trumps car. One is so panicked she can't reholster her gun. These people are supposed to have the fortitude and training to stay calm.
The Trump campaign has requested additional protection and it has been denied. RJK Jr. gets zero.
The person in charge of this detail has to have at least 10 years in. Given the nature of the SS and the propensity for it to be a career I would be shocked if it wasn't 20 years.
Any soldier with a year of combat training who set up a basic objective assault/security would have been able to look at that map and set up the fields of fire. The positions on those 2 roofs is glaringly obvious.
The basic concept is that you look at the best positions to attack the target from and you occupy them. This is almost always high ground with open fields of view. And you are generally going to occupy two positions that are going to anchor your formation. You will then place teams at other locations to fill in and make sure they are not blocking the fields of fire. Look at the map. Unless you decided to set up tree blinds or something silly there are 2 positions that just scream at you.
At the very barest minimum you are going to address an obvious avenue of approach that allows a shooter to get to 150 meters with an open view of the asset. Even then lets pretend everyone on the detail is an 80 IQ moron that would have failed basic training.
If you have civies yelling at you for a minute pointing to a guy with a gun crawling on the roof of a building you should have occupied and he still gets 3 shots off?
Just no. The SS was in on this.
Another case of when i am taking money out of an atm and someone is behind me, I relax when they are not a democrat.
It all but certain that the shooter registered as a Republican so he could vote against Trump in the primaries. This was an active Democrat directive- don't waste your primary votes on Biden who was almost completely unopposed- vote to make sure Trump wasn't the GOP nominee.
He donated money to the Democrats. He tried to shoot Trump in the head on what was certain to be a suicide mission or 40 ass-pounding years in federal prison. He was a leftist- full stop.
"Whoever did this has done so much damage to the left...."
The immediate Liberal narrative is that whatever happens they are always the real victims.
Their lack of self-awareness is a freakin' superpower.
"Liberals Don't Shoot People!"..
Except for Trans freaks..
And ball game haters..
and Oscar Collazo..
and Squeaky Fromme...
and Sara Jane Moore..
and John Hinckley Jr..
and John Schrank..
and Leon Czolgosz..
but YEAH! other than Liberals that DO shoot people.. Liberals DON'T shoot people
Dave Begley said...
Thomas Crooks is a registered Republican." Couple of things. He made a couple of donations to Democrat organizations and to joey bidet. Also since PA has closed primaries one has to register in one of the .major parties to vote in the primaries. And people will register and vote for a weak candidate to try to skew the results. So there's that.
And regarding the rubbish claim that the left doesn't do assassinations, um Steve Scalise would like a word. The shooter hodgeson was a Bernie bro.
That’s Bill Maher. Worried about what it did to his tribe rather than admitting that it is what his tribe does.
Maher's a panderer. He was at a show with an audience who paid to hear him carp about the right. Of course he pandered.
I will always remember Mahr as Pizza Boy.
Even after saying "this shit has to stop" Mahar calls Trump and "insane criminal."
Mahar isn't stopping.
How long will the kinda sorta suspension of hateful rhetoric and incitement from the leaders on the left last? Hours or days?
The profile of Presidental assassians and would be assassians have changed over the years. McKinely, TR, and FDR were shot at by "Sainted Immigrants". Truman was almost killed by PR nationalists.
But starting with JFK the assassians have been mostly liberal/left young men and women. the leftwing jewish doctor that killed Huey Long, Oswald (a commie), Brenner -the guy who shot wallace, sara jane moore (leftwing Jewish), squeaky fromme (crazy leftist), and the guy who tried to kill Reagan. And now this guy.
The only exceptions are Sirhan SIrhan, another "Sainted immigrant". The targets are almost always some one the Left or far left dislikes. Long and Wallace were populists. FDR/Truman/JFK were considered enemies of the far Left at the time of the shootings. RFK was killed for supporting Israel. Reagan, Ford, TR, Trump, and McKinnley were all Republicans.
90 percent of all mental patients and pyschiastrists (sic) along with 90 of Felons are Democrats.
Almost all political violence is from the left, going all the way back to Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
"Whoever did this has done so much damage to the left...."
Yeah, *that's* the problem with the attempted assassination of your political opponent.
Lawnerd said...
"PA is a closed primary state. Is it possible the shooter registered Republican to vote in the primary to try to select the opposition? Register Republican may not mean what it seems."
It's equally possible that he voted for Trump to ensure his presence in the general election. Anyone running on the (R) ticket would be literally Hitler, but nobody motivates the rabble like DJT.
On a brighter note for the left, CBS News talking heads interrupt with a special report that includes the CBS News conclusion that questions about Joe Biden’s competence are ‘on hold’ since he has so much to focus on at the moment…
I'll defend this comment by Maher. Trump really is lucky. He tries his hand at politics and first time out, he wins the Presidency. He gets shot in the head and walks away with some blood on his ear. Trump was not born under an unlucky star......I also give Maher credit for taking cognizance of the fact that Biden is too old. I don't watch late night comedians. Have any of them come out and said that.
If you have civies yelling at you for a minute pointing to a guy with a gun crawling on the roof of a building you should have occupied and he still gets 3 shots off?
Just no. The SS was in on this.
I am torn between malice and incompetence. CTH has video of the SS snipers watching the shooter as he shoots, then killing him.
I don't know if we will ever find out.
I would like to see Bill interview Donald Trump. I think it would be very interesting.
Sounds like he's fallen for the 2025 hoax. I shut down the clip at that point. No need to watch stupid people being stupid (even when they're being deliberately stupid in a vain effort to help their side).
Project 2025 is the left's latest Russia-gate/51 intel officer laptop denial fakery. It is despicable that Maher segways from the assassination attempt to a false bit of nonsense that has nothing to do with Trump or his supporters. I had a relative tell me in breathless indignation about Project 2025 about five months ago. I'd never heard of it. I read about 150 pages of it before my eyes glazed over and nap time set in. Boilerplate Heritage old-line conservative wish lists. Some okay, some stupid, much of it unlikely ever to see the light of day. Trump has properly dismissed it. I hope he does uproot the administrative state bloat, at least somewhat. But 2025 will have little to do with it. Maher, however, knows how much and how little his liberal-leftie audience can take in the way of sympathy for their devil. He has to reassure them.
RCO at 11:33.... What are Lincoln and Garfield? Chopped liver?
The Project 2025 panic gives me flashbacks to the Y2K panic. Anyone else?
Will prove to be a big fat nothingburger. (wow this platform recognizes "nothingburger" as a legitimate word).
ALP said...
The Project 2025 panic gives me flashbacks to the Y2K panic. Anyone else?
It is absolutely an existential threat to the deep state.
And the real problem for them is that when it comes out everyone who doesn't have a DC job or live off a government contract will say "Yeah, that sounds pretty good."
Maher has a head fit for a much taller man and a face only a blind mother could love.
Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Hodgkinson and all the others weren't leftists! And it certainly wasn't leftists that burned half our cities in the summer of 2020! And it, once again, isn't leftists attacking Jews in the streets around the world!!! It's all those far-right MAGA extremists!!! Can't you tell?
This is why Maher is such a lying, evil presence...and always has been.
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