July 15, 2024

"To anyone drawing a parallel between my film Bob Roberts and the attempted assassination of Trump..."

"... let’s be clear. What happened yesterday was a real attempt on a presidential candidate’s life. Those that are denying the assassination attempt was real are truly in a deranged mindset. A human being was shot yesterday. Another killed. They may not be human beings that you agree with politically but for shame folks. Get over your blind hatred of these people. They are fellow Americans. This collective hatred is killing our souls and consuming whatever is left of our humanity."

Thanks, Tim. 

How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake? 

I was just listening to the new episode of the Advisory Opinions podcast, "The Assassination Attempt." There, Sarah Isgur says:
What's the point... of the left saying that it's staged?... Is it a gut reaction that if it wasn't staged, that the left might be responsible for this somehow? Or is it that it goes to Donald Trump's evilness? Or I, I guess I'm sort of struggling with like how is this different than saying Sandy Hook was crisis actors and and is this just another example of the far left mimicking the far right in terms of extremism, lies, violent rhetoric, everything else?

In my post immediately after the shooting — "TRUMP SHOT!" — one of my earliest observations was:

I'm hearing the beginning of conspiracy theories — that it was staged — and the notion that it was Trump's fault — for heating things up or some such thing.

I think Sarah Isgur's first guess is correct: There's an instinctive desire to see it as fake because if it is real, you might bear some responsibility. You gravitate toward the explanations that blame the other side: 1. It was staged, 2. It was caused by Trump's rhetoric, 3. ...



rehajm said...

Thanks, Tim

Yes, thanks (…and I hate him)

I was on board with kumbaya early, now I see there is some collective angst from the left on what spin to play, that there’s a try to deflect any accountability….that they feel accountable is wrecking the kumbaya.

R C Belaire said...

Occam's razor, anyone?

Another old lawyer said...

"How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake?"

Because Trump matters and wasn't killed is the answer. In the 'game' they game plan and play, if they don't know the person or that person's existence doesn’t benefit them or can'tbe exploited, then that person doesn’t really matter and is basically an NPC. And who cares if an NPC becomes collateral damage?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

It was real and caused by the Democrats years long campaign to demonize and dehumanize the right.

Don't forget the attempted assassination of the Republican baseball team, the attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh and now Trump.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

"How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake?"

No. They believe he was killed on purpose. Now to be fair, we just saw this in the Ukraine color revolution in 2014, when the western backed "reformers" shot and killed about 100 of their supporters to blame it on Yanakovich forces.

mezzrow said...

Bob Roberts was a powerful and effective piece of filmmaking that I took to heart in that earlier era of politics. Much has passed since that time, but the value of being the victim in the victim/victimizer dichotomy has if anything increased in that period. The whole thing was about the cynical leverage of that dynamic.

What would the Biden camp do if Trump was shot down in cold blood? The stark reality of that prospect now stares them in the face like the reality of Biden's waning senescence. At that point there is no way to recover the victim status that serves as the lever of sentiment in 2024.

The decisions they made to date have put the Democrats where they are today, and it feels like a sentence in hell. Let's see how this plays out, mainly because we don't have a choice in the matter.

Bob Boyd said...

Control freak personalities are drawn to the left.
Control freak personalities experience a lot of anxiety when things feel out of control. They need to believe that everything is under control or could be.
Of course, that's wrong.
Anyway, believing this event was somehow planned and controlled is comforting to the control freak.

Lawnerd said...

I worked in a company filled with left wing progressives in the Bay Area. I kept my mouth shut and never ever mentioned politics. But I can assure you that they hate us with a passion. If they knew my political thoughts there is no question that I would have been fired, or worse. The notion that one or more of them would resort to violence is easy to believe.

mindnumbrobot said...

How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead?

Mental illness.

Todd said...

Well that is today's left/democrats, they have a right to their words but no responsibility for the results. They have a right to their feelz but f*ck everyone else. They ALWAYS have good, even NOBLE intentions even if sometimes they don't quite work out and regardless of how many times it has failed in the past. They always demand the best, most noble interpretation possible of their actions, no matter HOW heinous.

F*ck anyone or thing standing in their way.

All the sympathies spewing from that side these last few days is absolutely sickening. They have spent the last 8+ years calling, pleading, begging "someone" to handle this meddlesome man. Someone finally answers the call and they all rush to the fainting couches with cries of "Why o why would ANYONE do such a thing? Thank the Lord he is OK!". The calls of "Trump made them do it with his hateful rhetoric." by some on the left started before the shell casing cooled down. Their own speech is so "5 minutes ago" and never counts. Funny how the gunman was not able to be taken alive. Funny how he was pushed as a Republican (yes he was registered as such but that means little) even though he only gave to liberal/democratic causes.

How could the SS miss having that building, the closest to the platform not covered? Why did no one listen to the crowd that pointed out multiple times, someone climbing up to the roof WITH A RIFLE and being on the roof with a rifle? Interesting, no?

wendybar said...

The whole progressive party is delusional. Nothing else can explain their ignorance. They are trying to blame Trump and his supporters for what THEY are doing.

RNB said...

