The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, a source close to the Biden family told The Post Monday. The insider also made clear the anger, paranoia and frustration Biden displayed as the party elite circled around him and piled on the pressure.
Paranoia? But they were out to get him. If only he'd been more "paranoid" when the set up that early debate. But he gave them the material to use against him, and they spent the next 3 weeks jacking up the pressure on the staunch old man, and it seems they were ready to go as far as necessary.
“That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president,” the source said Monday. As calls for him to bow out mounted, Biden insisted he would continue, but party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution....
Following the debate, first son Hunter Biden suddenly became more involved in his father’s day-to-day business and insisted upon attending every official and unofficial meeting, the source said. “Hunter felt he [Joe Biden] was being set up and he was very concerned about his father,” the source said. “These people, these officials were not on Joe’s side.”...
Democratic Party insiders have also known for at least two years how Biden was in decline, said the source. “When I saw him a couple of years ago, it was frightening,” said the source. “He was just repeating slogans and had no idea who I was.”
They were out to get him, but only after he'd sewn up the nomination, excluding all challengers. Did the old man enjoy his seeming triumph, winning the nomination — a nomination that Kamala Harris would probably not have won, had Biden dropped out a year ago — before they grabbed it and handed it to Kamala?
Was the NY Post's source Hunter?
I understand a son being concerned about his father. I do not think that entitles him to attend official meetings.
While some kind of plan to push Biden out makes sense, it also feels like this is coming out now to give people who covered up for Biden's deficits the opportunity to act as if they had been working to get him out instead of lying to the American public about his 'sharpness and vigor'.
I’m sure Alvin Bragg will be all over this investigation.
The source (probably Hunter as who else has that detail) knew that WaPo or the NYT would never run the story.
Deeper question: Who convinced Joe to do that early debate? There are few options: Donlon, Klain or Dunn. I also think that person was paid off by Obama.
Who is Judas? Who are the Pharisees? Who betrayed the Son of Joseph Robinette Biden?
"Was the NY Post's source Hunter?"
Unlikely. Why would the NY Post trust Hunter Biden?
They were behind him all the way.
(After all, they had to be behind him to stick the knife in his back.)
(HT Yes Minister)
Trump taken out first
Biden soft coup then follows
Highest coup ever
now that the Powers That Be have removed Joe.. WHAT do they do about Kamela?
"Spare us the charade, will ya.
After Democrat bigs knifed Joe Biden in the back, wresting the candidacy from his stubborn, locked grip, they rushed to valorize him with effusive praise and glowing political obituaries."
And why were the primaries rigged in Biden's favor? If these shadowy insiders were so adept as to arrange an early debate against Donald Trump to expose Biden's incompetence that they knew about for years, why not expose him earlier in a debate against a fellow Democrat, someone groomed to replace Biden much earlier than late July.
The coup scenario only makes sense if the instigator was Kamala Harris. She couldn't run against Biden in the primaries because that would look like a very nasty betrayal, but if she could arrange things that she inherited the incumbency by being specifically named by Biden as his successor, then the obvious betrayal would be submerged in what the Nixon White House called plausible deniability.
“That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president,” the source said Monday.
I don't think you needed him to fall flat on his face during a debate just to convince Democrats of this. You just needed to break through the media and Democratic party consensus that Biden absolutely wasn't in his dotage, and that any video evidence to the contrary was right wing fake news. I mean, there was video evidence! You just needed to acknowledge it was real.
If anything this sounds like post hoc narrative control from people who want to appear more cunning than they actually are. Reassurance that it was all part of the plan, not just a colossal fuck-up.
That said, I do recall people saying that Democrats wanted the early debate precisely so they could switch horses if needed. E.g., Nate Silver on May 15:
By moving the first debate to before the Democratic convention in August, Democrats increase their option value. Here’s what I mean by that. If Biden totally and irrecoverably screws up in the June debate — he’s just obviously no longer ready for prime time — then he can step down and Democrats can pull the Ezra Klein break-glass-in-case-of-emergency plan and hold a contested convention.
