July 20, 2024

Sunrise — 5:23, 5:26, 5:37, 5:43





Today's photos are all by Meade. I slept through it all.


Original Mike said...

I bet the sun was disappointed. Hope you're ok.

Narr said...

The guy is good. The second one reminds me of Monet at Giverny.

Original Mike said...

Uh, that's not to say you're disappointing, Meade.

Leland said...

You can't catch up on the sleep you lost Thursday night by just sleeping in. ;)

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Such wonderful pictures!

TickTock said...

Another in an endless series of Althouse visual masterpieces

TickTock said...

God gave us the the country, the skill of man hath built the town. MarcusTerentius Varro

God gave us the lake and the sun, the skill of Ann hath captured them.

Josephbleau said...

Number four, a great swirling Jupetoric sun mass.

TickTock said...

Oops. Thank you Meade. Kudos to you.

FullMoon said...

Where's the duck?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
imTay said...


Artillery is what causes the vast majority of casualties in war, if Russia is far outproducing NATO in shells, well then there is no way that Ukraine is not suffering far more casualties than Russia, no matter what they tell you, it doesn't pass the smell test for Russia to be suffering the bulk of the casualties when they are firing more shells.

It's time to end the war.

Saint Croix said...

10% chance Slow Joe is on the ballot in November

60% chance Kamala is on the ballot in November

30% chance ABK (anybody but Kamala) is on the ballot in November

I favor an open convention and a fight in Chicago. Fun!

Ann Althouse said...

“ Hope you're ok.”

I slept late. I slept until 530.

Saint Croix said...

65% chance Joe goes with a mini-primary.

25% he drops from the ticket and endorses his veep.

10% chance he rides this shit out

Political Junkie said...

To add on to Saint Croix.

I think it will be Kamala. Black females are the most monolithic D's. That matters.

Here are supposedly her potential VPs.

Kelly - AZ Senator - Navy guy, astronaut, supposed to help with men. Maybe. He looks weird to me. Not sure he wins AZ for Kamala.
Whitmer - MI Gov - Might win MI, but I wonder if the D's would be afraid to run 2 women. Might be worth the shot.
Shapiro - PA Gov - I think the best choice, but I wonder how a Jew would impact the D Muslim vote in MI and MN.
Cooper - NC Gov - Years ago I thought he looked like a president, was a handsome man, I say that as a heterosexual. Still decent looking, but I wonder how he would play in AZ, MI,WI,PA.

My sleeper choice, which will not happen - MD Gov Wes Moore. D's might be afraid to run 2 blacks, but he is an impressive young man. I predict if Trump wins Moore will be the D nominee in 2028.

Cheers all.

Joe Smith said...

'I slept late. I slept until 530.'

Lazy : )

Saint Croix said...

Interesting article in Politico about how the Democrat convention might go.

Dave Begley said...

Talk of Hillary replacing Biden on the ticket.

Please, Lord, let it be true.

Political Junkie said...

Thanks for the tip Saint Croix. Reading it now.
I love Greenfield. Think I first saw him on the Brinkley show and maybe with Ted Koppel.
He is a D, but if I was an R president, Greenfield would be part of my kitchen cabinet.

Original Mike said...

When I pull an all-nighter to observe, I'm always groggy the morning of the second day after and make every effort to sleep-in. Have your understudy greet the sun.

Original Mike said...

"Please, Lord, let it be true."

Whomever they pick could end up President. You want President Hillary?

Dr Weevil said...

And here's imTay (8:51pm) showing his gross ignorance of what's going on in Ukraine. What if, as David D. (@secretsqrl123) reports (link), the Russians have a numerical 3-1 advantage in artillery but it's mostly 122mm with a 16km range, and their barrels are wearing out, and Ukrainian artillery is mostly 155mm (=much bigger blast) with a 45km range, and the Ukrainians are better shots? The qualitative differences would more than compensate for the 3-1 number.