"How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead?" Collateral damage in a good cause. Broken eggs...

Leland said...

How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake?

When you think Trump is Hitler, you believe he would stage an attempt and let bystanders be killed. Hitler would have done it.

Dave Begley said...

Let’s be totally Frank. The Left wanted Trump dead and they’re only sorry that the shooter missed. The criminal indictments and civil lawsuits were only precursors.

My big thing is that Dem election stealing schemes need to be stopped and exposed. And those people need to be jailed for a long time. The Dem party must be destroyed.

Dems delenda est.

Quayle said...

Unless a conscious turn toward more humility occurs, every instinct will be to continue the struggle, regardless of what lies or idiocy one must chose to believe. Cognitive dissonance may be painful, but to a person lacking in humility, the feeling of losing (in the imaginary struggle against others) will always seem more painful. Prideful people will claim to believe nonsense and lies before they will admit that they are wrong. Their self-image is tied up in their being "right". They can't admit any mistakes or bad intentions.

imTay said...

Had they prevented it, let's say the cop who confronted him fired in the air, and the opening of gunfire allowed the Secret Service sniper to take him out, we would today be dealing with a flood of disinformation that it was staged, the MSM would be full of it. Morning Joe and Maddow would never shut up about these "theories."

It's hard to say, but I sense that "the die is cast" as Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon, and everything is now changed, and anybody who had any hint of an open mind on Trump is shifting towards him now. Which is why they are desperate to convince people it was staged. Sadly we know what the Roman deep state did to Caesar after his triumph.

But Trump's display of physical courage is going to appeal to a lot of demographics, not the least of which is the ladies' vote.

Robert Cook said...

"How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake?"

Why do so many people believe all sorts of outlandish things, absent any evidence or even when ample evidence exists refuting their beliefs? People want to believe that which fits or buttresses their preexisting beliefs, emotional needs, and biases.

Breezy said...

I’m hopeful that more left-leaning people will speak out as Tim Robbins has done. There are a few now, but we need a few hundred more to see if it will make a difference. People like Nellie Bowles and the Rep from Maine, who have come see who the baddies are, and don’t want to be a part of it any longer.

So yeah, thanks Tim.

imTay said...

Donnie the Lionhearted.

Robert Cook said...

"My big thing is that Dem election stealing schemes need to be stopped and exposed."

Witness succinct proof of my statement just above.

God of the Sea People said...

I think another element is that people who expect the unity and sympathy generated by the assassination attempt will redound to Trump's benefit can't imagine that it happened organically. They are so cynical that they can't imagine people actually support him, and anything that benefits him must be because people have been manipulated into doing so.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lone nut job? Really?

Similar to the people the FBI found (and paid) to create the fake Whitmer kidnapping story - is it possible the FBI offered this punk kid big money to do what he did?

I think it's odd the building wasn't secure.

I think it's odd the Secret Service sniper got the shooter so quickly.

Remember - on the, left collateral damage is just doing business.

Christopher B said...

Don't discount projection, as wendybar alluded.

"Staged" is just a variation on controlling the narrative. We saw that all over in the reporting for an hour or so after the shooting before Trump's injuries and the death of Mr. Comperatore were known. "Loud Noises heard." "Trump falls at rally."

Imagine somebody stopped with a gun outside a Biden 'rally' .. it would instantly be an assassination attempt even if the individual never got within sight of Biden, much less actually fired at him.

Drago said...

"The Democrat Hoax Mesh Network holds. When one hoax goes down, they switch to a working one.

Fine People Hoax got debunked

Media learned they were the baddies.

But hey, Jan6th. They still have that hoax."
--Scott Adams

Indeed. That was in full evidence all weekend.

Quaestor said...

"How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake?"

In the Democrats' circle of hell, Trump would gladly sacrifice the lives of two or three of his most ardent supporters to add drama and verisimilitude to his fake assassination street theatre. That's why the "They missed!" crowd has no sympathy for or even awareness of their loss and pain. That's the way a degenerate mind works. It can only spawn evil.

Jamie said...

Control freak personalities are drawn to the left.

I don't know, I've known a lot of control freaks on the right. Maybe control freaks are drawn to extremes?

Robert Cook said...

"Control freak personalities are drawn to the left."

Except when they're drawn to the right.

(Another statement confirming my statement @ 7:22 am.)

MartyH said...

If Trump were a Fascist strongman, he’d use this opportunity to build a militia of Brown Shirts. He isn’t and so he won’t.

Sally327 said...

I don't think dismissing the assassination attempt as "staged" is in any way a reaction to a feeling of possible culpability. I'm not sure that lefties are capable of feeling responsible for the consequences of anything they do or say.

I think they're comfortable with the idea that J13 was staged because that's what they're told about so many things, deep fakes, cheap fakes, disinformation, it's all just part of the game that the "other" side plays to manipulate and deceive. If you're willing to believe that Donald Trump is a Russian spy, why wouldn't you believe that an attempt on his life was just phony theatrics?

Robert Cook said...

"I think it's odd the Secret Service sniper got the shooter so quickly."