So it's not outside the realm of possibility that some Democrats actually planned this out. I just think it unlikely.
Republicans could have thwarted this by voting against removing him. They should have reached out to Joe and told him.
The early debate was supposed to show Biden at his best and resolve the issue of his fitness for office. It did. The problem was and is, what next? Biden's accelerating crash caught every Dem off-guard. Note the push by NYT and Obama for a "process" to determine the Dem nominee. Is Kamala going to have to sing for her supper against a field of Dem has-beens and yet-to-bes? How will Rep. Clybourn and the Dem congressional black caucus take that? What happens to the campaign war-chest?
There are lots of twists and turns between now and November.
"I understand a son being concerned about his father. I do not think that entitles him to attend official meetings."
The President has the power to choose his own advisers.
…party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.
Government always modulates between dysfunctional and completely broken. These types of threats to function normally are absurd. If you need to invoke the 25th invoke the 25th. How is being forced out with the threat to do so superior to actually doing it?
…Congress you’re no better: ‘We don’t have the votes so we’re not voting’? W T actual F?
BTW the bitter clingers aren’t Joe they are the cabal of lefties running the executive.
"Deeper question: Who convinced Joe to do that early debate? There are few options: Donlon, Klain or Dunn. I also think that person was paid off by Obama."
If Joe didn't have the wit to avoid getting rolled into doing that debate, he doesn't have what it takes to be President.
And if you're losing the last of your wit to avoid being exposed as low on wit, you also shouldn't be President. And he was worse off than that.
James K said...
Republicans could have thwarted this by voting against removing him.
There's no such vote. The vote called for in the 25th Amendment is a vote to *sustain* the determination of the VP and Cabinet the President is unfit to continue in office *if* the President chooses to contest the determination. If the President voluntarily turns power over to the VP as Acting President there's nothing the opposition can do about it.
Is this unseemly? No more unseemly than Nixon being told privately that he had too little support in Congress to avoid impeachment and conviction, and choosing to resign instead.
I'm leaning into a combination of Balfegor and Quaestor. Did anybody really *want* Harris to run? Could she have convinced anybody to do this for her? As of late 2023 she was less popular than Biden and known to be a disaster as a campaigner. However, she's the only one who would likely go along with a plan to eliminate Biden in this way.
Taking Hunters word for anything is insane.
Biden inviting Hunter into meetings is disqualifying in itself.
Obviously, invoking the 25th amendment would not have ended Biden’s candidacy. Nor would two thirds of each house of Congress have voted to remove him if he fought back.
That Shakespeare were alive to playwrite these times - a combination of Macbeth, Richard the III and Julius Caesar. Backstabbing pathos, assisination. Jill as Lady Macbeth. What a storyline!
7/23/24, 6:34 AM
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Taking Hunters word for anything is insane.
Biden inviting Hunter into meetings is disqualifying in itself."
How is inviting the smartest man Joe Biden ever knew to participate in meetings "disqualifying"?
Ann Althouse said...
If Joe didn't have the wit to avoid getting rolled into doing that debate, he doesn't have what it takes to be President.
Respectfully, that's 20/20 hindsight, as is too a degree the idea that Harris engineered this (per Amadeus)
Reprising the multiple reasons the Biden team could have thought it was a good idea.
He'd successfully completed the SOTU a few months before.
Trump had reasons to reject a debate outside the PDC, or during negotiations.
Trump could have a melt down of his own, or be more off-putting than Biden.
Bash and Tapper were supposed to double-team Trump so he spent most of his time debating them, leaving Biden to simply repeat his memorized talking points.
A much cooler Trump showed up at the debate which many people have attributed to the lack of a studio audience that would have put him in 'rally' mode instead of 'interview' mode. And Biden had a much worse night than any of his team expected. I suspect he declined much farther in the few months after the SOTU than they realized. There are unconfirmed reports (Charlie Kirk via AofSHQ) that Biden had a medical emergency in Las Vegas and preparations were made to admit him to a hospital there but he evidently stabilized and was flown back to Washington.