The barrels wearing out is particularly important, because worn barrels are less accurate, and because they eventually explode (lots of pictures on Twitter), destroying the gun and quite often killing the crew. This is also more likely when they're firing 50-year-old crap North Korean shells, which they usually are lately. Russia is losing thousands of artillery pieces per year, and can only make 200 gun barrels a year. They can't increase production, because the machines that make gun barrels are German, and embargoed.

Keeping up with what's going on in Ukraine is not difficult, though it does take 30-60 minutes a day reading a dozen or two of the best Twitter feeds. If you do that, you will know (for intance) that Russia is running out of troops, and Ukraine is not. How will you know that? Many of the obituaries that appear in Russian social media (hundreds of new ones every day) are for privates who are over 60 years old. They're also recruiting large numbers of foreigners and women from prisons, and sending people into battle on crutches after they're wounded. One very clear piece of evidence is that Russian newspapers tell you what the enlistment bonus is in your area. The bonuses keep going up - I believe they're around $20,000 US in Moscow and Petersburg - which all by itself proves that they're struggling to attract enough recruits, and wrecking the federal budget doing so.

Rt41Rebel said...

I also think it will be Hillary, and not just recently. She’s the only one that wants it.

Saint Croix said...

Talk of Hillary replacing Biden on the ticket.

Please, Lord, let it be true.

Hillary has the balls to try it, in my opinion.

Gavin Newsom is weak sauce. He has a noodle for a spine. If he and Hillary got in a fight he would be in the hospital. Or dead.

Saint Croix said...

The one that might actually beat Trump is Michelle Obama. She's very popular and she hates politics. I don't know how she would do in a debate. But she is a lawyer so probably pretty well. (Certainly better than Biden).

If you want to dump Kamala and inspire the base, Michelle Obama is a way to do that. You'd have to draft her. If the Democrats go through multiple rounds and they still don't have a nominee, Michelle could walk in and take it.

Hillary wants it more than anybody, and she doesn't have anything to lose. If I had to rank them in terms of danger to Trump...

1. Michelle Obama (50-50, nailbiter)
2. Hillary Clinton (60-40, unlikely but she could win)
3. Kamala Harris (70-30, Trump wins handily)
4. Joe Biden (90-10, Trump rides a red wave and takes the Senate and House with him)

Dave Begley said...

Hillary would lose again. A total humiliation. A three time loser.

traditionalguy said...

Hillary’s last hurrah. She will gamble it all on Trump’s sudden death.

Which is not all that bad a bet given Clinton opponents average life spans. Think of it as lead ball.

Saint Croix said...

I hope the House holds Merrick Garland in inherent contempt and the sergeant-at-arms holds his ass until he gives over the tapes.

Also I like the $10,000-a-day fine move.

America's top cop is a shit-bag and he needs to get a taste of what lawfare is like.

Saint Croix said...

Still the best SNL political sketch of all time...

Horror Movie Trailer

Narayanan said...

the early virtual roll call to nominate Biden
why not call it pre-convention and analyse that along same factors as convention-convention

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

What if the Microsoft glitch was an evidence cleanup operation?

I gave a ride to an airport stranded passenger yesterday, and I overheard him tell a story to someone over the phone... 'while waiting at the airport, he looked up his porfolio and there was an account with over 100k that he was certain was not his money.'

Maybe nothing.

Interesting dots begging to be connected found some dude willing to connect some

What did George Soros son tweet, that now in hindsight looks ominous?

What happened to a suspicious trade, that disappeared, as though it never took place?

What was a deputy FBI director doing in the crowd behind Trump that day, holding a sign, like a Trump supporter?

Like the great Barry Farber used to say; keep asking questions.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Nobody resigning over the Trump security failure?

When nobody is even trying...

NKP said...

I don't know how she would do in a debate. But she is a lawyer so probably pretty well. (Certainly better than Biden).

She has a law degree. Did she ride "diversity" to graduation???

I don't believe she has ever practiced law.

Not all lawyers can make a case on their feet. Trial lawyers and law professors, yes. Others can be horrible. I had a client who was a senior partner in a prominent DC firm (mostly finance). That guy couldn't finish a sentence without losing the interest of most of the people in the room.

I don't believe she has any actual work history.

