I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Vivek Ramaswamy was en fuego. His barn burner of a speech included the requisite partisan red meat, but the way he talked about the shrinking American dream could resonate well beyond the Republican base. Somehow, his typically insufferable manner worked well in the big convention setting. Go figure.
I haven't watched this yet. I'll give you the video and come back with my opinion:
ADDED: I've listened. Great content and delivery. But Cottle couldn't say it without calling him somehow simultaneously "insufferable." The "insufferable manner" works in the big arena. Fine. He's still insufferable (per Cottle). It's the received view of Ramaswamy and you must never forget it.
"En fuego?" Really?
Always start with the joke.
One speech I did watch. I’ve appreciated Ramaswamy’s fresh approach and opinions since he appeared on the scene. The people who find him off-putting are missing out on what he has to offer. He’s an impressive young man.
Merit vs. tribal spoils.
That really is the battle right now.
Not sure about breaking this down to generational tribes though.
Michelle Cottle is the insufferable one!
Vivek's speech was just a shorter and slightly revised version of his stump speech which I saw four times.
Vivek is going to have a Cabinet or WH spot (chief of staff) or replace his law school classmate JD Vance as Senator from Ohio.
The Left has to really fear the team that Trump is going to put together this time as it will be awesome. Policy is personnel and Trump knows who to put in what spots in his second term.
One of the many things that attracted me to Vivek is his plan to disband the FBI and radically shrink the Deep State. It absolutely must be done.
And to top it off, he's a Jesuit high school alum.
its not an expression that translates, nor encendido,
it could have been the key note
I like that the speeches are all 5-8 minutes. Watching one of those at 2x is possible for me.
I know Trump's speech has to be longer and I will be stuck reading the transcript.
its not an expression that translates, nor encendido,
it could have been the key note
Dave Begley said...
Vivek is going to have a Cabinet or WH spot (chief of staff) or replace his law school classmate JD Vance as Senator from Ohio.
CoStaff or secretary of interior.
Where ever he can shut down the most Government agencies.
"We don't have to be ancient Rome."
He speaks like a normal human being who gives a good speech.
We watched DeSantis last night. He always makes me think of the movie Tequila Sunrise and Kurt Russell's character: "What is it? You need some chap stick or lip gloss or something? Because your lips keep getting stuck on your teeth. Or is that your idea of a smile?"
He's got a certain charisma, a ton of energy and obviously Michelle was feeling it. Awwww how sweet.
Desantis was good, but vivek is in a league on their own,
Many adopt the old logic that Trump will be hobbled as a "lame duck" on day one in the White House.
I think it will be liberating not having to run again, but he must focus on preparing the next generation of Republicans to win the next election.
Trump's brush with death last week is likely to deepen that focus and priority within him.
OMG. What a great speech.
It's the received view of Ramaswamy and you must never forget it.
Forget what? I seem to have forgotten it already.
I know why Haley was allowed on that stage.
But I think we lose votes having her pretend to be on our team.
I understand the situation is different now. I don't think it justifies her being there.
She is literally the problem.
Heh ,heh, heh. No slant in that article, nooooo. More democrat propaganda from the dnc "journalism" department.
“But Cottle couldn't say it without calling him somehow simultaneously "insufferable."
I usually find people who use the phrase “En fuego” in English in a non-jovial manner to often be “insufferable”.
Renault sold the Fuego in the US in the Eighties through AMC. A friend bought a used one. Wasn’t a great car, wasn’t a bad one.
its like the line, about the Chevy Nova not selling in Mexico, because it translates to 'it doesn't go'
What's really insufferable to the NYT unintelligentsia is that all the bright young talent is gravitating over to the Republican Party. It's going to be Mensa VS Densa from here on.
There's another insufferable politician I recall that nevertheless had a powerful and well-received convention speech some years ago.
"He's still insufferable (per Cottle). It's the received view of Ramaswamy and you must never forget it."
These people will never change their minds. Why is that?
I saw Vivek's speech live. Was typically great. I have high hopes for this guy. My dream job for him in a Trump administration is overseeing the dismantling of the Dept of Education. And I'd hope for him to be quick about it, because there's several more agencies after that.