What's odd is that the SS hadn't already identified and secured that roof as a prime spot from which someone with bad intent could easily act--as Crooks did. This was a fuck-up of incredible scale on their part, one that should result in serious consequences to those charged with securing the area.

Oso Negro said...

A few counterfactuals -

1) It seems the SS did identify the risk of the building the shooter used, but it was the responsibility of the local police. Whether the SS would have covered it had there been more of them, dunno. Will be interesting to see what the local police say.
2) Apparently the local police DID respond to the crowd and got close enough to the shooter that he turned his rifle on them, but they retreated. I am sure that it will be an uncomfortable moment for the local PD when the national media gets onto that
3) There is a video of the shooter screaming insanely about Trump that appeared on local media. All this bullshit about him being registered Republican proves nothing. He might have done it to vote against Trump in the primary.

And @ Robert Cook, I would be pleased to hear your best explanation of Biden getting 81 million votes without leaving his basement much AND how Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties. Those two data points never sat well with me.

tcrosse said...

What do we talk about when we talk about Trump? It's not just Donald J. Trump, but his millions of followers. It is unlikely that if Trump himself is 'neutralized' they will vanish, or somehow be persuaded to vote for whomever the Democrats offer.

Lilly, a dog said...

In a Post-Truth world, you can latch on to anything you want.

gilbar said...

things to remember:
democrats are morons
democrats are LIARS
democrats are delusional

don't believe me? talk to one

Quaestor said...

I think it's odd the building wasn't secure.

It is not "odd" at all. The SS detail was too small to secure the entire area, consequently, they relied on local LEOs to fill the gaps, to do a security job they were inadequately trained to perform.

What's odd is the blunt refusal of Kimberly Cheatle to honor the Trump team's repeated requests for increased Secret Service protection. It could make even a neutral observer suspect evil intent on the part of the Biden Administration.

If Joe Biden had more than a kindergarten-level political acumen to call on, he'd have fired Cheatle by now. There's absolutely no downside to that maneuver -- it would help quiet the growing suspicion that the assassination attempt was more than a lone lunatic/Travis Bickle situation, and it would help counter the majority perception of Biden as too demented to take decisive measures.

Captain BillieBob said...

As far as the left changing their tune, I'll believe it when I see it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cook - sometimes things are not fuck ups - but intentional plots.

An expendable kid is the perfect patsy.

NYC JournoList said...

Trump called out Biden during the debate for not having the cojones to fire anyone. Let’s see if he starts with Kim Cheatle. If she isn’t gone by noon today we know he is a castrati.

RMc said...

How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead?

Conspiracy theories are like a cheat code, designed to explain the inexplicable and make the theorist look smart, possessing a secret knowledge that the rest of us plebes don't have.

Gusty Winds said...

Look at all the things liberals believe (or state) are true. Russia collusion. Fine people hoax. Drink bleach hoax. The vaccine is safe and effective. The 2020 election was the most secure ever. Men can have babies.

I can easily see a percentage of these nut cases thinking the assassination attempt was staged.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Did those female Secret Service agents impress you on Saturday? Or was it Buster Keaton time?
DEI fantasies do not serve anyone.
Except leftists.

Quaestor said...

"This was a fuck-up of incredible scale on their part, one that should result in serious consequences to those charged with securing the area."

How characteristically Robert Cook -- punish the underlings without mercy, but leave the bosses unscathed and securely in power!

Christopher B said...

Via RedState, reporting by Susan Crabtree of RCP on multiple issues with Trump's Secret Service detail including diversion of resources to cover Jill Biden the same day and a team that was largely agents on temporary assignment because Trump's team is too small to provide downtime rotation.

One can understand how the Secret Service could be stretched during a campaign year but the Biden administration's refusal to provide any Secret Service protection to RFKJr, coupled with efforts by Democrats in Congress to strip Trump's Secret Service protection, makes it hard to believe that politics isn't entering into the decision making process.

Achilles said...

Bob Boyd said...

Control freak personalities are drawn to the left.
Control freak personalities experience a lot of anxiety when things feel out of control. They need to believe that everything is under control or could be.
Of course, that's wrong.
Anyway, believing this event was somehow planned and controlled is comforting to the control freak.

Not just the left. They are drawn to power. This is the river of history.

All governments are magnets to corruptible people. The corrupt and degenerate collect and organize themselves in any power structure a society forms. Every government ever formed is destined to attract the most degenerate and corrupt people in your society.

That is why we were founded as a christian nation that recognized our Creator as our source of rights and created a social contract that included a weak and limited government.

Quaestor said...

Apparently, Blogger's spam filter has deleted one or two of my comments.

planetgeo said...

The term "progressives" is applicable here. If they don't get their way, they get progressively more insane and more extreme. Two impeachments didn't work...half a dozen nutty lawfare cases with bizarre applications of "the law", insane $$$ penalties, and threatened jail terms didn't work...so what's left? What's the next progressive step? Very likely, I'm afraid, a 2nd, 3rd, etc. assassination attempt. But next time with more attackers? Maybe some bombs and not just bullets? I suspect more than a few of those imported 10,000,000 new dreamers might know how to do that and have all the tools needed in their battle box.

They still haven't gotten their way. Think like a progressive.