Oh that's a great guess. They probably have the same coke dealer.
The debate was not a 'setup to fail' - not for Biden, anyway. Biden and the democrats controlled the debate completely. The only failure was Biden, and every democrat who covered it up (which is every democrat, Democrat, government and the media).
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Taking Hunters word for anything is insane."
The entirety of the left/dems/LLR-dems/legacy media etc for the last 5 years+ has been taking EVERTYTHING Hunter and the bidens say about their business and personal dealings as gospel truth...except for anything found on laptops or personal diaries. That part was all made up for years and years....until it wasn't....and until it became Officially Safe to challenge things Hunter and the bidens say.
What a complete farce.
And now all the Althouse lefties are running about screaming I Always Knew! after spending years playing their pathetic parts in this charade.
"That Shakespeare were alive to playwrite these times - a combination of Macbeth, Richard the III and Julius Caesar. Backstabbing pathos, assisination. Jill as Lady Macbeth. What a storyline!"
He's King Lear now. He's given up his power in a complicatedly incomplete way.
Politics is a dirty business. I wish Biden had held out, forced them to use the 25th Amendment because it would have been very entertaining I think and interesting to see exactly how that all works.
I wonder who the "top Dems" are exactly.
"Was the New York Post's source Hunter?"
A fascinating question.
The only news source he knew would tell the truth. Heh.
What kind of delegates are these that would simply roll over for the PTB and decide that Kamala is the one? Wouldn’t you, as a delegate, want to know what other options there are? She’s clearly not presidential material. Why do they hate our country so? There’s a lot that happened a bit too quickly to be believable.
$81 mil in 24 hrs for Kamala? Seriously? Like 81 mil votes for Joe… manufactured hogwash.
This at least answers Althouse's question immediately following the debate: "Who set this up?"
It looks different when you realize you're now on the outside looking in. Talk about gradually, then all at once...
Who here would want to be Hunter Biden right now? The speed and precision of the aftermath shows the skill of the perpetrators. These are cold blooded professionals at work.
"Democrats love to brag about how they are defenders of “democracy.”
Which is odd, because 2024 will be the first presidential contest in modern history featuring a nominee who wasn’t chosen by voters.
Kamala Harris did not get a single vote in the primaries.
And the same cabal that propped up Joe Biden, that hid his ailments, that put the nation in a perilous position, that used him to push hard-left policies, that bypassed the electorate, now promises that Harris is the very best person for the job.
Why would anyone believe them?"
“There's no such vote. The vote called for in the 25th Amendment is a vote to *sustain* the determination of the VP and Cabinet the President is unfit to continue in office *if* the President chooses to contest the determination. If the President voluntarily turns power over to the VP as Acting President there's nothing the opposition can do about it.”
My premise was that Biden did not want to step down but was “forced” into it. In that scenario he wouldn’t have voluntarily turned over power.
The portion of the Biden phone call that I listened to sounded like a mash-up of his stock phrases, spliced together by AI or a sound engineer. If that sounds like a conspiracy theory, so be it.
He just "called in," didn't answer any questions, and they hung up.
Remember they had "Biden" do that "phone call" to Mika and Joe last week. He didn't answer any questions.
This is all so bizarre.
All of you who applauded and supported the J6 prosecutions, Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon going to jail--do you even know who Biden's "advisors" are? Do you wonder?
Who is "They" ?????
I suspect he declined much farther in the few months after the SOTU than they realized
Sure. Clearly the strategy was to prop up Joe until November but there is plenty of evidence Joe was unfit for executive duties four years ago, and evidence the people running him knew it, too.
Up until Joe there were high standards for Presidential speech and most of them were valid. One wrong turn of phrase or stumbled off the cuff remark could mean a diplomatic incident. Fair enough. Shame on all you enablers who said ‘he’s not that bad’ and/or mocked those who warned of Joe’s decline. It was as obvious then as now. BTW, If you’re a Democrat who didn’t start your ranting until Joe’s debate, you only have yourselves to blame. Better hope the steal bails you out…
I'm still seeing mind-numbed robots claiming that Biden doesn't even have a cognitive deficit, and it is Trump that has dementia. I would love to see more of this palace intrigue aired in public. I still think that if they were prepared to use the 25th Amendment to force him out, they ought to be using it now. He can't serve.