"Vivek is going to have a Cabinet or WH spot (chief of staff) or replace his law school classmate JD Vance as Senator from Ohio."
Senator would be such a waste of his talents.
Kamala is insufferable.
Adam Schitt is insufferable.
Nancy Pelosi and Hillary are insufferable. Same with Morning Joe, Maddow, and Clair McCatkill.
Biden is beyond insufferable. - total cringe inducing nightmare.
Achilles said...
I know why Haley was allowed on that stage.
But I think we lose votes having her pretend to be on our team.
7/17/24, 9:56 AM
I appreciate your work, but relax. This is standard big-tent building to win "democratic" elections. I don't even think Trump has "moderated," as his son says.
It's like killing Appollonia and expecting Michael Corleone to just quietly retire because he's scared. The Rubins and Frums are terrified, and they should be.
>Dave Begley said...
Vivek is going to have a Cabinet or WH spot (chief of staff) or replace his law school classmate JD Vance as Senator from Ohio.
One of the many things that attracted me to Vivek is his plan to disband the FBI and radically shrink the Deep State. It absolutely must be done.<
Which he can't do from the Senate - which is why he won't be sent there to replace Vance.
He's about as far from a senator type as it gets, anyway.
I think he would drive the Department of Education off a cliff.
And that would be a good start.
they belong in the agonizer from the trek episode,
Rocco said...
"Renault sold the Fuego in the US in the Eighties through AMC. A friend bought a used one. Wasn’t a great car, wasn’t a bad one."
It's a good thing that Fuego wasn't chosen by Ford for the Pinto. I call Pintos by my favorite nickname, "Ford Exploders," even though the risk may have been overblown.
We're all "insufferable"...."deplorable"...etc, etc...
the wandering coma, ht luque escalona, called us gusanos worms, it hasn't escaped my notion, that john sayles used that as his title, koba called us kulaks, so in relative terms,
The Rubins and Frums are terrified, and they should be.
Van Jones was wetting his pants over Amber Rose being on the stage Monday. He is very concerned about her reaching out to the demographic Dems think they should "own."
I've always liked Vivek. Always found him refreshing. Never found him insufferable. And he lit it up last night, as I knew he would.
Needless to say, my definition of 'insufferable' is more closely described by the NYT and its contributors.
Or send in a skilled outsider like Peter Wood (of NAS) to eviscerate the DOE, and put Vivek anywhere. He's brilliant, but his impatience worries me, and Education is the most irritating cabinet post, requiring patience and the ability to work with every state governor. Well, except Pritzker. Leave Illinois as it is, as an object lesson.
Wood's qualifications for the job of saving education are impeccable.
"and Education is the most irritating cabinet post, "
Not if you're eliminating it. I really do mean shutting it down.
To the Michelle Cottles of the world, "insufferable" means pretty much anyone smarter than she is. Which makes for a very large universe of "insufferables."
He's a little green still and has an odd cadence/speech pattern.
But he is crazy smart and doesn't need the money.
I saw an east Indian standup comic on YouTube who sort of looked like Vivek. He was wishing Vivek would achieve prominence, because that could land him a slot on SNL.
In response to the campaign questions about him running for VP, Vivek always said that he is best suited for a CEO spot.
So, yes, he'd be best in a Cabinet slot but he's such a talent that he'd be good in the Senate too.
It's like Little League baseball where you put your best athlete at short stop or pitcher. Vivek could run just about any Agency or, more precisely, reform and slim down any agency.
But Vivek does have a political future next year at some spot.
BTW, I'm so impressed with JD Vance I'm going to drive up to WI or MN when he does a campaign appearance. I have a book for him. A secret book about wisdom and leadership that was written in 1647. I gave the same book to Vivek and he remembered that I gave it to him. "Gifts are hooks."
intolerable, not to be endured
It sounds like Cottle is describing one of Obama's infamous "burdens", which entertains an abortive ideation.
We haven't seen the last of this guy.
@Begley: And to top it off, he's a Jesuit high school alum.
So is my son. I suspect it's not the same as it was in your day.
At the beginning he pronounced M'waukee properly.