To my knowledge, she has never been confronted in public. I doubt she can take a punch.

wildswan said...

I don't think it will be Hillary; I'm betting on some Dem youngster who steps up and we all look on, thinking:"The boy stood on the burning deck/ Whence all but he had fled." That's in a fair election.
But the Dems have brought in 11 million illegals and every agency of government they contact is registering them so there might be 33 million or 44 million registered illegals; and then the ballot harvesters will vote every registered voter. I suppose if we can show that agencies which deal almost exclusively with illegals registered everyone that came in the door, we can show that cheating was made possible. And we'll know that if it was made possible, then it happened. But we'll have no way of proving for whom the illegals illegally "voted" - though we'll know. I tell myself: "you're thinking that what happened the last time will happen again," and I have no answer to my thoughts. For this is a government that left a roof with a line of sight onto Trump unguarded and then contemptuously "explained" that the roof sloped too much for the Secret Service to guard it - though every phone in every hand in the land had pictures showing the roof did not slope all that much.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice cream.

wendybar said...

The guy who calls himself Brick Suit (he wears a brick WALL suit to all of Trumps rallies) took this video when Trump was shot at from the front of the stage.....


MadTownGuy said...

Tennessee Drag Show Ban Upheld After Appeals Court Reverses Ruling

"A federal appeals court on July 18 reversed a lower court ruling as it upheld a law in Tennessee that bans performances featuring strippers or men dressed as women in locations where they could be viewed by children.


U.S. District Judge Thomas Parker ruled in 2023 that the law is unconstitutional because it is too vague and overbroad.
The appeals court panel reversed that ruling, finding that Friends of George’s has not provided evidence that it intended to violate the law.

That means the group lacks standing, the judges said.


“But the law in this area is clear—there is no constitutional interest in exhibiting indecent material to minors,” U.S. Circuit Judge John Nalbandian wrote for the majority.

He pointed to a previous ruling from the appeals court that found certain speech, “while fully protected when directed to adults, may be restricted when directed towards minors.”

“The only constitutionally protected expressions implicated by the AEA are adult-oriented performances that can be constitutionally restricted from minors but not from adults—a narrow slice of speech,” Judge Nalbandian said. “And the statute doesn’t even ban these performances, merely restricting them to adult-only zones.”

U.S. Circuit Judge Eugene Siler Jr. joined Judge Nalbandian in the ruling.

U.S. Circuit Judge Andre Mathis said in a dissent that Friends of George’s has standing because it will likely hold shows that are affected by the law, leading it to face a threat of prosecution under the statute. He also said that the group’s shows, which have no age restrictions, appear to be protected by the First Amendment.

The majority and dissent also diverged over particulars of the law. The majority said the law’s prohibition of shows “harmful to minors” refers “only to those materials which lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for a reasonable 17-year-old minor,” citing a 1993 ruling from the Tennessee Supreme Court. But the dissent said it bars shows to all minors, noting that no court has narrowed the law as written by state legislators.

Friends of George’s said in a statement it was shocked and disappointed with the decision.

“Instead of addressing the constitutionality of Tennessee’s drag ban, today’s ruling has left us and thousands of others in the LGBTQ+ community dangerously in limbo, with no clear answers as to how this ban will be enforced and by whom,” the group said in a social media post.

The organization is consulting with legal counsel on the next steps in the case as it rehearses its next production, which is set to open on Aug. 2.

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti said in a statement that the law has been repeatedly misrepresented since it was signed by Gov. Bill Lee.

“As a state overflowing with world-class artists and musicians, Tennessee respects the right to free expression. But as the court noted, Tennessee’s ‘harmful to minors’ standard is constitutionally sound and Tennessee can absolutely prohibit the exhibition of obscene material to children,” he said. “The court of appeals focused on what the law actually says and ordered the case dismissed.

Fandor said...

Wonderful pictures, Meade. Your pictures and Ann’s remind us to stop, take a long breath, and revel in God’s Glory. Count your blessings and be thankful. I am and hope all here will do the same. Happy Sunday.

Scott Patton said...