If anything this sounds like post hoc narrative control from people who want to appear more cunning than they actually are. Reassurance that it was all part of the plan, not just a colossal fuck-up
Worth repeating…
Wouldn’t you, as a delegate, want to know what other options there are?
They’re Democrats. These people believed Joe was fine until the debate and then told everyone he had a cold.
Just tell them everyone else is for Kamala and they have to rally around her to stop Trump. They’ll do it to “save democracy”.
If you think they run open elections I’ve got the Bernie Sanders Bridge to sell you.
That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president
That is exactly what I said right here in these comments the day after the debate, but did anyone prostrate themselves before me and praise me as an oracle? Nope.
Hie Biden is a “great American” today because he didn’t force Pelosi et al to use the 25th Amendment to remove him.
Had he done so it would have further exposed how badly he’s compromised and for how long. Had the true depths of their lies been made known the party may have imploded.
Now the Dems can “focus on the future” and get back to running their puppet government.
@James K ...
As I noted about Nixon and have said to a number of other commenters raising this point, what does 'forced' have to do with it if you're told the votes are there to go through with the public defenestration if you really want to double down on being humiliated?
That doesn't mean that I think the current situation is kosher. The lack of public visual confirmation that Joe Biden is still above room temperature is concerning, and the way the Democrats are hiding information about him gives the appearance they have something to hide. Maybe that's just for political benefit and Joe Biden is fine but it's also a deep betrayal of the public trust .. which is pretty on brand for the Democrat Party these days.
Drago, making stuff up yet again.
It's amazing seeing the panic in the Trump cult the last few days. Not the confidence of people who think they have a winning hand.
I believe enough big donors were holding back until Biden could prove himself, so he proposed the early debate to restart the flow of dough. The senior WH staff must be tired of maintaining the appearance of normalcy, so they didn't dissuade him. I'd like to know what allied leaders have been saying about Biden to each other and to senior US officials. They must be relieved now.
$81 mil in 24 hrs for Kamala? Seriously? Like 81 mil votes for Joe… manufactured hogwash.
7/23/24, 6:54 AM
I said the same exact thing when I heard that. What is it with the 81 million number??
Althouse: "He's King Lear now. He's given up his power in a complicatedly incomplete way."
That's obviously because Mrs./Doctor Lear still wants to have a few more awesome rides on AF1 (like to Paris for the Olympics) and to Vogue cover shoots (can we still say "shoots"?).
This sounds awfully insurrectiony to me. Better have an investigation to save our democracy.
Blogger Breezy said...
What kind of delegates are these that would simply roll over for the PTB and decide that Kamala is the one? Wouldn’t you, as a delegate, want to know what other options there are? She’s clearly not presidential material. Why do they hate our country so? There’s a lot that happened a bit too quickly to be believable.
$81 mil in 24 hrs for Kamala? Seriously? Like 81 mil votes for Joe… manufactured hogwash.
7/23/24, 6:54 AM
It is not $81 mil for Kamala, it $81 mil against Trump.
Biden is in his dotage and surrounded by people he can't trust. The only people he can unreservedly trust are his wife and his son. Ponder that. He's in a suggestible state and he's leaning on Hunter to tell him the straight truth.....I don't think the government would grant Hunter a gun permit or a security clearance, but there he is in the White House. The President relies on a drug fiend for advice and support.
Oh Mark, You are funny. (because you sound delusional) We are worried about the steal, because they did it before, and we know your side will do ANYTHING to keep in power....They can't hide anymore. The world is on to them, and we are watching.
Two fundraisers la and ny for comparison sake
Joe must have forgotten this but the Dem Party didn't.