There are those who thought Barack Obama the "greatest speaker evah". When I dissected the transcript of the "greatest speech evah on race relations" my liberal San Francisco based sister denounced it as a "cheap lawyer trick". Sorry Sis, I was never "cheap" and I'd spent my professional life analyzing complicated documents. Barack's speeches were full of strawmen and false analogies, along with some logical gaps. But to the unwashed they sounded good.
My wife listened to Vivek's speech at the RNC and told me it was "wonderful" and much better than Barack's speeches. Well I thought, that's a pretty low bar to cross.
I do too, Original Mike.
Insufferable? I always thought he was pretty cheerful and upbeat, if a bit forward.
A close relative works as a contractor to the DOE on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. I made a bet with her when the fallout from Covid became apparent, that the reports would get edited to “hide the decline”. I lost that bet. It didn’t happen.
There are some good people at the DOE. The problem, like most government agencies, is the leadership.
Vivek would do a great job at DOE, but I think some other agencies might need him more. I’m thinking the EPA.
Journolisters like Cottle despise anyone that doesn't treat themselves with the respect that they, Cottle, think they deserve. Ramaswamy treats the media the way they deserve to be treated- as swine.
Incidentally, if Trumps cabinet looks like the speakers at the convention, I’m all in. I think Trump learned something during the last four years about the kind of people he wants around him.
And also incidentally, if the Democrats can’t just slime Trump for five straight days at their convention, what do they have left? Their record? Empty promises about bringing back Roe v Wade?
I’m going with sliming Trump.
"Insufferable" is a Prog dog whistle for a conservative POC, full stop.
Jersey Fled: "And also incidentally, if the Democrats can’t just slime Trump for five straight days at their convention, what do they have left? Their record? Empty promises about bringing back Roe v Wade?
I’m going with sliming Trump."
It's going to be round-the-clock Project 2025, debunked hoaxes ("fine people", "drink bleach", "rapist", "convicted felon", etc), "racist Trump!" (gonna put y'all back in chains!), etc.
They'll also talk about abortion, gutting the Supreme Court, etc.
First, I was impressed with Vivek's suit. Must have cost a mint. And I did enjoy the content and delivery of the speech and do not find Vivek insufferable.
Ramaswamy is smarmy?
pretty cheerful and upbeat
Gay, even.
Many of the GOP convention speeches were broadcast live. Many were ignored, while the MSM wrung its hands about too much red meat. The real delivery vehicle, however, will be online clips. It will be interesting to see what escapes the bubble and reaches the people out there in the great beyond. Maybe Vivek's will.
LMAO. Michelle Cottle has the nerve to say that? She's one to talk. Make that hack review her vids and writings from over the years. These MSM hacks are some of the most self-absorbed, zero insight having goofs that it's possible to be. Especially Cottle. A hare-brain from the earliest days of the internet.
To a frothing liberal anyone who speak in complete sentences…Hell even coherent sentence fragments must be insufferable. There has to be an embarrassment quotient for supporting an incoherent President, too. I think that’s what all the replacement theory was about. Looks like the people who run Biden tamped that down pretty well. Never let a crisis and all…
A secret book about wisdom and leadership that was written in 1647.
Gracian? Not a secret.
The Indian heritage includes many darker skin tones, but their minds are 100% Caucasian and better than mostNorthern Europeans. Vivek is a great communicator with a better vocabulary than me.
"There are those who thought Barack Obama the "greatest speaker evah"."
Been amazed at that since I first heard him. Empty calories. Full of BS like, "Some people say.". To which I always said, "Name them you lying SOB". For those that swooned at his tone I offered transcripts. No one ever took me up on the offer a second time.
Quick... name a memorable quote from Obama. I'll offer, "If you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor".
I actually thought the Congressman from Michigan had a nicer suit. Perfectly tailored.
2024: The year that TDS and Democratic cognitive dissonance started to unwind. More than a few Trump haters will become devout lifelong fans as they now understand what Biden's handlers unleashed.
The political party rotation will be complete circa 2028 or 2032.
“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up”
Best speech at the RNC? Madeline Brame. Far and away!
tcrosse said...
"At the beginning he pronounced M'waukee properly."
I had lived in Wisconsin for a while before I realized the 'L' in Milwaukee was silent.
I'm not much of a fan of legal immigration either. Not all of it; not for all time; definitely some countries over others. But we need a breather. Take care of our own first. Including the legal immigrants already here.
