I'm reading "Minneapolis cat tour started as joke, now draws hundreds of admirers/'I love to do weird, goofy stuff like this,' said John Edwards, who organizes the yearly event" (WaPo).the annual @WedgeLIVE cat tour is undoubtedly the greatest summer event in Minneapolis. i love my neighborhood and the cats that call it home!!! #catsofthewedge pic.twitter.com/95myvGFnAZ
— linnae 🐀 (@substantialrat) June 27, 2024
On the evening of June 26, about 500 people of all ages congregated at a local park, ready to start the seventh annual cat tour. Many held signs saying “show us your cats,” and people also wore official “Cats of the Wedge” T-shirts, tank tops and totes. Local reporters were there to cover the tour."Show us your cats" struck a mystic chord of memory... ah!
I guess a cat tour will attract more tourists than a Tour of Burning Buildings.
Which reminds me of this SNL parody of the Lark ad. Yes, SNL is so old they parodied cigarette ads.
Fact is- cat owners out-number dog owners.
I'm neutral with cats and dogs - as I love them both.
But cat haters - get over yourselves. No one cares.
Viva le p u s s y.
Cat owners that fly the gay flag? I'm shocked I tells you.
Have you noticed on FoxNews the cat food ads (Smalls) that forefront weird, urban cat people as devoted cat owners? You'd think that'd be a turn-off to FoxNews viewers.
"Wake up, smell the cat food, in your bank account
When you are alone
You are the cat, you are the phone, you are an animal
The words I'm singing now
Mean nothing more than meow to an animal
Wake up, smell the cat food in your bank account
But don't try to stop the tail that wags the hound
Another event could be the Uptown Parade of 'Jacked Cars.
As a Saint Paulite my favorite animal event was the Highland Fest Wiener Dog Races.
Cats in Mogadishu.
Cat Ladies Gone Wild
"Cats in Mogadishu."
Underrated comment👍
Istanbul, Turkey is known as the City of Cats because of it's large feral population. They even have laws protecting them. Key West, too. 6 toed Hemingway cats.
Show us your pussy.
A harmless feel-good story about people enjoying their lives via a quirky social activity, so of course 5 of the 6 preceding comments feature mocking, otherizing, and vague racism. Do you all even remember what life was like before your minds were consumed by this bizarre need to constantly "own the libs"? It's just a story about a neighborhood cat tour. If regular people enjoying their lives scares or angers you, you need to back away from internet hate. Maybe go for a walk, see some real people.
"otherizing"? It seems like you are vaguely otherizing other commenters here. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Blogger No names, please said...
A harmless feel-good story about people enjoying their lives via a quirky social activity, so of course 5 of the 6 preceding comments feature mocking, otherizing, and vague racism.
Could you please list the five and identify which are mocking, otherizing, or vaguely racist and why?
John Edwards always liked pussy.
I thought of Show Us Your Tits, but then I have a dirty mind.
"are you being served" had a cat lady who wanted to show pussy to one and all
Even that old bald man @ 23 seconds looks sexy due to the way he smokes.
Ilhan Omar lives there. Should be fun.
Minnesota Naive
"I love to do weird, goofy stuff like this," said John Edwards, who organizes the yearly event.
I was wondering what John Edwards was up to these days. Good for him.
...so of course 5 of the 6 preceding comments feature mocking, otherizing, and vague racism...owning the libs
I'll take THINGS THAT DID NOT HAPPEN for $500, Alex. And like Narr I went immediately to the natural place my mind goes when any sentence starts "Show us your..."
"Don't try that Lark thing in the Bowery; those guys will show you their Larks, man." - George Carlin
Cats can be an excellent source of protein in a survival situation.
In extremis conditions, one cannot afford either food aversions nor sentimentality.
I'm honestly perplexed and feeling a little 'otherized', but then I've been alone part of this morning up till a few minutes ago.
Proud owner of 2 sister cats, but they think that they're dogs because their other 2 sisters are sister dogs.
I have little doubt one of these houses has a garish yard sign:
In this house we believe
Feelings are everything
That’s not funny
In speaking to your manager
We are low maintenance
The kitty litter doesn't smell
Oprah is god
"Cats can be an excellent source of protein in a survival situation."
Islam considers cat flesh haram, but that never stopped Somalis from killing and eating each other, so it really comes down to whether or not they can catch them.
My wife and I have often discussed writing a coffee table book: Kitties of the Third Reich
The retard that wrote that is aware, it’s actually right here in the thread. Right?