Biden Suggests He Would Only Serve One Term if Elected President - Dec 11, 2019
I don't think there's really a groundswell of support for Kamala. It's swollen but not swell. This is the kind of edema that surrounds a mortal injury. It's not a pumped muscle.
It's amazing seeing the panic in the Trump cult the last few days. Not the confidence of people who think they have a winning hand.
Do you understand that there's more at stake than this year's election, Mark?
That's John Eastman, discussing the 2020 election in April 2024. Take a look. It's... well. You'll see.
It's long. I recommend scrolling past the bullet points at the beginning - they're restatements of things he says in the actual article, so you get a fuller picture of you just read the thing.
"Mary Beth said...
I understand a son being concerned about his father. I do not think that entitles him to attend official meetings."
Hunter attends those meeting not because he is concerned for his father's well being. He attends because he is concerned for his own well being."
"William said...
Biden is in his dotage and surrounded by people he can't trust. The only people he can unreservedly trust are his wife and his son." He shouldn't trust them. Both just want to cash in before the old POS dies.
"It's amazing seeing the panic in the Trump cult the last few days."
You wanna talk about panic? Why do you think they are forcing Biden out? Because they are scared to death that he can't beat Trump. Especially after the failed assassination attempt.
These people are beyond contempt.
They hysterically claim that Trump is going to end Democracy , and then they engage in a soviet style coup. And their base couldn't care less that their votes are worthless.
It's not panic I feel; it's absolute and total disgust.
This is a repeat of the 2020 "hide Biden in his basement" strategy.
The Democrats want to run Harris as "not Trump" without letting anyone see what "not Trump" actually looks like. A year or so in the spotlight as president, or even as presumptive nominee, would have made her completely unelectable.
So they made the transition at the last possible moment. I anticipate a rather small number of debates, interviews, public appearances etc over the coming months.
Why not transition to another candidate earlier? Because just as in 2020, they don't have anyone that, under public scrutiny, would be appealing enough to beat Trump.
If I were forced to construct an overall theory for what is happening right now, it would go something like this:
Biden was coerced into dropping out the race but at least half the people in on this operation don't want Kamala Harris to be the nominee either for very good reasons- she is a moron just like Joe Biden. This is why Biden is being allowed, as I write this, to remain the President- Biden resigning from the office at the same time would have greatly strengthened Harris' position for claiming the nomination. By getting Biden to withdraw from the race, but keeping the Presidency through the election allows the anti-Harris people the opportunity to get rid of her before or at the convention. This could explain why Obama didn't immediately endorse her- he wants someone else who isn't tarred with the ineptitude of the Biden Administration- something Harris cannot and will not escape.
If I were the Harris supporters, I would be pushing hard to get virtual delegate vote done by the end of this week while Harris still has a majority of their support. If it goes to the convention, I expect an open floor fight that actually dumps her if she isn't the President by that time.
"It's amazing seeing the panic in the Trump cult the last few days."
You wanna talk about panic? Why do you think they are forcing Biden out? Because they are scared to death that he can't beat Trump. Especially after the failed assassination attempt.
These people are beyond contempt.
They hysterically claim that Trump is going to end Democracy , and then they engage in a soviet style coup. And their base couldn't care less that their votes are worthless.
It's not panic I feel; it's absolute and total disgust.
(Apologies , if this shows up twice period my first attempt seems to have failed.)
I have been thinking about King Lear for the last two days, too.
Mark, I don't think I have seen a better example of pure projection than your comment in the last 6 months- the only panic I see is on the Left as they spin, spin, and spin trying to find someone, anyone who can make the race close.
The eruption of protest from the Biden camp at this late stage seems to show that they have not been involved in the inner circle discussions.
Most of us have been saying, for the past 4 years, that Biden is not in control of policy and decision-making within the White House, he's the puppet POTUS. The presence of Susan Rice and Valerie Jarret within the early White House ranks as close advisors seems to point to a continuation of the Obama administration's policies, something many have also pointed out. It stands to reason that if something were being contested at the highest levels, that Joe might not be the principal contestant. Joe is a little like the soccer ball, on the field between two teams - except able to think, to move around a little on his own - but no match for the players.