Captain BillieBob said...

Let us not lose sight of the fact that the FBI, USSS, are all staffed with government employees. Lower your expectations accordingly.

traditionalguy said...

CHECKMATE. The America First guy has made all of the right moves. I guess that demands the loser Dems believe that it was all a plan.

Now onto Milwaukee and the pick of our 2028 successor to DJT, who will be James David Vance. HUAH!

And next The Trump Monster can get the broadcast hours to push a unity, peace on earth and good will to man message.That is the message that probably wins over great numbers of the female voters that never felt they liked his style.

ndspinelli said...

The Secret Service has been chaotic for a few decades. So Biden hires a DEI Queen to straighten it out. What could possibly go wrong.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The FBI was caught after they offered to pay 10,0000 to down-and-outers to trap them in the Whitmer kidnapping plot. A fake plot. So the media had a narrative about the so-called extreme violence on the right.

Ann Althouse said...

"Apparently, Blogger's spam filter has deleted one or two of my comments."

Thanks for the heads-up. We released the comments.

Sally327 said...

Did those female Secret Service agents impress you on Saturday?

Yes, they did in a way. They showed up, they didn't run away, they did what they could as best as they could.

Does that mean they've been properly trained or that they even belong on this sort of protective detail? No, clearly no.

James K said...

Cook seems to think he's above it all and not subject to his own characterization of others. It's really a meaningless proposition since it can't be refuted. It reminds me of what Helen Caldicott used to say about anyone who denied we were on the brink of nuclear extinction, that they were gripped by "cognitive dissonance." The very act of disagreeing was just further "proof" of her proposition.

Jamie said...

And @ Robert Cook, I would be pleased to hear your best explanation of Biden getting 81 million votes without leaving his basement much AND how Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties. Those two data points never sat well with me.

And the counties on either side of the Ohio-PA border. Those counties always vote in lockstep - they're the same people, working in the same industries - often the same companies. In 2020? The Ohio county went Republican; the PA county went Democrat. Weird. Statistics say...

And of course the Twitter files, the Facebook files, the now-revealed agreement among social media outlets that - not just because it aligned with their personal views but also because they were subjected to government agency pressure - they'd elevate good Democrat news and suppress good Republican news, deplatform important voices on the right, deem the H. Biden laptop off limits as well as "disinformation"...

Robert Cook, you don't need to find mustache-twirling crooks - or voting machines with broken seals or whatever - to interfere significantly with an election if you hold all the cards over control of what the normal, lightly-engaged voter sees.

Wasn't that the contention in 2016 - that a few Russian ad buys on Facebook - like, a very few - were enough to tip the election to Trump?

Can you not at least admit that the broad strokes can be seen by reasonable people as fishy?

Oligonicella said...

Robert Cook:
Why do so many people believe all sorts of outlandish things, absent any evidence or even when ample evidence exists refuting their beliefs? People want to believe that which fits or buttresses their preexisting beliefs, emotional needs, and biases.

Nice to see you're doing some self-reflection.

rhhardin said...

Everything is an entertainment choice. Women like to balance all the feelings in the air, so it's up for grabs what feelings need to be put into a narrative, but they're women and it won't settle out for a while. Media will search for their audience with their combination of feelings.

That women like to balance feelings is why they tune in to the feeling-balancers to see which one works best.

The male idea is don't shoot the candidates, with no feeling at all except satisfaction in seeing unsavory consequences if you do.

That a fireman was killed is part of the feelings parade, it doesn't make it real. It makes it entertaining.

It was already real when the guy shot. Don't use it for entertainment. A male idea of respect.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

"How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead? Do they think that was fake?"

Why do so many people believe all sorts of outlandish things, absent any evidence or even when ample evidence exists refuting their beliefs? People want to believe that which fits or buttresses their preexisting beliefs, emotional needs, and biases.

Everyone falls for hoaxes and suffers from confirmation bias.

The problem is there at least 10 major things that the Biden Regime and the people who did it have done in the last 10 years that are historically massive lies and they have been caught red handed.

And you leftist thugs ran with every single one.

First the "Fine People" hoax.

You helped undermine Trump with the Russian Collusion hoax.

You made up an obvious lie that Trump raped some crazy woman in a dressing room. For that matter you people also claimed Trump raped a woman in first class and several other obvious lies.

Ukraine impeachment, bank fraud, COVID lies, drug companies lying etc.

Then the entire Biden Regime declared that the Biden Laptop was Russian disinformation.

The list of things that evil people like you took and ran with to advance your political position that turned out to be lies is endless.

The same people that made up these lies paused the election on November 3rd, kicked out all observers at several locations in 6 states, and resumed counting 6 hours later with Joe Biden in the lead.

The people that concocted Russian Collusion out of whole cloth and spent millions of dollars for 6 years using a complete lie to attack Trump also obviously hijacked the election and Biden ended up with 16 million more votes than the most popular democrat in history while campaigning from his basement. While they were telling everyone that Hunter's laptop was russian disinformation they implemented a mail in ballot scheme.