Drago - just go to McDonalds like you usually do.
rhhardin... "Someone Is going to say it. Might as well be me."
Cats, huh? I'm sure this is heartwarming news to someone who cares.
But cat haters - get over yourselves. No one cares.
I put a lot of money and effort into making my back yard welcoming for wild birds. Cats are not welcome here.
Fact is- cat owners out-number dog owners.
Fact is - higher rates of mental illness correlate with cat ownership.
"are you being served" had a cat lady who wanted to show pussy to one and all.
Yes, Mrs. Slocombe. Her stereotypical double entendre grew rather tiresome, yet the laugh track never wavered. It could have been livened up with a chicken fancier offering to show her his cock.
I love to do weird, goofy stuff like this, said John Edwards...
Not that John Edwards, just a run-of-the-mill Minnesotan nudnik. Weird? Goofy? This guy's idea of weird and goofy probably includes eating Jell-O with a fork. To make this event truly weird and goofy, this schmo ought to confab with other, more notorious John Edwards. For example, a contest to see who can spend the most time trying to make a cat look like John F. Kennedy, or instead of showing us your living cat, let's channel your dead one.
Here in the north Austin suburbs, we have coyotes that keep the cat population close to home or rapidly replaced. I checked, and there are coyotes up there, too. So if a hairy, skinny guy in a hat, sunglasses and a trenchcoat asks in a growly voice to see your cat, just say no and back away slowly. Better safe than sorry.
This is one of the SWPL foibles that's both silly and charming at the same time.
Big Mike..
It pisses me off, too.
Cats are jerks.
My backyard does not contain anything that would attract a bird - songbirds especially.
I feed the bluejays and the squirrels peanuts. Set peanuts on top of fence. Free entertainment for the cats + my cats are not fast enough to get them. They don't even try.
My feral kitty brought home her first mouse the other day. Good kitty.
btw - If you see a neighbor's cat in your yard - spray kitty with hose. Trust me - kitty will not return.
Puppy is just cute. Useless but cute.
Q - OK. sure. Whatever.
Looks to me like all the folks on the tour were having a good time.
RMc said... @8:25 AM /7/3/24
I guess a cat tour will attract more tourists than a Tour of Burning Buildings.
Disagree. There are actual paid & scheduled Ruin Porn tour buses in Detroit that cruise the ghetto areas and lurid grisly crime scenes. Mostly WP and foreign tourists. Way more im sure over time than some one-off cat fanciers event. I am sure other urban shit holes have these too. I know LA does.
Edwards, John Edwards. Pussies galore.
Do the cats wear hats? Chase Democrats? Bonk them with bats?
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "Drago - just go to McDonalds like you usually do."
You simply can't help yourself, can you? It used to be fast food joints were excellent sources of protein/calories at reasonable prices for those in the lower economic quintiles (you know, the people you positively despise and desperately want out of your political party so you'll feel better when interacting with your Boulder CO lefty pals).
No longer. Which is unfortunate.
But you do you there sunshine. I'll bet you do a full body cringe-crunch everytime you have to drive by a Walmart.
I highly recommend this book: Why Paint Cats: The Ethics of Feline Aesthetics
I am honestly not sure if it is a parody or if it is real. Either way, it is a very funny book.
What does Walmart have to do with you eating cats for survival? Again - check out Burger King.
We have that here too. Which I am grateful for. I have found closed collars and harnesses in the woods near me. Some of them are for pretty big dogs. 35-50 pounds?
The good news is there is a statewide open season for coyotes.
Cats can be an excellent source of protein in a survival situation.
I'm unaware of any culture that includes cat as part of its normal cuisine. Dogs, however, have been on the menu in many lands and times -- modern China, for example. All those scrawny Mexican breeds descend from dogs the pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica bred specifically for the stewpot. Earnest Shackleton's third antarctic expedition was saved from starvation by eating their sled dogs. It is reported that many team members were remorseful for having enjoyed the roast dog dinners.
However, I once employed a fellow who did eat a cat. Between obtaining his bachelor's in wildlife biology and starting work on his doctorate, my employee, call him Robert, served in the Peace Corps. His assignment was to Sierra Leone as a consultant in aquaculture. The Corps sent him to an impoverished village trying to establish a Tilapia farm. The village was under considerable stress at the time -- drought? floods? war? -- the cause wasn't made clear to me, but it appears that thiamine deficiency was rampant in the village thanks to eating nothing but rice for weeks on end. Robert was also becoming severely protein-starved when a dump truck loaded with fresh fish on ice rolled into the village one morning. Robert bought a nice one and early took it to his hut to cook it. While gathering his prep gear, a cat sneaked in, grabbed the fish, and ran away with it. Robert followed in hot pursuit. Drop that fish, you feline bastard!