The only main modern Democrat political figure that hasn't endorsed Kamala is Obama, as far as I can tell. Rather, he has said that he looks forward to seeing her win amongst a field of candidates, or something similar, in his typically false, lukewarm manner. Who would benevolently think that of Kamala? She's a dismal failure with very little positive to her political credit, and much negative.
I think the contest is between Obama and the Old Guard, and I think the Old Guard might be winning. I wouldn't trust Pritzker's endorsement for Kamala, though. Soro's, either. And they have the money to support just about any gambit - as the past 8 year's worth of chaos proves.
The Democrat convention gonna be lit.
"As I noted about Nixon and have said to a number of other commenters raising this point, what does 'forced' have to do with it if you're told the votes are there to go through with the public defenestration if you really want to double down on being humiliated?
I will write the same basic thing I wrote over at Neo's blog- no one was coercing Nixon- he was going to get impeached and removed. Nixon was giving no quo and receiving no quid since his fate was already sealed. If the NYPost story is true, Biden gave a quo and received a quid- he dropped out the race to keep the Presidency and maybe even got a payoff financially. The difference here really isn't a subtle one in my opinion.
I don't believe it. I think the debate fiasco rested on two things
1) They came to believe the lies they told about Trump
2) They did not think Trump could control himself and would make a scene.
Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG: "It is not $81 mil for Kamala, it $81 mil against Trump."
Its $81M laundered thru millions of unsuspecting small donor accounts via ActBlue, as anyone paying attention would know.
What happens if Harris becomes the incumbent but still loses the open floor fight? I agree that is a stupid scenario but pretty much everything as been a stupid for the last several months. If Harris is the incumbent but loses the nomination, will she close to hang around for a couple of months knowing she has no more future? Until a VP for her is approved the next in line for succession would be approved as interim - Speaker Johnson a Republican. Johnson sort of emerged out of nowhere to take the Speaker Position when McCarthy resigned. Maybe he is the true dark horse and future wannabe dictator in all of this.😄
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Drago, making stuff up yet again."
Do tell. Dont hold back now.
Still Dumb Lefty Mark: "It's amazing seeing the panic in the Trump cult the last few days. Not the confidence of people who think they have a winning hand."
Just a couple weeks back we were supposedly panicking over having to debate Biden!
All of these Dumb Lefty Mark comments once again forces us to ask the fundamental question again: is it truly an overall long term political advantage (pro considerations > con considerations) for the New Soviet Democratical Party to be comprised of sheep like Dumb Lefty Mark who will do as they are told and never push back and mouth whatever talking points they are programmed to bleat?
I'm old enough to remember when the common wisdom was that the debate was a master stroke by Joe and it was going to show up Trump something terrible. Everyone was wondering why Trump would be dumb enough to agree to all of the pre-conditions.
Trump was supposed to decline that debate challenge. Most people (95% at least), given the time to think it through, would have come to the same conclusion. Doing a debate on CNN with CNN moderators- who would have predicted that Trump would accept such a thing with no conditions or negotiations? I certainly wouldn't have and I am someone who doesn't believe Trump is afraid to debate people- only that he would prefer actual balance in who moderates. Remember, that debate challenge was offered and accepted instantly- no one had the time to think it through except for the people who offered it up.
The debate was a blunder by the Biden supporters- not a brilliant ploy by his opponents in the Dem Party.
In the 2016 primary season the Dem voters were enthusiastic about Bernie - and had Hillary shoved down their throats.
In the 2020 primary season the Dem voters were really enthusiastic about Bernie - and Biden was pulled out of the box of broken toys and handed to them to play with.
It was blindingly obvious that Biden was never qualified for the Presidency and had been soundly rejected multiple times. And then he proved his incompetence immediately on taking office, and showed unmistakable signs of declining into senility while trying to implement the progressive agenda.
All this was known to the Dem PTB at least 3 years ago (being generous).