Oh and by the way you cannot see those ballots. You cannot take digital images of those ballots. They do not have unique IDs. You cannot get a list of people that voted in the election. You cannot have an outside auditor audit the election. It can only be audited by approved party groups. And if you talk about this you will be censored.

No intelligent person would believe 81 million people voted for Joe Biden. No intelligent person thinks this is a legitimate presidency.

Oligonicella said...

Maybe control freaks are drawn to extremes?


Christopher B said...

Forget 81 million votes as those were largely way overperformance by Biden in New York and California. The Electoral College was decided by less than 50,000 votes total in three states. It would have meant that Trump drew another inside straight to win the Electoral College without a popular vote plurality but the effective margin between Biden and Trump was much smaller than the national popular vote totals imply.

Gusty Winds said...

Thank God we know Oswald and this 20-year-old kid acted alone. Whew!!

planetgeo said...

And speaking of wild conspiracy theories, they don't even have to be wild to be effective. For example, is it even necessary for the apparatchiks in the Secret Service or the FBI to actively plot, recruit, and surreptitiously support an assassin. No, you silly deplorables. That's not how our democracy needs to do things.

Our democracy can be noble, ethical, and have the highest standards of DEI virtue to simply, shall we say, enable a pimple-faced nutball to somehow get the job done. How, you say? Well by making sure that the desired target...excuse me...undesired candidate, has no serious advance threat assessment plan for coverage of all high-ground, direct line of sight locations. Not to mention, no autonomous first shot decision making authority for our own snipers. And rhhardin's favorite...requiring at least 30% of the on-ground team to be chubby, 5'4" females who can surround Trump and protect everything up to his armpits but aren't physically fit enough to stack atop each other to very seriously protect him. THIS is how you do "ethical, but deniable, conspiracy" in our democracy.

Dave Begley said...

The reason why the Left fears a Trump second term so much is that he will be way more effective the second time around. He was inexperienced the first time. He's learned.

The "tell" is the Left's reaction to the Heritage plan know as Project 2025. Trump has his own plan and it is secret.

Pompeo back to CIA and fire all the people he should have fired last time.

Abolish the FBI per Vivek's plan.

Vivek has spent lots of time with Trump. Vivek will be Chief of Staff.

The Deep State is going to be torn down. That's what the Left fears.

Eva Marie said...

I started to listen to, then skimmed through the rest of Advisory Opinions podcast, "The Assassination Attempt."
There wasn’t even an attempt to address the Trump/Hitler messaging on the left. No one mentioned the celebrities talking about physical assaults on Trump and Trump supporters. According to the podcast violent rhetoric was all Trump’s fault.
Very disappointing.
For my part, it’s not criticism I object to - it’s the constant Trump/Hitler references and the elimination rhetoric. It’s what I found so depressing about the Tim Dillon podcast. He was joking/not joking about how Jill Biden should solve the Joe Biden problem. Not funny.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I’ve only had one passenger (out of 12) bring it up and it was from the conspiratorial angle. (I don’t initiate conversation about politics.)

I pointed how someone behind Trump was killed, he didn’t know. I proceded to shift the talk away from Trump and towards the vax and how I didn’t trust that instead.

Jamie said...

The Electoral College was decided by less than 50,000 votes total in three states.

This is the critical thing. Those who decry "election denial!" seem always to believe (I suppose some do believe it; the more sophisticated just say it, I think) that those who question the 2020 election believe that there was "massive vote fraud." I have never believed that.

But I can point to Democrat-favoring election interference in the suppression and denigration of the laptop story - polls after the election make it clear that that story, if allowed to be disseminated normally, would have affected a significant number of people's voting decision. Against Biden, needless to say.

And I can point to the ways in which critical swing states' voting procedures were changed ("due to COVID," which has enough of a whiff of truth to get away with it in 2020, but why didn't those procedures revert to normal in 2022, or for this upcoming election?) in ways that reduce election security and reliability, while Democrats have continued to insist that 2020 was the freest and fairest election in our history. And anyone who doubts that - which includes almost the entire "free world," where the 2020 COVID voting innovations are acknowledged to reduce electoral security - why, those people are crazed conspiratorial election deniers.

Bob Boyd said...

Not just the left. They are drawn to power.

I guess that's true. But it kind of depends on what you mean by left and right.
I don't think of left and right as Democrats and Republicans anymore. I think of it as those who want a more powerful government vs those with a hands off approach. There are plenty of Republicans who are essentially progressives who want the surveillance state and greater control. I would say they're to the left, that is if the spectrum runs from absolute anarchy to absolute totalitarianism

Sebastian said...

In case anyone missed my profound contribution to another thread, here's a repeat of the lefty responses:

1. Regret: Too bad the killer missed.
2. Conspiracy: The shooting was staged.
3. Just deserts: Trump had it coming ("stalked") with his violent rhetoric.
4. To quoque: Republicans use violent rhetoric too/more, so they are really to blame.
5. Deflection: When Dem targets get hit, let's blame the right; when a GOP target gets hit, let's call for unity and "condemn violence."
6. Crocodile tears: sure, we called Trump an existential threat that had to be "eliminated," but we just meant by ballots, not bullets, honest, it's terrible what happened, terrible.

