July 17, 2024

"There are basically four competing narratives or theories about what led to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump."

Writes Sean Davis (at X):
1) Through a combination of incompetence and innocent mistakes and garden-variety bureaucratic ineptitude, a gunman was able to penetrate security and take multiple shots at Trump. 
2) The right hand of the Biden security regime deliberately starved Trump’s security detail of resources and assigned a squad of C-team rejects to his detail knowing it would make Trump vulnerable. 
3) Includes all of option 2, but also includes the left hand of the Biden security regime independently but deliberately inciting and weaponizing, and potentially even hand-holding, mentally unwell freaks to take matters into their own hands and eliminate Trump (analogous to what the FBI did when it created and led the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping and murder plot). 
4) The Biden regime itself explicitly attempted to assassinate Trump via its own shooter(s), and the named assassin is all deliberate misinformation and misdirection.

Go to the link to see where Davis says he is, but first take my survey:

Which of the 4 options seems most likely?
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William said...

The shooting of Archduke Ferdinand was part of an elaborate plot. The plot succeeded because of happenstance and a bad decision made by the driver of Ferdinand's car. The plot was elaborate but the driver was not complicit in the plot. I believe the hostility towards Trump was part of why he had slipshod security, but it's a huge leap to jump from there to the belief that some conspirator recruited this loser and facilitated his efforts.

Narr said...

If you haven't read the book, just say so, effinayright.

Aggie said...

I voted 3. But I don't think at this point, there is enough evidence to even suggest that the shooter was groomed and persuaded, a-la Whitmer. But the Whitmer case - and the FBI internal promotions that took place after the operations period of the case (i.e., to Washington Head Office) tells me the shape of their internal policy-making. And the history of pre-dawn raids with CNN in attendance should remind us of their internal policies, and this is reflected across the rest of the IC community as well. They fear Trump, and are confident enough to act on those fears, using the tools of the trade.

They deserve no slack, no benefit-of-the-doubt, because the history of their intentions and mindset is crystal clear. There was plenty of incompetence, on display, sure. But there is also the smell of setting up the dominoes, of nurturing an environment conducive to this kind of outcome. This is built-in deniability. Like a slot machine that has been rigged so the first 3 wheels come up 'jackpot'. It's only a matter of time before there's a lucky winner.

D.D. Driver said...

No wonder you guys think Trump was a great president and is a great man.

I'm a Trump fan now? That's pretty funny.



Anthony said...

At this point I'm fairly convinced it's #3, and perhaps something of #4.

After Crossfire Hurricane, I really don't put anything past the government. This is where nearly all governments end up, given enough time.

William said...

I think the ineptitude of the would-be assassin was matched and surpassed by the ineptitude of the protective forces. However, there definitely should be an investigation, and the investigation should be conducted in the open by people of unimpeachable independence as opposed to, say, the team Fani Willis lined up for her investigation. There are an awful lot of questions but I'm leaning towards incompetence and negligence intensified by malice.

Christopher B said...

Amadeus 48 said...
The rally was announced 10 days before. Not enough time for a big plot and long-term recruitment

While I do remain skeptical of the recruitment/grooming theory (black swans do fly by) I think the location of the rally relative to Crooks' home has little to say about the possibility that he had been recruited. It's not like it would have been hard for him to get to any Trump rally site in the general vicinity. Hodgkinson drove halfway across the country to get to DC to shoot up the Republican baseball team. Some guy flew from California IIRC to have a go at Kavanaugh.

My read of several FBI entrapments like the Whitmer Fednapping is more that the Feds strung the guys along until they needed to create a case rather than it took them that long to establish a relationship. They generally seem to supply legal stuff like ammo and range time almost immediately. I doubt it would take long to get a relationship going with a kid who already seemed to have negative feelings about Trump. If he didn't develop the right mindset in a few conversations it would be better to drop him. And in this case there would have been no reason to try to accumulate evidence against him because his co conspirators wouldn't want a paper trail.

Rick67 said...
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Static Ping said...

From whistleblowers today, some if not most of the team assigned to Trump for the rally were not Secret Service, just DHS personnel who would not have known what they were doing. So, basically #2 is confirmed and now the question is whether the shooter was coached/recruited or just a random nutter.

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