What I am struggling to understand is - given that there is a group controlling the Democrat party's policies, messaging, media control, and candidate selection - how could this group not have intervened at least a year ago, if not earlier, to manage a graceful transition to someone else who could be a reassuring facade for their God-awful agenda? Why roll the dice hoping to drag this husk over the finish line?
Talking points Drago calling someone a sheep.
As PeeWee said, I know you are but what am I?
"Sources say" means "ignore this" unless it has corroborating evidence.
I have zero doubt that multiple conspiracies are afoot, but then again we have a President with obvious senility for the past 3 and a half years and suddenly all the "smart" people just noticed, so we are dealing with a bunch of self-serving liars here. Which anonymous liar do you believe today?
The real question is where is Biden, since all this happened without his overt participation. It would not shock me that he has no idea what is going on.
Yancey Ward said...
If I were the Harris supporters, I would be pushing hard to get virtual delegate vote done by the end of this week while Harris still has a majority of their support.
Citizen Free Press links to a report that she has those votes now, so it seems they were worried about it. So the narrative is on to “who will be her VP”? This takes oxygen away from Trump’s campaign and the investigation over his attempted assassination. Democrats know there is no good news to come from those stories, so they will prop up Kamala’s story as cover.
I think it's important to realize before we move on that Biden was pushed out, it was elected officials, it was donors, it was this, it was that. At the end of the day, it sounds like there were, from all the reporting, there were two factors in the decision, what voters were thinking and his ability to change their minds. Biden saw the numbers and the number, behind the numbers are voters and what the American people are thinking and said, “you know what, there's not a path here. And I'm gonna accept that and I'm going to listen to the voters in my own party and in the broader electorate and I'm gonna do the unbelievably hard thing that is the right thing.”
That was the initial take (without evidence) that most people who talk for a living said was happening. Biden was being set up to fail, and Biden didn't disappoint.
I think, if i remember correctly, some people said it was a conspiracy theory to believe it was a setup.
Ann makes a great point about the primary: Biden secured the nomination "a nomination that Kamala Harris would probably not have won, had Biden dropped out a year ago — before they grabbed it and handed it to Kamala?" If Biden had not run there would have been a bloodbath in the Dem party during an open primary with the chance that Bernie or a Bernie clone might have won. We know how many votes Kamala got in the Iowa primary she entered.
I am interested to see what Obama does. It looks like he is being overwhelmed by endorsements for Kamala. It is clear that he thinks Kamala is a loser, so will he cause trouble at the convention? It looks like Kamala has sewn up the nomination votes she needs, but there is an eternity between now and the Dem convention. Obama can, I believe, do bare knuckles politics. So stay tuned.
Good grief. No one can be blamed except Joe Biden. He didn't have the guts to fight. So, now he (or Jill or Hunter) is whining to the Press.
No one could have forced Biden out. They could have made things "difficult" but bottom line is that he had 3000 delegates pledged to him and no credible politican was willing to run against him.
He first tried to appease them by making post debate speeches/press conferences, but when they kept attacking, Biden just gave up. Bascially, biden got hit for about a month with 1/10 the press hate that Trump has gotten every single Goddamn day for almost 9 years. And Biden couldn't take. He folded like a cheap suit.
Biden is a small pathetic man. If he had one ounce of decency, he'll use his lame duck status to stop the Genocide in Gaza or the war in Ukraine. Or pardon the J6ers and his son. Or stop the lawfare about Trump.
IOW, be a President of ALL of the USA, instead of being a partisan, bitter, clown. But he wont do that. He loves his Democrat establishment buddies, and hates those Goddamn Republicans. He'll leave office unloved and alone and check in to the nearest nursing home.
Don't we wonder what Jill's and Hunter's price was? They could blow the whole deal up. I'm guessing at least pardons for the Biden crime family and significant cash.
@Christopher B “As I noted about Nixon and have said to a number of other commenters raising this point, what does 'forced' have to do with it if you're told the votes are there to go through with the public defenestration if you really want to double down on being humiliated?”