How many people on the left think of us on the right as "fellow Americans"? How many care? What does fellow Americanness even mean to them?

Curious George said...

"A human being was shot yesterday. Another killed."

No, Timmy, two human beings were shot yesterday, another killed.

Jersey Fled said...

You can’t get through the first paragraph of her official bio before you learn of Kimberly Cheatle’s commitment to create a “more diverse” Secret Service, complete with numerical objectives.


I was glad to learn that she kept my Doritos safe for all those years though.

Iman said...

Unfortunately, this may be the broken that can’t be fixed.

Dave Begley said...

Trump is not existential threat to Our Democracy. He's an existential threat to the Democrat Party, the Deep State and the climate-industrial complex.

Captain BillieBob said...

MSNBC cancelled Morning Joe this morning. Guess they are afraid of what the resident progressives might blurt out.

Leland said...

Blogger Oso Negro said...
A few counterfactuals -

1) It seems the SS did identify the risk of the building the shooter used, but it was the responsibility of the local police. Whether the SS would have covered it had there been more of them, dunno. Will be interesting to see what the local police say.

I did volunteer security duty for the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston. I started 6 months before the convention, so was part of the initial trainees trained by USSS to train the other volunteers. I've seen noted elsewhere that USSS uses layers of security including vetting volunteers, local police, state police, and their own forces. Most certainly outlying buildings would be covered by local police.

The thing about that duty is it sucks. Nobody likes watching buildings far away from the event. It is hot day in July, the President is in town, and you got to watch the building outside the event. To simplify my point, this isn't the job assignment the best officers want to do.

During the 1992 RNC, we had security tents around the perimeter of the Astrodome. Inside the tents were the metal detectors and x-ray machines (the new color ones that could identify materials by density, not something most airports had at the time). This was the middle of summer in Houston, TX in an enclosed area that at best had some shade provided by the tent. It got hot. My job was to attend to the volunteers, give them breaks, provide refreshments, but make sure they were doing their job. I noticed a local HPD officer had un-did a flap on the tent to allow air to get flow and then sat in a chair with his back open to this threat. I complained that this was a vulnerability, but the officer ignored me. So, I walked out into the unsecure zone and came back in through the flap on the other side of the x-ray machines and metal detectors and walked straight up to the uniformed USSS agent to complain. That got the HPD officer's attention and he tried to arrest me. The USSS agent took it from there and the HPD officer was sent home. Being older, I actually have more sympathy for the officer now than I did then. Still, that is how holes in security happen. It doesn't take a conspiracy to exploit such holes. Simple observation will do. I was about 20 at the time.

Iman said...

We have an issue with government, in this case, with the Secret Service. Let’s hope that the horrible incompetence we saw on Saturday isn’t a strategy.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ron winkleheimer said...

I think that the left doesn't care if they are culpable. The plethora of social media posts lamenting the fact that the shooter missed makes that clear. After all, if Trump is worse than Hitler then killing him is perfectly justifiable. The reason they want it to be staged is because they sense that a failed assassination is bad for their cause. It makes Trump sympathetic, especially comparing Trump's physical courage to President Poopy-pants.

Drago said...

BillieBob Thorton: "MSNBC cancelled Morning Joe this morning. Guess they are afraid of what the resident progressives might blurt out."

Oh, they know precisely what would be blurted out. It was blurted out by the left/dems/LLR-dems all weekend on social media and in legacy dinosaur gaslighting media.

And they were afraid.

Remember, Alex Jones was sued for $1.5 BILLION dollars for speech alone....and the precedent has been set.

doctrev said...

Dave Begley said...
Trump is not existential threat to Our Democracy. He's an existential threat to the Democrat Party, the Deep State and the climate-industrial complex.

7/15/24, 8:46 AM

Which is the only part the oligarchy cares about. Most of the GOP is terrified that they are going to be dragged out of their role as the Washington Generals.

Of course, if they want to resolve politics with bullets I'm sure the President is happy to oblige. There are few things brave men like better than fighting pathetic cowards who shiver under their desks against an unarmed crowd.

Political Junkie said...

I know Tim Robbins is a lefty, but by golly I really enjoy Bull Durham and Shawshank.
Gotta get to work!

ron winkleheimer said...

I've never almost had my brains blown out, but I'm pretty sure that if that did happen to me my first reaction wouldn't be to stand up, pump my fist in the ear, and yell fight! fight! fight! Reminds me of this:


Captain BillieBob said...

Document case dismissed. Smith not confirmed as special prosecutor

Drago said...

Political Junkie: "I know Tim Robbins is a lefty, but by golly I really enjoy Bull Durham and Shawshank."

Robbins has moved to center-left, perhaps even just a liberal. He has shown some impressive willingness to challenge some of his own beliefs and spend time outside his silo.

Iman said...

Judge Cannon says the appointment of Jack Smith was inappropriate and has dismissed the case?

Drago said...

BillieBob Thorton: "Document case dismissed. Smith not confirmed as special prosecutor"


Readering said...

Did the staged theory gain more traction than the USSS inside job theory?

Were callous takes to the news Saturday that different from the callous takes, including in comments here, to the news of the assault on Pelosi's husband (another instance of LE on the scene inexplicably unable to prevent the attack)?