One fake assassination accusation that I haven't heard is that when Trump heard gunshots he reached up and cut his ear with his thumbnail or a hidden "foreign object". You know, something like Hulk Hogan would have expertise with.
The blood mixed with sweat running down onto his face to make it seem more dramatic, also part of the old studio wrestling trick.

Eva Marie said...

Brick suit video: Thanks for that. It really captured the emotion of the moment. I’m so glad I didn’t watch it live. It was traumatic enough hearing about it afterward.

Drago said...

MadTownGuy: "Tennessee Drag Show Ban Upheld After Appeals Court Reverses Ruling

"A federal appeals court on July 18 reversed a lower court ruling as it upheld a law in Tennessee that bans performances featuring strippers or men dressed as women in locations where they could be viewed by children."

David French, Max Boot, Lincoln Pedophile Project hardest hit.

Leland said...

Is Jill keeping Joe in at least through the Olympics to protect her role of US delegation lead?

rehajm said...

Is Jill keeping Joe in at least through the Olympics to protect her role of US delegation lead?

Ha! Maybe. I think the IOC, somewhere in its massive books of requirements and obligations of the host country and the broadcasters, there’s a few pages outlining how, during the opening ceremony parade of nations, all broadcasters are obligated to show each nation turning to genuflect to that nation’s highest ranking corruptocrat perched in the VIP suites in the stadium…and like a Joe Biden campaign event, every word of the script the nation’s broadcast hosts must utter, along with a list of things they are ‘very’ prohibited from saying…

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The top one is a badass display of color.

Meade said...

Fandor said...
“Wonderful pictures, Meade. Your pictures and Ann’s remind us to stop, take a long breath, and revel in God’s Glory. Count your blessings and be thankful. I am and hope all here will do the same. Happy Sunday.“

Thank you, all!

Political Junkie said...

Saint Croix - This was the best SNL skit - https://youtu.be/shkJfRpktGc?si=aZCXsdvYnmUJhx5K

Narr said...

Dunnigan and Bay have a short post about casualties at Strategypage. Short version: artillery is so 2010s. Drones are the big killers now, and the Ukes plan to make 100k a month.
"Attrition: New Pattern of Death in Ukraine" June 28, 2024

The Russians are also handing out Mosin-Nagants; that would be like the US Army sending troops into battle today with '03 Springfields.

Dr Weevil said...

Yes, and (as I've said before) we have lots of social media posts from both sides. Russian soldiers are complaining that a Ukrainian drone will chase them into a shelter where they're safe, because the tree branches are too thick for it to get in, but then the drone lands nearby (to save battery power) and watches them for hours, waiting for them to come out.

Another sign of who's winning: soldier obituaries and where's-my-missing-husband reports on Russian social media (a) show the soldiers heading to the front in obsolete or foreign or mismatched uniforms, wearing tennis shoes or Crocs (!), wearing plate armor with wooden plates (!!), and carrying (as you mention) obsolete guns, and (b) are often dated just days or weeks after the soldier left for the front. Life expectancy at the front is very short.

MadTownGuy said...

"United States Flag: Half-Staff
Commonwealth Flag: Half-Staff​​​​
​Today, in accordance with the United States flag code, Governor Josh Shapiro ordered United States and Commonwealth flags on all Commonwealth facilities, public buildings, and grounds across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fly at half-staff immediately today, Sunday, July 14, 2024, to recognize the tragedy that occurred at a rally for former President Trump in Butler County last evening and in honor of Corey Comperatore, a Butler County husband and father who was killed while attending the event. The Governor also extends the prayers of all Pennsylvanians to the two Pennsylvanians who remain in critical condition and their families.
The flags shall be lowered to half-staff until sunset on the date of interment, which has not yet been announced.
All Pennsylvanians are invited to participate in this tribute.

Nary a word about Trump's near miss. Keep it classy, Josh.

wendybar said...

Another violent Baldwin Brother threatening Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld because of his rabid ideology......wonder why the Baldwins are all hateful, violent and assholes??

Ian Miles Cheong
Stephen Baldwin just threatened Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters.