Sorry, thought I was clear. Republicans go to Biden and say, “Don’t worry, if you want to keep the nomination, we won’t vote for removing you from office.” So the votes would not be there for defenestration, and Biden keeps the nomination.
“The real question is where is Biden, since all this happened without his overt participation. It would not shock me that he has no idea what is going on.”
He will address the nation tomorrow. Looks like the reports of his comatose state or demise were premature.
Looks like the Post's source is pushing opinion about the debate and other previous things as if it were fact.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Talking points Drago calling someone a sheep.
As PeeWee said, I know you are but what am I?"
Powerful. Persuasive. Run with that one for awhile.
I think Joe was aware that, despite efforts of Democrats and media, the public was increasingly, overwhelmingly, aware Joe was incompetent. Not old, incompetent. The debate, set up by the Biden team rules was a hoped for showing like the SOTU. The failure, despite Joe having "... answered all the questions..." was massive.
The fat was in the fire at that point.
"Wouldn’t you, as a delegate, want to know what other options there are?"
Delegates are the party faithful foot soldiers. If they are told it's Kamala or Trump by higher ups it's a no brainer.
Of course so are Joe and Kamala.
Why was Hunter in California this past weekend? Where's dr. Jill? Is she in mourning black?
What does a con man call the sucker who falls completely for his cock and bull story?
Oh yeah, Mark.
Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Hmmm, FAU leans left...
2024: FAU/@MainStUSApolls
Trump: 49% (+5)
Harris: 44%
Trump: 45% (+6)
Harris: 39%
RFK Jr: 9%
Other: 3%
Generic Ballot
GOP: 45% (+1)
DEM: 44%
#85 (2.0/3.0) | 7/19-21 | 711 LV | ±3.95%…
Panic time?
Althouse writes, "He's King Lear now. He's given up his power in a complicatedly incomplete way."
Leaving Kamala doing double duty as both Goneril and Regan.
NB to Inga: Regan isn't the lifeguard from Tampico.
"He will address the nation tomorrow."
How? With another tweet?
"Looks like the reports of his comatose state or demise were premature."
Comatose? Even standing and mumbling, a timeline of the last few years would be: no, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes.....
Schrödinger's President?
Don't we wonder what Jill's and Hunter's price was? They could blow the whole deal up. I'm guessing at least pardons for the Biden crime family and significant cash.
… staunch old man …???
To whom are you referring, Professor? I see nothing about Joe Biden I would characterize with a positive adjective such as “staunch.”
Blogger Mark said...
Looks like the Post's source is pushing opinion about the debate and other previous things as if it were fact.
Lefty Mark does not mention that Trump figured this out before the "debate" and that is why he agreed to all the DNC rules.
"He will address the nation tomorrow."
Don't count your speeches before they're given.
No one fucks with a Biden.
Am I understanding that this story - this narrative - is that Joe was setup to not be able to give a coherent speech and to be faltering publicly?
That makes no sense.
Either the guy could do the job or he COULDNT and he was right to be pushed out; there's no setup there.
Also, he announced withdraw from re-election days ago and hasn't made a single public appearance - in person, video, or otherwise - since.
FleetUSA said...
Why was Hunter in California this past weekend?
So he could score some dope and get high in peace, away from the family shitshow. It's pretty funny that Hunter needs to get away from the non-stop drama surrounding his pop Joe.
It's amazing seeing the panic in the Trump cult the last few days.
Where in the hell are you seeing this? Certainly not on these pages.
We're laughing at you. Not panicking.
My opinion is that the really poor decisions coming out of the Joe Biden administration come primarily from Joe Biden.
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, known as the Leper King, was the king of Jerusalem from 1174 until his death in 1185. He tried to find a successor who was not infected with the "loathsome disease" and would be accepted as King of Jerusalem. He failed.
Is Kamala infected with the loathsome disease of Bidenism? Betting odds right now are that she is.
Q for new head of USSS = is forcible removal seen as assault/shooting at President?
what is security perimeter around President in WhiteHouse and when he is traveling?
Schrödinger's President?
so what event in real space 'immanentize' Schrödinger's President?
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