I think the incredulity was mostly due to the shot. Who gets nicked in the ear by a rifle? So much more likely the shot misses or takes a person like the shots that hit the 3 bystanders and the shooter himself.

Captain BillieBob said...

Drago said...

BillieBob Thorton: "Document case dismissed. Smith not confirmed as special prosecutor"

Fox News

Iman said...


Freeman Hunt said...

"Now I just want you to nick my ear, okay?

Iman said...

Great news!

Eva Marie said...

Scott Adams comment:
How far was the gunman?
He was within earshot.

JAORE said...

"Did those female Secret Service agents impress you on Saturday?"

Just a question.

Are there any male Secret Service agents under 5'5" on important protection details?

Several of the women shown were that short or shorter.

Iman said...

Astonishing level of incompetence?

Or is it a strategy?

MadisonMan said...

Get over your blind hatred of these people. They are fellow Americans.
To be clear, this should be directed towards a large swath of Democrats.

MadisonMan said...

And let me add: I've never seen Bob Roberts. Is it expected I now go rent it?

Static Ping said...

Fanatics do what fanatics do.

I suppose the fact that the conspiracy theorists have been more correct than not recently is not helping things. I blame the media. As should we all.

Robert Cook said...

"And @ Robert Cook, I would be pleased to hear your best explanation of Biden getting 81 million votes without leaving his basement much...."

I don't know what you mean by "without leaving his basement much." Are you talking about the 2020 election? If so, that's easy! People who would not have voted at all or would have voted for a better Republican candidate voted "for Biden" as the only way to cast "NOT TRUMP" votes.

Original Mike said...

"Did the staged theory gain more traction than the USSS inside job theory?"

One requires Trump to allow a 20 year old to just nick his ear with a rifle from 120 yards away.

Please explain to us why the other is fantastical thinking.

Robert Cook said...

"Fantasist Cook is the prime example here,"


Joe Smith said...

And Tim is a huge lefty, so good for him...

Narayanan said...

seeing report that major SS resorce diversion to Dr Jill campaign event in Philly

Trump got the short bus crew!

Readering said...

Apparently less....

Robert Cook said...

"No intelligent person would believe 81 million people voted for Joe Biden."

Well, why not? I find it hard to conceive that so many voted for Trump...but they did. Maybe a majority of the US electorate are just plain stupid.

But, who said 81 million voted for Biden? An unknown but likely significant portion of that cohort were "NO TRUMP" votes, as I said just above. I voted for the Green Party candidate, as I have since 1996, because I was in New York in 2020, and I knew Trump wouldn't win NY. If I had been in another state, I might have voted "NO TRUMP" myself. I will be doing that this fall.

Jersey Fled said...

Compare the Trump image to that of Biden falling off his bike.


Also CNN’s response.

Comedy Gold.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

How can the it-was-staged theory get any traction when we know Corey Comperatore was shot dead?

Thank you for that. Corey Comperatore is a man who gave his life to save his family from the Secret Service's incompetence / malignancy. He should be remembered

Hassayamper said...

Why do so many people believe all sorts of outlandish things, absent any evidence or even when ample evidence exists refuting their beliefs?

Exhibit A being the Left's indestructible belief in Marxist economic theory, despite a hundred years of contrary empirical experience. There are 38 different sovereign states that have declared themselves Marxist since 1917, all but two of which have since renounced it, amid much starvation and suffering and a mountain of corpses 100 million high at a bare minimum. Yet you can go to any college campus, ask 100 people if they favor Marxism, and get at least 20 or 30 who will agree, in many cases quite enthusiastically.

Hassayamper said...

Compare the Trump image to that of Biden falling off his bike.

Did you see that clip a day or two ago of Biden walking around the room with his forearms extended and his wrists flexed like Mr. Burns or Frankenstein's monster?

This is a man on death's door, and today 100 million Democrats are praying devoutly for the denouement.

James K said...

The fraud allegations were always only about the few thousands of votes in the battleground states that put Biden over the top in the EC. Nothing "massive," just enough to swing the election. Only a fool would deny that there are at least grounds for suspicion, with all the shenanigans in those states.

The issue with 81 million popular votes is the advent of mail-in voting, with no chain of custody or any way to verify the legitimacy of the votes. Anyone who claims confidence in those vote totals is simply lying or fooling himself. There is no way to know, and never will be.

Achilles said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"No intelligent person would believe 81 million people voted for Joe Biden."

Well, why not? I find it hard to conceive that so many voted for Trump...but they did. Maybe a majority of the US electorate are just plain stupid.

But, who said 81 million voted for Biden? An unknown but likely significant portion of that cohort were "NO TRUMP" votes, as I said just above. I voted for the Green Party candidate, as I have since 1996, because I was in New York in 2020, and I knew Trump wouldn't win NY. If I had been in another state, I might have voted "NO TRUMP" myself. I will be doing that this fall

This is the definition of “Without Evidence.”

You believe in fairy tales Cook. You have absolutely zero evidence that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.


ron winkleheimer said...

Ah, Mr. Burns.


Readering said...