That hardly seems unreasonable. But Vivek is an exception. Almost all legal immigrants will throw the gates open to everyone again -- illegal and legal.
They wouldn't let us do it to them, in their countries of origin, right? And it would be wrong of us to do so.
“Almost all legal immigrants will throw the gates open to everyone again -- illegal and legal.”
I don’t think that’s true. My own experience with several immigrants that I know well is the opposite. They resent those who cut in line and didn’t go through the long and sometimes expensive process of becoming legal residents. And I believe that the polls show Hispanics, among other groups, do not support Biden’s policies on immigration.
Vivek is definitely going places. (In a good way.) He will find a spot in the administration somewhere, Lord willing the Republicans take back the White House.
I always thought I pronounced Milwaukee properly. Then one day not too long ago I very consciously kept close attention to my enunciation. Huh. Over 65 years of skipping the “L” and never realized it.
"En fuego"?
Ay bendito, srta Cottle
John Henry
Did someone spray for trolls?
“Did someone spray for trolls?”
Get ready for an infestation between now and Election Day.
De verdad que si
right, well cottle has a remarkable record of getting things wrong, I guess thats the reason all these publications including the New Republic have hired her,
narciso said...
"its like the line, about the Chevy Nova not selling in Mexico, because it translates to 'it doesn't go"
That first appeared in the 60s in a basic marketing text by a guy named kottler. It was the standard text used by millions of students through a dozen or more editions through 2000 at least.
Totally false nova means the same thing in Spanish as English, a bright star.
No va (doesn't go) is a cute play on worlds like cow orker or psycho the rapist. Nobody takes it seriously it didn't hurt sales
We also learned from kottle in the 70s that Puerto Ricans liked cheese-whiz on their hot chocolate. When I tried to check that out, people looked at me like I had two heads.
John Henry
Kottlers book is now in the 16th edition
Available via the portal
John Henry
I would love to see Biden read Oconomowoc off his teleprompter. Hint: the L is silent.
De verdad que si
right, well cottle has a remarkable record of getting things wrong, I guess thats the reason all these publications including the New Republic have hired her,
I didn't know how true that apochryphal remark, was,
If Cottle finds Vivek insufferable, she must be a racist. That's how it works, isn't it?
Cottle finds Ramaswamy insufferable. Well, Vivek Ramaswamy is a "person of color" who is not on the Democrat Party political plantation. Of course she finds him insufferable.
He's still insufferable (per Cottle). It's the received view of Ramaswamy and you must never forget it.
Exactly so! I happened on to CNN immediately after his speech and their 5 or 6 folks all had the same received view. The Dems may be back on the heels, but they still have their playbook that gets pushed around to their various media toadies.
- Krumhorn
Ah Person of Color. That's a really big tent that the Dims don't understand. Tunku Varadurajan had an interesting piece in today's WSJ. Tunku is Indian of course.
Immigrants from India do have skin colors that range from say Mexican beige or copper to almost African black. So they are "People of Color". And there ae actually quite a few of them in the USA. Tunku says that India Americans are 1.5% of America's population. Without any help from affirmative action, they've done pretty well. 1 out of 20 doctors in the USA now are Indian. 1 out of 10 medical students in the USA is Indian. (J. D. Vance's father in law is one of those Indian physicians). As an ethnic group they have the highest income in the USA--twice that of "whites" and three times that of "blacks". They own 60% of the hotels in the USA.
And they are "Persons of Color". Tunku points out that until recently being Indian was a hindrance to admission to one of the Ivy League schools.
Not all "Person of Color" are "oppressed victims" and I suspect that many Persons of Color don't worry much about oppression. They're too busy working hard and seeking an education.
The letter ⟨l⟩ is silent in some words in English pronunciation when the previous letter is a vowel.
so why not mi(l)k
Generally speaking, where there's a double L, one of them is silent, if not redundant.
I have no problem with "en fuego" to mean someone is really hot or on fire as vivek apparently was last night. Seems rather affected as Cottle used it, though.
But if my son in law had called me and said "John, you have to see vivek. ¡Esta en fuego!"