By the time he caught up with the thief, the fish had been eaten to the bone. In revenge, Robert killed and ate the cat. He told me beriberi may be preferable to fried cat.
Cats… Kennedys… it’s Pussy Wednesday!
RideSpaceMountain said
In this house we believe . . . in speaking to your manager.
All of the comments on this page are great and this one was my favorite.
If you are famous, you can even grab the cats at this show.
"I'm unaware of any culture that includes cat as part of its normal cuisine. Dogs, however, have been on the menu in many lands and times -- modern China, for example."
Cat is part of the cuisine in parts of mainland China. I've had it. It is not good...too many fast-twitch muscle fibers.
Consumption of cats and dogs is decreasing however. Rapidly. And in my opinion that's a good thing, although dog can be quite tasty. Nonetheless I'm fine with the practice being relegated to the dustbin of culinary history.
Never ate it and never will, but expect would be ok with mayonnaise.
Met a guy from Switzerland who said he had to eat itsometimes as a child during WW2.
"Cat meat is meat prepared from domestic cats for human consumption. Some countries serve cat meat as a regular food, whereas others have only consumed some cat meat in desperation during wartime, famine or poverty. "
Don't Look
It looks delicious!
In the 1980s while I was at Texas A&M, a local Chinese restaurant was accused in a news report of serving cat meat. The health inspector investigated, and closed the place down, not because he found any evidence of cat meat, but because, as the news report put it, he found "just too many empty Alpo cans in the trash to be explainable." Do with this data point what you will.
I looked.
I won't be returning to that Vietnamese restaurant where I had lunch on Debate Day.
Caramel pork looks too much like "caramel cat" for confidence.
our argument tonight
whatever it was
no matter
how unhappy
it made us
remember that
there is a
adjusting to the
space of itself
with a delightful
wonderment of
in other words
magic persists
without us
no matter what
we do
against it.”
― Charles Bukowski
I checked all squares with cats in the Captcha at top, so this comment should get posted. Thank You. - Zavier Onasses
No names, please said...
"A harmless feel-good story about people enjoying their lives via a quirky social activity, so of course 5 of the 6 preceding comments feature mocking, otherizing, and vague racism."
That's a catty comment.
C'mon Yancey. You know the quote better than that. "If you're famous, the cats let you grab 'em at this show."
"I highly recommend this book: Why Paint Cats: The Ethics of Feline Aesthetics"
The authors' previous book "Why Cats Paint" is pretty funny. I didn't know they'd done another one.
No names, please said...
"A harmless feel-good story about people enjoying their lives via a quirky social activity, so of course 5 of the 6 preceding comments feature mocking, otherizing, and vague racism."
My comment mentioned car-jacking, which happens a lot in Minneapolis, but it's an equal-opportunity activity so any racism must be of the vaguest, or in the eye of the beholder.
Sounds like a blast. You could play drinking games. Take a cooler full of beer, and you have to chug a beer every time you meet a new batshit crazy cat lady.
I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats (Gifts for Cat Lovers, Funny Cat Books for Cat Lovers) https://a.co/d/05r7SRbp
Didn't read it, but remembered the title...
Narr said...
I thought of Show Us Your Tits, but then I have a dirty mind.
When the girls we were sailing with long ago took off their bikini tops and jumped in the water, the first request was, "Show us your Personal Flotation Devices!"
When the girls we were sailing with long ago took off their bikini tops and jumped in the water, the first request was, "Show us your Personal Flotation Devices!"
Interesting. When the Coast Guard assholes motored up to us as we were sinking in Houston harbor after getting caught in a gale, that's what they wanted to see, also. And some flares. Then they motored off and left us to sink. Not sure what the flares were supposed to be for.
Some OF gals show up confused...
Jupiter said...
When the girls we were sailing with long ago took off their bikini tops and jumped in the water, the first request was, "Show us your Personal Flotation Devices!"
Interesting. When the Coast Guard assholes motored up to us as we were sinking in Houston harbor after getting caught in a gale, that's what they wanted to see, also. And some flares. Then they motored off and left us to sink. Not sure what the flares were supposed to be for.
Did your female passengers take off their tops?
And, from what I'm told, it's much better to be caught in a Gail than in a gale.
What malarkey that commercial.
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