Achilles needs to look up what evidence means.

Achilles said...

Readering said...
Achilles needs to look up what evidence means.

I would like to hear the evidence that you have that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden given the near mathematical impossibility that that actually happened.

I also want to point out that you are a murderous evil person and nobody actually cares about what you people want anymore and we are no longer interested in including morally degenerate people who support assassination in the formation of our social contracts.

Readering said...

Achilles: Every state recorded the votes, they were recounted and confirmed, and virtually every challenge to the counts was rejected by one court or another. That's evidence. Making up shit otherwise got folks like Guiliani disbarred. Your second paragraph suggests you should just ignore my comments. Better for your blood pressure. Some say they skip over anything that says Readering. Do likewise.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'll play Devil's Advocate for a little. In the initial video I was expecting people directly behind Trump to have been hit, yet they seemed unharmed and remarkably calm. That seemed weird to me and made me open to the possibility that something was off. In the initial moments when there is little information it's possible to come up with a lot of scenarios and those will likely be colored by one's biases. While I didn't think the false flag scenario was likely, I did think it was possible. Based on the headlines from much of the media, they thought so too.

Hassayamper said...

Every state recorded the votes, they were recounted and confirmed, and virtually every challenge to the counts was rejected by one court or another.

Every counterfeit bill in the cash register was counted three times, and IT ADDED UP TO THE SAME AMOUNT EVERY TIME!

Hassayamper said...

Of course, if they want to resolve politics with bullets I'm sure the President is happy to oblige.

He could raise an army larger than all the uniformed armies on earth put together, if circumstances required it. Many of them would be military veterans and police officers, and many of the rest would be old hunters who aren't going to be doing much rucking or hand-to-hand combat, but can keep 10 consecutive shots on a pie plate from three or four times the distance of the shot that was taken at Trump.

Pauligon59 said...

JaimeRoberto, the camera was in front of Trump while the shooter was to the side of Trump. The people behind Trump were not in the line of fire. The people to the left of Trump (the right side of the image) were in the line of fire.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

Achilles: Every state recorded the votes, they were recounted and confirmed, and virtually every challenge to the counts was rejected by one court or another. That's evidence. Making up shit otherwise got folks like Guiliani disbarred. Your second paragraph suggests you should just ignore my comments. Better for your blood pressure. Some say they skip over anything that says Readering. Do likewise.

You have a closed process that nobody can audit.

You allow nobody to see the ballots.

Nobody can see the voter rolls.

You kick out all republican observers.

You board up the windows at the vote counting stations.

The people in charge of the system also created the Russian Collusion hoax.

The people in charge of the system were at the time lying about Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation.

And as Readering so aptly pointed out if you question the system they will charge you with crimes as well as have their corporate allies censor you.

And Readering is 100% in support of having her political opponents shot.

As I said above we are done playing games with you. A critical mass in this country realizes who and what you are.

JaimeRoberto said...

@Pauligon59: "JaimeRoberto, the camera was in front of Trump while the shooter was to the side of Trump. The people behind Trump were not in the line of fire. The people to the left of Trump (the right side of the image) were in the line of fire."

Now with the benefit of more info that's clear. But in the first minutes, at least the first minutes of what I saw, it wasn't. Maybe my brain was suckered into thinking that the camera was showing all there was to see, but of course there was much more that wasn't initially visible. Seems completely obvious now. My point is that early on one has very little information and the brain tries to fill in the gaps, which can lead you astray.

effinayright said...

Readering said...
Achilles: Every state recorded the votes, they were recounted and confirmed, and virtually every challenge to the counts was rejected by one court or another. That's evidence.

No it's not.

ALL the court cases were tossed out for technical reasons (lack of jurisdiction, lack of "standing", failure to state a justiciable cause of action...) .

No case ever reached the point where the complaint was addressed "on the merits".

As for the states confirming the results: are you familiar with the phrase, "Don't use a fox to guard the henhouse"?

Rick67 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Readering said...

You guys have arguments. The states had the evidence.

Todd said...

Readering said...

You guys have arguments. The states had the evidence.

7/15/24, 2:03 PM


They just won't let you see it, verify it, review it, they also destroyed the mail-in ballot envelops so you can't review the signatures on those envelops to the signatures on file (can't match to any actual ballots so anonymity is safe). Someone pronouncing the most secure election ever would not be acting so afraid...

Readering said...

There were hearings in many cases, including evidentiary hearings. Those tended to be the ones in which the Trump campaign lawyers got sanctioned, suspended and disbarred. The myth of the lost cause redux.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

There were hearings in many cases, including evidentiary hearings. Those tended to be the ones in which the Trump campaign lawyers got sanctioned, suspended and disbarred. The myth of the lost cause redux.

We have a voting system that where you:

Have a closed process that nobody can audit.

You allow nobody to see the ballots.

Nobody can see the voter rolls.

You kick out all republican observers.

You board up the windows at the vote counting stations.

The people in charge of the system also created the Russian Collusion hoax.

The people in charge of the system were at the time lying about Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation.

And if you question the system they will charge you with crimes as well as have their corporate allies censor you.

And if you continue to question the system they will shoot you.

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