We try to speak English as he wants the practice. In reality we go back and forth, often in the ssme sentence. Common in pr, we call it "spanglish" and don't even realize we are doing it.
John Henry
tcrosse said...
"I would love to see Biden read Oconomowoc off his teleprompter."
You should have heard me pronounce Oconomowoc (and Manitowoc) when I first moved to Wisconsin. And Menomonee Falls was a good one too.
"enfogona" is a term used here when annoyed or mad. It means, literally, stuffed into a fogón which is an old style brick or stone wood fired oven.
You all know Menudo, the pr boy group. It comes from "un menudo" "a little bit" or "small change"
So I am in Mexico doing a 2 day workshop in a coke plant, in Spanish. And I say "una cosa que me enfogona un menudo es..."
Everyone goes still. One person puts their hand up and asks in Spanish "why are you in an oven with Ricky Martin?" The expression made no sense in México.
Same way I have to be constantly looking up meanings on these brit/svots/Irish cop shows I've become addicted to.
John Henry
"Insufferable" ?
Did he say "Listen. ..." like the Lightbringer? Talk about insufferable.
Smart hard working immigrants may temporarily depress some wages, but ultimately they increase wealth and cause living standards to rise across the board. More productive people = more wealth.
I sometimes sign my name as John R He4nry
The 4 is silent.
Stolen from someone. Steven Wright maybe?
Which reminds me of how little respect capital numbers get. Perhaps if they were used more? (credit Emmet Miller, I think)
John Henry
Not only are Indians successful, one family owns a very large portion of all the midrange (hampton, holiday inn, Ramada etc) hotels in the us.
There are about 20,000 Patel, but it is still pretty impressive considering they only got into the chain hotel business in the 70s.
John Henry
The thought occurred to me earlier that perhaps Cottle thinks vivek is Hispanic?
He looks sort of like what fascists like Cottle (mistakenly) think all Hispanics look like.
Perhaps that explains the "en fuego" usage?
Otherwise she might have written آگ which is urdu for "on fire". I gave no idea if vivek or his ancestors speak urdu. Neither does Cottle, probably.
But who cares? It's all stereotype with those people (Cottle et al)
John Henry
MadTownGuy said...
"It's a good thing that Fuego wasn't chosen by Ford for the Pinto. I call Pintos by my favorite nickname, 'Ford Exploders,' even though the risk may have been overblown."
The Ford Pinto scene from the movie Top Secret! (1984): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Qj58o87sY
Cottle is not that clever,
yes for a little bit,
The letter ⟨l⟩ is silent in some words in English pronunciation when the previous letter is a vowel.
so why not mi(l)k
Talk about exceptions proving the rule. Oh, wait.
"Not only are Indians successful, one family owns a very large portion of all the midrange (hampton, holiday inn, Ramada etc) hotels in the us."
And they own all the 7-11s on the east coast, or something like that, according to Joe Biden. I never did understand that comment.
he got mixed with apu on the simpsons,
Excellent. Positive. He should be the VP. But I like Vance ,too.
Look at the left. They have Kamala. how sad.
Original Mike,
My recopllection is that he was talking about all the employees being Indians. But you made me wonder if 7-11 ownership was concentrated like hotels.
I found this in Juggernaut
"In the 1980s and 1990s, convenience stores provided a soft landing for thousands of South Asian immigrants in the U.S. Since then, they have come to own 50% of the country’s convenience stores, and as much as 70% of 7-Eleven locations. So how did South Asians end up so intertwined with the story of America’s largest convenience store chain? The answer has a bit to do with cars, immigration policy, and 7-Eleven’s unique growth strategy."
I can't read any further without paying so I am not sure what they mean by South Asians but from the link it sounds like Indians and Pakistanis. That would certainly go a long way to explaining why so many of the employees are Indian/Pakistani. They are family, friends, countrymen and so on.
Good on them. That is the American dream. It is why almost all small groceries in NYC were originally owned and run by Greeks. As their children got educated and moved up to better jobs Koreans took over. I remember reading an interview with a Korean immigrant who owned a small grocery. He said something like I make no money and work 16 hours 7 days a week. But my children will be educated and be doctors and such.
The American dream.
The fascists want to kill it. Donald Trump wants it to be available to all Americans.
John Henry
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